15060 results:

5601. Dissent criminalised yet again in Thailand  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the National Union of Journalists, Thailand, NUJT in expressing deep concern over the use of misuse of sedition laws to silence journalists. The IFJ calls on the Royal Thai Police to drop any case against journalist Pravit Rojanaphruk. The prominent reporter and columnist at the news website Khaosod English (Fresh news) was officially informed on August 8 by the Royal Thai Police's Technology Crime Suppression Division that he faces charges of sedition, under article 116 of Thailand's Criminal Code, and “disseminating false information online”, under the Computer Crimes Act. Pravit, a vocal critic of the military regime that…  
5602. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 4th August to Monday 14th August: 1) Israel targets Al Jazeera. By Alex Kane, Vice News.  2) Mobilisation pour la libération du journaliste français Loup Bureau incarcéré en Turquie. By Alexandre Hervaud, Libération. 3) La Federación Internacional de Periodistas condena el cierre de Al Yazira en Israel. El Diario. 4) Por qué España no debe extraditar al periodista turco Hamza Yalçin. By Yolanda Quintana, El Diario. 5) IFJ demands action against NOC MD…  
5603. Russia: innocent journalist convicted on charges of extremism  

Investigative journalist Alexander Sokolov has been jailed for three and a half years by a Russian court yesterday. Sokolov has been convicted with involvement in a banned extremist group.  The IFJ/EFJ joins its affiliate the Russian Union of Journalists in condemning the ruling which is being used to silence and intimidate Sokolov and other Russian journalists.   “Sokolov’s conviction is a blatant attack by the authorities on transparency and the truth in Russia”, said the IFJ/EFJ. “We demand his immediate release”.  Journalist Sokolov maintains his innocence, stating the actual intent behind the prosecution is in retaliation for a report he published 2 weeks prior to…  
5604. Ukraine: Journalists union attacked by Government MP  

The IFJ has strongly condemned accusations by a Ukrainian MP that the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) was guilty of implementing “Russian media projects” and supporting anti-Ukrainian media. The astonishing claims came after the union opposed government raids on a prominent Ukrainian news website.  The IFJ/ EFJ vowed to stand shoulder to shoulder with its affiliate in Ukraine in defending its actions in representing the country’s journalists and defending press freedom.  The politician, Dymtro Tymchuk, a member of the People’s Front faction has claimed the NUJU leadership was “working against information security of the country”. He also accused the NUJU of…  
5605. Disastrous blockade of media in China’s quake zone  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned by the blockade on media coverage of the deadly earthquake in Sichuan Province. The IFJ calls on the Government of China to allow unhindered media coverage of the disaster in order to enhance relief measures.  On August 8, a quake of 7.0 magnitude was recorded at Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan Province. The authorities have reported at least 20 people dead and more than 400 people injured. However, there is no information about the number of people missing. On August 10, a journalist of Hong Kong-based channel Now TV reported that they had been blocked by the local police when they were trying to interview some of the local…  
5606. Canada: Strike ends after 565 days  

The IFJ has praised the courage and determination of workers at The Chronicle Herald in Halifax, Nova Scotia who have voted to accept a new offer and end their 565 day strike. Members of the Halifax Typographical Union, part of IFJ affiliate CWA Canada voted 94 per cent in favour of ratifying an eight-year deal and will return to work on Tuesday following a major battle over job security. CWA Canada President Martin O’Hanlon said “It’s a huge relief to put this behind us after 18 horrible months. I can’t express enough how proud I am of our members who stood together for so long to defend quality jobs and quality journalism.” He noted that “it’s not a great deal, but it’s the…  
5607. Stand in solidarity with David Sheen  

The IFJ has pledged to stand in solidarity with journalist David Sheen, who is facing a defamation lawsuit from prominent Israeli general Israel Ziv.  The IFJ and its Palestinian affiliate, the PJS, have condemned the attempt to threaten and silence Sheen. David Sheen is being sued for 750,000 Shekels  (200,000 USD) for allegedly defaming Major General of the Israel Defence Forces (Reserves) Israel Ziv, who is also owner of Global CST, a security consultancy company.  General Ziv’s suit is based on tweets made by Sheen labeling the general as an “arch-racist” and “war crimes whitewasher” after Sheen wrote an article for Palestinian online news publication Electronic…  
5608. El silenciamento de los periodistas y la estruendosa impunidad en Colombia  

Por Claudia Julieta Duque y Marvin David Del Cid Informe especial para la Federación Internacional de Periodistas y su filial FSC-CCOO Los autores de asesinatos, golpizas, torturas, desaparición forzada y amenazas contra periodistas tienen garantía de impunidad en Colombia. Del total de ataques contra reporteros investigados entre septiembre de 1986 y abril de 2017, sólo 0,2 de cada 10 casos llegaron a etapa de juicio o tuvieron condena. Así se desprende de las cifras entregadas por la propia Fiscalía General de ese país, correspondientes a 673 casos registrados en un período de 31 años, en los que 773 periodistas resultaron víctimas de diversos delitos. En este período, sólo 12…  
5609. Spain must release Swedish-Turkish journalist #HamzaYalçin!  

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) together with its affiliates in Spain and in Sweden have strongly condemned the arrest of Swedish-Turkish journalist Hamza Yalçin by Spanish authorities last week in Barcelona following an international warrant issued by Turkey through Interpol over alleged terrorist plots. UPDATE (24/08/2017) Hamza Yalçin published on 22 August a letter in El Periódico Spanish newspaper claiming his innocence. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) together with its affiliates in Spain and in Sweden have strongly condemned the arrest of Swedish-Turkish journalist Hamza Yalçin by Spanish…  
5610. Journalist survives brutal attack in Odisha, India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the National Union of Journalists (India) in strongly condemning the brutal attack on a journalist in Odisha, India on August 7 night. The IFJ demands urgent action from the authorities to arrest the perpetrators. Ramesh Rath, a Balipatna based journalist working for Pragativadi, an Odia-language daily was attacked by two bike-borne miscreants with a sharp weapon in the late evening of August 7. Rath sustained a deep cut on his back and is currently undergoing treatment at the Capital Hospital in state capital Bhubaneswar. The journalist told Odisha TV: “I was sitting in front of my house when the two bike-borne youth came. Seeing…  
5611. Press Freedom in China Bulletin: AUGUST  

Welcome to IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly Press Freedom in China Campaign e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on September 8, 2017. To contribute news or information, email [email protected]. To visit the IFJ’s China Campaign page, go to http://www.ifj.org/regions/asia-pacific/ View the IFJ media violations in China map here. Follow the IFJ on Facebook here. Follow the IFJ on Twitter here. Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. Download the simplified Chinese version here Download the traditional Chinese version here In this bulletin: 1) “Each journalist was monitored by at least two people”: Liu Xiaobo’s case  2) Journalist who…  
5612. Paraguay: ola de despidos para impedir organización sindical  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) expresa su preocupación por los 18 despidos producidos entre julio y agosto de este año en distintos medios de Paraguay, en un marco de persecución ante los reclamos de mejoras salariales y en las condiciones de trabajo. En el último mes y medio, los grandes grupos mediáticos de Paraguay han llevado adelante una ola de despidos injustificados con el fin de abortar todo tipo de disidencia o reclamo por parte de sus trabajadores y trabajadoras, violando la libertad de expresión y de organización de los/as mismos/as. Los/as 18 periodistas fueron cesanteados/as tanto por disentir con la línea editorial del medio en que se desempeñaban –tal el…  
5613. Two Filipino journalists murdered under Duterte’s martial law  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) deplore the murder of two journalists in as many days in Mindanao in the southern Philippines. The IFJ and NUJP call for an immediate investigation, and the arrest and prosecution of those responsible. On Sunday, August 6, Rudy Alicaway, a radio anchor with Tigmo-Tigmo program on DXPB 106.9, was shot dead by two assailants on a motorcycle on his way home. According to a police report, the assailant continued to shoot Alicaway as he tried to crawl away. In a separate incident, on Monday, August 7, Leo Diaz, a columnist for Sapol Newspaper and a report for…  
5614. Virulent trolling of Indian editor after Tweet  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the online harassment and sexist abuse of an Indian editor for her tweet about a movie in a tweet. The IFJ demands immediate action from the authorities against those involved in trolling and abusing the journalist. Dhanya Rajendran, a senior journalist and editor-in-chief of digital news platform The News Minute, was mentioned more than 30,000 times in Twitter abusing her for her tweet about a newly released movie. It all began on August 4 after she tweeted: “I had watched Vijay’s ‘Sura’ till interval and walked out. #WhenHarryMet Sejal has made me break that record. Could not sit till interval.” Fans of actor Vijay, who starred…  
5615. México: no descartan móvil profesional en el crimen del periodista en Baja California  

En las últimas horas han trascendido declaraciones que ponen en cuestión la versión oficial según la cual el periodista Luciano Rivera habría sido atacado a causa de un pleito. De confirmarse las sospechas, sería el décimo comunicador asesinado este año por motivos vinculados a la profesión. El pasado 2 de agosto, Luciano Rivera, de 33 años, fue asesinado de un disparo en la cabeza en un bar de Playa Rosarito, en el estado de Baja California. Según la versión de las fuerzas de seguridad, respaldada por testigos en el lugar, el hecho se habría producido cuando el reportero confrontó a cinco hombres que molestaban a tres mujeres que, aparentemente, eran amigas de Rivera. Los…  
5616. IFJ condemns Israel’s announcement to shut down Al Jazeera  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has strongly condemned yesterday’s announcement by the Israeli government to close Al Jazeera’s offices in Jerusalem, revoke its journalists’ credentials and shut down the network’s cable and satellite transmissions. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has strongly condemned yesterday’s announcement by the Israeli government to close Al Jazeera’s offices in Jerusalem, revoke its journalists’ credentials and shut down the network’s cable and satellite transmissions. The announcement follows Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statement in late July where he accused the Qatar-based broadcaster of incitement over the Temple…  
5617. Journalist threatened over report on corruption in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) in condemning the threat by the managing director of a state-owned corporation to a journalist reporting on corruption on August 4 in capital Kathmandu. The IFJ demands action against the official who threatened the journalist. Gopal Khadka, the Managing Director of the Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC), threatened journalist Dilip Paudel of Nagarik daily in the premises of the Ministry of Supplies, where Paudel was on a reporting assignment. Khadka told Paudel: “You have a family, be careful.” Paudel had first reported misappropriation of funds by Khadka while…  
5618. Newsweek Serbia magazine ceases publishing  

Adria Media Group (AMG), a major Serbian publishing house, announced on 1 August that it would cease publishing the Serbian edition of the popular US-owned Newsweek magazine. Adria Media Group (AMG), a major Serbian publishing house, announced on 1 August that it would cease publishing  the Serbian edition of the popular US-owned Newsweek magazine.  AMG’s National Bank of Serbia accounts were frozen by the Serbian government in early July, the group reported. AMG quoted the Tax Administration Office saying in a statement on 6 July that the blocking of AMG’s bank accounts was made "to secure the collection of public revenue for which the control process is in progress,…  
5619. IFJ In the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 28th July to Friday 4th August: 1. Deal struck to save Bosnian state broadcaster. By Denitsa Koseva, bne IntelliNews 2. RT announces war reporter award in honor of slain Syrian correspondent Khaled Alkhateb. Russia Today. 3. Arrestation du journaliste Loup Bureau en Turquie : "un signal…  
5620. Le journaliste français Loup Bureau arrêté en Turquie  

Le journaliste français Loup Bureau a été écroué mercredi 2 août par la police turque après avoir été arrêté mercredi 26 juillet à la frontière entre la Turquie et l’Irak, dans la province de Sirnak. Il est soupçonné d’assistance à une organisation terroriste. Le journaliste français Loup Bureau a été écroué mercredi 2 août par la police turque après avoir été arrêté mercredi 26 juillet à la frontière entre la Turquie et l’Irak, dans la province de Sirnak. Il est soupçonné d’assistance à une organisation terroriste. Agé de 27 ans, Loup Bureau collabore selon son profil Twitter avec les chaînes de télévision Arte et TV5 Monde, ainsi que le média en ligne Slate. Selon l’AFP, les chefs…  
5621. IFJ affiliates in East Africa adopt plan to strengthen unions  

Journalists unions from across East Africa have agreed a joint action plan to build stronger unions and intensify the fight for decent working conditions. Journalists unions from across East Africa have agreed on a joint action plan to build stronger unions and intensify the fight for decent working conditions. The unions – meeting in Kigali in Rwanda on 31 July-1 August – placed a special emphasis on promoting recruitment and engagement with young workers and tackling the widespread rights abuses arising from a growth in precarious work. Representatives from IFJ-affiliated unions and associations in Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Sudan, Djibouti, Tanzania and Burundi joined hosts…  
5622. Sri Lankan Minister attempts to obstruct journalist at work  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Free Media Movement (FMM), Sri Lanka, in condemning the attempt by Minister Palani Digambaram to block access to news of a journalist who was reporting a government event. The IFJ demands that journalists be treated with respect and allowed to carry out their professional duties with dignity. Palani Digambaram, Minister of Infrastructure and Community Development allegedly ordered the microphone of Sirasa Media correspondent Indika Roshan Kauarachchi to be removed from the podium where he was speaking in Hatton, Central Sri Lanka on Sunday, July 30. Kauarachchi was reporting the event at the invitation of the Government…  
5623. IFJ Asia Pacific Bulletin: AUGUST  

Welcome to the IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on September 1, 2017 and contributions from affiliates are most welcome. To contribute, email [email protected] Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ifjasiapacific  Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IFJAsiaPacific  Join the IFJ Asia-Pacific mailing list here  In this bulletin: 1.       A loss for democracy: Liu Xiaobo dies in custody 2.       Journalists across the Maldives attacked by police 3.      …  
5624. Myanmar journalist arrested and blocked from leaving country  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the latest move by authorities in Myanmar, following the detainment of a journalist at Yangon International Airport on Sunday, July 30, 2017. The IFJ calls on the Myanmar government to take immediate action to repeal the country’s Telecommunications Law. On Sunday evening, Swe Min, one of Myanmar’s best known journalists and editor of Myanmar Now, was detained at Yangon Airport as he tried to board to a flight to Thailand. Min was detained and held in Mandalay overnight, and released on Monday while he awaits his trial of defamation charges, which starts on August 7. Swe Min was charged in March this year, under Article 66(d) of…  
5625. Bangladeshi journalist detained for reporting on dead goat  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Bangladesh Manobodhikari Sambadhik Forum (BMSF) condemns the detention of a journalist for posting allegedly ‘derogatory’ comments about a minister on Facebook. The IFJ demands immediate dropping of the case. In the early hours of August 1, the police arrested Abdul Latif Morol, a local correspondent for Bangla-language Daily Probaha in the coastal town of Dumaria, about 200 km south of capital Dhaka. The police were acting on a criminal complaint lodged by Subroto Faujdar, the Dumaria correspondent with a rival newspaper Daily Spandan, and a supporter of the ruling party. The complaint alleged that Morol’s Facebook post amounted…  
5626. Nepal’s Election Commission attempts to censure editor over critical news  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) in condemning the circular issued by the Election Commission (EC) directing the Press Council of Nepal (PCN) to produce a newspaper editor over critical news. The IFJ demands immediate withdrawal of the directive. The EC on July 31 wrote to PCN ‘to present the chief editor of the Deshantar weekly before the EC within three days’ for clarification on two news items that the constitutional body claimed to be ‘false’ and ‘baseless’. The news items in question were published on July 23 and 30 accusing the EC of financial misconduct. The EC also…  
5627. Zimbabwe: Three journalists and their driver assaulted and arrested by the police  

Police officers assaulted and arrested on 27 July, three journalists from the Alpha Media Holdings (AMH) group and their driver in Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital city. Police officers assaulted and arrested on 27 July, three journalists from the Alpha Media Holdings (AMH) group and their driver in Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital city.   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) the world’s largest organization of journalists, joins its affiliate the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) in condemning a direct attack against media workers and the government’s attempt to silence the press.   Journalists Abigail Matsikidze, Obey Manayiti and photographer Shepard Tozvireva…  
5628. Khaled al-Khatib  

The correspondent for the Russia international broadcaster RT in central Syria was killed while covering fighting between the Syrian army and the so-called Islamic State group. In a statement, the Kremlin-backed TV station said that Khaled al-Khalid who worked for RT Arabic-language service, was killed during shelling from the IS in the eastern parts of Homs province which hit a Syrian army’s position in Sukhnan, al-Baghaliya.  
5629. Syria: IFJ condemns killing of Russia Today journalist  

A Russia Today (RT) correspondent was killed and a cameraman injured in a rocket attack by the Islamic State (IS) militants on Sunday 30 July in Homs province, Syria. The IFJ and its Russian affiliate the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) condemn the attack and call on journalists to take extreme caution when covering the conflict in Syria. U pdated 1 August 2017 A Russia Today (RT) correspondent was killed and a cameraman injured in a rocket attack by the Islamic State (IS) militants on Sunday 30 July in Homs province, Syria. The IFJ and its Russian affiliate the Russian Union of Journalists condemn the attack and call on journalists to take extreme caution when covering the…  
5630. Turkish court frees seven jailed journalists  

A Turkish court ordered the release of seven suspects in the trial of 17 journalists and executives from the opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet on Friday 28 July. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their affiliates TGS, TGC and DISK Basin-IS in welcoming the decision and call on the Turkish authorities to release all other journalists currently imprisoned. The next hearing is listed for 11 September. A Turkish court ordered the release of seven suspects in the trial of 17 journalists and executives from the opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet on Friday 28 July. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their affiliates TGS, TGC…  
5631. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Monday 24th July to Friday 28th July: Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Monday 24th July to Friday 28th July: 1) Rights bodies condemn siege countries’ threats. The Peninsula  2) Rights chief tells Arab dictatorships ‘examine yourselves’ in Gulf blockade. By Dr Joseph M Fernandez, Asia Pacific Report 3) Int'l…  
5632. RDC : escalade d’agressions et de restrictions envers la presse  

Les agressions envers la presse se sont multipliées en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) durant le mois de juillet. Un arrêté ministériel limite désormais le travail des journalistes étrangers. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), représentant plus de 600 000 journalistes à travers le monde, s’indigne de l’escalade d’atteintes à la liberté d’expression dans le pays et demande plus de sécurité pour les professionnels de l’information. Mise à jour 31 Juillet 2017 Les agressions envers la presse se sont multipliées en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) durant le mois de juillet. Un arrêté ministériel limite désormais le travail des journalistes étrangers.  La…  
5633. Costa Rica: FIP y SNP realizan Foro Sindical Internacional sobre derechos laborales  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y el Sindicato Nacional de Periodistas de Costa Rica (SNP), junto a la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) y gracias el apoyo de Union to Union (UTU), llevaron adelante el “Foro Sindical Internacional: derechos laborales de periodistas” los días 20 y 21 de julio del corriente año en San José de Costa Rica. La primera jornada se abrió con la inauguración del Foro y una presentación de las distintas organizaciones que participaron del mismo. A continuación tuvo lugar el primer panel, donde el Lic. Rodrigo Aguilar Arce (Presidente Honorario de la Confederación de Trabajadores Rerum Novarum y Vice-presidente de la…  
5634. Maldives police rough up, arrest journalists covering opposition rally  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the roughing up and arrest of journalists covering an opposition rally in Male, the Maldives on July 26. The IFJ demands respect to journalists’ rights and action against police officials involved. At least seven journalists – four from Sangu TV and three from Raajje TV – were arrested and a number of others roughed up by the Maldives police on charges of 'obstructing the duties of a law enforcement officer'. The media reported damage to the camera and other equipment while the videos showed that police used excessive and unnecessary force against the journalists reporting the rally organized on the 52nd Independence Day of the…  
5635. Doha conference offers solidarity with Al Jazeera journalists amid calls for media freedom and workers' rights  

Over 300 participants representing 150 organisations attended the Conference on Freedom of Expression: Facing up to the Threat held in Doha on 24th and 25th July. The conference was organised by the National Human Rights Committee of Qatar in cooperation with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)  and the International Press Institute (IPI) . It opened with speeches by Dr Ali Bin Samikh Al Marri, President of the National Human Rights Committee, Mohammad Ali Al-Nusur, Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR), Younes M’Jahed, Senior Vice-President of International Federation of Journalists (IFJ),Kenneth Roth, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch, John…  

Cuando todo estaba listo para que este 24 de julio se conocieran los alegatos finales en el caso por torturas proferidas a la periodista colombiana Claudia Julieta Duque Orrego, de manera sorpresiva el Juez Segundo Penal Especializado de Bogotá, Sergio León Martínez, suspendió la audiencia.   por Marvin David Del Cid, enviado especial a Bogotá de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y FSC-CCOO León Martínez tomó la decisión de aplazar el juicio contra los exfuncionarios del DAS Rodolfo Medina Alemán y Ronal Harbey Rivera Rodríguez, que está a punto de culminar, argumentando que no habían sido practicadas varias de las pruebas decretadas por el despacho a su cargo…  
5637. China to further beef up internet control  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Government of China to clarify the usage of privately-run VPNs (Virtual Private Network) in China. The IFJ also calls on the Government of China to end its attempt to control and stifle the free flow of information in the online space. On July 25, the chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, during a press conference, avoided answering any questions about rumours that authorities had directed telecommunication firms to shut down unregistered VPN service providers by February 1, 2018. Rumours have been rife in recent weeks, that the three largest telecommunications firms in China, China Mobile,…  
5638. Police seals TV channel in Siliguri, India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the shutting down of a television channel based in Siliguri, West Bengal, India by the police on July 22. The IFJ demands the immediate restoration of the channel. Police raided the office of Nepali-language satellite TV channel, ABN, on July 22 night, asked the employees to vacate the office stopping the broadcast and sealed it acting on the complaints lodged by Darjeeling district cultural and information department. The police accused that the employees of the media house shared the news about the ongoing demonstrations in Facebook after telecasting the news instigating the agitators to turn more violent. The channel is also…  
5639. Israeli authorities must cease their routine abuse and harassment of journalists, says IFJ  

The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS)recorded at least 15 incidents of journalists being attacked, abused or prevented from reporting by Israeli security forces while attempting to cover the Al-Aqsa Mosque protests over the weekend.    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined its affiliate PJS in condemning these abuses and is calling on the Israeli authorities to let journalists work freely and safely.   Israeli, Palestinian and foreign journalists have been forcibly removed from areas around old Jerusalem whilst attempting to cover the Al-Aqsa Mosque protests over the past few days.   Thousands of protesters converged around the Al-Aqsa…  
5640. Journalist arrested in west Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) in condemning the arrest of a journalist in Bajura, west Nepal on July 20. The IFJ demands immediate release of the journalist and fair investigation into the incident. Chakka Bahadur Malla, district correspondent for Image Channel TV, was arrested and was taken into custody by the police. He was in the process of registering a case with the police after he was attacked along with four municipal officials of the Budinanda Municipality on July 13. A gang attacked them near the district headquarters. Malla had received injuries and was recovering when he was…  
5641. Mozambique: Two Journalists beaten  

Three weeks after the beating of two journalists in Mozambique, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Sindicato Nacional de Jornalistsas (SNJ) have repeated calls for the attackers to be brought to justice without further delay. Three weeks after the beating of two journalists in Mozambique, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Sindicato Nacional de Jornalistsas (SNJ) have repeated calls for the attackers to be brought to justice without further delay. Two journalists from the Mozambican Independently Weekly Magazine, reporter Abanes Ndanda and photographer Antonio Nhangumbe, were attacked, threatened and beaten on…  
5642. IFJ In the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 14th July to Friday 23rd July: Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 14th July to Friday 23rd July:  1) Conference on risks to freedom of expression. Gulf Times2) Turkey – 17 ‘Cumhuriyet’ journalists face terrorism trial on Monday. By John Hedges, An Poblacht 3) PA information ministry denounces Israel's…  
5643. President Erdogan- The world is watching  

Read statement from International Press Freedom groups on today's trial in Turkey involving 17 journalists from Cumhuriyet newspaper. Representatives from international free expression groups and professional organizations are here today to observe proceedings in this trial and send a message of solidarity – to the journalists on trial, to their families and colleagues, and to all journalists in Turkey.       We are here from the International Press Institute, Reporters Without Borders, the European and International Federations of Journalists, the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom, PEN International, and its branches in Norway, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy,…  
5644. Journalists harassed, detained by Pakistan’s investigation agency  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the harassment and detention of two reporters by the state agency in Islamabad, Pakistan on July 21. The IFJ demands action against the officials involved in the harassment and unlawful detention. Saba Bajeer of Channel 24 TV and Aitzaz Hassan of DawnNews were manhandled and illegally detained for an hour by Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) officials at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) where they were on assignment to report an arrest. The FIA had brought Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) Chairman Zafarul Haq Hijazi for a medical check-up after his arrest. Bajeer took photos using her…  
5645. Turkey: Cumhuriyet journalists face trial on 24 July  

The trial involving 17 journalists and executives of Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet will start on Monday 24 July at 9:00am in Istanbul’s Çağlayan Justice Palace. The trial is expected to continue until Thursday 28 July. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) join their affiliates TGS and DISK Basin-Is in condemning the trial which is based on unfounded accusations that the paper is secretly supporting the PKK - a militant Kurdish organisation and FETO, the group allegedly responsible for last year’s failed coup. UPDATED 24 July The trial involving 17 journalists and executives of Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet will start on Monday 24 July at 9:00am in Istanbul’s…  
5646. Russia: journalist’s house attacked  

Russian journalist Yulia Latynina’s home in Moscow was attacked and sprayed with an unknown substance on Tuesday 18 July. The International and the European Federations of journalists (IFJ/EFJ) join their affiliates the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) in condemning the attack.   On the evening of 18 July, a group of unidentified attackers covered the home of opposition journalist Yulia Latynia with a corrosive and odorous chemical compound that caused breathing problems for the occupants. The journalist reported to Ekho Moskvy radio station that 8 people including 4 elderly persons and 2 children were affected.   Yulia Latynina, a prominent journalist and…  
5647. South Sudan government blocks two news websites  

The Government of South Sudan blocked two news websites on Monday 17 July accusing them of “hostile reporting”. The Sudan Tribune and Radio Tamazuj websites were blocked by the National Communications Authority on the orders of the Government. The IFJ demands that the ban on the web sites be lifted immediately. The Government of South Sudan blocked two news websites on Monday 17 July accusing them of “hostile reporting”.  The Sudan Tribune and Radio Tamazuj websites were blocked by the National Communications Authority on the orders of the Government. The IFJ demands that the ban on the web sites be lifted immediately. According to news reports, South Sudan’s Information Minister,…  
5648. Ukraine: IFJ demands answers on Pavel Sheremet killing anniversary  

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) have backed demands for the Ukrainian authorities to publish the results of their investigation into the killing of award-winning journalist Pavel Sheremet – a year after his murder in a car bomb. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) have backed demands for the Ukrainian authorities to publish the results of their investigation into the killing of award-winning journalist Pavel Sheremet – a year after his murder in a car bomb on 20th July 2016. On the anniversary of the killing the IFJ/EFJ joined their affiliates the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) and Independent Media Trade…  
5649. Edwin Rivera Paz  

The Honduran journalist, who worked for his country's national television broadcaster (HCH), was killed in the town of Acayucan, in the Mexican state of Veracruz. In a statement, the UNESCO Director General condemned the murder of Rivera Paz who had fled to Mexico out of fear for his life following the killing in January of 2017 of Igor Padilla, the director and producer of a programme Rivera Paz had worked for on Honduran national television. Source: UNESCO  
5650. South Asia Media Solidarity Bulletin: JULY  

Welcome to the monthly e-bulletin of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN). The next bulletin will be sent on August 15, 2017, and your inputs are most welcome. We encourage contributions to let others know your activities; to seek solidarity and support from SAMSN members for your campaigns and activities. To contribute, email Ujjwal Acharya at: [email protected] Please feel free to distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. This e-bulletin and South Asia related content are available at the SAMSN Digital Hub: https://samsn.ifj.org     In this bulletin: 1.    IFJ, SAMSN call for end to internet…  
5651. Libya: Launching an initiative to strengthen professional solidarity between journalists  

The first consultative meeting between Libyan journalists aiming at strengthening professional solidarity has just concluded. This initiative was launched by the IFJ in cooperation with the Federation of Arab Journalists (FAJ). The first consultative meeting between Libyan journalists aiming at strengthening professional solidarity has just concluded.  This initiative was launched by the IFJ in cooperation with the Federation of Arab Journalists (FAJ). The meeting was held in Tunisia on 12-13 July and was attended by a group of journalists working for diverse media organisations including audio visual, print and online who have previous experiences or are currently involved in…  
5652. Somalia : IFJ warns new media bill risks damaging free expression  

The Somali Council of Ministers yesterday adopted a new media Bill but journalists have criticised a number of its provisions considered as repressive on press freedom. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) in denouncing the bill, saying that it represents a new threat against journalism in the country. The Somali Council of Ministers yesterday adopted a new media Bill but journalists have criticised a number of its provisions considered as repressive on press freedom. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) in  denouncing…  
5653. IFJ In the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 7th July to Friday 14h July: 1. Journalist receives death threats after exposing the creator of Trump’s video: He has launched a war against media which can derive to such extremist attitudes. By Kristina Markalaus, Fairpress.eu 2. IFJ stresses fundamental right to form journalists’ union in Qatar. Bahrain News Agency 3. Palestinian journalists union holds sit-in demanding Hamas release 2 reporters. Ma'an News Agency 4. International Federation of Journalists laments murder…  
5654. IFJ mourns Liu Xiaobo death in custody a loss for democracy and freedom  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) regrets the death of veteran Chinese democracy advocate and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Liu Xiaobo. Liu died on Thursday, July 13, after a battle with liver cancer. The IFJ condemns the Chinese Government’s actions leading up to his death, including denied medical care, holding his wife prisoner and not granting his family access during his final hours. Liu Xiaobo, 61, died at 5.30pm on Thursday, July 13, at the First Hospital of China Medical University in Shenyang, where he was receiving treatment on medical parole for terminal liver cancer. Liu’s death was not announced for four hours, when the hospital released a statement on his…  
5655. Brasil: reforma laboral afecta los derechos de trabajadores y trabajadoras  

La polémica reforma laboral aprobada esta semana por el Parlamento brasileño flexibiliza las normas de contratación y la rescisión de contratos, mientras determina la preeminencia de los convenios a nivel de empresa por sobre la legislación. FENAJ indica que la nueva ley viola acuerdos suscritos con la OIT. Los y las periodistas, así como el conjunto de trabajadores del sector de prensa y de las demás ramas de la economía brasileña, prevén fuertes modificaciones en sus condiciones de trabajo y en su estabilidad laboral a partir de las modificaciones que viene a introducir la nueva normativa sancionada. En efecto, la relación capital-trabajo comenzará a estar regida por principios basados…  
5656. Paraguay: persecución sindical a periodistas  

Tres periodistas de Unicanal fueron despedidos/as por desarrollar actividades sindicales en defensa de los derechos de los trabajadores y trabajadoras del medio. El pasado 6 de julio, en un hecho de manifiesta persecución sindical, los periodistas Héctor Rodríguez, Alberto Núñez, así como la periodista Carmen Ruiz, fueron despedidos de forma injustificada de Unicanal, propiedad de JBB, grupo sospechado de tener fuertes lazos con las más altas esferas de la política paraguaya. En las últimas semanas, Rodríguez y Ruiz se habían presentado como candidatos para las elecciones de delegados sindicales del Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP), en lo que sería la conformación inicial de…  
5657. Sept journalistes toujours emprisonnés au Cameroun  

Sept journalistes sont toujours incarcérés à Yaoundé alors que le pays connaît de graves tensions. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale des journalistes avec ses 600.000 membres, soutient son affilié le Syndicat national des journalistes du Cameroun (SNJC).   Sept journalistes sont toujours incarcérés à Yaoundé alors que le pays connaît de graves tensions. La Fédération internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale des journalistes avec ses 600.000 membres, soutient son affilié le Syndicat National des Journalistes du Cameroun (SNJC).   « Lorsqu'il y a des crises sociales et politiques, les…  
5658. Innocent BANGA KARABA  

The journalist for the public broadcast service, RNTC, in the northern eastern city of Bunia was killed at his home by an unidentified assailant who attacked him, fatally injuring the victim. The father of nine and was a 20- year veteran reporter for the RTNC where he presented news programmes.  
5659. Asesinan a camarógrafo hondureño que buscaba refugio en México  

Edwin Rivera Paz había huido de Honduras hace algunos meses tras el asesinato del periodista Igor Padilla, quien fuera su compañero de trabajo, por temor a nuevos ataques. El camarógrafo de 25 años fue asesinado por dos desconocidos este domingo 9 de julio en el municipio de Acayuacan, al sur de Veracruz. La fiscalía del estado veracruzano informó que los atacantes se hallaban a bordo de una motocicleta cuando persiguieron y atacaron con armas de fuego al trabajador de prensa. Según indicaron las autoridades hondureñas, Rivera Paz había salido del país centroamericano luego del asesinato de su colega Igor Padilla en enero, ya que temía un nuevo episodio de violencia contra el entorno del…  
5660. RDC : un journaliste radio tué à l’arme blanche  

Mercredi 12 juillet vers 4h du matin le journaliste Innocent Banga Karaba travaillant pour RNTC, la radio-télévision publique de la République Démocratique du Congo a été tué à l’arme blanche. Mercredi 12 juillet vers 4h du matin le journaliste Innocent Banga Karaba travaillant pour  RNTC, la radio-télévision publique  de la République Démocratique du Congo, a été tué  à l’arme blanche. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) demande une enqête immédiate sur les circonstances de ce meurtre. Innocent Banga Karaba présentait les informations en français depuis plus de 20 ans pour la radio RNTC à Bunia dans la province congolaise de l’Ituri. Père de 9 enfants, il…  
5661. Press accreditations stripped and violence against journalists at G20 protests in Hamburg  

At least 32 journalists have been deprived of their press accreditations by the German government during the G20 protests in Hamburg held on 7 July. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their German affiliates DJU and Ver.di (DJV) in condemning the attacks against the press. At least 32 journalists have been deprived of their press accreditations by the German government during the G20 protests in Hamburg held on 7 July. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their German affiliates DJU and Ver.di (DJV) in condemning the attacks against the press. Nine journalists have had their accreditations revoked with an…  
5662. Press accreditations stripped and violence against journalists at G20 protests in Hamburg  

At least 32 journalists have been deprived of their press accreditations by the German government during the G20 protests in Hamburg held on 7 July. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their German affiliates DJU and Ver.di (DJV) in condemning the attacks against the press. At least 32 journalists have been deprived of their press accreditations by the German government during the G20 protests in Hamburg held on 7 July. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their German affiliates DJU and Ver.di (DJV) in condemning the attacks against the press. Nine journalists have had their accreditations revoked with an…  
5663. ​ Harb Hazaa al-Dulaimi, Sudad al-Duri  

Harb Hazaa al-Dulaimi, a correspondent for the Hona Salaheddin channel, and his cameraman Sudad al-Duri were killed by the so-called Islamic State (IS) in Imam Gharbi, a village south of Mosul. The journalists along with members of security forces were surrounded by the militant group when they surrounded the village and murdered during the police raid to dislodge them from the village.  
5664. Somali journalist detained without charge  

A Somali journalist was arrested without charge by Somaliland authorities on Saturday 8 July. The IFJ and its affiliate, The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) condemn the actions of the Somaliland government and demand his immediate release. The IFJ and NUSOJ are also calling on the Somaliland government to cease its continued harassment and intimidation of journalists working in the region. Update: Omar Ali Hassan has been released  A Somali journalist was arrested without charge by Somaliland authorities on Saturday 8 July. The IFJ and its affiliate, The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) condemn the actions of the Somaliland government and demand his…  
5665. Venezuela: persiste violencia contra periodistas  

En el marco de los enfrentamientos entre manifestantes y fuerzas de seguridad que se vienen produciendo en el país latinoamericano durante los últimos meses, cientos de comunicadores y comunicadoras han visto avasallados sus derechos. En el transcurso de los últimos 100 días las calles venezolanas han sido escenario de múltiples manifestaciones y enfrentamientos entre opositores al gobierno de Nicolás Maduro y las fuerzas de seguridad, donde 91 personas perdieron la vida. En ese marco, según indica el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Prensa (SNTP), se han registrado –hasta el pasado 6 de julio- 220 hechos de agresiones contra periodistas, donde se vieron afectados 527…  
5666. Iraq : two journalists killed  

Two journalists were killed by the Islamic State (IS) Group on Friday 7 July in a village south of Mosul.  The IFJ and its affiliate the Iraqi Journalist Syndicate (IJS) have condemned the killings and are calling on journalists to take utmost care when covering the conflict in Iraq. Reporter Harb Hazza al- Dulaimi and cameraman Sudod el Takriti al-Duri, working for Hano Salaheddin television were killed on Friday as they covered the Iraqi security forces' counter-attack against IS forces to take back the village of Imam Gharbi,  70 km south of Mosul. Reports say the village had been infiltrated by IS forces on Wednesday 5 July. A number of civilians and military were…  
5667. Journalist missing after house raided in Karachi  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses serious concern over the disappearance of a journalist who was picked by a dozen men in plainclothes in the early hours of Sunday, July 9 in Karachi, Pakistan. The IFJ demands urgent action from government to ascertain his whereabouts and ensure his safe recovery. Abdullah Zafar, a staff reporter at The Nation daily, was taken away by over a dozen men in plainclothes who raided his family house at the Lawyers Society, Sacchal in Karachi. Zafarullah, the father of the missing journalist, said that the men arrived in three vehicles accompanied by two police vans. “Over a dozen personnel in plainclothes arrived at my home at late…  
5668. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 30th June to Friday 7th July: 1. Turning up the heat on Europe's despots, by Cathal Sheerin, IFEX 2. Trump tweets mock video of him beating CNN, sparks criticism, by Catherine Lucey (Associated Press), Trinidad Express 3. Hong Kong media censored and controlled during visit by Chinese president, IFEX 4. Trump tweets mock video of him beating CNN, sparks criticism, Arab News 5. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas pide a Peña Nieto cumplir su promesa de protección,…  
5669. Mexico: IFJ launches a solidarity campaign with the Mexican colleagues  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), representing 600,000 professionals in the world, has launched a solidarity campaign with the Mexican journalists, eight of whom have been killed so far this year. We are asking our 180 affiliates, as well as all the journalists and human rights defenders worldwide, to send a letter addressed to Peña Nieto to the Mexican embassies in their countries. The more the stronger. Show your solidarity, demand justice, join our campaign! Information also available in Spanish and French. You can send a solidarity message to our Mexican affiliate, Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de Prensa (SNRP), here.   Para más…  
5670. México: trabajadores de La Jornada en huelga  

Desde el viernes 30 de junio, los y las trabajadores/as del diario La Jornada se encuentran llevando adelante una huelga contra la reducción unilateral de sus salarios y la pretensión de la empresa de dar por terminado el Convenio Colectivo de Trabajo (CCT) vigente. Con 133 votos a favor sobre un total de 203, los y las integrantes del Sindicato de Trabajadores de La Jornada (SITRAJOR) decidieron el último viernes comenzar un paro para reclamar por sus derechos conculcados por el accionar de la patronal que decidió una rebaja en los salarios y un fuerte recorte en las prestaciones, violando abiertamente las cláusulas del CCT conquistado por la organización gremial hace 31 años. El…  
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