15063 results:

13091. IFJ Protests the Use of Laws to Curb Press Freedom in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today termed the registering of cases against reporters as an attempt to curb press freedom. "The use of laws to intimidate journalists and restrict their right to report is nothing less than an assault on press freedom," said IFJ President Christopher Warren. According to information received by the IFJ, cases against two reporters Afzal Nadeem of evening newspaper Awam and Asad Ibne Hasan of Daily News, were registered in Karachi on May 28 for alleged "anti-state" activities. Their 'crime' was a minor mistake while reporting the exact timing of a police encounter with criminals. The section under which cases have been…  
13093. WIPO Online Discussion Forum  

WIPO launched a WIPO Online Forum on Intellectual Property in the Information Society, which will run from June 1 to 15, 2005. The Online Forum is accessible here and includes full texts and discussion lists.  
13096. IFJ Welcomes Access to Independent News Site in Burma  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the lifting of the ban on the Mizzima website in Burma, terming it a move in the right direction. "For the citizens of Burma, living under a repressive military regime, the access to independent information is one step closer to gaining more democratic freedoms," said IFJ President Christopher Warren. According to information received by the IFJ, the ban on www.mizzima.com was quietly lifted by the Burmese authorities recently. Although the exact reason and the date of lifting the ban is not available, since about the third week of May, people from Burma can now directly read Mizzima News on the Internet. Earlier,…  
13097. European Journalists Call To Strengthen Gender Equality in the Media  

Women journalists today urged media leaders across Europe to strengthen gender equality in media as part of a campaign to improve working and living conditions of women in the expanding European Union. The European Federation of Journalists conference Women Journalists in the European Integration Process, on 27-29th May in Nicosia, Cyprus, brought together 30 women journalists representing 22 unions and associations from all over Europe to address gender, quality and union rights in European media. The conference established an EFJ women jounalists´ network, agreed to organise a Europe-wide study of the status of women journalists and adopted Guidelines for Action to improve…  
13099. IFJ Condemns “Institutional Inquisition” in Algeria as Journalists Face New Prison Sentences  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned a new series of “regular” prison sentences handed down by the Algiers Tribunal every Tuesday against journalists. On 24 May, Ali Dilem, the cartoonist of the daily Liberté was charged with a fine of fifty thousand dinars (approximately 550 euros) “with an offence against the President of the Republic”. Mustapha Hammouche, another columnist working for Liberté who is also being pursued for the same “offence”, has been acquitted. The former managing editor of Liberté, Farid Alilet, was falsely sentenced to one year in prison and the newspaper was fined 250 thousand dinars (approximately 2850 euros). “These Tuesday proceedings…  
13100. IFJ and EFJ Salute “Towering Figure of International Union Solidarity”  

European and International journalists’ leaders today praised the contribution of Gustl Glattfelder to international journalist solidarity following his death this week at the age of 65. Glattfelder who retired last year from his positions as the founding Chairman of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and the Senior Vice President of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) was a leading member of the Deutsche Journalist Verband (DJV) in Germany. He died on 24 May from a heart attack following treatment for cancer. His funeral will take place in his home town of Baden Baden, Germany, on June 1st. “For more than 15 years Gustl was a towering and well-loved…  
13101. IFJ Condemns “Targeted Attack” Against Union Rights Within Cameroon Daily  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the verbal violence and harassment committed by the management of the Cameroon daily, La Nouvelle Expression, against trade union representatives working within the paper. During an ‘in-house meeting’ on 14 May, La Nouvelle Expression management verbally abused journalist representatives from the national union of Cameroonian journalists (SNJC) and attempted to block their right to hold union elections. “By refusing the very principle of electing journalists’ representatives, and by sanctioning union representatives, the credibility of the newspaper is called into question,” says Aidan White,…  
13102. World Journalists Support BBC Strikers and Stand Together in the Fight for Quality and Labour Rights  

The first day of strike agains job cuts at the BBC took place on 23 May. More information : IFJ Call for Solidarity Here below are the messages of support to the strikers: FROM VER.DI, GERMANY: Dear Colleagues, We would like to express on behalf of ver.di representing 200.000 mediaworkers and journalists in Germany our solidarity and support for NUJ, BECTU and Amicus. Your strike today also in our opinion is necessary to fight against 4,000 job cuts and for employment in the BBC. It is also important for high quality in the BBC as well as in public service broadcasting in general. This strike concerns all public service broadcasting workers since BBC has always been the…  
13103. IFJ Calls on Cuba to Free All Jailed Journalists As Havana Expels Foreign Reporters  

The International Federation of Journalists today protested to Cuban President Fidel Castro over the arrest and expulsion yesterday of journalists from Poland and Italy and called on the country to end its long-running campaign against independent journalists which has seen dozens of reporters and jailed. The foreign journalists were trying to cover a meeting of dissidents when they were arrested and detained. The Polish journalists arrested and finally expelled from Havana were Seweryn Blumsztajn of the daily newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza, Jerzy Jurecki of the regional daily Tygodnik Podhalanski, and Wojciech Rogasin of Newsweek and who had come to cover a congress of dissidents taking…  
13105. IFJ Baghdad Centre Focus on Safety as Three More Journalists Die in Iraq’s Media Nightmare  

Read ARABIC version here Three Iraqi journalists have been assassinated in “cold-blooded and ruthless executions” on the roadside south of Baghdad reports the safety office of the International Federation of Journalists in Iraq. The attack took place on Sunday when the journalists were travelling to Kerbala from Baghdad. They were among 13 passengers in a minibus that was stopped by an armed group who picked out the journalists when they showed their press cards. The rest of the passengers were freed, but Najem Abd Khudair, the Kerbala correspondent for the newspaper Al Mada, Ahmad Adam, a freelance writer for Al Mada and trainee journalist, Ali Jassem Al Rumi, working for Al Safeer…  
13106. Detail  

The European Federation of Journalists today renewed its call for more public debate and discussion over government plans to reform the public broadcasting law which critics fear will lead to undue political influence on public media. In a comprehensive letter to the Minister of Culture, Vasko Simoniti, the leaders of the European journalists’ movement warned that a shift of control over supervision of the public broadcaster into the political arena would be a setback for editorial independence and would undermine Slovenia’s democratic reputation. Earlier this week EFJ General Secretary Aidan White met with Slovenian President Janez Drnovsek in Ljubljana. Later the President issued…  
13108. IFJ Calls for Immediate Investigation Following Brutal Murder of Journalist in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is saddened and concerned over the murder of former Afghan television presenter in Kabul. On 17 May 2005, Shaima Rizaee, former entertainment presenter for Tolo TV was beaten to death. "The tragic loss of a colleague is a massive blow for free and independent media in Afghanistan," said IFJ President Christopher Warren. "The Afghan authorities must investigate and bring to justice those responsible for Rizaee's death," said Warren. According to the Committee to Protect Afghan Journalists (CPAJ) Rizaee was fired from Tolo TV more than two months ago for unknown reasons. Rizaee then disappeared sparking rumours she had been…  
13110. IFJ Condemns United Nations Censorship That Denies Journalists Access to Global Health Debate  

The International Federation of Journalists today accused the United Nations of censorship and “political insanity” over the barring of Taiwanese from a crucial world health summit meeting in Geneva. The World Health Assembly which is being held this week brings together a global community of experts and states to deal with critical health questions, but a group of journalists from Taiwan have been banned for the second year running based on a “perverse interpretation” of a 34-year old UN resolution. Last week IFJ President Christopher Warren appealed to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to lift the ban on the journalists, but by yesterday, the opening day of the Assembly, they were…  
13111. Mediterranean Journalists' Almeria Declaration and Resolutions  

In Almeria, in front of the monument to Freedom of Expression, in Periodistas Square, on 16 April 2005, two months before the Fifteenth Mediterranean Games, the present document is read in Arabic, Spanish, French and English. At the FIRST MEETING OF MEDITERRANEAN JOURNALISTS “ALMERIA 2005”, organised by the Association of Journalists-Almeria Press Association in collaboration with the Federation of Spanish Press Associations (FAPE), the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), and sponsored by the Council for the Presidency of the Andalusian regional government, thirty ORGANISATIONS that represent 65,000 journalists from 24 Mediterranean countries AGREE the following…  
13112. European Journalists Pledge Support for BBC Staff After Massive Vote for Strike Action  

The International Federation of Journalists and its regional organisation the European Federation of Journalists today gave its full backing to the workforce at the BBC, which has voted by a heavy majority to confront management over plans to slash 4,000 jobs.The EFJ, which represents around 250,000 journalists across Europe, says the ballot represents a “massive vote in defence of public service values and quality media.”“The BBC’s future is at stake as well as its reputation as the world’s leading broadcaster,” said Arne König, the EFJ Chair. “The journalists of Europe will stand shoulder to shoulder with their BBC colleagues if they are forced to go on strike. Now is the time for the…  
13116. IFJ Demands Release of Detained Journalists in the Maldives  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, while welcoming the release on 9 May of Fatimath Nisreen, stressed the need for widespread democratic reform, freedom of expression and release of all detained journalists in the Maldives. "The granting of presidential amnesty and release of Fatimath Nisreen is the result of sustained international pressure to establish fundamental freedoms- a campaign that must go on until all political prisoners are released and democratic rights are restored in the Maldives," said IFJ President Christopher Warren. Fatimath Nisreen was arrested along with Ibrahim Moosa…  
13117. The ILO Programme on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work Launches its New Website  

ILO/AIDS has re-designed its website to make it more useful and interactive. New features include a step-by-step guide to workplace action, a registration facility to keep you informed of events and new materials, and a 24-hour news service focusing specifically on HIV/AIDS in the world of work. Please visit the website on http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/trav/aids/index.htm  
13120. IFJ Alarmed at Tightening Government Grip over Broadcast Media in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, is deeply concerned about the proposed Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority Amendment Bill (2004) that could seriously threaten freedom of the press. "The proposed amendments to broadcasting laws tabled in the National Assembly, are a serious encroachment on the freedom of expression and the citizen's right to information," said IFJ President Christopher Warren. The Bill has been tabled at a time when the government is already facing harsh criticism over violence against journalists in Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi since mid-April, and most recently…  
13122. Culture of Impunity in the Philippines Sees Tragic End of Yet Another Life, Says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the Philippines government for failing to address the mounting death toll of Philippine journalists, with yet another journalist killed. The growing tide of violent and murderous attacks against journalists has given the Philippines the onerous title of being the second most dangerous place in the world for reporters, after war-torn Iraq. The number of journalists killed since 1986 has now risen to the grim total of 67. In the latest attack, radio journalist, Klein Cantoneros, was killed after a drive-by shooting outside DXAA radio station in Dipolog City, Mindanao, around 1.30am on 4 May. Cantoneros, 32, was shot…  
13124. IFJ Condemns Oppressive Pakistan Regime Following World Press Freedom Day Crackdown  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the violent and oppressive reaction of Pakistan's authorities to journalists supporting press freedom. On 3 May, World Press Freedom Day, rallies across Pakistan were marred by police brutality and targeted arrests. According to the IFJ affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), dozens of journalists were beaten and detained in Islamabad, and police baton-charged journalists in Lahore during the rallies. "On a day when journalists around the world mark the vital importance of a free and independent media, Pakistan authorities have intimidated their own journalists with violence and arrests," said…  
13128. IFJ Calls on Government to Offer "Real Protection" for Philippine Journalists on World Press Freedom Day  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) fears death threats, intimidation and attacks instigated, by both ex and current members of the police force, against journalists will continue unabated if the Philippines Government refuses to take action. "It's time for the police and Government to step in and offer journalists real protection and support in the face of unacceptably hostile government authorities," said IFJ President Christopher Warren. "The disturbing culture of impunity for those who threaten and harass the independent media in the Philippines is a reflection of a dangerous environment in which journalists are working." "Last year, the Philippines was the…  
13130. IFJ Warns of More Violence after “Tragic and Senseless” Murder of Sri Lankan Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists says the brutal murder of respected Sri Lankan journalist Dharmaretnam Sivaram, who was kidnapped and shot dead by armed men yesterday morning, was “tragic and senseless” and would fuel further violence in the divided island. Sivaram, a newspaper columnist and editor of the English-language website TamilNet, was closely identified with Sri Lanka's Tamil Tiger rebels and was a powerful advocate of Tamil rights whose writings were widely respected. “This is a shocking, tragic and senseless killing of a prominent and distinguished commentator who was a leading voice of the Tamil minority,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “His death…  
13131. International Journalists NGO Seeks New Projects Staff ***Applications Closed***  

This position is not open anymore.  
13132. IFJ Calls for Credible Process as Fury Builds Over “Whitewash Investigations” of Iraq Killings  

Anger over controversial reports, one by Israel over the killing of journalist James Miller in Gaza and a second by the United States into the death of Italian secret agent Nicola Calipari, shot while freeing journalist Giuliana Sgrena from captivity in Iraq, underline the need for international law to guarantee a “credible process” of independent inquiry into civilian deaths in such cases says the International Federation of Journalists. “The military in Israel and in the United States have created a culture of whitewash and self-exoneration,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary today. “The killing of media staff and those working with them requires a credible process of…  
13133. Three Steps to Quality Media: IFJ Demands for Authors’ Rights on UN World Copyright Day  

The International Federation of Journalists today issued a call to global policymakers to mark UNESCO World Copyright Day 2005 by adopting a three-step programme to guarantee quality and diversity in media content. “The importance of authors’ rights protection cannot be overlooked in a world dominated by globalisation, a communications revolution and the hunger of millions for reliable information. To guarantee the need for quality and diversity in information services and particularly in journalistic and photographic works it is imperative to ensure: One – that governments support creators by improving levels of authors rights protection and enforcing rights where they are…  
13135. IFJ Condemns “Media blockade” in Togo Ahead of Presidential Elections  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the media regulatory body in Togo (HAAC) for banning independent radios and televisions stations in the country to broadcast programs covering the presidential election scheduled for 24 April. “The fact that the HAAC is banning Togolese journalists from performing their duties shows the wayward and dangerous nature of the Togolese system,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary, adding, “The HAAC is responsible to guarantee and ensure press freedom and protection”. In a communiqué dated 15 April, the HAAC challenged the directors of the independent radio and television stations to abide by its decision taken on 9 March…  
13136. IFJ Condemns Iranian Ban on Al-Jazeera as “Spiteful Act of Censorship”  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the decision by the Iranian authorities to close the offices of Arab satellite television channel in Tehran as a “spiteful act of censorship.” The IFJ was responding to the decision by the Iranian authorities who accuse Al-Jazeera of stirring up unrest that led to recent disturbances in the southwest of the country and the arrest of 200 people. “This closure is a spiteful act of censorship and a blatant attempt by the authorities to make media the scapegoat for civil unrest,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “If Iran has complaints about media standards it should seek professional redress, not take action that…  
13137. EFJ Tells European Commission To Keep “Hands Off” Reporter’s Files After Court Decision  

The European Federation of Journalists today said the European Commission should keep its hands off the files and notebooks of an investigative journalist after he failed in European Court challenge over its right of access to the material, which was seized in police raids in Belgium a year ago. The European Court of Justice in a judgement this week says the Commission has the right to look at the material (including address books, copies of hard disks and e-mail records) belonging to Hans Martin Tillack, a reporter for the German magazine Stern, which Belgian Police seized in raids on his home and office on 19 March 2004. “But that is no excuse for the Commission to go fishing…  
13138. Protest against BBC staff cuts : Write to the Director General !  

If you want to express your solidarity with the journalists and media workers of the BBC, you can send the following letter of protest: Mark Thompson Director General BBC E-mail: [email protected] Dear Mark I am writing on behalf of _______ to raise my concerns over your plans to cut almost 4000 jobs across the BBC and privatise important parts of the Corporation. Such a drastic reduction in staff will have enormous implications for the BBC, inevitably leading to a deterioration in quality and standards just at a time when promoting high quality public service broadcasting is so important. The BBC’s ability to provide quality programmes including, high quality…  
13139. European Journalists “Sound The Alarm” Over Public Broadcasting Crisis  

As journalists in Britain, Portugal, Switzerland and Slovenia lined up to protest over the crisis facing their national public broadcasting systems, the European Federation of Journalists today said it was time to “sound the alarm” over the future of the European model of public service radio and television.“Across the whole of Europe there is profound concern over the future of social and professional rights in public broadcasting,” said Arne König, the Chairman of the EFJ. “It is time to sound the alarm over attacks that could prove fatal for the European model of public service broadcasting.”In Portugal journalists and media workers started a three-day strike today over the management…  
13145. Luxembourg: Authors' Rights session  

On 18 April 2005, the ALJ (Association Luxembourgoise des Journalistes- Luxembourg journalists’ union) organised a conference in Luxembourg on copyrights. The main speakers included IFJ authors’ rights officer (Ms. Morinière), the director of SAJ (Société des droits d’auteur des journalistes en Belgique, Mr. Guillaume), a representative of the Austrian journalists’ union (österreichischen Gewerkschaft Druck, Journalismus, Papier, Mr. Haller) and Mr. Deker, a lawyer in Luxembourg. Ms. Morinière said the implementation of the EC Infosoc directive as national law is still not completed. Editors are trying to use the implementation…  
13147. Staff journalists must not be stripped of authors’ rights  

IN COUNTRIES where legislation automatically strips journalists and photographers of all their authors’ rights on entering employment, the individual journalist or photographer is not able to play an active part in safeguarding the authenticity and integrity of his or her works. The same goes for freelances in countries with a legislation or bad practices that place freelances in the same unpro-tected position as their employed colleagues. IN MOST EUROPEAN COUNTRIES legislation and/or court practices support a situation where the newspaper or TV station acquires the rights of use that are necessary to conduct the normal publishing or broadcasting activities whether the work…  
13148. IFJ Welcomes “First Step” and Calls On Berlusconi to Quit Italian TV Market  

The International Federation of Journalists today welcomed the decision by Silvio Berlusconi to cut his stake in the Italian private television company Mediaset, but said that it did not go far enough and failed to eliminate the conflict of interest caused by his commercial television holdings and his role as Italian PM. “We welcome this step because it recognizes that his position as media owner and prime minister is untenable”, said Aidan White, the General Secretary of the IFJ. “But it is not enough. In reality his family’s hands remain on the controls of Italian’s biggest private television operator while he still exercises undue influence over the countries public broadcasting…  
13149. Europe’s Media Unions Back the BBC Workforce in Battle Over Job Cuts  

A coalition of European media and entertainment trade unions today called on media staff throughout the European Union to support the workforce at the BBC, which is challenging management over plans to slash thousands of jobs.In a joint statement the European Federation of Journalists, the International Federation of Actors, the International Federation of Musicians and UNI-MEI, the Media, Entertainment and Arts Sector of Union Network International, pledged to mobilise national media unions across Europe in support of BBC staff.The statement issued in Brussels said:The media workers of Europe – writers, journalists, performers, creators and technical and administrative staff in all…  
13150. Europe’s Media Unions Back the BBC Workforce in Battle Over Job Cuts  

A coalition of European media and entertainment trade unions today called on media staff throughout the European Union to support the workforce at the BBC, which is challenging management over plans to slash thousands of jobs. In a joint statement the European Federation of Journalists, the International Federation of Actors, the International Federation of Musicians and UNI-MEI, the Media, Entertainment and Arts Sector of Union Network International, pledged to mobilise national media unions across Europe in support of BBC staff. The statement issued in Brussels said: The media workers of Europe – writers, journalists, performers, creators and technical and administrative staff…  
13151. Mediterranean Meeting of Journalists 2005 : Intervention of Aidan White  

Mediterranean Meeting of Journalists Almeria, 14-17th April 2005 Intervention by Aidan White General Secretary International Federation of Journalists First of all, can I thank the colleagues of FAPE and particularly the Almeria Press Association for their generous hosting of this meeting. It is an exciting and challenging event. And it continues the process of building solidarity that IFJ unions in the Mediterranean have been working on for almost ten years. This meeting is reaching out to all journalists in the region, and it does so at a critical time for journalists and for media. Journalists today play a crucial role reporting on wars and intolerance, much of it…  
13152. Impunity, Justice Denied and Media Killings That Haunt the United States  

The International Federation of Journalists today called on the United States government to end all speculation over targeted killings of journalists and media staff by providing “credible and convincing” reports on incidents in which 14 media staff have been killed since the invasion of the country in March 2003. “The United States stands accused of failing to meet its obligations to deliver justice and fair treatment to the victims of violence by its own soldiers,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White in a letter to President George Bush. Similar letters calling for the US to carry out exhaustive investigation into these cases have been sent by IFJ affiliates to US officials and…  
13153. IFJ Welcomes Unified Approach as Iraqi Journalists Get Organised (See Arabic Version)  

The International Federation of Journalists today welcomed moves by Iraqi journalists to establish a unified journalists’ movement in the country that brings together editors and reporters from all communities. Iraqi journalists’ have established an Iraqi National Journalists’ Advisory Panel, made up of 26 editors, senior journalists and representatives of journalists’ groups calling for press freedom and rights at work the group will represent journalists in discussions with the new Baghdad government over media regulations. “This is a courageous and historic effort by journalists coming from all communities to put aside differences and to concentrate on the need for solidarity and…  
13154. EFJ Denounces “Dangerous” Draft Media Law As Slovenia Steps Away from Public Service Values  

The European Federation of Journalists today protested to the Slovenian government over a new and restrictive law on public broadcasting that it is trying to impose without political or public debate.The EFJ says the draft law prepared by the Ministry of Culture, which would replace an existing law that had been considered a model for other post-communist countries in Central and Eastern Europe to follow, contains “vague and dangerous” language that could compromise editorial independence. The proposal allows the Director General, a political appointment, more authority over senior editorial jobs, and it opens the door to more political influence by increasing the power of the…  
13157. “The World is Watching”: IFJ Releases Report into 66 Media Deaths in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has released its report into the alarming number of journalists killed in the Philippines, concluding that a culture of violence, encouraged by government inaction, is the main reason for the murders of over 66 journalists there since 1986. With three journalists killed already this year, 2005 is shaping up to be worse than 2004, the IFJ said today at the release of their report A Dangerous Profession: Press freedom under fire in the Philippines. "This report puts the Government of Philippines on notice: the world is watching," said IFJ President Christopher Warren upon the release of the report. "The Government of President…  
13159. 2005: Resolutions adopted at the EFJ Annual Meeting, Bilbao 3-4 April  

DOWNLOAD ALL RESOLUTIONS (PDF) CONTENT: A) Union Rights and Collective Agreements 1. Resolution on Defence of Collective Agreements 2. Resolution on Collective Bargaining in Italy 3. Resolution on Draft Service Directive 4. Resolution on Freelance Journalism and Precarious Work 5. Resolution on Revision of EU Working Time Directive B) Broadcasting and Media Policy 6. Resolution on EFJ Broadcasting Expert Group 7. EU Competition Law and Public Broadcasting 8. Resolution on BBC Cuts 9. Resolution on Privatisation of the RAI 10. Resolution on Redundancies in Electronic Services of the Public Broadcaster in Switzerland 11. Resolution on Ownership Regulation 12.…  
13160. EFJ Annual Meeting 2005  

MEDIA, QUALITY AND JOURNALISTS' RIGHTS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION AND BEYOND: HOW CAN WE MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Bilbao, 3-4 April 2005 DOWNLOAD RESOLUTIONS AGENDA Sunday pm, April 3, 2005 and Monday, April 4, 2005 14.00 REGISTRATION 14.30 START OF THE MEETING (1) Welcome Arne König, Chair, European Federation of Journalists Jose Elorrieta, General Secretary, Euskal Langileen Alkartasuna, (ELA) Key-Note Address: Candido Mendes, President, European Trade Union Confederation, (ETUC) (2) Formalities: (a) Voting Rights (b) Approval of agenda (3) Chair's Report on EFJ Activities (4) Finances Report of Honorary Treasurer and Finance…  
Search results 13091 until 13160 of 15063