264 results:

71. Bangladesh: Cyber Tribunal indicts charges against photojournalist  

… Sumaiya Chowdhury Bonya, also filed complaints on March 10 and 11, accusing him of spreading indecent, defamatory, objectionable, and fake information on social media.   Kajol disappeared on March 10, 2020, a day after a case was filed against him and 31 others under the DSA. After a 53-day…  
72. #RatifyC190 to combat online abuse  

… cent of Canadian media workers experienced online harassment in the past year, and 73 per cent feel the attacks are increasing.  Harassment can range from accusations of “fake news” and sending sexualized images to threats of sexual assault, threats against family members, or death threats.  This unacceptable behaviour is part of a global…  
73. How China uses the news media as a weapon in its propaganda war against the West  

… Times, a newspaper controlled by the Chinese regime, blamed Italy for the coronavirus. “They tried to say that the virus had been born in Italy.  This was just outlandish, fake news,” said a journalist quoted at the report.  In June 2020, Twitter removed 23,750 Chinese accounts which were tweeting false information favourable to the…  
74. Hong Kong: New poll shows widespread concern over possible introduction of “fake news” law  

…Foreign correspondents and journalists in Hong Kong have expressed “widespread concern” about the “fake news” law that the city’s authorities have flagged to introduce, a poll by a foreign press group shows. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) shares this serious concern and urges the Hong Kong government to work toward ensuring freedom of the press in…  
75. Singapore’s FICA bill a draconian threat to freedom of speech  

… comparison of the FICA and the Australian legislation serves only to underscore the serious misgivings of FICA’s critics.   Masking authoritarianism with fake news statutes  The Trumpian remonstrance against ‘fake news’ was just the opening that authoritarians of all stripes welcomed as cover for…  
76. Myanmar: Military junta intensifies hostility towards media workers  

…bsp;The Deputy Information Minister, Major General Zaw Min Tin said on July 12, “These media outlets are a danger to the people and traitors to the state, as they are broadcasting fake news and incorrect opinions.”  The likelihood of arrest is an “ever-present” consideration for Myanmar’s media workers, according to Aye Chan Naing,…  
77. India: New form of censorship in Jammu and Kashmir  

… argues that there are large number of unauthorised media workers operating in Jammu and Kashmir, and that these unauthorised media persons are responsible for disseminating fake news and misinformation through social media . The document, which was addressed to the district's senior superintendent of police, also asked J&K Police not to allow any…  
78. Pakistan: Government must heed media protests against controversial PMDA bill  

… of the Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N), Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), the National Party, and PML-N, who boycotted the house-session. Pakistan’s information ministry says fake news on social media needs to be addressed at all costs and PMDA is, in part, a response to a so-called genuine need. But the IFJ is gravely concerned that a clear and transparent…  
79. Malta: Journalists and public figures harassed in disinformation campaign  

… emails were being sent to journalists and news outlets on his behalf, and that a fraudulent website had been created in his name.  Some of the fake emails are supporting conspiracy theories around the murder of anti-corruption journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia in 2017. Others are denouncing alleged hate campaigns by…  
80. Arrests, torture, beatings and jail - Inside Myanmar’s daily junta reality  

… of them. A week later, in its Sunday August 21 edition, the military-run newspaper, Global New Light of Myanmar, said Sithu Aung Myint had been charged with sedition, spreading ‘fake news’ and being critical of the military coup leaders and its State Administration Council under Sections 505 (a) and 124 (a) of the Penal Code. He could be sentenced to life in…  
81. IFJ in the news  

…Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 20 and 27 August 2021.  
82. Pakistan: Holding governments accountable for Pakistan’s media woes  

… in the years to come. Not much space is left for independent and critical voices and things are not looking good for the media. Whether it is in the name of national interest, fake news or abusive posts on social media, the country’s journalists, rights activists and bloggers are under attack and Pakistan’s laws are being framed to further gag the press.…  
83. South Korea: Concerns over media law amendment  

…definition of ‘false’ is vague and thus regulation of the law will be difficult and subjective. The JAK said: “The biggest problem is that the bill regards the media as the source of ‘fake news’. The ruling DP (Democratic Party) is defining the media as an enemy of the general public, instigating hatred of the media and trying to undermine its credibility.” The IFJ…  
84. Covering the Delta variant: Describing its features without exaggerating its impact  

… mean reporters have to take a side on ‘pro-vaccine’, but to promote data-driven and informed vaccine content, including reports over possible side effects, to their audience and fight fake news about their efficacy. “Journalism educates, but we’re not, by profession, educators. Our role is to tell people interesting and significant things that they don’t know. The…  
85. Hong Kong: Journalists association release report on the deterioration of press freedom  

…dom and democracy. The report highlights the uses of the NSL through the arrest of Jimmy Lai, the forced closure of Lai’s pro-democracy media outlet Apple Daily, the weaponization of “fake-news” and the targeting of Hong Kong’s public broadcaster, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK). “The risks journalists face amid the NSL [National Security Law] and the imminent…  
86. Ethiopia: Relentless crackdown on journalists covering military conflict  

… revoked the accreditation of Simon Marks, who covered the conflict for the New York Times and Voice of America, among others. They accused him of spreading fake news. Pressure is also being put on local journalists, who are sometimes forced to flee or to self-censor. In addition, the government has blocked Internet access several times…  
87. IFJ in the news  

…Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 25 June and 2 July 2021.  
88. Argentina: se lanzó el Pacto Ético contra la Desinformación  

…ciones de medio término a disputarse en noviembre, la Federación Argentina de Trabajadorxs de Prensa (FATPREN) realizó la presentación de un Pacto Ético que busca frenar la difusión de fake news y desalentar el uso de redes sociales y servicios de mensajería para campañas de desinformación. La iniciativa fue pensada como un “aporte a la transparencia informativa”…  
89. China: The Covid-19 Story: Unmasking China’s Global Strategy  

… Russia, and other governments around the world. Journalists’ unions must be vigilant to protect independent journalism from imposed state narratives and influences”. China, fake news, research, media, journalism, strategy, report, journalist, global, Xi Jinping, unions, future, influence, pressure, shape  
90. Hong Kong: Authorities signal legislation to ban “fake news  

…Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, Carrie Lam, said during a news conference on May 4 that the government was considering introducing legislation to combat “fake news”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concern at such ‘problematic’ legislation and calls on the Hong Kong government to do more to support freedom of the press.  
91. Myanmar: If independent media dies, democracy dies  

…in 2018 gave an indication of the deceitful work his department of public relations and psychological warfare gets up to when it revealed a book it published on the Rohingya, had used ‘fake’ photographs to claim Muslims were killing Buddhists. The Reuters investigation into the origin of the photograph “showed it was actually taken during Bangladesh’s 1971…  
92. Benjamín Morales Hernández  

… he had been abducted. On 1 May during the live broadcast of his programme on Facebook, Hernández denounced threats he had received threats on social media from people using fake identities. Journalists' Safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
93. Myanmar: Military detains Japanese journalist  

…The Myanmar military detained Japanese freelance journalist, Yuki Kitazumi in Yangon on April 18 for allegedly disseminating ‘fake news’. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemn the continued threat to journalists across Myanmar and calls for the immediate release of all detained journalists.  
94. Australia: Chinese ambassador summons Australian journalists to deny Uyghur abuse  

… of Uyghurs. The ambassador denied multiple reports that any Uyghurs were in detention camps, stating: “The claims that you said 1 million Uighurs are in detention is utterly fake news”. As China faces mounting pressure over its alleged mass internment and alleged abuse of Uyghurs in Xinjiang, IFJ research shows how the Chinese government and its media…  
95. Myanmar: “I’m scared, but will not surrender…”  

…see the determination to gather news. Old style photocopied paper newssheets are being circulated, people use SMS news sharing texts, requests for journalists to confirm if an item is ‘fake news’ or ‘real news’.” Kyaw Su said journalists will need international support to keep working. “Without media outlets there’s no income. Jailed journalists and their families…  
96. Somalia: NUSOJ and the IOM launch the COVID-19 Reporting Handbook for journalists  

… increased in the context of COVID-19 all around the world. NUSOJ Secretary General Omar Faruk Osman said : “We are very delighted to launch this booklet today that also addresses fake news and misinformation as it is important for journalists to keep their head above the sea of misinformation, disinformation and fake news – which, in times like these, are…  
97. Malaysia: Journalists denied entry to public council hearing  

… “This is a severe infringement on press freedom. The recent crackdown on journalists across Malaysia, from the Malaysiakini verdict to the emergency proclamation criminalising “fake news”, is crushing the capacity of journalists to ensure transparency and accountability in a democratic society. Malaysia, press freedom  
98. Groundhog day for fake news in Malaysia  

…The promulgation of a resurrected ‘fake news’ law by the Malaysian government has drawn widespread condemnation from press freedom, civil society and human rights groups, writes Jim Nolan.  
99. After the smoke clears, what will be left of media in Myanmar?  

… in search of a safe refuge. Kyaw Win decided it was time to move when he heard his reporting had become a news item on the military controlled MRTV. “They said my stories were fake news. Then my area was searched by soldiers. I live in a poor area. I was told six armed soldiers came to my street, looking for rooms. I wasn’t there and feared going…  
100. Myanmar: BBC and Mizzima News journalists abducted  

…Myanmar security agents detained two reporters, one from the BBC Burmese service and one from Mizzima News on March 19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the continued and relentless attacks on media workers and press freedom in Myanmar and calls for the immediate release of all detained journalists.  
101. IFJ in the news  

…Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 12 and 19 March, 2021.  
102. UK: Politicians must stop attacking journalists  

… work into disrepute, and dishing out insults that are clearly designed to further inflame harassment and abuse online. It’s not acceptable to dismiss reporting you don’t like as fake news. It’s completely unacceptable to resort to insults and personal smears of journalists simply trying to get on with their job. Our elected politicians should be committed to…  
103. Malaysia: Civil society groups protest ongoing suspension of Parliament  

… arrived halfway through the protest to observe and ensure social distancing. The action was mobilised in response to the country’s ongoing Emergency Proclamation and the latest ‘fake news’ ordinance handed down on March 12. The newly-gazetted Emergency (Essential Powers) (No. 2) Ordinance 2021 criminalises the creation and publishing of fake news. Those found…  
104. IFJ in the news  

…Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 5 and 12 March, 2021  
105. Malaysia: New emergency laws criminalise “fake news  

…Malaysia’s Pakatan Nasional government implemented a new emergency law on March 11 that will criminalise “fake news” relating to Covid-19. The IFJ and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (Peninsula Malaysia) strongly condemn the decision to implement the new fake news ordinance as a major threat to media freedom and call for it to be immediately repealed.  
106. African journalists underline the importance of a strong journalists’ union role in managing the response to the COVID-19 crisis to protect quality journalism and improve working conditions  

… less investigative journalism. Despite these huge challenges slammed on the media by COVID-19, many governments have used the crisis to bring in new laws – claiming to tackle fake news – but in reality, being used to silence critical and investigative journalism. As a result, journalists have been "jailed, arrested, prevented from accessing information and…  
107. IFJ in the news  

…Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 19 and 26 February, 2021.  
108. India: Eight social media users booked for allegedly spreading fake news  

…Indian police filed the First Information Report (FIR) against journalists Barkha Dutt and seven other Twitter users on February 20 for allegedly propagating fake news in connection with the death of two minor Dalit girls in Uttar Pradesh. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union(IJU) urge Uttar Pradesh…  
109. India: Jammu & Kashmir journalists face criminal charges for reporting  

… school based in Shopian’s Imamsahib as saying that army also pressured the school administration to put the school banner in front. The army however claims the news report is ‘fake’ and baseless. According to police, the  (FIR) against Sharma and Juniad were filed under Section 153 (wantonly giving provocation with intent to cause riot) and Section 505…  
110. Bangladesh: Government crackdown on media has increased during pandemic  

… arrested by the police on 10 February at his home in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, on charges of associating with suspects accused of spreading fake news about the Prime Minister and her son, according to media reports. This case, which falls under the 25th section of the country’s oppressive Digital Security Act, could…  
111. China: Beijing bans BBC news channel  

…and Hong Kong truthfully and fairly, as they do everywhere around the world.” China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs had previously dismissed the BBC’s reporting on Covid-19 in China as “fake news” and threatened the use of sanctions should the public broadcaster not apologise. The decision came one week after Britain’s media regulator, Ofcom, revoked the broadcasting…  
112. China: Authorities accuse the BBC of pushing “fake news  

…China has accused the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) of creating fake news and has threatened to take measures against the public broadcaster. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on Chinese authorities to stop interfering in news organizations’ reporting and to respect media freedom.  
113. Egypt: Journalist freed after four years in prison on “false news” charges  

…Al-Jazeera journalist Mahmoud Hussein has been released on 5 February after spending four years in prison on allegations of spreading “false news”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes Hussein's release which puts an end to his 1500 days ordeal and urges Egyptian authorities to release all imprisoned journalists in Egypt.  
114. China: Authorities ban self-publishing by journalists and censor online content  

… that bans journalists from self-publishing news via social media accounts. The Chinese cyberspace watchdog also amended its internet regulations to crack down on what it sees as fake news or harmful activities by public social media accounts. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses grave concern over Beijing’s increasing grip on the press…  
115. Egypt: Two journalists arrested in Cairo  

Newspaper editor Aamer Abdel Moneim and photojournalist Hamdy Al Zaeim were arrested by police on 18 December and 6 January respectively for allegedly spreading fake news and joining terrorist groups, among other charges. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) denounces the arbitrary detentions and demands their immediate release.  
116. Fighting back the pandemic and saving journalism. The moment is now.  

…2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic have had a brutal impact on journalism: media closures, layoffs, loss of income and job insecurity have been headline news in our communications. However, there have also been positive initiatives and trends, ‘green shoots’ that could turn into effective solutions to the crisis unleashed in the media. The IFJ and its affiliates all over…  
117. IFJ in the news !  

…Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 21 and 27 November, 2020.  
118. "Media employers can do more to protect journalists' safety"  

… jobs well and safely. So much so that 78% of survey respondents believe that “abuse and harassment has become normalised and seen as part of the job”.  Fake news over the Covid-19 are widespread and have affected trust in media. How are journalists responding to a bigger pressure for trustworthy information? Improving levels of trust…  
119. "Considering the benefits of teleworking, work from home might become a new trend in the media"  

…Interview with Mohamed Hamdhoon, Assistant Editor , Mihaaru News, Maldives. He is the president of newly revived Maldives Journalists Association (MJA).  
120. Irina Slavina  

… of the public following her Facebook about the unveiling of a Stalin memorial in Shakhunya, her participation at the Free People Forum as well as allegations of publishing fake news on Covid crisis in Russia. Journalists' safety, Russia, IFJ, Impunity  
121. India: Kashmiri journalist summoned, slapped and abused  

…The cyber wing of the Jammu and Kashmir Police summoned and abused Auqib Javeed, a Kashmir based journalist, over a news report about police intimidation of social media users. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its India affiliate Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemn the police’s highhandedness and urge the Indian authorities to stop such the…  
122. Egypt: Journalist arrested while covering the al-Moneeb protests  

… demonstrations. The Supreme State Security Prosecutor in Egypt ordered the detention of Al-Kahli, a journalist for Darb media, for 15 days allegedly for for "publishing fake news." The authorities did not clarify the nature of the "fake news" that the journalist is accused of publishing. According to media reports, Al-Kahli was detained while…  
123. Armenia: Legislative proposal on insult and defamation compensation threatens press freedom  

… drams (about 18000 Euro). Simonyan has filed six lawsuits for insult and defamation himself and is confident that the bill would restrain people from spreading insults and fake news, according to Armenian news site News.am. According to Media Advocate, a project of the Armenian Center for Political and International Studies, the concepts of…  
124. IFJ in the news !  

…Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 29 August and 4 September, 2020  
125. Pakistan: Journalists received death threats for allegedly publishing fake news  

…Journalists Ahmad Noorani and Gul Bukhari have received death threats for publishing a news report that is accused of being ‘fake’. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the threats and urges the Pakistan authorities to investigate the case.  
126. Myanmar: Wave of website blockings for alleged ‘fake news  

…The Myanmar Telecommunications Ministry blocked the website for activist group Justice for Myanmar on September 1 for publishing information the government has deemed as ‘fake news’. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Myanmar authorities to be more transparent on their definition of ‘fake news’ and to ensure that they are not silencing…  
127. IFJ in the news !  

…Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 15 and 21 August, 2020  
128. Covid-19: Pandemic threatens press freedom  

… crackdown on press freedom. "They say the measures are temporary but all too often they become permanent", he said. He highlighted an increase in arrests, intimidation, fake news laws and economic pressures around the world, all of which were undermining independent journalism. The webinar featured eleven speakers, including correspondents, editors,…  
129. Egypt: Veteran journalist dies after contracting Covid-19 in jail  

… to - Mounir's family, and demanded an independent investigation into the treatment of his health situation during his detention. 65-year-old Mounir was arrested for "spreading fake news" during his reporting for Al Jazeera, which the Egyptian authorities have banned for allegedly hosting "enemies" of the country. Mounir's family confirmed that he had…  
130. Cambodia: Supreme Court decides on key cases against media workers  

… 2019 following his assistance in a documentary by Russia’s RT news service about child sex trafficking titled My Mother Sold Me. The government claimed the documentary contained “fake news” about the country. Mony has paid $17,500 in damages to two of the mothers of girls in the documentary. The IFJ has closely monitored press freedom in Cambodia for the last…  
131. India: J and K administration extends ban on 4G internet again  

… current order stipulates that the prolonged ban is aimed at ‘curbing misuse of data for provocative content on the social media and prevent or reduce rumour mongering and fake news among others’. Although communications blockade have been gradually lifted since the January Supreme Court ruling, controls on high-speed mobile internet continues.…  
132. Brasil: denuncian a Bolsonaro ante la ONU por violencia contra mujeres periodistas  

…obre violencia contra mujeres trabajadoras de prensa a cargo de la relatora. El caso brasileño fue presentada por la periodista Bianca Santana. En mayo, Bolsonaro la acusó de escribir 'fake news’ después de publicar un artículo sobre la relación entre la familia y amigos de Bolsonaro con los acusados ​​de asesinar a la concejal carioca Marielle Franco. Santana…  
133. Brasil: organizaciones civiles denuncian al Gobierno Federal  

…uestos no sólo a una enfermedad, sino a un Estado de Derecho viciado cuya expresión más reciente es la discusión parlamentaria en la que se presentaron más de 20 proyectos de ley sobre Fake News, una señal de cómo la verdad y el derecho a la información han sido degradados en los últimos años en el país sudamericano.  
134. María José Braga: "Hay que combatir la industria de mentiras que funciona en Brasil y en varios países”  

…La presidenta de la Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas y una lectura desde el ojo del huracán de la infodemia. Hoy el Senado brasileño le dio media sanción a la primera "ley de fake news" de la región.  
135. Egypt: Security forces raid newsroom and arrest senior journalist  

… Higher Council for Media. Fattah al-Sisi’s government has been using different strategies to target, harass and silence critical journalists, including accusations of “spreading fake news”. Younis became one of them after she denounced human rights violations and police brutality in Egypt, for which she received an award in 2008. Her website, like at least…  
136. Egypt: Mohamed Mounir detained for “spreading fake news" in third case this month  

…Journalist Mohamed Mounir was detained on June 15 on charges of "spreading fake news", a widespread practice of the Egyptian government to silence critical journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls for his immediate release and the dropping of all charges against him.  
137. #MYMediaMatters campaign  

… can we do to ensure media freedom? As a professional journalist, we should always uphold the code of ethics all the times, never be compromised by any form of unethical or fake news.  Verifying the facts before release the news is critical. Through upholding media ethics, we gain greater credibility from the readers and the general…  
138. #MYMediaMatters campaign  

… to be a journalist or media worker in Malaysia? Journalist shalt not stand with any faction, but be committed to the TRUTH.  Journalists are frontline workers in combating fake news. 2. What can we do to be better? To ensure our survivability we must regain reader’s trust and public confidence. 3. What can we do to ensure media freedom? To ensure…  
139. Brasil: dos periodistas como blanco del odio virtual  

… Esa misma trabajadora ya había sido insultada por fanáticos de Bolsonaro durante la cobertura de las actividades del Supremo Tribunal Federal brasileño en contra de las fake news. "El episodio revela la escalada de violencia de grupos de extrema derecha, la ayor parte de ellos seguidores del presidente Jair Bolsonaro, que intentan callar a la prensa…  
140. #MYMediaMatters campaign  

… safety crisis in this country and around the world.   To be the bearer of verified news in this time when the public is too easily exposed to the comforts and discomforts in fake and unverified news. To highlight the plight of the troubled and the needy in the eyes of authorities, leading to appropriate intervention.   Right now it’s a journalist’s…  
Search results 71 until 140 of 264