15063 results:

11271. Concern for Journalist After Phone Threats in the Philippines  

 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is extremely concerned for the safety of a Palawan journalist who received death threats on his cellular phone on April 4. According to the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), an IFJ affiliate, a correspondent of the Philippine Daily Inquirer, Redempto Anda, fears for his life after receiving two threatening text messages from another cell phone. The first message to Anda, who is also chairperson of the NUJP’s Palawan chapter, read, "Watch your back you have been tempting the gods! Don't even think they will take it kindly that you are on a personal crusade against the KAPITAN." This was immediately…  
11274. IFJ Accuses Zimbabwe of “Political Bullying” and Demands Release of Foreign Journalists Held in Raid  

The International Federation of Journalists today accused the authorities in Zimbabwe of intimidation of journalists and called on the authorities to allow media to report freely as tension mounts following the elections for President held last Saturday. The IFJ says the arrest of journalists in Harare yesterday was an attempt to sabotage media coverage media of the current political crisis and a possible run-up election which may be needed. "It is absurd to suggest, as the authorities have, that these arrests are part of an investigation over spying," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "Put simply, this is a sinister act of political bullying." New York Times reporter…  
11276. IFJ Calls for Investigation into Attack on Moroccan Journalists’ Union Leader  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on Moroccan authorities to investigate an attack on Mohamed Daw Serraj, a journalist and general secretary of the Syndicat National de la Presse Marocaine (SNPM), who sustained head injuries after two men assaulted him with a metal bar. “We expect the Moroccan authorities to launch a swift and thorough investigation into this attack,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “We fear that Mohamed may have been targeted for his work as a journalist or as a leader of the SNPM.” On Tuesday evening Serraj was assaulted as he left the SNPM headquarters after a meeting. He was hit twice over the head…  
11278. Sri Lanka Media Union Demands End to Political Intervention in State Media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports the Lake House Employee’s Union (LHEU) in filing a Fundamental Rights petition to prevent political interference and intimidation of journalists working with media outlets belonging to the government-owned Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd (ANCL), or Lake House, and to promote implementation of the Lake House Provisions Act. The LHEU is a member of the Federation of Media Employees’ Trade Union (FMETU), an IFJ affiliate.According to the LHEU, the petition submitted to the Supreme Court on March 27 seeks to protect the public’s right to information, demand independence from editorial restrictions caused by political…  
11283. IFJ Condemns Afghan Parliament Resolution to Censor Television Programs  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned a resolution passed by the Afghan Parliament’s lower house that would prohibit television stations from showing dancing and other “un-Islamic” practices on their programs. “This form of censorship is only going to increase the pressure on Afghan media to present only a certain type of images and we fear this could lead to further self-censorship,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. Days after private channel Tolo TV broadcast men and women dancing together on an Afghan awards program, the lower house of Afghanistan's Parliament passed a resolution that would bar television programs…  
11284. The IFJ Says the Removal of Danish Cartoon from Anti-Islam Film is a Victory for Creators’ Moral Rights  

The IFJ today welcomed the decision by Dutch politician Geert Wilders to remove a controversial cartoon from his anti Islam film, "Fitna". Wilders abused the author’s rights of cartoonist Kurt Westergaart by reproducing the cartoon in his film without seeking permission. This violation was strongly condemned by IFJ’s affiliates the Danish Union of Journalists (DUJ) and the Dutch Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten (DVJ). The cartoon portraying the Prophet Mohammed with a bomb in his turban, was one of a dozen images published two years ago leading to widespread protest amongst Muslim groups. “The right of an author to oppose the use of his or her work in a way…  
11285. New Pakistan Government Promises to Abolish PEMRA Anti-Media Law  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes a pledge by Pakistan’s new Prime Minister, Yusuf Raza Gillani, to end restrictions on media by abolishing the amended Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) Ordinance 2007 and to implement the Seventh Wage Award.Pakistan’s leading journalists’ organisation, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, issued a joint statement with the All Pakistan Newspapers Employees’ Confederation (APNEC) on March 29 calling on the Prime Minister to appoint a joint committee of all media stakeholders as a self-regulatory body to replace PEMRA. The PFUJ and APNEC opposed any move to put PEMRA under the…  
11289. The IFJ Says the Removal of Danish Cartoon from Anti-Islam Film is a Victory for Creators’ Moral Rights  

The IFJ today welcomed the decision by Dutch politician Geert Wilders to remove a controversial cartoon from his anti Islam film, "Fitna". Wilders abused the author’s rights of cartoonist Kurt Westergaart by reproducing the cartoon in his film without seeking permission. This violation was strongly condemned by IFJ’s affiliates the Danish Union of Journalists (DUJ) and the Dutch Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten (DVJ). The cartoon portraying the Prophet Mohammed with a bomb in his turban, was one of a dozen images published two years ago leading to widespread protest amongst Muslim groups. “The right of an author to oppose the use of his or her work in a way…  
11290. IFJ Backs Cartoonist in Row over Image in Anti-Islam Film  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said the use of a cartoon depicting the prophet Mohammed in an anti-Islam film is an abuse of author’s rights that uses an image inappropriately and without proper permission. “Using the cartoon in this way and without permission is an appalling violation of authors’ rights,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. The IFJ is supporting its member the Danish Union of Journalists (DUJ) and cartoonist and union member Kurt Westergaard in their protest over the use of the drawing in the Dutch politician Geert Wilders’ film “Fitna.” The DUJ says Westergaard had no intention of allowing his drawing to be used in the manner…  
11291. IFJ Backs Associated Press French Strikers in Battle to Protect Quality Service  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on management at the Associated Press to reconsider the proposed sale of its French service in a deal that they say could seriously undermine its quality and objectivity. Journalists working for the AP French service, which provides news for French media, held a one day strike on Thursday, shutting down the wire in protest of a plan to sell the service to Bertrand Eveno and the Bolloré group. The unions representing the journalists say that the sale will damage the quality and independence of the AP French service. “Our colleagues’ fears that this sale will turn the high-quality news wire into a ‘low-cost’ agency…  
11293. IFJ Backs Cartoonist in Row over Image in Anti-Islam Film  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said the use of a cartoon depicting the prophet Mohammed in an anti-Islam film is an abuse of author’s rights that uses an image inappropriately and without proper permission. “Using the cartoon in this way and without permission is an appalling violation of authors’ rights,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. The IFJ is supporting its member the Danish Union of Journalists (DUJ) and cartoonist and union member Kurt Westergaard in their protest over the use of the drawing in the Dutch politician Geert Wilders’ film “Fitna.” The DUJ says Westergaard had no intention of allowing his…  
11296. IFJ Condemns Violence against Journalists as Belarus Media Crisis Worsens  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today protested government raids on journalists’ homes that followed violent attacks on journalists during demonstrations in Minsk earlier this week. “Earlier this week, journalists were beaten and put in jail simply because they were doing their job,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. ”Today the government has followed this up by sending security agents to journalists’ homes. We are worried by these developments which show that the situation of journalists in Belarus is going from bad to worse.” Early this morning, the KGB, the state security agency, raided the homes of journalists Eduard…  
11298. Swedish Supreme Court Forbids Commercial Interruptions in Films  

The Swedish Supreme Court decided on 18th March 2008 that TV commercials interrupting a film infringed the film director’s moral right. A film is an artistic creation for which its author, the film director, enjoys moral rights. These rights imply that the author can object to any distortion, mutilation or other modification of the work which would be prejudicial to his or her honour or reputation. Two Swedish film directors - Claes Eriksson and late Vilgot Sjöman - sued the Swedish commercial TV-station TV4 for infringing their moral rights by interrupting their feature films with commercial advertisements. The Supreme Court decided that an advertisement inserted in a film…  
11301. Sri Lanka Minister Verbally Abuses Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists is appalled by a brutal verbal attack on Sri Lankan journalists by Government MP and Minister of Labour Mervyn Silva on March 20. IFJ affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM) reports Silva threatened MTV/MBC journalists covering the opening of a flyover bridge in his electorate. According to FMM reports, the Minister said when addressing News First journalists; “I am neither indebted to you, nor do I have anything to do with you and am not afraid of you. You are the most vagrant, despicable media institution in the country. Today, I point my finger at you. Hereafter I will raise my hand. Therefore, in the future, do not let me see you…  
11303. IFJ Protests against Expulsion of French Journalist in Chad  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today protested to the Chadian government after the expulsion of the French journalist, Sonia Rolley. “It is regrettable that the Chadian government continues its logic of repression of independent journalism,” said Gabriel Baglo, the Director of IFJ Africa office. “We protest against the expulsion of Sonia Rolley and we call on the Chadian authorities to end their fight against the media and journalists who report on the conflict in the country.” Sonia Rolley, correspondent for Radio France Internationale and Agence France Presse, was forced to leave the country on Thursday after the government withdrew her…  
11304. Deputy Secretary General - New position at the IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists invites applications for the position of Deputy General Secretary (Administration). This is a full time post based at the Federation’s headquarters in Brussels. The IFJ Executive Committee has agreed the following job description: The Deputy General Secretary will be responsible to the General Secretary for 1.      oversight of all administrative affairs, including staff matters, covering the work of the Brussels secretariat and regional offices;2.      supervision of finances and monitoring of IFJ contracts and legal obligations;3.      relations with…  
11306. Three Journalists Released in Sri Lanka as Military Man Appointed to SLRC  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned that Sri Lanka’s Government has appointed a recently retired army Major General to a senior position at the troubled state broadcaster, Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation (SLRC). The appointment came as authorities released three journalists who had been held without charge for almost two weeks. Two other journalists arrested at the same time remain in custody. According to IFJ affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM), Maj. Gen. Sunil Silva has been appointed as Additional Deputy Director General, Administration, at SLRC. FMM reports this is a newly created post. Maj. Gen. Sunil Silva was head of the Army…  

Pay and Living Standards Call for Mobilisation The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) calls for a demonstration on pay and living standards on Saturday April 5 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This will be around the same time as Europe’s finance ministers and the European Central Bank meet there to discuss the financial crisis. European trade unions are protesting about: - the falling shares of wages and salaries, (and purchasing power) in the national income of most European countries - calls by Europe’s leaders for pay restraint by workers, especially in the public sector, at a time when living standards are stagnant or falling and more purchasing power is…  
11312. EFJ Backs Greek Journalists in Strike to Protect Health Care and Pensions  

Today the International Federation of Journalist and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), reiterated their support for Greek journalists in their fight for the preservation of a fair and decent social security system. “This long struggle shows the determination of the trade unions and the importance of the issue,” said EFJ Chair Arne König. “We support our colleagues and all Greek workers who are opposed to the government’s plan of depriving people of decent working rights and pension schemes.” Following previous mobilisation in November 2007 and February 2008, the Greek journalists’ unions decided to join the 24-hour strike on Wednesday, March 19,…  
11313. EFJ Backs Greek Journalists in Strike to Protect Health Care and Pensions  

Today the International Federation of Journalist and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), reiterated their support for Greek journalists in their fight for the preservation of a fair and decent social security system. “This long struggle shows the determination of the trade unions and the importance of the issue,” said EFJ Chair Arne König. “We support our colleagues and all Greek workers who are opposed to the government’s plan of depriving people of decent working rights and pension schemes.” Following previous mobilisation in November 2007 and February 2008, the Greek journalists’ unions decided to join the…  
11317. IFJ Welcomes Gongadze Convictions But Demands Ukraine Prosecute Those Who Ordered Killing  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the recent convictions of three Ukrainian policemen who witnessed the murder of journalist Gyorgy Gongadze but called on authorities to find and prosecute the person or people who ordered his killing. “These convictions confirm that Gongadze was murdered by agents of the state for his journalism,” said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. “However, the people who ordered Gongadze’s killing are still free. It is now time for the authorities to take action to bring these people to justice.” On Saturday the court handed down convictions and jail terms of 12 years to two policemen and 13 years to one…  
11318. “Threat to Life” of Journalists in Karachi Sparks IFJ Call for Urgent Action over Political Intimidation  

The International Federation of Journalists today called on the Pakistan government and police to take “immediate and urgent” action within 24 hours to protect reporters in Karachi who are victims of a violent campaign by political activists. The IFJ raised the issue yesterday in a meeting with President Pervez Musharraf and are now demanding urgent intervention following a briefing in Islamabad today from concerned leaders of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists, who say reporters’ lives are at risk. “It’s clear that political groups that lost out in recent elections are blaming journalists for their woes,” said Aidan White, IFJ General…  
11319. Musharraf Backs IFJ Calls for Change as Journalists Demand a Fresh Start for Media in Pakistan  

President Pervez Musharraf has supported efforts to improve the independence of media in Pakistan. In a meeting with a delegation of the International Federation of Journalists today he supported a new national dialogue to ease a political confrontation between independent journalists and government. Musharraf accused some of his media critics of “telling lies” but agreed that a new dialogue involving the authorities, media, civil society and journalists was necessary. “Independent media are vital for democracy,” said the President. “I am a disappointed man with the media but I agree this is the time that, if the media is to continue on a path of…  
11320. Call for Fresh Start for Media Freedom in Pakistan  

As Pakistan prepares for the first parliamentary sitting of the new coalition government, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, are urging national leaders to reinstate media freedom as a key priority for the country’s democratic future.Supported by the PFUJ, an international IFJ mission is visiting Pakistan until March 17 to send a strong message of hope for a fresh start for media and democracy in the country. “The time is right for radical and lasting change in the relations between media and the state,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White after meetings with senior government and media leaders…  
11321. Call for Fresh Start for Media Freedom in Pakistan  

As Pakistan prepares for the first parliamentary sitting of the new coalition government, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, are urging national leaders to reinstate media freedom as a key priority for the country’s democratic future.Supported by the PFUJ, an international IFJ mission is visiting Pakistan until March 17 to send a strong message of hope for a fresh start for media and democracy in the country. “The time is right for radical and lasting change in the relations between media and the state,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White after meetings with senior government and media leaders…  
11326. EURONEWS February/March 2008  

Euronews is the monthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced in the Secretariat in Brussels. DOWNLOAD HERE - Euronews February/March 2008 For more information, please contact: Renate Schroeder and Marc Gruber – European Directors [email protected]   [email protected]   European Federation of Journalists International Press Centre Residence Palace Bloc C, second floor Rue de la Loi, 155 1040 Brussels Tel: 32-2-235.22.15 Fax: 32-2-235.22.19  
11329. IFJ Calls on Somali Government to Reform Media Law  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today urged the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia to revise its recently passed media law, which has created a vague legal structure for media that could be used to hamper press freedom and independence. The IFJ issued its call after a review by its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), revealed that law does not meet international standards for press freedom. “A report from our colleagues in Somalia highlights serious problems with the new law,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “The government should review the current law and make the necessary changes for it to meet…  
11330. IFJ Statement- WIPO SCCR 16th session  

The International Federation of Journalists represents 500 000 journalists in the world. It promotes strong authors’ rights protection for journalists and their need to be recognised as authors of the work they create and enjoy strong economic and moral rights. This, of course, applies to TV and radio journalists and the content they produce. The IFJ also defends independent public service broadcasting, democratic and pluralism values in broadcasting organizations and transparency of their ownership structures. 12 years is indeed a long time...Over the past years, the IFJ has reiterated the view that the scope of a possible broadcasting Treaty should only extend to the protection…  
11333. IFJ Demands Investigation of Gambian Intelligence Services for Harassment of Exiled Journalist in Senegal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on Senegalese authorities to investigate allegations that Gambian intelligence agents have been harassing Gambian journalist Yahya Danfa currently living in exile in Senegal. Danfa, who fled the Gambia last year, was visited recently by three Gambian agents who tried to drive off with him. “We are very concerned by these serious allegations that Gambian agents are targeting Yahya and we fear for his safety,” said Gabriel Baglo, the Director of IFJ Africa Office. “The Senegalese government should investigate this matter and the activities of foreign agents quickly and, in the meantime, ensure our…  
11334. IFJ Condemns Attack on French Reporter in Kurdish Region of Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned an attack on Cécile Hennion, a French reporter working for Le Monde, who was stabbed in her hotel in Irbil in the Kurdish region of Iraq. “This brazen attack shows how dangerous the situation is for journalists in Iraq,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “Foreign correspondents are vulnerable to attack and local journalists face constant danger.” The Le Monde reporter has returned to France and is being treated for her injuries, according to the newspaper. Police have said that her attacker has been arrested the culprit and the case has been sent to court. The IFJ has campaigned for an end…  
11335. Women's Magazine Editor from Afghanistan Arrested in Iran  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is extremely concerned at reports that the editor of a women’s rights magazine in Afghanistan was arrested in Iran on March 4 and continues to be held without charge.The Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), an IFJ associate, said Ali Muhaqiq Nasab, editor of the monthly Haqoq-e-Zan(Women’s Rights) magazine, was reportedly detained by Iranian officials in Qumm, near the Iranian capital Tehran. Documents, phones and a computer were allegedly confiscated from his home at the time of his arrest. The AIJA reports that Nasab’s wife was denied access to see him or seek any information about him and officials from Iran’s…  
11340. IFJ Condemns Attack on French Reporter in Kurdish Region of Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned an attack on Cécile Hennion, a French reporter working for Le Monde, who was stabbed in her hotel in Irbil in the Kurdish region of Iraq. “This brazen attack shows how dangerous the situation is for journalists in Iraq,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “Foreign correspondents are vulnerable to attack and local journalists face constant danger.” The Le Monde reporter has returned to France and is being treated for her injuries, according to the newspaper. Police have said that her attacker has been arrested the culprit and the case has been sent to court. The IFJ has…  
Search results 11271 until 11340 of 15063