15063 results:

8331. Ukraine Adopts New Measures at Entry and Exit Control Points with Crimea for Foreigners  

Ukraine has adopted new measures at entry-exit points in the east of the country for foreign nationals. They are now required to obtain special permission to leave or enter at the control points of entry and exit with the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. For more information, please visit: http://mfa.gov.ua/en/press-center/comments/1580-shhodo-pojizdok-na-teritoriju-avtonomnoji-respubliki-krim-ta-msevastopoly  
8332. Palestinian Journalists under Attack amid Clashes near Jerusalem  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) to condemn a brutal attack by Israeli forces on a Palestinian TV crew in Shufat Refugee Camp, near Jerusalem, this morning. According to the PJS, reporter Christine Rinawi and cameramen Ali Yasin and Ahmad Gharabbli, who work for Palestine state TV, were covering a confrontation between Israeli soldiers and Palestinians in the camp when the Israeli soldiers fired gas canisters, stun grenades and rubber coated bullets towards them. Rinawi was shot in the shoulder, while Yasin suffered a hand injury. “We join with our colleagues in Palestine to condemn this…  
8333. Maria Soledad Fernandez  

The 26 year-old TV reporter for DirecTV Sports who was covering the World cup in Brazil died in a car crash on her way back from Sao Palo to Belo Horizonte, where Argentina's team is based. Two of her colleagues, Juan Daniel Berazegueti and Fernando Javier Bruno, were injured in the accident. Both are stable and out of danger. Local authorities said the car lost control after a collision with another vehicle and fell off a cliff on the BR-391 road near the town of Oliveira, with Fernandez thrown out of the vehicle when it crashed.  
8334. IFJ condemns Taipei police for obstructing journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Taiwan Journalists Association (TJA), in condemning the police of New Taipei City for abusing their powers by intercepting and threatening a journalist who was doing his job. On June 26, Lin Yu-you, a journalist for New Talk online media, was obstructed, threatened and jostled by police when he was trying to report on the arrest of several protestors who were demonstrating against the visit of China`s Taiwan Affairs Office director, Zhang Zhijun, to Wulai Township in New Taipei City, Taiwan. Lin said a police officer stopped him when he was trying to take photos. Lin called out and showed his press accreditation…  
8335. 45 journalists detained for seven hours in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in condemning the detention of 45 journalists in the capital city of Kathmandu by Nepal Police on July 1, 2014. Police arrested the journalists from the premises of the Ministry of Finance where they were staging a peaceful sit-in to demand the government pay for public welfare advertisements. The government, through the Department of Information, submits public welfare advertisements to media outlets under a quota system. The journalists were eventually released after seven hours of detention. Those detained included the FNJ’s Central Committee members Ishwori Wagle, Ramhari Silwal and…  
8336. Intimidation and Violence Against Palestinian Journalists Must End Now  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) to condemn a brutal attack by Israeli forces on a Palestinian TV crew in Shufat Refugee Camp, near Jerusalem, this morning. According to the PJS, reporter Christine Rinawi and cameramen Ali Yasin and Ahmad Gharabbli, who work for Palestine state TV, were covering a confrontation between Israeli soldiers and Palestinians in the camp when the Israeli soldiers fired gas canisters, stun grenades and rubber coated bullets towards them. Rinawi was shot in the shoulder, while Yasin suffered a hand injury. “We join with our colleagues in Palestine to condemn this vicious and…  
8337. IFJ World Congress 2013 Report Available Now Online  

The Report from the IFJ’s 28th World Congress, which took place in Dublin, Ireland, from 4-7 June 2013, is now available in the three IFJ languages. The report gives a detailed account of the events of Congress and also contains the IFJ Constitution, Motions agreed, Urgent Motions agreed and the IFJ’s Working Programme.  Click on the links below to read the reports in: English French Spanish (part 1 and part 2)  
8338. Morocco Must Focus on Media Reform, not Attacking Women Journalists  

The Executive Committee of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), meeting in Brussels on 28 and 29 June, has called for the Moroccan government to promote press freedom and protect journalists in the country, rather than attacking and undermining the demeanor of women journalists and the clothing they wear. The call has been made following the report presented to the committee by the IFJ’s gender council co-director, Mounia Belafia, about the numerous attacks made against women journalists by the Moroccan government. These include the case of the female journalist, Khadija Rahali, who was verbally abused by the Moroccan minister in charge of relations within the parliament,…  
8339. Student leader threatens to kill Bangladeshi journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) in condemning the alleged death threat made by a student leader to a journalist on June 28, 2014. Amzad Hossain Shimul, a staff reporter at the Daily Amader Shomoy at Rajshahi, western Bangladesh, was allegedly threatened by Tawhid Al Hossain, also known as Tuhin, the general secretary of the Bangladesh Chhatra League of Rajshahi University. According to reports, the student leader was enraged and allegedly threatened to kill Shimul after the journalist didn’t recognise him when he made a phone call. The student leader also allegedly warned the journalist against making the threat…  
8340. Seven propositions made to European Parliament to protect author’s rights in the audiovisual field  

The Society of Audiovisuals Authors (SAA), the Federation of European Directors (FERA) and the Federation of European Screenwriters (FSE) have made seven propositions to the new European parliament with the aim of giving better protection to directors and screenwriters’ author’s rights. Among the propositions, the three organisations, which represent authors in Europe, have in particular asked for a guarantee for authors to be remunerated for each use of their work, as well as the consolidation of the private copying levy system. To read further details about these seven propositions, click here.  
8341. IFJ Demands Respect for Iranian Media Following Latest Press Freedom Violations  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has reiterated its appeal for Iranian authorities to respect the rights and freedom of media workers following the latest media freedom violations in the country.   Mashaallah Shamsalwaezen, the vice president of IFJ’s affiliate the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ), has endured a series of government attempts to undermine his rights in recent days, while many journalists remain in prison, including the female journalist, Rayhane Tabatabaei, who was jailed over one week ago because of her work and has been sentenced to six months in prison.   In the case of journalist and political analyst Shamsalwaezen, the AoIJ says…  
8342. IFJ Asia-Pacific Bulletin: July 2014  

Welcome to the IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on 1 August 2014, and contributions from affiliates are most welcome. To contribute, email [email protected] Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ifjasiapacificLike us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IFJAsiaPacific   In this bulletin: 1. News broadcaster assassinated at home in the Philippines2. Australian journalists’ delegation presents global campaign letter to Egyptian consulate3. Media Rights Monitoring and Advocacy training, Bangladesh4. IFJ Blog: Muzzling memories of Tiananmen Square5. IFJ condemns China’s…  
8343. IFJ reminds Hong Kong Police to use their powers to protect press freedom  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Hong Kong Press Photographers Association are concerned about reports that the Hong Kong Police are preparing to arrest journalists at the annual July 1 street rally organised by the Civil Human Rights Front. Chinese-language newspaper Apple Daily reported on June 29 that leaked information says police will act if the media is “obstructing police in exercising their duties or ignoring their advice”.  At an informal gathering with media yesterday, a representative of the police department noted that the police will assist the media in conducting their journalism duties, provided they are reporting within the law.  The…  
8344. Anatoly Klyan  

Media reports said the cameraman who worked for the Russian public television, Channel One, was fatally wounded in the stomach when the convoy he was travelling in came under fire reportedly from Ukrainian forces in Donetsk. Klyan became the 6th journalist to lose his life in Ukraine since the political crisis began in the country. Last week, two other Russian journalists, Igor Kornelyuk, Anton Voloshin were killed in Lugansk. In May, Italian photographer Andrea Rocchelli and his Russian assistant Andrei Mironov were killed in the restive region while journalist Viacheslav Veremii was shot and fatally wounded in the stomach at the height of the Kiev protests in Kiev.  
8345. IFJ Urges Ukraine to Investigate Killing of Russian Cameraman in Donetsk  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today urged authorities in Ukraine to investigate an incident in which a Russian cameraman was shot dead in the city of Donetsk. Media reports said that Anatoly Klyan who worked for the Russian public television, Channel One, was fatally wounded in the stomach when the convoy he was travelling in came under fire reportedly from Ukrainian forces. “This is one killing too many in Ukraine which only increases concerns of indiscriminate attacks on journalists in the east of the country,” said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. “We urge the authorities to investigate this and other recent incidents in which journalists have been killed…  
8346. IFJ / EFJ Welcome Agreement Between Russian & Ukrainian Unions to Support Media Covering Ukraine  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have welcomed an agreement reached by representatives of their Ukrainian and Russian journalists’ unions to co-operate on steps to increase journalists’ safety and professionalism in Ukraine as they met again last Friday, 27 June, in Vienna. The meeting was hosted by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media with the purpose of forging a plan to improve the situation for media working in and around Ukraine.  Representatives of the National Union of the Journalists of Ukraine, the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine, and the Russian Union of Journalists attended the meeting,…  
8347. Ukraine: Journalists Must Be Better Protected  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is strongly alarmed by the neglect of the ceasefire agreement in the armed conflict region in Ukraine which has compromised the safety of journalists. Today, the EFJ has learned the tragic death of journalist, Anatoly Klyan, at Channel One, the Russia’s state-owned TV station on Sunday, 29 June. According to media reports, the 68-year old cameraman was shot in the stomach when its film crew was travelling on a bus to a Ukrainian military base in eastern Ukraine, Donetsk. Klyan and other reporters were travelling with a group of soldiers’ mothers hoped to meeting their sons and take them home. The EFJ has called on the authorities responsible…  
8348. Australian journalists’ delegation presents global campaign letter to Egyptian consulate  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) together with Australian affiliate the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) delivered a letter to Egypt’s consulate in Sydney urging the release of the Al Jazeera English journalists imprisoned in Cairo, including Australian reporter Peter Greste. A delegation of senior Australian journalists presented the global campaign letter. Also presented were petitions with more than 150,000 thousand signatures.   The delegation consisted of ABC TV’s Sophie McNeil, TEN Network’s Hugh Riminton, freelancer and convenor of Women In Media Tracey Spicer and MEAA’s NSW honorary branch secretary Marcus Strom from the Sydney Morning…  
8349. UK implements a policy against illegal downloading  

In order to decrease the rate of illegal music and film downloading, the UK government will launch a British version of Hadopi, the French law pursuing illegal downloads. The British version will launch before next spring and under the label “Creative Content UK”. However, the British won’t push this policy as far as their French neighbors have. “Creative Content” will only give warnings but not any sanctions or fines. Therefore “Creative Content” is more of an educational tool that will aim to raise awareness among UK citizens about intellectual property and author’s rights.  
8350. IFJ Executive Committee meeting - Brussels  

The next meeting of the IFJ Executive Committee will take place in Brussels on June 28-29, 2014. For Executive Committee members, the documents in English, French and Spanish will be available to download from the Members Area of this website in advance of the meeting. Please ensure you sign up to the Members Area asap so that you can access the documents. Once you are signed up to the Members Area you will receive an email advising that the Excom documents are available.  
8351. IFJ Gender Council Steering Committee  

8352. SPP repudia nuevo crimen contra comunicador en Paraguay  

El Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP) repudia el nuevo crimen contra un comunicador en el Norte del país. Responsabiliza al gobierno y al Poder Judicial por el asesinato de  Édgar Fernández Fleitas, perpetrado  en la tarde del jueves 19 de junio pasado en Concepción, pues la impunidad con la que terminan estos casos es exclusiva responsabilidad de los citados órganos del Estado paraguayo. Fernández Fleitas, de 42 años, quien  también era abogado, fue asesinado en su despacho,  tras recibir 6 (seis) disparos de arma de fuego. El comunicador conducía el programa radial “Ciudad de la Furia”, de lunes a viernes por la FM 88.3, Radio Belén Comunicaciones, desde…  
8353. Beijing Police launch another online crackdown over APEC summit  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Board of Governors of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) group to defend people’s right to free speech during the upcoming APEC meetings in Beijing. Beijing Police on June 26 launched another campaign aimed at alleged online crime. The campaign, called “Internet Security Comprehensive Special Action”, will conclude at the end of November. During this period, police will monitor online messages, including texts sent on cell phones, to detect “traditional crimes that endanger social order”, such as disseminating “illegal online messages”, “hazardous illegal messages”, or information that threatens state security. The…  
8354. Steady erosion of media rights as Thai military tightens its grip  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned about reports of increasing control by the Thailand Military Junta over news and information on radio, television, printed and online media that is sent abroad and the implications this has for freedom of expression in the country. The Thai military junta has set-up five inter-agency subcommittees to inform the media and the public of the work of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) and to monitor content that incites hatred of the monarchy and allegedly false information, including that which impacts the NCOP’s operation. Thailand's censorship regime has grown ever more pervasive since the…  
8355. New Agreement to Cover Online and Freelance Journalists (Italy)  

The EFJ affiliate in Italy, FNSI, renewed the collective agreement with publishers after a period of intensive negotiation. The agreement will cover, for the first time, online and freelance journalists, setting the minimum standards on their pay conditions. According to the new agreement, freelance journalists working for daily newspapers can receive up to €250 for 12 news articles. In a year, they can receive €3000 for 144 articles. However, some journalists consider that the rate is not high enough. The agreement will also include a new scheme supported by the Italian government who will inject 120 million euros to encourage youth employment in the media sector. Trainees now can…  
8356. Tribute to EFJ co-founder Antonio Velluto  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has today paid tribute to its co-founder, Mr. Antonio Velluto, who has passed away on Tuesday, 24 June, in Milan at the age of 81. During the EFJ Steering Committee meeting in Rome today, members has observed a minute of silence in memory of Mr. Velluto. ''We are sad for the loss of Antonio, who was a dear friend and has been an important part of the EFJ history contributing to its today’s existence.'' said Mogens Blicher Bjerregard, the EFJ President, ''We would like to send our condolences to the friends and families of Antonio.'' Mr. Velluto was a member of the International Federation of Journalists’ Executive Committee and one of the…  
8357. EFJ Steering Committee Meeting  

8358. IFJ condemns cyber attack on site reporting Hong Kong “referendum”  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the continuing cyber attack on a Taiwan news website reporting on pro-democracy actions in Hong Kong. Apple Daily, a Chinese language newspaper published by Next Media, suffered a massive distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack starting on June 18. All Next Media Group websites and cell phone apps in Hong Kong and Taiwan were shut down for more than 10 hours. Although the Hong Kong systems have been fixed, the Taiwan website is still being targeted. Apple Daily reported that the Taiwan system was inundated with more than 2 million inquiries per second on June 23. The report also said the paper found that a pass code for a…  
8359. IFJ deplores physical attack on photographer at University of Macau  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Macau Journalists Association (MJA) in condemning security guards at the University of Macau for physically preventing a journalist from photographing a student making a silent protest. Choi Chi-chio, the deputy publisher of Macau Concealers, an online media outlet, was dragged out of the university’s congregation hall on June 21 when he was taking a photo of a female graduate who was holding up a placard during the congregation ceremony. The placard said: “Support scholars to speak up. Please stop persecution of scholars.” Choi told the IFJ that he and a camera operator from a local television station were trying to film the…  
8360. Successful Human Rights Training for Media Professionals in Middle East & Arab World  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has completed a high level training workshop for senior journalists and editors from across the Middle East and Arab World on human rights reporting. Hosted in Amman by the Jordanian Press Association (JPA), the IFJ’s ten-day ‘Training of Trainers’ workshop gave ten leading journalists from the region the knowledge, training and guidance to become IFJ trainers on human rights reporting. The training was the first activity run through the IFJ’s new ‘Journalism and Human Rights programme’ funded by the Norwegian government. The participants were all senior journalists specialising in a range of issues including gender, children,…  
8361. IFJ Calls on Somali Government to Re-Draft “Repressive” Media Law  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its serious concern about the proposed media law that is currently being drafting in Somalia, stating that in its present form it would restrict the work of journalists and undermine media freedom and freedom of expression. In a letter sent to the Prime Minister of Somalia, Abdweli Sheikh Ahmed, the IFJ has called on the Prime Minister and the country’s council of ministers to re-start the drafting of the law’s text in a manner that is “inclusive and transparent”, stating that it has been drafted without the normal consultation with relevant stakeholders, including IFJ’s affiliate, the National Union of Somalia Journalists…  
8362. IFJ Report on Media Situation in the Balkans & Former Soviet Union Countries  

The IFJ has published Media Under Attack: Balkans and Former Soviet Union Press Freedom Review – January 2011-December 2013.  Media Under Attack has been compiled by the IFJ and affiliated unions in Armenia, Azerbaijan Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine where we have just completed a 3 year programme of press freedom and safety campaigning for journalists. The report provides an overview of the media situation for each country, details press freedom violations recorded since 2011 and outlines the continuing challenges facing journalists unions and their members. Further contributions have been made from Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. Read…  
8363. Pakistan suspends licence of second TV channel  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) strongly condemn the decision of the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PERMA) to suspend the licence of ARY TV and impose a fine of Rs. 10 million (approximately USD 100,000). ARY TV is second channel to be suspended in recent months – Geo TV was suspended for 15 days on May 21. According to reports PEMRA took the decision unanimously on June 20 claiming that ARY TV had aired “anti-judiciary programs”. PEMRA also banned the programme “Khara Sach” (Bitter Truth) aired on ARY News and its anchorperson Mubasher Lucman, for “persistently airing contemptuous and malicious…  
8364. IFJ urges UN to defend detained journalist’s legal rights  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the fact that detained journalist Gao Yu has been deprived of her legal right to meet her defence lawyer for three months. Gao Yu, an outspoken independent journalist, went missing on April 24. It was announced on May 8 that she had been detained by the Chinese authorities on accusations of releasing “state secrets” to Hong Kong and German media outlets. According to state-owned Xinhua News Agency, Gao, 70, released information to non-Mainland media outlets in August 2013. Xinhua did not specify the information involved, but it is widely believed to be document “Number 9”, which sets out the seven topics which the Central…  
8365. Vice President of Iranian Union Must be Allowed to Travel Outside Iran  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on Iranian authorities to immediately revoke their decision not to allow Mashaallah Shamsalwaezen, the vice president of IFJ’s affiliate the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ), to travel outside Iran.   According to the AoIJ, Shamsalwaezen, a journalist and political analyst, has received a note from Iranian authorities telling him he is not allowed to travel outside the Iran anymore and asking him to report to the country’s revolutionary court. “We call on the Iranian government and the country’s local authorities to take immediate steps to overturn this ludicrous decision and allow our colleague Mashaallah…  
8366. Elisabeth Olofio  

The female journalist who worked for Bé–Oko, a community radio station based in the central Bambari region, died of the wounds she sustained in an attack by the Seleka rebels. According to independent sources and the Union des Journalistes de l’Afrique Centrale ( USYPAC), Elisabeth Olofio was badly beaten by the Seleka rebels when they raided the radio station on 6 January. She was hit on the head and at the back, leaving her seriously injured. She never fully recovered and passed away from her injuries.  
8367. IFJ Demands Justice for Journalist Murdered in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), to call on Somali authorities to carry out a thorough investigation into the killing of the radio journalist, Yusuf Ahmed Abukar Keynan, who was murdered in Mogadishu on Saturday morning, 21 June.   According to the NUSOJ, an explosive device ripped through Keynan’s car at the Eel Gaab junction in the Hamarweyne District of Mogadishu. Police reached the incident immediately but were unable to put out a fire that had engulfed the car and could not save him. Keynan, 27, worked for the privately owned Radio Mustaqbal, but had previously worked…  
8368. Who is covered by collective agreements?  

Do you know that journalists working at public broadcasters have a better deal? Because they are mostly covered by collective agreements.    
8369. Turkey: Journalists Get 18 Weeks Maternity Leave  

In Turkey, newspaper journalists can get 18-week maternity leave fully paid by the employers.  The EFJ affiliate, The Journalists’ Union of Turkey (TGS), has successfully negotiated a new collective agreement for journalists working for the newspaper Evrensel. The new agreement has significant improved the working conditions of journalists. Female journalists can benefit the 18-week maternity leave (fully paid) and child allowance of 750TRY (equivalent to 250EUR). Female journalists are also entitled to one-day paid holiday on the International Women’s Day on 8 March.  However, male colleagues will not be entitled to any paternity leave. According to the new…  
8370. IFJ Condemns Sentences Given to Al Jazeera English Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined the world community to condemn today’s verdict by a Cairo court in the case involving journalists from Al Jazeera English and has called on Egyptian authorities to urgently intervene to free the three journalists who have been detained for simply doing their jobs. Nairobi-based Al Jazeera English reporter, Australian Peter Greste, Al Jazeera English Cairo bureau chief, Canadian-Egyptian Mohamed Fahmy, and Al Jazeera producer, Baher Mohamed, were sentenced to seven years in prison for spreading false news and supporting the banned Islamist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. Mohamed was sentenced to a further three years in…  
8371. Yusuf Ahmed Abukar Keynan  

The journalist who worked for Radio Mustaqbal, a Mogadishu-based private station killed when an explosive device ripped through his vehicle at Eel Gaab junction in Hamarweyne District in Mogadishu, according to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ). The IFJ affiliate quoted witnesses as saying that the device exploded with a loud bang leaving behind a completely devastated vehicle. Police who immediately reached the spot were unable to put the fire out. A colleague reportedly said that the device had been attached to Keynan’s car and described the attack as murder targeting the journalist.  
8372. Bill on Contempt of Court Undermines Freedom of Expression in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in expressing serious concerns over the proposed Contempt of the Court Bill. The bill, registered on June 9 in the Legislature Parliament by the government, defines contempt of court including obstructing the implementation of justice delivery, influencing a sub judicial matter, insulting the judgment of a court and recording of the activities within a courtroom without judges’ permission. The bill also defines insulting a staff or judge of the court as the contempt of the court and proposes discretionary powers for judges to initiate a case with the punishment ranging from…  
8373. IFJ urges SAPPRFT to clarify the content of the notice  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned that a notice issued by China’s media regulator to State-controlled media outlets appears to forbid publication of “critical reports” and could create excuses for management to impose self-censorship. The notice was issued by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT) on June 18. It specifies that journalists must not write “critical” articles without prior approval from their employers, and bars journalists from doing work “outside their assigned area of coverage”. It also demands that media outlets forbid journalists from taking bribes, and says journalists taking bribes…  
8374. FAJ Denounces the Continuous Harassment of Journalists in Zimbabwe  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) has denounced today the continuous harassment of journalists in Zimbabwe. According to the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists, ZUJ, a FAJ affiliate, unidentified armed men have yesterday June 19th, burgled the house of journalist Mduduzi Mathuthu editor with the newspaper The Chronicle in the eastern city of Bulawayo while the house of another journalist Edmund Kudzayi for The Sunday Mail in Harare the capital city was stormed. ZUJ reported that Kudzayi’s computer was seized from his office by armed men and was reportedly being questioned at the Harare Central Police station. People claiming to be police officers also went to the office of…  
8375. Hundreds of media personnel lose wages  

The International Federation of Journalists is deeply concerned that hundreds of media personnel are owed wages and severance pay after plans to launch a new newspaper were abandoned. Hong Kong-based newspaper Oriental Daily reported on June 18 that more than 30 media personnel at Hong Kong Morning News had arranged through the Hong Kong Labour Department to have a closed door discussion with senior management to ask for overdue wages and severance pay. However, the senior managers were absent from the meeting. The Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions, which is helping the media workers to fight for the overdue payments, said it had already received 120 complaints involving more than…  
8376. IFJ deplores cyber attack on pro-democracy news websites  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the massive cyber attack on a Hong Kong media group, which was clearly aimed at suppressing press freedom. Apple Daily, a pro-democracy Chinese language newspaper published by Next Media, suffered a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack starting around 3.30am on Wednesday, June 18. Next Media reported that its system was inundated with 4 billion inquiries per second, leaving it “paralysed” for more than 10 hours. All Next Media Group websites and cell phone apps in Hong Kong and Taiwan were shut down. Next Media chairman Jimmy Lai Chi-ying blamed the Chinese central authorities for the attack, saying Beijing wanted to…  
8377. US-based Afghan journalist arrested on arrival in Kandahar  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghanistan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in condemning the arrest of a US-based Afghan journalist without charge on Tuesday, June 17. Khalid Hadi Haidari, the editor-in-chief of Benawa.com, a Pashto language website established in 2004 covering human rights, freedom of speech, civil rights and related issues in Afghanistan, was arrested upon his arrival in Kandahar Airport, southern Afghanistan. He was on his way to Kabul to visit friends. According to reports, Haidari, a well-known journalist who had worked for CNN during the Taliban government in Afghanistan, was arrested for the coverage that was…  
8378. IFJ condemns Hong Kong Police for using force against media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), and the Hong Kong Radio Television Programme Staff Union in condemning the Hong Kong Police for abusing their powers and preventing media personnel from carrying out their duties.   In the early hours of June 14, a group of protestors were taken away by police after they unsuccessfully stormed the Legislative Council Building. The protestors were trying to stop the council’s Finance Committee from unilaterally changing the rules covering question time, and moving to pass a bill for government funding for preliminary work on development plans in the New Territories.…  
8379. Capacitación de periodistas panameños en Negociación Colectiva y compromiso en la lucha por la igualdad y equidad de género  

Es fundamental que los periodistas panameños reconozcamos nuestra condición de clase trabajadora, para en unidad reivindicar nuestros derechos como trabajadores y exigir el cumplimiento de estos, de acuerdo a lo que establecen las leyes de trabajo, destacó el Secretario General del Sindicato de Periodistas de Panamá, durante el desarrollo del seminario taller de Negociación colectiva. En el evento de formación sindical se consensuó sobre las necesidades que enfrentan los trabajadores profesionales del periodismo como el no cumplimiento del pago de la cuota obrero patronal, bajo la figura del “Freelancer”, el riesgo que representa ejercer la profesión en un entorno de violencia,…  
8380. Khalid Hamada  

According to IFJ affiliate, the Iraqi Journalists’ Syndicate (IJS), Hamada, a cameraman for Alahd TV, was killed in the Aladhem district, in Iraq’s Dyali province, while covering fighting between government forces and Islamist groups. His colleague Mutaz Hassan, who is a reporter for Alahd, was severely wounded in the same incident.  
8381. Igor Kornelyuk, Anton Voloshin  

The Russian TV journalist was killed in a mortar attack near Lugansk, Eastern Ukraine. Igor, who worked for All Russian State TV and Radio Company, was covering clashes between pro Russia insurgents and government forces when he was hit in an attack on a separatists' check point. He was taken to hospital but died shortly afterwards. His sound engineer Anton Voloshin was also killed on the spot. Another crew member , cameraman Viktor Denisov survived.  
8382. “Respect Media Freedom in Ukraine,” Demand IFJ/EFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have issued a renewed demand for all factions in Ukraine to respect the rights and freedom of local and international media staff following the death of at least one Russian media worker today, Tuesday 17 June.  According to media reports, journalist Igor Kornelyuk, who worked for the Russiya TV channel (VGTRK), died from wounds sustained during a Ukrainian military mortar attack near Lugansk, in eastern Ukraine. Initial reports said his sound engineer, Anton Voloshin, had also been killed on the spot, but his whereabouts remain unknown. Korneluyk died a few hours after the…  
8383. “Attacks on Journalists in Ukraine Must End Now,” Demand IFJ/EFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have issued a renewed demand for all factions in Ukraine to respect the rights and freedom of local and international media staff following the death of atleast one Russian media worker today, Tuesday 17 June. According to media reports, journalist Igor Kornelyuk, who worked for the ‘Russia Today’ TV channel, died from wounds sustained during a Ukrainian military mortar attack near Lugansk, in eastern Ukraine. Initial reports said his sound engineer, Anton Voloshin, had also been killed on the spot, but his whereabouts remain unknown. Korneluyk died a few hours after the incident in…  
8384. EU copyright review-European creators' letter to Michel Barnier  

European organisations which voice and make visible the concerns of hundreds of thousands of professional authors and performers who make a living in the creative and cultural sectors wrote to Commissioner Michel Barnier with regard to the European Commission’s discussion to reform the EU copyright acquis and latest developments on private copy levies. The EFJ co-signed this letter.  
8385. IFJ Dismayed at Unjust Sentence Given to Iranian Journalist Serajoddin Mirdamadi  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its dismay at the unjust prison sentence handed down by an Iranian court to the journalist Serajoddin Mirdamadi.  According to IFJ affiliate, the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ), Mirdamadi has been sentenced to six years in prison for undermining national security. He had been living in Paris, but visited Iran in September 2013 when he had his passport confiscated at the airport and was prohibited from travelling. He was arrested on 11 May this year and had been held in Evin prison, in northwestern Tehran, in the lead up to his trial. “The sentence given to Serajoddin Mirdamadi is absolutely preposterous,”…  
8386. IFJ Involved in Major Project to Develop Free Media in South Mediterranean  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has welcomed its key role as a partner in a major new EU-funded project aimed at introducing media reforms in the Southern Mediterranean region. The MedMedia project will focus on media legislation, regulation, programming, strategy and leadership networking in the Southern Mediterranean region with the aim of helping state media fulfill its public service role and compete with the commercial sector. It will also work to build public trust by strengthening the media’s role as an independent watchdog and a forum for democratic debate. The project is being implemented by a consortium led by BBC Media Action and comprising the IFJ, the…  
8387. Journalists on Strike in France againt Austerity Measures  

Journalists in France Télévisions went on strike against the recent move by the government proposal to weaken the social protection for freelance journalists and cultural workers. Ricardo Gutiérrez, the EFJ General Secretary has sent a solidarity message to the journalists on strike and its affiliate (SNJ-CGT) backing their struggle to defend public service broadcasting in France.  
8388. FAJ Applauds Zimbabwe Constitutional Court Ruling on Criminal Defamation  

The ruling by Zimbabwe constitutional court on criminal defamation is a strong step towards democracy and law reinforcement, the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) said today.   According to FAJ affiliate, the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ), the constitutional court of the country has on 12 June 2014, ruled that the criminal defamation law must be struck of the statutes.   The law was challenged by two journalists Nevanji Madanhire and Nqaba Matshazi following their arrest in November 2011 on the grounds that they stole confidential documents from the office of lawmaker Munyaradzi Kereke.   Madanhire was editor of the The Standard weekly at the time…  
8389. Journalists in Iraq Must Remain Vigilant After Murder of Khalid Hamada  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has advised journalists covering events in Iraq to remain vigilant at all times following the murder of journalist Khalid Hamada yesterday, Sunday 15 June. According to IFJ affiliate, the Iraqi Journalists’ Syndicate (IJS), Hamada, a cameraman for Alahd TV, was killed in the Aladhem district, in Iraq’s Dyali province, while covering fighting between government forces and terrorist groups. His colleague Mutaz Hassan, who is a reporter for Alahd, was severely wounded in the same incident. “We offer our deepest condolences and respects to the family of the murdered journalist Khalid Hamada,” said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. “And we…  
8390. IFJ Launches Human Rights Journalism Programme in Middle East & Arab World  

The International Federation of Journalists has launched its new Journalism and Human Rights programme with a ten day Training of Trainers workshop in Amman, Jordan.  Ten leading journalists from across the Middle Eat and Arab World have committed themselves to becoming IFJ trainers on human rights reporting. The participants are senior journalists and editors specialising in a range of issues including gender, children, security, crime. They have won prizes for their investigative reporting and led journalists’ rights campaigns. The course will equip participants to deliver two-day workshops on human rights reporting supported by the national journalists’ unions. The…  
8391. South Asia Media Solidarity Network Bulletin: June  

To SAMSN members and friends, Welcome to the e-bulletin of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN). The next bulletin will be sent on July 15, 2014, and your inputs are most welcome. We encourage contributions to let others know what you are doing; to seek solidarity and support from other SAMSN members; and to find out what others are doing in the region. To contribute, email: [email protected] SAMSN is a group of journalists trade unions, press freedom organizations and journalists in South Asia that have agreed to work together to support freedom of expression and association in the region. SAMSN was formed at a meeting of these groups in Kathmandu, Nepal, in September 2004.…  
8392. Papua New Guinea’s EMTV Crew assaulted by police  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned for the safely of journalists in Papua New Guinea after an assault on two EMTV journalists. On Sunday June 8, crew members from EMTV were detained for an hour and allegedly physically assaulted near Port Moresby by a cell keeper in front of local police. Police officers from a Highway Patrol Unit allegedly forced the EMTV cameraman to cease filming and delete footage. They also tore pages recording the incident from the reporter’s notebook. It’s alleged the EMTV reporters were then punched several times by the cell keeper. The crew was released an hour later and senior police officers were alerted to the issue. This is…  
8393. Papua New Guinea’s EMTV Crew assaulted by police  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned for the safely of journalists in Papua New Guinea after an assault on two EMTV journalists that has been condemned by Prime Minster Peter O'Neill. On Sunday June 8, crew members from EMTV were detained for an hour and allegedly physically assaulted near Port Moresby by a cell keeper in front of local police. Police officers from a Highway Patrol Unit allegedly forced the EMTV cameraman to cease filming and delete footage. They also tore pages recording the incident from the reporter’s notebook. It’s alleged the EMTV reporters were then punched several times by the cell keeper. The crew was released an hour later and senior…  
8394. Human Rights Training of Trainers Workshop - Jordan  

This training will take place from 14-24 June, 2014.  
8395. FIP recomienda a los periodistas que cubren los eventos en Brasil que se mantengan seguros  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) ha aconsejado a los periodistas locales e internacionales que cubren los eventos en Brasil durante la Copa Mundial de permanecer vigilantes y asegurarse de mantenerse seguros.  La convocatoria sigue a los informes de que tres periodistas resultaron heridos mientras cubrían protestas en Sao Paulo ayer, jueves 12 de junio. El productor de CNN, Barbara Arvanitidis, buscó tratamiento en un hospital por una lesión en el brazo, mientras que el corresponsal de CNN, Shasta Darlington, y el camarógrafo Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão, Douglas Barbieri Rodrigo Añadir, fotógrafo de Associated Press, sufrió heridas leves de botes de granadas de…  
8396. IFJ Advises Journalists Covering Brazilian Events to Stay Safe  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has advised local and international journalists covering events in Brazil during the World Cup to remain vigilant and ensure they stay safe.   The call follows reports that three journalists were injured while covering protests in Sao Paulo yesterday, Thursday 12 June.  CNN producer, Barbara Arvanitidis, sought treatment at a hospital for an arm injury, while CNN correspondent, Shasta Darlington, and Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão cameraman, Douglas Barbieri Rodrigo Add, a photographer for Associated Press, suffered minor wounds from canisters of stun grenades thrown by authorities to disperse protesters. -Sérgio Moraes, a…  
8397. IFJ Condemns Forced Closure of TV Station in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has demanded that authorities in Yemen respect press freedom and law in the country following reports that a TV station has been forced to close. According to reports, on Wednesday 11 June presidential guard forces stormed the headquarters of the private satellite channel, Yemen Today TV, which is owned by the Yemen Today Establishment and located in the capital city Sana’a, stopping the station’s broadcast and confiscating its equipment. The station is reported to have issued calls for citizens to revolt against the Yemeni government. IFJ affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS), has stated that the action is a “brutal…  
8398. Complaint Against Bahraini Journalist Isa Alshajj Must be Dropped  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on the Bahraini Minister of State for Information Affairs to show her commitment to the country’s media freedom and independence and drop her complaint against the respected journalist, Isa Alshaijj. The IFJ has also called on the Bahraini public prosecutor, not to press defamation charges against the journalist which would result in a court case. According to IFJ affiliate, the Bahraini Journalists’ Association (BJA), Samira Rajab, the Bahraini Minister of State for Information Affairs, lodged a complaint against Alshaiji, the editor in chief of Bahrain’s Alayyam newspaper, following a story the paper published about a fire in…  
8399. PNMG BLAH  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in calling on Afghanistan authorities to speed up the procedure for the release of a Pakistani TV journalist being detained in Afghanistan since April 22, 2014. Faizullah Khan, a reporter for ARY News TV based in Karachi, was detained by an Afghan security agency on the Pakistan/Afghanistan border as he was on assignment interviewing Taliban leaders of tribal areas in northwestern Pakistan. The Foreign Office of Pakistan and Afghan authorities have already confirmed his detention and diplomatic channels are being used to secure his release. However, the process has been moving…  
8400. IFJ Urges UN Human Rights Council Members to Support Journalists’ Safety  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today urged collective action to promote media safety during a panel discussion on the safety of journalists organised by the UN Human Rights Council during its 26th Session which opened yesterday, Tuesday 10 June, in Geneva. The debate was opened by the outgoing UN High Commissioner of Human Rights, Navi Pillay, who denounced the lack of accountability for violence against journalists around the world. She called for a legal framework for the protection of journalists and its implementation at national level to ensure that “there is zero tolerance and full accountability for violence against journalists.” …  
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