15063 results:

13231. IFJ Demands Case Against Pakistani Journalist Be Withdrawn  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has demanded the immediate withdrawal of a case against Pakistani journalist Afzal Nadeem for allegedly breaching the Official Secrets Act. “We condemn the ongoing use of such oppressive laws on journalists and demand that this case is immediately dismissed,” said IFJ President Christopher Warren today. Nadeem, a senior reporter of Daily Awam and GEO, is accused of publishing a story that was based on an official letter written by Lt Colonel Farooq Marwat of the National Crisis Management Cell accusing the Muhetada Quami Movement of improperly collecting Tsunami relief aid by force. If found guilty of breaching the Official Secrets…  
13234. IFJ Calls for Full Investigation into Press Club Bombing in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has voiced serious concern for the safety of journalists in the Khulna district of Bangladesh after calling for a full enquiry into the cause of the recent bomb blast outside the Khulna Press Club. Sheikh Belaluddin Ahmed, bureau chief of daily Sangram, was critically wounded after touching a bag attached to his parked motorcycle, containing a bomb police suspect was detonated by a remote control. Sheikh Abu Hasan, Khulna Press Club President, Sheikh Jahid Hossain, staff photographer of daily Jugantor, and Tutul Ahmed, staff reporter of daily Loksomaj, were also injured in the blast while walking towards their motorcycles. “A full…  
13235. IFJ Warns Over Media Safety Crisis As Security Forces Arrest FNJ President and General Secretary in Nepal  

UPDATE 7 February 2005: Tara Nath Dahal has not been arrested and remains in hiding (Click here for further details) The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has received reliable information that Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ) President, Tara Nath Dahal and FNJ Secretary General, Bishnu Nisthuri have been arrested by the security forces in Nepal. The IFJ has received reports that Tara Nath was arrested on Saturday, February 5 while trying to enter the United Nations offices to seek asylum. Bishnu Nisthuri was reportedly arrested on Friday, February 4 from his residence. The arrests follow the vocal opposition of Bishnu and Tara Nath of King…  
13238. Ministerial Declaration of the Conference of Ministers of Gender Equality, Luxembourg, February 4, 2005  

link to the Luxembourg Presidency web site  
13240. IFJ Applauds Courage of Nepalese Colleagues and Calls for Global Solidarity  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) applauds the courage of the Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ) and called for a strong global response in defence of democracy and civil rights after the royal coup in Nepal. The FNJ was the first group to condemn the monarchy’s grab for power in a statement smuggled out of the country today. The statement demonstrates great courage by the FNJ leader and prominent Nepali journalist Tara Nath Dahal. It says: “This has utterly destroyed the fabric of democracy and has confirmed that the lives of ordinary citizens as well as national values are in grave danger.” According to reports from a source in the country, one Nepali…  
13242. Federation of Nepalese Journalists Condemns Royal Crackdown on Media and Democratic Values in Nepal  

Federation of Nepalese Journalists Tara Nath Dahal, President (unofficial translation) 2 February 2005 The Royal announcement made yesterday, by ending the spirit and value of the Constitution of Nepal, is a coup against democracy and peoples’ rights. This has undoubtedly destroyed the fabric of democracy and has also confirmed that the lives of ordinary civilians as well as national values are in grave danger. The Federation strongly condemns and expresses disagreement on this historic and enormous mistake. To believe that following a path like this will restore peace and democracy is standing against the values and ideas of modern civilization. The Federation of Nepali…  
13243. Position on the Commission’s proposal for a Directive on Services in the Internal Market  

On 13th January 2004 the European Commission released a proposal for a directive on services in the internal market. This directive poses a certain number of concerns to the European Federation of Journalists and its members. In particular, the EFJ is not convinced that this directive would ensure “social progress”. Although it is important to improve the good functioning of the internal market, the liberalisation of European services must, we believe, be accompanied by strong labour and social protection. This is presently not the case. The EFJ urges the European Union to introduce provisions across the Union that will secure strong and equitable working conditions for media…  
13244. Link to Women Make the News website - GMMP 2005!  

Click HERE to visit the Women Make the News website - GMMP 2005!  
13245. Link to 'Portraying Politics' website  

Click HERE to visit the 'Portraying Politics' website  
13246. Philippines, IFJ Mission Report: A Dangerous Profession - Press Freedom Under Fire in the Philippines 23 January - 1 February 2005  

Click HERE to read the IFJ report on the 'Philippines, IFJ Mission Report: A Dangerous Profession - Press Freedom Under Fire in the Philippines 23 January - 1 February 2005'  
13250. IFJ Protests Over Intimidation of Journalists’ Family in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the harassment by intelligence agents of the family of Bangladeshi journalist Saleem Samad. “Any attempt to silence journalists and harass their families is condemnable, and must be resisted by all those who value press freedom,” said IFJ President Christopher Warren. According to information received by the IFJ, two intelligence agents visited Samad's family home in Dhaka on 28 January and asked his father Abdus Samad about the whereabouts of his son journalist Saleem Samad and his wife and son. Saleem Samad, 52, currently Bangladesh correspondent with Time Asia, has been living in exile in Canada since mid-fall 2004…  
13252. Mongolian Passed a Law on Public Radio and TV (PRTV)  

On 27 January 2005 State Ih Hural- Mongolian Parliament has passed a Law on Public Radio and TV. According to this law, which will come into force from 1 April 2005, the present state-owned Mongolian National Radio and TV shall be re-strustered as public service broadcaster. The law is contributing to the ensurance of citizen's right and freedom to freely express opinions and it is also an important step towards to the pracrical implementation of 1998 media Freedom Law and constitutional concept. In accordance with provision 2.1 public radio and televison is non-profit-making legal entity that serving the public, operate under public control and be responsible to the public. PRTV…  
13254. Victory of the freedom of information at Italian public broadcaster RAI  

Michele Santoro, journalist and currently European deputy, removed from Italian public broadcaster RAI two years ago after a clamorous declaration of Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi, must be integrated in the role of producer, conductor of political talk show and programmes presenter. This is what a decision of the Court of Rome decided on 26 January 2005. The decision also condemns RAI for having taken an “illegitimate” measure against Mr Santoro. The initial facts happened on 18 April 2002, when during a press conference in Sofia, Mr. Berlusconi asked that RAI journalists Biagi, Santoro and Luttazzi to be removed from RAI, because they made "a criminal use of the public television".…  
13257. Launch of the IFJ Solidarity Centre in Algeria, Mission Report, January 15-18, 2005  

This mission was supported by the European Commission and International Media Support. The views exposed herein are those of the IFJ. Background Algerian press’ reputation for being lively and critical of the authorities with a relative editorial freedom is about to be overturned. Journalists in Algeria have a strong sense of their commitment to democratic values as they suffered many casualties of media staff and professionals killed in terrorist acts throughout the 1990s. Many journalists still resent daily this situation as they still live together in hotel rooms where a minimum of protection ensures some security. Some of them have been living in those conditions for…  
13259. Madrid Declaration on Public Broadcasting (EBU)  

Senior managers from the European Broadcasting Union and the largest European public broadcasting organisations met in Madrid on 24 January. Following a meeting with Spanish First Deputy Prime Minister Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega, they met the panel of experts appointed to look into the new Spanish broadcasting law and held a joint press conference. The Madrid Declaration, signed by Arne Wessberg (EBU), Fritz Pleitgen (ARD), Caroline Thompson (BBC), Marc Tessier (France Televisions), Flavio Cattaneo (RAI), Carmen Caffarel (RTVE) and Markus Schachter (ZDF), was issued at the press conference. The full text of the Declaration is available on the website of the…  
13260. Journalists Aid Tsunami Victims And IFJ Hails “Golden Opportunity for Peace” in Aceh  

The aftermath of the tsunami tragedy in Aceh provides a “golden opportunity for solidarity, peace and press freedom” says the International Federation of Journalists, which is visting Indonesia in support of media staff affected by the disaster. Speaking at a press conference in Jakarta today, Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ, the world’s largest journalists' group, said journalists around the world had shown unprecedented solidarity with colleagues in Indonesia and other areas. “Almost 100,000 US dollars has been donated to our special appeal for journalists and media staff affected and their families,” said White. “It is a magnificent show of sympathy and…  
13261. Florence Aubenas and Hussein Hanoun Al-Saadi - Free Our Colleagues Now  

Florence Aubenas, 43, a senior reporter for the French daily paper Libération, and her Iraqi interpreter Hussein Hanoun al-Saadi disappeared on 5 January 2005. They were last seen leaving their hotel in Baghdad. For further information, read Libération, display your support or contact François Sergent, Service Monde, Foreign Editor  
13262. 2004 – A Dark and Deadly Year for Media: Governments Must Act says IFJ  

Download IFJ Annual Report and Asia Disaster Appeal After one of the worst years on record for the killing of journalists, the International Federation of Journalists today launched its annual report on media deaths with a renewed call for the United States and other governments to take seriously their responsibility to investigate media killings. “Too often governments display a heartless and cruel indifference to the suffering endured by the victims and their families,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “Too often so-called investigations into the killings of our colleagues are merely a whitewashing exercise.” The IFJ, which today said 129 journalists and…  
13264. Position of the European Federation of Journalists on the Communication on the Management of Copyright and Related Rights  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) unites 48 trades unions in 33 countries representing over 250 000 journalists in Europe. We note with great interest the Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee on the Management of Copyright and Related Rights in the Internal Market. It is widely agreed that the professional status of journalists everywhere is vital to the existence of free, inquiring media and hence of democracy – and that this professional status among other important factors depends on the legal status of journalists' authors' rights. This legal status is implemented in two basic ways:…  
13267. VLV Conference : Future of PSB in Europe and Commonwealth  

The Future of Public Service Broadcasting in Europe and the Commonwealth Voice of the Listener & Viewer’s 10th International Conference The Royal Society, London, England Friday, 11th February 2005 Programme 0930am: Welcome by Jocelyn Hay, Chairman of Voice of the Listener & Viewer 0945am: Session One: Public Service Broadcasting in a Hostile Environment What is the impact of digital technologies, fragmenting audiences and possible changes to legislative and regulatory frameworks? Chairman: Elizabeth Smith, Secretary-General, The Commonwealth Broadcasting Association Speakers: Adam Singer, Content Board Member, UK Office of Communications & former Group CEO,…  
13269. IFJ Condemns Restriction on Press Movement in Aceh After Tsunmai Disaster  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed outrage over the restrictions imposed on journalists in Aceh, Indonesia, announced on 13 January 2005. “In the midst of this overwhelming tragedy, opening up the previously closed Aceh was a positive step towards greater media freedom in the region,” said IFJ President, Christopher Warren today in a letter to Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The country's military forces state that they cannot guarantee the safety of foreigners. In response, Indonesian leaders are limiting access in Aceh for foreign aid agencies, relief workers and journalists. “The decision to reintroduce restrictions is deeply…  
13270. 2004: A Dark and Deadly Year for Journalists - An IFJ Report on Media Casualties in the Field of Journalism and Newsgathering  

**REPORT** - CLICK HERE TO READ THE REPORT TUESDAY 18 JANUARY 2005 – International Press Centre, Résidence Palace, 155 Rue de la Loi, Bloc C, (Maelbeek) - 11 AM The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), representing over 500,000 journalists in more than 110 countries, would like to request your presence at a press conference next Tuesday morning (11 am) January 18th at the Résidence Palace – Maelbeek room in order to discuss and launch its annual report on journalists and media staff killed in the line of duty. Speakers: Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary Special Video Presentation, Enrico Deaglio, Editor-in-Chief, Il Diario, paper of Enzo Baldoni, kidnapped…  
13272. Turkish Journalists Launch Campaign As New Rules Threaten The Right To Organise  

The International Federation of Journalists and its regional group the European Federation of Journalists is backing a campaign by Turkish journalists to combat changes that could see the disappearance of Turkey’s independent trade union for newsroom staff. “Despite all the promises Turkey has made to Europe there are unpleasant changes on the way that could damage press freedom and outlaw the right of journalists to organise,” said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ and EFJ. White met with Turkish journalists’ leaders in Istanbul this week at a meeting on democracy and media where a series of legal and academic experts also criticised recent changes in the Turkish Penal Code…  
13273. Protest to Europe and United Nations as Indian Battle for Jobs and Union Rights Goes Global  

A simmering industrial battle at one of India’s leading daily newspapers, the Hindustan Times, is being taken up at international level as media unions raise the stakes in a dispute that has implications for the future of industrial relations across the country. Five unions representing thousands of journalists, print staff and other workers in the country’s newspaper and press sector have reached a ground-breaking agreement to work together to fight what they say is a concerted attack by media owners on unions and workers’ rights. After years of attacks on employment rights by media employers who ignore national wage deals and force workers to accept personal contracts, the action…  
13274. “Magnificent Response” Says IFJ as Journalists Rally to Support Stricken Colleagues in Asia  

Journalists’ trade unions from around the world have responded “magnificently” to the international appeal launched by the IFJ to assist journalists and media staff caught up in the earthquake disaster in Asia. “After only a few days, unions and associations of journalists have displayed extraordinary solidarity and generosity in their response to the plight of colleagues around the Indian Ocean,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. The IFJ says that offers of help and donations have been received from a dozen countries and that 18,000 Euro has already been sent on from the IFJ Emergency Assistance Fund to colleagues in Indonesia where up to 200 journalists and media staff have…  
13275. Let's Organise: A Union Handbook for Journalists  

'Let’s Organise - A union handbook for journalists' has been produced as a handbook to assist journalists’ unions around the world. The handbook was published in 2005.  It is a basic text that can be used as an introduction to trade union organisation for journalists. Its target audience includes: • members and potential members • union leaders • trade union educators. The handbook contends that the quality of working conditions enjoyed by journalists is a key factor in creating a democratic media culture. Without social justice and fairness at work, it is impossible to talk of editorial independence or press freedom. The information set out in the…  
13276. IFJ Launches Special Humanitarian Appeal Over Media Deaths in Asia Earthquake Disaster  

The International Federation of Journalists has launched a world-wide appeal for humanitarian assistance to the families of journalists and media staff caught up in the Asia earthquake disaster. The action comes as news that at least 25 members of the Aliansi Independen Jurnalis (AJI), the IFJ’s Indonesian affiliate, are missing as well as 80 staff members of Serambi Indonesia , one of the leading daily newspapers. The number of victims of the earthquake and tidal waves five days ago in the Indian Ocean region has reached nearly 100,000. Within hours, IFJ unions began to respond to the call for solidarity with media colleagues and their communities across the region. “Everyone…  
13277. Journalists’ Death Toll Continues to Mount as Journalist in India is Shot dead and Another Grievously Injured  

In the worst year ever for journalists’ safety one more journalist has lost his life and another was seriously injured in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, has today condemned the separate incidents and called for investigations. “2004 has been a sad year for journalists, particularly for our colleagues in South Asia,” said IFJ President Christopher Warren today. On 16 December 2004, Arun Misra a scribe with a Hindu daily newspaper in Gautam Graha village in Basti district of Uttar Pradesh was shot dead by unidentified gunmen while returning home. …  
13279. Iraqi Journalists Share IFJ Joy Over Release of French Hostages And Lead Calls for Global Amnesty  

Leaders of Iraq’s divided community of journalists joined together with the International Federation of Journalists to welcome the release of French hostages George Malbrunot and Christian Chesnot today. At a meeting with the IFJ in Amman to finalise plans for an assistance programme for the country’s beleaguered media staff, the three organisations of journalists, sent a message of goodwill to the two Frenchmen who stopped off in the city en route from Baghdad to Paris after their four-month hostage ordeal. “Your release is a source of joy for all Iraqi journalists,” said the statement. “We hope that this is a sign that all acts of intimidation, humiliation and violence against…  
13280. Report and Final Docs of Executive Committee meeting, October 2004  

- Minutes of the meeting - Minutes of the Admininistrative Committee meeting - Tunis Report - Report on CIOJ Membership - Letter concerning Hindustan Times  
13281. World Journalists Mourn Two New Killings As 2004 Death Toll Hits A Record 120  

The International Federation of Journalists today confirmed that 2004 has turned into the worst year on record for the killing of journalists and media staff as two new violent deaths were recorded in Africa and Asia, bringing the death toll to 120 in the year so far. In Colombo, Sri Lanka, Lal Jayasundara, a 20-year-old photojournalist for the Wijeya newspaper group, was one of two people killed six days ago by a bomb in an attack on an entertainment spectacular. The show had been opposed by Sinhala Buddhist extremist groups who launched a protest over the show taking place on the first anniversary of the death of popular Buddhist preacher Soma Thero. And today came the news that…  
13283. Jail Threat to Journalist Sparks New IFJ Protest Over Global Pressure on Right to Protect Sources  

A suspended jail term for a journalist in Portugal, a United States reporter placed under house arrest, and a new court battle facing a German investigative journalist provide growing evidence that the cardinal principle of journalism – to protect sources of information is under threat worldwide, says the International Federation of Journalists. The IFJ and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists, is backing protests by journalists in Portugal following a Lisbon court’s 11-month suspended jail sentence on José Luis Manso Preto, a reporter who refused to reveal his sources when called to give evidence in a drugs case. “This case illustrates only too clearly how the…  
13285. IFJ Condemns French Ban on Arab Television Channel: “Censorship Just Adds to Intolerance”  

The International Federation of Journalists today criticised a French court decision to ban a controversial Arab broadcaster from using a satellite service saying the decision was “disproportionate and inappropriate.” The IFJ says that a court order from the French Council of State instructing the Eutelsat service to remove Lebanese TV channel Al-Manar after complaints of anti-Semitic content was a rash decision with serious implications for free expression. “Censorship just adds to intolerance and breeds further resentment and incomprehension,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “If a broadcaster was turned off every time someone made offensive and unacceptable remarks, there…  
13287. Gender, Politics and Media: Challenging Stereotypes, Promoting Diversity, Strengthening Equality  

This project financed by the European Union aims at developing approaches to media portrayal of women and men in public life and politics by producing and disseminating an audio-visual training toolkit. This toolkit –for use in broadcasting and journalism training situations throughout the EU- will be based on analysis of examples drawn from current media output. Partners to this project involve a wide range of media organizations including broadcasters, journalists’ organizations and trainers. The toolkit will contain interview material, media strategies, models and approaches aimed at helping women to participate equally with men in public life and political decision-making. It…  
13288. IFJ Welcomes Pledge on Gongadze Case and Urges “No Amnesty” For Ukraine Leadership  

The International Federation of Journalists today welcomed the pledge by Ukrainian Prime Minister and presidential candidate Viktor Yanukovych that he would personally take control of the investigation into the murder of opposition journalist Gyorgy Gongadze if elected president. “We expect that both candidates in the election will commit themselves to fighting for justice in this case,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “They should also make it clear that there will be no general amnesty against prosecution for the current Ukraine President or other members of his government given speculation about high-level involvement in the killing of Gongadze.” Gongadze disappeared on…  
13291. IFJ Welcomes Launch of new Journalists Union in Bosnia  

The International Federation of Journalists today congratulated the organizers of the new Journalists’ Union of Bosnia Herzegovina (BiH) due to be launched in Sarajevo on Saturday 11th December. The new union is the result of two years of negotiations that have led to the merging of three of the six journalists’ unions in Bosnia Herzegovina. “This is a tremendous and long-overdue development with implications for all journalists in the country,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “This new organization is a first step towards the creation of a single, unified movement of journalists for Bosnia Herzegovina.” The new union is the result of a merger between the Independent Union…  
13293. IFJ Mourns Tragic Deaths of Two Journalists in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation of journalists representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, has expressed sadness over the deaths of two journalists in India who were tragically killed in a car accident while returning from covering a story in Mumbai, India. On Friday, 3 December 2004, Prashant Bhole, 25, reporter with Marathi Daily Lokmat and R.V Syed, 29, journalist with Jan Aadesh were killed in a road accident when a truck hit their motorcycle when returning from covering the Standing Committee deliberations of the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation. Both journalists were rushed to hospital where they died from injuries sustained…  
13294. IFJ Condemns BBC Plans for 2,900 Job Cuts As “Threat to Public Service Values”  

The International Federation of Journalists has condemned BBC plans to cut almost 3,000 jobs warning that the cuts threaten “the fabric of public service values” and could have an impact on the quality of BBC programming. “The BBC has a reputation at home and abroad for quality programming and public service values,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “These latest cuts will damage morale and could undermine the fabric of public service values in the UK and beyond.” The IFJ and its regional organisation the European Federation of Journalists has pledged its full supports to the trade unions at the corporation, including its affiliate the National union of Journalists, which…  
13297. ILO : Report from the Tripartite Meeting on the Future of Work and Quality in the Information Society  

The Media, Culture and Graphical Sector Intellectual property, the rights of freelances and independent contractors (including disguised employment, ambiguous employment, genuine self-employment and triangular relationships) and lifelong training were some of the key issues at the Tripartite Meeting on the Future of Work and Quality in the Information Society. It was the first time that the International Labour Organization (ILO) held a tripartite meeting with focus on the media, cultural and graphical sector. The meeting took place in October 2004 and representatives from media employers, media employees and freelances and governments around the world participated. The IFJ…  
13298. Philippines Government Sits on Hands as Journalists' Death Toll Rises, says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide is horrified by the torture and murder of the thirteenth journalist in the Philippines during 2004. On Wednesday 1 December 2004 Stephen Omais, 23, staff writer of bimonthly community paper Guru Press in Tabuk town, Kalinga was found dead in a garbage bin with torture marks on his body. Police believe he was killed on Friday, 26 November. Omais was last seen two weeks before by his editor. Dr. Estefania Kollin, editor of Guru Press, believes the killing is connected to the paper’s investigation into a 9 million-peso public works project in Pinukpuk town. Kollin…  
13300. National Union of Journalists of Ukraine Declaration  

NUJU Statement accusing political leaders and media directors of lies, censorship and media manipulation (PDF)  
Search results 13231 until 13300 of 15063