15042 results:

1611. Afghanistan: 'I could not leave my colleagues behind'  

Hundreds of Afghan journalists fled the Taliban takeover last year, but many more chose to stay in spite of the regime's hostility. Faced with the loss of press freedom advocates, Hujatullah Mujadidi, of IFJ affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA), opted to stay in Kabul, writes Masood Farivar for Voice of America. After the fall of Kabul, press freedom advocates in Afghanistan went quiet. They stopped answering their phones or messages from journalists. I decided to fill the void. To answer journalists’ questions and give them hope, and to reassure them that we’ll stand shoulder to shoulder. Whatever happens, we’re in it together. Unfortunately, I received a lot…  
1612. México: el Plan de Seguridad Social para periodistas independientes tendría continuidad durante el 2023  

El proyecto creado por la administración del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador continuaría el año entrante con fondos destinados desde del presupuesto nacional. El objetivo de la iniciativa, que este año funcionó con una versión piloto, es brindar a periodistas que no tienen un empleador fijo la cobertura de los seguros sociales, de los cuales se haría cargo económicamente el Estado mexicano. El Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa alertó sobre la insuficiencia del alcance de la medida, dado que según sus proyecciones no alcanzaría a la gran mayoría de lxs trabajadorxs de prensa independientes. El coordinador de lxs diputadxs pertenecientes al partido de gobierno, Ignacio Mier…  
1613. Tunisia: constitutional reform proposal threatens media freedom  

New amendments to the draft constitution proposed by Tunisian President Kaïs Saïed represent a serious threat to media freedom. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT) in denouncing the draft constitution and calling for action to protect media rights. After winning the presidential elections at the end of 2019, Kaïs Saïed seized full executive powers on 25 July 2021 and suspended the Parliament. After pledging to propose a new constitution, he published a first document on 30 June 2022 in the Official Journal, followed on 9 July by a second text including new amendments. This draft constitution will be…  
1614. Cambodia: Appeal court confirms jail sentence for journalist  

The Battambang Appeal Court has upheld the decision of the provincial court which sentenced journalist Kao Piseth, who publicly criticised the use of a Chinese-made vaccine, to two years in jail. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Cambodian Journalists Alliance Association (CamboJA), condemn the verdict against Piseth and call on the authorities to release the journalist immediately. Kao Piseth, a journalist for local news website Siem Reap Tannhektar (Siem Reap Breaking News), was arrested on July 14, 2021, in Battambang City, accused of incitement to disturb social security following his post on Facebook. Police confiscated his three mobile phones, a…  
1615. Spain: Galicia International Press Centre opens in Santiago de Compostela  

On 9, July 2022, the Santiago de Compostela’s Journalists Association (APSC) inaugurated the International Press Centre of Galicia in the regional capital. The International Federation of Journalists General Secretary, Anthony Bellanger, participated in the inauguration of this future meeting point for the citizens and media professionals. Among many representatives from the main European media organisations and unions, Anthony Bellanger attended in the name of IFJ this historic inauguration at number 9 of Rúa Nova. The president of the Spanish Journalists Federation (FAPE), Miguel Ángel Noceda and the APSC president and directive member of the FIP, Luis Menéndez were present to lead the…  
1616. Philippines: Appeals court confirms Maria Ressa’s libel conviction  

The Philippine Court of Appeals (CA) has upheld the cyber libel charges against Rappler CEO and Nobel Peace Prize winner Maria Ressa and former Rappler researcher Reynaldo Santos Jr, adding an additional eight months imprisonment to the sentence. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), condemn the court’s decision and demand all charges against the Rappler journalists be dismissed immediately. On July 8, the CA confirmed the cyber libel conviction of Ressa and Santos originally imposed by the Manila Regional Trial Court. In its decision, the CA said that Ressa and Santos were guilty of violating the…  
1617. Sri Lanka: Journalists attacked during protest coverage  

At least eight media workers were beaten and violently assaulted by security forces and police personnel during live coverage of an anti-government protest outside Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe’s residence in Colombo. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Sri Lankan affiliates, the Free Media Movement (FMM) and the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA), condemn the brutal attacks on the journalists and media workers and call for a swift investigation to bring the perpetrators to justice. A team of television journalists and crew from Sri Lankan news broadcaster Newsfirst, including Sarasi Pieris, Judin Sinthujan, camera operator Warun Sampath, and…  
1618. Russia: IFJ and EFJ condemn suspension and demand for liquidation of independent Russian trade union JMWU  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) have condemned moves by the Russian authorities to shut down the Journalists’ and Media Workers’ Union (JMWU). The IFJ and EFJ urge the Russian authorities to drop the lawsuit against JMWU and to end their crackdown on independent journalists and media outlets in Russia. On 5 July, the Moscow City Court notified JMWU that the Moscow prosecutor had filed a lawsuit to liquidate the journalists’ union. Pending judgment, the court decided on 4 July to order a suspension of the union's activities. The preliminary hearing of the case is set for July 13. JMWU was notified on 13 May of the Moscow City Prosecutor's decision of…  
1619. Bangladesh: Missing journalist found dead in Kushtia river  

Journalist Hashibur Rahaman Rubel, the acting editor of Dainik Kushtiar Khabar, was found dead in the Kumarkhali Upazila area of Kushtia city on July 7. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls for an immediate investigation into the case. Rubel’s half-decomposed body was found floating under the Golam Kibria Bridge, which is currently under construction in Kushtia, on July 7. On the advice of locals, police recovered the remains of the journalist, which were sent to Kushtia General Hospital morgue for a post-mortem. The journalist had left the office of Dainik Kushtia Khobar on the evening of July 3, telling a staffer that he would return shortly. Rubel, who was also…  
1620. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from July, 1rst to July, 8th 2022. ENGLISH: International Federation of Journalists to file lawsuit against Israel in int'l Criminal Court - WAFA Int’l Federation of Journalists to Be Partner in Lawsuit against Israel at ICC - Tasnim News Agency Global journalists union to take on Israel at ICC - Doha News Journalists syndicate to join lawsuit against Israel at ICC - Press TV Palestinian Journalists Syndicate says US investigation in the killing of…  
1621. The Gambia: Journalist arrested, charged with obstructing a police officer  

The Editor in- chief of Gainako Online Newspaper, Yusuf Taylor, was arrested and charged with “obstructing a policer officer” and detained for four hours at the Senegambia Police Station on Tuesday, 5 July, 2022. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Gambia Press Union (GPU) in condemning this act of aggression and intimidation against a journalist who posed no security threat. According to a statement issued by the GPU, Taylor was arrested after police officers forcibly tried to remove him from the station’s premises and assaulted him when he tried to enquire about the detention of the Global Home of Medical Mission (GHMM) representatives Neneh Freda…  
1622. Perú: equipo periodístico de América Televisión fue secuestrado durante varias horas  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia el ataque del que fueron víctimas el reportero Eduardo Quispe Palacios, el camarógrafo Elmer Valdiviezo Castillo y el chofer Roel Cabrera Ruiz, quienes fueron retenidos durante varias horas y obligados a entregar material de trabajo a cambio de ser liberados. También se suma al reclamo de la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) y exige la inmediata devolución de los elementos sustraídos y la detención de las personas responsables. Esta situación no es un hecho aislado, ya que la violencia contra trabajadorxs de prensa viene creciendo desde el último proceso electoral en 2021. El equipo periodístico del programa Cuarto Poder,…  
1623. Hasibur Rahman Rubel  

The acting editor of Dainik Kushtiar Khabar left his office on July 3 and told a staffer that he would return shortly. Rubel, who was also associated with the Bengali newspaper Amader Notun Samay and the online portal Crime Vision BD, did not return and his mobile phone was switched off. He was found dead in a river in the Kushtia district on 7 July.  Journalists' safety, Bangladesh, IFJ, Impunity  
1624. Lawyers of killed journalist Shireen Abu Akleh request Israeli Army and Palestinian Authority grant urgent access to firearm and bullet for independent forensic analysis  

On 6 July 2022, lawyers acting on behalf of the family of Shireen Abu Akleh, and journalist Ali al-Samoudi, wrote to the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Israeli Army (IA) to request access to the bullet and firearm that is said to have killed Palestinian American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. The lawyers intend to have the firearm and bullet examined by a senior British forensic ballistics expert instructed on behalf of their clients. The lawyers from leading London law firm Bindmans LLP and Doughty Street Chambers also requested the PA, IA and US Embassy provide access to their respective investigations, evidence and findings, including a copy of the recent forensic ballistic analysis…  
1625. Pakistan: Journalist Ayaz Amir attacked in Lahore  

Unidentified assailants assaulted senior Pakistani journalist Ayaz Amir as he left a televised debate program in Lahore on July 1. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), condemn the attack on Ayaz Amir and call for swift action to bring the perpetrators to justice. Ayaz Amir was attacked shortly after recording his television show for Dunya News. His car was blocked by another vehicle after he left his office on Abbott Road in the Qila Gujjar Singh police district of Lahore. Six unidentified assailants stopped Amir’s car, attacked him, and tore his clothing off. The attackers forced him out of his…  
1626. International Press Institute joins African media stakeholders in strengthening Digital Platform for Safety of Journalists  

The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, publishers, and leading journalists for media freedom, has formally joined the media stakeholders in Africa engaged in the Digital Platform for the Safety of Journalists, having signed a partnership agreement to strengthen the platform. This platform is a joint effort between African media associations and networks, civil society, INGOs, the African Union Bodies with a mandate to promote media freedom on the continent, and with support from the UNESCO Multi-donor Programme on Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists. This new partnership aims at enhancing the capacity of the Platform to monitor and…  
1627. Palestine: latest US report on the circumstances of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh's killing fails to hold Israeli forces accountable  

The United States of America published on Monday 4 July the results of their forensic analysis regarding the origin of the bullet that killed Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. While the findings revealed that the shot had likely been fired from an Israeli military's position, they could not conclude that there had been an intention to kill the veteran reporter. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) express their disappointment in the report issued by the American investigation committee and call for justice to be upheld in this murder of the Palestinian journalist. Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh was shot…  
1628. Pakistan: Authorities arrest TV anchor after multiple cases filed  

Pakistani authorities registered four cases against TV anchor and vlogger Imran Riaz Khan for allegedly publishing material critical of state institutions before his arrest on July 5. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), urge the government to withdraw the cases against the journalist. The cases against Khan were filed with police in numerous areas of Punjab, all with similar charges. Several residents submitted applications to register the First Information Reports (FIRs), alleging that the journalist was inciting anti-national sentiments by disparaging the Pakistan Army and state institutions. On…  
1629. India: Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist barred from travelling abroad  

Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist from Indian-administered Kashmir, Sanna Irshad Mattoo, was barred by immigration authorities at the Delhi airport from flying to France. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), condemn the unjustified travel ban and urge the Indian authorities to allow journalists to travel safely and freely. On Mattoo’s arrival at Delhi airport on July 2 she was taken aside by immigration officials and told to wait for three hours, missing her flight to Paris. She was not given any explanation for the detainment and was later informed that she is prohibited from flying abroad.   Mattoo posted…  
1630. Sri Lanka: Journalist investigated over YouTube channel  

Journalist and media activist Tharindu Uduwaragedara was summoned to appear before the Sri Lanka Computer Crimes Division of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in Colombo on June 28. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Sri Lankan affiliates, the Free Media Movement (FMM) and the Federation of Media Employees Trade Unions (FMETU), urge the CID to withdraw its investigation against the journalist immediately. The CID began investigating Tharindu based on a complaint by the Intelligence Division of the Air Force about content on his YouTube channel, ‘Satahana’. According to FMM, the investigation is related to so-called “contradictions between the headings and…  
1631. Pakistan: Two Pakistani journalists assassinated in two days  

Two Pakistani journalists were murdered by unidentified assailants on July 1 and 2, including prominent journalist Iftikhar Ahmed in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and local reporter Ishtiaq Sodharo in the Sindh province. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), condemn the journalists’ killings and urge the Pakistani government to arrest the perpetrators as soon as possible and implement stronger security measures to ensure the safety of journalists in Pakistan. According to eyewitnesses, Iftikhar Ahmed, a reporter for the Daily Express, was travelling to his workplace in Shakir Market, Charsadda, on…  
1632. Yemen: Journalist Nabiha al Haidari faces brutal harassment after the killing of her brother  

Nabiha al Haidari has been the target of very serious attacks and online harassment since the killing of her brother in mid-June. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YSF) condemn the harassment and attacks directed at journalist Nabiha al Haidari and urge the authorities to identify and prosecute the attackers. On 15 June 2022, Saber al-Haidari, Nabiha's brother and a former Yemeni journalist working for foreign media outlets, was killed after a device planted on his car exploded while he was driving home in the southern city of Aden, Yemen. Since the assassination of her brother, Nabiha Al-Haidari received tens of demeaning, abusive and…  
1633. Timor-Leste: Journalist charged for investigative report  

Raimundos Oki, chief editor of news portal Oekusipost.com, has been accused of breaching judicial secrecy following an investigative report concerning the detention and forced virginity testing of 30 underage girls in 2020. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the charges and calls on the Timor-Leste government to immediately rescind the case. On June 29, Oki received a telephone call from an officer at the Criminal Investigation Scientific Police (Polícia Científica de Investigação Criminal), instructing him to appear before police the following day. The journalist exercised his right to silence during the minute meeting. Oki faces charges for allegedly breaching…  
1634. México: Atacan a una periodista en Jalisco en un presunto intento de robo  

La periodista Susana Mendoza Carreño, directora de la Radio Universidad de Guadalajara, sufrió un ataque con arma blanca en un supuesto intento de robo en un confuso episodio en la ciudad de Puerto Vallarta, estado de Jalisco. Mendoza Carreño salió junto a un colega del establecimiento educativo en su vehículo, que fue impactado desde atrás por otra camioneta, al bajar ambos fueron emboscados por dos personas en motocicleta que les robaron sus celulares y le exigieron las llaves de su auto a la comunicadora. Allí le propinaron dos heridas con un arma blanca en el cuello y tórax y huyeron en el Jeep de Mendoza que fue encontrado abandonado al día siguiente del ataque. Hasta el momento se…  
1635. Philippines: Broadcaster shot dead in front of his home  

Radio broadcaster Federico ‘Ding’ Gempesaw was shot and killed in broad daylight in front of his home in Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao on June 29. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), condemn the murder and urge the local authorities immediately bring the perpetrators to justice. Gempesaw was a political commentator and host of the daily block-time program ‘Bitayan Sa Kahanginan’, which aired on the local community radio network, Radyo Natin. According to the police report, two masked gunmen shot at Gempesaw. One of the perpetrators shot him at close range after Gempesaw stepped down from…  
1636. France : la Présidente de la FIJ lance "l'Appel de Paris" pour libérer Julian Assange  

A l'occasion d'un rassemblement de soutien à Julian Assange, Place de la République à Paris (France) dimanche 3 juillet, avec la participation notamment du SNJ, du SNJ-CGT et de nombreuses organisations, Dominique Pradalié, Présidente de la FIJ, a rappelé l'urgence de libérer Assange et a demandé à la France de lui accorder l’asile. Voici son discours. "Julian Assange est un journaliste australien en prison, en prison pour avoir rempli sa mission de journaliste. Julian Assange qui a fondé Wikileaks en 2006 pour répondre à l’intérêt général, a poursuivi sa mission de journaliste œuvrant pour l’intérêt général en dénonçant en 2010 des crimes de guerre de l’armée américaine en Irak et en…  
1637. Iftikhar Ahmed  

Iftikhar Ahmed, a reporter with Daily Express, was killed instantly when gunmen opened fire on him while he was travelling to his workplace in Shakir Market, Charsadda, in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. The journalist’s brother, Hazrat Bilal, filed a report against the assailants at Shabqadar Police Station under Section 302 of the Pakistan Penal Code.   Journalists' safety, Pakistan, IFJ, Impunity  
1638. Ecuador: Se registraron agresiones a la prensa en el marco del paro nacional.  

Durante los 18 días que se sostuvo el paro nacional de Ecuador la Federación Nacional de Periodistas del Ecuador difundió los datos recolectados por el Consejo de Comunicación que informó 83 alertas y 139 periodistas y medios agredidos. En el contexto de prolongadas jornadas de manifestaciones en todo el país, agentes de las fuerzas de seguridad y algunxs manifestantes interrumpieron la labor periodística con insultos, empujones y casos aislados de hurtos. Según datos oficiales del Consejo de Comunicación, divulgados por la Federación Nacional de Periodistas del Ecuador (FENAPE), se registraron 83 alertas y 139 periodistas y medios agredidos durante los 18 días que duraron…  
1639. Guatemala: Suplantan la identidad virtual de dos periodistas  

Los periodistas Sonny Figueroa y Marvin Del Cid denunciaron usurpación de su identidad virtual desde una falsa casilla de correo electrónico donde supuestamente hacían un pedido de información publica pero solicitando los expedientes de empleados de un organismo público, lo que viola la ley de información pública y obliga al organismo a denunciar a los solicitantes. Los hechos se dan en el marco de la campaña #NoNosCallarán que nuclea a periodistas detenidxs, agredidxs o denunciadxs por su trabajo periodístico. Sonny Figueroa y Marvin Del Cid, periodistas fundadores del portal Vox Populi, denuncian que son víctimas de una operación de suplantación de identidad, que tiene como fin…  
1640. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from June, 24 to July, 1rst 2022. ENGLISH:  Coalition of Journalists Demands Release of Julian Assange - Telesur In Geneva, media and journalists call for release of Assange - Independent Australia   Head of Palestinian Journalists Syndicate honored for his election as Vice President of the International Federation of Journalists - WAFA News Agency CPJ calls on Biden administration to investigate killing of Shireen Abu Akleh - WAFA News…  
1641. Brasil: Fallo jurídico condena a Jair Bolsonaro a indemnizar a la periodista Patricia Campos Mello por ofensas misóginas.  

El presidente de Brasil, Jair Bolsonaro, deberá indemnizar con 35.000 reales (aproximadamente 6.700 dólares) a la comunicadora Patricia Campos Mello del periódico de San Pablo, por acusarla de obtener información mediante favores sexuales. La ofensa pública fue la reacción del actual mandatario a una investigación de la periodista, donde demostraba una campaña de fake news que le habrían asegurado la victoria electoral en las elecciones presidenciales de 2018. Campos Mello, reportera del Folha de Sao Paulo, triunfó en su demanda al presidente Jair Bolsonaro por descalificarla de manera misógina al sugerir que la reportera ofreció favores sexuales a una fuente periodística para obtener la…  
1642. Cambodia: Government needs to pass Access to Information Law  

The legislation process to pass the Cambodian Law on Access to Information has been continually delayed since the initial plan was introduced in 2021. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Cambodian Journalists Alliance Association (CamboJA), in calling on the Cambodian government to accelerate the finalisation of the draft and deliver it to the National Assembly for approval. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen pledged that the new information law would be passed in 2021, with a draft finalised in August 2021. However, this draft has not yet been sent to parliament. The Access to Information Law will allow the public to view government records and…  
1643. Philippines: Government orders Rappler to shut down  

The Philippines government has again ordered the shutdown of Rappler, an independent media organisation founded by the Nobel Prize-winner Maria Ressa. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) stand with Rappler and urge the government to end its efforts to silence press freedom in the country. On June 28, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) confirmed its 2018 decision to revoke the certificates of incorporation of Rappler Inc and Rappler Holdings Corporation due to the violation of “constitutional and statutory restrictions of foreign ownership in mass media”. The SEC stated that the latest…  
1644. Antonio De la Cruz  

The journalist for Express press was shot dead by two unidentified assailants on a motorbike in the town of Victoria of the province of Tamaulipas. According to media reports, Antonio de la Cruz was attacked as he was leaving his home together with his wife and daughter who were also injured and taken to hospital. His daughter sadly passed away after a few days afterwards, due to injuries she had sustained. Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
1645. México: Asesinan a periodista cuando salía de su domicilio  

Antonio De la Cruz, comunicador de Expresso.press, fue muerto a tiros por dos personas que lo emboscaron con una motocicleta al salir de su casa en la ciudad de Victoria, departamento de Tamaulipas. De la Cruz estaba acompañado por su mujer e hija que se encuentran hospitalizadas. El periodista Antonio De la Cruz fue asesinado a tiros el martes 29 de junio por la mañana al salir de su casa junto a su mujer y la hija de ambos. El ataque habría sido perpetrado por dos personas que se desplazaban en motocicleta.  El Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) emitió un comunicado en el que expresó: “Exigimos que de manera pronta y expedita se dé con los responsables del…  
1646. Editorial: On the way to 2026  

The 31st IFJ World Congress in Oman (May 31 - June 3, 2022) concluded a few weeks ago and in addition to the excellent content, vibrant debate and crucial decisions that marked our week in Muscat, the newly elected IFJ leadership and General Secretariat have already begun to plan their work up to the Centenary Congress in 2026.   The IFJ work programme for 2022-2026 is designed to maintain the IFJ's role as the global voice of journalists and journalism and to strengthen IFJ member unions in carrying out their mission around the world. Firstly, by defending and promoting the rights and working conditions of journalists in all media and on all platforms; and secondly, by defending…  
1647. Federico ‘Ding’ Gempesaw  

The radio broadcaster was shot and killed in broad daylight in front of his home in Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City in  Mindanao province. Gempesaw was a political commentator and host of the daily block-time program ‘Bitayan Sa Kahanginan’, which aired on the local community radio network, Radyo Natin. According to the police report, two masked gunmen shot at Gempesaw. One of the perpetrators shot him at close range after Gempesaw stepped down from his taxi, which he owned and drove. Although he was wounded, Gempesaw wrestled with one assailant before a second bullet hit his head. He died at the scene. According to witnesses, the murderers fled on a…  
1648. India: Journalist arrested for hurting religious sentiments  

Indian journalist and AltNews co-founder, Mohammed Zubair, was arrested on June 27, for a Twitter post police alleged hurt religious sentiment in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemn the arrest and call for Zubair’s immediate release. The Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations unit of the Delhi Police initially summoned Zubair for questioning regarding a 2020 case over social media posts, to which he already had protection against arrest from the Delhi High Court. Police then arrested Zubair for a separate complaint against a 2018 Twitter post about the Hindu god Hanuman. An anonymous Twitter…  
1649. Perú: proyecto de ley del Ejecutivo busca penalizar a quien revele datos en investigaciones penales  

El jefe de Ministros Aníbal Torres anunció que enviarán al Congreso un proyecto de ley que propone crear la figura jurídica de “delito de difusión de información fiscal sobre casos penales” y castiga a quien divulgue información de procesos penales con uno y hasta tres años de cárcel. El proyecto alarmó a las organizaciones sindicales que nuclean a lxs trabajadorxs de prensa, que temen que de ser aprobado ponga en riesgo el ejercicio de la libertad de prensa al condicionar las garantías de las fuentes de lxs periodistas El proyecto de ley que se presentará ante el Congreso tipificaría como delito revelar información de una investigación penal con pena de uno a dos años de cárcel y si quien…  
1650. Turkey: Police arrest AFP photographer amid mass detentions at Istanbul Pride March  

On Sunday, 26 June, Turkish police broke up the Istanbul Pride march, assaulting and detaining over 200 demonstrators and several journalists including an AFP photographer. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) stand with their Turkish affiliates in condemning the crackdown on journalists while doing their job. Despite the ban on the march ordered by the governor and the heavy police presence, protestors gathered in large numbers around Taksim Square. The last authorised march in 2014 drew thousands of participants and the event has taken place every year since 2015, even though it was banned each year. Police detained about four busloads of people, around…  
1651. Versiones contrapuestas en la investigación por el asesinato de Dom Phillips y Bruno Pereira  

La Policía Federal de Brasil, a cargo de la investigación del asesinato del periodista británico Dom Phillips y el indigenista Bruno Pereira, niega que haya una organización criminal detrás de los hechos y pretende limitar la responsabilidad a los tres detenidos. La organización Univaja, que nuclea a comunidades indígenas de la zona, denuncia la desidia del gobierno de Jair Bolsonaro y sostiene que el crimen fue planificado por estructuras delictivas que operan en la zona. La Policía Federal de Brasil, a cargo de la investigación del asesinato del periodista británico Dom Phillips y el indigenista Bruno Pereira, niega que haya una organización criminal detrás de los hechos y pretende…  
1652. "Chaque journaliste tué ou neutralisé par la terreur est un observateur de la condition humaine en moins"  

Dominique Pradalié, Présidente de la FIJ, a donné ce vendredi 24 juin un discours devant le Conseil des droits de l'Homme des Nations Unies à Genève, appelant au soutien de notre Convention et à la fin de l'impunité. "Shireen Abu Akleh, Yessenia Falconi and Sheila Olivera, trois journalistes, trois femmes, assassinées en mai 2022. Dans les territoires palestiniens occupés, 57 journalistes ont été tués en 20 ans. Au Mexique, ces deux derniers meurtres portent à 11 le terrible score de l'année 2022. Les assassins sont libres, les commanditaires inconnus. En 10 ans, près de 1 000 journalistes tués en toute impunité ou presque, puisque 90% des crimes ne sont ni élucidés, ni…  
1653. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 17 to 24 June 2022. ENGLISH  Female Asian Journalists Face Harassment in Allegedly Beijing-Backed Campaign - Voice of America Chinese party-state, allied players influencing free speech - Asian News International UN: Palestinian Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was Killed by Israeli Gunfire - The Palestine Chronicle Bullet that killed Shireen Abu Akleh was American made, used by Israeli forces - The Arab American…  
1654. Indonesia: Student journalists harassed for investigative reporting  

Members of student press organisation LPM Lintas, at the State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Ambon, have faced ongoing threats and intimation after publishing an investigative story on sexual harassment. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia, urge the university’s executive to end all forms of intimidation against the student journalists and respect press freedom. On March 14, LPM Lintas published an investigative story on sexual harassment at the university from 2015 to 2021, in an article titled ‘IAIN Ambon prone to sexual harassment’. The piece gathered the stories of 32 victims of sexual…  
1655. Philippines: Government blocks independent media  

The Philippines’ National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) has blocked several independent media sites, accusing them of supporting terrorist groups. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), in condemning the internet restrictions and urges the government to restore access to independent media. National Security Adviser and Anti-Terrorism Council Vice-Chairperson, Hermogenes Esperon Jr., requested the National Telecommunications Commission block access to 28 websites, citing their affiliation with the Communist Party of the Philippines, New People’s Army and the National Democratic Front of the…  
1656. China: Journalist detained and harassed for reporting on restaurant attack  

On June 12, reporter Zhang Weihan was detained and mistreated by police in Tangshan, in the Hebei province, while reporting on an assault at a local restaurant. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the journalists’ detainment and urges authorities to immediately cease the censorship of local media in China. Zhang, a reporter for state-run broadcaster Guizhou Radio, was at a local barbeque restaurant in the north-eastern city of Tangshan to conduct interviews about an assault incident on June 10, for the program Common People Watch. CCTV footage outside the restaurant showed a group of men attacking four women after they rejected the men’s advances. Two women were…  
1657. Yemen: Journalist killed in a car bomb  

Saber al-Haidari, a former Yemeni journalist working for foreign media outlets, was killed on 15 June after a device planted on his car exploded while he was driving home in the southern city of Aden, Yemen. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its local affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) strongly condemn this killing and call for justice in the face of widespread impunity. According to media reports, the car blast which killed the 40-year-old Al-Haidari also injured other passengers in the car. In recent years, he collaborated with international media as a local producer in addition to his work at the ministry of information. Assailants are still unknown as…  
1658. India: Two journalists booked for ‘affecting religious sentiment’  

Journalists Navika Kumar and Saba Naqvi have been booked under sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) for hosting a talk show and sharing a satirical social media post respectively. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the misuse of law against journalists and urges the Indian authorities to dismiss the criminal cases against the journalists immediately. Navika Kumar, the editor-in-chief of Times Now Navbharat, was named in a First Information Report (FIR) along with Nupur Sharma, the now-suspended Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson. Sharma, who participated in a television debate titled ‘The Gyanvapi Files’, hosted by Kumar on May 26, allegedly made an…  
1659. Australia: Government called on to act against Assange extradition order  

Following the United Kingdom’s decision to extradite Julian Assange to face trial in the United States, the International Federation of Journalists’ (IFJ) Australian affiliate, the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) has called on the Australian Government to take swift steps to lobby for the dismissal of all charges against Assange. The IFJ stands with the MEAA in condemning the extradition order and calls for Assange to be pardoned and allowed to be with his family. On 17 June, UK Home Secretary Priti Patel approved Assange’s extradition to the US to face charges, primarily under the nation’s Espionage Act, for releasing US government records that revealed the US military…  
1660. Rights on his side: Growing opposition to Assange's prosecution  

Text by Tim Dawson. When Andrew Neil devoted his column in the Daily Mail to the Assange, his prejudices rang clear. Neil is Britain’s most-celebrated right-wing journalist: the Mail, the best-selling reactionary newspaper. Assange, Neil told his readers, is: reckless, cavalier, stupid, a narcissist, a sexual predator and careless with personal hygiene.  But once Neil had pleasured himself with a discharge of invective, he got to his real point. “If (Assange) ends up incarcerated in America, journalists all over what is still called the free world will wonder if it’s worth the risk when they are presented with classified information that deserves to see the light of…  
1661. Hong Kong: Media restricted from covering handover and inauguration events  

At least 10 local and international news organisations have been barred from covering the inauguration of incoming Chief Secretary John Lee and other events during the twenty-fifth anniversary of Hong Kong’s handover to China on July 1. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), in condemning the obstruction of the press. On June 16, applications for media outlets seeking to access the Hong Kong Chief Secretary inauguration and handover anniversary events closed, but at least 10 organisations’ registrations were denied. The Hong Kong based independent news and photography outlets restricted from reporting the…  
1662. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 13 to 20 June 2022. ENGLISH  Female Asian Journalists Face Harassment in Allegedly Beijing-backed Campaign - Voice of America IFJ: 'Arbitrary Detentions of Journalists' Must Halt - Tolo News Killing Palestinian Journalists and The Silence of Israeli Apartheid - CounterPunch How do Ukrainian journalists work during the war? - Ukraine crisis media center Turkey: Arrested Kurdish Journalists Face Court over Terrorism…  
1663. UK: Home Office minister approves extradition of Assange to the US  

UK Home Secretary Priti Patel has accepted the US government’s request to extradite Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange in what the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) condemned as a shameful decision that sets “a terrible precedent for all those who are daily fighting to tell the truth”. On 17 June, despite the IFJ and media calling on the government to reject the extradition request, the Home Secretary gave the green light, ignoring pleas to protect media freedom.  Assange is currently fighting extradition to the US to face charges, mostly under the Espionage Act, relating to the leaking and publishing of the Afghan and Iraqi war logs.  In…  
1664. Indonesia: Six media companies sued over articles published five years ago  

Six local media companies in Makassar, South Sulawesi, are facing civil lawsuits following articles that questioned M. Akbar Amir’s claims of descendance from the historical Kingdom of Tallo. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia, in calling for the plaintiff to withdraw the civil lawsuit and the court to reject the request. M. Akbar Amir, who claims to be a descendant of the Tallo King, sued five online media outlets including Antara News, Terkini News, Celebes News, Makassar Today, and Kabar Makassar, as well as a public radio station, Radio Republik Indonesia. The plaintiff is seeking damages for 100…  
1665. Preocupante crecimiento de la judicialización del trabajo periodístico en la región  

El amedrentamiento a la prensa con herramientas jurídicas es una estrategia de disuasión, desgaste y censura que utilizan tanto los estados como las grandes empresas. En América Latina y el Caribe ésta práctica avanza, dañando la vida, el trabajo y el patrimonio de lxs trabajadorxs de prensa. En Brasil dos casos muy recientes demuestran como la justicia puede operar en desmedro de lxs periodistxs. Rubens Valente, experimentado periodista de investigación, publicó en 2008 el libro  "Operação Banqueiro" (Operación Banquero) -reportaje sobre Daniel Dantas, el banquero detenido en 2008 por nombrar a Gilmar Mendes, ministro del tribunal. Valente fue demandado por “daño moral” por el…  
1666. Afghanistan: Journalists missing and detained as attacks to media continue  

One journalist is missing, and two others have been arrested by Taliban authorities since the beginning of June amid mounting attacks on Afghanistan’s media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Afghan affiliates, Afghanistan’s National Journalists Union (ANJU) and the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA), condemn the Taliban’s increasing arbitrary arrests of journalists and media workers and call for an investigation into the disappearance and arrests of the three journalists. Pajhwok Afghan News correspondent and AIJA provincial deputy, Abdul Hanan Mohammadi, was reported missing on Sunday 12 June. His family said he was last seen leaving his home…  
1667. Saber al-Haidari  

The 40-year-old contributor to foreign media outlets was killed after a device planted on his car exploded while he was driving home in the southern city of Aden, Yemen. According to media reports, the car blast which killed Al-Haidari also injured other passengers in the car. No one claimed responsibility for the attack. Journalists' safety, Yemen, IFJ, Impunity  
1668. Philippines: Journalists charged with ‘malicious mischief and illegal assembly’  

Two working journalists and nine student journalists were arrested and charged with ‘malicious mischief and illegal assembly’ in Central Luzon on June 9, despite identifying themselves as media workers. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), urge the authorities to drop all charges against the journalists. Police arrested the journalists and student journalists, along with more than 90 individuals including farmers who were beneficiaries of an agrarian reform program and land reform advocates, while reporting on cultivation work on disputed land in Tinang, Concepcion, in the Tarlac province of Central…  
1669. Turkey: 21 Kurdish journalists arrested accused of “terrorist” activities  

UPDATED 16.06.22 Turkish police arrested 21 Kurdish journalists and media workers in a massive operation in the Kurdish-majority southeastern province of Diyarbakir on terrorism charges. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Turkish affiliates strongly condemn these massive arrests of journalists on groundless charges and urges for the immediate release of all of them. Police raided on 8 June the homes of several Kurdish journalists working for the pro-Kurdish Mezopotamya News Agency, the all-female Jin News website, a production company called Pel, and the Dicle Firat Journalists' Association. During the raids, police officers seized computers, hard drives and other…  
1670. ILO adds safety and health as a fundamental principle and right at work  

Delegates attending the International Labour Conference (ILC) adopted a resolution to add the principle of a safe and healthy working environment to the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes this major breakthrough in occupational safety and health for workers. The 10 June decision adds the right to a healthy and safe working environment to the four rights adopted in 1998 by the International Labour Organization (ILO): Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining. The elimination of forced or compulsory labour. The abolition…  
1671. IFJ Global Survey on Climate Reporting: More dedicated coverage and training needed  

The media are a long way from providing adequate coverage of the severity of the climate crisis, while journalists need more training to improve their reporting, a new International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) global survey has revealed. The IFJ has urged media, journalists and unions to take a stronger lead in stimulating the debate and action around climate change. Results of the global survey show that a big majority of journalists (over 81%) are “very concerned” about climate change. However, only one in four believe the media in their country is doing an adequate job of covering the climate crisis. Half of respondents said their own news organisation does not dedicate special…  
1672. Brasil: Bolsonaro es condenado por daño moral colectivo a la categoría de periodistas tras acción del Sindicato de Periodistas de São Paulo  

En el Día Nacional de la Libertad de Prensa, los periodistas obtuvieron una victoria histórica contra el presidente brasileño Jair Bolsonaro. En decisión difundida en 7 de junio, la jueza Tamara Hochgreb Matos, del 24º Juzgado Civil del Distrito de São Paulo, condenó al actual Presidente de la República a pagar R$ 100 mil (US$ 20 mil) como indemnización por daño moral colectivo a la categoría. El 7 de abril del año pasado, Día del Periodista, el Sindicato de Periodistas Profesionales del Estado de São Paulo (afiliado a la Federación Nacional de Periodistas, Fenaj, Brasil) presentó una Acción Civil Pública contra Jair Bolsonaro: el Sindicato estaba alegando ante la Corte a que el presidente…  
1673. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 3 to 10 June 2022. ENGLISH: Journalism organizations urge Turkey to withdraw disinformation Bill – Ahval News Sango hands over international press card to select state journalists – Eastern Sentinel MJA expressed Maldivian journalists concerns at IFJ – The Edition Bahrain elected to IFJ Executive Committee – Saudi Gazette Israeli anti-torture body refers Israel to International Criminal Court – Middle East Eye Ramos-Horta Challenges…  
1674. Nigeria: Six journalists briefly detained while covering court proceedings  

Six journalists were detained at the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory (Abuja) for two hours on 7 June for alleged “unlawful coverage of court proceedings” and were forced to delete the pictures they had taken.  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this arbitrary detention which represents an act of intimidation from the Nigerian judiciary on journalists covering public interest trials. According to local reports, judge Chizoba Orji said that journalists must get written permission to be allowed to inform about proceedings in her court.  “She ordered to seize the phone of Wumi Obabori, a judiciary correspondent from the African Independent Television…  
1675. Ukraine: Journalists’ Solidarity Centers provided assistance to almost 200 media workers  

The Journalists’ Solidarity Centers, which the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, with the support of the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) opened in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Chernivtsi, were visited by 196 journalists during 50 days of their work. Most of them represent regional media (78% of appeals) and regions such as Donetsk region, including Mariupol, Kherson region, Kyiv region, and Kyiv. Among the most actual needs of journalists are financial support, the need for safety equipment and first aid kits, the need to purchase or rent technical equipment, job search, or a place to work. There are also requests for training and education. The…  
1676. Afghanistan: Journalist beaten and arrested by Taliban militants  

In a continued slate of attacks against Afghan media, journalist Reza Shahir was beaten by Taliban militants for a second time on June 3 and three other journalists were charged with criminal insult on May 4. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the attack and the arrests of the four journalists and urges the Taliban to cease its increasing assaults on journalists and media workers. In a Facebook post, Reza Shahir said that Taliban fighters attacked him while he was walking home in Kabul’s Disctrict 18, around midnight. Taliban militants initially searched Shahir and took his mobile phone. After discovering screenshots of media reports of Shahir’s previous detention,…  
1677. Bangladesh: DBC News journalist killed in suspected stabbing  

DBC News journalist Abdul Bari was found deceased at the bank of Hatirjheel lake in the Gulshan area of Dhaka on June 8. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the murder and urges the Bangladesh government to immediately investigate the case and bring the perpetrators to justice. At 7 am on June 8, police recovered the deceased body of Abdul Bari with visible stab wounds to his neck and chest. Following a call from a passer-by, Bari’s body was found on the bank of Hatirjheel lake near the Police Plaza shopping mall on Hatirjheel Link Road. A mobile phone, wallet, shoes, and a knife were found next to the body. Police primarily suspect that Abdul Bari was murdered by…  
1678. Abdul Bari  

The DBC News journalist was found dead at the bank of Hatirjheel lake in the Gulshan area of Dhaka on June 8. Police found visible stab wounds to his neck and chest. The journalist had received a threat from an anonymous person prior to his death. Journalists' safety, Bangladesh, IFJ, Impunity  
1679. "We return from Oman emboldened, with more allies in the fight"  

Report from the 2022 Congress of the International Federation of Journalists, by E. Tammy Kim. Omanis are known for their easeful hospitality, and so it was that, in late May, a group of us journalists, having arrived via Doha, were received with a platter of tea and dates at the Muscat airport. In a waiting room reserved for delegates of the 31st congress of the International Federation of Journalists—a sort of triennial United Nations for media unions—we made small talk in English. A television producer from Serbia, no peaceful place to do journalism, asked,“How are things in your countries?” An Indonesian reporter said that things were mercifully stable at the moment. The same for a…  
1680. International groups call on Turkey’s parliament to reject the “disinformation” bill as a tool of digital censorship  

Twenty three international media freedom, freedom of expression and journalists’ organisations, including the IFJ, today called for the immediate dismissal of the bill on “disinformation and fake news” which was submitted to the parliament on May 27 by the governing alliance of Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). The IFJ joins the international outcry to end the law designed to expand online censorship and criminalise the free flow of information. Read the full statement. The bill threatens up to three years imprisonment for those found guilty of the deliberate publishing of “disinformation and fake news” intended to instigate fear or panic, endanger…  
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