15041 results:

141. Mehedi Hasan  

On July 18, Dhaka Times journalist Mehedi Hasan was killed after he was shot in the head while covering a clash between law enforcement and protesting students and activists in Dhaka’s southern Jatra Bari area. The killing was confirmed by Dhaka Times editor Ariufur Rahman Dolon, however the perpetrators or circumstances are currently unconfirmed. The protests against government hiring quotas across Bangladesh left hundreds killed, injured or detained. Mehedi Hasan, Bangladesh, Asia, protest, journalist, impunity, safety, killed, journalism, protest, killing, Bangladeshi, Dhaka Times, IFJ, FIP, FIJ  
142. Hong Kong: New HKJA chair fired by Wall Street Journal  

Selina Cheng, newly elected chairperson of the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), has been terminated from her position at the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) just weeks after editors pressured her to withdraw from running in the union’s election. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands with its affiliate, HKJA, in strongly condemning Cheng’s dismissal and calling on all media organisations to support and respect the fundamental rights of press freedom and freedom of association in Hong Kong. Cheng, who has worked for the Journal since April 2022 covering China’s energy and automobile sectors, was dismissed on July 17 with immediate effect after her position was eliminated…  
143. Shakil Hossain  

Shakil Hossain, a correspondent for the Daily Bhorer Awaj newspaper, was killed while reporting in Bhorer Awaj, Gazipur City, on July 18.  The killings of Hossain and Turab bring the confirmed media death toll to three, with journalist Mehedi Hassan killed after he was shot in the head while covering a clash between law enforcement and protesting students and activists in Dhaka’s southern Jatra Bari area. Bangladesh, police, protest, killing, journalist, media, safety, impunity, IFJ, solidarity, Asia Pacific,  
144. Kenya : Journalist shot trice while covering anti-government demonstrations in Nakuru  

Kenyan Journalist and reporter for the privately owned MediaMax Limited, Catherine Kariuki Wanjeri, was shot three times in the thigh while covering anti-government demonstrations on 16 July, in Nakuru Town. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ), in condemning this horrendous act of brutality meted out to a journalist while exercising her duties, and urges the Kenyan authorities to conduct a thorough investigation. On 16 July, Kariuki was shot by a police officer while covering the demonstrations within the Central Business District in Nakuru, 153 km northeast of the capital Nairobi. The journalist was admitted at the…  
145. Venezuela: Maduro accuses international news agencies of lying during election campaign  

Venezuela’s President and candidate for re-election, Nicolás Maduro, attacked international news agencies, Spanish EFE, British Reuters, French Associated France Presse (AFP) and US Associated Press (AP), which are covering the national election campaign. He accused them of lying “every day”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns Maduro’s declarations that not only contribute to heating up the electoral atmosphere but also have a dangerous potential to discredit journalists and increase existing harassment against the media. Maduro slammed international news agencies, labelling them as “rubbish”, during a political rally on 9 July in La Guaira state, northern of the…  
146. France: Threats against investigative journalist for revelations about illegal financing in the Central African Republic  

On 29 June, as journalist Thomas Dietrich was about to publish an investigation entitled "When Macron protects Marine Le Pen's financier" for online media OFF Investigation, he received a chilling threat of violence, sent on the WhatsApp instant messaging network. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) and their affiliates in France, SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT-Journalistes and SGJ-FO, strongly condemn these actions, apparently aimed at preventing Dietrich from publishing his work. We call on the authorities to investigate the threats against him. Thomas Dietrich, an investigative journalist specialising in “Françafrique” (France's sphere of influence over former French…  
147. Argentina: trabajadoras de prensa realizaron una denuncia colectiva por acoso sexual y abuso de poder  

Casi una veintena de mujeres apuntaron contra el periodista Pedro Brieger por numerosos casos de acoso sexual en sus lugares de trabajo, y de esta manera pusieron de relieve las violencias que enfrentan las trabajadoras de prensa en los ámbitos laborales. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) acompaña a las colegas que decidieron alzar la voz y se solidariza con ellas, así como también destaca la importancia de la organización colectiva para erradicar toda forma de violencia ejercida contra mujeres y diversidades en los espacios de trabajo. El pasado 2 de julio, el colectivo Periodistas Argentinas recolectó y presentó 19 testimonios de trabajadoras de prensa y estudiantes que…  
148. France: IFJ President and General Secretary file complaint after receiving death threats  

One hundred and eighty signatories of an opinion piece, including the President and the General Secretary of the IFJ, calling for greater safety for journalists, have been threatened with "a bullet in the back of the head" by a far-right website. The article lists individuals who, according to its author, should be "executed". A complaint was lodged in Paris on 15 July 2024. A far-right website has named 180 people as "candidates for a bullet in the back of the head". Nearly 80 journalists and trade unionists, left-wing politicians, lawyers, writers, philosophers, historians and artists have received clear death threats. A complaint was lodged in Paris on Monday 15 July 2024 by Vincent…  
149. Iraq: Journalist killed in Sinjar after alleged drone attack by Türkiye  

Çira TV reporter Murad Mirza Ibrahim succumbed to his injuries on 11 July, following a suspected drone strike by Türkiye that hit a vehicle where a team of journalists were travelling on 8 July in Sinjar, northern Iraq. Woman journalist Mydia Hussen from Çira TV and driver Khalaf Khdir were also wounded during the attack. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the journalist's killing and urges the authorities of Türkiye and Iraq to launch an immediate investigation to hold the perpetrators accountable. The vehicle where TV reporter Mirza Ibrahim and Mydia Hussen, who both worked for Kurdish satellite broadcaster based in Germany Çira TV, were travelling was hit…  
150. Pakistan: Journalist gunned down in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa  

Aaj News journalist Hasan Zaib has been shot dead in the Nowshera district of Pakistan’s northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province by unknown assailants, the eighth Pakistani media worker to be killed in 2024. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), strongly condemn Zaib’s murder and call on Pakistan’s government to act immediately to protect journalists amidst rampant violence and impunity. Hasan Zaib was killed on July 14 by two individuals riding motorcycles who opened fire on his car in Akbarpura Bazaar, a crowded market area in Nowshera district, according to district police. Zaib was travelling in the…  
151. Mohammad Manhal Abu Armanah  

On 13 July, journalist Mohammad Manhal Abu Armanah, was killed in an Israeli strike that hit tents of displaced people in Khan Yunis, southern of the Gaza Strip, Al Mayadeen reported.  Palestine, Palestinian, journalist, Israel, Gaza, journalism, impunity, accountability, solidarity, union, IFJ, FIP, FIJ, PJS, killing,  
152. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 6 - 12 July 2024. English  European groups urge Jourová to act on Italian media freedom - Euractiv Kazakh Journalist’s Killing Sends Chill Through Exiles in Ukraine - The New York Times Record number of journalists killed in Pakistan already this year - The Guardian Record number of Pakistani journalists killed in just six months - Al Mayadeen Journalist Syndicate: 152 journalists and media workers killed since October 7 - Al…  
153. Burkina Faso: Three journalists disappeared in separate incidents in June  

Journalists Adama Bayala, Serge Oulon and Kalifara Sere were abducted in separate incidents in the Burkinabe capital of Ouagadougou by suspected officials of the security forces last month, allegedly in relation to their work as journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Professional Media Organisations (OPM), (of which IFJ affiliate Association des Journalistes du Burkina (AJB) is a constituent), condemning these acts of harassment and intimidation against journalists – apparently to silence them. The IFJ calls for the immediate release of the abducted journalists. Adama Bayala, a regular commentator on the private television station BF1 talkshow, ‘ Presse…  
154. Murad Mirza Ibrahim  

Çira TV reporter Murad Mirza Ibrahim succumbed to his injuries on 11 July, following a suspected drone strike by Türkiye that hit a vehicle where a team of journalists were travelling on 8 July in Sinjar, northern Iraq. Woman journalist Mydia Hussen from Çira TV and driver Khalaf Khdir were also wounded during the attack.  The reporter succumbed to his serious injuries in the hospital of Mosul on 11 july, and was buried one day later at Girê Gewir cemetery, Çira TV reported. He is the first journalist killed in Iraq in 2024.  safety, IFJ, Iraq, Kurdish, Murad Mirza Ibrahim, Sinjar, killing, impunity, solidarity, union, journalist, journalism, reporter, TV, Çira TV  
155. Pakistan: Kenyan court rules Arshad Sharif killing illegal  

On July 8, the Kenyan High Court sitting in Kajiado ruled that the 2022 killing of Pakistani journalist Arshad Sharif by Kenyan law enforcement personnel was unlawful. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) and the Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ) in welcoming the decision, and urging authorities to ensure that those responsible are held to account. The ruling comes following nearly two years of advocacy from one of Sharif’s widows, Javeria Siddique, the PFUJ, KUJ, the Kenya Correspondents Association, and the media communities of Pakistan and Kenya. In the ruling posted by Siddique to social media platform…  
156. Argentina: Los trabajadores de la Agencia Télam vuelven a sus tareas  

Tras 128 días de lucha contra el intento del gobierno argentino de cerrar la histórica agencia estatal de noticias Télam, sus trabajadorxs volvieron este 10 de julio a sus lugares de trabajo. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas celebra este logro, fruto de la lucha organizada y con sólidas convicciones, y apoya la continuidad de sus reclamos por la defensa de los medios públicos. Luego de más de 4 meses de sostener acciones de lucha, este 10 de julio lxs trabajadorxs de la agencia de noticias Télam volvieron a sus lugares de trabajo, tras evitar el cierre definitivo de la institución. La Secretaria General de la Federación Argentina de Trabajadores de Prensa (FATPREN), Carla…  
157. #IFJBlog: The issue of journalists' safety is pervasive and worsening  

On 10 July, the Deputy General Secretary of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Tim Dawson, was invited to attend the Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport & Media of the Irish Parliament to address the alarming safety situation that faces journalists in areas of conflict. Opening statement I am grateful for the time that you are taking to consider this issue. It is one that has been rendered vivid and immediate by the ongoing conflict in Gaza, and the terrible score of journalists’ deaths there – but the wider issue of journalists’ safety is pervasive and worsening. Democracy is among the defining ideals of modern life. Imperfect,…  
158. #IFJBlog: Standing with the Union despite red-tagging  

Despite promises of change under the Marcos Jr government, state forces in the Philippines have continued to target journalists, unionists, and human rights defenders through ‘red-tagging’. Lian Buan, a former National Director with the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) speaks on a new report from the union detailing how this practice survives today, how it is weaponised against our colleagues, and what we can do to fight against it. I have been told by more than one person that being a member, and especially serving on the board, of the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) is part of the reason why I keep being red-tagged. Red-tagging is a…  
159. Israel: Spanish woman journalist subjected to threats and harassment while reporting in Jerusalem  

Spanish journalist Lara Escudero received severe harassment and violent threats, on 1 July, while reporting in the Mea Shearim neighbourhood of Jerusalem. This incident, involving the ultra-Orthodox community, highlights a troubling increase in gender-based hostility against journalists in conflict zones. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns this act and calls on the authorities for immediate protective measures for journalists. Lara Escudero, a correspondent for Spanish TV channel Noticias Cuatro in Jerusalem, along with several other journalists including women, faced threats, insults, and verbal abuse while covering a demonstration by ultra-Orthodox Jews on…  
160. Promoting Labour Rights, Gender Equality and Freedom of Association in Pakistan’s Media  

Dual online and offline organizing for media workers. Digital campaigns for labour rights awareness. Resources provision through digital means. Research on challenges facing media workers in Pakistan. Strategic planning for union improvement and growth. Constitutional reviews for robust, inclusive structures. Support in union registration and funding for activities. Regional networking for union collaboration and knowledge-sharing. Leadership program for member’s growth and young leadership development. Collaboration with civil society organisations to form labour and gender media networks. Aim to foster solidarity and collective action within the networks. …  
161. NED Project Page  

SINDIKASI - Collective Bargaining Agreement SINDIKASI signed a collective bargaining agreement between Project Multatuli and Sindikasi, Greater Jakarta chapter, as part of SINDIKASI's fifth anniversary celebration. Watch the video here! Project Objectives The purpose of the project is to reinforce professional and ethical journalism and create a more sustainable media in Sri Lanka through effective research and by strengthening capacities of young and working journalists in union leadership and raise voice on the issues that affect them in their professional work as journalists. Project Objectives To strengthen the union towards the protection and promotion of media rights and…  
162. Wafa Abu Dabaan, Amjad Al-Jahjouh  

On 6 July, the couple formed by Palestine Now news agency correspondent, Amjad Al-Jahjouh, and programme producer and presenter at the Islamic University radio station, Wafa Abu Dabaan, were killed in an Israeli strike in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the middle of the Gaza Strip.  Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, Israel, killing, impunity, journalism, journalist, safety, IFJ, FIP, FIJ, union, solidarity  
163. Rizq Abu Shakyan  

On 6 July, journalist and editor at the Palestine Media Agency, Rizq Abu Shakyan, was killed in an Israeli strike that hit his home in the Nuseirat refugee camp, according to PJS and media.  IFJ, Gaza, journalist, journalism, Palestine, Palestinian, Israel, impunity, IFJ, FIP, FIJ, union, solidarity, accountability,  
164. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 29 June - 5 July 2024. English Crowdfunder launched after police seize Brixton photographer’s camera equipment - Brixton Buzz Silencing the Messenger: Pakistan’s Press Freedom in Downward Spiral - Modern Diplomacy Nigeria: journalist charged over reporting on local businessman - EIN News Palestinian journalists covering Gaza war win UNESCO press freedom prize - MSN  Indonesian Police Probe Arson Accusation in Death of Reporter - US…  
165. IFJ launches Global Young Media Workers' Group  

On Thursday 4 July, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) launched its Global Young Media Workers' Group, comprising 27 young journalists and trade unionists – 14 women, 13 men – from IFJ affiliates around the world. In many parts of the world, the average age of union members and leaders has increased over the past 20 years. While a generational gap in union membership density between younger and more experienced workers is not new, fewer young people have joined unions in recent years in many countries.  The majority of new media jobs, however, are precarious, based in small media or in sectors without a strong tradition of unionisation. "Engaging young workers in all…  
166. Adeeb Sukkar, Saadi Madoukh  

On 5 July, director of Deep Shot Media production company, Saadi Madoukh, and journalist Adeeb Sukkar, who worked for the same media, were killed in an Israeli strike in the Daraj neighbourhood of Gaza City. Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, journalist, journalism, killing, impunity, Israel, union, IFJ, FIP FIJ, union, solidarity  
167. Mohammad Al Sakni  

On 5 July, media director of Al Quds TV, Mohammad Al Sakni, was killed when a strike hit his home in Al-Tuffah neighbourhood, east of Gaza City, PJS reported.  Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, Israel, killing, impunity, IFJ, journalist, union, list, FIP FIJ, solidarity,  
168. Olympics: IOC must ensure gender equality and safety of women journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Gender Council have sent a letter to the President of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, urging the IOC to uphold gender equality and promote diversity at the upcoming Paris Olympic Games. The letter emphasises the need to prevent all forms of harassment or violence against women, both journalists and athletes, and calls for the adoption of protocols to facilitate reporting and resolution of such incidents. The federation stresses that ensuring respectful behavior and swift action in cases of threats or harassment is crucial to maintaining the sporting values and safety of all participants. Download the…  
169. Kazakhstan: Prominent journalist killed in Ukraine  

Journalist and prominent government critic Aidos Sadykov died on July 2, after a shooting in Kyiv on June 18 left him comatose and hospitalised. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates, the Federation of Equal Kazakh Journalists (FEJK), and the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) in strongly condemning the killing and urging both Kazakh and Ukrainian authorities to conduct a transparent and thorough investigation into the incident. According to Aidos’ wife, Natalya Sadykov, the journalist was shot while driving near his home in Kyiv’s Shevchenkivsky district when a man emerged and fired into the vehicle, striking Aidos in the head. According to…  
170. China: Xinjiang journalists arrested, others sentenced  

Earlier this year, China arrested two ethnic Kazakh journalists in the northwestern province of Xinjiang, while jailed journalist and activist Sophie Huang Xueqin was sentenced to over five years in prison on June 14. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns China’s legal attacks against the media and calls for the expedited release of all journalists in detention. According to a report by the United States Congress-funded Radio Free Asia, two broadcast journalists with the Chinese-state-owned media enterprise Xinjiang TV were arrested earlier this year, with their current whereabouts or status unknown. Reportedly, Kairat Domalin and Kuandyk Koben were taken into police…  
171. Shireen Abu Akleh Prize launched – €5,000 award to recognise the courage and commitment of women journalists  

The bravery and determination of women journalists will be recognised in a new annual prize awarded by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the International Francophone Press Union (UPF). Launched in response to the escalating threats and risks faced by women journalists, it is named to commemorate Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who was killed in the Jenin refugee camp while reporting live on 11 May 2022. The inaugural award will be made in December 2024. Nominations for the Shireen Abu Akleh Prize are open to women journalists and media professionals globally regardless of their nationalities, working languages, or media platforms. Candidates must hold a…  
172. France: Les exactions de l'armée israélienne contre les journalistes ne peuvent rester impunies  

Le « Gaza Project », une enquête sur la mort de plus de cent journalistes à Gaza, en Cisjordanie et au Sud-Liban (1), aboutit à un « constat glaçant : nombre d'entre eux ont été ciblés alors même qu'ils étaient identifiables en tant que journalistes ». Ces investigations, coordonnées par le réseau international de journalistes Forbidden Stories, ont été menées pendant quatre mois par cinquante journalistes issus de treize médias, dont Le Monde, l'AFP et Radio France. Elles s'appuient sur plus de 120 témoins, vingt-cinq experts ou encore l'étude de photos, vidéos et vues par satellites. Forbidden Stories dénombre « au moins quarante journalistes et employés des médias tués chez eux »,…  
173. Aidos Sadykov  

Journalist and prominent government critic Aidos Sadykov died on 2 July, after a shooting in Kyiv on June 18 left him comatose and hospitalised. According to Aidos’ wife, Natalya Sadykov, the journalist was shot while driving near his home in Kyiv’s Shevchenkivsky district when a man emerged and fired into the vehicle, striking Aidos in the head. According to Al Jazeera, Ukrainian authorities have described the killing as ‘carefully planned’. Following the attack, the journalist was hospitalised, and was rendered comatose. The journalist’s wife confirmed he had died at 3:00am on July 2 in a Facebook post. The National Union of Journaliss of Ukraine (NUJU)…  
174. India: Bihar journalist killed in stabbing  

Journalist Shivshankar Jha was fatally stabbed on June 25 in Bihar’s northwest, with Jha’s family claiming the killing was coordinated by an organised crime outfit. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Indian Journalists’ Union (IJU) in strongly condemning the killing and urging Bihari authorities to ensure that those responsible do not escape with impunity. On June 25, journalist Shivshankar Jha, 48, sustained multiple wounds to his throat after being stabbed by unidentified persons, allegedly organised by illicit alcohol suppliers in the north-eastern state of Bihar. Jha was attacked while returning to his residence in Maripur village, situated near…  
175. México: hallan asesinado al periodista Víctor Alfonso Culebro Morales  

En Chiapas, en el sur del país, el director del portal de noticias “Realidades” fue hallado sin vida y con signos de violencia. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas y su sindicato afiliado exigen una investigación profunda y el pronto esclarecimiento de este caso, y urgen a las autoridades a redoblar esfuerzos y medidas para garantizar el derecho al trabajo de la prensa. Según medios locales, el cuerpo del hombre de 39 años se encontraba atado de pies y manos, con el rostro tapado y con impactos de bala. Sus familiares habían denunciado su desaparición 24 horas antes de que fuera hallado al costado de una ruta y en el estado detallado. Desde la página informativa Realidades que…  
176. Indonesia: Journalist murder allegedly linked to gambling and drug coverage  

Tribrata TV journalist Sempurna Pasaribu and three members of his family were tragically killed on June 27 in a fire at their home in Karo Regency, North Sumatra, allegedly in connection with his investigative reporting on drugs and gambling. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) and SINDIKASI, strongly condemn this brutal murder and urge the authorities to conduct a swift and transparent investigation. Sempurna Pasaribu had recently reported extensively on illegal gambling and drug activities that allegedly involved certain officials. One of his colleagues mentioned the victim had expressed worries about his…  
177. Free Assange now!  

Following a 12-year legal battle and 1901 days in jail, Julian Assange landed in Australia a free man on 25 June, 2024, after a plea deal allowed him to leave Belmarsh prison in London.  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the release of the Wikileaks founder on 24 June as a significant victory for media freedom and human decency. The dropping of 17 of the 18 charges that Assange faced avoids the criminalisation of the normal journalistic practices of encouraging sources to confidentially share evidence of wrongdoing and criminality. The IFJ and its affiliates across the world have campaigned for the release of Assange since…  
178. Mohammad Abu Sharia  

On 1 July, editor-in-chief of local news agency Shams, Mohammad Abu Sharia, succumbed to his injuries sustained from an Israeli missile launched near the journalist's home in Gaza City.  Palestine, Gaza, Palestinian, Israel, journalist, impunity, safety, IFJ, killing, list, FIP, FIJ, PJS union,  
179. Colombia: asesinan al periodista Jorge Méndez en el noroeste del país  

El periodista y comunicador comunitario Jorge Méndez Pardo fue asesinado en el departamento Norte de Santander, donde desarrollaba una labor de comunicación comunitaria. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia este crimen y reitera su llamado a las autoridades de todos los niveles y poderes del Estado para fortalecer la lucha contra la violencia hacia lxs colegas. El comunicador comunitario Jorge Méndez Pardo, también conocido en redes sociales como Yeiko, fue asesinado en una zona rural del departamento Norte de Santander. El pasado 27 de julio, las autoridades policiales y judiciales confirmaron su muerte, verificando que sus restos presentaban impactos…  
180. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 22 June to 28 June 2024. English 'Why did the International Federation of Journalists campaign for Julian Assange for many years?' - SKY News How the case of US reporter Evan Gershkovich highlights the dangers journalists face, despite Julian Assange's freedom: Interview with Tim Dawson, the IFJ - SKY News Julian Assange plea deal live: WikiLeaks founder will seek US pardon after accepting plea deal to go free, wife says - The Guardian Experts…  
181. Europe: Study reveals alarming deterioration of media pluralism  

The latest edition of the “Media Pluralism Monitor” (MPM2024) shows alarming alarming threats to media pluralism across Europe. The  “Media Pluralism Monitor” (MPM) shows that among the 32 European countries analysed, barely seven (Germany, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Finland and Lithuania) enjoy a satisfactory media pluralism situation. Everywhere else, European citizens are not fully guaranteed access to diversified and independent sources of information. Overall trends show increasing commercial and political interference in the media. The report also demonstrates the passivity of European governments and media companies in the face of this democratic…  
182. UK: Assange's release is a massive boost for free speech  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes Julian Assange’s release on 24 June as a significant victory for media freedom. The dropping of 17 of the 18 charges that he faced avoids the criminalisation of the normal journalistic practices of encouraging sources to confidentially share evidence of wrongdoing and criminality. It should also allow the object of one of the most overblown prosecutions in history to enjoy a normal life for the first time in 14 years, including 1901 days in jail.  The IFJ has campaigned for the release of Assange since the publication of US charges against him in 2019. An IFJ observer has attended every day of his extradition hearings,…  
183. Kenya: Journalists attacked by police during protest in Nairobi  

A number of journalists have been attacked and brutalised by the police while covering a nationwide protest in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, on 25 June, as the Parliament debated a final bill that will increase taxes. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ), in condemning these acts of brutality by the police against journalists who were only doing their job and calls on the authorities to respect press freedom. Collins Olunga, a journalist with AFP in Nairobi, suffered an injury caused by a teargas canister thrown at him by police and was transferred to a hospital. Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC)…  
184. Nigeria: Journalist charged over articles about local businessman  

Precious Eze Chukunonso, a journalist and the publisher of News Platform, an online newspaper, was arrested on 27 May in his home in Gbagada, Lagos, following a complaint about his reporting. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the arrest of Chukunonso, which is a clear act designed to intimidate and repress the media, and demands that charges against him be dropped. Chukunonso was charged with ‘conduct likely to cause breach of peace, provoking a breach of the peace by offensive publication and conspiracy to commit felony’. If found guilty, he could be jailed for up to two years. The journalist was released on bail on 14 June and will stand trial on 2…  
185. Sempurna Pasaribu  

Tribrata TV journalist Sempurna Pasaribu and three members of his family were tragically killed on June 27 in a fire at their home in Karo Regency, North Sumatra, allegedly in connection with his investigative reporting on drugs and gambling. Sempurna Pasaribu had recently reported extensively on illegal gambling and drug activities that allegedly involved certain officials. One of his colleagues mentioned the victim had expressed worries about his safety.  He said he would spend the night at the police station with his wife and children if his safety was threatened. Before the incident, he had avoided staying at home as a precautionary measure due to his sensitive reports.…  
186. #IFJBlog: Global Unions' mission pledges support for Palestinian statehood  

The leaders of eight Global Union Federations (GUFs) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) travelled to Ramallah, Palestine, from 28 to 30 May to convey their solidarity to unions in the West Bank and Gaza. The Deputy General Secretary (DGS) of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Tim Dawson represented the journalists' global federation in the GUFs mission. History crowds in as you approach the Allenby crossing. It spans the Jordan river, linking the Kingdom of Jordan with the occupied West Bank. Suspended across domed concrete abutments, it resembles a space craft marooned in the desert. The Dead Sea is close by, and Jericho (possibly the world’s oldest…  
187. IFJ Voice- July 2024: Editorial  

Julian Assange’s freedom has been won after many years of campaigning by the IFJ and our affiliates. President Pradalié twice visited Assange in prison, our deputy general secretary Tim Dawson attended every day of the extradition hearings, the Executive Committee mounted the last prison-gate protest at Belmarsh. Many others played significant roles, of course, but the IFJ and its affiliates have shown the effectiveness of trade unions mobilisation on a global stage. Conclusion of this case represents a major victory for media freedom. For the charges to be completely dropped would have been better, but after such a humiliating climb-down, it is…  
188. Greece: Daily edition of Avgi Newspaper abruptly shut down  

The daily edition of the Greek newspaper Avgi, was shut down, on 26 June, by SYRIZA, its main stakeholder, 72 years since its first publication came out. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) stand in full solidarity with the workers of Avgi and join its affiliate, the Union of Journalists of Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN) in condemning the "sudden death" of the daily edition of this historic newspaper and in lamenting the impact of the decision on its workers.  Media workers at Avgi were informed  by the board of directors, at 4pm on 25 June, of the President of SYRIZA’s decision to close the daily newspaper the following day for “financial reasons”. It…  
189. Russia: 81 EU media outlets blocked from broadcasting inside the country  

In response to the EU sanctions against Russian media that were approved in June 2024, Russia’s Foreign Ministry has announced that it is banning 81 media outlets from European Union countries from broadcasting in Russia. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) strongly condemn these restrictions, which prevent Russian citizens from freely accessing information from EU media outlets, thereby breaching the public’s right to know. On 25 June, Russia’s Foreign Ministry announced its decision to block access to prominent EU media outlets across Russia and released a list of 81 publications, including  leading EU and pan-European media from over 20…  
190. #IFJBlog: Assange’s release, a victory for common sense, media freedom and human decency  

Julian Assange is free, and it seems, will stay that way. For the United States, expending such energy attempting to incarcerate the Wikileaks founder for the rest of his life has exposed a bullying nature, damaged its reputation as a haven for free speech, and has shone an unforgiving light on its military operations. This agreement creates the opportunity to repair that damage. For Assange it ends a legal process that, in various forms, has overshadowed his life for 14 years, including seven in the Ecuadorian embassy and five in HMP Belmarsh. Psychiatric reports to the court reveal that this has driven him to catatonic despair and sparked fears among those closest to him that his will to…  
191. Spain: New appeal launched for the release of journalist Pablo González  

On 26 June, the International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) will join their affiliates in Spain (FAPE, FeSP, FSC-CCOO, ELA, UGT) and other organisations defending journalists, in a demonstration outside the Polish consulate in Madrid, to once again call on Polish authorities to put an end to the journalist Pablo González interminable pre-trial detention. In the early hours of 28 February 2022, González was arrested by officers of the Polish Security Service (ABW) while covering the humanitarian crisis on the Polish-Ukrainian border following the Russian full-scale invasion. Specialising in the post-Soviet world, the journalist was a regular contributor to…  
192. Lithuania: Draft amendment to law on national radio and television threatens public broadcaster's funding model  

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ), together with the International Press Institute (IPI) wrote a letter to the Lithuanian authorities raising their concerns over a draft amendment to the Law on National Radio and Television (LRT), threatening the public broadcaster LRT funding model. The organisations fear this provision will redistribute the growth of LRT's budget without prior consultation with the broadcaster. "While we understand the need to review the budgets of organisations as part of efforts to increase Lithuania's defence spending, the preservation of essential institutions, including public broadcasting, is of paramount importance," the…  
193. Webinar: 'Forward despite the backlash: LGBTI rights and the Freedom of Association'  

The Council of Global Unions (CGU) LGBTI Coordinating Committee, of which the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is part, will host the webinar 'Forward despite the backlash: LGBTI rights and the Freedom of Association' on 26 June, 2024 at 14:00 CEST. The UN Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI), Professor Graeme Reid, will present his new report together with a range of LGBTI trade unionist and civil society leaders, including Rafael Mesquita, president of Ceará Journalists' Union (Sindjorce) and organizer secretary of the IFJ affiliate, Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ). When? 26 June from 14:00 to 15:00 CEST Registration link: here…  
194. IFJ Executive Committee adopted motion on Greece  

The IFJ Executive Committee adopted motion on the trial for the murder of Greek journalist Giorgos Karaivaz at its meeting in London on 20 and 21 June 2024. On the impending trial for the assassination of Greek journalist Giorgos Karaivaz (Tabled by the Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers -JUADN) This Annual General Meeting of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), meeting in London, United Kingdom, 19 June 2024, Noting that it has been more than 3 years since the assassination of our Greek colleague Giorgos Karaivaz,  Highlighting that, for our Greek affiliate JUADN, and for all journalists in the world, the case remains of uttermost importance and will…  
195. IFJ Executive Committee adopted motion on Sudan  

The IFJ Executive Committee adopted the Motion on Solidarity for Sudanese Journalists at its meeting in London on 20 and 21 June 2024. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Executive Committee, convening in London, acknowledges the severe challenges faced by Sudanese journalists amid the ongoing conflict and instability in Sudan. The situation has become increasingly dire due and many journalists have faced severe threats, harassment, and violence, leading to a significant number being forced into exile. The IFJ is deeply concerned about the increasing targeting of journalists, the threats to media freedom, and the plight of those forced into exile. RESOLUTION 1. Solidarity…  
196. Le Comité exécutif de la FIJ a adopté une motion sur la Palestine  

Motion adoptée lors du comité exécutif de la FIJ réuni en réunion ordinaire à Londres les 20 et 21 juin 2024. Le Comité exécutif de la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), réuni en réunion ordinaire à Londres les 20 et 21 juin 2024,  Considérant le nombre record de morts de journalistes palestiniens depuis le début de la guerre à Gaza (109, selon le dernier décompte de la FIJ); Saluant les différentes campagnes menées par la FIJ et ses affiliés depuis plus huit mois pour soutenir son affilié, le Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), seule organisation professionnelle représentant plus 2700 journalistes en Cisjordanie et à Gaza; Se félicitant du Prix Guillermo-Cano…  
197. Kosovo: EFJ and IFJ denounce political interference in the management of public broadcaster  

The European and International Federations of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ) join Council of Europe Platform on Safety of Journalists partners to express concerns over crisis within Kosovo’s Public Broadcaster RTK. The partner organisations urge the board of RTK to ensure that the public broadcaster continues to serve the public and not political interests. We sent the following letter to the board of RTK: Dear Chair of the RTK Board, Mr. Besnik Boletini, Dear members of the RTK Board, We are writing to you on behalf of the partners of the Council of Europe Platform to Promote the Protection of Journalism and Safety of Journalists, which has actively monitored the developments concerning Kosovo’s…  
198. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 15 June to 21 June 2024. English Saudi Journalists Association observes International Federation meetings in London - Arab News Brussels delays addressing press attacks in Italy. Uncertainty looms over July adoption of EU rule of law report - EU News After blocking of 4 news channels in AP, TDP MLA vows to ‘solve issues faced by media’ - News Laundry Open justice – some encouraging signs - InPublishing  Israel’s war against press freedom in…  
199. France: Blast journalist detained for 32 hours for refusing to disclose confidential source  

On 18 June, a journalist working for the French independent news portal Blast was arbitrarily arrested by the police and detained for refusing to hand over her sources. She was released after thirty-two hours of detention. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their French affiliates, the Syndicat National des Journalistes - SNJ and the Syndicat National des Journalistes - CGT, in denouncing this blatant violation of the confidentiality of journalistic sources and arbitrary detention. Protestors gathered outside of the headquarters of the company Exxelia, which is at the heart of a judicial investigation by the Paris court for complicity in war crimes,…  
200. Russia: Journalist Artem Kriger jailed on charges of extremism  

Russian journalist Artem Kriger, who works for SOTAvision, an independent news outlet, was arrested on 18 June and placed in pre-trial detention. He has been charged with having helped late opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), which a Russian court has labelled as "extremist". The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) condemn the repeated detention of journalists on similar charges and call on the Russian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Artem Kriger and all journalists imprisoned in the country. On 18 June, the Basmanny District Court in Moscow held a closed trial and placed Kriger in pre-trial detention…  
201. Pakistan: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa journalist killed in ambush  

On June 18, Khyber News journalist and former President of the Landi Kotal Press Club Khalil Jibran was fatally shot while travelling home from a dinner party. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), strongly condemn Jibran’s killing and urge authorities to ensure that those responsible do not escape with impunity. According to law enforcement and the journalist’s family, Jibran was attacked near his home while returning from a dinner party in the Sultan Khel district. Khalil Jibran was travelling with friends, including lawyer Sajjad Khan, when their vehicle was stopped by two armed men, who ordered the four…  
202. Afghanistan: Outlet raided, Kunduz journalist arrested  

Journalist Ali Sina Khodayar was reportedly arrested in Kunduz, while news outlet Tamadon TV was temporarily shut down due to Taliban claims it was linked to a political party. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the arrest and shutdown and urges the Taliban to allow the media to operate without fear of retribution. On June 6, reporters working for the private broadcaster Tamadon TV reported that Taliban authorities had issued orders to shut down the channel for its alleged connections to a banned political party, the Islamic Movement of Afghanistan, and alleged misuse of Taliban land. According to local media sources, a delegation from the Taliban’s Ministry of…  
203. Colombia: la generalización de amenazas a periodistas exige medidas de las máximas autoridades  

En todo el territorio colombiano se registran amenazas a lxs trabajadorxs de prensa, con una marcada tendencia a ser protagonizadas por grupos criminales, según denuncian organizaciones locales. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas denuncia esta situación e insiste en la necesidad de mejorar los mecanismos de protección y defensa de la vida de lxs colegas, sin la cual no existe la verdadera libertad de prensa. El periodista Máximo Hernández recibió la última semana en su domicilio del departamento de Magdalena, en Colombia, una visita de dos personas que refirieron ser parte de organizaciones criminales y le exigieron que deje de informar sobre temas de la localidad de Ciénaga, donde…  
204. UK: IFJ representatives meet in London for their Annual General Meeting and Executive Committee  

The Annual General Meeting of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is taking place on 19 June in London, bringing together IFJ representatives from across the world. It will be followed by the Executive Committee meeting on 20 and 21 June. These events are hosted by the IFJ affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in the UK and Ireland. The General Secretary of the NUJ, Michelle Stanistreet, welcomed the attendees at the headquarters of the International Transport Federation (ITF) and reminded that there is a need to rebuild trust in journalism. “Levels in public trust are impaired, frontline news resources have been hollowed out in many media outlets after…  
205. Ukraine: Two Russian journalists killed within three days in occupied Donetsk region  

Two Russian journalists have been killed in separate incidents in Russia's occupied Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine. Journalist of News.ru, Nikita Tsitsagi, died on 16 June, in a drone attack amidst ongoing battles. Earlier, Valery Kozhin, a cameraman of Russian state-controlled media NTV, also died after a shelling attack near Horlivka, on 13 June. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) strongly condemn these killings and urge the authorities to conduct a swift investigation into the deaths of the journalists. According to a report from News.ru, Tsitsagi lost his life while reporting in the town of Vugledar, which was affected by months of fighting. The…  
206. Khalil Jibran  

On June 18, Khyber News journalist and former President of the Landi Kotal Press Club Khalil Jibran was fatally shot while travelling home from a dinner party. According to law enforcement and the journalist’s family, Jibran was attacked near his home while returning from a dinner party in the Sultan Khel district. Khalil Jibran was travelling with friends, including lawyer Sajjad Khan, when their vehicle was stopped by two armed men, who ordered the four passengers out of the vehicle. IFJ, union, impunity, Pakistan, journalism, Pakistani, journalist, killing,  
207. Mahmoud Jahjouh  

On 17 May, photojournalist working for the local Palestine Post Network, Mahmoud Jahjouh, was killed along with his family in an Israeli airstrike that hit his home in Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood in Gaza city, according to PJS, the Palestine Post Network and other media. Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, impunity, safety, IFJ, union, solidarity, killed, journalism, FIP, FIJ, Arab world, Israel, war, rights, journalist,  
208. Defend democracy in Myanmar  

Since the military coup and crackdown by Myanmar’s junta on the nation’s independent media, hundreds of journalists have lost their jobs with many media outlets shuttered. Despite the immeasurable challenges, many are still attempting to keep working and reporting, putting themselves at great risk to cover important news events, such as mass displacement and the arrest, torture and jailing of thousands of Burmese citizens. Through its affiliate, the Myanmar Journalists Network (MJN), the IFJ has noted that some media outlets are taking advantage of the situation and paying professional journalists at reduced rates as citizen journalists, ignoring the great risks, years of experience,…  
209. India: Four channels blocked by cable operators  

Cable operators in Andhra Pradesh, India, have blocked at least four channels for critical reporting of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) that defeated the incumbent Yuvajana Sramika Rythu (YSR) Congress Party in state-level elections. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) requested the Provincial Government of Andhra Pradesh to resolve the matter and ensure the channels are back on air. It should ensure that cable operators cannot disrupt the transmission of channels as this is a breach of their freedom of expression and free media. On June 6, cable operators in Andhra Pradesh, India, blocked the transmission of four channels - Sakshi TV, TV9, NTV, and 10TV. According to media…  
210. Nikita Tsitsagi  

Journalist of News.ru, Nikita Tsitsagi, died on 16 June, in a drone attack amidst ongoing battles. According to a report from News.ru, Tsitsagi lost his life while reporting in the town of Vugledar, which was affected by months of fighting. The journalist was recognised for his contributions to covering conflict zones for several local media outlets, including the Russian-language online newspaper Lenta.ru and two media operating in exile, the online magazines Novaya Vkladka and Holod.  Killing, impunity, safety, journalism, IFJ, journalist, Russia, Russian, Ukraine, war, Nikita Tsitsagi, News.ru  
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