15063 results:

10711. Homes of Journalists Destroyed in Pakistan  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is extremely concerned by acts of violence and intimidation targeting journalists in Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province, after the family homes of two journalists were bombed by militant insurgents.   According to the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, 50 hooded militants connected to groups linked under the banner of the Taliban approached the house of Rehman Buneri, a Voice of America Deewa Radio reporter and Karachi bureau chief of AVT Khyber Television, on July 8 and warned his family that they had been told to raze the building.   Buneri’s house is located in…  
10712. Popular News Website Banned in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the reported ban on the popular news website www.lankanewsweb.com imposed by Sri Lanka’s Government on July 12.   According to a statement posted on the website, which continues to remain available outside the country, Sri Lanka’s state-controlled telecoms company and two other internet service providers within the country have been asked to block access to the website.   The management of lankanewsweb.com, which is yet to be formally informed of the decision, believes the ban is retaliation for two exclusive news reports featured on the website in recent days.   One reported…  
10713. IFJ Condemns Latest Clampdown on Journalists in Iran  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed deep concern over continuing harassment of media in Iran amid signs of growing opposition from independent journalists to censorship and manipulation in the country's mainstream media. "There is evidence of strong pressure on independent journalism from outside and inside the newsroom. Even some media owners inside the profession are bullying their journalists who refuse to toe the official line," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "Journalists are arrested, sacked or forced to resign for standing up for ethical journalism."According to the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ), an IFJ affiliate, 39…  
10714. Dangers for Journalists Rise as Afghan Elections Approach  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned that the dangers faced by Afghan journalists may be escalating rapidly as Afghanistan prepares for nation-wide elections on August 20.   According to the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), an IFJ affiliate, a journalist from the Al-Jazeera English news channel was kidnapped in Pitch district of Kunar province on the morning of July 12. Sadullah Sail, a correspondent with the channel, went missing as he was travelling through the district and was later confirmed by a spokesman of the Taliban Islamic militia to be in their custody.   He was released after several hours,…  
10716. IFJ Condemns Vilification of Lawyers for Sri Lankan Newspaper  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is shocked at a recent article posted on the website of Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Defence, branding as “traitors” five lawyers appearing in a case of contempt involving the Sunday Leader newspaper.   The article, titled “Traitors in Black Coats Flocked Together”, names five lawyers who appeared for the Sunday Leader at a hearing in the Mount Lavinia court near Colombo as having “a history of appearing for and defending” separatist guerillas of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The article features pictures of three of the lawyers.   “We have observed in…  
10717. IFJ/EFJ Authors' Rights Newsletter July 2009  

Download PDF version here  
10718. IFJ Welcomes Fairness Commission at South Korea's YTN  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the activation of a Joint Fairness Commission as an independent dispute resolution mechanism between staff and management at the YTN television station in South Korea.   However, the IFJ calls on YTN management to show good will by reinstating six employees who were sacked in October 2008 as a result of the long-running dispute at YTN.     After almost a year of in-house turmoil including management-led sanctions against staff, bans on union members, and court arbitration, an agreement to protect editorial independence and promote fair reporting – the “YTN fairness pact” – was…  
10719. IFJ Accuses Iran over Massive Attack on Media and Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today warned that a massive attack on independent media in Iran which has seen the jailing of journalists and a continuing crackdown on free expression reveals the desperation of the regime to curb democracy. "The rulers of Iran appear determined to stifle dissent and to isolate its people from the outside world," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "It's a desperate but futile attempt to turn the clock back."  According to reports, the head of Iran's judiciary, Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi-Shahroudi, has said in a memo to judges that measures are needed to contain the growing criticism of the…  
10720. Pakistan's President Supports Wage Award Implementation  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes a statement by Pakistan’s President, Asif Ali Zardari, supporting journalists’ demands that the Seventh Wage Award be implemented immediately.   According to the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, the President put on record this intent in a communication to the union.   “The IFJ appreciates this long overdue admission that Pakistan’s Government has a special responsibility to ensure compliance with the statutory provisions of the law dealing with working conditions in the newspaper industry - the Newspaper Employees (Conditions of…  
10722. Political Parties Must Take a Stand Against Attacks on Media in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed at the growing catalogue of attacks on journalists by political agents in Nepal. These attacks invariably are provoked by grievances related to media content.   In the latest attack, the IFJ is informed by its affiliate, the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), that two journalists were forced to flee their home district after being threatened with death by cadre of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), until recently the leading constituent of the coalition that governed the country.   The journalists are Labadev Dhungana, former President of the FNJ Panchthar district chapter, and Kumar…  
10723. Event on Colombian women journalists: Dangers and challenges  

A local event about women journalists will be held on July 28th, in the city of Cartagena de Indias, promoted by FECOLPER Gender Representative, Ada Echenique Soto, in alliance with the District Office of Public Policies on Gender, directed by psychologist, Claudia Ayola. The event "Women journalists - Dangers and Challenges," will include discussions on IFJ Guide "Getting the Balance Right", and reflections from the IFJ International Gender Conference, carried out last May in Brussels. Other topics approached will be the role of women journalists in the disclosure of public policies on gender equality, the structure and decision making process surrounding these…  
10724. Women lead new organisation of journalists in Bogota  

In the capital of the country, at least sixty journalists from different media organisations, elected journalists Constanza Vieira (President), Karen Cepeda (Vicepresident), Johanna Bueno (General Secretary) and Claudia Julieta Duque (Board Member), to be members of the first directive board of the recently founded Union of Journalists of Bogota (UPB), which will be integrated into the Colombian Federation of Journalists (FECOLPER), lead by journalist Eduardo Márquez.The event took place in the Javeriana University demonstrating journalist interest and solidarity in the defense of journalism, and protection of social and work rights of journalists in the city.…  
10729. Argentinean woman journalist attacked during protest  

Marta Córdoba was attacked by an individual identified as Marcelo Alejandro Barrionuevo, who first identified himself as a police officer and then as a journalism student.  The aggressor followed the journalist through the main streets of the city and then attacked her on neck and arm.   The violent event took place during a march of bank workers.  Marta Córdoba works in FM Capital, is currently board member of FATPREN affiliate in Salta, and was attacked for detecting individuals infiltrated in the protest supporting the strike of bank workers. http://www.fatpren.org.ar/Secciones/PartesNacionales745.htm  
10730. Argentinean woman journalist attacked during protest  

Marta Córdoba was attacked by an individual identified as Marcelo Alejandro Barrionuevo, who first identified himself as a police officer and then as a journalism student.  The aggressor followed the journalist through the main streets of the city and then attacked her on neck and arm.   The violent event took place during a march of bank workers.  Marta Córdoba works in FM Capital, is currently board member of FATPREN affiliate in Salta, and was attacked for detecting individuals infiltrated in the protest supporting the strike of bank workers.http://www.fatpren.org.ar/Secciones/PartesNacionales745.htm  
10731. Agreement approved by Bogota Council orders the use of inclusive language  

According to the new norm passed to the Mayor of Bogotá for final approval, public officials must use inclusive language in speeches, decrees, resolutions, concepts, notifications, newspapers, brochures, posters, signs, web sites and blogs. Critics claim the measure makes comprehension of public documents more difficult, and puts an end to tradition and harmony of the language. Watch testimonies of councilor Ángela Benedetti and columnist and economist Alejandro Gaviria: http://www.semana.com/noticias-politica/polemica-sobre-acuerdo-obliga-concejo-usar-lenguaje-incluyente/125034.aspx  
10732. Journalist's Prison Sentence is a Legacy of Outdated Laws in Cambodia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its local affiliate, the Cambodian Association for the Protection of Journalists (CAPJ) in calling for the immediate repeal of a prison sentence against journalist Hang Chakra.   Hang Chakra, the publisher and editor-in-chief of Khmer Machas Srok, was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment and fined 9 million Riels (approximately USD 2,250) on charges of ”disinformation” and ”dishonouring” public officials on June 26, CAPJ reports.   The charges related to a series of articles published in Khmer Machas Srok which alleged the involvement of Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Sok An in corrupt activities.   Chakra was…  
10733. IFJ Gender newsletter, July 2009  

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10734. Media4Diversity: Taking the Pulse of Diversity in European Media  

Diversity is both a reality and a necessity in European societies. At a time when the media shares with our political institutions - and, most recently, with our financial institutions - a crisis of trust and credibility in the eyes of the public, the Study Media4Diversity (PDF - 2,8 MB) aims to provide inspiration in how the media sector, civil society organisations and policy makers can help strengthen the very fabric of our diverse societies, despite the major challenges that both society and the media sector itself currently face. Three leading media assistance organisations - Internews Europe, project coordinator and its partners, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and…  
10735. Media4Diversity: Taking the Pulse of Diversity in European Media  

A Study on Media and Diversity in EU Member States and 3 EEA countries Diversity is both a reality and a necessity in European societies. At a time when the media shares with our political institutions - and, most recently, with our financial institutions - a crisis of trust and credibility in the eyes of the public, the Study Media4Diversity (PDF - 2,8 MB) aims to provide inspiration in how the media sector, civil society organisations and policy makers can help strengthen the very fabric of our diverse societies, despite the major challenges that both society and the media sector itself currently face. Read the study in English HERE Read the study in French HERE Three leading…  
10736. Monitoring Change in Journalism - June 2009 Archive  

30 June   UK: Guardian Asks Users to Help Investigating British Parliamentarians’ Expenses Following the political scandal over the fiddling of expenses claims by British Members of Parliament, The Guardian newspaper is asking its readers to help checking the 457,153 pages of documents and expenses reports submitted by Members of Parliament. This is certainly the first time that readers are directly involved with media at such a large scale in a “watchdog experiment”. http://mps-expenses.guardian.co.uk/   Netherlands: Media Minister to Impose Ceiling on Public Broadcasting Salaries Dutch Media Minister Ronald Plasterk proposed to cap salaries of…  
10737. IFJ Gender newsletter, July 2009  

Download PDF version here  
10738. Health of Argentinean journalist beaten by president guards worsen  

The Argentinean Federation of Press Workers (FATPREN), warned of serious health conditions of journalist Valeria Gamboa, of Channel 10 in Córdoba, brutally beaten by presidential guards on May 31st, in the city of Río Tercero. Medical exams determined three fractured ribs, sunken sternum and thorax trauma. Valeria was covering the visit of President Cristina Kirchner to the Military Factory of Río Tercero, in Cordoba province, in which the Head of State announced the payment of indemnizations to victims of moral, psychological and material damage during the explosion in the installations, in 1995. FATPREN condemned the attack and demanded authorities clarify the events and sanction…  
10739. Ceso-FIP: One woman journalist murdered and 17 attacked in 2009  

The Centre of Solidarity of the International Federation of Journalists (Ceso-FIP), indicated the first semester of 2009 was deadly for press freedom in Colombia, in particular for women journalists, with one woman journalist murdered and 17 attacked.On February 5, the lifeless body of young journalist María Eugenia Guerrero, was discovered on the outskirts of Tulcan, Ecuador.  Forensic exams proved Guerrero was beaten to death and sexually assaulted.  Maria Eugenia was last seen on February 2, when she mentioned a trip to Ipiales where she collaborated with several media organisations.  The case remains unsolved.The aggressions recorded by Ceso-FIP range from death…  
10740. Health of Argentinean journalist beaten by president guards worsen  

The Argentinean Federation of Press Workers (FATPREN), warned of serious health conditions of journalist Valeria Gamboa, of Channel 10 in Córdoba, brutally beaten by presidential guards on May 31st, in the city of Río Tercero.  Medical exams determined three fractured ribs, sunken sternum and thorax trauma. Valeria was covering the visit of President Cristina Kirchner to the Military Factory of Río Tercero, in Cordoba province, in which the Head of State announced the payment of indemnizations to victims of moral, psychological and material damage during the explosion in the installations, in 1995.  FATPREN condemned the attack and…  
10741. Radio Broadcaster Shot Dead in Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists urges immediate police investigation into the motive behind the fatal shooting of radio broadcaster Jonathan Fetalvero in Agusan del Sur province in the Philippines’ troubled island of Mindanao.   According to the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), an IFJ affiliate, Fetalvero, 43, was shot in the head by a gunman at a restaurant at around 7:30pm in the town of Bayugan in Agusan del Sur. Witnesses told police the gunman, who was reportedly wearing a ski-mask, fled on a motorbike.   News reports stated that the murder occurred on June 27. However, police reports claim it happened on June 25, the…  
10742. End the Threat of Lethal Action Against Jaffna's Uthayan Newspaper  

The International Federation of Journalists is shocked that the systematic campaign of threats and harassment carried out against Uthayan, a Tamil newspaper in the northern Sri Lankan city of Jaffna, has culminated in a “final warning” to shut down or risk lethal retaliation.   According to reports received from IFJ sources in Sri Lanka, a letter written to all Uthayan staff and news agents on June 27, and purporting to be a “final warning”, accused the newspaper of being “pro-terrorist” and of “confusing” the Tamil people of Sri Lanka from the time it began publication.   With “harmony and liberty”…  
10743. Broader Consultations Needed for Viable Code of Ethics in Pakistan  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), in calling for broader consultations and the active involvement of journalists’ unions and associations in the formulation of a code of ethics for the profession.   According to the PFUJ, the Pakistan Broadcasters’ Association (PBA) has reportedly sent a draft code of ethics to Pakistan’s Federal Government for vetting and approval. The draft reportedly covers contingencies for when the media reports on incidents of “terrorism”.   “The PBA’s approach is questionable as the IFJ believes that a code of…  
10744. IFJ Condemns Shocking Attack on Tamil Newspapers in Sri Lanka  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns an attack on three Tamil newspapers in the northern Sri Lankan city of Jaffna on June 24.   According to reports from IFJ sources, news agents for Jaffna’s three main newspapers – Uthayan, Valampuri and Thinakkural – were attacked early that morning as they began distributing the day’s editions.   In the case of Uthayan, which with its Colombo-based sister publication, Sudar Oli, been an essential link between dispersed elements of Sri Lanka’s Tamil community, the attack was particularly violent, with the delivery agents physically and…  
10745. IFJ Leaders Call on Ahmadinejad to Free Journalists Held in Iran  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest organisation of journalists, has called on Iranian leaders to end the intimidation of local and international media which has seen leaders of Iran’s journalists’ union forced into hiding for their safety.   In a letter to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian President re-elected in controversial elections which led to widespread protests over the past week, IFJ leaders have expressed particular concern over the fate of Karim Arghandepour, a well-known Iranian journalist and an elected member of the IFJ’s global Executive Committee. He has not been heard of since his arrest in the official…  
10746. President of European Parliament Backs Call to Establish Media Victims Support Committee  

The outgoing President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering yesterday gave his backing to an initiative of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Vintu Foundation for Excellence in Education and Journalism to facilitate the creation of an international media victims support committee.   President Pöttering made the remarks during a meeting with the delegation led by the IFJ Deputy General Secretary, Paco Audije and Communications Officer Ernest Sagaga, who briefed him on the work of the IFJ on safety of journalists and, in particular, on the initiative to launch an international committee to provide assistance to families of journalists…  
10747. Reactivaction of Discredited Press Council Law a Step Backward for Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate organisations in Sri Lanka – the Free Media Movement, the Sri Lanka Working Journalists’ Association and the Federation of Media Employees’ Trade Unions – in strongly condemning the Sri Lankan Government’s decision to revive the Press Council that was established by an act of parliament in 1973.   The Sri Lankan Press Council Act of 1973 contains stringent provisions, including the power to prosecute for contempt and sentence journalists to extended periods in prison and to prohibit the publication of certain kinds of content by the media,…  
10748. EFJ Calls for Broad Support to Italian Journalists as “Democracy Is at Stake” in Vote on Criminal Code  

Today the European Federation of Journalists(EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), called for a broad support to Italian journalists in their opposition to the reform of the Criminal Code and their struggle for press freedom. "The Italian Parliament is asked to vote a text that would restrict journalists' possibility to use or to refer to telephone tappings. This vote takes place at the time media and individual journalists are pushed to censorship by politicians. So, we can genuinely say that Italy's basic democratic values are currently at stake," said EFJ President Arne König. "Press freedom and the right to information need to be…  
10749. IFJ Condemns Illegal Actions and Bullying of Media Workers in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said that management at theNew Indian Express are using bullying tactics to scare off journalists and media workers who are demanding implementation of the wage award ordered by the Government.The New Indian Express, according to information received from the All India Newspaper Employees Federation (AINEF), an IFJ affiliate, reportedly declared a lock-out in its Bangalore establishment after workers' demands for the implementation of the lawfully mandated wage structure escalated. The management has since summarily dismissed no fewer than 50 employees, for alleged "indiscipline"."The management has…  
10750. EFJ Backs Strike by Journalists and Media Workers in Greece  

The European Federation of Journalists(EFJ) and its member unions throughout Europe fully support the 24 hours strike announced by its affiliate, the Journalists' Union of Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN), along with all other media workers starting today at 17.00 in all media - print, broadcasting and digital- whether private, public or city owned. The reason for the strike is the sudden decision by Theodoros and Gianna Angelopoulos, owners of Eleftheros Typos and Sunday Typos newspapers, radio station CITY 99,5  and the group's information site to dismiss 450 journalists and media workers as a result of closing down these media. These latest dramatic events add up…  
10751. IFJ Welcomes Lifting of Ban on Newspaper in Bahrain  

The International Federation (IFJ) has today welcomed the decision to lift the ban on the Arabic version of the Gulf News newspaper after the authorities stopped its publication on Sunday 21 June 2009. "We welcome the lifting of the ban which was a serious violation of press freedom," said Paco Audije, IFJ Deputy General Secretary. "It is not for governments to tell newspapers what to publish and this type of vindictive reaction to media work is unacceptable." According to media reports, the decision to ban the publication of the Gulf News Arabic version followed an article in its Saturday paper which criticised the Iranian leadership for their reaction to massive…  
10752. Representatives of Media Victims of Violence Agree on Support Mechanism  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) last week hosted a meeting of representatives of families of journalists who lost their lives during the course of their work to discuss the establishment of a support network which would provide assistance to families of media victims of violence. The meeting, organised jointly with the Vintu Foundation and attended by the Rory Peck Trust, brought together relatives of journalists from Africa, Europe and the Asia Pacific regions. It was a follow up of previous meetings held in London in January 2009 and in Spain in 2008. "These meetings showed that families of journalists have different needs," said IFJ President, Jim…  
10753. China Times Group Takeover Raises Press Freedom Concerns  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands in solidarity with its affiliate, the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ), and members of Taiwan’s independent media in demanding that the new owners of Taiwan’s largest media syndicate, China Times Group, make a public commitment to press freedom and media independence.   Taiwan’s media regulatory body, the National Communications Council (NCC), announced a conditional approval on May 27 of the takeover of the China Times Group by the Want Want Group, after a series of public hearings. Want Want Group is chaired by Taiwan businessman Tsai-Eng-ming, who owns a food products conglomerate…  
10755. European Commission ‘Confused and Contradictory’ on Media Crisis, Says EFJ  

Today the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), accused the European Commission of confusion and contradiction in its response to Europe's media crisis. The European Federation of Journalists says a statement by competition Commissioner Nelly Kroes calling on Sweden to reduce its support to the crisis-hit press sector flatly contradicts the opinion of EC President José-Manuel Barroso who recently told the European Federation of Journalists that the economic problems overwhelming much of the European press required public intervention. "There is a muddle of confusion and contradiction in…  
10756. Political Groups Must End Attacks on Journalists in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Unified CPN Maoists and all political groups in Nepal to end attacks on media personnel reporting on street protests.   The Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), an IFJ affiliate, reported repeated incidents of violence against journalists across Nepal instigated by activist groups affiliated to the Unified CPN Maoists during street protests in the past week.   Students affiliated with the All Nepal National Free Students’ Union (Revolutionary), a student wing of the Unified CPN Maoists, reportedly attacked a vehicle carrying FNJ secretary Ram Dahal, Himal Khabarpatrika editor Kiran Nepal,…  
10758. IFJ Condemns Crackdown on Media in Gambia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned massive arrests of members and leaders of independent media organizations in Gambia, including the Gambia Press Union (GPU) an IFJ affiliate. "We firmly condemn these massive arrest of journalists and leaders of the Gambia Press Union. This climate of terror against the journalists and the media is unacceptable," said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. "The unprecedented arrests and illegal detention of journalists in The Gambia are systematic violations of the fundamental rights of journalists orchestrated by the Yahya Jammeh regime to suppress freedom of expression in the country.  It is a…  
10759. IFJ Report Finds ‘Partial Justice' in Hunt for Killers of Journalists in Russia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today launched ‘Partial Justice' report, a review into the deaths of more than 300 Russian journalists since 1993, at a conference in Moscow hosted by the Russian Union of Journalists. "The murder of Anna Politkovskaya in October 2006 shocked the world. Yet for every Anna, there have been many less widely known journalists killed for their work across Russia," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "For the first time this report and the accompanying database present a comprehensive record of these murders, whether taking place in cross-fires in conflict zones, or homicide and contract killings, whether journalists killed for…  
10760. Media Workers Ambushed in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands an immediate police inquiry into the mob-attack of two media workers at a casino in the Lazimpat district of Kathmandu, Nepal, on June 10.   According to the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), an IFJ affiliate, Avenues Television correspondent Diliraj Pokhrel and cameraman Niran Raj Bana were severely beaten by a group of more than 50 to 60 people when they arrived at Casino Venus to report on a confrontation between staff and police.   Pokhrel and Bana told the FNJ they had been at the casino the previous day to report on a police raid and returned at the request of the casino staff.   Bana…  
10761. RFI : EFJ Supports Strike and “Genuine” Dialogue with Management  

The European Federation of Journalist (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), today reaffirmed its solidarity with and support to striking journalists at Radio France Internationale (RFI), as the industrial action enters its second month. « This action, supported by over 60% of the staff, is justified in view of the threats over RFI. We are calling on management to engage in a genuine dialogue with the striking unions," said EFJ President Arne König. "The strike is about the respect for journalists but it is also in the interest of RFI as a public service provider and a major international media». The strike started…  
10762. Safety Issue in Northern Ireland as Journalist Fights to Protect Sources of Information  

The International Federation of journalists (IFJ) says that forcing a journalist to reveal her sources in Northern Ireland will put her life at risk and weaken the fragile peace and democracy in the region. At a hearing yesterday in Belfast, the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) sought to enforce an order that Suzanne Breen, a journalist of the Sunday Tribune, should provide materials over articles concerning the murder of two British soldiers in the province. The case, says the IFJ, highlights the threats to press freedom and the safety of journalists forced to hand over materials that will reveal their sources.  "The protection of sources is of the essence for…  
10763. Police Baton-Charge Journalists' Rally in Pakistan  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns police intervention to disrupt a peaceful protest by members of the Rawalpindi Islamabad Union of Journalists (RIUJ) outside Pakistan’s Parliament in Islamabad on June 9.   According to the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, nine journalists were injured when police baton-charged the rally.   Among the injured were National Press Club secretary Afzal Butt, RIUJ President Shehryar Khan, RIUJ Finance Secretary Bilal Dar and journalists Raja Aftab, Mehboob Shah and Khalid Gardazi.   “Journalists have a right to voice their legitimate concerns through…  
10764. Philippines Radio Commentator Murdered  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), in condemning the murder of radio commentator Crispin Perez on June 9.   According to the NUJP, Perez was returning home around 9am after broadcasting his morning show on dwDO in western Occidental Mindoro when he was attacked.   Witnesses said Perez was talking to an unidentified man in front of his house in Barangay 7, San Jose, when the man stabbed him and shot him with a .45 caliber gun before fleeing on a motorcycle, police reports said.   Perez was declared dead on arrival at hospital.   The NUJP reports that…  
10765. Pakistan Security Forces Fire at Media Team  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands Pakistan’s Government and senior security officials abide by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1738 after security forces reportedly opened fire on journalists in Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) just after granting the team permission to enter the Swat Valley conflict zone.   AVT Khyber cameraman Malik Imran and his driver, Mushtaq, suffered serious bullet injuries on June 9 when security forces fired at a vehicle carrying a team of journalists who were on their way to report on the conflict between Pakistan’s armed forces and insurgents in the Lower Dir district.…  
10766. IFJ Conference on Ethics and Gender: Equality on newsroom. Statement on Latin America.  

Brussels,   31st   May   2009 The women and men representing  press workers' unions around the world, in the frame of  the World Conference on "Ethics and Gender", who met in Brussels on 30th  and 31st  of May: Exhort, especially, the governments of Colombia and Mexico to guaranty the security, physical integrity and personal welfare of women journalists threatened to death, assaulted or harassed. They demand the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) to promote policies of urgent help to women journalists exiled, threatened, attacked, harassed and displaced colleagues. They appeal to the Gender Council to pay special…  
10767. IFJ Conference on Ethics and Gender: Equality on newsroom. Statement on Latin America.  

Brussels,   31st   May   2009The women and men representing  press workers' unions around the world, in the frame of  the World Conference on "Ethics and Gender", who met in Brussels on 30th  and 31st  of May:Exhort, especially, the governments of Colombia and Mexico to guaranty the security, physical integrity and personal welfare of women journalists threatened to death, assaulted or harassed. They demand the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) to promote policies of urgent help to women journalists exiled, threatened, attacked, harassed and displaced colleagues.They appeal to the Gender Council to pay special…  
10768. Fiji's Extended Censorship Alarms IFJ  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the Fiji military regime’s extension of strict media censorship and emergency regulations, saying the regime’s effort to stamp out public discussion is undermining all fundamental rights of the people of Fiji.   Under the emergency rules, initially imposed in April, the media is forbidden to publish or broadcast anything negative about the regime. Censors are now posted in all media outlets.   “The attempt by Fiji’s military leaders to eliminate any opportunity for free expression are denying journalists their right to report in the public interest and the right of the people…  
10769. Youth Activists Threaten Journalists in Nepal  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is horrified that young political activists in Nepal have again issued violent threats against media personnel for the content of their reporting.   According to the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), an IFJ affiliate, Young Communist League (YCL) cadre threatened to “cut into pieces” four journalists who went to report on a confrontation between the activists and local people in Lamgunj, central Nepal, on June 8.   The FNJ said the journalists were Avenus Television correspondent Milan Sharma Danai, Sagarmatha Television and Ujyalo Network reporter Asha Gurung Prateek, Lamjung Mirror…  
10770. IFJ Calls for Action to Protect Somali Media after Murders of Five Journalists in 2009  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has urged the international community to help stop violence against media in Somalia after the murder of Muktar Mohamed Hirabe, Director of Radio Shabelle in Mogadishu, who was shot dead by gunmen in the war ravaged Somali Capital, Mogadishu, on Sunday 7 June 2009. The IFJ Executive Committee, meeting in Oslo, Norway from 6 to 7 June , passed a motion tabled by Omar Farouk Osman, General Secretary of the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), condemning Muktar's murder which brought the total number of journalists killed in Somalia in 2009 to five. "The IFJ Executive Committee is deeply disturbed that, in the face of on…  
10772. IFJ Questions Detention of Afghan Reporter by Coalition Forces  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the unconditional release on June 4 of Afghan reporter Noorajan Bahir, who was detained for two days without charge by US-led coalition forces in Afghanistan’s southeast.   However, the IFJ questions the manner in which Bahir was detained, and the failure of coalition forces to provide an explanation or apology.   Bahir, a reporter for the independent Killid Media Group, was detained with his two brothers during a search of their home late on June 2, according to the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), an IFJ affiliate.   Coalition forces reportedly broke and destroyed…  
10773. Pakistan Newspapers Seek New Way to Avoid Fair Pay  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), in expressing outrage that the All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS) is claiming newspapers need government financial support, after nine years of newspaper owners failing to uphold the law and pay their employees a decent wage.   “All through the recent boom years of a rapidly expanding media industry in Pakistan, newspaper owners failed to abide by the law and pay their workers fairly. It is disingenuous for them now to say they cannot act in accordance with the law because the newspaper industry would be ruined if workers were fairly…  
10774. Heavy Security Clamps Down on Free Movement in China  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the latest efforts of security officials in China to restrict the movement of journalists, academics and bloggers on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre on June 4.   Zeng Jinyan, a blogger and the wife of imprisoned human rights defender Hu Jia, and her young daughter were prevented from leaving their house by several security bureau officers on June 3, despite Zeng telling them she intended to collect a cake for her mother’s birthday, a blogger told the IFJ.   Zeng has been under house arrest and constant security surveillance since Hu’s detention on…  
10776. Sri Lankan Government Must End Incitement to Violence Against Journalists  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) appeals to the international community to take urgent action to demand that Sri Lanka’s Government end immediately its campaign of accusing journalists of treason and association with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE), after a prominent media rights defender was abducted and brutally assaulted yesterday.   Poddala Jayantha, a journalist and general secretary of the Sri Lanka Working Journalists’ Association (SLWJA), an IFJ affiliate, was abducted by at least six unknown people. He was bashed repeatedly with wooden and metal poles and his beard and hair were shaved off.   Local media…  
10777. Ethics and Gender: Equality in the newsroom, Brussels Declaration  

 Brussels, May 30-31st 2009   Brussels Declaration   We, the 60 participants from 45 countries around the globe attending the International Federation of Journalists' conference onEthics and Gender: Equality in the newsroom, held in Brussels, on May 30-31st 2009,   Considering   The International ILO conventions on equal treatment between men and womenThe International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) 1993 Declaration on equal opportunities between men and women adopted in HarareThe resolution and plan of action adopted at the IFJ Congress in Seoul, 2001 and the resolution on gender rights adopted at the IFJ World Congress in Athens,…  
10778. Hong Kong Papers Targeted in China Clampdown  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned to learn that mainstream Hong Kong newspapers removed items regarding the 20th anniversary of the June 4 Tiananmen Square massacre on the instruction of senior officials.   It is unclear whether the instruction was made in Hong Kong or Beijing, but mainland subscribers to three Hong Kong newspapers – Ming Pao Newspaper, Hong Kong Economic Times and South China Morning Post – found that parts of the newspapers were missing and delivery was delayed.   Ming Pao reported in an editorial on May 28 that publication of its papers had been delayed or some of the pages in its editions…  
10779. Journalists Welcome European Call to Review Anti-Terrorism Laws  

Ministers of the human rights network of the Council of Europe have called on their governments to review anti-terrorism laws in the face of strong criticism from journalists that some laws are in practice limiting free expression and press rights.Meeting in Reykjavik today the 1st Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Media and new Communications Services bowed to pressure from press freedom groups, including the International Federation of Journalists (EFJ), to accept that the time was right to assess the impact of terror laws enacted since attacks on New York and Washington in 2001."This recommendation sends a strong message," said Aidan White, IGeneral…  
10780. Suspects Arrested for Murder of Indonesian Reporter  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the arrest of seven suspects in the murder of Radar Bali journalist Agung Gede Narendra Prabangsa in Bali, Indonesia.   As a result of rigorous campaigning by the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), an IFJ affiliate, local police reopened an investigation into Prabangsa’s murder and connections to his work as a journalist.   Prabangsa’s body was found on February 16 in the Bungsil Strait, off Karangasem regency, six days after he was reported missing.   At the time, police denied a connection between his death and his work as Radar Bali regional editor.   However, Bali…  
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