15063 results:

10082. IFJ Condemns Arrest of Two Journalists in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the arrest of two journalists Ram Pukar Raut and Pravin Sharma Jha in Rautahat district, in the eastern plains (Terai) of Nepal on February 24.   According to information received from the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), an IFJ affiliate, the two journalists who bring out a local weekly, The New Times Today, have been charged with illicit links to a banned underground armed group active in the Terai. The arrests followed the weekly’s publication of a press release put out by the underground group.   FNJ sources believe that the arrests may be in retaliation for a number of…  
10083. Journalists in China Held for Reporting ‘Jasmine Revolution’ Protests  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned by reports that police in China charged a writer with inciting subversion of state power for distributing “jasmine revolution” information online.    Sichuan Literature magazine writer Ran Yunfei, a signatory of the Charter 08 manifesto, was detained by police and may have been charged according to a February 24 report in German newspaper Deutsche Welle.   Many bloggers, journalists and dissidents have been detained by police since the “jasmine revolution” information began spreading through the internet on February 19, reports said. Police have…  
10084. European Journalists Condemn Gun attack and Death Threat to Cyprus Editor  

The European Federation of Journalists today strongly condemned a gun attack and death threat to the Turkish Cypriot newspaper Africa and its editor Sener Levent on Friday evening. The attack shocked the island’s media community and prompted trade unions and journalists’ groups in both Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities to join together to vigorously protest over this latest act of intimidation against one of the leading independent media voices. “We join our colleagues in their expression of anger and outrage over this incident,” said Arne Konig, EFJ President. “This sort of intolerance and violent targeting of journalists makes no contribution to…  
10085. IFJ Backs Media Reform as Journalists Are Targeted in Middle East Uprising  

The International Federation (IFJ) today called for media reforms and respect of press freedom as journalists have come under fire over coverage of anti-governments protests sweeping through the Arab world and the Middle East. The call follows reports of bans on free movement of journalists and new attacks on media in Bahrain, Yemen, Libya and Iraq Kurdistan. The authorities have imposed a media crackdown and are curtailing internet access to try to limit the spread of information about the current unrest. The IFJ warns that the increasingly belligerent anti-media rhetoric of the region's embattled leaders is likely to further endanger the safety of journalists.…  
10087. IFJ Condemns Campaign against Media as More Journalists Come under Attack in Uganda  

    IFJ Condemns Campaign against Media as More Journalists Come under Attack in Uganda   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the planned assaults on at least six journalists by people  believed to be supporters of  the Mayoral candidate of the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) ,Peter Ssematimba. The journalists, who all sustained serious injuries, were covering the local government elections at the Kakeeka polling station in Rubaga Parish in Kampala’s Lubaga Division, on Wednesday, 23 February 2011.    According to the Human Rights Network for Journalists in Uganda, the journalists’ attackers thugs…  
10088. Journalists Detained at Scene of Alleged Civilian Deaths, Released  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the release of three reporters who were briefly detained by US-led NATO forces in Kunar province in eastern Afghanistan.   According to information received from IFJ affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), Syed Abdullah Nezami of the Al Jazeera Arabic news channel and Sadullah Sahil and Zabihullah of the Afghan TV News Service, were detained on February 20 in a remote part of the province where a NATO air strike had reportedly killed up to 50 civilians over the weekend.   The reporters were investigating the event when they were taken in by NATO forces for allegedly…  
10089. International Partnership Denounces Systematic Attacks on Press Freedom in Yemen  

Against a backdrop of historic political change for the region that has brought the country to the brink of its own revolution, The International Partnership for Yemen today releases findings from its joint mission that expose the critical situation facing the media. The Partnership, a coalition of press freedom and human rights organisations including ARTICLE 19: Global Campaign for Free Expression, The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), International Media Support (IMS), and The World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), visited Yemen in a week-long advocacy mission in November 2010. The report, published today and entitled "Freedom of…  
10090. Media Staff Confirmed Among New Zealand Earthquake Deaths  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is saddened by reports that media staff members are among those confirmed dead as a result of yesterday’s 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand.   The offices of The Press newspaper and Canterbury Television (CTV) were some of the hardest hit by the quake, which struck New Zealand’s second largest city six months after a larger quake caused extensive damage to the region on September 4, 2010. While no fatalities were recorded as a direct result of the September quake, authorities have confirmed 75 deaths in total from yesterday’s quake, with more than 300 people still unaccounted…  
10091. Journalist Detained in Fiji for Investigative Business Reporting  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins with the Pacific Freedom Forum (PFF) in condemning the detention of a Fiji Times journalist by military officers for his investigative reporting.   Fiji Times journalist Felix Chaudhary, 41, who is based in Lautoka, on Fiji’s main island of Viti Levu, was apprehended by military officers on February 18 when he was reporting on an event where the country’s regime leader Frank Bainimarama was present, PFF reported.   During his one-hour detention Chaudhary was told the regime was unhappy with the reports appearing under his byline on the sugar and aviation industries in Fiji. The journalist was…  
10092. Journalists Blocked When Reporting ‘Jasmine Revolution’ Protests in China  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned by reports that police and security agents intervened when journalists attempted to cover protests dubbed the “jasmine revolution” in China on February 20.   Many non-mainland journalists were blocked or harassed when covering the protests in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou on the day.   A Hong Kong journalist told the IFJ he was closely followed by a security officer who prevented him from making contact with a number of dissidents in Guangzhou. The journalist was harassed by the officer when investigating the case of a human rights lawyer, who was injured in a beating by…  
10093. The IFJ Condemns Shooting of Journalist on Election day in Uganda  

International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)   Press Release   21 February, 2011     IFJ Condemns Shooting of Journalist on Election Day in Uganda   The international Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today condemned the shooting of a journalist on polling day for the general elections which took place last week in Uganda. Freelance journalist Julius Odeke who writes for the Kampala based tabloids The Red Pepper and Raser newspapers was seriously injured after a bodyguard of Minister in the President’s Office, Ms Beatrice Wabudeya, shot at him in a scuffle at a polling station in Budadiri East, Mbale.   “We condemn the use of…  
10094. Another Journalist's Murder Underlines Safety Crisis in Balochistan  

 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is shocked to hear of the killing of Abdost Rind, a 27-year-old journalist in the Turbat area of Balochistan province in Pakistan’s south-west.   According to information received from IFJ affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), Rind – a reporter with Daily Eagle, an Urdu-language newspaper – was shot four times by unidentified assailants on motorcycles as he returned home from work on the evening of February 18. He died immediately.   He is the second media worker to be killed in Balochistan this year, after the death of Ilyas Nazar, who was found dead in Pidarak on…  
10095. Death Threats Made Against Journalists in the Philippines  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is disturbed to learn that four journalists in the Philippines have received death threats after covering controversial issues recently near the capital Manila and on the southern island of Mindanao.   Three journalists based in Tarlac City, north of Manila, received death threats via SMS (text message) after writing a series of articles on alleged scams related to the ongoing construction of the Tarlac-Pangasinan-La Union Expressway, according to a report made to IFJ affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP).   People’s Journal and People’s Tonight correspondent…  
10096. Funding Cuts to Voice of America Chinese Language Services  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned by reports of large funding cuts to Voice Of America’s (VOA) Chinese language services.   The United States Government’s Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which oversees the operation of VOA and several other international broadcasters such as Radio Free Asia, announced a 57 per cent reduction in staff numbers to its Mandarin service and closure of all Cantonese-language programming, VOA reported on February 16.   According to a proposal before the United States Congress, the BBG would reallocate funds to enhance the agency’s global satellite transmission…  
10097. IFJ Calls for Change of Investigators in Unsolved Ukraine Murder Case  

 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional organisation, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), have today called for the investigation into the disappearance and probable murder of Ukraine investigative Journalist, Vasyl Klymentyev, to be removed from the hands of the local police force.   Six months after Klymentyev's disappearance, the official investigation into ‘premeditated murder' has failed to make any progress. Meanwhile serious concerns have arisen about police conduct including harassment of Klymentyev's partner, Valentina Udovenko, and illegal searches and seizures of documents on the premises of Klymentyev and his…  
10098. EFJ's letter to Croatian Prime Minister  

The EFJ wrote today to Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor to express its great concern on the latest draft of Croatian penal code's rules regarding "crimes against honor and reputation" and their impact on journalists' rights and press freedom.  
10099. IFJ Warns Hamas Government over Meddling in Journalists' Union Affairs  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused the Hamas Government in Gaza of intimidating journalists after a Gaza -based member of the Palestinian Journalists' syndicate (PJS), Yousef al Ostaz was called in for questioning over his activities in the union. "This is an outrageous interference in media affairs which must stop immediately," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "The Hamas authorities have no business to investigate the role of an elected leader's work for his union. This reckless behavior risks disrupting the important work the union is engaged in to unite journalists in the West Bank and Gaza." According to the PJS, the Hamas authorities in…  
10100. Journalism in the Shadows: the Challenge for Press Freedom in Romania  

Report of the EFJ Mission to Romania, 3-4 February 2011 On 3-4 February 2011, the European Federation of Journalists carried out a mission to Romania following an invitation by its affiliate, the Romania Federation of Journalists MediaSind.  While Europe's attention is focused on precise issues such as the Media Law in Hungary or the conflict of interest of Italian's Prime Minister, the situation of journalists in Romania remains problematic in many ways, not least from a crisis of undue political influence and the evidence of the regular and serious attacks on journalists and their media by political groups. Over the two days, the mission met journalists' leaders, policymakers,…  
10101. IFJ Calls for Probe into Serious Attack on CBS Reporter in Egypt  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for an investigation into the attack on Lara Logan, a reporter  for the American TV cable network CBS, last Friday in Tahrir square, Cairo. CBS has confirmed that Logan was the victim of "a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating." "This is a shocking attack which must not go unpunished," said Jim Boumelha. "The Egyptian Prime Minister has promised to investigate attacks on media during the protests and this is one the most serious incidents which need to be looked into." Media reports say Logan, who works on the CBS "60 minutes" programme, returned to Tahrir square on Friday evening to report on the…  
10102. IFJ Condemns Murder of Iraqi Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the Iraqi authorities in the city of Mosul to launch an immediate investigation into the murder of journalist Hilal al Ahmadi who was gunned down yesterday morning outside his home. "We condemn the shocking murder of our colleague and call for his killers to face justice," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "This crime shows there is a still a long way to go to achieve safety of journalists in Iraq." The Iraqi Journalist Syndicate (IJS) says two gunmen struck early morning, shooting dead Ahmadi, a father of four, as he was stepping out of his home on the way to work. The 50 year old journalist  wrote…  
10103. EFJ FOCUS FEBRUARY 2011  

EFJ Focus is a monthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced by the Secretariat in Brussels. The newsletter is available in English, and French and German. Further Information: Tel: 32-2-235.22.15/02 Fax: 32-2-235.22.19 E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]  
10104. EFJ FOCUS FEBRUARY 2011  

EFJ Focus is a monthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced by the Secretariat in Brussels. The newsletter is available in English, and French and German. Further Information:Tel: 32-2-235.22.15/02 Fax: 32-2-235.22.19 E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]  
10105. EFJ FOCUS FEBRUARY 2011  

EFJ Focus is a monthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced by the Secretariat in Brussels. The newsletter is available in English, and French and German. Further Information: Tel: 32-2-235.22.15/02 Fax: 32-2-235.22.19 E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected]  
10106. Foreign Journalists in China Pelted with Stones in Assault  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is disturbed to learn of an attack on foreign journalists who attempted to interview a prominent activist and lawyer in China’s east.   CNN journalists Stan Grant and Steven Jiang reported on February 16 that guards threw stones and pushed and shoved them after ordering them away from the entrance to Dongshigu Village, Shandong Province, where human rights activist Chen Guangcheng and his wife are under house arrest.   “I demanded to know the reason we were barred from the village…the ‘big guy’ kept shoving Stan away from the checkpoint, as his partner knocked [fellow journalist] Brad's…  
10107. IFJ Condemns New Wave of Journalists' Arrests in Iran  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused Iranian authorities of targeting media amid signs of solidarity in the country with protests which toppled regimes in Egypt and Tunisia. At least four journalists working for reformist newspaper were arrested last week ahead of demonstrations called by the opposition to support recent popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia. "The Iranian regime is attempting to intimidate journalists out of fear for the publicity anti governments protests have had in the Middle East," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "Gagging media is further proof that the authorities are failing to heed calls for democratic change in the…  
10108. Freedom of Expression Key to Democracy and Human Rights  

  Christopher Warren, immediate past President, International Federation of Journalists, and Federal Secretary, Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance to the Lasantha Wickrematunge commemoration, Colombo, Sri Lanka, February 15, 2011.   These last few weeks have been exhilarating for those of us who believe in democracy, human rights, freedom of speech and the press.   First Tunisia and now Egypt have embarked on the exciting, tumultuous journey to free and democratic societies. There can be no doubt that the most difficult part of that journey is still to come and those countries – and the dominos that will inevitably follow them – will require…  
10109. Journalists Targeted for Assassination in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands that authorities in the Philippines take immediate steps to ensure the safety of journalists in Palawan province, who remain under serious threat of assassination following the murder of broadcaster Gerado Ortega last month.   IFJ affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) has received information that two more journalists have been targeted by those behind Ortega’s January 24 murder.   Rodolfo Edrad Jr, purportedly the link to the alleged mastermind of the Ortega killing who surrendered to police on February 5, told authorities that two more Palawan journalists are next in…  
10110. IFJ Condemns Internet Censorship in Jordan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused the Jordanian government of stifling calls for democratic change after the country's intelligence service disabled a news website and removed a letter to the King demanding political reforms. The IFJ backed protests by journalists' leaders and others who joined a protest after the country's biggest news website http://www.ammonnews.net/  was hacked into and a report over the letter was taken down. Leaders of the IFJ affiliate, the Jordanian Press Association(JPA), joined the demonstration which was held outside the union offices in central Amman. "This is a sinister development that shows how vulnerable free…  
10111. IFJ Condemns Return to State Censorship after Journalist's Expulsion in Russia  

The international Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused Russia of stepping back into the shadows of censorship and political intolerance after The Guardian's Moscow correspondent  Luke Harding was expelled from the country, apparently in retaliation for writing a story linked to material provided by the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks. Harding was refused entry at Moscow airport when he returned to the city yesterday. Immigration officials put him on the next flight back to London and told him he was barred. The Guardian says the action comes after the newspaper published reports from diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks, including an article from Harding…  
10112. IFJ Welcomes Release of Burmese Writer and Publisher  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the release of Aung Kyaw San, writer and publisher of the Myanmar Tribune, from Taunggyi prison in the Burmese state of Shan, in the country’s east on January 26.   San was sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment under the country’s Unlawful Association Act for his involvement as a volunteer in helping in the search and burial efforts after Cyclone Nargis in 2008, according to Burmese media portal Mizzima, operated in exile from India and Thailand.   The sentence was reduced to two years on appeal, with Sun serving two years and seven months’ jail, including the time he was held…  
10113. Little Progress in Investigation of Journalist’s Murder in Chhattisgarh State  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned at the serious lack of progress in the investigation into the death of Umesh Rajput, a reporter with the Hindi daily Nai Duniya, a fortnight after he was murdered outside his home in Chura village, near the state capital of Chhattisgarh state.   Rajput was called out of his home on the evening of January 23 by two unidentified men and shot dead as he emerged. A note left at the site had a message written in Hindi, which said that the murder was the consequence of stories the reporter had been filing.   Since then a local doctor and his assistant have been taken into custody. Two weeks before his murder…  
10114. Suspect in Journalist Murder Surrenders to Authorities in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is encouraged to learn that a suspect allegedly involved in the January 24 murder of broadcaster Gerado Ortega in the Philippines is in custody.   A key suspect in the murder, Rodolfo Edrad Jr, alias Jun-Jun Bomar, turned himself in to authorities in Quezon province about 10pm on February 5, according to news reports the following day.   Ortega, a prominent news anchor and commentator with dwAR, was shot in the head at about 10am on January 24 as he was shopping in the San Pedro district of Puerto Princesa City, the capital of the country’s far-western island province of Palawan.   Gunman Marlon de…  
10115. IFJ Deplores ‘Inevitable Tragedy’ as Egyptian Journalist Dies  

The International Federation of Journalists today mourned the loss of the first journalist to die in the social unrest in Egypt. Journalist Ahmed Mohammed Mahmoud died in hospital  in Cairo from injuries sustained after he was shot in the eye by a sniper on Monday last week. The journalist, aged 39, worked for the A’wada newspaper, a part of the Al Ahram media group. His death comes after a week of continuing unrest that has seen journalists and media staff among those targeted by groups loyal to the regime of President Hosni Mubarak. “This loss is the inevitable tragedy and consequence of reckless violence and confrontation,” said Aidan White, IFJ General…  
10116. EGYPT CAMPAIGN - Global Call for Solidarity  

Letter from IFJ President Brussels, 4th February 2011   Dear colleagues, I write to ask you to join us in our effort to stop the attacks against journalists in Egypt. As you may be aware, dozens of journalists were arrested, attacked and beaten yesterday in one of the biggest witch-hunts against journalists in recent years. In several cities, the Egyptian government and its supporters embarked in a violent campaign to intimidate and stop the international media from reporting recent events in Egypt. Some journalists were arrested, others were beaten and had their cameras smashed and some abducted at knifepoint. There were reported assaults on journalists for CNN, CBS, the…  
10117. NIUSbeatPACIFIC: Pacific Media Newsletter Inaugural Issue  

Welcome to the inaugural issue of a monthly media wrap up of happenings, events, information and resources for Pacific journalists and media practitioners. Follow the latest news on development trends, people on the move, agency and regional organisation news and more. This regional media newsletter is aimed at keeping readers in touch with the ‘Niusbeat’ in our Pacific community and we want to hear from you – drop us a line for the March issue.   ***   Fight self censorship! New workshops for media: Self-censorship has been identified as a key threat to freedom of expression and independent media in the Pacific.…  
10118. EFJ Condemns Press Freedom Abuses against Albanian Journalists  

Today the European Federation of Journalists expressed its concern about severe threats to press freedom and violent attacks against several journalists in Albania following last week protest in Tirana. "The situation in Albania makes it impossible for journalists to work freely," said EFJ President Arne König. "A violent environment is already a challenge for media professionals, but if the police and authorities add physical violence and legal abuses, then we end up in an intolerable situation for journalists.  Albanian and foreign public  have to right to know what is happening in the country and it is the role of the authorities to guarantee the exercise of the…  
10119. Radio Station Attacked and Looted in Northern Afghanistan  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA), in condemning an attack on Radio Payam in the northern Afghanistan province of Baghlan.   According to information available to the AIJA, the radio station was attacked by seven unidentified men early in the morning of January 31. Some of the facilities were damaged but the main objective seems to have been theft, with equipment worth an estimated USD 30,000, including the station’s transmitter, reportedly removed by the intruders.   The local leadership of the Taliban and the Hezb-e-Isalami have denied any involvement in the…  
10120. IFJ Calls for Strong Independent Complaints Process in Tonga  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins with the Pacific Freedom Forum in calling for a self-regulatory system to be established for media in Tonga, as defamation proceedings continue in the country this week.   Tonga's Minister of Public Enterprises and Revenue Clive Edwards filed a defamation case against Kele’a newspaper following a report in the lead up to the kingdom’s first democratic elections on November 25.   The report, published on the newspaper’s front page on November 24, a day before the elections, alleged that a number of candidates had formed a “secret” political party backed by the then government, Taimi…  
10121. EFJ Backs Journalists in Macedonia TV Fight  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today called for the A1TV television network in Macedonia to be allowed to continue broadcasting following political and judicial pressure that threatens the future of independent and critical journalism in the country. Journalists working at A1 TV, and the newspapers Vreme, Shpic and Koha e Re, have issued calls for help following action to freeze the accounts of their company and in the face of a court action that they claim is in violation of the country's Constitution. Since January 27 A1 TV has been airing its programmes from the street in front of the Government building, at sub-zero temperatures, in protest over the freezing…  
10122. 2011: China's New Clampdown - traditional Chinese  

Click HERE to read the traditional Chinese version of the 2011 report on China's New Clampdown  
10123. 2011: China's New Clampdown - simplified Chinese  

Click HERE to read the simplified Chinese version of  the 2011 report China's New Clampdown  
10124. 2011: China's New Clampdown - English  

Click HERE to read the English version of the 2011 report on China's New Clampdown  
10125. - NUJ Copyright glossary (2011)  

View the NUJ Copyright glossary (2011) by clicking on the link below which will take you to the website: http://www.londonfreelance.org/fl/1108glos.html  
10126. IFJ Condemns "Desperate Tactics" as Egypt Targets Media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on Egypt to end the crackdown on journalism and media which has led to numerous beatings of media staff and censorship of television and communications networks. As the political crisis has intensified with renewed protests in the streets the regime of President Hosni Mubarak has become ever-more desperate to stop media coverage of the uprising. Media reports say that the Government last week blocked websites and the Qatari- based international broadcaster, Al-Jazeera has been taken off the air. Its office in Cairo has been shut down and staff were arrested, their film confiscated. The studios of the French public…  
10127. South Asia Press Freedom Report 2011: Free Speech in Peril  

Click HERE to read the South Asia Press Freedom Report 2011: Free Speech in Peril  
10128. 2011 Afghanistan: Reporting in Times of War  

Click HERE to read the 2011 IFJ report on Afghanistan: Reporting in Times of War    
10129. Arson Attack on Online News Portal Office in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns an arson attack on the offices of LankaENews, a popular news portal operating out of a suburb of the Sri Lankan capital city of Colombo.   According to information made available to the IFJ, a group of unidentified people broke into the office of the news portal at about 2am on January 31 and set fire to all the fixtures and equipment they could find. Reports received as late as 8am mentioned that the office building was still ablaze and could be completely gutted. The extent of damage caused has been estimated at LKR (Sri Lanka Rupee) 15 million (about USD 135,000).   It has also been reported…  
10130. IFJ Calls for Debate Following Conviction of Columnist in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned by the January 28 conviction of Anish Trivedi, a one-time columnist for the Mumbai-based afternoon daily Mid-Day on charges of causing offence to communities disadvantaged by India’s traditional caste hierarchy.   In a column published in 2006, Trivedi argued that the dismal performance of many of India’s institutions of governance was a consequence of the policy of affirmative action, which assured disadvantaged communities representation in the staffing of all these institutions. He followed up this assessment with remarks on individuals belonging to these communities that aroused serious…  
10131. Authorities Must Investigate Brutal Murder of Journalist in Vietnam  

Addendum: Tran Thuy Lieu, wife of journalist Le Hoang Hung surrendered herself to authorities on Februrary 20 and is being detained as a suspect in her husband’s murder, according to local media reports.   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls for an immediate investigation into the January 30 death of journalist Le Hoang Hung, ten days after he was set on fire while sleeping at his home in Tan An near the Vietnamese capital Ho Chi Minh City.   Hung, a veteran reporter with The Worker newspaper, sustained burns to 50 per cent of his body after being doused with chemicals and set alight in the January 20 attack. Local media…  
10132. New IFJ Report Outlines Restrictions on Journalists in China in 2010  

A new International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) report has uncovered scores of restrictive orders issued by China’s authorities in 2010 that block information on public health, disasters, corruption and civil unrest.   Voices of Courage: Press Freedom in China 2010, released today by IFJ Asia-Pacific in Hong Kong, outlines more than 80 restrictive orders issued last year by authorities in China. The orders are a mere sample of the vast array of controls on information that journalists and media workers are known to grapple with when reporting the news.   “The IFJ has uncovered a series of orders issued by China’s propaganda machine in…  
10133. Journalist Forced to Resign, Colleagues Targeted in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned to learn that China’s Central Propaganda Department interfered in a newsroom by forcing an outspoken journalist and commentator to resign and the removal of three other journalists from their roles.   Journalist Zhang Ping (a pen name), 40, was forced to leave Southern Metropolis Newspaper by its editor-in-chief on January 27 after the vice director of the Central Propaganda Department visited the office the week before.   Zhang’s columns have been suspended from Southern Metropolis Newspaper and Southern Weekly since July 2010 without reason. At a meeting on January 27 newspaper…  
10134. IFJ Honours Memory of Photojournalist Killed in Argentina  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on  Wednesday joined its affiliate in Argentina, the Argentinean Federation of Press Workers (FATPREN), its regional organisation, La Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) and other national organisations to mark the 14th anniversary of the murder of Argentinean photographer José Luis Cabezas and to condemn the impunity for his killers. The activities, held in the coastal city of Pinamar, included a march which took place on one of the principal highways leading to a monument in Cabezas' honour.  "The unresolved murder of José Cabezas demonstrates the continued…  
10135. Commissioner Barnier Backs Journalists in Fight to Protect Authors’ Rights in Europe  

The leading voice in European Copyright Policy, Commissioner Michel Barnier, has given strong backing to the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its members in their fight to protect journalists' authors' rights. On 24 January, Mr Barnier, the Commissioner responsible for the Internal Market and Services in the European Union took the opportunity of a meeting with EFJ representatives to underscore the important role journalists play in Europe's democracy and cultural diversity. "Journalists have a key role to play in upholding Europe's democracy, and make an invaluable contribution to Europe's economy and cultural industry," said Commissioner Barnier: "We are…  
10136. Commissioner Barnier Backs Journalists in Fight to Protect Authors’ Rights in Europe  

The leading voice in European Copyright Policy, Commissioner Michel Barnier, has given strong backing to the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its members in their fight to protect journalists' authors' rights. On 24 January, Mr Barnier, the Commissioner responsible for the Internal Market and Services in the European Union took the opportunity of a meeting with EFJ representatives to underscore the important role journalists play in Europe's democracy and cultural diversity. "Journalists have a key role to play in upholding Europe's democracy, and make an invaluable contribution to Europe's economy and cultural industry," said Commissioner Barnier: "We are in the…  
10137. IFJ Condemns Arrest of Journalist in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused the Yemeni authorities of waging a campaign of intimidation against media after journalist Tawakul Karman was arrested by security forces on Saturday night and detained before being released on Monday. The authorities claimed she was held over allegations of "organising unauthorised gatherings and marches and inciting riots and disorder". "The journalist is the latest victim of the Yemeni government-led campaign to stifle public debate on the country's affairs," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "Journalists are citizens and are entitled to express their opinion without being harassed." According to the Yemeni…  
10139. IFJ Condemns Murder of Environmental Commentator in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins with affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning the murder of radio anchor Gerardo Ortega, a commentator with dwAR, in the country’s far-western island province Palawan on January 24.   Ortega was shot in the head at around 10 am as he was shopping in the San Pedro district of Puerto Princesa City, the capital of Palawan province. He is the 142nd media worker to be killed since the end of the Marcos dictatorship in 1986 and the second to be killed during the administration of current president Benigno Aquino III.   Police apprehended Manila resident Marvin Alcaraz…  
10140. IFJ Condemns Acid Attack on Senior Afghan Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), in condemning a brutal attack on senior journalist Abdul Razaq Mamoon on the evening of January 18.   Reports from the AIJA indicate that Mamoon was entering his home in the Microrayon-3 area of Kabul when he was attacked by a lone assailant who sprayed acid on his face and fled. Police reportedly found knives and other lethal weapons left by the attacker as he fled.   Mamoon was hospitalised with serious burn injuries to his face, though his vision and other vital functions are unimpaired.   “The IFJ condemns this…  
10141. IFJ Calls for Release of Journalist in Zambia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the arrest on 18 January 2011 of Nyambe Muyumbana, an assistant station manager of Radio Lyambai, a private station based in the western Province in Zambia over allegations of inciting violence.   “Accusations of inciting violence against journalists must not be made lightly and the authorities should first establish what happened in this case,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. “Journalists have a right to oppose and criticize the Government’s policies and any attempt to intimidate them constitutes a serious violation of freedom of expression and press freedom which are…  
10142. Journalists Demand Investigations into Death, Disappearance in Sri Lanka  

As protests in Sri Lanka mark the anniversaries of the murder of Sunday Leader editor Lasantha Wickrematunge and disappearance of cartoonist Prageeth Eknaligoda, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands that the Government of Sri Lanka expedite investigations into these cases and immediately disclose any findings.   The Alliance of Media Organisations, which includes IFJ affiliates the Free Media Movement (FMM) and the Sri Lanka Working Journalists’ Association (SLWJA), staged a protest in Colombo on January 18 to mark two years since the death of Wickrematunge and one year since Eknaligoda’s disappearance.   Wickrematunge was murdered…  
10143. IFJ Report Outlines Continuing Challenges for Journalists in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today announces the release of a new report available in English and Nepali, the result of a 12 month project conducted in partnership with IFJ affiliate the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ).   Reporting for All: Challenges for the Media in Nepal’s Democratic Transition is the outcome of media monitoring, training workshops and focus group discussions with a wide cross-section of the country’s journalists.   “This report shows that Nepal’s democratic transition is far from complete with journalists and media organisations continuing to face key challenges in the current…  
10145. IFJ Rejects Claim of Journalists' Union Link to Bomb Attacks in Paraguay  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused the authorities in Paraguay of a "scandalous smear" after police in Asunción claimed an explosion outside the offices of  Channel 9 television network on January 12 was linked to an industrial dispute over the sacking of a journalists' union leader. According to the journalists' union, the Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP), an explosive device was set off last week outside the offices of Channel 9 but there were no casualties. In the aftermath, the deputy head of the national Police, Idalino Bianconi, told reporters that the attack could be linked to internal tensions at the station where workers…  
10146. IFJ Rejects Claim of Journalists' Union Link to Bomb Attacks in Paraguay  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused the authorities in Paraguay of a "scandalous smear" after police in Asunción claimed an explosion outside the offices of  Channel 9 television network on January 12 was linked to an industrial dispute over the sacking of a journalists' union leader.According to the journalists' union, the Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP), an explosive device was set off last week outside the offices of Channel 9 but there were no casualties. In the aftermath, the deputy head of the national Police, Idalino Bianconi, told reporters that the attack could be linked to internal tensions at the station where workers have…  
10147. IFJ Condemns Victimisation of Journalist Union Leader in Malaysia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the management of the Utusan Melayu newspaper in Malaysia to respect the rights of working journalists to freely discuss industry issues, amid concerns the paper is victimising the leader of the country’s journalists’ union.   Utusan Melayu initiated a domestic inquiry into the actions of Ha’ta Wahari, an employee of the paper and president of the National Union of Journalists of Malaysia (NUJM), which was scheduled for January 17.   However, after 30 minutes of argument from NUJM General Secretary V. Anbalagan, the inquiry chairman Mohd Bashir Abdul Rahim abandoned the inquiry for…  
10149. Pledge to Free Press in Tunisia Vindicates Journalists' Struggle, Says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the pledge from Tunisian President Ben Ali to allow press freedom and to end internet censorship, saying the move vindicates the long-running campaign for independence by journalists led by the Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT), an IFJ affiliate. "We welcome this commitment to press freedom by President Ben Ali," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "It is long overdue and now he must make good on his promises." Boumelha said the President's new policy, a major reversal of long-time opposition to independent journalism by the government, would not have happened without the commitment and spirited…  
10150. IFJ Warns of Intimidation Campaign against Media in Uganda after Arrest of Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today warned of a campaign of intimidation in Uganda after the arrest and detention on 11 January 2011 of Mustapha Mugisa, editor and publisher of the Review magazine Summit Business for allegedly publishing a cartoon of President Yoweri Museveni in October 2010.   “This arrest constitutes a serious violation of freedom of expression which is a fundamental right enshrined in Uganda’s Constitution,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. “We have reason to believe there is a deliberate campaign to intimidate journalists, especially with the approach of the elections scheduled next…  
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