15062 results:

7561. ​Saudi-led Coalition in Yemen Has Media in Sights after ‘Military Target’ Warning  

The Arab coalition fighting the Houthi rebels in Yemen composed by Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Sudan, Egypt, US, Jordan, Morocco and Pakistan- has media organisations in its sights. According to media reports, a military spokesperson for the coalition last Sunday issued a warning to media organisations associated with the Houthi rebels and the former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh, describing them as legitimate targets. On the same day, Yemen Today, a TV affiliated with Saleh, reportedly received a phone call from the coalition with the warning that the TV channel and its staff were from that moment considered a military target. They had to…  
7562. IFJ Asia Pacific Bulletin: April  

Welcome to the IFJ Asia Pacific’s monthly e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on May 1, 2015, and contributions from affiliates are most welcome. To contribute, email [email protected] Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ifjasiapacific Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IFJAsiaPacific Join the IFJ Asia Pacific mailing list here In this bulletin: 1.       IFJ launches ‘The Asia-Pacific through a gender lens’ 2.       Indian Supreme Court guarantees free speech online 3.       Impunity breakthrough in…  
7563. Hong Kong Police continue abusing their powers  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned by the actions of the Hong Kong Police collecting personal information of journalists without providing reason. On March 29, Lam Sair-ping, a journalist with Apple Daily, a Hong Kong based pro-democracy newspaper, was asked for identification and his press card while he was covering a protest against parallel trading at Sheung Shui New Territories. When Lam asked why he needed identification, the officer recorded his details and refused to answer. At the same protest, another two journalists were checked by police without reason. One of the journalists asked the officer for his identity card, but he refused. Lam told the IFJ:…  
7564. Journalists’ unions and broadcasters to examine the new challenges of freedom of expression in the Mediterranean  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its three affiliates in France SNJ, SNJ-CGT and CFDT Journalistes, have organized a Mediterranean conference on Freedom of Expression. Supported by the EU-funded MedMedia programme, the event took place in Paris on March 31 – April 1st 2015. Entitled “Stand Up for Free Expression – Raising our Voice against Intolerance and Racism”, the conference addressed the new challenges to freedom of expression, the chilling impact of extremist violence and the role of media in combatting hate speech and racism across the region. It also examined the corollary media crisis, the battle against declining standards and the promotion of high…  
7565. Publisher and Chief Executive detained for ‘sedition’  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the National Union of Journalists, Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) in strongly criticising the detainment of ten media workers under Malaysia’s Sedition Act for reporting on Islamic criminal laws in recent days. The IFJ and NUJM call on the Malaysian government to immediately release the media workers and end the crackdown on freedom of expression. On March 31, Ho Kay Tat, the publisher of The Edge, and Jahabar Sadiq, chief executive of The Malaysian Insider were detained by police under Section 223 of the Communications and Multimedia Act and Section 4 of the Sedition Act over the news portals reporting on Islamic criminal laws (hudud).…  
7566. Press freedom on the steady decline in Hong Kong  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in calling on the government of Hong Kong to enact Freedom of Information legislation, as was pledged by Leung Chun-Ying during his 2012 Chief Executive Election campaign. According to a survey conducted by the HKJA, along with a number of Hong Kong academics, Hong Kong’s Press Freedom Index declined to by 0.6 48.8 for the general public and by 3.1 to 38.9 for media workers in 2014. The index ranges from 0 to 100 and the survey was conducted in January, 2015. The HKJA believe that the decline in press freedom is due to the declining effectiveness of the media to act as a watchdog over the…  
7567. Second blogger brutally killed in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) strongly condemn the murder of blogger Md Oyasiqur Rahman Babu on Monday, March 30 in Dhaka. Three assailants attacked Oyasiqur, 27, on his way to work at a local travel agent in Bengunbari, in central Dhaka. Locals took Oyasiqur to Dhaka Medical College Hospital following the attack, where he was declared dead on arrival. Oyasiqur was a well-known blogger who used different pseudonyms to write on popular blogs. He was also know for writing several notes opposing irrational religious beliefs, superstitions and radical Islamists on his Facebook profile. Two of the attackers – Zikrullah…  
7568. Next IFJ Congress will take place in Angers, France  

The Executive Committee of the International Federation of Journalists' (IFJ) has decided this weekend that its next Congress will take place in Angers, western of France. 90 years since the International Federation of Journalists was established in 1926 in Paris, its 29th Congress will be co-organised by the French unions of journalists SNJ and SNJ-CGT from 7 – 10 June 2016 in the city of Angers, south western of Paris. The city, located in the heart of Val de Loire, only 1h30 from Paris, offers first class facilities to host international congresses. "The organising unions are committed to ensuring the World Congress is partially self-funded with help from regional, local…  
7569. 'IFJ in the News' This Week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights for last week, from Monday 23 to Friday 30 of March: 1. La FIJ se joint a la contestation des violations des droits de l'Homme perpétrées en République centrafricaine 2. Angers. Congrès mondial des journalistes en juin 2016 3. Angers Le congrès de la Fédération internationale des journalistes en juin 2016 4. Concours Excellence FIJ 2015 en Rdc : Le Bénin décroche le premier prix sous le sceau du leadership du Fndajsl 5. Le général Prayuth menace d’exécuter les…  
7570. Update: Nepali journalist found dead in suspicious circumstances  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in demanding an immediate investigation into the suspicious death of journalist Ram Prasad Bhattarai ‘Sachin’ in Itahari of Sunsari in eastern Nepal. According to reports, Bhattarai went missing on March 25 while on a personal trip to Itahari. His badly beaten body was found later that night on the side of the Koshi Highway, with visible head injuries. His body was not identified until March 29. Bhattarai, was a 26-year-old assistant editor for the Baruwa Times in Udayapur district and also contributed to the Ujyaalopatra daily of Biratnagar and the Aaujar daily of Dharan. The FNJ said:…  
7571. Three journalists detained while covering protests in the Maldives  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) strongly condemns the arrest and detention of three journalists while covering the opposition demonstration on the nights of March 24 and 25, 2015 in Male, the capital of the Maldives. The IFJ calls on the Maldivian government to immediately release the detained journalists. On March 24, Mohamed Niyaz, a cameraman for Channel One TV was arrested, while on March 25, Mohamed Wisam and Adam Zareer, media workers for Raajje TV, which is known for its pro-opposition stance, where arrested while covering an opposition demonstration in Male. Each were arrested ‘for obstructing police duties’. The…  
7572. IFJ Executive Committee in Brussels  

7573. Indian Supreme Court guarantees free speech online  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and the All Indian Newspaper Employees Federation (AINEF) in welcoming the Supreme Court’s judgment on March 24, 2015 to strike out Section 66A of the Information Technology (IT) Act as it contradicted with the rights of freedom of expression. Section 66A, which had been in effect since 2009, criminalized freedom of expression. It included a vaguely worded provision that could see anyone convicted of sending messages deemed ‘grossly offensive’ or ‘menacing’ over the internet or other communication devices, sentenced to three years in jail. The amendment to the IT Act was described as…  
7576. Thai military leader threatens to execute journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the National Union of Journalists, Thailand (NUJT) deplores the comments made by Thai military junta leader Prayuth Chan-ocha against journalists on Wednesday, March 25. The IFJ and NUJT condemn the comments as a threat to press freedom in Thailand, noting that the comments illustrate the continued decline of press freedom in Thailand over the past 12 months. Yesterday, when Prayuth was asked by a journalist how the military junta would deal with those that do not adhere to the official line, and he responded, saying “We’ll probably just execute them”. The junta leader followed his statement saying that “You don’t have to support the…  
7577. IFJ joins call for end to Human Rights violations in Central African Republic  

The Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in the Central African Republic (CAR), Ms Marie-Thérèse Keita Bocoum, gave an update to the 28th Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. She particularly addressed the measures being taken to end impunity for serious violations of human rights since the outbreak if the political crisis in the country. In this regard, the Independent Expert told the Council that the interim authorities have begun arresting suspects for these violations and are cooperating with the International Criminal Court in its investigations into potential crimes under international law. The interim government is also considering adopting a law…  
7578. ​IFJ Joins Call for End to Human Rights Violations in Central African Republic  

The Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in the Central African Republic (CAR), Ms Marie-Thérèse Keita Bocoum, today gave an update to the 28th Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. She particularly addressed the measures being taken to end impunity for serious violations of human rights since the outbreak if the political crisis in the country. In this regard, the Independent Expert told the Council that the interim authorities have begun arresting suspects for these violations and are cooperating with the International Criminal Court in its investigations into potential crimes under international law. The interim government is also considering…  
7579. IFJ Urges UN Human Council to Enforce Rights of Journalists in Occupied Palestinian Territories  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called in the UN Human Rights Council to enforce the rights of Palestinian journalists. The call was made in Geneva at the Council' session debated the reports of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Both reports describe various violations of human rights , leading the High Commissioner for Human Rights to note that "violations of human rights fuel and shape the conflict." On his part, the Special Rapporteur , Makarim Wibisomo, describe the situation as " unacceptable." In its…  
7580. IFJ urges UN Human Rights Council to enforce rights of journalists in Occupied Palestinian Territories  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the UN Human Rights Council to enforce the rights of Palestinian journalists. The call was made in Geneva at the Council's session debating the reports of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Both reports describe various violations of human rights , leading the High Commissioner for Human Rights to note that "violations of human rights fuel and shape the conflict." On his part, the Special Rapporteur , Makarim Wibisomo, describe the situation as " unacceptable." In its statement, the IFJ said…  
7581. Journalists convicted of defamation in Myanmar  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Myanmar Journalists Association (MJA) are outraged by the conviction of two journalists on charges of defamation on Wednesday, March 18. The IFJ call on the authorities in Myanmar to immediately repeal the sentence and ensure press freedom in the country. Than Htiak Thu, an editor with the weekly Myanmar Post, and Hsan Moe Tun a reporter with the same paper, were charged in February 2014 following a defamation complaint filed by a military lawmaker against them. The complaint was made after an unnamed lawmaker from the southeastern Mon State was quoted making comments about military representatives in the parliament having low…  
7582. ​IFJ Joins Call for Investigation into Murder of Journalist Gunned Down in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Yemeni affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), have today strongly condemned the murder of journalist Abdul Karim al-Khaiwani and called for an independent investigation into his assassination. The YJS said that al-Khaiwani, a former editor-in-chief of newspaper Al-Ommah newspaper and Al-Shoura website was shot dead by unidentified gunmen on 18 March in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa. He was an outspoken critic of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh and was arrested on many occasions for his publications. Read the full IFJ Statement here  
7583. Journalist restrained trying to interview government officials in Macau  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticizes the actions of hotel staff at the MGM in <st1:place w:st="on">Macau</st1:place> who restricted journalists from their duties. The IFJ remind the Government of Macau that such actions are a violation of press freedom.  On March 15, a journalist with the daily Cheng Pao newspaper was restrained by MGM security when he attempted to leave the casino following an official event. The journalist was at the MGM, an international casino resort covering an official ceremony with the Fernando Chui Sai-On, the Chief Executive of Macau. According to a statement by the Macau Journalists Association (MJA),…  
7584. La FIP se une a su afliado FEPALC en su preocupación por el recrudecimiento de la violencia en Centroamérica  

Desde el inicio del año 2015, han sido víctimas de atentados contra su vida seis periodistas centroamericanos. El domingo 15 de marzo se produjo el asesinato del tercer comunicador guatemalteco en una semana, en lo que constituye un preocupante aumento de la violencia contra los periodistas y contra la libertad de expresión. En un contexto de inestabilidad, violencia e impunidad, Centroamérica ha sido desde el comienzo de este año el escenario de renovadas muestras de crímenes dirigidos a acallar la voz de la prensa. Particularmente, Honduras y Guatemala han sido escenario de graves episodios. En toda la región centroamericana, coexisten sectores de poder político y del crimen…  
7585. IFJ Joins Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate in Calling for Independent Investigation into Murder of Senior Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Yemeni affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), have today strongly condemned the murder of journalist Abdul Karim al-Khaiwani and called for an independent investigation into his assassination. The YJS said that al-Khaiwani was shot dead by unidentified gunmen on 18 March in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa. "This is an outrageous and coward act that cannot remain unpunished,” said IFJ President, Jim Boumelha. “We stood with him when he was given a 6-year jail sentence during Ali Salah's presidency. I personally delivered him the Amnesty award in March 2009 at his union’s congress and pleaded with the president for…  
7586. Mainland authorities continue restricting media reporting  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) criticizes the Chinese authorities continued control of media reporting following the death of the former vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission on Sunday, March 15. Xu Caihou, the former vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission died on Sunday from bladder cancer. The high-ranking officials’ death however, was not permitted to be published on the front page of any news outlet. According to the China Digital Times, the Chinese authorities ordered all media to only republish the report from Xinhua, the state-owned media agency and to ensure the news was not a headline on the front page. In addition all outlets were…  
7587. IFJ and EFJ Condemn Repressive Actions against Journalists in Crimea  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalsits (EFJ), today accused the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) in Crimea of harassment and intimidation against independent media after journalist Natalya Kokorina was detained last Friday for six hours and denied access to legal assistance while her colleague Anna Andrievska is facing anti-state charges in relation to an article she wrote in 2014. The two journalists have worked at the news portal of the Crimean Centre for Investigative Journalism, in charge of providing journalistic training. After the takeover of Crimea by Russia last year, the center, initially based in…  
7588. Paraguay: El SPP exige justicia para el periodista Paulo López  

El Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay (SPP) reclama el sobreseimiento definitivo del compañero Paulo López, víctima de torturas en la comisaría 3a. de Asunción. El compañero fue torturado por policías, pero al final el fiscal Emilio Fuster lo imputó por supuesta resistencia. A la vez, exigimos la imputación a los policías responsables de torturas. Los Hechos El  3 de enero del año 2014 se llevó a cabo una manifestación ciudadana en el centro de la ciudad de Asunción en repudio por la suba del costo de pasaje del transporte público urbano. Esta actividad concluyó con una fuerte represión por parte de la Policía Nacional contra los manifestantes. Más de una decena de personas…  
7589. Perú: Trabajadores de empresa de transporte público atacan a equipo periodístico  

ANP - El equipo de prensa de Andina de Televisión (ATV), Canal 9, fue atacado por dos sujetos identificados como César Wilmer Lara Sarmiento y Juan Carlos Sánchez Villegas, ambos trabajadores de la empresa de transporte público Orión, en la provincia de Lima, capital del país. El ataque ocurrió el 11 de marzo, cuando el reportero Leonardo Cabrera junto a su camarógrafo cubrían un operativo de tránsito. El conductor del vehículo de placa W2J727, Lara Sarmiento, pretendió ingresar con la unidad a una ruta prohibida. Al ser impedido por un inspector de tránsito de la Municipalidad Provincial de Lima, intentó atropellarlo. Un peatón que registraba imágenes del hecho fue atacado. El…  
7590. South Asia Media Solidarity Bulletin: March 2015  

Welcome to the monthly e-bulletin of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN). The next bulletin will be sent on April 15, 2015, and your inputs are most welcome. We encourage contributions to let others know what you are doing; to seek solidarity and support from other SAMSN members on your campaigns and activities. To contribute, email Ujjwal Acharya at: [email protected] This e-bulletin and South Asia related contents are available at the SAMSN Digital Hub: http://samsn.ifj.org  Join the IFJ mailing list here. In this bulletin: 1.    IFJ launches gender campaign for Asia-Pacific’s women in media 2.    IFJ launches “Trail of Violence”…  
7591. Impunity breakthrough in Pakistan as convicted killer captured in Karachi  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) welcome the arrest of a murderer convicted for the killing of Karachi journalist Wali Kahn Babar. The IFJ has described the arrest of Faisal Mehmood on March 11 as a significant breakthrough in Pakistan’s fight against impunity for journalist killings. Babar was shot dead on January 13, 2011, in the Liaquatabad area of Karachi on his way to home from work. He was murdered after his story on gang violence aired on Geo TV. During the murder trial, nine witnesses were murdered including policemen and prosecutors and the trial had to be moved several times due to ongoing security…  
7592. 'IFJ in the News' This Week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights for last week, from Monday 9 to Friday 13 of March: 1. La FIJ et le SNJ condamnent des violations de la liberté de la presse 2. Make it happen for women: Start with the media 3. Intl journos’ group calls Sajid Ampatuan’s release on bail a denial of justice  4. SL military operatives threaten distributors of Tamil weekly 5. The Asia-Pacific media through a gender lens 6. Media still male-dominated in Asia-Pacific countries: IFJ report For more…  
7594. IFJ condemns recent violations against freedom of press in Algeria  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Algerian affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (SNJ), expressed their concerns about the recent violations against freedom of press committed in Algeria. Troubles began after a journalist was sentenced to prison and another one had his accreditation arbitrarily withdrawn. On 24 February 2015, Mohammed Chergui, chief editor of the daily El-Djamhouria (the Republic) - a newspaper published in Arabic and established in Oran - was sentenced to three years of imprisonment and to a 200 000 DA (2 000 euros) fine for "infringement of the prophet Mohammed". The case started in 2014, after the release of an article into…  
7595. Greece: Public broadcaster ERT to reopen mid-April  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional group in Europe (EFJ) have learned today that a draft bill for the reopening of public broadcaster ERT was made available for public consultation on Monday and is expected to be submitted in a consultation committee of the Greek Parliament in the coming days. The bill calls for the re-enforcement of the work agreements that were valid up until June 11, 2013, the day when the public broadcaster was shut down, meaning that all those who were made redundant then and would still like their job back will be rehired on the time related terms of the contract they held on the day of their layoff. According to the last…  
7596. La FIP y la FEP piden la puesta en libertad de una fotoperiodista española acusada de transportar inmigrantes en Melilla  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y su grupo regional en Europa (FEP) se unen a sus afiliados españoles para demandar la puesta en libertad de la fotoperiodista de la Agencia France Press (AFP) Ángela Ríos Vicente, que fue detenida esta madrugada en Melilla por la Guardia Civil y acusada de “favorecimiento de la inmigración”, que ella niega categóricamente. Su abogado, Antonio Zapata, ha asegurado que Ríos se encontraba en misión profesional para informar sobre una posible llegada de inmigrantes tras cruzar la valla melillense. La reportera Ángela Ríos (30), retenida desde las seis de la pasada madrugada, ha sido acusada por la Guardia Civil de un delito contra…  
7597. República Dominicana: SNTP logra que Juez imponga prisión a agresor de reportero gráfico  

El Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa (SNTP) logró este lunes que un juez de Instrucción del Tribunal de Niños Niñas y Adolescentes de la Provincia Santo Domingo impusiera un mes de prisión preventiva como Medida Cautelar a uno de cuatro hombres que hirieron a machetazos al reportero gráfico Erick Bready Montilla Sánchez. Montilla Sánchez, de 20 años de edad y ayudante de camarógrafo del Noticiero Noticias 23, fue agredido por un joven apodado “Yilet”, quien sostiene ser menor de edad. Dado que se duda de su condición de menor, fue ordenado un peritaje para determinar si es adulto. El joven trabajador de la prensa recibió al menos cuatro machetazos luego de que terminara…  

La Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) condena el asesinato del periodista paraguayo Gerardo Servian Coronel, de radio Ciudad Nueva, de Zanja Pytá, victimado por dos sicarios en la fronteriza ciudad brasileña de Ponta Porá. El periodista venía haciendo aguda crítica a las autoridades del municipio donde opera la radio en Amambay. En razón a ello la FEPALC demanda a las autoridades de Brasil y Paraguay no descartar el móvil profesional en la investigación del asesinato. La FEPALC llama a poner especial atención en los municipios de frontera que se han convertido en zonas de alta peligrosidad para los periodistas. Éstos en los últimos años han revelado,…  
7599. Gerardo Servián  

The journalist for Ciudad Nueva, 103.3 FM Radio based in the town of Zanja Pytã of Amambay Department,Paraguay, was shot dead by two gunmen in the Brazilian border town of Ponta Porã. Media reports said that Servián, an outspoken critic of the local administration led by Mayor Marcelino Rolón, was shot several times by his attackers. The Federation of Journalists in Latin America and Caribbean (FEPALC) has called on the authorities in Paraguay and Brazil not to rule out the possibility that the murder was linked to the journalist's profession.  
7600. Key figure accused in journalist massacre released on bail in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) are outraged by the release of one of the key figures accused of involvement in the Ampatuan Massacre, which saw 58 people including 32 journalists brutally murdered in 2009 – the single deadliest attack on journalists in history. On March 9 Sajid Ampatuan was released on bail after he posted a surety bond of PHP11.6 million (USD 262,321). Sajid is the son of clan patriarch and co-accused Andal Ampatuan Snr. It is alleged Sajid was present at the meetings during which the massacre was planned. At the time of the massacre, Sajid was allegedly acting Maguindanao governor. Judge…  
7601. Press Freedom in China Bulletin: March  

Welcome to IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly Press Freedom in China Campaign e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on April 9, 2015. To contribute news or information, email [email protected]. To visit the IFJ’s China Campaign page, go to www.ifj.org. Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. For the traditional Chinese version click here. For the simplified Chinese version click here.  In this bulletin: 1)    Cyberspace Administrative Office order removal of ‘sensitive reports’ 2)    Xinjiang government orders surveillance of IT purchasers 3)    Maojian District Court delays reporting assault by…  
7602. 'IFJ in the News' This Week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights for last week, from Monday 2 to Friday 6 of March: 1. Staff exodus from Hong Kong broadcaster as news service compromised 2. Film-makers target of police intimidation in Quezon City, Philippines 3. Chinese authorities must come clean air on ‘air pollution’ film ban 4. Sri Lanka: Continued Surveliancve on journalists 5. Blogger hacked to death in Bangladesh 6. IFJ Condemns Shutdown of Newspaper Ordered by Kuwaiti Court 7. Africa: IFJ Full Report On Journalists…  
7603. IFJ launches gender campaign for Asia-Pacific’s women in media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates have begun a campaign of gender action and discussion aimed at recognizing the vital role of women in the media and the need for rights and representation in decision-making roles in both the media and unions. The campaign started with the launch yesterday of a special series of country reports from across the Asia-Pacific region exploring “media through a gender lens” to mark International Women’s Day (IWD). Seven country reports from Cambodia, India, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Vanuatu detail the experience of men and women journalists at work and in their unions, highlighting some commonalities as well as…  
7604. "The Asia-Pacific media through a gender lens"  

IFJ releases country reports for International Women’s Day – March 8, 2015: Cambodia, India, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vanuatu Today, for International Women’s Day, 2015, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Asia-Pacific releases a special series of country reports from across the region, exploring gender equity in the region’s media. “In many countries across the Asia-Pacific, there has been a progressive and positive growth in the numbers of women in newsrooms, working as freelancers and in the online space as bloggers, writers and people of influence. There are a lot of great achievements to celebrate in terms of women in the media,” said IFJ deputy…  
7605. International Women’s Day: IFJ Urges Society to Empower Women so They Reach Decision-Making Positions  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Gender Council mark 8 March, International Women’s Day, by calling for access to leadership in unions and media organisations for women so that they can finally play a full and active role in society. As each year, the IFJ also reiterated the need to confront violence against female journalists by providing them with a safe working environment in media. According to recent reports, journalism is experiencing a "feminisation" process. The amount of women in journalism faculties and media outlets outnumbers that of men. However, this majority is not reflected at management levels in those outlets and unions. That's…  

La vida de un periodista nuevamente fue segada. La víctima fue Gerardo Servián, que trabajaba en la radio Ciudad Nueva, 103.3 FM, de la ciudad de Zanja Pytã, en el departamento de Amambay. El horrendo episodio se registró en la fecha en Ponta Porã, Brasil. Fue acribillado desde una motocicleta, en la que viajaban 2 personas, de acuerdo a las publicaciones periodísticas. Este nuevo atentado contra la vida de un trabajador de prensa muestra la necesidad imperiosa de acabar con la impunidad y de establecer garantías para el trabajo de la prensa. Amambay registró entre el 2014 y lo que va de este año el asesinato de 3 periodistas. La impunidad sigue siendo recurrente en estos casos. El…  
7607. International Women's Day 2015: End Violence Against Women Journalists  

Every year for 8 March statistics are compiled and messages released. For one day, the world's attention is focused on “women's issues”. And then? This year, the IFJ Gender Council wants to contribute to lasting change by harking back to the earliest known Women's Day celebration, the anniversary of 1908 strike of the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union in New York, and invites all unions to actively seek women's full participation. Over one hundred years ago, our voices could not be silenced, but there is still a struggle going on to be heard. Instead of a struggle, the Gender Council is encouraging all unions to seek ways to open doors and create a balance of all voices that…  
7608. La FIP condena nuevo atentado contra el periodismo en Paraguay  

Ante lo que constituye el quinto asesinato de un periodista de Paraguay desde el 2013, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) insta a las autoridades paraguayas a establecer garantías para el libre ejercicio de la profesión periodística. Gerardo Servián, trabajador de la radio Ciudad Nueva de Zanja Pytã en Paraguay, fue asesinado el día 5 de marzo en la fronteriza ciudad brasileña de Ponta Porã a manos de dos personas que lo acribillaron en la vía pública. Servián había sido durante su vida un fuerte crítico de la gestión de Marcelino Rolón, intendente de Amambay. Según las declaraciones hechas por la familia a los medios, todo apunta a una represalia política por las…  
7609. Chinese authorities must come clean on ‘air pollution’ film ban  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned by the decision by the Cyberspace Administrative and Central Propaganda Department of China to ban the online documentary Under the Dome and the closing down of a number of websites.  In late February, journalist Chai Jing, a former anchor with state broadcaster China Central Television released Under the Dome, a documentary about China’s air pollution problem. Within 24 hours of its online release, the documentary went viral with over 155 million views. On February 28, Chinese authorities ordered that the Chinese people should refrain from watching the documentary and on March 3 the Beijing Internet Management Office and…  
7610. Film-makers target of police intimidation in Quezon City, Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in questioning the brazen harassment by police personnel of the organiser of a film screening event at the Bantayog ng mga Bayani shrine, Quezon City, Manila. On February 28, a group of filmmakers, including JL Burgos, the son of press freedom icon Jose Burgos Jr, hosted  ‘Sine Henerasyon’ a film screening event. The event featured documentaries like JL Burgos’ Portraits of Mosquito Press, which documents the struggle to assert press freedom during the Marcos dictatorship, Ilang-Ilang Quijano’s Daughters of Cordillera, about activists among the Philippines’ indigenous…  
7611. IFJ Asia Pacific Bulletin: March 2015  

Welcome to the IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on April 1, 2015, and contributions from affiliates are most welcome. To contribute, email [email protected] Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ifjasiapacific Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IFJAsiaPacific Join the IFJ Asia Pacific mailing list here In this bulletin: 1.       International Media Solidarity Delegation visits Sri Lanka 2.       IFJ releases “Trail of Violence” report – Asia-Pacific tops killed…  
7612. Questions on Papua “gagged” at PNG press conference  

The International Federation of Journalists and its Indonesia affiliate, Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) strongly criticize the gag order put on journalists in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea during Indonesia’s foreign minister’s visit over the weekend. AJI and the IFJ remind the Indonesian government that restricting access to information is an attack on the country’s media freedom. During a three-day visit to Papua New Guinea by the Minister for Foreign Affairs for Indonesia, Retno Marsudi, journalists were told by PNG officials that they were not to raise the “sensitive” issues of the Indonesian eastern province of Papua where a pro-independence movement has existed for decades. Prior…  
7613. Sri Lanka media delegation promised action on Freedom of Information  

The International Federation Journalists (IFJ) has endorsed the declaration handed down by a visiting international media solidarity delegation to Sri Lanka this week calling on the Sri Lankan government to ensure that critical media reform measures are made permanent and media freedom to be an absolute priority of the new administration. The International Media Solidarity Delegation, facilitated in Sri Lanka by IFJ affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM), comprised the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the International Freedom of Expression Network (IFEX) and the International Press Institute (IPI) as well as respected South Asian journalist, Siddharth Vardarajan, former…  
7614. Staff exodus from Hong Kong broadcaster as news service compromised  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned by the continuing decline of political impartiality through editorial compromise in <st1:place w:st="on">Hong Kong</st1:place>’s largest free-to-air television network, Broadcasting Television of Hong Kong (TVB). According to a report in a <st1:place w:st="on">Hong Kong</st1:place> newspaper on March 2, TVB has recruited a former Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Progress of Hong Kong (DAB) secretary, as a managing editor. It is said the new recruit will focus on editing the paper’s political news. Due to the sensitive nature of the information, the IFJ has chosen not able to…  
7615. ​Edgar Quintero  

Media reports said that Edgar Quintero, aka Quintin, who presented a programme called Noticias y Algo Más on Radio Luna based in Palmira, South Eastern Colombia, was shot dead in a bakery by a gunman shortly after 19.00 pm. Witnesses said that the attacker shot him six times, before fleeing the scene. Quintero was one of the eight journalists who received death threats back in 2004, allegedly for their revelations about corruption involving a former mayor. One journalist reportedly said that Quintero was not afraid of exposing abuses and irregularities in the local administration. Adriana Hurtado, the President of Felcoper, an IFJ affiliate in Colombia, condemned the killing…  
7616. New: IFJ Fourth Focus on Safety Out Now!  

The fourth issue of the IFJ Focus on Safety, a monthly blog which provides highlights, news and in-depth analysis of safety-related events of concerns to journalists, is now available. This month's issue features the IFJ International Code of Practice for the Safe Conduct of Journalism. We value your feedback and would like to hear about your safety experience on the field as well as any stories you would like to share with members of the IFJ family, the global journalists’ community. Read it all about it here  
7617. La FIP repudia segundo asesinato de periodista colombiano en 2015 y exige pronta resolución del crimen  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) se une a su afiliado FECOLPER (Federación Colombiana de Periodistas) en la condena al crimen de Edgar “Quintín” Quintero, en lo que constituye el segundo asesinato este año de periodistas que se encargaban de denunciar la corrupción. El periodista de opinión Edgar “Quintín” Quintero fue asesinado a manos de un sicario la noche del pasado lunes, 2 de marzo, momentos después de finalizar la transmisión de su programa radial Noticias y Algo Más en la emisora Radio Luna de Palmira (Valle del Cauca, Colombia). Edgar ya había sido amenazado en años anteriores por su labor periodística y su denuncia de hechos de inseguridad y de…  
7618. FEPALC, tras segundo asesinato de periodista en Colombia en 2015, advierte recrudecimiento de violencia  

La Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) ha recibido con estupor la noticia del asesinato del periodista Edgar “Quintín” Quintero. El director del espacio de opinión Noticias y Algo Más, de radio Luna, en el municipio de Pradera, en el Valle del Cauca, al suroeste de Colombia, es el segundo periodista asesinado en lo que va del 2015. Dichos crímenes han revivido los temores de hace una década en la que Colombia era uno de los países con la más alta tasa de homicidios contra periodistas en el mundo. El periodista Edgar Quintero era un fuerte crítico a las autoridades de la zona y hacía sesuda crítica a través de su programa radial a actuaciones corruptas. En el…  
7619. The fourth issue of 'IFJ Focus on Safety' is now out!  

Welcome to the fourth issue of IFJ ‘Focus on Safety’, the monthly blog posting which provides highlights, news and in-depth analysis about safety-related events of concern to journalists. This is part of IFJ strategy on the safety of journalists and the issue of impunity. We welcome your feedback, experiences in the field and any stories you may wish to share with members of the global journalists’ community. The present issue covers the following: - IFJ Releases Full Report on Journalists and Media Staff Killed in 2014  - Four Journalists killed in February - IFJ Launches Campaign against Impunity in Mexico  - FEPALC Slams Incitement to…  
7620. Reportero es herido por efectivos policiales durante cobertura informativa en la provincia peruana de Chanchamayo  

En la provincia de Chanchamayo, región Junín, el reportero Juan Jordan Lino Escobar, del programa Vocero de Pichanaki, de radio Montaña, fue atacado por efectivos policiales quienes lo agredieron y despojaron de sus equipos de trabajo.   El hecho ocurrió el 10 de febrero, cuando cubría información del segundo día de paro de pobladores del distrito de Pichanaki en protesta por la presencia de la empresa Pluspetrol en la zona. A las 5 de la tarde de ese día, una turba de manifestantes ingresó a la base militar de Pichanaki. El reportero, quien se encontraba en la zona de ingreso al campamento, trasmitía en vivo sobre la situación. Los manifestantes eran repelidos por la…  
7621. Sospechosa sustracción de equipos en casa de periodista en Satipo, Perú  

En la provincia de Satipo, región Junín, desconocidos ingresaron al domicilio de la periodista Mary Espinosa Santiago y se llevaron una laptop, una cámara filmadora, memorias USB, DVDs, una llave de su oficina y dinero en efectivo. El hecho ocurrió el reciente 14 de febrero. En el lugar, la policía que investiga el hecho pudo comprobar que la puerta de la vivienda fue forzada con una herramienta denominada pata de cabra. Los delincuentes, se presume dos, aparentemente buscaban algo. La casa de la periodista, luego de la sustracción, quedó completamente desordenada. Habían archivadores y fólderes con papeles tirados en el suelo y, los cajones de las cómodas y puertas del ropero,…  
7622. Perú: Autor de asesinato a esposa de periodista ahora amenaza a con matar a su hijo  

En la provincia de Chanchamayo, región Junín, el delincuente Marvin Jesús Mazuelos Cristóbal, detenido e identificado como uno de los tres ejecutores del crimen contra la esposa del periodista Gerson Abraham Fabián Cuba, ocurrido en el 2014, le envió un mensaje al periodista de radio Rumba. El delincuente asegura que atentará contra la vida de su hijo, un joven de 18 años, quien logró identificarlo como uno de los que participó en el asesinato de su madre. La amenaza se produjo el último 29 de enero. Un familiar del delincuente dijo al periodista, por encargo del delincuente, que éste al salir en libertad, matará al joven. A ello se suma el poco interés de parte de las autoridades de la…  
7623. Sergii Nikolaiev  

Sergii Nikolaiev, senior photographer of Segodnya daily Ukrainian newspaper, died of wounds after an artillery attack near the village of Pesky located just 1.5 kilometer from Donetsk airport, in eastern Ukraine, on February 28. He has become the first Ukrainian journalist killed in eastern Ukraine and the seventh one of the entire journalists’ death toll of this war. Five journalists from Russia and one from Italy were killed in this war last year.  
7624. Hong Kong police attack journalist covering protests  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) criticizes the actions of the Hong Kong Police against a number of journalists covering a protest in Yuen Long on March 1. The IFJ reports that police deviated from Police General Orders and used pepper spray on the journalists covering the incident. At least four journalists from Hong Kong Asia Television, Cable Television and Ming Pao were pepper sprayed by police as they were covering a protest of around 100 people against parallel trading business in Yuen Long. Kwong Chu, a journalist with Hong Kong Asia Television, was pepper sprayed by <g class="gr_ gr_28 gr-alert gr_spell ContextualSpelling" id="28"…  
7625. Australian data retention bill threatens protection of sources  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) in strongly criticizing the Australian Parliament’s Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security’s recommendation to support the passage of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Bill 2014. The IFJ and MEAA urge the government to ensure the protection of journalists and their sources. The data retention bill amendment is the third tranche of national security laws introduced by the Australian Government in six months. The laws, which include jail terms of up to 10 years, threaten whistleblowers and undermine the ethical obligation…  
7626. Blogger hacked to death in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) in deploring the brutal murder of American-Bangladeshi blogger Avijit Roy in Dhaka on Thursday, February 26. Dr Roy was the founder of Mukto-Mona (Free-mind) blog, a columnist of a Bangladesh news website and author of two books on liberal secularism. Dr Roy was hacked to death by two unidentified assailants and his wife, blogger  <g class="gr_ gr_48 gr-alert gr_spell ContextualSpelling ins-del multiReplace" id="48" data-gr-id="48">Rafida</g> Ahmed Bonya, was also seriously injured in the attack. The pair were, who are based in the USA…  
7627. The IFJ and the EFJ Mourn Death of Ukrainian Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) are deeply saddened by the death of Ukrainian journalist Sergii Nikolaiev, 43, in eastern Ukraine, on Saturday. Sergii Nikolaiev, senior photographer of Segodnya daily Ukrainian newspaper, died of wounds after an artillery attack near the village of Pesky located just 1.5 kilometer from Donetsk airport, in eastern Ukraine, on February 28. He has become the first Ukrainian journalist killed in eastern Ukraine and the seventh one of the entire journalists’ death toll of this war. Five journalists from Russia and one from Italy were killed in this war last year, according to the…  
7628. Press Release: International Media Delegation, Sri Lanka  

Continued surveillance or journalists and media organizations in the north of Sri Lanka must cease, says the international media mission to Sri Lanka. Surveillance, monitoring and following of journalists are incompatible with a free media and the principles of open government that should underpin the <g class="gr_ gr_33 gr-alert gr_spell ContextualSpelling multiReplace" id="33" data-gr-id="33">100 day</g> reform process. The international media mission represents the International Federation of Journalists, the International Press Institute and International Freedom of Expression Exchange. Its members are Christopher Warren from Australia, Scott…  
7629. IFJ Backs Ukraine Russian Dialogue to Counter Harassment and Intimidation of Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists pledged its support to the ongoing dialogue between the Ukraine and Russian journalists unions under the auspices of Dunja Mijatovic, Representative on Freedom of the Media for the OSCE. IFJ President, Jim Boumelha, participated in the fifth Ukraine / Russian dialogue meeting in Vienna 25 February, where the Russian Union of Journalists, the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine and the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine met to review the situation facing journalists attempting to report the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. “The conflict, violence and war propaganda has created a profound atmosphere of hostility and distrust which…  
7630. IFJ Backs Regional Campaign to Stop Crime against Journalists and Demand Freedom of Expression in Mexico  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), through its Regional Office in Latin America and Caribbean, has expressed its concern about the increase of violence against journalists in the region. In this regard, the IFJ , joined its Mexican affiliate the SNRP and the Federation of Journalists in Latin America and Caribbean (FEPALC), in sending an open letter to Mexican authorities, to demand action after the murder of Moisés Sánchez Cerezo and killings of other journalists, also killed because they were doing their job. The death of Moisés Sánchez in Veracruz, kidnapped and executed in January, is one of the most recent and tragic examples of the total lack of protection for…  
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