15062 results:

7421. UN Security Council Adopts Second Resolution on Protection of Journalists  

Resolution 2222 (2015) Adopted by the Security Council at its 7450th meeting, on 27 May 2015 The Security Council Bearing in mind its primary responsibility under the Charter of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security, and underlining the importance of taking measures aimed at conflict prevention and resolution, Reaffirming its resolutions 1265 (1999), 1296 (2000), 1674 (2006) and 1894 (2009) on the protection of civilians in armed conflict and its resolution 1738 (2006) on the protection of journalists, media professionals and associated personnel in armed conflicts as well as other relevant resolutions and presidential…  
7422. La FIP y su afiliado peruano ANP denuncian amenaza contra la libertad de prensa en Arequipa  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y su afiliado la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP), en conocimiento de la Resolución No. 218-2015 de la Tercera Fiscalía Provincial de Delito de Arequipa, mediante la cual se exhorta a los medios de comunicación social, especialmente radio y televisión, para que dejen de lado toda información, comentario y opinión respecto de aquellos actos que se produzcan como consecuencia del anunciado paro macroregional para los días 27 y 28 de mayo del año en curso, tienen el deber gremial de expresar su profunda preocupación y su más enérgica protesta ante la iniciativa de esa dependencia del Ministerio Público, que pretende…  
7423. Abdullah Kabil, Yousef Alaizry  

According to media reports, Yemeni Shabab TV correspondent Abdullah Kabil and Shuhail TV correspondent Yousef Alaizry were kidnapped by the Houthis rebels last Wednesday 20 May while coming back from covering a tribal leaders' meeting against Houthis. Both journalists were arrested and held in a seismic monitoring center in Mount Oran, which had previously been attacked during the current conflict. The two journalists were among the dead during the bombing of the centre, just one day after their kidnapping, by the Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia against the rebels. Some media reported that they had been used as a human shield during the assault. Their bodies have been recently…  
7424. IFJ calls on the United Nations to investigate the killings of two journalists in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today backed its affiliate the Yemen Journalists' Syndicate (YJS) in urging the United Nations (UN) to investigate the killings of Yemeni journalists Abdullah Kabil and Yousef Alaizry, who died last Thursday in the southwestern province of Dhamar after being kidnapped by Houthis and held in a building which was bombed the following day by the Saudi-led coalition's jet fighters. According to media reports, Yemeni Shabab TV correspondent Abdullah Kabil and Shuhail TV correspondent Yousef Alaizry were kidnapped by the Houthis rebels last Wednesday 20 May while coming back from covering a tribal leaders' meeting against Houthis. Both…  
7425. ​Evany José Metzker  

The lifeless body of the editor-in -chief of a blog specialising in investigative journalism was found with his hands tied and showing signs of violence in the locality of Minas Gerais. he had been missing for four days. Media reports said that the journalist was investigating drug trafficking cases and child prostitution for which he had be warned about risks to his life.  
7426. Police attack journalist in Sindh, Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) condemn the attack on journalists outside the Sindh High Court on Saturday May 23. Masked commandos of the Special Security Unit of the Sindh Police attacked a number of journalists who were at the court to cover the former provincial home minister’s appearance at the registrar’s office. Following the incident, Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qain Ali Shah appointed DIG Dr Ameer Shaikh to investigate, a decision that is welcomed by the IFJ and PFUJ. The PFUJ said: "It is an irony that media men are manhandled brutally in a democratic government that claims to be the best…  
7427. Hong Kong journalists’ duties cut without reason  

The International Federation of Journalists expresses concerns for four Hong Kong journalists who had their columns reduced without reason, and for a fifth journalist who received threats in recent weeks. In mid-May, the South China Morning Post, a major English newspaper in Hong Kong, issued letters to four prominent journalists, Philip Bowring, Kevin Rafferty, Stephen Vines and Frank Ching, informing them that their regular columns would be reduced to monthly circulation. The letters from the Editor-in-Chief did not offer any specific details or reasons for the change. Stephen Vines told the IFJ that there was no reason offered in his letter, but that he would now write on economic…  
7428. La FIP se une a su brazo regional la FEPALC en su condena al despido de trabajadores de la cadena El Mercurio en Chile  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) se une a la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) en expresar su apoyo a FENATRAMCO y al Sindicato de Trabajadores No. 2 del diario El Sur, condenando el despido del que fueron víctimas trabajadores días después de haber sido electos como dirigentes sindicales. En una clara vulneración al fuero sindical, trabajadores del diario El Sur, de la Cadena El Mercurio, fueron despedidos luego de haber resultado electos como representantes de los trabajadores ante la empresa bajo la excusa de “problemas económicos a nivel de empresa”. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas condena las estrategias antisindicales de…  
7429. 'IFJ in the news' this week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. 1. Sécurité des journalistes : "Il faut passer à l'action", déclare Thorbjorn Jagland 2. Projet de loi sur le renseignement : Valls menace la démocratie 3. Ouverture d'une formation sur médias, conflit armé et droit humanitaire 4. IFJ seeks support for Sri Lankan journalists 5. Les médias burundais privés réduits au silence 6. Media organizations call for better working conditions for Sri Lanka's journalists 7. Africa: IFJ Appalled By Attacks On Media in Burundi 8. In world's most…  
7430. IFJ / EFJ call the Azeri President for release of seven jailed journalists  

In a letter sent today the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) call on Azerbaijan President, Ilham Aliyev, to release all seven journalists who are currently behind bars.   In recent years Azerbaijan has developed a reputation as one of the world’s worst jailers of journalists. In the past 12 months numerous journalists and human rights activists have fallen victim of what appears to be a deliberate campaign to silence critical voices in the build up to the first ever European Olympics to take place in Azerbaijan in June 2015.   The imprisoned journalists include  …  
7431. Court case against Zunar adjourned  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today presented a letter, supported by 41 international freedom of expression organisations, calling on Malaysian Prime Minister Rajib Nazak to end the country’s attacks on political cartoonist Zunar. The letter calls on the Malaysian government to withdraw all charges of sedition currently against Zunar and highlighted his as an emblematic case in a wider issue in the use of the Sedition Act to curb press freedom in Malaysia. Yesterday, the court adjourned Zunar’s sedition case until July 7. Since being charged with nine counts of sedition following a tweet and cartoon he published in February this year, Zunar’s case has become an…  
7432. IFJ and FENAJ demand to investigate barbaric killing of a Brazilian journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), in solidarity with its affiliate Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ), has demanded an investigation over the barbaric killing of the Brazilian journalist Evany José Metzker, whose body appeared beheaded last 18 May in Padre Padre Paraíso, Vale do Jequitinhonha (Minas Gerais), four days after the reporter was kidnapped. Read the whole article in Spanish here. For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 17 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 134 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter  
7433. IFJ agrees with Thorbjørn Jagland (CoE) when saying that “Words must lead to action to protect journalists”  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ ) have welcomed the steadfast commitment of Secretary General of the Council of Europe (CoE) Thorbjørn Jagland to protect journalism and the safety of journalists in the 47 member states of the CoE with the launch of an online platform to monitor media violations. Prior to the press conference on the CoE platform to strengthen the protection of journalism and journalists’ safety on Tuesday 19 May, Jagland participated in a meeting at the headquarters of the IFJ and the EFJ in Brussels with the other partners (Reporter Without Borders – RSF, Article 19, Association of European Journalists…  
7434. Media workers harassed at protests in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticizes the actions by members of a Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team in China, who assaulted a television crew at a protest and took their equipment. On May 19, a television crew from Al Jazeera were harassed, threatened and assaulted by members of a SWAT team, a military unit, as they covered a large protest in Linshui County, in Guang’an city, Sichuan. The riot police were attempted to stop the protest that was in its second day, when the crew were attacked. According to Adrian Brown, an Al Jazeera journalist, his colleague Ling Pei was forced to lay face down on the ground by an officer, while another colleague, Paul…  
7435. IFJ calls on Qatari authorities to respect journalists´ right to report after the arrest of a BBC crew  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate in the UK and Ireland, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), to call on the authorities in Qatar to respect journalists’ legitimate right to report, following the arrest of a BBC crew in Doha last week. The four-strong crew was invited by the Qatari government to tour the new accommodations for construction workers. But despite official permission, BBC’s Middle East correspondent, Mark Lobel, was arrested by the security services with his cameraman, a driver and translator, interrogated and jailed for two days before being released without charge. A Qatari spokesperson accused the crew of trespassing.…  
7437. Check the IFJ World Press Freedom Day's Special Storify 2015  

Welcome to the International Federation of Journalists' (IFJ) Storify on World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) 2015. Have a glance at all the activities and events launched internationally by the IFJ to mark World Press Freedom Day on 3 May. WHAT WILL YOU FIND IN THIS STORIFY? An Op-ed from the IFJ's Deputy General Secretary, Anthony Bellanger; a special newsletter compiling personal stories of journalists from different regions; the IFJ calendar of activities to mark Press Freedom Day; the video campaign launched the week before the WPFD; the IFJ release to mark WPFD; a campaign ran by Asia Pacific regional office to free 71-year old Chinese journalist Gao Yu; the different events the IFJ…  
7438. FMM and SLWJA call for better working conditions for Sri Lanka’s journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the Free Media Movement (FMM) and the Sri Lankan Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) have called for more dialogue and discussion on improving working conditions for journalists in Sri Lanka if the country is to rebuild a strong, robust and professional media industry in the country. The IFJ joined the International Media Assessment Mission to Sri Lanka from May 8 to 14 to follow-up on its recent assessments of media freedom situation since the January 8 presidential election. During discussions with government officials, the Right to Information Act  (RTI) was also vigorously discussed.   While both FMM…  
7439. IFJ Appalled by Attacks on Media in Burundi  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns attacks with heavy weapons on media in Bujumbura, Burundi, during fighting between supports of the attempt coup to overthrow President Nkurunziza and loyalist forces. Read the IFJ full article in French.  
7440. IFJ appalled by attacks on media in Burundi  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns attacks with heavy weapons on media in Bujumbura, Burundi, during fighting between supports of the attempt coup to overthrow President Nkurunziza and loyalist forces. Read the whole article in French.  For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 17 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 134 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter   
7441. FIP exige inmediata libertad del periodista mexicano Pedro Canché  

Frente a la flagrante vulneración de los derechos humanos, de la libertad expresión, de las garantías constitucionales y de la integridad física, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) demanda con urgencia el accionar de las autoridades correspondientes para asegurar la inmediata liberación de Pedro Canché. Pedro Canché, periodista mexicano residente en Quintana Roo, se encuentra preso desde agosto del 2014. Su encarcelamiento se dio bajo la carátula de sabotaje contra la Comisión de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado (CAPA), en el marco de las protestas realizadas del 11 al 19 de agosto y que resultaron en el corte del suministro de agua en la localidad de Felipe Carrillo Puerto.…  
7442. IFJ deplores the killing of third blogger in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) deplores the brutal murder of a Bangladeshi blogger in Dhaka today. The brutal attack is the third killing of a secular blogger in three months, as freedom of expression comes under attack across the country. Earlier today, Ananta Bijoy Das was killed by an armed group near his home in Sylhet in north-eastern Bangladesh. Das, who worked at a local bank, was attacked by four men with machetes as he walked to work. According to reports, the group chased Das, attacking his head and body with the machetes. He was rushed to hospital but died upon arrival. Das was a well-known atheist blogger in Bangladesh, who regularly wrote for Mukto-Mona…  
7443. GEO TV journalist forced to leave Peshawar after latest detainment  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) express deep concern at a series of incident leading to the forced displacement of a Peshawar-based journalist Rasool Dawar. Dawar, a special correspondent for Geo TV hailing from North Waziristan, left Peshawar in the last week stating that he felt insecure in the region, where he has been twice detained for hours under ‘extremely torturous conditions’ by the security agencies. In a letter to Geo TV’s CEO and concerned government and non-government agencies, Dawar wrote on May 4: “I have been picked up/arrested in Peshawar on two separate occasions for unknown reasons by…  
7445. Myanmar military court acquits journalist killers in secret decision  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) demand a full investigation into the secret acquittal of the unnamed soldiers charged with murdering Burmese freelance journalist Aung Kyaw Naing in Myanmar last year. According to reports this week, the Myanmar Military Court has acquitted two soldiers for the murder of Aung Kyaw Naing, known as Par Gyi, who was shot dead by the military on October 4, 2014 in the south eastern province of Mon State in suspicious circumstances. The IFJ and SEAJU have strongly condemned the actions and later apparent cover-up by the military with news of the journalist’s killing taking weeks to…  
7446. Media freedom must be guaranteed in Papua, says AJI & IFJ  

Updated: May 13, 2015 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists Indonesia (AJI) cautiously welcome the end to restrictions for foreign journalists entering West Papua this week. However, while the IFJ heralds the important development in press coverage of the troubled region, it remains concerned for the future well-being of any journalists, fixers and contacts without formal guarantees to access from the Indonesian government against lengthy clearance procedures and monitoring of journalism activities. On Sunday, May 10, Indonesian president, Joko Widodo, followed true to an election promise when he announced foreign…  
7447. Delhi Government promotes defamation to gag media freedom  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists India (NUJI) condemn a circular by the Delhi government that encourages defamation action against against critical news reports. The IFJ and NUJI have called this a dangerous move aimed at curbing press freedom and called for its immediate withdrawal. In the controversial circular issued on May 6, the government in Delhi asked all its officials to ‘lodge a complaint if they came across any news item which damages the reputation of the chief minister or the government, so that further action can be taken.’ The circular, issued by the directorate of information and publicity…  
7448. Gender mainstreaming strategy  

Read more here  
7449. Gender council rules  

Read more  
7450. Gender Council Action plan 2013  

The IFJ gender council Action plan is available here  
7451. Draft China National Security Laws promote socialist values and censorship  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed at the second reading of new draft Chinese National Security Laws, which sets out a framework for increased controls on the country’s internet infrastructure, but potentially at an even greater cost to fundamental human rights. The IFJ urges all independent civil organizations to submit their opinions to the National People’s Congress by June 5, 2015. The IFJ has already expressed its concern at the overreach of the Chinese Government to control basic human rights under the guise of national security at the first reading of the bill in January 2015. “The second reading and publication of the draft further demonstrates just how…  
7452. IFJ urges transparent investigation after journalist found dead in Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate (IJS), in its demand for a full and transparent investigation into the death of Iraqi journalist Raed al-Juburi, who was found dead in his Baghdad home last Tuesday 5 May. According to media reports, Raed al-Juburi, who hosted a TV show on Al-Rasheed channel and wrote a column in Azzaman newspaper, was found dead with a bullet wound to his heart in his home in Baghdad's Qadisiyah neighborhood. An Iraqi security spokesman was quoted as telling reporters that a preliminary investigation had suggested Juburi might have committed suicide, but the IJS has firmly condemned the claim,…  
7453. Sixth IFJ Focus on Safety out Now!  

The sixth issue of the IFJ Focus on Safety, a monthly blog with highlights, news and in-depth analysis of safety-related events of concerns to journalists, is out now. Read all about it now here  
7454. IFJ organizes debate on regulation, self-regulation and professional standards at World Press Freedom Day Event in Riga  

“In the online world, there is no need to reinvent the wheel” - this was the opinion shared by all panelists in a special session on regulation, sustainable self-regulation and professional standards, organised by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) to mark World Press Freedom Day on 3 May in Riga. The debate, moderated by IFJ Honorary Treasurer Wolfgang Mayer, was part of the programme ”Let Journalism Thrive! Towards better reporting, gender equality and media safety in the digital era” led by UNESCO and the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the EU to celebrate World Press Freedom. “Journalists should be aware that they cannot use everything that is available on the…  
7455. ​Heavy Media Crackdown as Anti-Third Term Protests Rock Burundi Capital  

The authorities in Burundi have launched a major clampdown on independent media following protests which erupted in the capital city, Bujumbura, after the announcement on 26 April of the candidacy of outgoing President Pierre Nkurunziza in the coming Presidential election. His opponents took to the street, accusing him of violating the two-term limit in the country’s constitution. Security forces run street battles with the protesters and ordered closure of independent media while others had their broadcasts restricted to the capital. Journalists accused the police and the militias loyal to the ruling party of attacks and threats. Their leaders, including Alexandre Niyungeko, the…  
7456. 'IFJ in the news' this week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  1. La FIJ exige des garanties pour l’indépendance des médias au Burundi comme préalable au processus électoral 2. Media freedom message at Palestine human rights seminar 3. Ernest Sagaga (FIJ): “Les autorités burundaises doivent cesser les attaques contre les médias” 4. A la Une: la presse bâillonnée au Burundi 5. The IFJ condemns the targeting of journalists at World Press Freedom Day rally in occupied territories 6. IFJ: Impunity in the killings and threats against journalists by Kosovo’s…  
7457. ​Armando Saldaña Morales  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), in solidarity with the National Union of Editors (Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de Prensa, SNRP), condemned the killing of the radio journalist Armando Saldaña Morales. The body of the journalist who lived in the state of Veracruz and worked for La Ke Buena radio station and used to contribute with several media in Veracruz was found in the locality of Oaxaca. His body had four bullets wounds and showed signs of torture.  
7458. The Freedom Frontier: South Asia Press Freedom Report 2014-15 launched  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) today released The Freedom Frontier: Press Freedom in South Asia 2014-15. The 13th annual report on press freedom in the region explores the frontlines shaping and thwarting ongoing efforts to build a robust media environment across South Asia. A total of 14 journalists lost their lives across South Asia in the period under review, mostly targeted in attacks with Pakistan the most dangerous country in the world for journalists. The IFJ said the digital realm represents press freedom’s newest conflict frontline and The Freedom Frontier takes a particular look at the challenges, laws and…  
7459. La FIP se une a su afiliado nacional SNRP en la protesta por el asesinato de un nuevo periodista mexicano  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), en solidaridad con el Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de Prensa (SNRP), condena el asesinato del reportero y locutor Armando Saldaña Morales, muerto tras recibir torturas el 4 de mayo. Saldaña Morales, residente en Veracruz, era trabajador de la radiodifusora La Ke Buena y ex colaborador de otros medios de comunicación de Veracruz como El Mundo de Córdoba, El Sol de Córdoba, La Crónica de Tierra Blanca y Radio Max. Fue encontrado muerto de cuatro balazos en la nuca y con signos de torturas a la vera de un camino de Oaxaca. Tal como expresa la SNRP en un comunicado, “El asesinato del periodista veracruzano Armando Saldaña Morales, se…  
7460. Daud Ali Omar  

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) said that the producer of Radio Baidoa was killed alongside his pregnant when gunmen entered the couple's home at night in the town of Baidoa, 270km south west of the Somali capital, Mogafishu and shot them dead. The attackers also killed the couple's neighbour. NUSOJ quoted Omar's colleagues as saying that he was targeted for his professional activity. Daud Ali Omar became the first journalist to be killed in Somalia since the start of 2015, NUSOJ added.  
7461. John Kituyi  

The Editor of The Mirror, a periodical publication based in Eldoret, western Kenya was killied by unidentified attackers who followed after he left his office and struck when he arrived on public transport at Pioneer Estate in the outskirts of the town, according to the Kenya Correspondents Association (KCA) quoting media reports. Colleagues and family members reportedly said that KItuyi's body had a deep cut on the neck and bruises all over his body, indicating that he must have struggled with his attackers before they subdued him. Kituyi was the founder and proprietor of a periodical publication, The Mirror, which has been carrying analytical news and features stories from…  
7462. IFJ asks for safeguards for press freedom in Burundi prior to elections  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) denounces attacks against independent press in Burundi which undermine the credibility of upcoming elections. LIBERTE DE LA PRESSE BAFOUEE from IFJ Vimeo Channel on Vimeo. For more information 32 2 235 22 17   The IFJ represents more than 600 000 journalists in 134 countries   Find the IFJ on Twitter  
7463. The IFJ condemns the targeting of journalists at World Press Freedom Day rally in occupied territories  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the deliberate attack in the occupied territories on Palestinian journalists’ demonstration organised by its Palestinian affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) to mark World Press Freedom Day.  The PJS President and 2 other colleagues were injured in this attack.   The demonstration aimed at protesting against the Israeli restrictions on Palestinian journalists’ right to  free movement ( read about the campaign launched by PJS and IFJ to support the right of movement for Palestinian journalists ).   The PJS said that security forces charged as demonstrators were marching on the Israeli…  
7464. Prominent journalist and academic shot dead in Karachi  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning the brutal murder of former journalist and university professor Dr Syed Wahidur Rahman in Karachi on April 29. The IFJ and PFUJ call on the authorities to immediately investigate the incident and bring those responsible to justice.   Dr Rahman, also known as Yasir Rizvi, was killed when four unidentified assailants on motorbikes opened fire on his car in Federal B area of Karachi. Dr Rahman was shot five times, on his face, neck, chest, abdomen and arm. He was taken to hospital, but died from his injuries. An Assistant Professor with the Mass…  
7465. Indonesian journalists beaten at Jakarta protest  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Indonesian affiliate, Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI), in calling for a swift investigation into attacks on four journalists in Jakarta, Indonesia by private security guards on April 27. At a protest at the ITC Cempaka Mas apartment block in central Jakarta over electricity blackouts last week, two journalists Rani Sanjaya, of RCTI TV, and Robi Kurniawan, of News One TV, were allegedly beaten by the building-employed security guards. Two other journalists were also reported to have been intimidated and forcibly removed. According to Sanjaya, the security guards denied the journalists entry to the protest site and assaulted…  
7466. Russian and Ukrainian journalists’ unions hold fruitful dialogue during World Press Freedom Day celebrations  

In the framework of World Press Freedom Day, the Russian and Ukrainian Journalist Unions, affiliates of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), have organised a discussion to highlight their co-operation during the conflict in Ukraine. The event was supported by the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media. “Co-operation beyond the Conflict: Dialogue between Russian and Ukrainian Journalists’ Organizations in 2014-2015,” took place in Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (Latvia), as a World Press Freedom Day Conference side event. Co-operation between the Russian Union of Journalists…  
7467. IFJ joined Pakistan union in world event to celebrate Press Freedom Day  

The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, marked World Press Freedom Day by organising an international media conference for the first time in Karachi, which brought together hundreds of its members from its affiliated unions as well as media professionals, human rights defenders and government officials.   The International Media Conference (IMC 2015), co-sponsored by the IFJ and the Karachi Union of Journalists, was attended by the IFJ President and Deputy General Secretary as well as representatives from IFJ unions in the USA, Canada, Kenya, Kuwait and India.   Pakistan is one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists and the…  
7468. Sri Lankan human rights activists targeted in May Day rallies  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM) in highlighting an attack on two Sri Lankan human rights activists on May Day activities in Colombo. The IFJ and FMM said while quick support and protection of the victims by police was welcome, an full investigation was needed to determine appropriate action against the perpetrators. Human rights activists Dr Nirmal Ranjith Devasiri and Dr Kumudu Kusum Kumara were both at May Day rallies at the Kirullapona Lalith Athulathmudali in the capital Colombo on May 1 when they were allegedly targeted by supporters of Sri Lanka’s former president Mahindra Rajapaksa. Both activists were attacked…  
7469. Journalist confirmed among the dead in Nepal earthquake  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), the Nepal Press Union (NPU) and the National Union of Journalists of Nepal (NUJ) send condolences to the family of Suman Bomjan, a journalist confirmed among the lives lost in in the Nepal earthquake on April 25. The IFJ and its Nepali affiliates call on the journalist’s employer to give all necessary support to his family at this time of loss. He is survived by his parents who were dependent on his earning and three siblings. Bomjan, 30, a sports journalist with state-owned Nepali daily Gorkhapatra, had been missing since the earthquake. His body was recovered from the rubble…  
7470. Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa: la FIP analiza con preocupación el deterioro de la libertad de prensa en Latinoamérica y el Caribe  

Al conmemorarse hoy el Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) llama la atención sobre situaciones de vulneración a la libertad de prensa existentes en América Latina y el Caribe. Según un informe realizado por la Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe de la FIP, en la región se han registrado desde inicios del 2015 alarmantes casos de amenazas y asesinatos a periodistas en un contexto de concentración de medios y de persecución política y laboral. “No puede haber libertad de prensa donde los periodistas viven en la corrupción, la pobreza y el miedo”: en la región, los periodistas deben afrontar en numerosas ocasiones la…  
7471. Brussels Press Freedom Gala  

7472. IFJ launches video campaign to mark World Press Freedom Day  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has launched a video campaign to mark World Press Freedom Day next Sunday 3 May. From 27th April to 3rd May the Federation will release a daily video highlighting press freedom concerns from different parts of the world. Jim Boumelha, President of the IFJ, talks about the state of press freedom and thet different attacks that journalists are facing all over the world. Read more: IFJ denounces war on journalism ahead of World Press Freedom Day 2015 IFJ President Jim Boumelha, World Press Freedom Day 2015 #WPFD2015 from IFJ Vimeo Channel on Vimeo.  
7473. 1 de mayo – Día de lucha  

Desde la Federación Internacional de Periodistas, saludamos a los trabajadores y trabajadoras de prensa y a los trabajadores y trabajadoras en general en este día de conmemoración, homenaje y lucha. El 1 de mayo se instituyó como Día Internacional del Trabajador en homenaje a los hombres y mujeres que perdieron sus vidas en una de las primeras huelgas masivas de la historia. Esta huelga, producida en Chicago en el año 1886, reclamaba limitar la jornada laboral a 8 horas diarias y contó con el férreo rechazo y oposición de los empresarios y el apoyo del estado mediante el uso de las fuerzas de seguridad del sector empresarial. Pese a las agresiones que se dieron en las manifestaciones…  
7474. IFJ Asia Pacific Bulletin: May  

Welcome to the <st1:personname w:st="on">IFJ Asia</st1:personname>-Pacific’s monthly e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on June 1, 2015, and contributions from affiliates are most welcome. To contribute, email [email protected] Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ifjasiapacific Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IFJAsiaPacific Join the IFJ Asia Pacific mailing list here In this bulletin: 1.       World Press Freedom Day 2015 2.       Solidarity for Nepal 3.       Freedom…  
7475. Soleil Balanga  

The journalist for a community radio located in Monkoto, Equator province of the Democratic Republic of Congo, was killed in a vicious attack as he was returning home from work. According to Radio Okapi, the police has arrested the killer who slit the journalist's throat. The day before his murder, Balanga had published a story on the appointment of the chief medical officer in the Monkoto locality, which might have stirred up the long standing conflict between two rival groups in the area.  
7476. IFJ denounces war on journalism ahead of World Press Freedom Day 2015  

To mark World Press Freedom Day on May, 3, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said that journalism is under attack from several fronts across the globe in 2015, including acts of intimidation through repressive press laws, arbitrary detention as well as killings which the IFJ urges the international community to take seriously and press governments to investigate promptly. According to IFJ’s latest figures for 2015, 44 journalists have lost their lives since the beginning of the year. The IFJ denounces the sheer targeting of journalists across the globe that is making this period the most dangerous in the past decades. The IFJ cites among others the Charlie Hebdo…  
7477. Government takes control of broadcaster, creating state mouthpiece  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA) condemns the Maldivian government’s moves to take control of the national public broadcaster on April 29 as an attack on the democracy’s press freedom. On April 27, the Public Service Media (PSM) Bill was tabled in the Maldives Parliament and passed with 41 votes in favor, and four votes against it. The new Act was then ratified by President Abdulla Yameen which dissolves the Maldivian Broadcasting Corporation. The President also proposed a seven person governing board. During a brief parliamentary debate, Government MP Riyaz Rasheed, from the Progressive Party of the Maldives…  
7478. Asia-Pacific media unions call on Xi Jinping to release veteran journalist Gao Yu  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joined its Asia-Pacific affiliates in calling for the immediate release of imprisoned veteran Chinese journalist Gao Yu ahead of World Press Freedom Day on Sunday, May 3. Media unions and associations representing the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN), the South East Asia Journalists Unions (SEAJU) as well as journalist organisations in the Pacific and East Asia, wrote to the Chinese authorities highlighting the inconsistencies in Gao Yu’s arrest and her recent trial and sentencing and have urged China’s President to use his power to release the journalist. The imprisonment of the 71-year-old independent journalist for…  
7479. WPFD- Case of Viktor Mambor  

Fight for Journalists’ Access to Papua By: Aliansi Jurnalis Independen, Indonesia (AJI)   Press freedom in West Papua has been a constant struggle ever since Indonesia invaded and colonised the province from the former Dutch East Indies in 1961 and gaining administrative control from the UN in 1963. As recently as September 2014, two French journalists from TV Arte, were arrested and detained for what Papuan police said were violations to their immigration visas. The Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) reported that they were arrested because they were journalists, proving a lack of openness of Papua to the world. Viktor Mambor, the current Editor – in – Chief of the…  
7480. WPFD- Case of Andrea Nicodemo Idris  

Eritrea is one of the worst press freedom censor in the world with at least 23 journalists behind the bars and many of them leaving in exile. Among them Andrea Nicodemo Idris who now works as freelance journalist in Trans World Radio in Nairobi, Kenya.   Andrea has worked as a freelance journalist and radio journalist since Eritrea attained its independence 23 year ago.  He was based in Western Eritrea in a place called Bimbilna, which is about 350 km from the capital city Asmara.   “When Eritrea got its independence all the Eritrean citizens were extremely delighted to see the fruits of independence and freedom” he recalls.  “In the early years of independence…  
7481. WPFD- Case of Khadija Ismayilova  

Azerbaijan holds one of the world’s worst records for press freedom. Campaigns are set to intimidate and silence journalists, repressive laws criminalise freedom of speech and the majority of media are under direct or indirect state control. The situation has deteriorated rapidly in the past twelve months and few independent, critical voices remain.  While many journalists have left the country for fear of prosecution, one of them decided to stay and is now behind the bars. Her name is Khadija Ismayilova. The award winning journalist has worked at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s (RFE/RL) Azerbaijani service since 2008. She started as the Baku bureau chief for the Azerbaijani…  
7482. WPFD - Case of Marwan Dammaj  

Last autumn, Yemen’s struggle for freedom has reached heights never seen before. With the country’s steady descent into civil war, media outlets, private and public alike have started paying an even heavier price to the conflict. Seven journalists have been killed, since the start of this year. As a journalist and General Secretary of the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YSJ) Marwan Dammaj’s is a symbol of this freedom struggle. Highly respected by peers and fellow union activists, and father of two, Marwan Dammaj, has spent the last two decades working for media and championing journalists’ rights in Yemen. Dammaj made his first foray into the world of media in the 1990s, working for…  
7483. WPFD - Case of Paulo López  

Paulo López, journalist of the Paraguayan newspaper “Periódico E’a”, was the victim of unfair treatment and personal attacks which are outraging for the profession in the country. On 3 January 2014, López went to the third police-station in Asunción with a view to reporting on people detained during a public demonstration against the rise of public transport fares. After engaging in stalling tactics, the police assaulted physically Paulo López who was actually beaten up. He then took pictures of those who attempted to intimidate him. The police officer Edgar Galeano then ordered that he be arrested. He was thrown to the floor and his working instruments were taken away (diary and…  
7484. World Press Freedom Day- Calendar  

Check out the IFJ and its' affiliates' activites to mark World Press Freedom Day IFJ activities   WFPF, Riga, 2-4th May The IFJ will participate in the UNESCO Riga event on "Let Journalism Thrive! Towards Better Reporting, Gender Equality, and Safety in the Digital Age". It will run a special session on Regulation, Sustainable Self-regulation and Professional Standards. More Difference day, Brussels, 3rd May The IFJ and EFJ will partner with media and academic organisations, European and global institutions and foundations to organise the European Gala Night for Freedom of Expression in Brussels on 3 May int eh Frame of the “Difference Day” event. The Gala Night will…  
7485. WPFD- Case of Gao Yu  

Gao Yu, is a 70-year-old independent and outspoken veteran journalist from China. In 2014, she was charged for ‘leaking a state secret’ and was sentenced to seven years imprisonment. This is not her first time in prison, having already served two sentences.   In 1979, Gao began her career in journalism working for the state-owned media, China News Service. Although she had privileged access to government elites and was well paid she was unsatisfied in her work. So in 1988 she left and joined Economics Weekly, a more liberal publication as deputy editor-in-chief.   Prior to the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, Gao authored an article, Political program for turmoil and rebellion…  
7486. World Press Freedom Day Newsletter- Anthony Bellanger  

On 3 May, let's get mobilised for press freedom Freedom of expression is both essential and fragile. Sadly, the killing of Charlie Hebdo’s editorial staff in France on Wednesday 7 January 2015 exposed just how vulnerable it is. Freedom of expression is one of the pillars of modern democracies, but it is also an obvious embarrassment as are its daily promoters, the journalists. Currently there is no place in the world where freedom of expression is not in jeopardy. Even Luxembourg has sought to silence public interest information by recently charging a colleague involved in exposing the worldwide tax avoidance scam known as LuxLeaks. China, Iran, Eritrea, Mexico and Cuba are among…  
7487. IFJ and FAJ condemn the murder of journalist in Democratic Republic of Congo  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional group the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) condemned vigourously the murder of journalist Soleil Balanga slaughtered on 16th April in Monkoto in the Equatorial province of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).   For more information, please contact the IFJ + 221 33 867 95 86 The IFJ represent more than 600.000 journalists in 134 countries  
7488. IFJ and SAMSN send condolences and solidarity to Nepalese colleagues  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) give condolences to their Nepalese media colleagues following the earthquake that struck their country on Saturday, April 25. Particularly, today IFJ and SAMSN offer their solidarity to their IFJ affiliates in Nepal: the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), the Nepal Press Union (NPU) and the National Union of Journalists, Nepal (NUJN) whose members continue to work and share news in the devastating aftermath of the quake. On Saturday, April 25, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck central and western Nepal. The quake epicenter was to the west of the capital Kathmandu, near the town of…  
7489. Regional journalists sacked without warning across the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in strongly criticizing the move by local television network GMA-7 to sack hundreds of regional journalists. On Friday, April 24, staff including reporters, cameramen and those involved in production, learnt of their redundancies in one-on-one interviews with GMA-7 management. Staff members were told their employment would cease that day. In all, over 100 employees were made redundant through the closure of regional offices in Cagayan de Oro City, Bacolod City, Naga City and Ilocos.  GMA-7 made its decision without consultation or prior warning to…  
7490. La FIP conmocionada por la masacre de seis periodistas y trabajadores de medios Libios  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), expresó su conmoción y consternación ante el hallazgo de los cuerpos de cinco trabajadores del medio libanés Al Barka TV. El equipo había sido secuestrado el pasado agosto en un puesto falso de control del ISIS en Libia, mientras regresaban de cubrir la apertura de sesión del parlamento Libio, recientemente electo. Sus cuerpos fueron hallados esta mañana, con signos de haber sido degollados, fuera de la ciudad de Bayda. “Estamos profundamente conmocionados por esta brutal masacre”, dijo Jim Boumelha, Presidente de la FIP. “ISIS busca aterrorizar pero solo podemos sentir gran tristeza e intentar encontrar a los responsables de estos…  
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