15063 results:

8961. IFJ Concerned over Media Safety in Yemen after Murder Attempt on Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today strongly condemned the incident in which a car explosion in the capital Sanaa on Wednesday 20 November 2013 left Mohammed Al Imad , a senior journalist, seriously injured. This was the latest in a series of attacks which targeted journalists and media premises this week. "This incident was an outright murder attempt and needs to be investigated with the utmost rigour," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "Our colleague was extremely fortunate to escape with his life but he cannot be considered out of danger as long as those who tried to kill him remain free." According to the Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate (YJS), an…  
8962. IFJ/EFJ Warn Spain over Threats to Media Rights from "Citizens' Security" Bill  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have written to the Spanish Interior Minister, Jorge Fernández Díaz, urging him to reconsider some provisions in the draft law on "Citizens Security" in Spain. The proposed Bill seeks the ban holding public protests ‘near specific institutions such as Parliament'. Under the proposed law, police will also have the power to declare as ‘security zones' areas near politicians' homes. In particular, the two organisations expressed their grave concerns over the proposed sanctions under the draft law against journalists and photographers where "their work is…  
8963. IFJ Launches Global Campaign to End violence against Women Journalists  

Watch the video message from Beth Costa, IFJ General Secretary Feature article from Mindy Ran, Co-Chair of IFJ Gender Council he International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today launched a global campaign to denounce violence against women journalists and alert public authorities on their need to to end impunity for these crimes. This campaign is a response to the numerous cases of women journalists being threatened, attacked, harassed, raped or even killed in the course of their profession. "Tragically, women journalists are under bigger threat than their male colleagues when it comes to attacks, bullying, threats, cyber-bullying, rape and abuse; all effective tools to…  
8964. La FIP lanza una campaña mundial para poner fin a la violencia contra las mujeres periodistas  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) ha lanzado hoy una campaña mundial para denunciar la violencia contra las mujeres periodistas. La FIP llama a los gobiernos a asumir la responsabilidad de poner fin a la impunidad frente a estos crímenes. La campaña es una respuesta al número sin precedente de mujeres periodistas amenazadas, atacadas, acosadas, violadas o asesinadas en el ejercicio de su profesión. "Desgraciadamente, las mujeres periodistas corren mayor riesgo que los hombres frente a los ataques, las amenazas, las intimidaciones (incluso por Internet), la violación y el abuso. Estas actitudes criminales pueden silenciar a las mujeres en los medios de comunicación.…  
8965. Japanese Proposed State Secret Law Undermines the Public’s Right to Know  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urgently calls for Japan’s government to reject a proposed state secret bill that will undermine the freedom of the press and the public’s right to know by giving government officials broad powers to block the release of sensitive information. The "Designated Secrets Bill", currently under consideration by the Japanese Diet, if passed, would essentially give every cabinet ministry and major agency of the government the right to classify any information related to defense, diplomacy, counterintelligence and counterterrorism as a state secret.  Yet the bill provides no clear guideline as to what constitutes a secret. It lists…  
8966. IFJ Statement at WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights  

Fair trade for creators must be transparent The International Federation of Journalists congratulates the Chair and the Secretariat team for their excellent hard work on this session and welcomes progress toward an instrument ensuring fair access to creators' works by people with print disabilities worldwide. The International Federation of Journalists represents more than 600,000 journalists in 134 countries. It defends press freedom and social justice through strong, free and independent trade unions of journalists. I am one of those journalists. We recall WIPO's mission to administer a body of law that "rewards creativity, stimulates innovation and contributes to economic…  
8967. IFJ Marks International Day to End Impunity with Focus on Iraq, Russian & Pakistan  

To mark the upcoming 2013 International Day to End Impunity, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today written to the embassies of Iraq, Russia and Pakistan in Belgium, urging their governments to address the issue of impunity for violence against journalists in their countries. Signed by IFJ President Jim Boumelha and IFJ General Secretary Beth Costa, the letters express the IFJ's concern about the lack of accountability for those who carry out acts of violence against journalists and urge the governments to do everything in their power to resolve all the cases of killed journalists in their countries. The IFJ underscores that the issue of impunity for violence against…  
8968. IFJ Calls on Iranian Government to Immediately Release Illegally Detained Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called for the Iranian government to immediately release all journalists who are being illegally detained in the country. The call came after a meeting between the IFJ general secretary, Beth Costa, and Leila Liaghat, the wife of imprisoned Iranian journalist Alireza Rajaei. Rajaei, who is also a board member of the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ), has been in detention for more than 30 months without charge or access to due legal process. He was arrested in May 2011, a few weeks after he was sacked from his job at the National Iranian Radio and Television without receiving payments.  Ms Liaghat had to flee Iran with…  
8969. La FIP apoya las críticas de los periodistas españoles a un nuevo proyecto de seguridad ciudadana  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), por carta de su Secretaria General, Beth Costa, señala su inquietud por los detalles más controvertidos que contiene el anteproyecto de Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana, que prepara el ministerio de Interior de España.  En esa carta al responsable de ese departamento ministerial, Jorge Fernández Díaz, responsable de los asuntos policiales, Beth Costa le expresa su desacuerdo sobre aspectos precisos, como las limitaciones a los derechos de expresión, libertad de prensa y manifestación. También comparte la inquietud de los periodistas españoles y de sus organizaciones afiliadas a la FIP, que han pedido una reunión urgente al…  
8970. La FIJ condamne l’assassinat d’un journaliste en Côte d’Ivoire  

Les responsables de l’assassinat d’un journaliste en Côte d’Ivoire doivent être recherchés, arrêtés et traduits devant la justice, a déclaré aujourd’hui, la Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ). Selon des sources indépendantes et de l’Union nationale des journalistes de Côte d’Ivoire (UNJCI), un affilié de la FIJ, le journaliste Désiré Doué a été assassiné dans sa maison du quartier Cocody-Angré d’Abidjan, la capitale économique de la Côte d’Ivoire, le vendredi 15 novembre dernier par…  
8971. Désiré Oué  

The editor-in-chief of ‘ Tomorow ‘, a popular magazine among the Christian community in Ivory Coast and reportedly close to former President Laurent Gbagbo, was killed at his home located in Cocody-Angré , a district of the economic capital Abidjan. According to media reports confirmed by the National Union of Journalists in Ivory Coast((UNJCI), armed men shot him dead as he was arriving at home. Family sources, quoted in media, claim that the armed men forced their way into his home but did not find him there. They laid in wait and shot him when he got home. For more information, please read the IFJ's statement here :…  
8972. Six Months Without Public Broadcaster in Greece  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is gravely concerned that Greece is at risk of being excluded from the European public broadcasting arena. It has already been six months since the Greek government abruptly shut down the country's public broadcaster ERT, leading to the unemployment of 2,600 workers. The only progress it has managed so far is to implement an interim-yet-extended public broadcasting service that fails to meet  European standards on independence, pluralism, and nationwide coverage. The EFJ's concerns have increased following a meeting held, on Monday, by EFJ delegates and Greek unions representatives with the President of EBU, Jean-Paul Philippot. …  
8973. IFJ/FAJ Condemn Sacking of 60 Journalists and Media Workers in Uganda  

The International federation of Journalists (IFJ) today has joined its African regional group the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) to condemn vigorously the sacking of 60 media workers including journalists in Uganda. According to the Uganda Journalists Union (UJU) an IFJ/FAJ affiliate, Channel Wavah Broadcasting Services (WBS) a TV channel based in Kampala, capital city of Uganda, has sacked the workers in a major exercise that management says is aimed at cost - cutting. “Sacking 60 workers is not the best way to cut costs. The sudden move is against the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and all other ILO standards”. “We condemn the decision and call on the…  
8974. IFJ Calls on Affiliates to Share Cases of Women Journalists Subjected to Violence  

In a letter addressed to its affiliates today, 18th November, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on them to join a world action  to mark international day for the elimination of violence against women on 25th November 2013.Following a decision by the Steering Committee of the Gender Council  to take GLOBAL ACTION on November 25 and launch a working group and campaign on that day, IFJ affiliates are requested to send cases of women journalists that have been killed, attacked, threatened, bullied and harassed in the course of their profession.  Read the letter In English, French or SpanishThe deadline for contributing is 20th November.…  
8975. Detail  

In a letter addressed to its affiliates today, 18th November, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on its affiliates to join a world action to mark international day for the elimination of violence against women on 25th November 2013. Following a decision by the Steering Committee of the Gender Council to take GLOBAL ACTION on November 25 and launch a working group and campaign on that day, IFJ affiliates are requested to send cases of women journalists that have been killed, attacked, threatened, bullied and harassed in the course of their profession. Read the letter In English, French or Spanish The deadline for contributing is 20th November. Information…  
8976. IFJ Calls on Sri Lankan Authorities to Protect Safety and Freedom of Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the National Union of Jounrnalists, UK and Ireland (NUJ), in calling on authorities in Sri Lanka to ensure journalists can work freely and safely in the country. The call follows reports that a news team from the UK's Channel 4 TV station were mobbed by pro-government supporters in Sri Lanka yesterday, 13 November. According to Channel 4, hundreds of pro-government protesters blocked a train taking its television crew to the north of the island. The team of six journalists were tailed by Sri Lankan state intelligence agents on the train. Click here to read Jonathan Miller's blog at Channel 4In a separate…  
8977. Archie Globio, Malou Realino, Allan Medina, Ronald Vinas  

The four journalists died while reporting on the typhoon "Yolanda" in Tacloban City , according to the National Union of Journalists (NUJP). In a Facebook post, NUJP chair Rowena Paraan said that " the list of media casualties is also building" along with the growing death toll from the tragedy. The deaths of Archie Globio and Malou Realino working for the Tacloban- based DyBR Apple Radio were confirmed. The area was one of the hard hit by the typhoon. Paraan also said that two other radio broadcasters of Aksyon Radyo Tacloban were killed. "The news that I have been dreading: that we have colleagues who have died from Yolanda's wrath. They are Allan Medina and Ronald Vinas…  
8978. Ten pledges Adopted as a result of Licences for Europe  

The licences for Europe initiative came to an end on 13th November 2013 with the presentation of ten pledges to help European citisen access and use creative works online. The aim of the plenary session was to present the results of 9 months discussions among stakeholders to overcome problems European citizens face in four areas: cross-border access and portability of services; user-generated content and micro-licensing ; audiovisual heritage and text and data mining. Ten pledges were presented. http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/copyright/docs/licences-for-europe/131113_ten-pledges_en.pdf The hope was, as stressed in the Commission's  press release, that commitments presented by…  
8980. IFJ Launches New Campaign in Iraq, Pakistan and Russia to End Impunity for Violence in Journalism  

With International Day against Impunity one month away, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today written to the leaders of Iraq, Russia and Pakistan to urge them and their governments to address the issue of impunity for violence against journalists in their countries. The letters mark the launch of the IFJ's new high profile campaign to ‘End Impunity' which is urging the authorities of the countries with the highest death tolls of journalists to investigate these killings and bring their perpetrators to justice. The campaign is initially focusing on Iraq, Pakistan and Russia.  Signed by IFJ President, Jim Boumelha, and General Secretary, Beth Costa, the…  
8982. Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon  

The two reporters working for French international broadcaster, Radio France International (RFI) were abducted in the Malian northern city of Kidal by several armed men who bundled them in a car and drove them out of the city. The two journalists had visited the city to interview a member of the Mouvement National de Libération de l’Azawad (MNLA). Their bodies were found later bearing signs of gun shots. The French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius confirmed on Sunday in Paris that the two journalists were shot dead.  
8983. La FIJ s’indigne de l’assassinat de deux journalistes de RFI au nord du Mali  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ) a appris aujourd’hui avec consternation la mort de deux journalistes français en mission à Kidal au nord du Mali. Ghislaine Dupont et Claude Verlon, deux journalistes de Radio France Internationale (RFI), envoyés spéciaux à Kidal ont été enlevés ce samedi 2 novembre et retrouvés morts. Des sources indépendantes contactées par la FIJ ont confirmé l'assassinat de deux reporters de même que leur employeur Radio France Internationale et plusieurs agences de presse. L’Union nationale des journalistes du Mali (UNAJOM), un affilié de la FIJ dans le pays a également confirmé la mort de nos deux confrères sur la base d’éléments …  
8984. Indignación de la FIP por el asesinato de dos periodistas en el norte de Malí  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) ha recibido con consternación la muerte de dos periodistas franceses, que estaban trabajando en Kidal, en el norte de Malí. Ghislaine Dupont y Claude Verlon eran enviados especiales de Radio France Internationale (RFI). Fueron secuestrados el día 2 de noviembre y encontrados muertos más tarde. Fuentes contactadas por la FIP, así como por la propia RFI y diversas agencias de prensa, confirmaron la muerte poco después. El presidente de la Unión Nacional de Periodistas de Malí (UNAJOM, según siglas en francés) también obtuvo pronto distintos indicios que apuntaban a la muerte violenta de ambos periodistas. "Saludamos con respeto la…  
8985. IFJ Slams Sri Lanka over Detention of Asia-Pacific Directors  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the detention of Asia-Pacific Director Jacqui Park and Asia-Pacific Deputy Director Jane Worthington in Sri Lanka. The two were later allowed to leave after being detained without charge since Wednesday October 30. Ms Park and Ms Worthington were detained at a press freedom meeting in Colombo on Wednesday and were held in their hotel and subjected to lengthy interrogation by defence and immigration officials and the Criminal Investigation Department all day on Thursday. They were taken from the meeting to their hotel against their wishes. Their passports were confiscated and they were not allowed to…  
8986. Mohamed Mohamud Tima'ade  

Somali broadcast journalist Mohamed Mohamud Tima'ade died of wounds sustained in an assassination attempt on 22 October 2013. He was taken to Madina hospital where he died on Sunday. The reporter of the London-based Universal TV was attacked by gunmen who shot him in the neck, stomach, chest and shoulder, according to IFJ/FAJ affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ). The NUSOJ said that Mohamed was a respected journalist who had earned credibility with some incisive reporting on social, security and political issues in Mogadishu, which often featured in the top headlines of Universal TV. The union added that he had been at the forefront of the…  
8987. EFJ Focus, 25 October 2013  

The 25 October 2013 issue of the EFJ Focus is now available in English, German and French. Got a smartphone? Scan the QR code and read the Focus while you are on the move! To subscribe, simply click HERE. If you missed the previous issues, see our archives. ENGLISH: GERMAN: FRENCH:  
8988. Palestinian Photojournalist Injured in Bil’I Clashes  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the deliberate targeting of Palestinian journalists by Israeli troops while covering the clashes that erupted following the death of a Palestinian citizen. According to the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), Watan TV photographer Amjad Shuman and fellow reporter Ayser Barghouti were attacked with rubber bullets and sound grenades by Israeli soldiers while they filmed the clashes in the Palestinian village of Bil'in, west of Ramallah. Shuman received a wound on his scalp when he was hit by shrapnel from a sound grenade. He was taken to hospital in Ramallah for treatment where he stayed the night,…  
8989. IFJ Launches New Campaign to End Impunity for Violence in Journalism  

With International Day against Impunity one month away, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today written to the leaders of Iraq, Russia and Pakistan to urge them and their governments to address the issue of impunity for violence against journalists in their countries. The letters mark the launch of the IFJ’s new high profile campaign to ‘End Impunity’ which is urging the authorities of the countries with the highest death tolls of journalists to investigate these killings and bring their perpetrators to justice. The campaign is initially focusing on Iraq, Pakistan and Russia. Signed by IFJ President, Jim Boumelha, and General…  
8990. EFJ welcomes new EU study on fair remuneration of authors in the audiovisual and music sector  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) welcomes the launch by the European Commission of a call for tender for a study on fair remuneration of authors and performers for the use of their works in the music and audiovisual sector. "Journalists forming an important part of authors in the audiovisual sector, we hope that the study will provide detailed results on contractual and negotiating practices and assess whether the remuneration journalists receive for the use of their work is fair,"  said the EFJ.   The study forms part of the current review of the EU copyright legislation. It will provide an assessment of EU member states' approaches and mechanisms to…  
8991. Appeal for Release of Sky News Arabia Journalists Missing in Syria  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has appealed for the safe return of a team of Sky News Arabia journalists who have gone missing in the contested city of Aleppo in northern Syria. Sky News Arabia said it lost contact on Tuesday morning with Mauritian reporter Ishak Moctar, Lebanese cameraman Samir Kassab, and their Syrian driver whose name is being withheld at his familiy's request. Nart Bouran, Sky News Arabia chief, said the crew was on assignment, primarily to focus on the humanitarian aspects of the conflict in Aleppo, where rebels and Syrian government troops have been fighting since mid-2012. The channel has appealed for any information on the…  
8992. Ayub Khattak  

The journalist for Jang, one of Pakistan’s largest media groups which publishes the Urdu daily Jang, the English daily News International and owns the GEO broadcast network; was gunned down outside his home in the district of Karak in Pakistan’s northern province. According to information from the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, Ayub Khattak had just left his residence in the Takht Nusrati area of Karak when unknown assailants opened fire on him. He died at the scene. PFUJ President Pervaiz Shaukat and Secretary-General Amin Yousuf condemned the attack and deplored the situation that allowed attacks on Pakistan’s journalists to continue…  
8993. European Authors’ and Performers’ Organisations Welcome Draft Report On Private Copying Levies  

The EFJ is one of the signatories to a joint statement from European organisations representing creators that supports French MEP Françoise Castex’s draft report on private copying levies. Ms Castex underlines that “culture and artistic creation form the bedrock of the European identity past and present” and that the “private copying system is a virtuous system that balances the right to copying for private use with fair remuneration to rightholders, and that it is a system worth preserving”. Ms Castex calls on EU Member States and the European Commission to modernise the system and agree on common principles so that private copying levies can continue to provide an invaluable source of…  
8994. China Reports to UN without Disclosing Media’s Deteriorating Working Environment  

With the United Nations scheduled to review China’s human rights situation by the end of October, the Chinese authorities have already submitted their own report to the UN. In the report, China says that it has the world’s largest volume of books published and daily newspapers circulated. It also claims the Government voluntarily uploaded information to its own websites. However, the report does not mention that journalists’ working conditions are getting worse, with many journalists being attacked by local government officers or unidentified people. In addition, the authorities have further tightened up on the free flow of information on the internet, which has…  
8995. IFJ/EFJ Appeal for Release of French Journalists Missing In Syria  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have appealed for the safe return of French journalists Nicolas Henin and Peter Torres who have been missing in Syria for nearly four months, according to information released today. Reporter Henin, who was working for Le Point and Arte, and photographer Torres, who was preparing to cover the elections in the city of Raqqa, were abducted in Syria on June 22. The French government today has confirmed their abduction and advised they are doing "everything possible" to secure their release. "We call for the immediate release of the journalists Nicolas Henin and Peter Torres…  
8996. Mohamed Karim al-Badrani , Mohamed Ghanem  

TV journalist Mohamd Karim al-Badrani and his cameraman Mohamed Ghanem who worked for Al-Sharqiya TV were shot dead by unknown gunmen in the Iraqi city of Mosul as they were making report about a local market. The IFJ affiliate in the country, the Iraqi Journalists’ Syndicate (IJS), condemned the killings and called on the security forces to identify and punish those behind the attack. Mosul is the most dangerous city in Iraq for journalists, the IJS added.  
8997. IFJ/EFJ Condemn Continued Detention of Journalists in Russia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have reiterated their call for the immediate release of the journalists who were on the Greenpeace ship that was seized by Russian authorities. British journalists Kieron Bryan and Phil Ball, and Russian journalist Denis Sinyakov, were among 30 people on board the Greenpeace ship who were detained by Russian authorities on September 19 for allegedly trying to board a Gazprom Oil Platform in a protest against oil drilling in the Artic. According to media reports, a court in the Russian city of Murmansk has ordered that freelance video producer Bryan be charged with piracy, a…  
8998. Memorial to Anna Politkovskaya Unveiled at Novaya Gazeta in Moscow  

A Memorial to Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya was unveiled at the Novaya Gazeta headquarter in Moscow on 7 October 2013. Anna was killed seven ears ago and her murder remains unresolved after the acquittal of three suspects in her killing in 2009.  
8999. Jasdeep Malhotra  

The Jalandhar-based reporter of the Hindustan Times newspaper died in a car accident when a truck overtook and hit the car he was travelling in alongside a police superintendent. The journalist died on the spot while the police officer sustained serious injuries and was taken to hospital for treatment. Media reports said that the accident happened in an area where the mafia groups are known to operate, raising the suspicion for foul rather than an accident. The victim had published a story on the sand mafia and the truck’s driver fled the scene. However, the police insisted on treating the incident as an accident. Source: Times of India  
9000. IFJ Welcomes UN Resolution on Protection of Media Rights in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has welcomed the recent resolution by the United Nations Human Rights Council on the human rights situation in Somalia. According to IFJ records, Somalia is the deadliest country for journalists in Africa. The resolution, called ‘Assistance to Somalia in the Field of Human Rights' and adopted by consensus of the member states of the council, includes support for the protection of journalists and their rights in the country. The resolution expresses "deep concern at the continuing attacks and abuses against journalists in Somalia, urges all parties to refrain from violence against and harassment of journalists and to respect…  
9001. IFJ Joins Call for Action on New UN Report on Media Protection  

The United Nations Human Rights Council today debated a new report on the importance of the protection of journalists, the prevention of attacks and the fight against impunity for attacks against journalists. The Report prepared by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights argues that political commitment, backed by clear and effective legislative and practical safeguards to prevent attacks and threats to journalists, are the key elements of an effective approach to the protection of journalists. It features a contribution from the IFJ focusing on the Federation's work on the safety of journalists such as safety training, emergency assistance from the…  
9002. Agreement between journalists' union and state-owned media in Palestine to guarantee basic rights for journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) hailed today [7 October 2013] an agreement reached by its affiliate in Palestine, the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate, and employers as a momentous breakthrough for its journalists. The agreement was signed last 5 October at an official ceremony in Ramallah by representatives of three major media -- the state-owned broadcaster the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation, the national news agency WAFA and the daily newspaper Alhayat Aljadeeda -- and officially witnessed by IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "It took many months of hard work by the leaders of our affiliate in Palestine to achieve such a historical milestone for their…  
9003. Agreement between journalists' union and state-owned media in Palestine to guarantee basic rights for journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) hailed today an agreement reached by its affiliate in Palestine, the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate, and employers as a momentous breakthrough for its journalists. The agreement was signed on Saturday evening [5 October] at an official ceremony in Ramallah by representatives of three major media -- the state-owned broadcaster the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation, the national news agency WAFA and the daily newspaper Alhayat Aljadeeda -- and officially witnessed by IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "It took many months of hard work by the leaders of our affiliate in Palestine to achieve such a historical milestone for their…  
9004. EFJ Focus, 2 October 2013  

The 2 October 2013 issue of the EFJ Focus is now available in English, French, and German. To subscribe, simply click HERE. If you missed the previous issues, see our archives.  
9005. Vergel Bico  

The 40-year old was the second journalist murdered in a week in Philippines. Vergel Bico, editor of Bandera Pilipino based in Calapan City, the capital of the western province of Oriental Mindoro, was shot dead by two gunmen on the afternoon of Wednesday. Police reports say two gunmen followed Bico from a village and shot him. Bico was rushed to Maria Estrella Hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival. If work-related, Bico's killing would bring to 158 the number of journalists killed in the line of duty since 1986 and to 17 the number of those killed under the administration of Pres. Benigno Aquino III. The previous week, on the evening of Thursday August 29, radio…  
9006. IFJ/EFJ Deeply Concerned For Well-being of Missing Uzbek Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have expressed their deep concern for the safety and well-being of Uzbek journalist Sergey Naumov who has reportedly been detained by police in western Uzbekistan since last Saturday, 21 September. According to IFJ/EFJ affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), freelance journalist Naumov is believed to have been arrested in the city of Urgench and detained in police custody. The RUJ says that Naumov, who is well known for his reporting on human rights in Uzbekistan and forced labour in the country's cotton industry, made a call to friends to say he was being detained by…  
9007. Monument to Russian Journalist Unveiled in Khimki  

A monument to Russian Journalist, Mikhail Beketov, who died of heart failure on 8 April this year, was opened in Khimki on 21 September. Beketov, the former editor of the independent newspaper Khimkinskaya Pravda, suffered a brutal assault in November 2008 because of his journalistic work and his death was a direct consequence of the injuries he had sustained. The President of the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), Vsevolod Bogdanov,attended the opening. Photos by RUJ's Svetlana Svistunova.  
9008. FAJ Backs Mobilization by SNJT to Free Journalists in Tunisia  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) has today commended the release from prison of journalist Zied El-Heni after payment of the bail of 2000 Dinar (1200 USD) by the syndicate.   “We support the mobilization of our affiliate the Syndicat National des Journalistes Tunisiens (SNJT) to free our colleague Zied El-Heni, and the general strike scheduled for tomorrow Tuesday 17th September in protest against the imprisonment and harassment meted to journalists and reporters by the authorities in Tunisia” said Mohamed Garba, President of the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ). According to reports, El Heni was summoned last Friday before an…  
9009. IFJ Joins Call for Action on New UN Report on Media Protection  

The United Nations Human Rights Council today debated a new report on the importance of the protection of journalists, the prevention of attacks and the fight against impunity for attacks against journalists.The Report prepared by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights argues that political commitment, backed by clear and effective legislative and practical safeguards to prevent attacks and threats to journalists, are the key elements of an effective approach to the protection of journalists. It features a contribution from the IFJ focusing on the Federation's work on the safety of journalists such as safety training, emergency assistance from the…  
9010. IFJ Calls for Immediate Release of Tunisian Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has demanded the immediate release of a Tunisian journalist arrested in Tunis today, Friday 13 September. According to reports,  Zied El Hani, Editor in chief of Assahafa newspaper (La Presse), was arrested after being asked to appear in front of an investigation judge at the Court of first instance in Tunis.  When he arrived at the court he was charged with defamation and allegedly making illegal accusations against a civil servant during an interview on Nessma TV regarding the arrest of a photojournalist by a Tunisian judge. The case was brought against El Hani by the judge."We call for the…  
9011. OdaTV Trial Adjourned until 12 December, EFJ Observer Reports  

This is the account of EFJ Observer Barry White, who attended the OdaTV trial in Istanbul, Turkey, on 11 September:   Justice and press freedom suffered further set backs on 11 September when an Istanbul court decided that the case against journalist and writer Yalçin Kücük should be adjourned until 12 December. Yalçin, one of the defendants in the Ergenekon trial, was sentenced to 22 years and six months in prison on 5 August at the end of that trial held in the court in the Silivri prison complex, 60 km west of Istanbul. Kücük faces relating charges in the OdaTV trial and much of the hearing on 11 September was taken up with witness and lawyers'…  
9013. Sunila Abeysekara, 1952 - 2013  

11 September 2013          Sunila Abeysekera who died on 9 September after a long battle with cancer, was an activist and campaigner who dedicated her entire life to the struggle for social justice and human rights. Her death at the age of sixty-one is deeply mourned by friends, colleagues and associates in Sri Lanka and elsewhere, who shared her struggles and learnt much from her through several eventful years. The Free Media Movement (FMM), one of the Sri Lankan affiliates of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), has in a statement, recalled Sunila as a committed fighter who stood unswervingly by the central…  
9014. Olga Allenova Awarded Politkovskaya Award 2013 at International Journalists’ Solidarity Day in Moscow  

The International Journalists’ Solidarity Day 2013 took place in Moscow last Sunday 7 September. The event, which is organised by the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), an EFJ/IFJ affiliate, and supported by UNESCO, is a powerful day of demonstrations and events to commemorate colleagues who have been killed, to promote freedom of expression and strengthen solidarity in the struggle to combat impunity against journalists in Russia. To mark this important day, now in its third year, the Russian orchestra, led by Yury Bashmet, gave a memorial music concert in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory to pay tribute to those journalists who have lost their lives in…  
9015. Commissioner Barnier asked to investigate unfair contracts  

The EFJ asked the chief of the internal market and services department, Commissioner Michel Barnier, to investigate the unfair contractual practices in journalism and the creative sector in order to prevent further economic loss. An EFJ delegation met with Mr. Barnier and raised the concern over the increasing use of unfair contracts that deprive journalists and creators of their right to claim fair payment for their work. Mr. Barnier told the delegation that a study to assess whether authors and performers are paid fairly for their work is underway. The study will look into the aspect of unfair contractual practices and the economic loss of authors and performers. The delegation has…  
9016. EFJ Focus, 10 September 2013  

The new issue of the EFJ Focus is available in English, French and German. Got a smartphone? Scan the QR code and read the Focus while you are on the move! To subscribe, simply click HERE.   
9017. IFJ/EFJ Welcome Release of Italian Journalist Domenico Quirico  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have today welcomed the release of Italian journalist Domenico Quirico and thanked their affiliate, the National Federation of the Italian Press (FNSI), for its tireless work and commitment in helping to secure his freedom. Quirico, who was kidnapped in Syria in early April, was released yesterday, Sunday 9 September, along with Belgian teacher Pierre Piccinin da Pratia. The two men, who were reportedly together when they were taken, were flown to Rome where they met with Italy's foreign minister. According to reports, Quiricio looked tired but in good health and was due to…  
9018. Commissioner Barnier asked to investigate unfair contracts  

The EFJ asked the chief of the internal market and services department, Commissioner Michel Barnier, to investigate the unfair contractual practices in journalism and the creative sector in order to prevent further economic loss. An EFJ delegation met with Mr. Barnier and raised the concern over the increasing use of unfair contracts that deprive journalists and creators of their right to claim fair payment for their work. Mr. Barnier told the delegation that a study to assess whether authors and performers are paid fairly for their work is underway. The study will look into the aspect of unfair contractual practices and the economic loss of authors and performers. …  
9019. Rajesh Verma, Israr  

According to information received by the IFJ affiliate, the National Union of Journalists ofIndia (NUJ-I), cameraman Rajesh Verma who worked for the IBN 7, a cable channel which broadcasts in English, Hindi, Marathi and other languages all across India, and a freelance photographer identified only by the single name Israr, were attacked by a mob dispersing after a meeting in Muzaffarnagar town on 7 September. Both had been assigned to cover the meeting and seem to have been attacked with deliberate intent. Rajesh Verma was shot through the chest and Israr died of serious injuries inflicted by blunt objects. An estimated twenty-seven people have been killed in communal…  
9020. IFJ/EFJ Welcome Release of Italian Journalist Domenico Quirico  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have today welcomed the release of Italian journalist Domenico Quirico and thanked their affiliate, the National Federation of the Italian Press (FNSI), for its tireless work and commitment in helping to secure his freedom. Quirico, who was kidnapped in Syria in early April, was released yesterday, Sunday 9 September, along with Belgian teacher Pierre Piccinin da Pratia. The two men, who were reportedly together when they were taken, were flown to Rome where they met with Italy's foreign minister. According to reports, Quricio is tired but in good health and will be reunited…  
9021. News Cameraman and Freelance Photographer Killed in Riots in India’s Uttar Pradesh State  

Media Release: India  9 September 2013            The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is shocked and deeply saddened to learn of the death of Rajesh Verma, a news cameraman for a national broadcaster and Israr, a freelance photographer, in mob violence in the district town of Muzaffarnagar in India’s northern state of Uttar Pradesh.   According to information received by the IFJ affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of  India (NUJ-I), Rajesh Verma a news cameraman for the IBN 7 channel which broadcasts in English, Hindi, Marathi and other languages all across India, and a freelance…  
9022. IFJ/EFJ Send Support to Russian Colleagues for International Journalists Solidarity Day  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have sent a message of solidarity and support for their affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), as it prepares for a moving solidarity event to remember fallen colleagues.This Sunday, 8 September, thousands of people, including RUJ leaders and members, journalists and writers, will unite for the International Journalists' Solidarity Day in Moscow, supported by UNESCO, a powerful day of demonstrations and events to commemorate colleagues who have been killed, stand up for freedom of expression and strengthen solidarity in their struggle to combat impunity against…  
9023. Fernando Solijon  

The popular radio commentator and an outspoken critic of corruption and rising crime in a southern Philippine city of Lligan, was killed by a gunman, according to media reports citing police sources. The presenter at DXLS Love Radio was shot dead late in the evening as he left a friend’s house, the Iligan City police chief Crestito Rey Gonzalodo said. He died on the way to hospital and his killer escaped on a waiting motorcycle driven by an accomplice. The police chief described Solijon as a "fearless radio commentator" and said the motive for the attack may have been political but the victim’s widow was quoted as saying that her husband had received telephone and text…  
9024. Rakesh Sharma  

The reporter for Dainik Aaj newspaper in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh was shot dead by unidentified gunmen, according to Reporters Without Borders. The Paris based pressure group said that the victim received a call on his mobile phone shortly after returning home on the evening of 23 August. He left home for the city’s Bakewar district and was killed on the way by gunmen who shot him several times on the Bharthana road, according to police sources. Nation News Channel journalist Vikas Sharma was quoted by Reporters Without Borders as saying that the journalist was killed because of his reporting on criminal groups operating in Etawah and elsewhere in Uttar…  
9025. IFJ Shocked and Concerned by Growing Harassment of Media in Egypt  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed its grave concern at the increasing targeting and mistreatment of journalists critical of the government in Egypt. According to reports, Egyptian security forces are continuing to detain and harass journalists working for news outlets critical of Egypt's interim government and in support of the protests organised by the Muslim Brothers, particularly Al Jazeera and its affiliates, while there have been raids on media offices and TV channels have been forced to close. In the latest development yesterday, a Cairo court has ordered the closure of four TV channels, including Al-Jazeera Mushaber Misr and Ahrar 25,…  
9026. EFJ in Solidarity with Journalists on Trial in France  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) strongly supports journalists and journalists' unions in France facing a trial in the Bettencourt case. Journalists Franz-Olivier Giesbert and Hervé Gattegno (Le Point), Edwy Plenel, Fabrice Arfi and Fabrice Lhomme (Mediapart at the time) were indicted in March and April 2012, for publishing extracts of conversations by Ms. Liliane Bettencourt recorded by her butler, regarding alleged illegal donations to political parties.    On 2 September, the three judges hearing the case sent the five journalists to the criminal court, following the prosecutor's indictments. Indeed, on 4 July, the prosecutor of the Court of…  
9027. Newspapers Shut Down in India’s Manipur State, as Militant Threats Mount  

 Media Release: India                                                                                       5 September 2013          The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed to learn of a two-day…  
9028. Powerful interests use criminal libel and police to muzzle Filipino media  

Media Release: Philippines 04 September 2013 The International Federation of Journalists is concerned about a spate of assaults on press freedom by political and business figures in the Philippines in recent weeks. IFJ affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines, has reported a series of incidents including the conviction of a columnist in a libel case filed by a politician, libel suits against journalists uncovering a businesswoman’s alleged involvement in a multi-billion peso corruption scandal and journalists being barred by police from covering the elections of a regional political group. Libel remains a criminal offence under Filipino law…  
9029. Harassment of Journalists at Ukraine News Agency Must End, say IFJ/EFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have expressed their deep concern at the ongoing mismanagement, political interference and censorship of the Ukraine National News Agency (UNIAN). According to IFJ/EFJ affiliate, the Independent Media Trade-Union of Ukraine (IMTUU), on Wednesday 28 August, five journalists working at the agency were blocked from accessing their work stations and were informed that they were being moved to the newly established TV-news monitoring unit. The five journalists were involved in protests in October 2012 against UNIAN management following allegations of censorship…  
9030. Journalists Urge Norwegian King to Act on Turkey  

Thomas Spence, the President of the Norwegian Journalists' Union (NJ) has written to the Norwegian King and Queen asking them to act on the violation of journalists' rights in Turkey before their state visit on 5 - 7 November.  In the letter, Spence highlighted the disturbing fact that 63 journalists are currently imprisoned as a result of their professional work. He has urged the King and Queen to raise this issue to the Turkish Prime Minister during the visit. The NJ is a member of the EFJ and has actively campaigned for the freedom of journalists in Turkey. NJ has supported the EFJ campaign to ‘Set Journalists Free in Turkey' by ‘adopting ' journalists,…  
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