15063 results:

12325. Successful Claim for Equal Pay  

Successful Claim for Equal Pay Following a battle lasting almost two years, National Union of Journalists UK and Ireland (NUJ) member Ciara O’Brien has won a major victory in the Irish Equality Tribunal. The NUJ took a claim for equal pay against Dublin-based publishing company Computerscope Ltd., which published technology titles PC Live, Computerscope and Smart Company. In a decision released on September 19, the Equality Officer found that Ciara was discriminated against on the grounds of gender and age and was victimised for exercising her rights under the Act. Publishing magnate Frank Quinn was ordered to pay the complainant equal pay for a period of almost two years in…  
12329. Gender India, Newsletter 3  

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12334. Death Toll for Iraqi Journalists Reaches 139 after Targeted Killing of TV Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the killing of Ahmad Riyadh Al Karbouli, a correspondent for Baghdad TV who had received numerous threats for his work at the station. On September 18, Al Karbouli, 25, was shot by militants in the western part of Baghdad. Al Karbouli had received death threats before for his work for a Baghdad TV, which is owned by the Iraqi Islamic Party, a major Sunni political party. He was the fourth Iraqi journalist to be killed in a targeted attack in September and the 139th media staffer killed since the war in Iraq started in 2003. “The targeting of media staff in Iraq is appalling and should ring a warning bell…  
12335. September 20: Brussels Conference on Authors' Rights and the European Agenda 2007-2013  

AUTHORS’ RIGHTS AND THE EUROPEAN AGENDA 2007-2013 Competitiveness & digital challenges, collective action & cultural diversity 4th European Creators’ Conference organised by the European Writers’ Congress/EWC in cooperation with the European Federation of Journalists/EFJ, International Association of Art/IAA Europe and InterGU Under the patronage of the Finnish EU Presidency Hosted by the European Commission, DG EAC Venue: Brussels, at the Commission’s Charlemagne Building, Conference Wing, Ground Floor, Room S1, - 170, rue de la Loi (Metro station: Schuman) Date: Wednesday, 20th September 2006 from 9:00 am till 6:00 pm (registration at 8:30…  
12338. President’s Husband Suing 42 Journalists For Defamation In The Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is shocked by reports at least 42 journalists are currently facing libel charges filed by Juan Miguel “Mike” Arroyo, the husband of Philippines President Gloria Arroyo. According to information release by IFJ affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), the president’s husband has sued 42 journalists, publishers, and editors from seven media companies in the last two years. “These figures are outrageous,” IFJ President Christopher Warren said. “It is deeply concerning that the husband of the president, a man of considerable influence and power, can try and hinder…  
12343. IFJ Calls for Investigation into Death of Jailed Reporter in Turkmenistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for a full investigation into the death of a radio reporter who was in jail in Turkmenistan. Ogulsapar Muradova, a Turkmen Service correspondent for the US Government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), died while in the custody of Turkmen authorities but the time and circumstances of her death are unclear. “Turkmenistan is one of the most repressive countries in the world and the death of Ogulsapar raises suspicion that she was killed,” said Oliver Money-Kyrle, IFJ Programmes Director. “The lack of regard and impunity with which the Turkmenistan authorities treat independent media is a…  
12351. IFJ Calls for Fair Trial for Journalists Accused of Offending Ivory Coast President  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today urged judicial authorities to hold a fair trial for journalists accused of an offence against the President of the Ivory Coast after they implicated his wife in a toxic-waste-dumping scandal. The accused, editor Coulibaly Seydou and journalist Edouard Gonto, will be tried on charges related to a story that ran in their private Ivory Coast daily newspaper Le Jour Plus, which implicated the first lady in the dumping of chemical waste in Abidjan. The two journalists were taken into custody on Tuesday, 12 September, and held for 24 hours. After a first appearance yesterday, they will appear in court again on Friday with Frederic…  
12353. IFJ Calls for Release of Journalist in The Gambia  

The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) today called for the immediate and unconditional release of Dodou Sanneh, a journalist working with the state owned Gambia Radio and Television Services (GRTS), who has been held by authorities for almost a week for allegedly biased coverage of opposition campaigns in the national elections. Dodou, also know as Magadou, has been detained since Friday, 7 September, at the National Intelligence Service (NIA) headquarters. “The Independent Electoral Commission assured us that all the political parties running in the presidential election will have access to the state-owned radio and television,” said Gabriel Baglo, director…  
12356. IFJ Urges Islamic Courts to End Press Freedom Violations in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the Islamic Courts Council of Somalia to end press freedom violations after it banned transmission of station Radio Jowhar for two days and detained a journalist working for another radio station. Journalist Osman Adan Areys was also detained without charges for 48 hours, allegedly because of broadcasting a report critical of the Islamists. “We condemn this new crackdown on journalists and the media in the regions controlled by the Islamic Courts and the arbitrary detention of Osman Adan Areys,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “We call on the Islamic Courts Council to put an…  
12358. Program director killed in Cartagena, Colombia  

On August 22, media worker Atilano Segundo Pérez Barrios, 52, was killed outside his home in Cartagena by unknown gunmen on motorcycles. Four years ago, Pérez founded an informative program for Radio Vigía de Todelar: "El Diario de Marialabaja" (Marialabaja Daily). On the program, Pérez discussed different events and information regarding this municipality located in Montes de María region, center of the department of Bolivar. The radio program was well known for denouncing corruption, including naming individuals on the air. Pérez broadcast his last radio program on the increasing influence of paramilitary groups in different…  
12359. IFJ Condemns Brutal Murder of Newspaper Editor in Sudan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the kidnapping and gruesome murder of Mohammed Taha, editor-in-chief of Sudanese newspaper Al-Wifaq. Taha was found beheaded yesterday in Khartoum just hours after he was abducted by unknown men. The killing is said to be related to controversial articles Taha wrote last year on the lineage of the Prophet Muhammad. “We are horrified by this heinousness and we express our sympathy to Taha’s family and colleagues,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office. “We urge the Sudanese government to make sure that they investigate this crime and bring the perpetrators to…  
12360. IFJ Calls for Global Campaign to Put Ethics, Tolerance and Quality on Media Agenda  

The International Federation of Journalists says that a global programme of action involving journalists and media groups is needed to support free expression and counter concerns over conflict and rising intolerance in society. Speaking to an audience of leading journalists from 50 countries at the inaugural Global Inter-Media Dialogue, sponsored by the governments of Indonesia and Norway, in Bali at the weekend the IFJ General Secretary Aidan White warned: “The world is becoming an increasingly dangerous place as communities are set against each other by unscrupulous political groups who exploit public anxiety over the growth of terrorism and migration.” He said the…  
12362. EFJ Letter of Protest about Press Freedom Violations in Cyprus  

Mr. Mehmet Ali Talat Leader of the Turkish Cypriot Community Mr. Tayip Erdogan Prime Minister of Turkey Mr Michael Moller Special Representative of the UN Brussels, 1st September 2006 Dear Sirs, The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), representing over 250.000 journalists across Europe, is deeply concerned by the increasing threats to press freedom in northern Cyprus. In particular, we find it unacceptable that journalists and media workers are being intimidated and arrested while covering events in the northern part of Cyprus. The latest example of this was the arrest of reporter Adonis Pallikarides and cameraman Nikitas Dalitis on 25 August 2006 under…  
12364. IFJ Disgusted By Murder of Journalist's Brother in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is horrified by news that BBC correspondent Dilawar Wazir’s teenage brother was found murdered in volatile South Waziristan, a tribal-ruled region along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. According to IFJ affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) the torture and murder of 16-year-old Taimur Khan, who was kidnapped on Tuesday, may have been to get a “message” to Dilawar who has been under threat for the past two years for his reporting. “This is a devastating waste of life,” IFJ President Christopher Warren said. “Violence against journalists is shocking and appalling enough,…  
12366. IFJ Calls For More Action to Dismantle the “Culture of Impunity” of the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is heartened by news of the arrest of a suspected journalist murderer, but has called for more action from the Philippines government to end the culture of impunity about journalist murders in the Philippines. According to local reports police have arrested one of two suspects in the murder of photojournalist Albert Orsolino who was murdered on May 16, 2006. “We are finally seeing some concrete action by President Gloria Arroyo and her government to address the shocking number of journalists who have been killed in the Philippines,” IFJ President Christopher Warren said. “But more needs to be done to send the…  
12367. IFJ Extremely Concerned or safety of missing news director in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is shocked by news of the disappearance Nadarajah Guruparan, the news director of popular Tamil language radio station Sooriyan FM, whose car was found abandoned in Colombo on August 29 only hours after he was seen leaving for work. According to an IFJ affiliate, the Free Media Movement (FMM), Nadarajah Guruparan had received threats from several paramilitary groups in the lead up to his disappearance, and there were news reports of the government’s discontent with his network’s coverage of the ongoing conflict in Sri Lanka. “The IFJ is extremely concerned for the safety and wellbeing of Nadarajah Guruparan. His…  
12369. Middle East Media: IFJ Commends Palestinian Union over Hostages as Iraqi Newspaper Bombing Kills Two  

The release of two television journalists held hostage in Palestine was welcomed by journalists in the region today, but their joy was tempered with the news that two people were killed and 20 others were injured in a bomb attack on Iraq’s largest newspaper in Baghdad. The International Federation of Journalists congratulated Arab journalists’ groups and its affiliate in Palestine for their vigorous protests in response to the IFJ’s appeal for co-ordinated action to secure the release of captured Fox News journalists Steve Centanni and cameraman Olaf Wiig who were freed yesterday. “Arab journalists and our Palestinian colleagues in particular played a key…  
12371. EFJ Submission to the Consultation on the European Transparency Initiative Green Paper  

The European Federation of Journalists, the largest organisation of journalists across the European Union, representing unions and associations of journalists in all member countries, welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Green Paper on a European Transparency Initiative (ETI). The EFJ is registered in CONECCS, the database of civil society organisations of the European Commission. The EFJ is above all concerned with transparency regarding public access to information on European decision-making regarding the allocation of funds to private and public bodies as well as documents and information that provide the maximum amount of public scrutiny of all actions and activities of…  
12373. IFJ commends SAJA for the successful congress and the new executive  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the results of the Southern African Journalists’ Association (SAJA) congress held in Johannesburg (South Africa) from August 16 – 17, 2006 which outlined a new programme for organising journalists’ unions in the region. The congress gathered journalists and media workers unions from the Southern African region and elected a new executive committee of five members, with the Secretary General of the Zimbabwe Journalists Association, Foster Dongozi, as the President of the regional body. The IFJ and the Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI) in 2005 launched the programme to revive SAJA after it was…  
12378. Euronews auf Deutsch - Sommer 2006  

Euronews ist das Bulletin der Europäischen Journalisten Föderation . Download PDF File here Weitere Informationen über: Renate Schroeder and Marc Gruber – European Directors    [email protected]   [email protected]   European Federation of Journalists International Press Centre Residence Palace Bloc C, second floor Rue de la Loi, 155 1040 Brussels Tel: 32-2-235.22.15 Fax: 32-2-235.22.19  
12379. EU-India Gender News Vol III August 2006  

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12382. IFJ Calls For Support Over Test Case and Reporters’ Right to Refuse Dangerous Assignments  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on its member unions to support a journalist, Richard Gizbert, who is fighting a legal battle against his former employer, ABC News, over the right to refuse dangerous assignments. Former London-based ABC News journalist Gizbert has won a unanimous judgment from a British employment tribunal, which ruled he was unfairly dismissed by the United States network two years ago for refusing to go to Iraq, but the company is fighting the judgement and denying the journalist the right to a fair settlement. The IFJ is joining the British National Union of Journalists (NUJ), the Newspaper Guild-CWA, the US journalists’…  
12384. Four young journalists win the first Euro-Mediterranean Journalist Prize for Cultural Diversity  

Four young journalists from Belgium, Egypt, Italy and Israel are the winners of the first “Euro-Mediterranean Journalist Prize for Cultural Diversity.” This prize was established by the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures and the International Federation of Journalists to encourage reporting on citizens in Europe and the Mediterranean space living together in culturally diversified societies. The winners will be sponsored for a reporting tour to four countries during a prize award ceremony in Alexandria on 10 September 2006. The international jury, meeting in Alexandria on 3 and 4 August, selected the winners from 50 candidates from all…  
12385. IFJ Concerned By Worrying Trend of Violence Against Journalists In Indonesia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply disturbed by the high rate of violence against media workers in Indonesia, according to data released by IFJ affiliate, the Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI). Coinciding with its 12th anniversary of defending journalist’s rights and press freedom, AJI released its data citing 64 cases of attacks against journalists in the country in the last year. “This worrying trend of violence against journalists, as exposed by AJI’s data, must not be tolerated. It is vital that these records are noted and action is taken to ensure these assaults on press freedom no longer continue and those responsible for these…  
12386. Strategic Approach to Journalists Contract Workers - Kolkata, August 8, 2006  

ECCP project: EU-India- Building Paths to Equality in Journalism Strategic Approach to Journalists Contract Workers Kolkata, August 8, 2006 1) Concerns · Contract workers do not join unions · Unions do not show enthusiasm regarding contract journalists' membership · Drop in union membership · Fear of contract workers of loosing their jobs if they join unions 2) Goals · Bring job security for contract journalists and organise them in unions 3) Strategy: strenghtening of trade unions · Hold regular meeting involving all workers · Increase communication on unions (website) · Increase…  
12387. Action Plan, Gender Equality Seminar, Bangalore, August 4-5, 2006  

ECCP project: EU-India- Building Paths to equality in Journalism Two-day Gender Equality Seminar, Bangalore, August 4-5, 2006 This two-day seminar was based on the IFJ gender equality training modules. It included interactive sessions which helped participants contribute and put together an action plan for campaigning on gender equality.  
12390. IFJ Condemns Israeli “Secret War” Tactic after Threat to Media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today demanded that the Israeli Defense Forces lift their newly announced limits on journalist travel in southern Lebanon and allow all media staff to travel freely in the conflict zone. “We cannot allow any side to create a secret war in which their military operations are not open to proper scrutiny,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) put out a press statement today that says it is limiting “travel in any kind of vehicle in all areas south of the Litani River in Lebanon,” adding that it “would like to stress that these limitations apply to journalists as…  
Search results 12321 until 12390 of 15063