15063 results:

11901. Global Call for International Day of Action for Press Freedom in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is calling for journalists’ organisations from around the world to join in an International Day of Action this Friday June 15, to protest the grave situation threatening the safety of journalists and freedom of expression in Pakistan. This year Pakistan’s already fragile media industry has been dealt mounting blows: the death of a journalist; ongoing death threats towards media workers and members of the IFJ’s affiliate in Pakistan, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ); and persistent interference by government bodies such as the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA). IFJ Asia-Pacific…  
11902. Freelance contributors pressured to give away all their rights by Australia's largest newspaper publishing group  

Fairfax - Australia’s largest newspaper publishing group - intends to force its freelance contributors, both journalists and photographers, to sign a standard copyright agreement that takes away all their copyright and moral rights over their work. The contract grants Fairfax a “worldwide, irrevocable, exclusive licence” to use Fairfax work “by all means whatsoever”. It also contains a moral right waiver allowing Fairfax to do “anything that might otherwise infringe (freelancers’) moral rights”. It also deprives freelancers from contributing to most other Australian media outlets. Thanks to this standard contract Fairfax, which recently merged with Rural Press, Australia's largest…  
11904. Freelance contributors pressured to give away all their rights by Australia's largest newspaper publishing group  

Fairfax - Australia’s largest newspaper publishing group - intends to force its freelance contributors, both journalists and photographers, to sign a standard copyright agreement that takes away all their copyright and moral rights over their work. The contract grants Fairfax a “worldwide, irrevocable, exclusive licence” to use Fairfax work “by all means whatsoever”. It also contains a moral right waiver allowing Fairfax to do “anything that might otherwise infringe (freelancers’) moral rights”. It also deprives freelancers from contributing to most other Australian media outlets. Thanks to this standard contract Fairfax, which recently…  
11905. IFJ Condemns Palestinian Gunmen Posing as Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said the use by gunmen in Gaza of a vehicle marked with the words “TV” in an attack on Israeli forces was an outrageous violation of rights that puts journalists everywhere at risk. “Gaza is already one of the most dangerous places in the world for journalists but if combatants believe that media insignias are being used to disguise their adversaries, any journalist will become a target when there is no credibility for their identification,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “This reckless attack will put all reporting on the conflict in danger. It also reinforces the cynicism that Israeli…  
11906. IFJ and Vintu Foundation grant humanitarian aid to family of murdered Colombian journalist  

In the programme of special assistance for families of murdered journalists’, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), and Vintu Foundation for Excellency in Education and Journalism, granted financial aid during a year to Hilda Rojas, widow of journalist Néstor Henry Rojas Monje, murdered on December 28, 1991, in Arauca, north eastern Colombia. The request was submitted by the Corporation of Journalists of Arauca (COPAR), affiliated to the Colombian Federation of Journalists (FECOLPER), organization representing more than 1.000 colleagues in 18 departments of the country. “On behalf of the journalism community of Arauca, I thank specially the IFJ and…  
11907. IFJ Mourns the Second Afghan Journalist Killed in Two Weeks  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is gravely disturbed by the June 6 murder of Zakia Zaki, head of the radio station Sada-e-Sulh (Peace Radio) in the Jabulsaraj district of Parwan province. According to local reports, three armed men broke into Zaki’s home and shot her seven times with two different types of arms while she was sleeping with her baby less than six months old and her two-year-old son. IFJ Asia-Pacific Director Jacqueline Park expressed the IFJ’s anger and grief, saying that it was “almost impossible to comprehend the tragic nature of Zaki’s death, especially when it is compounded with the murder of Shamshad TV’s Shokiba…  
11910. IFJ Says Somali Government Must End Its Repeat Attacks on Radio Stations  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said the Somalia government must put end to its policy of media harassment and intimidation after authorities shut down three radio stations in Mogadishu for the third time this year over allegations they were “backing terrorists.” “We condemn this continuous harassment by the Somali government on media who try to work independently,” said Gabriel Baglo, the IFJ Africa Office Director. “We call on the African Union, the United Nations and the European Union to work with our colleagues to ensure the Somali Transitional Federal Government puts an end to this intimidation and continuous attacks on press…  
11911. Australia: Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance  

245 Chalmers Street Redfern 2016 Australia Telephone: 61-29-333.09.99 Fax: 61-29-333.09.33 President: Ruth Pollard Contact: Christopher Warren ([email protected]) Status: Full Member http://www.alliance.org.au  
11913. IFJ Condemns Growing Curbs on Media in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply disturbed by the trend of increasing restraints on the functioning of the media in Pakistan. The most recent manifestation of what is clearly a rising trend in intolerance of media freedom, comes in the form of a prohibition of live coverage of events involving the suspended chief justice of Pakistan, Mr Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry. Within two days of the new curbs being decreed, two major TV channels – Aaj TV and Geo TV - were blacked out; the former almost nationwide and the latter in the cities of Lahore and Islamabad. “With the political crisis involving Mr Chaudhry and the Pakistan army chief and…  
11914. Guinée: Association des Journalistes de Guinée  

Association des journalistes de Guinée B.P. 391 CONAKRY Guinée Phone: +224 6029 0461 President: Fodé Bouya Fofana [email protected] Statut: Membre de plein droit  
11915. World Journalists Condemn ‘Intolerable Impunity’ and Vow to Show Global Solidarity in Fight to Defend Russian Journalists  

Journalists from all over the world today expressed outrage and condemnation over killings of their Russian colleagues and the dark shadow of government intimidation cast over the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ). “There is a process of intimidation in Russia that is unacceptable,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “We must say loudly and clearly that we stand with our Russian colleagues and when we go home we must still stand shoulder to shoulder with the Russian Union of Journalists.” Delegates at the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) World Congress vowed to fight attempts to evict the Russian Union from their premises, which was…  
11918. New President Takes Helm at IFJ  

At its World Congress on Thursday, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) announced the election of Jim Boumelha of the National Union of Great Britain and Ireland as its president. Boumelha and other elected IFJ officials will serve their terms for the next three years. Osvaldo Urriolabeitia of the Federacion Argentina de Trabajadores de Prensa was elected to the post of senior vice president. Younouss Mjahed of th Syndicat National de la Press Marocaine and Khady Cisse of the Syndicat des Professionnels de l’Information et de la Communication du Sénégal were elected as vice presidents and Uli Remmel of the Deutscher Journalisten Verband was elected…  
11921. IFJ Condemns Sacking of Journalists Defending Union Rights in Serbia  

Today the International Federation of Journalists, meeting at its Congress in Moscow, strongly condemned the harassment of journalists defending trade union rights in Serbian paper Narodne Novine, accusing the management of “cynical union busting”. On 28 May, 5 journalists of Serbian newspaper Narodne Novine were fired, and more of them face threats of being laid off. This follows what journalists say has been harassment of journalists trying to defend trade union rights and to improve working conditions. “Firing journalists because they want to defend union rights is simply illegal by all national and international rules”, said IFJ General Secretary Aidan…  
11925. Sri Lankan Opposition Leader Tries to Force an Agenda  

30/5/2007 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has criticised comments from Sri Lanka opposition leader Ranil Wickramasinghe which argued that Sri Lankan editors should be summoned before Parliament and questioned under the Parliamentary Privileges Act. According to an IFJ affiliate, the Free Media Movement (FMM), Wickramasinghe’s comments were part of a larger statement censuring Sri Lankan newspapers for not printing remarks from Minister Jeyaraj Fernandopulle on a Supreme Court decision limiting the security provided to former president Chandrika Kumaratunaga. IFJ President Christopher Warren reinforced the point that newspapers cannot be forced to print any…  
11927. IFJ World Congress Backs Media Victims Support Committee  

The International Federation of Journalists called for the launch of a committee of media victims during the special session of the IFJ World Congress in Moscow. The committee, made up of family members of journalists killed for their work, would lobby vigorously for justice in the increasing number of cases of impunity involving targeted media staff. “Behind every tragedy there is a human cost that is all too easily forgotten,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “This group will provide support to those most directly affected by the tragic deaths of journalists and it will help people seek and achieve justice where it is denied.” Myroslava Gongadze,…  
11933. IFJ Raises Alarm over Azerbaijan’s Plummeting Record on Press Freedom  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) said today that recent arrests and attacks on journalists in Azerbaijan marked a new low for a country whose respect for press freedom has plummeted in recent years. “Azerbaijan’s government has demonstrated a shocking level of contempt for independent media with the latest imprisonment of two more journalists,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “The government must repeal its criminal defamation law, release the seven journalists currently in jail and end its pattern of intimidation of independent media.” Police recently raided a meeting on journalists’ rights in the capital city of Baku.…  
11935. EURONEWS May 2007 (German / Deutsch)  

Euronews ist das Bulletin der Europäischen Journalisten Föderation . PDF Datei hier herunterladen Weitere Informationen über: Renate Schroeder and Marc Gruber – European Directors [email protected] [email protected] European Federation of Journalists International Press Centre Residence Palace Bloc C, second floor Rue de la Loi, 155 1040 Brussels Tel: 32-2-235.22.15 Fax: 32-2-235.22.19  
11936. Journalists – Making News for Democracy: IFJ World Congress Starts Monday 28 May in Moscow  

Journalists from more than 100 countries are travelling to Russia for the world’s largest conference for media workers representatives hosted by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) next week in Moscow. With journalism caught in the turbulence of dramatic change in the industry, the congress will focus on the role of independent reporting and globalisation under the banner “Making News for Democracy.” The IFJ’s triennial Congress will see journalists’ leaders from all corners of the world coming together to fight impunity in the killing of journalists, to demand an end to restrictions on press freedom and to call for decent jobs for…  
11939. IFJ Calls on Zimbabwean Government to End Media Repression  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the Zimbabwean government to end its attacks and harassment of journalists and to stop police harassment of newspaper photographer Boldwill Hungwe. “We are very upset by recent incidents that show a pattern of media repression and we urge the government to put an end to it,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office. “Violent attacks on journalists and other media workers are having chilling effect in Zimbabwe and sending a message that the government will use force to silence journalists that publish news it wants to keep out of public view.” Hungwe is a photographer with The…  
11942. IFJ Welcomes Wage Board Boost for Indian Journalism: Decent Working Conditions “Key to Quality in Media”  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the announcement that Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of the establishment of a Wage Board for working journalists and other media workers working for the country’s newspapers saying it is recognition of the “key role decent working conditions play in building quality media.” The Prime Minister’s approval on Monday followed the approval of the boards by the Union Cabinet in December. “This announcement is good news for unions who have been demanding decent working conditions, and it is welcome recognition of the key role decent work plays in building media quality,” said Aidan…  
11944. IFJ Calls on Sudan to Release Two Journalists Held On Defamation Charges  

The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) today called on the Government of Sudan to release two imprisoned journalists and reopen their newspaper Al-Sudani after a defamation complaint by the Justice Minister shut down the paper and put the editor and a columnist in jail. Al-Sudani editor-in-chief Mahjoub Erwa and columnist Osman Merghani have been detained after the newspaper was shut down on Wednesday night. In the newspaper’s Wednesday edition Osman asked the minister to resign allegedly lying about a money-laundering court case. “We call on the Sudanese government for the immediate release of Mahjoub and Osman and for the reopening of the newspaper,”…  
11949. IFJ Blasts Bangladesh Authorities’ Censorship of Himal Southasian  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has criticised moves from Bangladesh authorities to censor sections of the May edition of Himal Southasian, a monthly political magazine. According to the Himal Southasian, the lastest issue of the magazine was only allowed to be distributed after the removal of an editorial, “Khaki Politics in Dhaka”, and one article, “The Dhaka Regime’s Messy Surgery”, which dealt with the future of democracy in Bangladesh and the growing power of the military. “Despite vocal assertions from the Bangladesh authorities that no restrictions would be imposed on media freedoms during the state of emergency period,…  
11950. IFJ Outraged by Aaj TV Station Siege in Karachi  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is outraged by news of a four-hour long siege on Aaj TV’s Karachi offices on May 12, which saw a number of journalists injured in the assault. According to IFJ affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), photographer Anwar Abbas received serious head injuries, two other camera persons were injured and had their cameras snatched at gunpoint by the attackers, and a reporter and camera person from the station were taken hostage as they were trapped in the crossfire. Armed groups reportedly set the station car park ablaze, while production schedules were thrown into chaos as staff sheltered from periodic showers of…  
11952. IFJ Condemns Police Raid and Intimidation of Russian Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists today joined Russian journalists in a protest over official harassment of independent media just two weeks before the IFJ world congress opens in Moscow with a special focus on the crisis conditions facing media staff in the country. The IFJ condemned a police raid on the independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta and the detention of a number of journalists in a separate incident in the town of Samara on 11 May. The raid took place one week before a planned demonstration in Samara by the political opposition group 'Other Russia'. “Police have targeted media for harassment and intimidation,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "It…  
11954. Iraqi Journalists and Media Launch National Safety Strategy as Death Toll Climbs  

A conference of media leaders and journalists’ unions meeting in the northern Iraqi city of Irbil today called for an end to kidnappings, targeted killings and other threats to media and announced the launching of a National Safety Strategy for Media in the war-torn country. The meeting was called by the International Federation of Journalists and its two affiliated organisations in Iraq and was attended by leading media organisations in the face of a worsening security crisis for media. A series of kidnappings, targeted assassinations and violent attacks on media houses have seen the death toll among journalists and media staff rise to more than 200. The latest killings took…  
11956. IFJ Mourns the Death of Somali Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the death of journalist Mohammed Abdullahi Khalif, shot while on assignment in Puntland, north-eastern Somalia on Saturday, 5 May. “We express our solidarity with Mohamed’s family and colleagues,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa office. “Somalia is the most dangerous place for journalists in Africa.” According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) Mohammed Abdullahi Khalif, a journalist with Radio Voice of Peace was covering a story at the Arms Market in Galkayo when the Puntland army arrived to retrieve guns which had been stolen from their barracks. A gun…  
11957. IFJ Prepares Safety Strategy for Journalists as Brutality in Kirkuk Kills Four and Takes Iraq Media Deaths to More Than 200  

The International Federation of Journalists, which is hosting a meeting in Iraq to devise a national safety strategy for journalists and media staff, today condemned the killings of three journalists and their driver, who were reportedly tortured and shot in Northern Iraq. “These killings bring the media death toll to more than 200 and underscore just how urgent it is to confront the dangers facing journalists in Iraq,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White in Irbil, where the IFJ conference for journalists’ leaders from around the country opens tomorrow. “Our colleagues in Iraq are in constant danger. We need to develop a practical programme that will reduce…  
11958. IFJ Joins Global Campaign For an Independent Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK)  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has given its full support to an international campaign aimed at ensuring popular broadcaster Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) remains free from government interference and is transformed into a truly independent public broadcaster. RTHK has a reputation for maintaining its editorial independence, despite being funded by the government, and the IFJ, and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), have long campaigned for its recognition as, and transformation into, a public broadcaster.However, recent recommendations to the government from the Committee on Review of Public Service Broadcasting prevent RTHK from being…  
11962. IFJ Hails End to Nepal 1 Television Strike as “Win For Employees”  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomed news of an agreement between Nepal 1 Television employees and management on May 7, which ended the strike that had been going for almost three weeks. According to an IFJ affiliate, the Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ), the agreement was signed between the management representative, Pradeep Roy and the journalists’ representative, Rebati Sapkota, and witnessed by FNJ secretary general Mahendra Bista, FNJ legal advisor Ramesh Badal, general secretary of Labor and Transportation Ministry Bishnu Lamsal, and joint-secretary of Information and Communication Ministry Narayan Prasad Regmi. “The signing of this…  
11967. IFJ Calls for Government Action to Stop Abuse of Workers Rights by Media Group in DRC  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today protested against the dismissal of ten employees of Global FM in Kananga (Central Democratic Republic of Congo) following months of unpaid wages with no prospect of compensation. Five months ago, 15 staff at Global TV Kinshasa were dismissed after they demanded payments of unpaid salaries of between six and nine months. Both companies are owned by a prominent Congolese politician, Mrs. Catherine Nzuzi wa Mbombo. “These combined incidents suggest a deliberate policy of employing, failing to pay and then sacking staff without compensation,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office. “It is…  
11969. IFJ Condemns Latest Media Attack on Eve of Safety Crisis Meeting in Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said that yesterday’s horrific attack on private radio station Radio Dijla that killed two employees shows that the government is not protecting journalists and armed groups are able to attack media workers with impunity. On Thursday, gunmen attacked staff at the independent radio station in a predominantly Sunni area of Baghdad, killing two and wounding five, and then bombed the building and knocked the station off the air. It was the third attack on the station in five months. The station's deputy director told the Associated Press that gunmen also tried to kidnap four employees as they were riding to work, but the driver…  
11970. IFJ and Vintu Foundation Join Hands to Provide Humanitarian Aid to Victims of Violence in Journalism  

On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Brussels-based Vintu Foundation have announced a programme of humanitarian assistance to provide much needed support to the families of journalists and media staff who were killed because of their work. “With the generous participation of the Vintu Foundation, this special-assistance fund will provide a year’s support to some of the neediest families who are suffering as a result of the loss of a loved one and breadwinner,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “The grants issued under this special programme will help ease some of the terrible financial…  
Search results 11901 until 11970 of 15063