15063 results:

13862. BEMAWU-MWASA Statement on SABC Wage Negociations  

On Monday 22/09/2003 MWASA and BEMAWU received a letter from the SABC announcing the Corporation's "disappointment" at the rejection of the 8.25% offered to the members of the two unions. The SABC letter further reads: " In an effort to bring a resolve to the existing impasse and dispute on wages, Management proposes a third party intervention in accordance with the provisions of Sec 150(sic) of the Labour Relations Act of 1995. We [SABC] have already made an intervention request to the CCMA and they have indicated their willingness to avail a Senior Commissioner on Monday 29 September 2003". {S.150 (1) reads:"If the Commission is aware of a dispute that has not been referred to…  
13863. IFJ Protests Against Murder of Journalist in India  

The International Federation of Journalists has sent a letter of protest to the Prime Minister of India, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, voicing its concern over the murder of Mr Parmanand Goyal, a journalist and Kaithal Unit President of Haryana Union of Journalists. The IFJ have protested to the Prime Minister of India in the following letter: 22 September 2003 Prime Minister of India Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Address: 3, Race Course Road, New Delhi-110001 INDIA CC. L K Advani Deputy Prime Minister VIA FACSIMILE: +91 11 301 9817 Via email: [email protected] Dear Mr Vajpayee, The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest journalists’…  
13865. IFJ Condemns Armed Raid on Television Network in Palestinian Area  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world’s largest journalists’ group today condemned a raid by masked gunmen on the Ramallah offices of the Dubai-based Arabic satellite news channel Al-Arabiyya. Producer Qassem Al-Khateeb told the IFJ that on 13 September, five masked and armed men entered the building where Al-Arabiyya is housed and ordered him and the two other employees at the station at gunpoint to go to the editing room where they destroyed office equipment, including computer screens and furniture. Al-Khateeb said the attack lasted less than five minutes and that as the men left, they told the journalists they did not want to see them working there again. They…  
13868. 9 October 2003 : EFJ Seminar on Media and Social Policies  

PAN-EUROPEAN MEDIA SYSTEMS: THE CHALLENGE OF PUBLIC SERVICE VALUES IN JOURNALISM Seminar organised by European Journalism Centre and The European Federation of Journalists with the support of the European Commission (DG Enlargement) Under the patronage of Commissioner Günter Verheugen VENUE : European Commission, Rue de la Loi, 170, room 4/23 Draft Agenda (See also agenda of Conference on Public Broadcasting, 10 October) Thursday, October 9, 2003 9h30 KEYNOTE ADDRESS : "The Europe of 25: Ensuring Social Cohesion in a Community of Values" Günter Verheugen, Member of the Commission 10h00 Introduction to the Seminar: Bettina Peters,…  
13871. Germany implements the Infosoc Directive  

The text of the German law implementing the EU Directive on Copyright and Related Rights in the Information Society may be found here  
13872. IFJ Protests Against Violence and Intimidation of Journalists in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists has sent a letter to the Prime Minister of Nepal, voicing its concern over increasing violence and intimidation of journalists and calling for the brutal murder of journalist Gyanendra Khadka in Sindhupalchowk district of Nepal. The IFJ have protested to the Government of Nepal in the following letter: 12 September 2003 Right Hon. Surya Bahadur Thapa Prime Minister Prime Minister’s Office Singh Dubar Kathmandu Kingdom of Nepal VIA FACSIMILE: 0015 977 1227 286 CC. Kamal Thapa. Minister for Information and Communication Your Excellency, The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is a global organisation of…  
13873. IFJ Condemns Arrests of Algerian Journalists And Calls On Media To Set High Standards  

The International Federation of Journalists called today for the immediate release of the managing editor of the daily, Le Matin, Mohamed Benchicou, and cartoonist Ali Dilem, of the daily Liberté, after their arrest by police in Algeria. Following four successive summonses by police yesterday, the two journalists were finally detained and taken down to the central police station in Algiers. The action comes five days after the IFJ issued a public statement condemning “the intolerable persecution” of a number of local journalists. “The IFJ is implacably opposed to political pressure on independent media,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. At the same time, the IFJ says…  
13876. IFJ Protests Against Brutal Murder of Journalist in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists has sent a letter of protest to the Prime Minister of Nepal, voicing its concern over the brutal murder of journalist Gyanendra Khadka in Sindhupalchowk district of Nepal. The IFJ have protested to the Government of Nepal in the following letter: 9 September 2003 Right Hon. Surya Bahadur Thapa Prime Minister Prime Minister’s Office Singh Dubar Kathmandu Kingdom of Nepal VIA FACSIMILE: 0015 977 1227 286 CC. Kamal Thapa. Minister for Information and Communication Your Excellency, The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest journalists’ organisation representing over 500,000 journalists…  
13878. Campaign for Freedom of Information in Nigeria: Update From the Nigeria Union of Journalists  

Freedom of Information Bill Goes Through Second Reading in New National Assembly Report by Iyobosa Uwagiaren, Secretary, Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Abuja Council August 2003 The Freedom of Information Bill, which was re-presented to the new National Assembly in July 2003 following the failure of the dissolved Federal Legislature to pass it, has gone through a second reading in the House of Representatives. Following the second reading, the Bill has been referred to the House Committees on Information, Human Rights, and Judiciary for vetting. The committees are expected to report back to the entire Assembly for the third reading and passage of the Bill. Re-presenting…  
13879. IFJ Appeals to Russian Authorities For Open Access By Media To Scene of School Tragedy  

Journalists and media from Russia and around the region should be given free and open access to the site of the terrorist attack in Beslan said the International Federation of Journalists today after reports that some media staff trying to cover the story had been detained, poisoned and sacked. “This tragedy has touched the hearts of millions of people in the region and journalists should be able to report freely,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. He was responding to reports that two Georgian journalists had been arrested and detained by Russian security forces, and two other Russian journalists blocked access. “We cannot understand why our Georgian colleagues have been…  
13880. Reporting Children's Rights in Eastern Africa - Seminar Report  

Building on its experience in the development of guidelines for journalists reporting children's issues the IFJ organised a regional workshop in Nairobi (Kenya) during February 2003 with the members of the Eastern Africa Journalists Association. The seminar brought together professional journalists from Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Somalia, Ethiopia and Tanzania, to discuss and brainstorm on media coverage of child rights issues. Two Country case studies in Kenya and Ethiopia were presented and formed the basis of the discussions. These were complemented by short country reports by journalists who shared experiences from their respective countries. The main objective of the seminar was to…  
13883. IFJ Calls for Global Solidarity Over US Campaign Against Media Concentration  

The International Federation of Journalists today welcomed a court decision to block changes in media ownership rules in the United States and called for international solidarity with campaigners who are aiming to roll back changes which the IFJ warns will create “dramatic new levels” of media concentration. “The world’s media takes its cue from what happens in the US,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary, “and this battle against increasing the power of media conglomerates is one in which supporters of pluralism and quality journalism worldwide have a stake.” The IFJ is also supporting Senators who today were planning to vote against the inclusion of money to pay for…  
13886. Reporting Children’s Rights-A case study on Ethiopia  

Reporting Children’s Rights-A case study on Ethiopia By Lullit G. Michael Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Presented to: International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Nairobi, Kenya February 2003 Download the report (PDF) See also IFJ Seminar Report: Reporting Children's Rights in Eastern Africa  
13887. Latin American Newsletter 3rd Edition  

Please Click on Either of the Links Below in Order to View the Latest IFJ Newsletter on Latin America PDF VERSION WORD VERSION  
13888. Updates to Executive Committee  

Download Update n°2, 2003, August 2003 Download Update n°1, 2003, January 2003  
13889. Globalisation : Cancún Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organisation (WTO)  

Preparation of the Cancún Conference, 10-14 September 2003 IFJ Statement (DOC): GLOBALISING SOCIAL JUSTICE, DEMOCRACY AND MEDIA FREEDOM Links: ICFTU : Trade Union activities and speaking engagements in Cancun 2003 Official Website of the GATS/WTO GATS-Watch, Critial Information on GATS Guerilla News Network, Globalization Homepage See also the paper of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES): FLEXIBILITY, BUT FOR WHOM? (PDF, 139.3 Kb)  
13890. Welcoming Moves to Protect Aid Workers, IFJ Seeks UN Protection for Journalists in Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists today called on the United Nations to match its commitment to protection of civilians and aid workers in Iraq by providing equal levels of protection for journalists working in war zones. Yesterday, the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution on the protection of UN workers serving in conflict areas following the bombing last week of the UN offices in Baghdad. “We welcome this action, it is long overdue,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary, “and we want to see the same commitment by states to the protection of journalists and media staff who are now among the most vulnerable of civilian groups in Iraq and other…  
13891. IFJ Condemns Ongoing Violence Against Journalists in the Philippines  

In a letter to the President of Philippines, the International Federation of Journalists has voiced its deep concerns over the continuing violent attacks against media workers in the Philippines. The IFJ has strongly urged the Government of the Philippines to launch a full investigation into the murder of Noel Villarante and to ensure the safety of all journalists and media workers in the Philippines. The IFJ has protested to the Government of the Philippines in the following letter: 26 August 2003 President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Malacanang Palace Republic of the Philippines Via email: [email protected] Dear President, The International Federation of Journalists,…  
13892. IFJ Condemns Brutal Killing of Journalist in Colombia (**Updated 03/09/03)  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the brutal killing of a journalist in southern Colombia. On 22 August, rebels from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) killed Juan Carlos Benavidez, a radio journalist for Manantial Estereo, as he travelled from Puerto Caicedo to Puerto Asis in Putumayo state. Benavidez was shot and his colleague Jaime Conrado injured as they failed to halt at a roadblock on their way to cover a meeting between President Alvaro Uribe and regional officials. “The irrepressible violence by militant groups in Colombia has created one of the most dangerous regions in the world for journalists,” said Aidan White, IFJ General…  
13893. IFJ Calls on Thailand Prime Minister to Divest ITV TV Network  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation of journalists representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, has written today to Thailand's Prime Minister The Right Honourable Thaksin Shinnawatra calling on his family company, Shin Corp, to relinquish its stake in television network ITV and to introduce new rules to prevent conflicts of interest over media ownership. The IFJ argues that the Prime Minister should not be financing the largest shareholder of a major television station as this creates an inevitable conflict of interest. The Prime Minister's family company, Shin Corp, has a 50 per cent stake in ITV. "The argument can be made that since…  
13894. Reports of IFJ Executive Committee, Brussels, 7-8 June 2003  

Download the minutes of the IFJ Executive Committee Meeting, Brussels, 7-8 June 2003 (DOC-file, 158Kb) Download the minutes of the IFJ Administrative Committee, Brussels, 6 June 2003 (DOC-file, 41.5Kb)  
13897. Latin American Newsletter 2nd Edition  

1. Trade Union News/Activities 2. Latin American News 3. Events 4. Contacts 1. TRADE UNION NEWS/ACTIVITIES COSTA RICAN JOURNALISTS ELECTS A NEW GENERAL SECRETARY AND PRESIDENT OF GAL-FIP Sergio Fernández SolanoGraduated at the University of Costa Rica. He worked as a sports correspondent for “La República” and “la Prensa Libre”. He participated in the elaboration of information bulletins for Repretel. Director and Co-owner of the journal “El Guapileño”. President (AMAC). On Monday, the 28 of July, the new board of directors of the National Trade Union of Journalists of Costa Rica (SNP) was elected. Sergio Fernández was elected as the new General…  
13900. IFJ Calls for Italy to Crack Down on Gangsters After Attack on Journalist in Sicily  

The International Federation of Journalists today called for tougher action by Italian authorities to counter violations of press freedom rights in Sicily, after a journalist was attacked while covering the drug trafficking beat in the eastern parts of the island. On 7 August, Massimiliano Pisano, a correspondent for the Catania-based daily La Sicilia, was assaulted by three men, on leaving a discotheque near Recanti. In recent weeks, Pisano had received several unidentified threats subsequent to a number of articles he had written about local drug trafficking, a topic his attackers referred to as they brutally beat him. “Gangsters who brutalise journalists need to be brought to…  
13903. IFJ Calls on Thailand Prime Minister to Drop Anti-Union Case  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation of journalists representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, has written to Thailand's Prime Minister The Right Honourable Thaksin Shinnawatra demanding that he intervene to ensure the television network ITV, owned by his family's company Shin Corp, withdraw the appeal currently underway in the Thailand Supreme Court against 21 workers sacked by ITV for forming a union. The 21 editorial workers were sacked on 6 February 2001 from Shin Corp owned television network, ITV after legally forming a union within the company. The ITV workers have had three legal decisions ruling in their favour and for…  
13904. Latin American Newsletter 1st Edition  

Unions Pledge To Campaign Over Journalists’ Rights at Lima Summit The IFJ’s Latin American unions meeting in Lima on July 23 have agreed to launch a regional-wide campaign to demand that workers’ rights and quality journalism are put at the heart of the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society. The Summit, which will be held in Geneva, Switzerland, in December, will decide on a policy framework for use of the Internet and new information technologies. Unions from 15 countries in Lima heard from IFJ General Secretary Aidan White and IFJ Executive Committee members Beth Costa (Brazil) and Osvaldo Urriolabeitia (Argentina) about the IFJ’s priorities for the Summit. The…  
13905. Colombia Online  

Investigative Journalist Fired July 1: Fabio Castillo, a veteran Colombian journalist, was fired from the second largest print media in Colombia, “El Espectador”, after carrying out a journalistic investigation regarding corruption that implicated the Internal Affairs and Justice Minister, who was targeted as a suspect in an espionage scandal. The history of the case stretches back to May, when he announced publicly that the investigation, which pertained to Fernando Londoño Hoyos, current Minister of Internal Affairs, had been suspected of espionage before his article was published. The investigation revealed alleged irregularities in the ‘Banco del Pacífico’ during the period in…  
13906. Links to Public Broadcasters  

Classified by Country Name : A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M N - O -P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X -Y - Z - Albania [ Shqiptar ] National Institutions: Albanian Public Radio and Television (RTSH) Algeria [ Jaza'ir ] National Institutions: National Television Corporation Andorra [ Andorra ] National Institutions: Organisme de Ràdio i Televisió d'Andorra (ORTA) [Radio and Television Organisation of Andorra] Angola [ Angola ] National Institutions: Rádio Nacional de Angola [National Radio of Angola] Armenia [ Hayastan ] National Institutions: National Television of Armenia Australia Federal Institutions: Australian…  
13907. IFJ Accuses US Military Over Crackdown on Foreign Media in Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists today expressed concern over the growing number of foreign reporters being harassed by United States forces in Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime on May 1. “There is a growing sense that military frustration over continuing hostility in Iraq is leading to acts of intolerance against journalists and media,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “Putting pressure on reporters will not make the occupation any easier. If anything, it will only make matters worse.” On 29 July, US-led coalition forces revealed that Said Abu Taleb and Soheil Kareemi, two Iranian State Television journalists, were being detained for “security…  
13909. IFJ Protest at Jailing of Reporter and Calls for Indonesia to Assist Release of Captives in Aceh *Updated (05 Aug)*  

The International Federation of Journalists today stepped up efforts to secure the urgent release of two journalists being held in Aceh by Indonesian rebels and appealed to the Indonesian authorities to give assurances of safe conduct when they are released. A delegation from the IFJ met with Indonesian officials in Brussels today and expressed concern over the jailing of United States journalist William Nessen, accredited with the San Francisco Chronicle, who was jailed for two months this week on visa irregularities. “This journalist has been victimised over bureaucratic rules that simply do not justify being sent to prison,” said Aidan White. The IFJ has asked the Brussels embassy…  
13910. Lima declaration  

2nd Latin-American Conference on Trade Unions’ Strategies in the face of Global and Digital Media 21 to 23, July 2003, Lima, Peru Lima Declaration We, participants to the Second Latin-American Conference on Trade Unions’ Strategies in the face of Global and Digital Media, representing the Media workers and journalists of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela, Latin-American countries, Reaffirming: That digital media and new information technologies offer previously nonexistent opportunities for extending the scope…  
13912. “Safety First” says IFJ as Media Come Under Fire in Liberia  

The International Federation of Journalists today expressed fears over the situation facing journalists working in Monrovia, as levels of violence and destruction continue to escalate in the Liberian capital. On July 19 and July 21, Patrick Robert, a French photojournalist for Time magazine and Tom Masland, Newsweek's African regional editor were injured while on assignment in Monrovia. The situation for journalists in and around the city has become increasingly dangerous since the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) rebels launched the most recent incursion on July 19. Most Liberian journalists have taken cover for fear of being targeted or hit in the…  
13913. IFJ Warns of “Deadly Crisis for Press Freedom” After Spate of Killings in Brazil  

A series of four killings of journalists in just two months has prompted the International Federation of Journalists to warn of a “deadly crisis for press freedom” in Brazil and for government action to protect reporters. The latest victim was photojournalist Luis Antonio da Costa, a reporter for the magazine Epoca, who was shot on July 23 by a lone gunman in Sao Bernardo, in the suburbs of Sao Paulo. He had been reporting on demands by up to 6,000 protesters demanding the government of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva provides them with public housing. “This is the latest in a murderous chain of events that is creating a deadly crsisis for press freedom in Brazil,” said Aidan…  
13915. Media Ownership Battle in United States “Moment of Truth for Democracy and Pluralism  

The International Federation of Journalists today welcomed efforts to block new rules on media ownership in the United States, the world´s largest media market, saying that the struggle in the US has serious implications for the campaign to limit the power of global media corporations. The House of Representatives in Washington has adopted a spending strategy that blocks attempts by United states regulators to introduce plans to allow television, radio and newspaper companies to buy each other and raises the limit of television ownership by a single broadcaster. "The controversial debate over the liberalisation of media ownership rules is now entering a crucial stage," said Aidan…  
13917. IFJ Warns Europe of Dangers in New Italian Media Laws  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned draft laws on communication and media ownership in Italy. The IFJ’s regional group, the European Federation of Journalists, says the new laws threaten the European consensus on the need to regulate media concentration. The laws have been severely criticised by press freedom and journalists’ groups since they allow a progressive cross-ownership in the private sector, the partial privatization of public broadcaster RAI and the continuation of the conflict of interest involving Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and his ownership of major private media. “The endless conflict of interest surrounding the Prime Minister and the fact…  
13919. European Journalists Call for Debate on “Sacred Principle” of Protection of Sources  

The European Federation of Journalists, representing more than 200,000 journalists all over Europe, is calling for an urgent debate between journalists, media owners and politicians to strengthen the “sacred principle” of protection of sources. “The revealing of David Kelly as the source for reports on UK governmental information to justify the war in Iraq raises new questions which must be answered,” says the EFJ. “Nothing – besides severe crimes – justifies the disclosure of journalists’ sources,” says EFJ Chair, Gustl Glattfelder. “This is a “sacred principle” of professional rights, which has been affirmed by the European Court of Human Rights and which has also been recognized…  
13920. Euronews Juli 2003 - Deutsch  

Euronews Juli 2003 auf Deutsch Euronews ist die zweimonatliche Nachricht der Europäischen Vereinigung der Journalisten, produziert im Sekretariat in Brüssel.  
13921. IFJ Warns British Government to “Back Off” in Confrontation Over Sources of Information  

The British Government and Parliament is “threatening the core values of professional journalism” warns the International Federation of Journalists over attempts to expose whistle-blowers who embarrass political leaders. The IFJ says protection of sources, the “cornerstone of journalism”, is being abused by the British government in its battle with the BBC, which has led to the tragic death of civil servant Dr David Kelly who has admitted to speaking to BBC reporter Andrew Gilligan about the controversial evidence that the UK used to justify waging war in Iraq earlier this year. “This man is a victim of a political machine determined to expose and punish civil servants who speak to…  
13922. Partnership Initiative on Media and Conflict Prevention in West Africa, Ghana, Accra  

Background The IFJ joined a regional meeting organised on July 8-10 2003 in Accra (Ghana) by the Media Foundation for Western Africa (MFWA, based in Accra), International Media Support (IMS), UNESCO and UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The objective of the meeting was to develop a strategic & regional programme of action involving a number of partners working in the region, with a specific focus on Liberia and Ivory Coast. The partnership would involve UN departments and agencies, NGOs, donors and journalists in the Western Africa region dedicated to averting and mitigating conflicts and their humanitarian consequences. Outcomes The meeting…  
13927. IFJ Raises Alert Over Death of Journalist in Ukraine  

The International Federation of Journalists today called on the Ukrainian government to explore the reasons behind the “suspicious” death of newspaper and television editor Vladimir Efremov, and to establish whether or not it was connected to his professional work. On 14 July, Efremov was killed in a car accident, when his car collided with a MAZ truck near Verkhnyodniprovsk town. Efremov was editor-in-chief of the Sobor Dnipropetrovsk newspaper and he also headed the 11th regional TV-channel, Sobor agency, as well as the Dnipropetrovsk newspaper. On 13 October 2001, in the government newspaper "Golos Ukrainy", Efremov had said he feared he would be killed because of his journalistic…  
13930. South Africa : E-archive on transformation of SABC  

The transformation of broadcasting in South Africa: A history of the Campaign for Open Media (COM) and the Campaign for Independent Broadcasting (CIB) The FXI has compiled an e-archive of the history of broadcasting transformation in South Africa in the 1990's. The e-archive is now available in hard copy form and electronically. The e-archive of documents tracing this history and a narrative of this history has been compiled for the FXI by Tusi Fokane. During the 1990's, the country moved from being an apartheid state to a constitutional democracy, with the first democratic elections taking place in 1994. The documents trace the work that was done to transform broadcasting from a…  
Search results 13861 until 13930 of 15063