15060 results:

5111. IFJ in the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 27th of April to Friday 4th of May. 1. US ‘stands by’ Afghans after deadly day for journalists, DAWN 2. Single deadliest day for Afghan journalists since Taliban highlights need for press freedom, By Kim Sengupta, The Independent  3. Media landscape in Pakistan, By Malik Muhammad Ashraf, The Nation 4. IFJ: Arab…  
5112. #WPFD2018 The Accra Declaration  

As part of the 25th celebration of the World Press Freedom Day, an international conference jointly organized by the UNESCO and the Government of the Republic of Ghana took place in Accra, Ghana, on 2-3 May 2018. As part of the 25th celebration of the World Press Freedom Day, an international conference jointly organized by the UNESCO and the Government of the Republic of Ghana took place in Accra, Ghana, on 2-3 May 2018.  This year’s global theme being “Keeping Power in Check: Media, Justice and The Rule of Law”, participants came up with the following Accra draft Declaration, presented at the closing session of the event. Read the declaration in EN    
5113. #WPFD2018 journalists need proper protection to conduct investigative journalism  

Investigative journalism will be threatened if journalists lack proper protection, equipment and resources a meeting hosted by the IFJ at World Press Freedom Day event in Accra, Ghana has heard. Investigative journalism will be threatened if journalists lack proper protection, equipment and resources a meeting hosted by the IFJ at World Press Freedom Day event in Accra, Ghana has heard.   Journalists and union representatives from Kenya, Colombia, Indonesia, Ghana and Nigeria explained the threats faced and the failings of safety mechanisms, law enforcement authorities and media organisations to provide the support necessary to ensure journalists can continue to fulfill their…  
5114. Edmund Sestoso  

The broadcaster on dyGB 91.7 FM where he presented Tug-anan, a daily programme, was on his way home after his programme when he was shot multiple times. The gunmen also shot the tires of the pedicab which was going to take Sestoso to hospital. Sestoso was fatally injured and died the following day.  
5115. #JMLP 2018 Discours d'Anthony Bellanger, 3 mai 2018  

Aujourd’hui, nous célébrons la liberté de la presse mais nous déplorons 33 meurtres depuis le 1er janvier 2018, et rien que 10 il y a 3 jours en Afghanistan, dans ce qui est, pour la profession, l’un des plus gros carnages de son histoire. Jeudi 3 mai 2018 - Hôtel de ville - Paris - M. le Maire adjoint de Paris Mes chers camarades et amis du SNJ, SNJ-CGT et CFDT Journalistes Chers collègues de Syrie, Ali Eid et Sakher Edris; Beraat Gokkus de Turquie, Farid Bouhata d’Algérie,  Mais aussi Fabrice Arfi, Laurent Richard... Aujourd’hui, nous célébrons la 25e Journée mondiale de la Liberté de la presse ici à Paris, sur cette magnifique place de l’Hôtel de ville. Mais cette année…  
5116. Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse: lettre à Justin Trudeau  

Dans une lettre envoyée au Premier ministre canadien Justin Trudeau, la FIJ s'est associée à ses affiliés canadiens CSN (FNC-CSN), UNIFOR et le Syndicat des communications d’Amérique (SCA Canada – Le syndicat des médias) pour rappeler les principes fondamentaux de la liberté de la presse et les attentes des organisations de journalistes quant à la défense des médias sur le territoire canadien. Les organisations signataires reprochent au Premier ministre de ne pas soutenir suffisamment la liberté de la presse et de ne pas lui donner les moyens de cette liberté.   Lire la lettre en FR et EN  
5117. World Press Freedom Day initiatives from affiliates around the world  

Check out the activities the IFJ and its affiliates are carrying out to mark this year's World Press Freedom Day. Check out the activities the IFJ and its affiliates are carrying out to mark this year's World Press Freedom Day. Sri Lanka IFJ affiliate in Sri Lanka Free Media Movement (FMM) is organising a public lecture and panel discussion on media freedom, which will hold under the title “Media Reforms: Moving beyond the current situation” on 2 May at Sri Lanka Press Institute, as FMM recognises the issues of freedom of information and expression as one of the most important issues facing journalist worldwide. Australia MEAA has published on 3 May an online survey conducted…  
5118. IFJ Blog: Clampdowns and Courage  

Jane Worthington - IFJ Asia Pacific acting director wrote this piece for the South Asia Press Freedom Report 2017-18 - Clampdowns and Courage.  As we fight for journalist rights for another year, there’s a pervading sentiment emanating through the collective discourse of media workers in South Asia. It is audible in the street demonstrations and protests of media workers. It is there, between the lines, in journalist union statements and in formal calls to government to do more for safety and protection of media workers. It is written boldly and plainly in the protest placards and banners carried by activists in cities and regional centres; raw emotions and brave statements etched…  
5119. Journalist shot and killed in the Philippines  

Edmund Sestoso, a broadcaster in Dumaguete City was shot on Monday, April 30, 2018. Following the attack, Sestoso was critically injured by five bullets to his chest and stomach. He died from his injuries on Tuesday May 1. Edmund Sestoso, a broadcaster in Dumaguete City was shot on Monday, April 30, 2018. Following the attack, Sestoso was critically injured by five bullets to his chest and stomach. He died from his injuries on Tuesday May 1. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) deplore the murder of Edmund Sestoso, and reiterate calls to the Philippines Government to end the culture of impunity for…  
5120. Clampdowns and Courage: The challenge for South Asia’s media  

As we mark World Press Freedom Day, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its South Asia affiliates, together with the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) launch the 16th South Asia Press Freedom Report, Clampdowns and Courage. Just three days after ten journalists and media workers were brutally murdered in Afghanistan in the countries deadliest day for media, the IFJ’s report documents the clampdowns and violence that is continuing to take a hefty toll on the region’s media and more broadly on freedom of expression. As we mark World Press Freedom Day, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its South Asia affiliates, together with the South Asia Media…  
5121. IFJ urges world governments to back a proposal for a ground-breaking Convention on journalists’ protection  

On the 25th World Press Freedom Day, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) says that the recent spike in violence targeting journalists is a stark reminder that there can be no press freedom when journalists live and work in fear. On the 25th World Press Freedom Day, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) says that the recent spike in violence targeting journalists is a stark reminder that there can be no press freedom when journalists live and work in fear. The IFJ has recorded 33 journalists and media staff killed so far in 2018, with a chilling ratio of two journalists killed every single week. The IFJ believes that the safety crisis in media calls for global…  
5122. End impunity, bring killers of journalists to book  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) urged governments in South Asia to urgently roll out concrete measures to end the reigning impunity in crimes against journalists and ensure justice to slain and victimized journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) urged governments in South Asia to urgently roll out concrete measures to end the reigning impunity in crimes against journalists and ensure justice to slain and victimized journalists. The IFJ and the SAMSN raised concerns over the alarming level of impunity and released a special capsule report on…  
5123. Media’s #MeToo Moment  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) urged the media managements, journalist unions and associations to proactively make media workplaces safer for woman journalists in the wake of the global conversation around sexual harassment at work. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) urged the media managements, journalist unions and associations to proactively make media workplaces safer for woman journalists in the wake of the global conversation around sexual harassment at work. The IFJ and the SAMSN stand firmly with women journalists in South Asia who are no longer…  
5124. 1 de mayo: Día Internacional de los y las Trabajadores/as  

En este nuevo 1 de mayo, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) le rinde homenaje a los trabajadores que murieron injustamente en la lucha por condiciones dignas de trabajo, entre ellas, la jornada laboral de 8 horas y proclama una jornada de lucha y conmemoración. En este nuevo 1 de mayo, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) le rinde homenaje a los trabajadores que murieron injustamente en la lucha por condiciones dignas de trabajo, entre ellas, la jornada laboral de 8 horas y proclama una jornada de lucha y conmemoración. La coyuntura en América Latina y el Caribe está presentando persistentes ataques a los derechos de la clase trabajadora. Tras una…  
5125. Gang contracted to stab Maldivian TV boss  

Cadres of a political party offered money to a local gang to stab Raajje TV’s Chief Operation Officer Hussain Fiyaz Moosa in March 2018, Maldives’ opposition aligned station claimed. Cadres of a political party offered money to a local gang to stab Raajje TV’s Chief Operation Officer Hussain Fiyaz Moosa in March 2018, Maldives’ opposition aligned station claimed. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses serious concerns over the incident and demands fair investigation by the police into the claim, and urgent action to ensure police protection to the media staff. Raajje TV on April 26 cited credible information claiming that people connected to a political party offered…  
5126. Ahmad Shah  

The 29-year-old BBC reporter was killed in a separate attack in Eastern Khost province, near the border with Pakistan. Ahmad Shah was on his way when armed men on a motorbike opened fire and shot him dead. The journalist was the tenth journalist killed in Afghanistan on the deadliest day , following the twin blast in central Kabul which claimed nine journalists.  
5127. Kabul Shah Marai, Yar Mohammad Tokhi, Abadullah Hananzai, Moharram Durrani, Sabawoon Kakar, Ghazi Rasooli, Nowroz Ali Rajabi, Salim Talash, Ali Salimi  

Nine journalists, including a female journalist, were killed in Kabul, Afghanistan in back-to-back suicide attacks, the second of which targeted the journalists who had gathered on the site of the first blast near the Afghan Intelligence services headquarters. The two suicide attacks hit central Kabul, on 30th April. The first bomb was detonated by an assailant on a motorcycle and the second was detonated 20 minutes later among those who had come to rescue those targeted in the first attack, including a group of journalists.. Agence France-Presse (AFP) chief photographer in Kabul Shah Marai, Tolo News cameraman Yar Mohammad Tokhi, Radio Azadi correspondents Abadullah…  
5128. Ten journalists killed in Afghanistan in a single day, after gunmen shot dead BBC reporter  

Unknown gunmen killed Ahmad Shah, a journalist with BBC Afghan service, on April 30, 2018 in Khost province, Eastern Afghanistan making the day the deadliest for media as nine other journalists were killed earlier in the day in a suicide attack in Kabul. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined the Afghanistan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in strongly condemning the targeted killing of Shah and demanded swift action from the authorities to arrest and punish the killers. According to media reports, two unknown armed men riding on a motorcycle shot Shah dead while he was on his way home at around 4 PM. It was not immediately clear the reason behind the…  
5129. Afghanistan: Nine journalists killed in Kabul suicide attack  

According to reports, 9 journalists, including a female journalist, were killed in Kabul, Afghanistan in back-to-back suicide attacks, the second of which targeted the journalists on April 30, 2018. According to reports, 9 journalists, including a female journalist, were killed in Kabul, Afghanistan in back-to-back suicide attacks, the second of which targeted the journalists on April 30, 2018. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined the Afghanistan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in strongly condemning the killing of nine journalists in the targeted attack; and demanded urgent action from the Afghan government to punish those responsible. The two suicide…  
5130. Indian journalist subjected of harsh online harassment  

Investigative journalist Rana Ayyub has been subjected of relentless doxing, online abuse and violent threats including death threats in India. Investigative journalist Rana Ayyub has been subjected of relentless doxing, online abuse and violent threats including death threats in India. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the targeted online harassment of the journalist and demands swift and urgent action from the authorities to protect her from further harassment. Ayyub was projected as a defender of child rapists in a tweet posted on a fake account with name of the prominent TV channel on April 22. Following the tweet, Ayyub, the author of Gujarat Files: Anatomy…  
5131. Wanted! Communications and Campaigns Officer (M/F) in Brussels for 9 months - Immediate hiring!  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is looking for a Communications and Campaigns Officer (M/F) in its headquarters in Brussels for 9 months - Immediate hiring! The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is looking for a Communications and Campaigns Officer (M/F) in its headquarters in Brussels for 9 months - Immediate hiring! Profile: We are looking for a native speaker in English, French or Spanish with good skills in the other two languages Previous journalism experience and a knowledge of trade unions is essential Excellent communication skills – written and verbal Exceptional organizational skills and attention to detail Workplace: Brussels. Deadline: 13…  
5132. IFJ in the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 20th of April to Friday 27th of April. 1. IFJ condemns Israel for killing Palestinian journalist. Kuwait News Agency 2. Fatah mourns killing of journalist Abu Hussein, demands an end to Israel's crimes. Palestinian News and Info Agency  3.Media landscape in Pakistan. By Malik Muhammad Ashraf, The Nation 4.India: Petrol…  
5133. Public protest turns violent for media in Taiwan  

Following a decision by the Taiwanese government to look at reforms for the civil servant pension, protests broke out outside the Legislative Yuan in Teipei. On April 25, the third day of the protests at least 14 journalists were attacked, verbally assaulted and harassed by protesters. Following a decision by the Taiwanese government to look at reforms for the civil servant pension, protests broke out outside the Legislative Yuan in Teipei. On April 25, the third day of the protests at least 14 journalists were attacked, verbally assaulted and harassed by protesters. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ) have…  
5134. Abdul Manan Arghand  

The Kabul News TV journalist was shot dead by two unidentified gunmen shot dead at Yarana Market on the outskirts of Kandahar city, Afghanistan. Arghand was in his car when two gunmen on a motorbike intercepted him and opened fire at him, killing him on the spot. He had reportedly received threats and had notified security authorities about the threats. Arghand was working as a journalist for 13 years and was currently associated with private TV station, Kabul News and Chinese news agency, Xinhua.  
5135. Ahmad Abu Hussein  

The 24-year-old photojournalist for the Sawt Al Shaab Radio, who was shot on 13 April by Israeli snipers while covering mass protests near Jabalia in northern Gaza, succumbed to his wounds. Hussein was the second journalist killed by Israeli forces in one month while covering the “March of Return” protests following the killing of fellow journalist Yasser Murtaja earlier in the same month. He was shot in the stomach, according to media reports quoting the Health Ministry in Gaza.  
5136. Palestine: second journalist killed by Israeli snipers while covering protests  

Photojournalist Ahmad Abu Hussein, who was shot on 13 April by Israeli snipers while covering mass protests in Gaza, yesterday succumbed to his wounds. Abu Hussein, 24, who was covering the clashes for the Sawt Al Shaab Radio, is the second journalist killed by Israeli forces in one month while covering the “March of Return” protests, following the killing of fellow journalist Yasser Murtaja earlier this month. Abu Hussein was shot in the stomach while covering the rally near Jabalia in northern Gaza, the Health Ministry in Gaza told media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), in mourning the death…  
5137. Turkey: Cumhuriyet journalists and executives heavily convicted for changes in “editorial policy”  

On 25th April the court in Silivri (Turkey) severely convicted 13 journalists and executives from the opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet to jail sentences between two to eight years. On 25th April the court in Silivri (Turkey) severely convicted 13 journalists and executives from the opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet to jail sentences between two to eight years. The court is convinced that editorial policy changes adopted by the newspaper were aimed at helping multiple illegal terrorist organisations in Turkey. All the defendants have been released pending the confirmation of the jail sentences by the upper court. The judge also ordered the release of Cumhuriyet chairman Akin Atalay who had…  
5138. Unidentified gunmen shoot TV journalist dead in Kandahar, Afghanistan  

Two unknown gunmen shot dead Kabul News TV journalist Abdul Manan Arghand, 31, on April 25, 2018 at Yarana Market in the outskirts of Kandahar city, Afghanistan. Two unknown gunmen shot dead Kabul News TV journalist Abdul Manan Arghand, 31, on April 25, 2018 at Yarana Market in the outskirts of Kandahar city, Afghanistan.  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the killing of journalist Arghand and demands immediate action from the authorities to arrest and punish the killers. Arghand was in his car when two gunmen on a motorbike intercepted him and opened fire at him killing him on the spot at around 9 am. He had reportedly received threats and had…  
5139. Ángel Eduardo Gahona  

The correspondent for Canal 6 de Nicaragua was shot dead during the violent protests against social security reforms in the country. According to reports, the journalist was doing a live transmission via Facebook on the protests near the city hall in Bluefields, a coastal town of the Central American country, when he was hit by a single bullet in the head and killed on the sport.  
5140. México: a casi un año de su asesinato, arrestan al presunto homicida del periodista Javier Valdez Cárdenas  

El gobierno mexicano confirmó la detención de uno de los supuestos asesinos del periodista Javier Valdez, ejecutado el 15 de mayo pasado en Sinaloa. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 comunicadores y comunicadoras en el mundo celebra la captura del principal autor de este delito e insta a las autoridades a seguir investigando para dar con todos los responsables. El gobierno mexicano confirmó la detención de uno de los supuestos asesinos del periodista Javier Valdez, ejecutado el 15 de mayo pasado en Sinaloa. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 comunicadores y comunicadoras en el…  
5141. Botswanan journalists harassed at airport by security forces  

Journalists and photojournalists from several private media were harassed and maltreated by security agents at Botswana’s capital airport on, 18 April. The IFJ joins its affiliate the Botswana Media and Allied Workers Union (BOMAWU) in condemning the highhandedness meted out to the journalists by the security forces. Journalists and photojournalists from several private media were harassed and maltreated by security agents at Botswana’s capital airport on, 18 April. The IFJ joins its affiliate the Botswana Media and Allied Workers Union (BOMAWU) in condemning the highhandedness meted out to the journalists by the security forces. The journalists went to Khama International Airport in…  
5142. Growing health concerns for detained journalist in China  

Huang Qi has been in police detention in Sichuan in China since December 2016. Serious concerns have now been raised about his deteriorating health. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is calling on the authorities to release Huang on humanitarian grounds and ensure he receives the necessary medical care. Huang Qi has been in police detention in Sichuan in China since December 2016. Serious concerns have now been raised about his deteriorating health. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is calling on the authorities to release Huang on humanitarian grounds and ensure he receives the necessary medical care. According to media reports, Huang’s mother and doctor,…  
5143. Nicaragua: asesinan a un periodista que cubría manifestaciones  

Un periodista fue asesinado de un disparo en la cabeza cuando se encontraba transmitiendo una protesta en la costa caribeña del país. El hecho ocurrió el pasado 21 de abril en un marco de varios días de manifestaciones violentas contra una serie de reformas anunciadas por el gobierno de Daniel Ortega. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), que representa a 600.000 comunicadores y comunicadoras en el mundo, condena este brutal asesinato e insta a las autoridades nicaragüenses a iniciar una investigación que de con los responsables. Un periodista fue asesinado de un disparo en la cabeza cuando se encontraba transmitiendo una protesta en la costa caribeña del país. El hecho…  
5144. World Book and Copyright Day: Enforce moral rights to fight misinformation  

Everyone needs reliable information and ways to fight misinformation – and that requires sound protection of authors' moral rights, say the International and the European Federation of Journalists ahead of World Book and Copyright Day, 23 April. Everyone needs reliable information and ways to fight misinformation – and that requires sound protection of authors' moral rights, say the International and the European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) ahead of World Book and Copyright Day, 23 April. A large part of today’s discussions on the media focus on fighting disinformation and so-called “fake news”. But – so far – there is little discussion of legislation or of improved media…  
5145. IFJ in the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 13th of April to Friday 20th of April. 1. FIP condena brutal asesinato a periodistas de Ecuador. Crónica Viva 2. Journaliste maltaise assassinée: rassemblements pour dénoncer l'inaction du gouvernement. L'Orient Le Jour 3. El ganador venezolano del World Press Photo tuvo que correr entre las llamas. El…  
5146. Radio and TV Journalist killed in Liberia  

Liberian journalist Tyron Brown was found dead on 16 April. The IFJ joins its affiliate the Press Union of Liberia in calling for a swift investigation into his murder. Liberian journalist Tyron Brown was found dead on 16 April. The IFJ joins its affiliate the Press Union of Liberia in calling for a swift investigation into his murder. Tyron Brown a reporter, camera operator and video editor of Super FM and TV was found dead early on Monday 16 April, 2018 on Duport Road, in a suburb of the Liberian capital, Monrovia. According to several reports Tyron's personal effects, including his mobile phone and wallet were left intact. According to the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), an IFJ…  
5147. Tyron Brown  

The reporter, camera operator and video editor of Super FM and TV was found dead on Duport Road, a suburb of the capital, Monrovia. According to a press release issued by the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), an IFJ affiliate, Brown’s death comes in the wake of an escalation of threats and intimidation of journalists and the independent media by some Government’s officials.  
5148. Abdullah Al Qadry  

The photographer and camera operator working for Belquees TV and AFP French news agency was also killed after a rocket fired by the Houthi group set his vehicle on fire. During the incident, journalists Waleed Al-Ga’ouir and Ziyab Al-Shater, who were also in the car, were injured, the YJS added.  
5149. Yemen: three media workers killed in two attacks  

Media workers Mohammed Naser Al-Washali, Abdullah Al-Najjar and Abdullah Al Qadry were killed in two separate attacks in Yemen last week. Yemen TV producer Mohammed Naser al-Washali and set decorator Abdullah Al-Najjar, who were filming a drama TV series, were killed on 12 April by a missile fired by the Saudi-led coalition, according to the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS), an IFJ affiliate. In addition, news photographer and camera operator Abdullah Al Qadry, working for Belquees TV and AFP French news agency, was also killed after a rocket fired by the Houthi group set his vehicle on fire. During the incident, journalists Waleed Al-Ga’ouir and Ziyab Al-Shater, who were also in…  
5150. Petrol bomb hurled at editor’s residence in India  

Two masked men on a motorbike threw a ‘petrol bomb’ (an improvised explosive device) on the wall of the house of Patricia Mukhim, the editor of The Shillong Times daily, in Umpling area in Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya state in India’s north-east on April 17, 2018. Two masked men on a motorbike threw a ‘petrol bomb’ (an improvised explosive device) on the wall of the house of Patricia Mukhim, the editor of The Shillong Times daily, in Umpling area in Shillong, the capital of Meghalaya state in India’s north-east on April 17, 2018. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the attack as an attempt to intimidate the editor; and demands an urgent investigation in order…  
5151. Colombia: seis periodistas sufrieron amenazas en dos días  

La Federación Colombiana de Periodistas (FECOLPER) denuncia que seis periodistas fueron amenazados en tres departamentos distintos, en menos de dos días. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas junto a la FECOLPER repudian estos hechos violatorios de la libertad de expresión y exigen a las autoridades su inmediata investigación. La Federación Colombiana de Periodistas (FECOLPER) denuncia que seis periodistas fueron amenazados en tres departamentos distintos, en menos de dos días. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas junto a la FECOLPER repudian estos hechos violatorios de la libertad de expresión y exigen a las autoridades su inmediata investigación. Según información brindada…  
5152. El Salvador: la FIP condena el asesinato de la periodista Karla Turcios y exige ponerle fin a la impunidad  

“La Prensa Gráfica” confirmó la muerte de una periodista desaparecida desde el mediodía del sábado 14 de abril. Su cuerpo fue localizado al día siguiente en el occidente del país. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) denuncia este grave crimen que golpea al gremio e insta a las autoridades a llevar a cabo una investigación urgente y efectiva que de con los responsables materiales e intelectuales de este homicidio. “La Prensa Gráfica” confirmó la muerte de una periodista desaparecida desde el mediodía del sábado 14 de abril. Su cuerpo fue localizado al día siguiente en el occidente del país. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) denuncia este grave crimen que…  
5153. Mohammed Naser Al-Washali , Abdullah Al-Najjar  

Mohammed Naser Al-Washalin , producer ar Yemen TV and the station’s set decorator Abdullah Al-Najjar were both killed in an airstrike by the Saudi Coalition in Bajil area of Al-Hudaydah governorate (west Yemen) while filming a drama TV series.  
5154. Yasir Murtaja  

The 31-year-old photojournalist, who was working for the Gaza-based news agency Ain Media, died from wounds sustained from a gunshot by an Israeli sniper while covering the March of Return rally was in the east of Gaza.  
5155. Javier Ortega, Paul Rivas, Efrain Segarra  

Journalist Javier Ortega (32), photojournalist Paul Rivas (45) and their 60-year-old driver Efrain Segarra, all working for the El Comercio newspaper were found dead in the coastal region of Mataje on Ecuador's northern border with Colombia. The trio had been snatched on 26 March, with renegades from the former rebel movement in Colombia, FARC, being accused of these killings. The authorities in Colombia and Ecuador launched operations on the border to track down those behind the kidnap and murders of the journalists and their driver.  
5156. Ecuador: La FIP condena el brutal asesinato a los periodistas secuestrados de El Comercio  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) repudia el asesinato de los periodistas ecuatorianos de El Comercio, tras haber sido secuestrados en la frontera con Colombia el pasado 26 de marzo. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) repudia el asesinato de los periodistas ecuatorianos de El Comercio, tras haber sido secuestrados en la frontera con Colombia el pasado 26 de marzo. El Presidente de Ecuador Lenin Moreno, confirmó el asesinato de los periodistas de El Comercio, Javier Ortega, Paúl Rivas y el conductor Efraín Segarra, secuestrados por el frente Oliver Sinisterra, disidente de las ex Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) el pasado 26 de marzo en la…  
5157. Kosovo: IFJ calls on authorities to respect journalists’ rights  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has backed calls by IFJ affiliates for the government of Kosovo to take action to condemn attacks against journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has backed calls by IFJ affiliates for the government of Kosovo to take action to condemn attacks against journalists. The call by the Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalist’s Safety came after journalists were attacked on March 26th at Mitrovica while they were covering a meeting at the Mitrovica Community Centre. The special police forces entered the building aggressively, to arrest a Serbian government official, who they claimed…  
5158. IFJ in the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 6th of April to Friday 13th of April. 1. The International Federation of Journalists Accuses Israel of ‘Cover-up’. The Palestine Chronicle 2. IFJ condemns killing of Palestinian journalist by Israeli troops. Kuwait News Agency  3. Haiti Police Arrest Suspects Who Say They Murdered Journalist Legagneur. By Sandra Lemaire, Voa News …  
5159. Journalist sexually harassed covering sports event in Hong Kong  

During a Rugby Sevens event at the Hong Kong Stadium on April 8, a female reporter was sexually harassed by two members of the public during a live broadcast. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) have condemned the incident, and called on the reporter’s employer, i-Cable, to investigate the incident and provide support to the reporter. During a Rugby Sevens event at the Hong Kong Stadium on April 8, a female reporter was sexually harassed by two members of the public during a live broadcast. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) have…  
5160. FIP y FEPALC exigen garantías de vida y transparencia en la comunicación sobre estado de equipo periodístico secuestrado  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) reclaman a las autoridades gubernamentales de Ecuador y Colombia que actúen con eficacia y que se garantice la aparición con vida del periodista Javier Ortega, el fotógrafo Paúl Ribas y el conductor Efraín Segarra, quienes fueron privados de su libertad en la fronteriza provincia ecuatoriana de Esmeraldas el 26 de marzo. Las organizaciones representativas de los sindicatos de trabajadores y trabajadoras de prensa a nivel regional reclaman a las autoridades gubernamentales que intervengan con celeridad para garantizar la liberación de los trabajadores secuestrados. Es…  
5161. Hong Kong press freedom at lowest level  

Hong Kong’s Press Freedom Index is now at its lowest since records began in 2013. According to the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) annual survey, the press freedom mark is now 47.1, down by 0.9 points since last year. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the HKJA is demanding immediate action to restore press freedom in Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s Press Freedom Index is now at its lowest since records began in 2013. According to the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) annual survey, the press freedom mark is now 47.1, down by 0.9 points since last year. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the HKJA is demanding immediate action to restore press…  
5162. Journalists assaulted while covering poll violence in Kolkata, India  

Photojournalist Biplab Mondal of The Times of India daily was forcibly undressed, illegally confined and beaten while other journalists and photojournalists were attacked in Alipore, Kolkata, West Bengal on April 9, 2018 while they were covering the filing of nomination papers for the polls to the local bodies (panchayats). Photojournalist Biplab Mondal of The Times of India daily was forcibly undressed, illegally confined and beaten while other journalists and photojournalists were attacked in Alipore, Kolkata, West Bengal on April 9, 2018 while they were covering the filing of nomination papers for the polls to the local bodies (panchayats). Other journalists, including ETV’s Manas…  
5163. Palestine: IFJ accuses Israeli authorities of lies and cover-up  

The IFJ has accused the Israeli government of “fabricating lies to justify murder”. The IFJ has accused the Israeli government of “fabricating lies to justify murder”.   The global organisation of journalists hit back after Lieberman tweeted to claim the Palestinian journalist, Yasser Murtaja, shot by Israeli troops on 6 April, was “a terrorist”. It follows his earlier claims that there were “no innocent people” in Gaza, widely seen as providing carte blanche to troops to kill with impunity.   Lieberman tweeted: The photographer (#YasserMurtaja) was a terrorist with a prior association w/ the military wing of Hamas. He held the rank of captain & was paid regularly by…  
5164. Mob attempts to intimidate Sirasa TV in Sri Lanka  

A mob shouted slogans and set off firecrackers at the main gate of the Sirasa TV in Colombo, Sri Lanka on April 4, 2018 in protest against the channel’s coverage of the no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe which was defeated in the parliament. A mob shouted slogans and set off firecrackers at the main gate of the Sirasa TV in Colombo, Sri Lanka on April 4, 2018 in protest against the channel’s coverage of the no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe which was defeated in the parliament. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM), Sri Lanka in condemning the act of intimidation by…  
5165. ‘Rumours’ see two journalists arrested in China  

The arrest of two journalists in Inner Mongolia last week has raised serious questions about media freedom in the region. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called for the immediate release of the two journalists. The arrest of two journalists in Inner Mongolia last week has raised serious questions about media freedom in the region. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called for the immediate release of the two journalists. Zou Guangxiang, who publishes his own financial news blog Guangxiang Caijiang was arrested from his home in Beijing by police from the Inner Mongolian city of Hohhot on March 28. According to several news reports, he was arrested…  
5166. Palestine: IFJ demands justice following the killing of a journalist in Gaza  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), in condemning the killing of Palestinian photojournalist Yasir Murtaja and the wounding of at least 7 more journalists in Gaza. The IFJ has also demanded the investigation being carried out by the Israeli army in to the killing and other targeted attacks is open and transparent. Murtaja, 31, who was working for the Gaza-based news agency Ain Media, was killed on 6 April in the east of Gaza from wounds sustained by an Israeli sniper while covering the March of Return rally. “We stand by our affiliate and Palestinian colleagues who have been unlawfully targeted for…  
5167. IFJ Global Newsletter - April 2018  

The Newsletter features a round-up of the latest activities and actions carried out by the IFJ across the world. The Newsletter features a round-up of the latest activities and actions carried out by the IFJ across the world. The Newsletter for January 2018 is available in three languages: EN FR ES Subscribe for the IFJ news in English, French or Spanish. For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 146 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook Subscribe to IFJ News  
5168. China: No media coverage of campaign for justice  

Wang Quanzhang has been in police custody for 1,000 days, during which time, his family and legal team have denied visitation rights. On April 4, Wang’s wife, Li Wenzu launched a campaign, to walk from Beijing to Tianjin to demand access to her husband. Not a single media outlet reported on this. Wang Quanzhang has been in police custody for 1,000 days, during which time, his family and legal team have denied visitation rights. On April 4, Wang’s wife, Li Wenzu launched a campaign, to walk from Beijing to Tianjin to demand access to her husband. Not a single media outlet reported on this. In August 2015, during a government-led crackdown, human rights lawyer, Wang Quangzhang disappeared.…  
5169. India forms committee to regulate online media  

After the failed attempt to implement a policy to suspend journalist’s accreditation over fake news, the Information and Broadcasting Ministry of India has formed a committee without any representation of working journalists to recommend regulations for online media. After the failed attempt to implement a policy to suspend journalist’s accreditation over fake news, the Information and Broadcasting Ministry of India has formed a committee without any representation of working journalists to recommend regulations for online media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses serious concerns over the attempts to the Ministry to exert control on media and urges the Indian…  
5170. Hong Kong independence comments lead to freedom of speech row  

Benny Tai, an associate professor in law at the University of Hong Kong made comments at a forum in Taiwan in late March, which have been widely criticised by the Hong Kong government and pro-Beijing groups. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in strongly criticising the condemnation of Tai’s comments. Benny Tai, an associate professor in law at the University of Hong Kong made comments at a forum in Taiwan in late March, which have been widely criticised by the Hong Kong government and pro-Beijing groups. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Hong Kong Journalists…  
5171. México: condenan a ex policías por asesinato del periodista Moisés Sánchez  

Dos ex policías de Veracruz fueron sentenciados a 25 años de prisión por el asesinato del periodista Moisés Sánchez, ocurrido en enero del 2015. Además deberán pagar una compensación de 18.000 dólares. Dos ex policías de Veracruz fueron sentenciados a 25 años de prisión por el asesinato del periodista Moisés Sánchez, ocurrido en enero del 2015. Además deberán pagar una compensación de 18.000 dólares. Se trata de los ex agentes Luigui Heriberto y José Francisco, quienes fueron procesados por homicidio doloso calificado, tras asesinar al periodista Moisés Sánchez Cerezo en enero del 2015. Moisés Sánchez Cerezo era director del periódico La Unión y fue encontrado degollado luego de 24…  
5172. Yemen: IFJ call for action amid ongoing crisis  

The IFJ has called for urgent action to address the ongoing crisis facing Yemeni journalists. The IFJ has called for urgent action to address the ongoing crisis facing Yemeni journalists. Shocking new figures – published by IFJ-affiliate the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate – show that there were 60 violations of journalists and media rights in just the first quarter of 2018. According to the YJS “violent attacks against journalists and journalism have reached a ferocious level - raiding institutions, burning press houses, assaulting journalists and robbing their houses and belongings”. The violations exposed by the report include the killings of Basheer Aqlan and Mukhtar Al-Yafi’i in…  
5173. IFJ Voice March 2018- A word from our president  

We have reached a new step in the fight against the outrageous impunity which murderers of journalists get away with. Indeed, the draft Opens external link in new windowConvention on the Safety and Independence of Journalists and Other Media Professionals drafted by the IFJ is ready. Impunity: States must act We have reached a new step in the fight against the outrageous impunity which murderers of journalists enjoy. Indeed, the Convention on the Safety and Independence of Journalists and Other Media Professionals drafted by the IFJ is ready. Now we need to bring it to the General Assembly of the United Nations. Our aim is to tackle those States who target the press for its…  
5174. IFJ AP Director Jacqui Park leaves  

Jacqui Park has stepped down as IFJ Asia Pacific Director to pursue new opportunities in journalism. Jacqui Park has stepped down as IFJ Asia Pacific Director to pursue new opportunities in journalism. As the founding regional director for the International Federation of Journalists Asia Pacific, Jacqui has been responsible for leading a team of experts in press freedom advocacy and innovative media programs from the Pacific to Afghanistan. She has extensive experience across South, East and South East Asia, both as a journalist and working with a range of media development and UN and other regional and international organisations. She founded the IFJ Asia Pacific in Kuala Lumpur and…  
5175. IFJ Voice April 2018 Editorial  

Google’s "Digital News Initiative”, launched in March to strengthen the online paid press and to fight against disinformation, is just a new exercise to please publishers. Google’s “Digital News Initiative”, launched in March to strengthen the online paid press and to fight against disinformation, is a new exercise to please publishers. Conveniently, the new initiative coincides with the European publishers’ campaign for the introduction of a neighbouring right which would allow them to enable or forbid the indexation of the contents of their publications by Google and get paid for it. With the EFJ, we rejected any attempt to introduce a new right for publishers that would not…  
5176. IFJ in the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 23rd of March to Friday 30th of March. 1. IFJ condemns detention of Tamil journalist by Sri Lanka's military. Tamil Guardian 2. IFJ condemns harassment of a provincial journalist by Sri Lankan military. ColomboPage 3. India: Two journalists killed in 24 hours. IFEX 4. Govt run press bodies have no information on journalists…  
5177. La FIP llama la atención sobre violencia de género contra mujeres periodistas en el foro de la ONU  

La voz de los sindicatos de periodistas se escuchó en la 62 sesión de la Comisión Jurídica y Social de la Mujer de Naciones Unidas (CSW62). Este año, el tema en revisión era el inciso J de la Declaración de Beijing que incide en la participación y acceso de las mujeres a los medios de comunicación. La voz de los sindicatos de periodistas se escuchó en la 62 sesión de la Comisión Jurídica y Social de la Mujer de Naciones Unidas (CSW62) en Nueva York. Este año, el tema en revisión era el inciso de la Declaración de Beijing, que incide en la participación y acceso de las mujeres a los medios de comunicación. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (IFJ, por sus siglas en inglés)…  
5178. Journalist shot dead during argument in Punjab, Pakistan  

Pakistani journalist, Zeeshan Ashraf Butt became the second journalist killed in Pakistan this year, when he was shot dead on March 27. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) deplores the killing and calls for an immediate investigation. Pakistani journalist, Zeeshan Ashraf Butt became the second journalist killed in Pakistan this year, when he was shot dead on March 27. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) deplores the killing and calls for an immediate investigation. Zeeshan, a 29-year-old journalist with Urdu daily Nawa-i-Waqt and former chairperson of the Sambrial Press Club, was in Begowala on a personal visit. During his visit he met with Imran Cheema,…  
5179. IFJ and CLD Launch Handbook on International Standards and Media Law in the Arab World  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Centre for Law and Democracy (CLD) today launched the Handbook on International Standards and Media Law in the Arab World.  The Handbook sets out international standards regarding media freedom and assesses the extent to which the legal regimes governing the media in Arab countries conform to those standards. It is designed to support journalists and others in the Arab world in their struggle for press freedom and media law reform in the region. The Handbook offers a unique overview of the laws and regulations governing the media in countries in the Arab world and spells out potential solutions to the challenges facing…  
5180. Ecuador: tres trabajadores de prensa secuestrados en la frontera con Colombia  

Dos periodistas y un conductor del diario El Comercio fueron secuestrados el 26 de marzo en la parroquia Mataje, en la provincia de Esmeraldas, cerca de la frontera colombiana, mientras se encontraban realizando un trabajo periodístico, según informaron fuentes locales. Dos periodistas y un conductor del diario El Comercio fueron secuestrados el 26 de marzo en la parroquia Mataje, en la provincia de Esmeraldas, cerca de la frontera colombiana, mientras se encontraban realizando un trabajo periodístico, según informaron fuentes locales. El ministro del Interior ecuatoriano César Navas confirmó el secuestro al día siguiente de producirse y dijo que los indicios apuntaban a que se…  
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