15060 results:

6301. Ukrainian journalist arrested in Moscow  

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) have backed calls for Ukrainian reporter Roman Sushchenko to be freed following his arrest on 30 September in Moscow on charges of spying. News of his arrest last Friday only emerged after his family expressed concerns that he had not been in touch for two days and after he was spotted in Lefortovo Prison in Moscow by a human rights monitoring group. Neither the embassy nor his family had been informed. According to reports from NGO Open Russia, 47-year-old Roman Sushchenko, who has worked for Ukrainian news agency Ukrinform since 2002, told them that he had been put under psychological pressure and had not been allowed…  
6302. IFJ runs safety training for journalists and Media workers in Yemen  

Seventeen journalists and photographers completed a two-day safety training yesterday in Sana’a/Yemen. The training was organised by the Yemen Journalists' Syndicate (YJS) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). Participants received specialised training on risk management, safety procedures and first aid. With at least 6 deaths this year and multiple cases of violence, torture and abductions of Yemeni journalists the YJS General Secretary, Mohammed Shebeita, underlined the importance of safety training for local journalists. “The YJS and IFJ are determined to provide journalists with the necessary safety skills and knowledge,” said Shebeita. ”This is especially…  
6303. South Sudan: Journalist killed and dumped in neigbhour’s farm  

The body of veteran South Sudanese freelance journalist, Issac Vuni, missing with his brother since June after unknown gunmen took them away from their home in southern Kerepi, was found dumped in a neigbhour’s farm in his village on 26 September. The whereabouts of his brother are still unknown. The International Federation of Journalists condemns asks for prompt investigation into this murder.  According to reports published by the Sudan Tribune, Vuni’s wife, Lucy Jua, confirmed that in June six men in uniform stormed the house in which Vuni was living with guns and took him together with brother.  She deplored the lack of information surrounding her husband’s death. IFJ…  
6304. Newsletter: Editorial  

Decent work is about getting paid fairly, enjoying equal treatment irrespective of gender, age or origins, enjoying safe working environment, social protection and being able to organise collectively without fear or pressure. Unfortunately, few journalists can claim to work under such conditions across the globe. World Day for Decent Work on 7 October will provide us with an opportunity to recall that press freedom depends on the working conditions under which journalists fulfill their mission of informing the public. It is also an opportunity to recall that unions are there to ensure better working conditions to all, notably through the adoption of collective agreements. Stand up for…  
6306. Asia Pacific Bulletin: October  

Welcome to the IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on November 1, 2016 and contributions from affiliates are most welcome. To contribute, email [email protected] Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ifjasiapacific Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IFJAsiaPacific Join the IFJ Asia-Pacific mailing list here In this bulletin: 1. Media executive kidnapped in Pakistan 2. IFJ welcomes resolution by Pak-Afghan journalists 3. Filipino journalists threatened on social media 4. Journalists attacked and arrested covering protests in China 5. Journalist…  
6307. IFJ welcomes resolution by Pak-Afghan journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the recent resolution by the journalists of Afghanistan and Pakistan to promote a healthy bilateral relationship through positive and constructive reporting. Senior journalists from the neighbouring countries passed the resolution at a seminar organised by the Pakistan Federation Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in collaboration with the non-profit organisation Equal Access. The seminar was a follow-up of the Pak-Afghan journalists exchange program in which a number of journalists from both countries participated. The participants discussed the working conditions of journalists in both countries and…  
6308. Ireland: IFJ backs calls for action on O'Hagan murder  

The IFJ has today backed calls by its UK and Ireland affiliate the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) for the Irish government to apply pressure on British prime minister Theresa May for a new investigation into the murder in Belfast of Sunday World journalist and NUJ activist Martin O’Hagan. On the 15th anniversary of his death, the union has called on the Irish foreign affairs minister, Charlie Flanagan, to support the call by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) for the authorities in the UK to intensify their efforts to find the killers. Dunja Mijatović, an OSCE freedom of the media representative, said: "Fifteen years on from this horrific murder, no…  
6309. UN: IFJ welcomes commitment to safety and calls for action  

The IFJ has welcomed a call by the United Nations to tackle impunity for crimes against media workers, as part of a wide-ranging motion promoting the safety of journalists, adopted by the Human Rights Council (HCR) in Geneva today. The 5-page motion “condemns all attacks and violence against journalists” and recognises media freedom as a cornerstone of democratic societies. It also expresses deep concern over all human rights violations against journalists which undermine freedom of expression and lead to self-censorship or deters journalists from continuing their work. In particular the motion, adopted at the 33rd Session of the HCR, calls for action by states to: • Immediately and…  
6310. Turkey: 10 TV channels removed and state of emergency extended  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have today backed their affiliates TGS and TGC in condemning the removal of at least 10 TV channels in Turkey including Hayatın Sesi, Azadi TV, Jiyan TV, Van TV, TV 10, Denge TV and Zarok TV from the national satellite platform TÜRKSAT.  According to media reports, the administrative decision severely affecting public’s right to access information is based on an order coming directly from the Turkish Prime minister’s office. The move comes as the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, quoting France and its 12-month state of emergency as an example, officially announced the extension of…  
6311. Russia: Investigative Journalist Grigory Pasko Assaulted in Siberia  

On 26 September, Grigory Pasko, Director of the international NGO Community of Investigative Journalists, was beaten in the Siberian city of Barnaul by two unknown assailants who were shouting "get out of our city!". The investigative journalist managed to escape with concussion and a bruise to half of his face, reports said. Pasko had arrived in Barnaul to train local journalists on investigative-reporting techniques. When he arrived at his hotel, he noticed he was being followed by an unknown man. He became more suspicious when the police arrived before the start of the training session in order to check the passports of the assistants. The assault took place after the training…  
6312. Missing South Sudanese Journalist Issac Vuni Found Dead  

The body of veteran South Sudanese journalist, Issac Vuni, missing with his brother since June after unknown gunmen took them away from his home in southern Kerepi, was found dumped in a neigbhour’s farm in his village. The whereabouts of his brother are still unknown. According to reports published by the Sudan Tribune, Vuni’s wife, Lucy Jua, confirmed that “he was kidnapped in June and gunpoint and never returned home.”  
6313. Issac Vuni  

The body of veteran South Sudanese journalist, Issac Vuni, who went missing with his brother in June after by unknown gunmen took them from his home , was found dumped in a neigbhour’s farm in his village. The whereabouts of his brother are still unknown. According to reports published by the Sudan Tribune, Vuni’s wife, Lucy Jua, confirmed that “he was kidnapped in June and gunpoint and never returned home.”  
6314. UN Human Rights Council: End Continuing Intimidation and Attacks against Somali Journalists  

The UN should urge the Federal Government of Somalia and its regional administrations to end the continuing intimidation, harassment and attacks against journalists, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Somali affiliate the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) have told the UN Human Rights Council yesterday in Geneva. In a statement to 33rd session of the Human Rights Council (HRC) during the Interactive Dialogue the two organisations said that “The statistics make for grim reading – four journalists, including two women, have been murdered since September 2015 and the latest journalist was gunned down this week in Mogadishu; five journalists…  
6315. Ukraine: government must respect journalists’ rights during privatisation process  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) are backing demands by striking journalists in Ukraine for their rights to be protected during the privatisation of their newspaper as they took their struggle to the President’s door. Staff at daily newspaper Vilnym Shliakhom in Kivertsi today protested at the gates of the Presidential administration, having already staged 10 days of strike action in protest at the failure of the authorities to protect their rights during the reorganisation. The strike by members of IFJ/EFJ affiliates the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU) and the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) is the first such action…  
6316. Russia: Investigative Journalist assaulted in Siberia  

The International and European Federation of Journalists, (IFJ and EFJ), today condemned an attack on a journalist in Siberia whilst he was carrying out investigative reporting training. On 26 September, Grigory Pasko, Director of the international NGO Community of Investigative Journalists, was beaten by two unknown assailants in the city of Barnaul, in Siberia, with the cry of "get out of our city!". The investigative journalist managed to escape with concussion and a bruise to half of his face, reports said. Pasko had arrived in Barnaul to train local journalists on investigative-reporting techniques. When he arrived at his hotel, he noticed he was being followed by an…  
6317. UN Human Rights Council: End continuing intimidation and attacks against Somali journalists  

The UN should urge the Federal Government of Somalia and its regional administrations to end the continuing intimidation, harassment and attacks against journalists, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Somali affiliate the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) has told the UN Human Rights Council yesterday in Geneva. Addressing the ongoing 33rd session of the Human Rights Council (HRC) during the Interactive Dialogue NUSOJ Secretary General Omar Faruk Osman told the UN body with responsibility to promote and protect human rights around the globe: “…in Somalia, media freedom continues to be constrained by those seeking to use the mass media as a means to pursue…  
6318. Gunmen Shot Dead Somali Journalist Abdiasis Mohammed Ali in Mogadishu  

Two men armed with pistols shot and killed Somali radio journalist Abdiasis Mohamed Ali, widely known as Haji, in Mogadishu on Tuesday, 27th September 2016. The journalist, a reporter with Radio Shabelle, in the Somali capital, was hit five times in the chest and neck. The attack happened in Jiiro-garoob neighbourhood of Yaqshid district in northern Mogadishu shortly after 6pm as he left the radio station. He was pronounced dead shortly afterwards. Read more here  
6319. Russia: Investigative Journalist assaulted in Siberia  

The International and European Federation of Journalists, (IFJ and EFJ), today condemned an attack on a journalist in Siberia whilst he was carrying out investigative reporting training. On 26 September, Grigory Pasko, Director of the international NGO Community of Investigative Journalists, was beaten by two unknown assailants in the city of Barnaul, in Siberia, with the cry of "get out of our city!". The investigative journalist managed to escape with concussion and a bruise to half of his face, reports said. Pasko had arrived in Barnaul to train local journalists on investigative-reporting techniques. When he arrived at his hotel, he noticed he was being followed by an…  
6320. Abdiasis Mohamed Ali  

According to the National Union of Somali Journalists( NUSOJ), two gunmen shot the reporter with Radio Shabelle five times in the chest and neck in the capital Mogadishu. The attack took place in the Jiiro-garoob neighbourhood of Yaqshid district in northern Mogadishu as the journalist left the radio station.  
6321. IFJ denounces savage assassination of leading Somali journalist  

Two men armed with pistols shot and killed Somali radio journalist Abdiasis Mohamed Ali, widely known as Haji, in Mogadishu on Tuesday, 27th September 2016. The journalist, a reporter with Radio Shabelle, in the Somali capital, was hit five times in the chest and neck. The attack happened in Jiiro-garoob neighbourhood of Yaqshid district in northern Mogadishu, shortly after 6pm, local time, as he left the radio to visit his uncle. He was pronounced dead shortly afterwards. Abdiasis Mohamed Ali, 33, who had been working for Radio Shabelle for more than seven years had been arrested several times by the police and the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) for his media…  
6322. Journalist Gunned Down Outside Court in Amman, Jordan  

56-year-old Nahed Hattar, ajournalist who wrote for the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar, was gunned down on the steps of the court in Amman’s central Abdali district, where he was summoned over anti-Islam cartoon. He was hit three times in the head and pronounced dead on arrival at hospital. The gunman, reportedly bearded and dressed as a conservative Muslim, gave himself up to police in Amman where he was arrested and remanded in custody. Hattar’s family said that he had no protection despite having asked for it after receiving death threats on Facebook and by phone.    
6323. Nahed Hattar  

The 56-year-old journalist who wrote for the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar was gunned down on the steps of the court in Amman’s central Abdali district, where he was summoned over anti-Islam cartoon. He was hit three times and was pronounced dead on arrival at hospital. The gunman, reportedly bearded and dressed as a conservative Muslim, gave himself up to police in Amman where he was arrested and remanded in custody. Hattar’s family said that he had no protection despite having asked for it after receiving death threats on Facebook and by phone.  
6324. Jordan: Journalist shot dead ahead of cartoon trial  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Jordanian Press Association (JPA), have condemned the killing of journalist Nahed Hattar, on the steps of the court where he was on trial accused of offending Islam. The journalist, aged 56, was accused in August of insulting religion and inciting sedition following a caricature he posted on his Facebook account seen as offensive to Islam by the authorities. On 25 September, he had been summoned by the Prime Minister and the Interior Minister to initiate the legal proceedings against him. He was struck by three bullets on the steps of the court in Amman’s central Abdali district and was pronounced dead on arrival at…  
6325. Azerbaijan: IFJ/EFJ denounce “politically motivated” dismissal  

The International and European Federation of Journalists, (IFJ) and (EFJ), today condemned the “politically motivated” dismissal of an Azeri journalist working for APA Holding Media Organisation. On 11 September, journalist Gasimov Farahim Ilqar posted a photo on Facebook showing the success of a rally organized by the National Council of Democratic Forces, an umbrella organisation uniting part of the country’s opposition forces, and which had been sanctioned by the government. The demonstrators were protesting in the frame of an upcoming referendum that would give Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev greater powers and a longer term in office, media reported. The journalist told the…  
6326. Iraqi Kurdistan: Pregnant journalist attacked by the security forces  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate (KJS) today condemned an attack by the security forces against a pregnant journalist. Rengin Shero, working for the Kurdish online newspaper Rudaw Media, was brutally attacked on 22 September by the security forces after crossing the Iraqi-Syrian border. She was crossing in to Syria to visit her family and had followed all the required procedures at the border. As the border officials let her enter, she was picked up by her father but when they arrived at the local bus station the security forces beat and humiliated her, despite knowing she was pregnant. The KJS has demanded full protection…  
6327. Iran: IFJ asks authorities to release two arrested journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the arrest of two Iranian journalists and called for their immediate release. Sadra Mohaqeq and Yashar Soltani were arrested in recent days following reports they published on corruption in the local authorities and in land deals. On 19 September, the editor of the newspaper Shargh Daily, Sadra Mohaqeq, was arrested by the Iranian intelligence forces at his home in the capital, Tehran, according to media. He was accused of being an “infiltrator” and “collaborator who worked for anti-revolutionary media outlets” after he reported on alleged corruption in Tehran’s municipal government. Yashar Soltani, editor of…  
6328. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 9th September to Friday 23th September: 1. Philippines: threats against journalists denounced 2. Star editor honoured for courageous journalism 3. Montenegro: Release journalist pending trial 4. NUJ President calls for respect, remuneration of journalists to sustain democracy 5. It’s hard to be a journalist in India. Is it harder if you’re a woman? 6. Is defending imprisoned journalist Salah Uddin Shoaib Choundhury impossible?  7. UN Shaky on…  
6329. Aurelio Cabrera Campos  

The Director of El Gráfico de la Sierra, a regional weekly, was killed in the municipality of Huauchinango, Puebla State after being shot several times while he was driving his car. He was taken to hospital for treatment but died shortly afterwards. The 56-year-old covered crime in La Sierra Norte, focusing on abductions and homicides. The authorities claimed the killing may be linked to personal problems but the General Secretary of the Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de Prensa (SNRP), an IFJ affiliate, accused the federal, state and local officials of trying to dismiss the journalistic activity of the victim as the prime motive for the crime.  
6330. IFJ recruits an intern for the Arab World and Middle East region  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has an opening for an intern to work with its team in the Arab World and Middle East region from its headquarters in Brussels. The internship is opened for a minimum period of three months and up to six months starting from October 2016. We are looking for someone with the following skills  The applicant must be a student (graduate/post graduate). Fluency in Arabic and English, speaking French as well is an advantage. Excellent writing skills Knowledge of the journalism landscape in the Arab World - Middle East region.Organisational skills Commitment to advancing social justice and trade-union values Your daily tasks will…  
6331. La FIP celebra libertad de periodista peruano  

Gracias a un trabajo mancomunado de la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas (ANP), la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y los distintos colegas que expresaron su solidaridad con la situación de Ormeño Gonzales, el Poder Judicial ordenó la liberación del comunicador. El 4 de septiembre, Ronald Ormeño Gonzales, director del semanario Prensa al Día, había sido trasladado a la penitenciaría de Carquín, en la región de Huara, para cumplir una condena de un año de prisión por el delito de difamación. Este lunes 19 de septiembre se decidió, por unanimidad, su libertad. Además, fue ordenado el levantamiento de la orden de captura que recaía sobre el también periodista José Pacora Vera,…  
6332. Turkey: IFJ/EFJ solidarity mission with journalists on trial  

The trial of Turkish journalists Ayse Düzkan, Ragip Duran, Hüseyin Akyol and Inan Kizilkaya started today at Istanbul court of justice. After 20 minutes’ hearing, the judges decided to merge this case with 20 other similar ones and postponed the hearing to 15 December 2016. The four journalists are charged with participating in a solidarity campaign with the Kurdish daily newspaper Özgür Gündem. Before the trial started, supporters of the four journalists gathered outside the court house to make public statements. The IFJ-EFJ representatives, Barry White and Mehmet Koksal, were present along with representatives of DISK Basin-Is (journalists union), TGS (journalists union) and…  
6333. Filipino journalists threatened on social media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NJUP), in condemning the recent social media attacks against two Philippine-based journalists. The IFJ and NUJP call upon the Duterte administration, in particular Communications Secretary Martin Andanar, to investigate these threats under the special task force for media killings. Last week freelance journalist Gretchen Malalad and Al Jazeera correspondent Jamela Alindogan-Caudron were targeted for their critical reporting of the Philippine government’s controversial anti-drug campaign, which has seen almost 2500 people killed since the inauguration of President…  
6334. Somalia: UN General Secretary condemns attacks against journalists’ union  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today welcomed the UN Secretary General’s report to the 33rd Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva on reprisals against human rights defenders which denounced the harassment of the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), an IFJ affiliate, and urged the Somali government to cease its attacks immediately. The UN Secretary General’s report documents recent developments that have taken place within the United Nations system and beyond in relation to the issue of reprisals against human rights defenders. The report contains information gathered between 1 June 2015 and 31 May 2016 on alleged cases of intimidation and reprisal…  
6335. México: octavo periodista asesinado en 2016  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), manifiesta su preocupación por la situación de extrema peligrosidad en que se desenvuelve el periodismo mexicano, donde nuevamente un comunicador ha perdido la vida. Aurelio Campos, director del semanario regional El Gráfico de la Sierra, fue asesinado en la noche del 14 de septiembre en el municipio de Huauchinango, estado de Puebla. El periodista recibió múltiples disparos de arma de fuego cuando conducía su vehículo, y luego de recibir atención médica, falleció en el hospital. Campos, de 57 años, cubría hechos vinculados al crimen en la Sierra Norte de Puebla, especialmente secuestros y homicidios. Si bien las primeras hipótesis…  
6336. Colombia: fallo contra el Estado por muerte de periodista  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), celebra el pronunciamiento judicial por el asesinato de Jaime Garzón, ocurrido en 1999, por parte de grupos paramilitares que actuaron en connivencia con las Fuerzas Públicas. El Consejo de Estado, la máxima instancia judicial en lo contencioso administrativo, condenó este miércoles 14 de septiembre a distintos organismos nacionales – el Ministerio de Defensa, el Ejército Nacional, la Policía Nacional y el extinto Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS) –, por el asesinato del periodista y humorista Jaime Garzón en agosto de 1999, a manos del grupo parapolicial denominado Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC). El alto tribunal, que…  
6337. Journalists attacked and arrested covering protests in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) condemn the attack and arrest of at least eight Hong Kong and foreign journalists as they attempted to cover a large protest in Wukan village in Guangdong Province. The IFJ demands an immediate investigation into the incident. On September 14, at least eight journalists and photographers from Ming Pao Daily, HK01, South China Morning Post (SCMP) and Reuters were arrested by more than a dozen riot police. The journalists were in Wukan village covering a large protest, which police were trying to pacify. At least three of the media workers were arrested in a locals house when it…  
6338. Journalist threatened after personal phone number shared  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) in condemning the threat calls to Deepak Chaurasia, editor in chief of India News TV, allegedly for his differences with Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). The IFJ condemns the intimidation of Chaurasia and demands immediate action against the people issuing the threats. On September 14, Chaurasia lodged a First Information Report (FIR) at the Safdarjung Enclave Police Station against unidentified persons after receiving multiple threat calls on his personal phone number. Chaurasia alleged that he started receiving threat calls after Delhi Tourism and Water Resources Minister Kapil Mishra…  
6339. Chile: La FIP repudia solicitada antidemocrática en diario La Tercera  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) expresa su preocupación por la solicitada publicada el día 11 de septiembre en el diario La Tercera donde, a 43 años del golpe cívico-militar contra Salvador Allende, se reivindican a los militares partícipes del mismo. El 11 de septiembre es una fecha de especial relevancia para la democracia chilena, ya que en la misma se conmemora el aniversario del golpe cívico-militar encabezado por Augusto Pinochet que derrocó al gobierno legítimo de la Unidad Popular, inaugurando una dictadura que se extendería durante 17 años. En ese marco, el diario La Tercera – perteneciente al Grupo Copesa – accedió a publicar una solicitada titulada “A 43 años…  
6340. Journalists face difficulties as unrest in Kashmir continues  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) express serious concerns over the continuation of press freedom violations by state and non-state parties in the ongoing protests in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. The IFJ condemns the press freedom violations in Kashmir and urges the security forces and demonstrators to refrain from attacking journalists and to show respect to rights of journalists who are attempting to report the reality amidst a communication blockade and threats from all sides. According to reports, journalists and photojournalists are being subjected to attacks and harassment on a daily basis since the…  
6341. IFJ/EFJ welcome proposed EU directive strengthening authors’ contractual position  

The European Commission today published a proposal for a directive on authors’ rights that would help give more power to journalists.   The proposal provides mechanisms to address authors’ and performers’ weaker contractual position when negotiating terms for use of their work.   The federations welcomed the proposal as a “great step forward” in protecting journalists’ authors rights and called on EU institutions to do their utmost to improve authors’ remuneration in the upcoming legislative process.   While acknowledging the “weaker contractual position” of authors and performers, the draft directive on copyright in the digital single market would establish 3…  
6342. Perú: detienen periodista por difamación  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) expresa su preocupación por la detención del periodista Ronald Daniel Ormeño Gonzales, condenado a un año de privación de la libertad a raíz de una demanda por difamación en su contra. Ormeño Gonzales, director del semanario Prensa al Día, fue detenido el último 4 de septiembre y trasladado a la penitenciaría de Carquin, en la provincia de Huara, región de Lima. La condena provino de una denuncia realizada por Mirtha Nancy Toledo Morales, una abogada que presentó cargos por difamación a partir de un informe del semanario - cuya unidad de investigación tiene como director al mencionado periodista -, donde se cuestionaba la formación de…  
6343. Kenya: Protests as journalists denounce attacks  

Dozens of journalists took to the streets of the Kenyan capital Nairobi on Thursday to protest against a growing spate of attacks on journalists and the mysterious death of reporter Joseph Masha. The IFJ condemned the attacks which have left journalists injured, equipment damaged and a growing suspicion around the cause of Standard journalist Masha’s unexplained death at his home earlier this week. The Kilifi-based journalist died a day after meeting with a politician and suspicion about his death has dominated mainstream and social media since news of his death last Saturday. Protestors – including members of IFJ-affiliate the Kenyan Union of Journalists - gathered at Uhuru Park in…  
6344. ​Kenyan Journalists Condemn Police Violence on Media  

Two journalists’ organisations in Kenya and IFJ affiliates have condemned the escalation of violence on media since the beginning of the year. The Kenyan Journalists’ Union (KUJ) and the Kenyan Correspondents’ Association (KCA) organised a protest on 8 September to denounce a series of violations by security forces, including torture, harassment and assaults on journalists. The protest came amidst a tense situation within media community in Kenya, following the death of Kilifi-based journalist Joseph Masha who collapsed and died in suspicious circumstances after meeting with a politician on the Coast. Two other journalists, James Mburu (NTV) and Julius…  
6345. Turkey´s failed coup: implications for journalists and unionists, an EFJ-IFJ conference  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ) will run a press briefing on Monday 12 in Brussels on the implications for journalists, unionists and human rights activists following Turkey's failed coup. It will take place in the Press Club Brussels Europe (95, Rue Froissart) from 10 to 12AM. Turkish human rights activist Sanar Yurdatapan and Initiative for Freedom of Expression-Turkey will be among the participants. Mehmet Koksal, from EFJ-IFJ, will be the moderator. Şanar Yurdatapan is a composer and human rights activist. Born in Susurluk (Turkey) in 1941, he became well-known as a composer and song-writer during…  
6346. Online editor arrested under ICT Act in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) strongly condemn the arrest of an editor under the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Act for published content in Bangladesh. The IFJ and the BMSF demand immediate release of the editor. Siddiqur Rahman, the editor of education specialist website DainikShiksha.com, was arrested on September 1 over a news item. Rahman was arrested after Prof. Fahima Khatun, wife of a ruling Awami League parliamentarian Obaidur Muktadir and a sister of Food Minister Kamrul Islam, filed a case under Section 57 of the ‘notorious’ ICT Act. Khatun, the former Director General of the Higher…  
6347. Magazine suspends publication after bureaucratic harassment in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Nepal Press Union (NPU) express concern over suspension of publication of Himal Southasian magazine ‘due to non-cooperation by regulatory state agencies in Nepal’. The IFJ demands that the Nepal government should immediately probe the case to ensure smooth operation of the magazine. On August 24, the Southasia Trust, the publisher of the cross-border magazine, announced that the November 2016 edition would be the last issue published. The Trust cited the non-cooperation of regulatory bodies as the reason behind the decision, noting that the regulatory bodies ‘have made it impossible to continue operations after 29…  
6348. Bahrain: Ban on journalist should be lifted  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on the Bahraini authorities to renew the accreditation of a journalist unfairly banned from working as a foreign correspondent in the country. Nazeeha Saeed who worked for Radio Monte Carlo and also for France 24 has been accused of violating registration laws and has been refused permission to work as a foreign correspondent and had a travel ban imposed on her. She had been working for international media from Bahrain for a number of years and she had received accreditation from the Ministry to do so. While she was waiting for her new accreditation to come through she was accused of working without permission, of violating…  

Organisé par le Syndicat National des Journalistes du Cameroun (SNJC) avec le soutien financier de la Fédération International des Journalistes (FIJ), un Séminaire-Atelier s’est tenue à Douala, les 26 et 27 août 2016 à la Délégation régionale de l’Agriculture et du Développement Rural pour le Littoral, sur le thème : «Formation des leaders du Snjc sur la liberté syndicale».  Cinq modules ont été dispensés dans des échanges interactifs, il s’agit de : - Libertés syndicales au Cameroun ; - Mobilisation et action syndicale. Négociation syndicale.  Techniques et grève syndicales, Délégué du personnel et la conscience professionnelle, - Syndicalisme et journalisme au…  
6350. IFJ Condemns Attack on TV station in Ukraine  

Reports said that a group of around 20 activists staged a rally yesterday in Kiev outside the headquarters of a private TV station, Inter TV, set tyres on fire and threw a bomb into the premises, causing a fire which damaged the first and second floor. The Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU), an IFJ/EFJ affiliate, reported that one Inter TV's journalist rs, Olena Zorina, was seriously injured in the back while escaping from the fire. Others suffered from smoke inhalation and at least 30 people were evacuated. The station continued broadcasting from mobile facilities outside the building. Six people have been arrested, media reports added. The TV channel is regarded…  
6351. Ukraine: IFJ/EFJ condemns arson attack on TV station  

The International and European Federation of Journalists, (IFJ) and (EFJ), today joined their Ukrainian affiliates in condemning an arson attack that set ablaze the headquarters of private broadcaster Inter TV in Kiev, Ukraine. Reports said that a group of around 20 activists staged a rally on 6 September in front of Inter TV’s building, set tyres on fire and threw a smoke bomb into the premises, causing a fire which damaged the first and second floor. The Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU), an IFJ/EFJ affiliate, reported that one of its members, Inter TV journalist Olena Zorina, seriously injured her backbone while escaping from the fire. Others suffered from…  
6352. Magazine suspends publication after bureaucratic harassment in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Nepal Press Union (NPU) express concern over suspension of publication of Himal Southasian magazine ‘due to non-cooperation by regulatory state agencies in Nepal’. The IFJ demands that the Nepal government should immediately probe the case to ensure smooth operation of the magazine.   On August 24, the Southasia Trust, the publisher of the cross-border magazine, announced that the November 2016 edition would be the last issue published. The Trust cited the non-cooperation of regulatory bodies as the reason behind the decision, noting that the regulatory bodies ‘have made it impossible to continue operations…  
6353. Indonesian Air Force involved in alleged assault on journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI – Indonesia) in strongly condemning the alleged attack on three journalists by Indonesian Air Force personnel during the recent Sari Rejo clash in Medan, on the western island of Sumatera, Indonesia.  The IFJ and AJI demand police launch a full investigation into the incident on Monday, August 15, after a residential protest over disputed land turned violent and resulted in the alleged physical assault of the media workers as well as local residents. The three local journalists were covering the protest by residents from Sari Rejo in Medan over the blocking of access to disputed…  
6354. New Issue of IFJ Focus on Safety Now Out!  

The new issue of the IFJ's Focus on Safety is available now. It provides news, insights and analysis on recent events and activities related to the safety of journalists. Read all about here    
6355. Brasil: detienen presunto asesino de periodista  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), celebra la reciente detención del supuesto autor del asesinato del periodista João Miranda do Carmo, ocurrido el pasado mes de julio, en el estado de Goiás. João Miranda, director del sitio “SAD sin censura” y dirigente político del Partido Comunista, perdió la vida luego de recibir trece disparos de arma de fuego el domingo 24 de julio, en el departamento de Santo Antônio do Descoberto. El pasado 26 de agosto, fue detenido el principal sospechoso del crimen, Rooney da Silva Morais, de 22 años. Este es hijo de Douglas Ferreira de Morais, jefe de la Guardia Patrimonial de la ciudad, quien fue llevado ante las autoridades tres días después…  
6356. IFJ/EFJ urge Russia to let a Ukrainian journalist return to Kiev for urgent treatment  

Ukrainian freelancer Mykola Semena should be allowed to leave Crimea and return to Kiev to receive urgent treatment on a spinal injury. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) have written to the Russian authorities to urge them to allow Mykola, who is under investigation for allegedly promoting separatism, to leave Crimea. Mr Semena, who also suffers from cardiac problems, needs the treatment or he risks becoming permanently invalided and the Kiev Institute of Neuroscience has said it will treat him. However, as Mr Semena is under investigation by the Russian security forces – the FSB - he is required to have the permission of the Russian authorities to…  
6357. Yemen: YJS reports more than 100 press freedom violations  

Dozens of murders, abductions, disappearances, jailings and assaults added to a grim toll of more than 100 press freedom violations in Yemen in the first half of 2016. Among the attacks documented by the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) in its report covering the six-months up to the end of June 2016 were: • 24 cases of abduction, detention, prosecution and disappearance, • 13 cases of threats and incitement against journalists, • 12 cases of assault on journalists and media companies headquarters • 13 cases of blocking internal and external web sites. • 10 cases of attempted murder, and • six cases of murder • 11 cases of torture, • 7 cases of dismissal,…  
6358. 14th IFJ focus on Safety - September 2016  

Welcome to the 14th issue of the IFJ Focus on Safety, a monthly blog which provides highlights, news and in-depth analysis of safety-related events of concerns to journalists. The blog is part of the IFJ strategy to promote the safety of journalists and to combat the issue of impunity. Please check out the IFJ International Code of Practice for the Safe Conduct of Journalism at the end of this issue. We value your feedback and would like to hear about your safety experience in the field as well as any safety-related stories you would like to share with members of the IFJ family, the global journalists’ community. The issue covers the following safety-related events and…  
6359. IFJ in the news this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 26th August to Friday 2nd September: 1. SILENCE AND SHORT MEMORIES BURUNDI 2. Zambia: IFJ Condemns Arbitrary Suspension of Radio and TV Stations 3. Tunisian president signs declaration on media freedom 4. IFJ calls for end to threats and intimidation of Somali journalists 5. Protest over the murder of journalists and civil society activists in Kurdistan 6. La FIP pide salarios justos en Paraguay For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The…  
6360. Hong Kong journalists attacked during pre-election reporting  

The International Federation of Journalists joins its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in strongly criticising an attack on two journalists on August 31. The IFJ calls on the Hong Kong authorities to guarantee the rights and safety of the local media in the lead-up to the Legislative Council elections. On Wednesday, a journalist and photographer from Ming Pao Daily arrived at a local restaurant, where, according to the journalists, a candidate, for the upcoming elections, and her support group were hosting a banquet event, which is illegal according to the Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance. As the journalists arrived at the restaurant, they were…  
6361. João Miranda do Carmo  

The editor of SAD Sin Censura, anonline media outlet, was shot dead in Santo Antônio do Descoberto in an attack colleagues believed was linked to his reporting on local administration. The Authorities subsequently arrested a suspect named Rooney da Silva Morais who is accused of having shot the journalist several times.  
6362. Mubarak al-Abadi  

The correspondent for Suhail TV was killed by the al Houthi group while covering clashes in Yemeni province of Al-Jawf. Abadi was also the head of Al Nabaa Media in Al-Jawf province. He was the main source for news and images from the area. The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), an IFJ affiliate, said that Abadi was well known for his journalistic work and his dedication.  
6363. Kishore Dave  

The bureau chief of Jai Hind, a local vernacular daily at Junagadh in Gujarat, eastern India, was murdered in his office by unidentified assailants. Dave was attacked as he was filing a report, stabbed multiple times in the chest. He was alone at the time of the murder and was found later by an office assistant. Police have arrested three people in connection with the murder which was the fourth media killing in India since the start of 2016.  
6364. Bangladeshi journalist released on bail after four months in custody  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) welcomes the order by the Supreme Court to release senior journalist Shafik Rehman on bail. The IFJ calls on the Bangladeshi government to immediately withdraw all charges against the journalist. Yesterday, August 31, a five-member Appellate Division bench led by Chief Justice Surenedra Kumar Singh, granted three months bail to 81-year-old Rehman who was arrested on April 16,. Rehman was arrested for attempting to abduct and murder Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s son Sajeeb Wazed Joy in the USA, yet to date, no charges have been laid against him. Rehman has been in detention since his…  
6365. Legislation and protocols stifling press freedom in the Maldives  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Maldives Journalist Association (MJA) express serious concerns over the declining press freedom situation and growing intolerance towards the media in the Maldives in recent weeks. The IFJ urges the Maldivian government to ensure that the media and journalists are free to exercise their rights as per the Maldives’ Constitution. On August 28, the Maldives National Chamber of Commerce and Industries (MNCCI) requested President Abdulla Yameen implement restrictions on foreign journalists stating they were causing damage to the economy and the tourism sector. The MNCCI reportedly said ‘foreign journalists are biased in…  
6366. Venezuela: Preocupación por inadmisión de equipo periodístico extranjero  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) expresa su preocupación por la inadmisión de un equipo periodístico en Venezuela, de cara a la marcha opositora al gobierno de Nicolás Maduro, que tendrá lugar el jueves 1 de septiembre en la capital. La argentina Teresa Bo, corresponsal de la cadena Al Jazeera, junto a su productora, Lagmi Chávez y el camarógrafo Mariano Rosendi, fueron retenidos este lunes 29 de Agosto por la autoridades aeroportuarias e informados sobre su inadmisión en el país. Esto ocurre en el marco de una semana convulsionada para la capital, Caracas, donde se desarrollará una marcha convocada por la opositora Mesa de la Unidad Democrática (MUD), cuyo fin es…  
6367. IFJ calls for end to threats and intimidation of Somali journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today demanded an end to the threats and intimidation of journalists in Somalia following new attempts by local authorities to undermine independent journalism. Hiran region governor Yusuf Ahmed Hagar ordered journalists in Beledweyn town not to cover political campaigns which were not “authorized” by the administration and Ministry of Interior and Federal Affairs. He said any journalist not obeying the order would be suspended or arrested. In a second case the security and intelligence forces of Jubaland Administration arrested freelance journalist Jeylani Hussein Yusuf on Tuesday, 30 August 2016, in connection with news reports he…  
6368. IFJ welcomes UNESCO’s demand to investigate killing of Brazilian journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the demand of the Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, to investigate the killing of Brazilian journalist Mauricio Campos Rosa. Bovoka condemned the killing of Campos Rosa in line with Resolution 29 adopted by UNESCO Member States at the Organization’s General Conference of 1997, entitled “Condemnation of Violence against Journalists”. On 17 August, Mauricio Campos Rosa, aged 64, was shot five times in the back when he was leaving a friend’s house in the municipality of Santa Luzia, Belo Horizonte, capital of the state of Minas Gerais. The journalist owned and wrote for the local O Grito newspaper for the last twenty…  
6369. Turkey: At least 23 Staff Members of Azadiya Welat Newspaper Detained in Police Raid  

According to media reports, police raided the main office of the Kurdish-language daily newspaper Azadiya Welat based in Diyarbakir on 28 August and arrested at least 23 staff members who are currently detained at Diyarbakir Police headquarters. They are : Yasemin Sayın, Hayat Yılmaz, Ahmet Kızılay, Arap Turan, Berxwedan Tulpar, Sürreya Dal, Zeynep İzgi, İbrahim Bayram, Engin Özelçi, Ahmet Boltan, Ceylan İpek, Mehmet Emin Kaya, Ziyan Karahan, Veysi Altın, Ercan Yeltaş, Azime Tarhan, Serdal Polat, Cengiz Aslan, Ferit Toprak, Mehmet Hüseyin Şahin, Mehmet Aydın, Pusat Bulut and Mehmet Emin Akgün. Dicle News Agency (DİHA) reported that the police justified the…  
6370. International Day of the Victims of Forced Disappearance – Latin America  

Latin America is a region especially affected by the forced disappearance of persons throughout its troubled history. This fundamental violation of human rights has occurred in many different social and political settings including military dictatorships, apparent democracies, armed conflicts and instances of radical violence, among other settings that have controlled the future of the subcontinent. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), an organisation that represents more than 600 000 press workers across the globe, pays homage to the hundreds of communicators that have been victims of this crime against humanity – as defined by the Inter-American Convention on the…  
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