15041 results:

631. Philippines: Freelance journalists’ guild launched in Manila  

Freelance media workers from the Metro Manila area launched a guild dedicated to their professional rights on October 21, following years of research, advocacy, and organising from the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the NUJP, congratulate the guild on its successful launch and send a message of solidarity to the organisation and its membership. On October 21, freelance journalists from the Philippines’ National Capital Region (NCR), or Metro Manila, launched the Filipino Freelance Journalists’ Guild (FFJ), the first organisation dedicated to the professional rights of freelance journalists in the…  
632. Nazmi Al-Nadim  

On 30 October, PJS and WAFA news agency confirmed the death of Nazmi Al-Nadim, who worked for Palestine TV. Al-Nadim was killed when an Israeli warplane bombed his house in Zeitun neighbourhood in Gaza city.  Impunity, safety, journalism, Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, IFJ, union  
633. Palestine: Israel announces that it cannot guarantee the safety of journalists in the Gaza Strip, in contravention of international law  

In a statement sent to Reuters and AFP, the Israeli’s military announced that it could not guarantee the safety of journalists in Gaza. The IFJ joins its Palestinian affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS), in condemning this statement and recalling that international law requires all belligerents to protect civilians, in particular journalists. Israel's military has told international news organisations Reuters and Agence France Presse on 27 October that it cannot guarantee the safety of their journalists operating in the Gaza Strip, under Israeli bombardment and siege for almost three weeks. The IFJ calls on Israeli government to comply fully…  
634. #IFJblog: Journalists in Gaza fear Israeli targeting  

As he started to speak to international journalists over Zoom, Gazan reporter Tahseen Al Astall raised a plastic water bottle and took a sip. “Water is very expensive now in Gaza”, he said. “In fact, finding any water at all is difficult”. He was sitting in a makeshift tent, sun beating through its flapping walls, in the midst of the media encampment that has grown up around the Nasser hospital in Khan Yunis. “Conditions here are very harsh and arduous. We are here because it is the only place that we can get electricity and an internet connection”. Al Astall, vice president of the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate, has spent much of the past fortnight moving among the 1,000 journalists…  
635. Yasser Abu Namous  

On 27 October, Yasser Abu Namous, who worked for Al Sahel media, was killed during Israeli airstrike that hit his house in eastern Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip, PJS and WAFA news agency reported.  impunity, union, IFJ, journalist, Palestine, Palestinian  
636. Palestine: IFJ responds to accusations that Israel is targeting journalists in Gaza  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply alarmed at reports from Gaza that Israeli forces are targeting journalists. We have heard this allegation in several personal testimonies from journalists on the ground, as well as reports from our affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), and from news platforms such as Al Jazeera and The New Arab. The death toll among journalists in Gaza is already extraordinarily high for a conflict that has lasted only three weeks, since 7 October. Were it true that this was the result of an intentional policy, then each death would constitute a war crime. The IFJ calls on the Israeli Government to make clear its policies in…  
637. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from October 21st 2023 to October 27th 2023. English  Media reporting on Israel-Hamas war face singular challenges - France24 Media reporting on Israel-Hamas war face singular challenges - RFI 16 Palestinian journalists killed in Gaza conflict: Media group - Anadolu Ajansı KUNA : IFJ: At least 16 Palestinian journalists killed in Gaza - Media - 20/10/2023 - Kuwait News Agency Repatriation Inevitable & Necessary: Pakistan Hosted 1.95 Million…  
638. Palestine: Shireen Abu Akleh shrine desecrated in the West Bank  

The site of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh’s killing in Jenin has been bulldozed and her shrine desecrated, in an unexplained early-morning operation on 26 October. A surfaced road running between houses has been reduced to huge boulders of broken concrete, and earth dug to over half a meters depth. Vehicles passed up and down the lane. One day after, even walking amid the smashed rocks would be a challenge. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS) in condemning this act of vandalism and recalls on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh. The…  
639. Palestine: Al Jazeera reporter’s family killed in rocket attack in Gaza  

The family of Wael al-Dahdouh, Al Jazeera’s bureau chief in Gaza, was killed on 24 October in an Israeli airstrike on the Nuseriat camp, in the centre of the Gaza Strip. The respected reporter lost his wife, son, daughter and grandson, while other members of his extended family are still unaccounted for. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses its shock and outrage at the killing of al-Dahdouh’s family. The Federation calls for an independent investigation into the killings and to hold the perpetrators to account. In a statement, the Qatar-based network condemned the “indiscriminate assault by the Israeli forces that resulted in the tragic loss” of Al-Dahdouh’s…  
640. Indonesia: Police close investigation into bomb attack on journalist Victor Mambor  

On October 14, West Papuan journalist Victor Mambor was informed that the police investigation into an explosion outside his home in January had been terminated months prior. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia and SINDIKASI, urge Papuan police to reinstate the investigation immediately and ensure that those responsible are not allowed to escape with impunity. On May 12, the North Jayapura Police issued a Letter of Termination of Investigation (SP3), closing their investigation into the detonation of an explosive device outside the home of Papuan journalist Victor Mambor in January. The investigation…  
641. Chile: El Mercurio despide a 76 trabajadorxs de distintos medios  

El holding multimedia de la familia Edwards desvinculó a 76 personas de distintos medios y empresas. La Federación Nacional de Trabajadores de Medios de Comunicación (FENATRAMCO) atribuyó la decisión de la patronal a la administración deficiente y solicitó la intervención del Ministerio de Trabajo. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas adhiere al reclamo de su afiliada y alerta sobre el agravamiento de las condiciones laborales del sector, que se ve una vez más precarizada en beneficio del lucro patronal. El lunes 24 de octubre se conoció la decisión de la empresa El Mercurio S.A.P., el conglomerado de medios más importante y antiguo de Chile, de desvincular a un total de 76…  
642. Duaa Sharaf  

On 26 October, PJS and WAFA news agency confirmed the death of journalist Duaa Sharaf, who worked for Al Aqsa Radio, in a missile attack that struk her home in the Al-Zawaida neighborhood, central Gaza Strip. IFJ, union, safety, Palestine, Palestinian, killing, impunity  
643. Mohammad Fayez Al Hassani  

On 26 October, PJS confirmed the killing of media worker Mohammad Fayez Al Hassani, director general of Rawasi, who lost his life in an Israeli airstrike that hit his home in the Gaza Strip. Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, war, impunity, safety, journalist, killing, union, IFJ, PJS  
644. Israel: UN concludes that IDF "intentionally or recklessly" killed Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh  

Israeli soldiers took Shireen Abu Akleh’s life without cause, according to a report published by the United Nations on 16 October 2023. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) together with its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS), call on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate the killing of the Palestinian journalist. If citizens are to have any faith in the system of international law enforcement, it is vital that Shireen’s case is heard in the Hague. The report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel, was submitted to the UN General Council in…  
645. Jamal Al-Faqawi  

On 25 October, journalist Jamal Al-Faqawi was killed when an Israeli bombardment hit his home in the city of Khan Yunis, southern Gaza Strip.  impunity, safety, IFJ, union, Palestine, Palestinian, journalist,  
646. Salma Mukhaimar  

On 25 October, journalist Salma Mukhaimar was killed in an Israeli air strike in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, reported PJS. IFJ, union, impunity, safety, Palestine, Palestinian, journalist, killed  
647. Ahmed Abu Mahadi  

On 25 October, Ahmed Abu Mahadi, who worked for Al-Aqsa TV, was killed in an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip, PJS reported. IFJ, union, impunity, Palestine, Palestinian, safety, journalist  
648. Saed al-Halabi  

On 25 October, PJS confirmed the death of three journalists Saed al-Halabi, who worked for Al-Aqsa TV, that was killed when his home in Jabalia, in the north of the Gaza Strip, was targeted.  Palestine, Palestinian, impunity, union, safety, IFJ, journalist  
649. Zaher Al Afghani  

On 25 October, journalist Zaher Al Afghani, who worked for Mithaq Media Network, was killed when an airstrike hit his home in Deir Al Balah. Zaher Al Afghani, Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, journalist, impunity, safety, ifj, union, killing, union  
650. Kenya: KUJ, IFJ hold seminar on freelance journalists and trade unions  

The Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ) in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) held a two –day seminar on ‘New Organising; Freelance Journalists and Trade Unions’ under the Union To Union (UTU) Project 2023 (Building Union Power for Democratic Rights, Media Freedom and Decent Work) from 23 – 24 October, in Nairobi, Kenya. The seminar brought together 20 freelance journalists together with the executive members of the KUJ to address the challenges facing freelance journalists in Kenya and how to develop strategies to recruit more freelance journalists into the union. In his welcome address to the participants at the seminar, the Secretary General of the KUJ,…  
651. Pakistan: Wife of slain journalist sues Kenyan police  

On the anniversary of the killing of journalist Arshad Sharif by Kenyan security personnel, the anchor’s wife has filed a lawsuit against Kenyan authorities, calling for transparency and accountability through their investigation. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), and the Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ), call on authorities to expedite their investigations and ensure that those responsible do not escape with impunity. On October 23, 2023, Javeria Siddique, the wife of slain journalist and ARY News anchor Arshad Sharif, filed a lawsuit against Kenyan authorities, citing their repeated failure to…  
652. North Macedonia: IFJ condemns judgement against journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the ruling by the Basic Civil Court Skopje, against Investigative Reporting Laboratory (IRL) and the editor-in-chief Sashka Cvetkovska for defamation of businessman Kocho Angjushev, handed down on 24 October 2023. Cvetkovska and IRL on 16 May 2021 published a story with the title “Conspiracy against the air”, where Angjushev, the former Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia was mentioned. Angjushev brought the case, alleging that the story amounted to ‘insult and defamation’. The court ordered Cvetkovska to pay €1 damages and meet both sides legal costs – a sum that will…  
653. UK: Assange hopeful for Biden/Albanese talks  

IFJ President Dominique Pradalié met Julian Assange in Belmarsh Prison, London for the second time on 21 October. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) reiterates its call for the US to drop all charges against Assange. The prosecution of any of them would create precedents that would radically restrict all journalists abilities to work with classified documents and other leaked information. Speaking outside the prison, Pradalié said: “Julian told me that the he is enormously grateful for everyone campaigning for his release, particularly among journalists and their trades unions. He is glad that a clear link is being made between his case and broader initiatives to support…  
654. Mohammed Imad Labad  

On 23 October, Palestinian news agency WAFA and PJS confirmed the death of journalist Mohammed Imad Labad, who worked for Al Resalah news website, following an Israeli bombing close to his house in Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood in Gaza city.  Palestine, Palestinian, impunity, safety, journalist, union, IFJ  
655. Iran: Two Iranian journalists sentenced to jail after covering Mahsa Amini’s death  

Iran's revolutionary court announced on 22 October its preliminary ruling in the case of Niloofar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi, two women journalists who were among the first to report about Mahsa Amini’s death and her funeral. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) renews its call on Iranian authorities to release all imprisoned journalists and media workers. The court ruled that the two journalists were guilty of three charges: "cooperation with the US government as a hostile country to Iran", "assembly and collusion to commit crimes against Iran’s security", and "propaganda activity against the Islamic Republic of Iran". Hamedi, a reporter for Shargh Daily, and Mohammadi,…  
656. Roshdi Sarraj  

On 22 October, Roshdi Sarraj, co-founder of Ain Media, photojournalist, film-maker and fixer for several international media, including Radio France, was killed in an Israeli air raid that hit his home, western Gaza city, PJS and media reported. impunity, safety, journalist, Palestine, Palestinian, IFJ, union  
657. North Macedonia: Western Balkans unions urge IFJ to set up global youth group  

Union leaders and young members from North Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro have called on the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) to establish a global group to fight for the rights of young workers. The group would bring together young journalists and media workers from IFJ-affiliated unions around the world. Twenty union leaders and young journalists from the Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM), the Journalists’ Union of Serbia (SINOS) and the Trade Union Media of Montenegro (TUMM) came together on October 20 and 21 in Skopje, North Macedonia, as part of a regional union building project supported by Union to Union…  
658. Hani Madhoun  

On 21 October, Hani Madhoun, who worked as an administrative staff for Al Aqsa TV, was killed in an Israeli airstrike on his home in Gaza.  Palestine, Palestinian, journalist, killed, impunity, safety, Hani Madhoun, Gaza, union, IFJ  
659. Mohammad Abu Ali  

On 20 October, PJS confirmed the death of Mohammad Abu Ali, a journalist with "Al-Shabab" radio in Gaza, who was killed by Israeli shelling of his home in the northern Gaza strip. ifj, union, Palestine, Palestinian, impunity, safety, journalist,  
660. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from October 14th 2023 to October 20th 2023. English  India: Arrests, Raids Target Critics of Government - INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Free training, checklists, guides and tools to promote safe reporting as journalists’ deaths rise - WAN-IFRA - WAN-IFRA Reuters journalist killed, 6 wounded in Israeli shelling on Lebanon border - Al-Monitor: Independent, trusted coverage of the Middle East - Al Monitor UAPA, financial regulations…  
661. Israel: Government to shut down critical media alleged to ‘undermine national security’  

The Israeli government has approved on 20 October a new regulation that will allow for the temporary shut down of news channels which ‘damage national security’. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges Israel to review its decision in the name of media pluralism and the public’s right to know. The proposed regulations, approved on 20 October,  aim to prohibit news organisations from ‘undermining national security, public order or serving as a basis for enemy propaganda’. While the regulation appears to be aimed at the operation of Qatari channel Al Jazeera, the IFJ fears they could also be used to shut down other media operating in Israel and the occupied Palestinian…  
662. Tanzania: ACPLHR, FAJ hold side event on ‘challenges of media freedom and the safety of journalists’  

The Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties and Human Rights (ACPLHR) in collaboration with the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) held a Side Event on the ‘Challenges of Media Freedom and the Safety of Journalists; Implications of impunity for Perpetrators of Crimes against Journalists and the Rule of Law, in Arusha, Tanzania, on Thursday 19 October, alongside the 77 Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights. The Side Event brought together about 30 participants from various media organisations namely, Article 19, International Press Institute (IPI) Namibia Media Trust (NMT) the Journalists Workers Union of Tanzania (JOWUTA) and the Kenya Union of…  
663. Nepal: FNJ protests non-payment of wages and illegal dismissals  

On October 17, the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) announced the start of daily one-hour protest action at Kantipur Media Group (KMG) in Thapathali, demanding the implementation of minimum wages and the reinstatement of illegally dismissed media workers. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), in urging the KMG to abide by labour rights standards and rehire all dismissed workers, and calling on the Nepali government to ensure that the security and professional rights of journalists are not infringed upon. The FNJ organised a protest at the KMG office on October 17 in response to the unjust dismissal of 82…  
664. Khalil Abu Athra  

On 19 October, Khalil Abu Athra, cameraman for Al-Aqsa TV, was killed in the Al-Nasr neighborhood, north of Rafah. impunity, journalist, safety, Palestine, Palestinian, IFJ, union  
665. Palestine: the IFJ calls on journalists to respect the professional principles of the Global Ethics Charter  

Unverified information, unsourced videos and images from social networks: the war between Hamas and Israel is also a war of communication. The IFJ, the world's leading professional organisation of journalists, reiterates that the professional principles of journalists must be absolutely respected. The duty is to provide information in the public interest. Two weeks after the start of the war between Hamas and Israel, the communication war is intense, with each side defending "its" truth. Banned from working in the Gaza Strip, an open-air prison for Palestinian civilians, many foreign journalists all too often use secondary sources or "official" sources from each side, without being able…  
666. Samih Al-Nadi  

On 18 October Al-Aqsa TV producer and director Samih Al-Nadi was killed in an aircraft bombing on the Gaza Strip.  impunity, safety, Palestine, Palestinian, journalist, IFJ, union  
667. Isam Bahar  

On 17 October, PJS reported the killing of Al Aqsa TV journalist Isam Bahar, following the bombing of his house in Gaza city.  IFJ, union, Palestine, Palestinian, journalism, impunity, safety  
668. Mohammed Balousha  

On 17 October, Palestine TV journalist Mohammed Balousha was killed in his apartment due to bombings in Gaza city. PJS and media confirmed his death.  impunity, union, Palestine, Palestinian, IFJ, safety,  
669. Somalia: Journalist killed in bomb explosion in Mogadishu  

Journalist and Director of Somali Cable TV Abdifatah Moallim Nur (Qeys) was killed on October 16 in a suicide bomb attack at Blue Sky restaurant in the capital Mogadishu. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), in condemning the death of Moallim Nur and calls upon the Somali government to launch an investigation into the killing and to hold the perpetrators to account. According to police in Mogadishu, at around 21:00 a Khawarij suicide bomber detonated explosives beside people who were having tea outside the Blue Sky restaurant in Bondhere district.  According to a statement issued by NUSOJ there is an…  
670. India: Army personnel obstruct reporters in Manipur  

In two separate incidents on October 12, army personnel obstructed journalists and media workers, deleting footage they had captured of an attack on the outskirts of Imphal, Manipur. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Indian Journalists’ Union (IJU), condemn the disruption of the journalists’ work and urge authorities to ensure that media workers can freely and independently perform their duties. On October 12, journalists and media workers were prevented from covering an attack on a village in Manipur’s Sabunkhok Khunou village by members of a combined Jat and Gorkha armed contingent, with the soldiers deleting footage from the journalists’…  
671. Costa Rica: se realizó el Encuentro Regional 2023 de la FEPALC  

La Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC), organización regional de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas, se reunió en Costa Rica durante tres días para llevar adelante dos jornadas de formación sindical y su Asamblea Anual. En este marco, se definió la nueva presidencia de FEPALC, que fue asumida por Álvaro Pan Cruz de la Asociación de la Prensa Uruguaya. Entre las mociones aprobadas, lxs dirigentes de organizaciones de todo el continente resolvieron repudiar los asesinatos de colegas en Gaza y solidarizarse con el Sindicato de Periodistas de Palestina. Entre el 11 y el 13 de octubre, la FEPALC realizó el Encuentro Regional 2023 que reunió a periodistas de…  
672. Abdul Hadi Habib  

On 16 October, a bombardment hit the house of Al Aqsa TV journalist Abdul Hadi Habib in the Zeitun neighbourhood in Gaza city. PJS and media confirmed his death.  impunity, safety, Palestine, Palestinian, journalist, union, IFJ,  
673. Abdifatah Moallim Nur  

The Director of the privately owned Somali Cable TV, Abdifatah Moallim Nur, was killed in a suicide bomb attack at a restaurant in the capital, Mogadishu on 16 October Abdifatah Moallim Nur, Somalia, Somali, Africa, journalist, killed, impunity, IFJ, union  
674. #IFJBlog: Gaza's journalists prepare for an onslaught  

The streets of Kahn Younis look much the same as scores of Mediterranean cities – lined with modern, seven-storey flats, shops trading and cars parked by the kerbs. Less usual, in the south Gazan city, is the backdrop of artillery fire, and the tang of high explosives that hangs heavy on the air. Until a week ago, Kahn Younis had a population of 350,000. Today, its streets are far busier, as Gaza’s population has streamed south in anticipation of an Israeli land invasion. Among those living in a displacement centre is Dr Tahseen Al Asttal, vice president of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, and the union’s leader in Gaza. The 52-year-old spent the weekend touring around approximately…  
675. Gaza: Safety Advisory for journalists covering the war  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) have published a safety advisory for journalists covering the war in Gaza. This key document, analysing future developments of the war in Gaza, is available in English and Arabic. Download Advisory in English and in Arabic. The IFJ urges warring parties to let journalists report freely and without threat or fear.  gaza, safety advisory, ifj, journalists, pjs, war, safety  
676. Malta: IFJ, EFJ and media freedom groups call for justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia  

On the sixth anniversary of the murder of Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, we, the undersigned organizations, renew our calls for Maltese authorities to bring to justice all those responsible for her killing and to implement in full the recommendations of the public inquiry into her assassination. Caruana Galizia, who rose to prominence through her anti-corruption investigations and blogs, was killed by a car bomb in Malta on October 16, 2017. Three men have been convicted for the journalist’s murder and three other suspects await trial.  After pressure from the Caruana Galizia family and civil society, a public inquiry was set up in 2019 to…  
677. Lebanon: Israeli strike kills Reuters journalist and injures six others  

Reuters video journalist Issam Abdallah was killed on 13 October by an Israeli strike in southern Lebanon, while providing video signal for broadcasters. Six other journalists, including from Al Jazeera, Agence France-Presse and Reuters, were wounded in the same incident near Alma al-Shaab town, close to the Israeli border. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Lebanese Journalists’ Syndicate, in condemning the killing of Abdallah and calls on the authorities to launch a thorough investigation. The IFJ restates that crimes against journalists must not go unpunished. “We are urgently seeking more information, working with the authorities in the region,”…  
678. Yousef Dawwas  

On 14 October, freelance journalist Yousef Dawwas was killed together with his family in an Israeli airstrike on the Gaza Strip, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reported. journalist, Yousef Dawwas, killed, IFJ, palestine, palestinian, safety, impunity, union, Gaza, war,  
679. Issam Abdallah  

On 13 October, Reuters video journalist Issam Abdallah was killed by an Israeli strike in southern Lebanon, while providing video signal for broadcasters.  “We are urgently seeking more information, working with the authorities in the region,” said Reuters in a statement. The videographer Abdallah was part of the news agency team in southern Lebanon. IFJ, journalists, impunity, safety, Lebanon, Lebanese,  
680. Hossam Mubarak  

On 13 October, PJS confirmed the killing of journalist Hossam Mubarak, working for Al Aqsa radio, when an Israeli shelling hit his home in northern Gaza city.  impunity, Palestine, Gaza, Palestinian, journalist, safety, IFJ, union  
681. Shuruq As’ad, Palestinian journalist and PJS representative: “We do not want to lose another journalist.”  

Palestinian journalist and representative of the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), Shuruq As’ad, based in the West Bank, tells the story of many journalists in Gaza and calls for their protection. “Journalists in Gaza thought their offices and houses were safe, but they were bombed. We call for protection. We are so worried and we do not want to lose another journalist.”   Latest updates on the Israel-Gaza conflict here Gaza, journalist, press, journalism, Palestine, Palestinian, IFJ, PJS, testimony, Shuruq As’ad  
682. Safety  

IFJ Safety mission There can be no press freedom if journalists exist in conditions of corruption, poverty or fear. News Campaigns Resources AFP News The safety and protection of journalists is at the heart of the IFJ’s commitment to media freedom. Working with IFJ affiliates and safety experts we deliver training, advice, support and campaigns to demand international bodies, states and employers take action to protect journalists, fight impunity and enable us to work free from harassment, intimidation and violence. Our safety fund provides a unique lifeline for journalists facing persecution, threats or in need. The IFJ’s Safety Fund is a…  
683. Gaza: IFJ calls on UNESCO to protect journalists  

Since the outbreak of the armed conflict between Hamas and Israel, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has been in constant dialogue with its Palestinian affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS), who organise journalists in the Gaza Strip, as well as being in contact Israeli journalists. The IFJ and its affiliates around the world call on Unesco to do its utmost to protect journalists and demand that the warring parties de-escalate the violence, which will only result in civilian casualties, particularly journalists. Since 7 October 2023 and the first Hamas attack, thousands of Palestinian and Israeli civilians have been killed, including journalists and media…  
684. Bangladesh: Student journalist attacked on university campus  

Student journalist Mosharrof Shah was attacked and threatened by a group of individuals while on campus at the University of Chittagong, after reporting on a factional clash of the Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the attack and urges the local authorities to conduct an immediate investigation into the incident. On the morning of September 24, Shah, a correspondent for the privately owned daily newspaper Prothom Alo, was attacked by a group of individuals associated with the BCL at the University of Chittagong. Shah had previously published reports on factional clashes within the university’s BCL unit, the student wing of the ruling…  
685. Sami Abu Salem, Palestinian journalist: “There is no safe place in Gaza”  

Palestinian journalist and IFJ Safety Trainer Sami Abu Salem shares the reality of journalists operating from Gaza: “We have no internet service, there is a lack of electricity, no transportation, and even the streets are damaged. That's why we cannot tell lots of stories - thousands of stories.”     Latest updates on the Israel-Gaza conflict here Sami Abu Salem, Gaza, journalist, press, journalism, Palestine, Palestinian, IFJ, PJS, testimony,  
686. Ahmed Shehab  

On 12 October, producer of Voice of Prisoners Radio Ahmed Shehab was killed alongside with his family members when an Israeli airstrike struk his house in Jabalia refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip, PJS reported.  safety, impunity, Palestine, Gaza, Palestinian, journalist, killed  
687. Australia: Cheng Lei released after three years in detention  

Australian journalist Cheng Lei has returned to Australia after over three years of pre-trial detention on National Security Charges. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Australian affiliate, the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) welcome her return to Australia and commend the advocacy, lobbying, and other support granted to Lei during her detention. On October 11, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, and Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong announced the safe return of jailed journalist and MEAA member Cheng Lei after over three years in detention. Lei was reunited with her husband and two young children upon arrival at Melbourne’s Tullamarine…  
688. Afghanistan: Radio Nasim journalists detained for second time in two weeks  

Radio Nasim's manager and two reporters, who had previously been arrested by the Taliban in late September, were once again detained on October 7 by the Taliban General Directorate of Intelligence in Daikundi Province. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists Union (AIJU), condemn the journalists’ detention and call for the immediate release of all media workers still in custody. On October 7, the manager of the independent broadcaster Radio Nasim Sultan Ali Javadi, and two reporters, Saifullah Rezaei and Mojtaba Qasemi, were arrested by members of the Taliban’s General Directorate of Intelligence (GDI) from Jawadi’s home in the…  
689. #IFJBlog: How I Became a Trade Union Activist  

Widespread protests in 2022 have had a galvanising effect on Sri Lanka’s political landscape, with journalists continuing to face violence, state repression and threats to fundamental freedoms seen at the height of unrest. Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) Executive Committee member Amandika Cooray shares her experience of protest, struggle, and unionism. I emerged as a female student activist and journalist after having been raised in a very political environment.  Since my father and other family members were liberal, they encouraged me to be politically aware and did not place the restrictions that women in South Asia, including Sri Lanka, are usually subjected…  
690. Australia: ABC faces legal threats over climate activism footage  

Western Australia (WA) police have demanded that the Australian Broadcast Corporation (ABC) hand over footage filmed for a documentary program covering planned climate protest action. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Australian affiliate, the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) condemn the demands by law enforcement for footage and urge the authorities to respect press freedom and source confidentiality. On October 6, WA police requested the ABC to surrender footage captured for use in a documentary program, Four Corners, after the broadcaster recorded the planning of a protest outside the home of fossil fuel magnate Med O’Neill. The order was issued via…  
691. Resolutions  

Download resolutions Resolutions The following resolutions were passed by the IFJ's World Congress in 2022 and along with the working programme define the priorities and policy for the 2022-2026 period. Download the PDF including all the resolutions in a single document.  
692. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from October 7th 2023 to October 13th 2023. English  IFJ urges Sri Lanka to rethink Online Safety Bill | Tamil Guardian - Tamil Guardian International media organizations extremely concerned by Latvian proposal to ban Russian-language content on PSM from 2026 | EBU - European Broadcasting Union (EBU) IFJ condemns editorial interference by Ringier Media Group - Act Media  Assange may be in the dock, but it is journalism that’s on trial | The…  
693. Mohammed Fayez Yousef Abu Matar  

On 11 October, the PJS confirmed the killing of journalist Mohammed Fayez Yousef Abu Matar, 28, following Israeli bombings on Rafah governorate, southern Gaza Strip. According to the state-run news agency WAFA, Abu Matar was a freelance photographer covering the ongoing military operations when he was killed. Palestine, Palestinian, safety, impunity, journalist, killed, Gaza, bombing, IFJ, PJS, Mohammed Fayez Yousef Abu Matar  
694. Salam Meimah  

On 10 October, Salam Meimah, who worked for Al Quds Radio, was killed in an Israeli airstrike on her home in Jabalia refugee camp, northern Gaza strip. Her body was recovered from the rubber three days later, on 13 October. safety, IFJ, impunity, killing, Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, Salam Meimah, journalist, journalism  
695. Halima Idris Salim  

A reporter with the online news outlet, Sudan Bukra, was killed on 10 October when she was run over by a vehicle belonging to the Rapid Support Forces militia, while she was reporting on from the street in Omdurman, north- west of the capital Khartoum. Sudan, Sudanese, Sudan Bukra, Khartoum, impunity, journalist, ifj, safety, union,  
696. Haleima Idris  

Journalist Haleima Idris, who worked at Sudan Bukrah TV, was run over by a military vehicle belonging to the Rapid Forces army on 10 October in UmDruman/Khartoum. impunity, Middle East, Sudan, Sudanese, journalist,  
697. Israel: At least four journalists killed and one confirmed missing since Hamas attack  

[UPDATED 23.10.2023] At least four Israeli journalists were killed on 7 October, during Hamas' attack on southern Israel. Among the hostages confirmed by the Israeli military is retired journalist Oded Lifshitz, aged 83, who was taken from his home in Kibbutz Nir Oz, near the border with the Gaza Strip. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the killings and calls for an immediate investigation. The IFJ is extremely concerned over Lifshitz and demands his immediate release. Journalists killed On 20 October, Israel confirmed the death of Ynet photographer Roee Idan, who was unaccounted for more than ten days. Since Hamas' attack, fears grew that Idan was taken hostage…  
698. Said al-Tawil, Mohammed Sobboh, Hisham Al-Nawajha  

On 10 October, three Palestinian journalists Said al-Tawil, director of Al-Khamisa news agency; photojournalist Mohammed Sobboh and photographer Hisham Al-Nawajha, who both worked for Khabar news agency, were killed by an Israeli airstrike that hit a residential building near Gaza City's fishing port, AFP reported. The Hamas-run government said that the three reporters were covering the evacuation of a residential building nearby, when the missile struck.    In the early hours of 7 October, Hamas launched an unprecedented attack in southern Israel. In response, Israel retaliated with airstrikes over the besieged Gaza Strip and formally declared war at Hamas. Safety, Palestine,…  
699. Pakistan: Deportation deadline looms for Afghan refugees  

Pakistan’s government has declared that all unregistered Afghan refugees must leave the country by November 1 or face deportation, raising concerns for over 200 Afghan journalists in exile and amplifying the challenges they face in the wake of the Taliban's crackdown on press freedom. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates, the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Union (AIJU), Afghanistan National Journalists’ Union (ANJU), and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), strongly urge Pakistan’s government to reconsider the directive and call on media stakeholders, civil society organisations, and international governments to increase their support for Afghan…  
700. Safety Fund  

The IFJ safety fund Safety of Journalists is the cornerstone of the IFJ's campaign for the promotion of the press freedom. The IFJ’s Safety Fund is a lifeline for journalists facing violence, persecution and threat or needing medical treatment. It is a shining example of journalist to journalist solidarity, providing immediate relief to those in danger and need around the world. The Safety Fund offers financial assistance in a range of emergency cases such as threats, violence and threats thereof, prosecution, settlement in exile and illness. The IFJ Safety Fund can only continue to assist journalists with YOUR ongoing support. To donate, please make a bank transfer to…  
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