15041 results:

701. Asaad Shamlakh  

On 8 October, freelance journalist Asaad Shamlakh was killed with his family in an Israeli airstrike on his home in Sheikh Ejline neighborhood in Gaza city, PJS confirmed.  IFJ, journalists, impunity, Palestine, Palestinian, safety  
702. Mohammad Al-Salhi, Ibrahim Lafi  

On 7 October, Palestinian photojournalists Mohammad Al-Salhi, working for news agency Fourth Authority and Ibrahim Lafi from Ain Media news agency were killed while covering fights in the Gaza Strip during on-going military operations in the area. Mohammad Al-Salhi was shot dead  while covering the clashes at the border east of Palestinian refugee camp Al-Bureij, located in the central Gaza Strip, according to the state-run news agency WAFA. In the same day, the media reported that photojournalist Ibrahim Lafi was killed while reporting near Beit Hanoun checkpoint, close to the separation fence with Israel, in the northern Gaza Strip. IFJ, journalists, impunity, safety, Palestine,…  
703. Ayelet Arnin  

During Hamas' attack, on 7 October, news editor with the Israeli Broadcasting Corportation (KAN) Ayelet Arnin, 22, was killed at the Supernova music festival in southern Isael. Armin's death was confirmed on 16 October, the Times of Israel reported.   Israel, Israeli, journalist, safety, impunity, IFJ, union,  
704. Shai Regev  

Israeli media reported the killing of editor of TMI, the gossip and entertainment news section of the Ma’ariv newspaper Shai Regev, 25. Regev was killed at the Supernova music festival on 7 October.  Israel, Israeli, journalist, impunity, union, killed, IFJ, safety  
705. Yaniv Zohar  

In the early hours of 7 October, Israeli photographer Yaniv Zohar, from daily newspaper Israel HaYom, was killed in Kibbutz Nahal Oz, in southern Israel, close to the border with the Gaza Strip. Previously, Zohar had worked for Associated Press as a video journalist between 2005 and 2020, reporting on major news in the country such as the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in 2005.  Israel, impunity, Israeli, safety, attack, Hamas, journalist, IFJ,  
706. Shai Regev  

Israeli media reported the killing of editor of TMI, the gossip and entertainment news section of the Ma’ariv newspaper. Shai Regev, 25. Regev was killed at the Supernova music festival on 7 October.  In the early hours of 7 October, Hamas launched an unprecedented attack in southern Israel. In response, Israel retaliated with airstrikes over the besieged Gaza Strip and formally declared war at Hamas. IFJ, journalists, impunity, Israel, safety...  
707. Ayelet Arnin  

During Hamas' attack, news editor with the Israeli Broadcasting Corportation (KAN) Ayelet Arnin, 22, was killed at the Supernova music festival in southern Isael, the Times of Israel confirmed on 16 October. Arnin attended the event to cover it, according to her employer, KAN.    In the early hours of 7 October, Hamas launched an unprecedented attack in southern Israel. In response, Israel retaliated with airstrikes over the besieged Gaza Strip and formally declared war at Hamas. IFJ, journalists, impunity, Israel, safety  
708. Yaniv Zohar  

In the early hours of 7 October, Israeli photographer Yaniv Zohar, from daily newspaper Israel HaYom, was killed in Kibbutz Nahal Oz, in southern Israel, close to the border with the Gaza Strip. Previously, Zohar had worked for Associated Press reporting on violent escalations on the ground such as in 2014 and 2016. In the early hours of 7 October, Hamas launched an unprecedented attack in southern Israel. In response, Israel retaliated with airstrikes over the besieged Gaza Strip and formally declared war at Hamas. IFJ, journalists, impunity, Israel, safety  
709. Mohammad Jarghoun  

On 7 October, journalist Muhammad Jarghoun, working for Smart Media, a media production company in Gaza, was killed while covering the fight between Hamas and the Israeli army, close to Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip.  
710. Roee Idan  

On 20 October, Israel confirmed the death of Ynet photographer Roee Idan, who was unaccounted for more than ten days. Since Hamas' attack, fears grew that Idan was taken hostage until his body was finally identified. The Israeli photographer was killed during Hamas' attack on 7 October in Kibbutz Kfar Aza, where he was based, five kilometres east of Gaza. The news outlet he was working for, Ynet, confirmed that the photographer was documenting the early moments of the attack. IFJ, journalists, impunity, Israel, Ynet, Israeli, safety, union, Roee Idan, photographer  
711. World Day for Decent Work: “Young journalists deserve more protection”, says IFJ  

“Quality information depends on decent working conditions for all media workers and young journalists should be no exception,” says the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). On 7 October, the Federation will mark the World Day for Decent Work by launching a global survey to assess the needs of young media workers. In recent decades, precarious working conditions, including poor pay, lack of contracts, heavy workloads, stress and job insecurity have blighted the news sector. Young workers have particularly suffered. Sharply increasing inflation has brought issues to a head, exacerbated by  media anti-union policies and legislation limiting freelancers’ rights to organise. The…  
712. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from September 30th 2023 to October 6th 2023. English  A Call for Urgent Adoption of An Access to Information Legislation - Global News Network Liberia - GNN Liberia State, Media And Criminalizing Thoughts: Closure Of News Click| Countercurrents - Countercurrents Govt questioned over suspension of state newspaper editor - The Namibian - The Namibian Prabir Purkayastha (NewsClick) Wiki, Age, Wife, Net Worth, Family, Education & Biography -…  
713. Northern Cyprus: IFJ and EFJ demand the withdrawal of charges against the President of journalists' union Basin-Sen  

Ali Kişmir, the President of the Cyprus Turkish Journalists' Union (Basin-Sen), an affiliate of the International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ), will stand trial on 6 October for an article published in 2020. Kişmir faces a ten-year prison sentence for “insulting and mocking” the security forces. The IFJ and EFJ call for the charges against him to be dropped and urge the authorities to safeguard freedom of expression which is a cornerstone of democracy. In an opinion article published in 2020, the journalist described the state of his country’s politics as a “brothel”. Three years later, he will be tried for “insulting and mocking the security forces” in a court in…  
714. Latvia: IFJ, EFJ and NGOs extremely concerned by ban of Russian-language content on PSM  

The undersigned international media freedom and journalists' organisations, including the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) are extremely concerned by Latvian government proposals to ban the broadcast of Russian language content on Latvian public service media. On 28 September, the Latvian parliament approved the ‘National Security Concept’ a government-backed policy planning document. It states that all ‘content created by public media must only be in Latvian and languages belonging to the European cultural space’ from 1 January 2026. The move would essentially prohibit Latvian TV and Latvian Radio from continuing to produce content in Russian. Currently,…  
715. Abdulghani Abu Sha'ar  

On 5 October, assistant cameraman Abdulghani Abu Sha'ar, who worked for Syrian TV, was killed in a drone attack during a graduation event of the military academy in Homs.  Syrian, Syrian, impunity, killed, safety, middle east, IFJ, union  
716. EU: IFJ and EFJ applaud EP’s vote on EMFA for strengthened regulation, deplore conditional use of spyware  

At the plenary session in Strasbourg, the European Parliament (EP) adopted on 3 October, with an overwhelming majority, (448 votes in favour, 102 votes against and 75 abstentions) its position on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA). The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) appreciate the EP’s continued commitment to preserving and promoting media freedom in an ever more hostile and fragile media environment. Many essential changes have been made since the legislative process began, but concerns about spying on journalists remain. "After a year of advocacy in close cooperation with other media freedom, civil society and digital rights organisations, we are happy…  
717. IFJ Voice- October 2023: Editorial  

"You have the support of hundreds of thousands of journalists around the world", announced our First Vice-President, Zuliana Lainez Otero, on 30 September to the workers of the Mexican news agency Notimex, who have been on strike for 3 years and 7 months. Supporting striking colleagues benefits all journalists The latest strikes by our colleagues in Egypt (BBC Cairo), Mexico (Notimex), France (Le Journal du Dimanche), Türkiye (Sputnik) and elsewhere remind us that international solidarity plays an essential role in these difficult times for strikers and their families. Showing that the IFJ is present and ready to defend its sisters and brothers around the world in their trade union…  
718. Romania: IFJ condemns editorial interference by Ringier Media Group  

In an open letter, seventy journalists from the media outlets Libertatea and Gazeta Sporturilor have accused Ringier Media Group of editorial interference that led to the dismissal of Editor-in-Chief, Cătălin Țepelin. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Romanian Trade Union of Journalists MediaSind condemning Țepelin’s layoff and management pressure applied to journalists. On 2 October, the Zurich-based Ringer Media Group demanded the resignation of Țepelin, a move opposed by the seventy journalists in an open letter.  According to the statement, on 31 July and 8 August, two executives of the media company asked the Editor-in-Chief to provide…  
719. Sri Lanka: Controversial Online Safety Bill tabled  

New legislation presented to Sri Lanka’s Parliament on October 2 has been criticised as impacting freedom of expression and information in online spaces, with a new commission allowed to define, regulate, and prosecute the production or publication of ‘false statements’. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Sri Lankan affiliates, the Federation of Media Employees’ Trade Unions (FMETU), the Free Media Movement (FMM), and the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA), urge the Sri Lankan parliament to withdraw the bill immediately and conduct an immediate and thorough review in consultation with media stakeholders. The controversial Online Safety Bill was…  
720. India: News outlets raided and two journalists arrested  

The offices of news outlet NewsClick and the residences of several journalists were raided by Delhi authorities on October 3, with founder Prabir Purkayastha and administrative officer Amit Chakraborty arrested over allegations of accepting foreign funding. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), condemn the targeted police action against journalists and media workers and urge the authorities to release the detained journalists immediately. On October 3, police officers raided the offices of independent Delhi-based news outlet NewsClick, confiscating equipment and questioning outlet staff and media workers. At least 30 homes…  
721. Namibia: IFJ condemns suspension of state-owned newspaper’s Managing Editor  

The Managing Editor of state-owned New Era newspaper, Johnathan Beukes, was suspended from work on 2 October after publishing an editorial critical of Namibia’s judiciary. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Namibia Media Professionals Union (NAMPU) in condemning Beukes’ removal from work, which it considers a deliberate attack on media freedom. It calls on the authorities to reinstate the Managing Editor without any delay. On 2 October, Beukes was suspended from his position without formal charges brought against him, according to a press release issued by NAMPU. The Chief Executive of the publication, Christof Maletsky disclosed no further information…  
722. Pakistan: Islamabad journalist granted bail after judicial remand  

Muhammad Khalid Jamil, the bureau chief of Ausaf Broadcast Network (ABN) News, was granted bail On September 29, after a September 23 decision placed him in judicial remand for 14 days. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), condemn the arrest and urge the authorities to withdraw all charges against the journalist. Muhammad Khalid Jamil was arrested from his home in Media Town, Islamabad, on the evening of September 21. After a two-day physical remand, Jamil appeared in an Islamabad district and sessions court, with Pakistan’s Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) failing to receive an extension of his detention.…  
723. #IFJBlog: Supporting Cairo colleagues demonstrates the power of solidarity  

Occasionally, a simple act of solidarity acquires the power of transformative alchemy. This force is the essence of trades unionism. An early-morning visit to the BBC’s London headquarters at the end of August demonstrated just this. A handful of us – in the name of the IFJ and the NUJ – mounted a protest in support of our colleagues in Egypt who were at the time taking strike action in the BBC’s Cairo newsroom. It is a large bureau, where more than 100 journalists, most of them locally-recruited, provide coverage, predominantly for the BBC’s Arabic output. In Egypt, the past year has been one of dramatic economic volatility. Official inflation is close to 40 per cent, and actual inflation…  
724. México: IFJ expresses solidarity with unionised workers at Notimex on strike for three years and seven months  

“You have the support of hundreds of thousands of journalists all over the world”, IFJ Vice President Zuliana Lainez told striking Mexican journalists on 30 September. Lainez was visiting the camp of the Sindicato Único de Trabajadorxs de Notimex (SUTNOTIMEX), the Mexican state news agency that the federal government intends to shut. Unionised workers at Notimex have been on strike for three years and seven months. Lainez conveyed a solidarity message to them on behalf of 600,000 journalists represented by the IFJ worldwide and called for recognition of their struggle and compensation for dismissed workers. Lainez, reiterated the IFJ’s solidarity and support for the struggle of Notimex…  
725. International Podcast Day: Journalists’ unions podcasts around the world  

To mark International Podcast Day, celebrated on 30 September, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) takes a tour all around the world to listen to podcasts produced by our affiliates, addressing labour rights, freedom of press, gender equality and so much more. The IFJ’s listing of some of the best audio produced by affiliates. Watch the video and find links to the podcasts in the list below.   In order of appearance:  MACEDONIA - Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) Trade Union for the journalist's issues / Поткаст: Синдикатот за новинарските работи. All six epiosodes include interviews with people involved in the Trade Union in…  
726. Projects  

Projects Through our projects the IFJ and its affiliates engage with journalist leaders and influence policy makers around the world. They help build the capacity of our affiliates and enable us to raise issues which are key to defending journalists and journalism and to helping unions work in often turbulent media environments. Projects- funded according to ethical guidelines – are supported by our affiliates, development agencies or international organisations and help provide the resources to implement the IFJ working programme. Current projects cover issues such as workers’ rights, safety, impunity, press freedom,gender equality and digital media.  
727. IFJ Middle East & Arab world  

Middle East & Arab world News Campaigns Projects Resources The IFJ Middle East and Arab World office supports 20 affiliated unions and associations in the region. To defend and advance journalists' social and professional rights, it has established a close cooperation with key regional organizations, in particular with the Federation of Arab Journalists (FAJ). In the decade up to 2017 more journalists lost their lives in this region than in any other in the world, making it the most dangerous for professional journalists. This put vocational safety and the fight against impunity at the top of the IFJ's working programme in the region, resulting in a long-term regional campaign…  
728. The Federation of Journalists of Latin America and the Caribbean (FEPALC)  

The Federation of Journalists of Latin America and the Caribbean (FEPALC) FEPALC is the regional organization of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) whose main objective is the protection of workers' social and labor rights and the unity of action among journalists' organizations. FEPALC works to build and defend a healthy media environment within a framework of democracy, freedom and the right to information, the free and safe exercise of journalistic activity and the full exercise and guarantee of human rights. FEPALC defends the union, political and institutional interests of 15 unions representing 57,000 members.  
729. IFJ Latin America  

IFJ Latin America News Campaigns Projects Resources The IFJ’s 19 member unions and associations in Latin America and the Caribbean, representing more than 20,000 journalists and media professionals, are supported by the regional office in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The IFJ co-ordinates actions across the region to support the exercise of independent and quality journalism, in a framework of unrestricted defence of democracy and the human and labour rights of journalists and media workers in the region. Key recent projects have included: The promotion of collective bargaining and union organization, including conducting research on regional and international legislation on labour,…  
730. IFJ Europe  

FIJ Europe News Campaigns Projects Resources The IFJ represents over 320,000 journalists in 70 journalists’ unions and associations across 44 countries in Europe. It also has a European branch, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ). The EFJ is the largest organisation of journalists in Europe. It was created in 1994 within the framework of the IFJ Constitution. The EFJ fights for social and professional rights of journalists working in all sectors of the media across Europe through strong trade unions and associations. The EFJ promotes and defends the rights to freedom of expression and information as guaranteed by Article 10 of the European…  
731. Federation of African Journalists (FAJ)  

A Collective Voice for African Journalists The Federation of African Journalists is the regional organization of IFJ affiliates in Africa – providing a vital collective voice in defence of the social and professional rights of all African journalists. Founded in 2007, FAJ provides support and solidarity to unions and associations with a mandate to promote trade union development in the media industry in Africa, to address professional issues, to protect and defend freedom of expression and the right to information as well as journalists’ human rights, as laid down in the Declaration of Principles of Freedom of Expression in Africa. FAJ, as the largest organisation of African…  
732. IFJ Africa  

IFJ Africa News Campaigns Projects Resources The IFJ Africa Office, located in Dakar, Senegal, represents more than 40 unions and associations on the continent The office helps develop projects and campaigns in support of the fight for the rights and welfare of journalists and focuses on the development of independent and quality journalism in support of democratic, social and economic development. Among the key activities undertaken recently have been projects, training and campaigns focusing on issues such as trade union development, labour rights and collective bargaining, defending and promoting media freedom, protecting the safety of journalists and tackling impunity,…  
733. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from September 23rd 2023 to September 29th 2023. English  International Group Warns About Iran's New Journalist Licensing Mandate - Iran International Inside Iran's 'war of attrition' on journalists | Middle East Eye - Middle East Eye ILO opens the 2023 Global Media Competition on Labour Migration - International Labour Organisation AI Act: 13 International and European Authors' and Performers' federations call for a human centric approach to…  
734. EU: 80 organisations call on the European Parliament to protect journalists and ban spyware  

As the European Parliament gets set to vote on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) next week, 80 civil society and journalists’ associations and unions, including the International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ), are calling on Members of European Parliament (MEPs) to ensure meaningful protection for journalists in the regulation by including a total ban on spyware. On 3 October, the plenary of the European Parliament will vote on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA). This regulation will create the first European legal framework to protect journalists and media service providers from intrusive surveillance technologies. 80 media, journalists, and human and…  
735. Philippines: Student journalists harassed and summoned by army  

Student journalists working with university publication The Democrat were subject to harassment, summoning, and ‘red-tagging’ from members of the Filipino Armed Forces. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), in condemning the harassment and intimidation against student journalists and urging authorities to respect press freedom and conduct an immediate investigation into the incident. On September 22, student journalist Aila Joy Esperida received a letter signed by a regional administrative authority, a Naga City Barangay,  summoning her and her parents for a discussion with unidentified…  
736. Access to information: Governments must respect the right to know, says IFJ  

On the occasion of the International Day for Universal Access to Information, celebrated on 28 September, the IFJ calls on governments across the world to stop hindering journalists from fulfilling their professional duties and commit to guaranteeing universal access to information, including citizens' right to seek, receive and impart information. Universal access to information is an integral part of the right to freedom of expression. Enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), it includes the right to seek, receive and impart information through any media and regardless of frontiers.  Freedom of information is the right of all citizens to know…  
737. Afghanistan: Survey shows lack of access to information leaves society in the dark  

The Afghan National journalists Union (ANJU) surveyed 433 journalists working in all parts of the country, collecting opinions in both quantifiable and narrative forms. The results shines important light on the impact of the suspension of the 2014 Access to Information Law, that took place in August 2021. An extensive survey of journalists from Afghanistan reveals access to information has hit a new low, while Government promises of a new media law to address this situation remain unfulfilled.  Asked their opinion on the availability of official information to journalists, 90 per cent described the situation as ‘critical’. Ninety-seven per cent do not believe that the Afghan…  
738. Somalia: NUSOJ steps up campaign for access to information  

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), in partnership with the US Embassy in Mogadishu is hosting a National Forum on Access to Information today (28 September). Its theme is: “Realising Access to Information in Somalia” and it brings together government officials, media professionals, civil society organisations, and international partners. They will consider how to achieve access to information legislation consistent with Article 32 of the Constitution of Somalia. Its comprehensive guarantee to freedom of information has yet to be given proper legal effect. The forum is the culmination a long-standing campaign by the IFJ affiliate that has included messaging on social media…  
739. Démission de l’AGJPB: déclaration de la Fédération internationale des journalistes  

Bruxelles, le 28 septembre 2023, La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), représentant 600.000 journalistes dans 146 pays du monde et voix de la profession auprès des Nations Unies, prend acte et regrette la démission de son affiliée belge, l’AGJPB - l’Association générale des journalistes professionnels de Belgique -, dans une lettre envoyée à la Présidente et au Secrétaire général de la FIJ le 25 septembre. L’AGJPB regroupe l’AJP, l’Association des journalistes professionnels francophones et germanophones, et de la VVJ, Vlaamse Vereniging van Journalisten néerlandophone. La FIJ regrette que le communiqué de presse de l’AGJPB ait été repris parfois in extenso par quelques…  
740. #IFJBlog: What Remains of Independent Journalism in Myanmar  

Independent journalists in Myanmar have been outlawed, hunted, tortured, jailed and killed by the country’s military regime, but despite the campaign of terror waged against them, they keep reporting. Now, more than ever, they need your support in their struggle against censorship, detentions, and violence, writes Phil Thornton Myanmar Now photojournalist, Sai Zaw Thaike was sentenced to 20 years in jail with hard labour in early September. His ‘crime’ - reporting on the destruction caused by Cyclone Mocha, as it ripped its way through Rakhine State in May this year. Myanmar Now’s editor-in-chief, Ko Swe Win, explained to IFJ that Sai Zaw was only doing his job as a photojournalist…  
741. Burkina Faso: Junta suspends Jeune Afrique operations  

The military junta in Burkina Faso has suspended, until further notice, the print and online operations of French news outlets Jeune Afrique. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this high-handed attitude of the Junta that has become a pattern to silence media outlets and to deprive citizens of valuable information. The Minister of Communications and Government Spokesperson for Burkina Faso, Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouedraogo, said that an article published in Jeune Afrique, titled ‘Tensions persist in Burkina Faso’s army’ was 'misleading'. It followed an earlier article published on 21 September, that Ouedraogo said "had the…  
742. Hong Kong: HKJA head sentenced on obstruction charges  

Ronson Chan, the head of the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), has been sentenced to five days in jail after allegedly obstructing police officers in September 2022. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its United Kingdom affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) strongly condemn the detention of the leader of its affiliate and urge the Hong Kong government to uphold its constitutional commitment to press freedom and overturn the journalist’s conviction. On September 25, HKJA chair and Channel C multimedia director Ronson Chan was sentenced by Judge Leung Ka-kie on charges of obstructing police. In her deliberation, Judge Leung stated her belief that the…  
743. UN: ICC must investigate the killing of journalists in Palestine  

Why has no progress been made by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in its investigation of the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh? That question was at the heart of a parallel meeting organised by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) held at the United Nations (UN) in Geneva on 22 September 2023. The date marked the first anniversary of the IFJ’s formal complaint to the ICC about Abu Akleh’s killing – since which time, prosecutor Karim Khan has made no apparent progress.  The meeting opened with Forensic Architecture’s reconstruction of the events that led up to Abu Akleh’s death on 11 May 2022. Their video draws on previously unavailable footage from cameras carried by…  
744. EU: Journalists and creative workers call for a human-centric approach to regulating AI  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined authors, performers and other creative workers and artists, representing several hundred thousand workers, in urging the European Union institutions to agree on a balanced regulation that not only forwards the advancement of AI technologies but also promotes original human creativity. As the negotiation of the AI Act enters its final “trilogue” stage, the undersigned organisations reiterate their position and insist on the absolute need for a human-centric approach to regulating generative AI that respects fundamental rights. We represent several hundred thousand professional authors, performers, and other creative workers …  
745. The Gambia: Journalist charged with ‘interference with witness’  

The owner of online news media platform Mankajang Daily, Bakary Mankajang, was detained by the Gambian police on 20 September, in connection with his reporting on police killings. Mankajang was released on bail and charged with ‘interference with witness’ on 23 September. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Gambia Press Union (GPU) in calling on the Gambian authorities to drop all charges against the journalist and to allow him to do his work without further attempted intimidation. According to a press release issued by the GPU, Mankajang’s whereabouts were unknown until the journalist’ relatives confirmed visiting him in a police cell in the town of…  
746. China: Jailed journalist trial begins amid inhumane detentions  

The trial of jailed journalist and women’s rights activist Huang Xueqin has begun after over two years in pre-trial detention, while supporters have raised concerns for jailed citizen journalist Zhang Zhan following her second birthday in custody. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the prolonged detention of the journalists and urges authorities to ensure their immediate release. Following a long-awaited court appearance on September 19, the trial of independent journalist and #MeToo activist Huang Xueqin and labour rights activist Wang Jianbing commenced on September 22 at the Guangzhou Municipal Procuratorate in China’s south. According to supporters,…  
747. Philippines: Outlet withdraws article on alleged lawmaker university donation  

The online news publication Inquirer.net withdrew an article detailing an alleged donation by the House of Representatives speaker to Boston’s Harvard University in exchange for a Filipino language course. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in expressing its deep concern over the withdrawal and calling on Filipino media outlets to uphold their commitments to press freedom and discourage self-censorship. On September 1, the United States bureau chief of Philippines-based online news outlet Inquirer.net, Rene Ciria-Cruz, resigned from their post following the unannounced takedown of a news…  
748. México: asesinan al periodista Jesús Gutiérrez Vergara en Sonora  

El comunicador fue asesinado a balazos en las cercanías a su domicilio, mientras conversaba con policías fuera de servicio en el barrio Aviación, en el municipio de San Luis Río Colorado, en el estado de Sonora. El Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) demandó que se considere el trabajo del periodista especializado en policiales como línea de investigación. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas acompaña la exigencia de su afiliada, así como los reclamos por condiciones seguras para todxs lxs trabajadorxs de prensa. El pasado domingo 24 de septiembre el comunicador Jesús Gutiérrez Vergara fue atacado junto a cuatro policías por hombres armados que les dispararon desde un…  
749. Tunisie: jour après jour, les journalistes sont attaqués, menacés, diffamés  

Après la détention provisoire du caricaturiste tunisien Twafiq Omran cette semaine, ce sont les journalistes Hechmi Nouira et Zina Zidi qui font l'objet depuis quelques semaines de menaces odieuses et de campagnes calomnieuses sur les réseaux sociaux. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et son affilié, le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT), appellent le gouvernement tunisien à rétablir d'urgence la liberté d'expression dans le pays. De mal en pis en Tunisie : jour après jour, le gouvernement fissure sa démocratie en s'attaquant sans cesse à l'un de ses piliers : la liberté d'expression.  Jeudi 21 septembre, le caricaturiste Omran a fait…  
750. Chile: balean en el rostro a un camarógrafo cuando cubría manifestaciones por el 50º aniversario del golpe de Estado  

Javier Barría, camarógrafo de la cadena Mega, fue alcanzado por una bala en el rostro durante enfrentamientos entre la policía y concurrentes en las protestas, y afortunadamente se encuentra fuera de peligro. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia este ataque a un trabajador que se encontraba cumpliendo su labor informativa, acompaña al colega herido y exige a las autoridades una urgente investigación que esclarezca estos hechos violentos. El 11 de septiembre pasado, en el marco del 50º aniversario del golpe que colocó al General Augusto Pinochet como presidente de facto, el camarógrafo Javier Barría asistió junto al cronista Rodrigo Ugarte a cubrir las manifestaciones en el…  
751. Authors' rights  

Authors' rights News Campaigns Resources The exploitation of intellectual property rights is a topic for virtually every government, major company and economic forum worldwide. Journalists are among those who must have intellectual property rights too! These rights are called authors' rights. The IFJ authors' rights programme calls for journalists to be recognised as the authors of the work they create, have control on any further use of their work and receive fair payment for it, whether their works are exploited off line or online. We oppose the Anglo-American copyright system which deprives all staff and most freelances of these rights.  Authors' rights are not only economic…  
752. Freelancers' rights  

Freelancers’ rights News Campaigns Resources Freelance journalism is no longer an "atypical" form of work. In some countries the majority of journalists are freelances. While many freelances appreciate the freedom, variety and flexibility of independent employment, many are journalists who would prefer traditional employment but are forced in to fake freelance positions and denied a contract by employers who break local rules on employment, avoiding welfare and social charges. These employers rob journalists of rights, pay, pensions and benefits. The increasing precarity of work in many parts of the world is undermining journalism and impoverishing journalists. In some…  
753. Collective bargaining rights  

Right to collective bargaining Resources ILO Convention 98 provides the right for unions to negotiate collectively with employers. Collective bargaining is recognized as the primary means of improving workers' living standards, wages and reducing inequalities.  Convention 98 also provides protection against anti-union discrimination. Want to know more about how your union can seek to enforce its rights to collective bargaining – contact us  
754. Freedom of Association  

Labour rights are human rights Resources The right of journalists and media workers to form and join trade unions is enshrined in international law. International Labour Organisation Convention 87 establishes the right of all workers - staff or freelance - to form and join unions of their own choosing and for those organisations to be able to operate free from state or employer control. If your union is being denied its rights – contact us to find out how we can help secure fundamental rights in your workplace. Want help on how to form a union in your workplace – contact us  Join your local union:  
755. Rights at work  

Rights at work Campaigns Resources Without social justice and fairness at work it is impossible to talk of editorial independence or media freedom. The IFJ works with its affiliates and the global trade union movement on campaigns, projects, training and advocacy for freedom of association, rights to collective bargaining, winning better working conditions and extending social justice and professional rights. In the face of unprecedented challenges brought about by economic crises and technological change, strong journalists’ unions remain the best defence of journalists’ professional and social rights. The message is clear – whether in new or traditional, mainstream…  
756. Workers’ rights  

Workers’ rights Journalists and media workers organized in strong and active unions are better paid, have better terms and conditions and better social protections. The threats to journalists’ working conditions – precarious work, job cuts, low pay, long hours and political and commercial pressures - are abundant. But the message is clear - whether in digital or traditional media, mainstream or alternative, public service or privately-owned, whether employed or freelance, younger or older, male or female - union action, collective bargaining and professional solidarity make a difference.  
757. Human rights  

Human rights News Campaigns Resources Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. International human rights law lays down obligations of Governments to act in certain ways or to refrain from certain acts, in order to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals or groups. The IFJ works to protect the human rights of its members and the communities they serve and to help journalists and media improve coverage of human rights issues.  
758. Media Concentration  

Tackling media concentration Resources  Concentration of media ownership is a threat to media freedom, placing excessive power in the hands of private individuals, corporations, governments or political authorities. Despite the proliferation of websites and social media, power and influence is still concentrated in the hands of the few. The IFJ stands for media pluralism and campaigns for limits on media ownership and in defence of public service values in broadcasting and all forms of media.  
759. Ethics  

Ethics News Campaigns Resources  At a time of polarized debate and technological change, ethical journalism in the public interest has never been more important. As commercial organisations and governments seek to manipulate news, profit-hungry social media platforms undermine quality journalism, and political propaganda and hate speech masquerade as truth, journalists' unions are campaigning for a media environment which embraces the core values of journalism – truth, independence and the need to minimise harm. The IFJ Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists has become the principal text for journalists and their unions to enforce ethics and…  
760. Press Freedom  

Press Freedom Press freedom can be endangered by an assassin’s bullet, fired to kill an investigative journalist and to intimidate and silence his colleagues. But it can also be endangered by the knock on the door from the police, arresting a reporter to question her on her sources, or to jail her, with or without a proper trial. It is threatened by restrictive media laws and defamation law suits which put the power over editorial content into the hands of censors and courts or by violence of all kinds, cyber-bullying and internet shutdowns, by poverty pay, a growing concentration of media ownership and a media environment in which ethical concerns and quality journalism are…  
761. Gender equality  

Gender equality News Campaigns Resources The IFJ puts the fight for gender equality at the heart of its work and campaigns Our Santander Declaration – a programme to fight for equality in the workplace and beyond - highlights key issues for our affiliates.  The violence and harassment faced by women journalists across the world. IFJ statistics demonstrate that at least 1 in every 2 journalists have suffered sexual harassment, psychological abuse, online trolling and other forms of human rights abuses. The gender pay gap, which is a reality in every continent, and which not only affects women throughout their working lives but in retirement too. The increasingly precarious…  
762. Future of Journalism  

Future of Journalism Projects Resources The business model which sustained media for decades is collapsing in many parts of the world. Rapid technological change has both opened up exciting new opportunities for journalism but can also pose widespread threats to jobs, working conditions and quality journalism. Jobs, which were once well paid and secure, are increasingly being replaced with insecure, precarious work with wages so low many are forced to leave the profession. Major news platforms like Facebook and Google rake in billions in profits but pay few taxes and produce no original news content. Public service broadcasting, especially television – once the antidote to the…  
763. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from September 16th 2023 to September 22nd 2023. English  Media groups condemn alleged bribery attempt on RNZ Pacific journalist - RNZ Hate News Debates: India’s opposition bloc boycotts 14 TV news anchors | The Daily Star - The Daily Star  Prosecution's 'harassment' of news outlets draws concern internationally - The Korea Times  Over 100 Journalists Detained In Iran In Last Year - Iran International  Regime Threatens Iran…  
764. IFJ World Congress 2022  

IFJ Global Congress in Oman 30 years of the IFJ International Safety Fund  
765. Middle East  

Middle East & Arab World  
766. Latin America  

Latin America office  
767. Europe  

Europe Office  
768. Africa  

Africa office  
769. IFJ Head Office  

IFJ Head Office  
770. Secretariat  

Secretariat The IFJ Secretariat works under the direction of the Executive Committee to carry out the policies and working programme democratically decided by the IFJ World Congress.  
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