15063 results:

14493. Journalism and The Human Rights Challenge to Turkey: Putting Union Rights and Press Freedom on the Agenda  

Journalism and The Human Rights Challenge to Turkey: Putting Union Rights and Press Freedom on the Agenda Report of the IFJ/EFJ Mission to Turkey 26-30 April 2002. (PDF)  
14494. Journalists Warn Over Threats to Editorial Freedom As Broadcasting Crisis Deepens in Several Countries  

Developments in France and Italy, where major public and private broadcasting networks are facing struggles over editorial independence, highlight a growing crisis for broadcast journalists said the International Federation of Journalists and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists today. "Business and political interests are squeezing the lifeblood out of independent journalism," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ and EFJ, "and European political leaders must recognise their responsibility to protect journalism from undue interference." Leaders of the EFJ will meet in Brussels at the weekend when they will discuss, among other issues, the…  
14497. Quality Counts in the Fight for Authors' Rights Say Journalists on World Copyright Day  

Quality and high standards in journalism are what counts in the fight for authors' rights said the International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' group, today in a statement to mark World Copyright Day on April 23rd. The IFJ says that journalists' unions fighting for recognition of their rights in the world of Internet and converged media technologies are striking a blow for ethical and high quality journalism. "Journalists who insist on their right to be consulted and to be paid for the reuse of their work are setting benchmarks for quality content that will benefit the whole of the profession," says the IFJ, which last year launched a worldwide campaign…  
14498. Call to unions and journalists : Stop precarious practices and discrimination at Radio-Canada in Quebec  

Call to unions and journalists : Stop precarious practices and discrimination at Radio-Canada in Quebec (WORD - 22/04/2002)  
14501. European Journalists Back Strike by Media Workers and Journalists in Italy  

The European Federation of Journalists today called on its membership of more than 200,000 editorial staff across Europe to support a general strike organised by the three major trade union organisations of Italy, including the Italian journalists' union, the FNSI. In a climate of increasing social tension in which the media has become a battleground, the Federazione Nationale della Stampa Italiana, a member of the EFJ and International Federation of Journalists, called on all its members in daily newspapers, magazines, national agencies, including freelance journalists, to stop work on Monday, April 15. This will prevent the publication of newspapers on April 16 - the day when…  
14502. The 2003 Natali Prize - Where to send your application  

Send your application to the delegation office of the European Commission in your country if you reside in a country outside the European Union. For addresses of the European Commission's delegations, please visit the European Commission's External Service Directory. Or mail or fax your application to the IFJ secretariat International Federation of Journalists Att.: Ann-Christina Hansen International Press Centre - Résidence Palace 155, rue de la Loi B-1040 Brussels Belgium Phone: + 32 2 235 22 07 Fax: + 32 2 235 22 19 E-mail: [email protected] Or the relevant IFJ regional Office/co-ordinator Africa Fédération Internationale des Journalistes Bureau régional de la FIJ…  
14504. IFJ Calls for End to Radio-Canada Lock-Out and "Renewal of Public Service Values"  

The International Federation of Journalists today called for peace in the bitter dispute at Radio-Canada where journalists and media staff have been locked out since March 22nd. "The time for talking and for a renewal of public service values in broadcasting is now," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. "The inequalities at the heart of this dispute need to be resolved as a matter of urgency." The IFJ says that the complaints of the workforce, represented by the IFJ affiliate the Federation nationale des Communications, have an echo across the globe in many other broadcasting houses. "Many broadcasting people are shocked at the situation in…  
14506. Protest Over Ten Palestinian Journalists Arrested in Bethlehem  

According to information received by the IFJ from the West Bank 16 Palestinian journalists were arrested in the press centre in Bethlehem Municipality by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and transported yesterday morning to the military Headquarters at Kefar Etzion near Bethlehem. Yesterday afternoon three journalists were released from Israeli detention and three more were let go the same evening. Ten remain in detention. "The conditions surrounding the detention of the journalists are unacceptable," said Sarah de Jong, IFJ Human Rights Officer; "their mobile telephones were confiscated along with tapes, and their cameras and equipment were destroyed by soldiers. The…  
14507. Moldova : Occcupation of RTV Moldova by the Army  

Declaration – communiqué by Moldovan Committee for Press Solidarity Additional military troops were dislocated on the grounds of the State Company Teleradio-Moldova on April 3, 2002, which occupied all halls, floors, and space between them, blocked all exits and entrances, introduced multiple filtering of journalists and technical staff, limiting their access to offices, production, editing, and broadcasting areas. Simulating a state of blockade and strict necessity regime, the management of the Company, General Directorates, and Department heads developed, upon orders from their political patrons, lists whereby employees are divided according to undisclosed criteria, limited access…  
14510. IFJ Emergency Appeal to Aid Colleagues Under Fire in Palestine  

The Toll of Journalists Hurt and Killed Below list was compiled by the Committee to Protect Journalists and the IFJ March 18, 2002. Amjad Al Alami (cameraman): Killed March 14, 2002. Several Journalists: Attacked March 13, 2002. Rafaelle Ciriello, Corriera della Sera: Killed March 13, 2002. Al-Jazeera: Attacked March 13, 2001. Tareq Abdel Jaber, Egyptian Television: Attacked March 12, 2002. Several Journalists: Attacked February 21, 2002. Voice of Palestine Radio and Television: Attacked February 14, 2002. Sagui Bashan, Israel Television Channel 2: Attacked February 13, 2002. All Media: Harassed February 2, 2002. All Media: Harassed January 19, 2002. Voice of Palestine…  
14511. IFJ Protest As Reporters Are Injured; Israeli Media Ban Promotes "Ignorance, Rumour and Fear"  

The International Federation of Journalists today called for Israel to lift its ban on reporters covering the military intervention in the West Bank town of Ramallah, warning that censorship in the conflict will not bring peace "but only lead to more ignorance, rumour and fear." After a violent weekend in which at least three reporters were injured, a Palestinian radio station was take over and a journalist alleged Israeli troops used him as a "human shield" in a gun battle, the IFJ says media staff are in more danger than ever. "People who speak of democracy and then impose censorship to avoid public scrutiny make a mockery of the language of peace and human rights," said Aidan…  
14512. Internet for Hacks, an introduction to using the Internet as a journalist  

Internet for Hacks. This is an introduction to using the Internet as a journalist. New updated version March 2002. (PDF)  
14513. IFJ Accuses Liberia of Victimisation After Five Media Staff Arrested at Strike-Hit Broadcaster  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' organisation has vigorously condemned the arrest and detention of five employees of the state-owned Liberia Broadcasting Corporation (LBC). Police arrested three journalists - Bockarie Musa, Kota Dogba and Dennis Samukai - a technician and a guard for alleged sabotage at the weekend following a strike by 160 LBC workers who have demanded to be paid over salary arrears stretching back over 13 months. The IFJ fears for the safety of the arrested colleagues following claims by its affiliate the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) of floggings by the security forces. The government of President Charles Taylor…  
14515. IFJ Condemns Closure of Last Independent TV Station in Russia  

THE International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalist group, expressed concern today over the decision to wind up the last remaining independent television station TV6. This raises serious questions about media pluralism in Russia, says the IFJ. "Russia's leaders must make clear their commitment to media freedom by creating the conditions for independent television in the country," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. "We strongly support the action by station staff who are protesting against this closure." The complex events leading to the station's closure arise from a government clash with TV6 owner Boris Berezovsky, a critic of…  
14519. IFJ Calls On Morocco to Reject Press Code Amidst New Appeal for Reinstatement of Sacked Union Leader  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalist's group, today called on Morocco's second chamber of deputies to reject plans for a new press code which has led to a confrontation between the ruling party of Prime Minister Abderrahman Yusufi and media and which led to the dismissal of the leader of the journalists' union. Prime Minister Abderrahman Yusufi is also the director of Itihad Ishtiraki, the newspaper that has suspended Younes Mjahed, a member of the IFJ Executive Committee, and General Secretary of the Moroccan National Union of Journalists. "The IFJ believes that the management of this paper has acted irresponsibly," said Aidan…  
14521. IFJ Broadcasting Campaign Backs Moldova Journalists in Struggle for Media Independence  

The International Federation of Journalists today gave its backing to action by up to 500 Moldavian journalists and media workers who are taking industrial action in their campaign for independent and democratic media. A series of work-to-rule protests have followed a declaration demanding media freedom issued by journalists from the national broadcaster TeleRadio Moldova last month and supported by the Journalists Union of Moldova. The Committee for Press Solidarity, bringing together different groups, has also backed the campaign for demands for independence in media in Moldova, particularly in the country's broadcasting system. "This campaign has hardly had any international…  
14523. Journalists Accuse Israel of "Failure of Discipline" After Italian Journalist is Killed in Hail of Bullets  

The International Federation of Journalists today blamed a persistent "failure of discipline and disregard of international law" by the Israeli authorities for the killing of an Italian journalist and the wounding of a French colleague in the Palestinian territories today. "For months we have seen a deterioration in the regard for the rights of journalists whether they are from the international or the Palestinian community," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. "Today's tragic events were inevitable given the persistent failure of discipline and disregard of the rights of journalists under international law." Yesterday Israeli soldiers…  
14524. Journalists Condemn "Spiteful Legal Victimisation" of Croatia's Feral Tribune  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists group, today condemned the recent rulings against the satirical weekly Feral Tribune in Croatia saying they were examples of "spiteful legal victimization" that threaten the paper's survival. The IFJ is calling for a review of the legal regime that has brought Feral Tribune - a standard-bearer for independent journalism during the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s - to the brink of extinction. The weekly's bank account was frozen on 1 March, following the Zagreb Regional Court's sentencing of the weekly to fines amounting to 200,000 kuna (approx. US$23,900; 27,183 euros). The newspaper was sentenced for "moral…  
14525. The Cyprus Declaration 2002  

The Cyprus Declaration CONFERENCE OF MEDITERRANEAN REGION JOURNALISTS Cyprus 8-9 March 2002 We, the 37 trade union representatives from 15 countries united here in Cyprus on 8 and 9 March 2002 for the 4th Conference of Mediterranean region journalists on the theme "Mediterranean, a bridge of peace, freedom, security and cooperation between people - the role of journalists" hereby adopt the following final declaration. Over the past year the situation for journalists has not improved in the Mediterranean countries. The terrorist acts of 11 September merely served to increase the monitoring of work done by journalists on the pretext that adopting this approach would…  
14526. Report of IFJ Mission to Bulgaria, March 2002  

Bulgaria Success as Public Broadcasting Campaign is Launched Download the report [WORD]  
14529. Southern African Broadcasting Conference Calls on African Governments to Enforce Freedom of Association in Broadcasting Sector  

Media release from UNI-MEI (Union Network International, Media, Entertainment and Arts sector) Download the press release (WORD)  
14531. Journalists Protest Over Closure of Metro Newspaper in Zurich: "A Violation of Fundamental Rights  

The European Federation of Journalists, the regional group of the International Federation of Journalists, today accused the owners of Metro, a free newspaper in Zurich, of a "violation of fundamental rights" after a decision to close the paper with the loss of 58 jobs and with no consultation with the workforce. The EFJ has called on trade unions of journalists and media staff covering the European-wide network of Metro, a free daily newspaper service operating in major cities, to support Swiss colleagues, who are fighting the closure. "It is a violation of fundamental rights to have this action taken with no proper consultation with the people affected," said Gustl Glattfelder, EFJ…  
14535. Czech Television, One Year After  

Paper by Czech Union of Journalists: Czech Television, One Year After [WORD] February 2002  
14537. TV Bombing: IFJ Warns Israel Over "Making the world a dangerous place for journalists"  

THE International Federation of Journalists today warned Prime Minister Ariel Sharon that Israel's latest bombing of Palestinian radio and television facilities, this time in Gaza City, was a dangerous strategy that could lead to targeting of media around the world. In a letter to the Israeli Prime Minister, the IFJ says that attacks on public broadcasting facilities in Ramallah and Gaza city were not justified and "reinforce our strong belief that Israel is making the world a more dangerous place for journalists." "The broadcasts of the Palestine official media have infuriated many Israelis because they tell the story of the conflict from a clear Palestinian perspective," said Aidan…  
14539. Information from the Council of Europe on Public Service Broadcasting  

Press Release 19 March 2002 : who controls broadcasters? Recommendation N° R(1996)10 of the Committee of Ministers to Members States on the Guarantee of the Independance of Public Service Broadcasting Recommendation Rec(1999)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on measures to promote media pluralism Recommendation Rec(2000)23 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the independence and functions of regulatory authorities for the broadcasting sector  
14549. Public Broadcasting in Eastern Europe : Conclusion of Budapest Conference  

Public Broadcasting For All A Campaign for Reform of Public Service Broadcasting South East and Central Europe Budapest February 15th-17th, 2002 Back to main page of the Conference Journalists and media professionals from 16 countries meeting in Budapest on February 15-17th at the IFJ conference for journalists in South East and Central Europe: IFJ Regional Conference on Public Broadcasting, called for the creation of transparent and quality systems of public service broadcasting in every country of the region. Public service obligations in media are essential to freedom of expression and opinion and we endorse the extensive policy statements of the Council of Europe, the…  
14550. IFJ condemns Australian bid to gag media and officials as "pernicious threat to press freedom"  

The International Federation of Journalists today called on the Australian Government to withdraw amendments to the country's Criminal Code, which, say journalists, threatens both whistle blowers and journalists and constitutes "a pernicious threat to press freedom". Under the Criminal Code Amendment [Espionage and Related Offences] Bill 2001, it will be an offence to communicate "an official record of information or official information" to "a person to whom he or she is not authorised to communicate it or make it available." The bill also makes it an offence to receive official information. The IFJ, which is the world largest journalists' group,…  
14553. Who was Lorenzo Natali?  

EU Commissioner Lorenzo Natali 1922-1990 Born in 1922, died in Rome on 29 August 1990. Lawyer, married with two daughters. Joined the Italian partisan forces in 1944. Wounded in action. Decorated for valour on the battlefield. Deputy for the Abruzzi constituency in seven successive Parliaments. Member of the national council of the Christian Democratic Party. Throughout his carreer Lorenzo Natali occupied many government posts, first as under-secretary to the Prime Minister, then to the Minister for Finance and the Minister for the Treasury. He subsequently occupied the posts of Minister for Merchant Shipping, Minister for Tourism and Cultural Events and Minister for…  
14555. World Journalists Back 24 hours Strike by Greek Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists and its European regional group has called today on journalists throughout Europe to give their backing to strikes being called in Greek newspapers and audiovisual newsrooms on February 7 in response to a wave of sackings and a crisis of quality in the Greek media. "This is the second time within two months that Greek journalists and other media workers will go on a strike. This reflects the strong will to defend jobs and to demand higher quality in media content in Greece," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ and the European Federation of Journalists, "Journalists throughout Europe strongly support this campaign." The Greek…  
14558. Call for European Union To Get Tough With Zimbabwe After Arrest of Journalists' Leader  

The International Federation of Journalists today called for the European Union to "stop talking tough and take action now" after the arrest yesterday of Zimbabwean journalists' leader Basildon Peta. "This action follows the pattern of a blatant attempt to steal the coming election requires resolution and firmness as well as diplomacy," said Christopher Warren President of the IFJ. "The European Union must isolate Zimbabwe and make it clear that observers on the ground are not enough - the people of Zimbabwe must be allowed to think and speak for themselves without intimidation and threats of imprisonment." Basildon Peta, who works for the Independent…  
14559. FES/IFJ Conference for Journalists in Central Asia  

Organising for Editorial Independence and Reform of Public Broadcasting A FES/IFJ Conference for Journalists in Central Asia Almaty, 31 January – 2 February 2002 Programme DAY I : REFORMING BROADCASTING 9:30 Welcome President of Kazakh Union or any other Central Asia union Representatives from IFJ and FES 10:00 Broadcasting: To Serve the Public not the State Contribution and Response by IFJ PSB Expert – Outlining basic principles of PSB Editorial Independence, Financial transparency, political independence, objectivity, accountability. 10.30 Status of Broadcasting in different Central Asian Countries - Overview Focus on Editorial…  
14560. Background to Crisis at RTV Moldova  

National TV journalists protest against censorship Following some massive anti-Communist demonstrations in the capital Chisinau, journalists from the National Television (TVM) have declared their solidarity with the protesters and issued a statement of condemning the censorship enforced by the Communist ruling. For the first time since the protests broke out, anchors have presented their news bulletin without the authorities' tendentious declarations about the events. Wearing armlets on their right hands during the newscasts, journalists threatened with a general strike if the authorities will neglect demands listed in their statement. The National TV became lately a "tool for…  
Search results 14491 until 14560 of 15063