15063 results:

14300. Ketupa.net Media OwnerhipINformation  

This site features information about major media groups in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Europe and the Americas. Ketupa.net  
14302. Anglo American law: About Publishing Com - Sample Contracts  

Sample contracts, a link collection at About.com, Publishing  
14306. The 2003 Europe Prize Partners  

The Europe Prize, which is this year co-funded by the Network of European Foundations' (NEF) European Drug Policy Fund, is driven by the core values of media professionalism. It is organised by journalists themselves through the International Federation of Journalists and the European Journalism Centre and is supported by the Résidence Palace International Press Centre and leading newspapers in Europe. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) The IFJ is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation that promotes co-ordinated international action to defend press freedom and social justice through the development of strong, free and independent trade unions of journalists. The…  
14307. Digital Rights Management workshop, Brussels  

On 25th March 2003, the European Commission organised a workshop on digital rights management (DRM). This workshop followed a series of working groups organised by the different stakeholders ( users, technology companies, content producers and publishers, collective societies) and was aimed at developing and expanding the dialogue amongst stakeholders. The workshop was attended by about 100 participants, amongst which many right holders’ organisations based in Brussels. Thierry Stoll, Deputy Director General of DG Internal Market said that there were doubts as to the efficiency and safety of DRMs and questioned by whom and to whom would DRMs benefit. He reckoned that all right holders…  
14321. Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Union of Journalists  

5th Floor Coal House 17 N. Mandela Ave P.O. Box 66070,Kopje Harare Zimbabwe Tel: 263-4-781 032, Fax: 263-4-752 831/781578 Contact: Foster Dongozi E-mail: [email protected] Status: Full member  
14323. Iraq Campaign Petition Thanks  

14324. CNN Executive Chris Cramer to be honored in New York for promoting journalists' physical and emotional safety  

NEW YORK -- Chris Cramer, president of CNN International Networks, will receive the Distinguished Media Leader award of the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma in New York City on April 2nd. The Dart Center, a resource on traumatic injury for journalists worldwide, will honor the news executive for his unceasing leadership in moving CNN and the news industry toward greater attention to safety training and support for journalists who suffer traumatic stress, Executive Director Roger Simpson said. Cramer has urged the news industry to increase both safety training and attention to the risk of traumatic or emotional injury to journalists. Frank Ochberg, M.D., chairman of the Dart…  
14325. FAPE Conference on journalists’ authors’ rights, Santander  

The Federación de Asociaciones de la Prensa Española (FAPE) held a conference on 14-15th March on journalists’ authors’ rights. Pamela Morinière, the EFJ authors’ rights campaign coordinator, was invited to give a presentation on the European perspective of journalists authors’ rights. The conference represented a great opportunity for Spanish journalists to exchange their views on the difficult situation for journalists’ authors’ rights in Spain and compare their situation to the ones of their European colleagues. Pamela Morinière underlined the generally good quality of authors’ rights laws in Europe which was undermined by the difficulties faced by journalists in the negotiating…  
14326. Public Service Broadcasting Country File : Italy  

13 MARZO 2003 : LUCIA ANNUNZIATA PRESIDENTE RAI Documenti FNSI : Ciampi : Messaggio su pluralismo ed imparzialità nell'informazione Bill of law on : Resolution of conflicts of interest IFJ Letters to Romano Prodi, 28 January 2002 OSCE Media release :OSCE Representative on Media Freedom asks Berlusconi for clarification23 April 2002 Council of Europe Media release :Statement on the media situation in Italy13 March 2002 Press review : Ciampi : Messaggio su pluralismo et imparzialità nell'informazione, 24/07/02 Italy must be put under pressure to ensure free media, 30/06/2002 Nomine Rai, 17/04/2002 Rai, è pronta la lista Socci e Magliaro in pole,…  
14332. Spanish Intellectual Property Law  

The Spanish intellectual property law was adopted on June 12, 1996.  
14334. Presentation to the Workshop on Consumer Protection in Africa, Bamako-Mali  

by Herbert Lumansi, Adviser to the IFJ Executive Committee The International Federation of Journalists is the world's largest organisation of journalists, which was established in 1926 and has a membership of over 500,000 in more than 100 countries. Its objectives are to promote international action to defend press freedom and social justice through strong, free and independent trade union of journalists. The IFJ does not subscribe to any given political viewpoint, but promotes human rights, democracy and pluralism and is opposed to discrimination of all kinds and condemns the media propaganda to promote intolerance and conflict. IFJ believes in freedom of political and cultural…  
14336. Ethiopian Free Press Journalist Association  

Ethiopian Free Press Journalist Association P.O. Box 31317, Addis Ababa Telephone: 251-11-555.021 Fax: 251-1-555.021 President: Kifle Mulat Status: Associate  
14337. Open Letter on Iraq Crisis  

Sirs, Madams, With the prospect of a new war in the Persian Gulf the International News Safety Institute (INSI), an unprecedented coalition of more than 100 media companies, journalists, press freedom groups and international organisations, is urging all sides to respect the safety and integrity of journalists on the field of battle. Recent years have seen a sharp increase in the numbers of news media personnel killed and persecuted in the course of their work. Some 65 journalists and media staff were killed on duty last year. Many others suffered violence from groups who felt threatened by their reporting. A possible war in Iraq will put hundreds more journalists in the line of…  
14338. Lithuanian Law on Copyright and Related Rights  

The Lithuanian law on copyright and related rights is dated from March 5, 2003.  
14345. SND.ies: Best of New Media Design  

Who: Society for News Design What: Competition for new media journalists and Web designers. The competition honors skill, innovation and high quality visual journalism in Web and other new media design. Where: USA When: Deadline for submissions: No later than the first day of the month. Winner announced on the 15th of every month. Monthly winners will compete for the annual awards. More information: http://www.snd.org/sndies/sndies.html  
14346. Global Unions Action Points  

Global Unions Action Points for the World Summit on Information Society, February 2003. (PDF)  
14347. Media performance under focus in Nigeria  

IPC roundtable on the Media and 2003 ElectionsStatement from the International Press Centre (IPC) - Lagos A panel of journalists, politicians and independent media practitioners will on Thursday June 5, 2003 , examine the performance of the media before, during and after the just concluded National and State elections, the International Press Centre (IPC) has announced. They will voice their opinion at a one-day roundtable on the Media and 2003 Elections inside IPC s Media Hall of fame 42, Ijaye Road, Caterpillar Bus Stop, Ogba Lagos from 10am prompt. IPC says the roundtable, which is a joint cooperation of the Media-For-Democracy in Nigeria group (Media Rights Agenda,…  
14350. Inside Brussels, The Journalists' Guide to the Capital of Europe  

The guide is prepared by journalists for journalists, as a daily companion in the working life of a Brussels correspondent. It contains articles on Belgian and European political institutions, outlines the procedure for getting accreditation and residence permits, explains the fiscal system as it applies to foreign correspondents, and gives advice for the newcomer on how to cover EU politics. The Directory section lists spokespersons and press contacts for many Belgian and European institutions, and finally there is other useful material such as codes of conduct for journalists. Inside Brussels is published with the support of the European Commission by Journalists @ Your Service, the…  
Search results 14281 until 14350 of 15063