15060 results:

6093. Philippines: First journalist killed under President Duterte  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in deploring the brutal murder of Philippine journalist and columnist Larry Que on Monday December 19, 2016. The IFJ and NUJP demand the Presidential Task Force on Violations of the Right to Life, Liberty and Security of the Members of the Media, to immediately investigate the murder. On Monday, Larry Que, the new publisher of Catadunanes News Now was shot in the head as he was entering his offices, in Virac, Catadunanes, in central Philippinesß. He died from his injuries early on Tuesday morning in hospital. Que’s murder came after he published his column,…  
6094. Season's greetings  

2016 was an important year for press freedom and trade unions. We deplored more than 100 deaths in the media, made concrete proposals to counter impunity, campaigned hard to strengthen equality and workers’ rights and launched initiatives to build journalists’ safety and digital skills. We denounced moves towards more surveillance of the media and poor protection of whistleblowers, we welcomed legislation to protect and improve press freedom, we supported key wins in collective bargaining across the globe and celebrated quality journalism that contributed to exposing and countering key cases of corruption and money laundering across the world this year. May 2017 bring us even more…  
6095. Polish government to restrict journalists’ access to Parliament  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have today strongly condemned the latest attack on media freedom by Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) to restrict media access Parliament. Several thousand people have protested on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Warsaw over the government’s plans to impose restrictions on media coverage of parliament. The rules proposed by the head office of the Sejm, the lower house of Parliament, will ban all recording of parliamentary sessions. Only five selected Polish TV stations will be allowed to record or broadcast parliamentary sessions. The new rules will also limit the number of journalists allowed in the building…  
6096. Polish government to restrict journalists’ access to parliament  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) has today strongly condemned the latest attack on media freedom by Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) to restrict media access parliament. Several thousand people have protested on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Warsaw over the government’s plans to impose restrictions on media coverage of parliament. The rules proposed by the head office of the Sejm, the lower house of parliament, will ban all recording of parliamentary sessions. Only five selected Polish TV stations will be allowed to record or broadcast parliamentary sessions. The new rules will also limit the number of journalists allowed in the building…  
6097. RDC: des journalistes étrangers expulsés du pays !  

Depuis le dimanche 18 décembre, les autorités de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) ont coupé tous les réseaux sociaux dans le pays et expulsé des journalistes étrangers vendredi dernier, notamment une équipe belge. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de journalistes, condamne ces atteintes à la liberté d’information (MAJ 19/12/16). En janvier 2015, à la suite de violentes émeutes contre le pouvoir en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), les autorités avaient décidé de couper brutalement Internet pendant 48 heures, décision qui avait paralysé totalement l’économie nationale. Les réseaux sociaux étaient alors restés muets pendant…  
6098. Marlon David Martínez  

The host at TopMusic, part of of Invosa Group which also owns Radio Cadena Voices (RCV) and Love 98 Radio, was shot dead killed alongside three friends by unidentified gunmen in San Pedro Sula. Martinez, also known as El Socio was known for his comments and strong views about local politics. On the day of the shooting, Martinez had spoken out against the appointment of a Supreme Court judge following a secret vote, demanding transparency in the process to appoint judges to ensure the independence of the judiciary, according to the RCV news Director.  
6099. Somalia: Journalists protest against restrictions to cover upcoming elections  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed concerns and condemned the restrictions to the coverage of the ongoing indirect elections in Somalia by journalists of the independent media. Presidential elections are due to be held on 28 December 2016 in Somalia, as decided by National Leaders Forum (NLF), to choose the President of Somalia and the leaders of the two houses of the Parliament, notably the speakers of the upper house and the lower, and their deputies. According to media reports, Government officials who are working with inter-dicsciplinary committee on transition - a technical committee which is preparing for inauguration of Somalia’s…  
6100. Elmer Cruz  

The body of the journalist who worked as a presenter for Tele Morazan 10 and Max TV 22 was found in the municipality of Morazan in the north of country. His belongings were left intact, removing robbery as a motive.  

The 40 year-old editor of Bangladesh’s first LGBTIQ magazine Roopbaan and local staffer of USAID, was hacked to death along with his friend, Tanay Fahim, at his residence in Dhaka’s Kalabagan area. Both victims were well-known LGBTIQ activists in Bangladesh. Mannan and Fahim were attacked by a gang of six men posing as couriers. Mannan had received a number of threats online from radical Islamists in the lead up to the third annual Rainbow Rally, which was to be held on Bengali New Year, April 14.  
6102. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 9th December to Friday 16th December: 1. Hooray For The Russian Hackers, Boo To The Kremlin 2. Apoyo a EL MUNDO por su investigación 3. Corte Suprema analizará el caso de periodista holandés 4. Irak: le directeur de la radio de Kirkouk a été abattu 5. Maroc : la FIJ demande l’abandon des poursuites en diffamation contre le président du SNPM 6. On China, Trump could be most influential president since Nixon 7. IFJ condemns attacks, restrictions on…  
6103. Mohammad Nasir Mudasi  

The 53-year-old station manager and senior program organiser for Mili Payam (National Message) Afghan radio station in MuhammedAgha District of Logar Province in southern Kabul, was gunned down by two unidentified gun men as he was leaving his workplace at approximately 4:30pm. Mudasir, founding member of the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA), died on the spot. According to the AIJA, Mudasir and other workers at the station had received persistent threats over the past two years.  
6104. SOE MOE TUN  

The 35-year-old crime reporter with Daily Eleven was found dead on the side of the road in Monywa, in northwestern Sagaing. The journalist was found with face and head injuries, indicating murder. Soe was reporting on illegal logging in Sagaing at the time of his death.  
6105. Ahmed Mohamed Al Jbouri  

The freelance journalist was killed while covering the battle in Al Shirqat, according to the the Iraqi Journalists' Syndicate, an IFJ affiliate.  
6106. Deadly year in Afghanistan continues: thirteenth journalist killed  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), in condemning the killing of a senior journalist in Afghanistan. The IFJ and AIJA jointly demand immediate and transparent investigations into his death from the Afghan authorities. On Thursday December 15, 53 year-old Mohammad Nasir Mudasir, station manager and senior program organiser for Mili Payam or National Message Radio Station and founding member of AIJA, was gunned down at approximately 4:30pm in Muhammed Agha District of Logar Province southern Kabul. AIJA’s initial investigations have revealed that two unidentified armed men opened fire on Mudasir as…  
6107. South Asia Media Solidarity Bulletin: DECEMBER  

Welcome to the monthly e-bulletin of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN). The next bulletin will be sent on January 16, 2017, and your inputs are most welcome. We encourage contributions to let others know your activities; to seek solidarity and support from SAMSN members on your campaigns and activities. To contribute, email Ujjwal Acharya at: [email protected] Please feel free to distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. This e-bulletin and South Asia related contents are available at the SAMSN Digital Hub: https://samsn.ifj.org    In this bulletin: 1.   Forging strategies for media change in the…  
6108. Wathek Abdel Wahab  

According the Iraqi Journalists' Syndicate (IJS), an IFJ affiliate, the correspondent for Al Mosulia in Hadba’ was killed by the so-called Islamic State (IS) after they had kidnapped him.  
6111. HK Ombudsman rules in favour of union complaint  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) in welcoming the Hong Kong Ombudsman’s decision in favour of HKJA’s complaint against the government’s outdated media policy. On December 7, the Hong Kong Ombudsman ruled that the government’s policy towards digital-only media is inadequate and vague. The policy denies digital-only media access to government press events and its information dissemination system. The government pledged in January 2014 to update its press policy in line with changes in the media environment, but no reforms have been made. The judgement said: “The new media in Hong Kong and other parts of the…  
6112. Moisés Dagdug Lutzow  

The Director of the radio programme La Grande de Tabasco on Radio XEVX since 1980 was gunned down at his home by unidentified attackers. The 65-veteran media executive and former Member of Parliament had reported receiving death threats over his criticism of the federal government in the state of Tabasco.  
6113. Reinel Martínez Cerqueda  

The 43-year-old media worker for the community radio El Manantial was shot dead by unidentified gunmen in the municipality of Santiago Laollaga, Oaxaca state. According to media reports, the journalist's colleague said that the killing was in connection with the victim's professional activity.  
6114. Talal Abu Iman  

According to media reports in Iraq, the technician working at the Iraqi Media Network in Ninawa was killed by the so-called Islamic State (IS) in the city of Mosul and his beheaded body was handed over to his family. He had been missing for months after his abduction.  
6115. Lebanon: Solidarity pledged in face of massive lay-offs and unpaid wages  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today pledged its urgent solidarity to hundreds of Lebanese journalists who have been sacked, seen their labour rights abused and have not had their salaries paid as a result of the crisis that threatens the country’s media. As part of an urgent campaign to support Lebanese journalists the IFJ is to organize solidarity actions over the coming weeks. Due to the current political instability in the region, ten leading media in Lebanon are struggling with serious economic difficulties. In late September, newspaper Al Moustakbal fired 51 journalists, technicians and media workers and announced plans to sack 50 more in the coming months, while…  
6116. Sri Lankan Navy Commander assaults journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Free Media Movement, Sri Lanka (FMM) in condemning the attack by the Sri Lankan Navy commander on a journalist at the Magampura Port in Hambantota, Southern Province on December 10. The IFJ demands immediate action against the commander. Navy Commander Vice Admiral Ravi Wijayagunaratne assaulted Roshan Gunasekera, a local correspondent for The Island and Divaina dailies, while the journalist was reporting navy action to open the port blocked by protesting port workers. Video footage recorded by other journalists showed the navy commander darting towards Gunasekera, assaulting him and using foul language. Gunasekera later said:…  
6117. Jesús Adrián Rodríguez Samaniego  

The journalist for a local radio was shot dead outside his home in the Mexican district of Chihuahua. According to media reports, Samaniego worked in his station’s political service and at times was a crime reporter, which he used to be when he investigated drug traffic. His last investigations on record concerned the alleged torture of two indigenous brothers who were accused of attacking a governmental caravan in 2009.  
6118. Mort d’un blogueur algéro-britannique à la suite d’une grève de la faim  

Le critique du gouvernement et bloggeur Mohamed Tamalt, 42 ans, est mort dimanche 11 décembre à l’hôpital de Bab El-Oued à Alger, après plus de trois mois de grève de la faim. Le bloggeur qui avait écrit dans le passé des textes dans le quotidien El-Khabar, habitait Londres depuis 2002 et était responsable d’un site web Arab Context critique des autorités algériennes.. Il avait été arrêté le 27 juin à Alger et condamné le 11 juillet à une peine de deux ans de prison ferme et 200.000 dinars d’amende pour avoir publié sur Facebook un poème critiquant le président algérien Abdelaziz Bouteflika ainsi qu’un certain nombre d’articles contre les membres du gouvernement algérien.…  
6119. Luxleaks Trial: IFJ and EFJ support the defendants  

This is the response of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and  the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) to the call from the Support Committee from Luxemburg. Both Federations were represented in Luxemburg with about ten more organisations, from all around Europe, to support those who acted as whistle blowers in a matter of public interest. Ricardo Gutiérrez and Dominique Pradalié will make public the letter that the EFJ and IFJ addressed officially to the President and the judges of the Appeal court. Read the full article in French For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140…  
6120. Mexico: IFJ condemns the ninth murder of a journalist in 2016  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has strongly condemned the murder of Jesús Adrián Rodríguez Samaniego on 10 December in the district of Chihuahua. Rodríguez Samaniego, who was working as a journalist for Antena 102.5,  a local radio based in Chihuahua, was shot dead outside his apartment. There isn’t any information yet on the motive for this new killing of a media worker nor on killers. Read the full article in Spanish Para más información, contactar con la FIP en el tlf. + 32 2 235 22 16 La FIP representa a más de 600.000 periodistas en 140 países Sigue a la FIP en Twitter y Facebook Suscríbete a las noticias de la FIP  
6121. Qatar: Doha News blocked by the authorities  

On 30 November, Qatar authorities blocked access to online media Doha News inside the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this act of censorship by the government, which undermines media freedom in a country which claims to defend press freedom in the Gulf region. Doha News, Qatar’s leading English independent news website was launched by two American journalists working in Qatar. They described in a statement the action of the government as “a clear act of censorship and a fairly unprecedented one in the country”. Doha News is said to have upseted several unnamed government ministers with their reports. The two companies that provide internet in the…  
6122. IFJ in the News  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 2nd December to Friday 9th December: 1. Asia Pacific: NGOs targeted, military abuses suppressed, Ampatuan victims remembered 2. Panama must free Dutch journalist: Transparency International 3. Transparencia repudia la detención del periodista holandés en Panamá 4. Turquía niega que haya 146 periodistas detenidos y reduce el número a tres 5. Juramentados 51 delegados voluntarios del SNTP que defenderán derechos de periodistas 6. YMO Appeals to Intl Orgs to Rescue…  
6123. Mohanmed Thabet al-Obeidi  

According to media reports, 38-year-old al-Obeidi was gunned down by unidentified men driving a car, while on his way to work in the city centre. The station he managed, Baba Gurgur, broadcasts in Arabic, Kurdish and Turkmen, and is part of the Iraqi Media Network.  
6124. Iraq: Radio director gunned down in Kirkuk  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates in Iraq, the Iraqi Journalist Syndicate (IJS) and the Kurdistan Journalists’ Syndicate (KJS) in condemning the murder on Tuesday 6 December of Mohammed Thabet al-Obeidi, the head of a local radio in Kirkuk. According to the media reports, al-Obeidi, 38, was gunned down by unidentified men driving a car, while on his way to work in the city centre. The station he managed, Baba Gurgur, broadcasts in Arabic, Kurdish and Turkmen, and is part of the Iraqi Media Network. Following the attack, the IJS and the KJS issued statements condemning the crime, calling it an attempt to silence the media They also urged authorities…  
6125. IFJ nominee elected to IFRRO Board of Directors  

IFJ nominee Edward Hasbrouck of the National Writers Union, one of IFJ's member unions in the USA, has been elected to a 3-year term on the Board of Directors of the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organizations (IFRRO). Hasbrouck holds the sole seat on the IFRRO Board reserved for journalists and other writers worldwide. "No one writer can represent the global diversity of journalists and authors," Hasbrouck told the IFJ Executive Committee after his election. "But if anything helps prepare me, it's my experience representing the NWU's diverse membership, which includes not just journalists but also literary, academic, technical, and other writers in all…  
6126. Historic Right to Information Act passed in Vanuatu  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Media Association blong Vanuatu (MAV), in commending the recent passing of a Right to Information (RTI) Act in Vanuatu. On November 24, 2016 the Vanuatu parliament unanimously passed an Act tabled by Prime Minister Charlot Salwai on the Right to Information. The Act will provide for the guarantee of the right to information of all persons in Vanuatu. The MAV described the RTI as “a ‘home-grown’ RTI – a major development and achievement not only for Vanuatu’s growing media industry but for the Vanuatu government also.” In a statement, MAV said, “MAV understands that it takes many years for some countries in the…  
6127. Maroc: la FIJ demande l'abandon des poursuites en diffamation contre le président du SNPM  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié le Syndicat National de la Presse Marocaine (SNPM) pour demander l’annulation du procès en diffamation à l’encontre du Président du SNPM. Abdallah Bakkali, président du SNPM, vice-président de la Fédération des journalistes arabes, et directeur de publication du quotidien marocain d’opposition Al Alam, est poursuivi en diffamation devant le tribunal de première instance de Rabat dont le procès se tient demain. Le Ministère de l’intérieur marocain l’accuse d’avoir publié un article dans son journal du 9 octobre 2015 et d’avoir fait des déclarations sur le site Alyaoum 24 à propos de la corruption électorale qui…  
6128. Nabil Mohamed, Ahmed Al Hadidi  

Nabil Mohamed, a cameraman and his colleague sound engineer Ahmed Al Hadidi both working for Mosulia TV were kidnaped by the so-called Islamic State (IS) and later executed reportedly after being accused of revealing information about the terrorist group.  
6129. Ali Ghani  

The sound engineer for Alahad TV was killed while covering the operation of the Iraqi army to liberate the city of Khalidiya city in the north of al Anbar province.  
6130. Finland: Two journalists shot dead  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) called on the authorities in Finland to conduct a swift investigation on the killings of two journalists and a local politician, who were shot dead by a rifle outside a restaurant in the small Finnish town of Imatra at around midnight on 3 December.  The chairwoman of Imatra Town Council and two local reporters were gunned down in a pedestrian area outside a restaurant in the town just before a police patrol car arrived to the scene at around midnight Saturday. A 23-year-old local man with a criminal record was detained at the scene, but the motive for the killings remain unclear, said the Southeastern Finland…  
6131. Espagne: un juge tente de censurer l’enquête #Footballleaks  

Les Fédérations Internationale et Européenne des Journalistes (FIJ/FEJ) condamnent fermement cet acte de censure indigne d’une démocratie. La FEJ salue l’attitude des journalistes du quotidien, qui ont refusé de se plier à l’injonction judiciaire.Le juge madrilène Arturo Zamarriego a ordonné au quotidien espagnol « El Mundo » de ne pas publier, ce samedi, l’enquête internationale #Footballleaks sur l’évasion fiscale massive dans l’univers du football professionnel.  Au terme de sept mois d’enquête et après avoir analysé 18,6 millions de documents, les journalistes de l’hebdomadaire allemand « Der Spiegel » et leurs confrères d’une dizaine de médias partenaires, au sein du consortium…  
6134. IFJ Blog: Who fixes, who reports?  

Priyanka Borpujari analyses the power imbalance inherent in terms like ‘fixer’ and ‘foreign correspondent’. On December 7, 2016, Angel İstek Alcu, the first woman to receive the Martin Adler Prize will be honoured at the Rory Peck Awards ceremony. Her citation says that “She is regarded by visiting journalists as one of the region’s most trusted and knowledgeable fixers,” and acknowledges her work in a very dangerous environment. Alcu works in Diyarbakir, the epicentre of the war between Kurdish insurgents and the Turkish government. More significantly, she lives there.  How is a ‘foreign correspondent’ defined? And who is a ‘fixer’? Does a foreign correspondent only hail…  
6135. FIP y SNTP realizan en Venezuela seminario sobre Negociación Colectiva  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), en el marco de un proyecto regional financiado por Union to Union (UTU) y en colaboración con el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Prensa de Venezuela (SNTP), realizó en Caracas, un Taller entre los días 2 y 4 de diciembre destinado a fortalecer capacidades sindicales en negociación colectiva. En el transcurso de este taller, enfocado en la capacitación sobre las prácticas y los instrumentos de la negociación colectiva así como en la legislación laboral vigente en el país caribeño, participaron afiliados y afiliadas del SNTP y se llevaron a cabo diversos paneles a cargo de especialistas en la temática. Luego del recibimiento del…  
6136. FIP y SNTP realizan en Venezuela seminario sobre Negociación Colectiva  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), en el marco de un proyecto regional financiado por Union to Union (UTU) y en colaboración con el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de Prensa de Venezuela (SNTP), realizó en Caracas, un Taller entre los días 2 y 4 de diciembre destinado a fortalecer capacidades sindicales en negociación colectiva. En el transcurso de este taller, enfocado en la capacitación sobre las prácticas y los instrumentos de la negociación colectiva así como en la legislación laboral vigente en el país caribeño, participaron afiliados y afiliadas del SNTP y se llevaron a cabo diversos paneles a cargo de especialistas en la temática. Luego del recibimiento del…  
6137. Sudan: IFJ Condemns Media Crackdown  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) fiercely condemned the seizure of five newspapers and the closure of a television station by the Sudanese authorities, on Monday, 28 November, following coverage of a national strike by opposition groups against fuel subsidy cuts. According to media reports, on 28 November the Sudanese National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) seized the Tuesday editions of newspapers Al- Ayam and Al –Jareeda, Al Tayyar and Al- Tali newspapers without giving any explanation. Similarly, on 30 November, copies of Al – Watan newspaper were also confiscated. “The confiscation of the newspapers and the forceful closure of Omdurman Television, is…  
6138. Quatre organes de presse fermés au Bénin  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de journalistes (600.000 membres), a interpellé ce jeudi 1er décembre la Haute autorité de l'audiovisuel et de la communication (HAAC) du Bénin, à revenir sur sa décision de fermer les chaînes de télévisions E-Télé, Sikka TV et Eden TV et de la radio Soleil FM intervenue le 28 novembre 2016. La HAAC a en effet décidé de "mettre fin jusqu'à nouvel ordre aux activités" de ces quatre organes de presse pour cause de « délocalisation ». Sikka TV et la radio Soleil FM appartiennent à l'homme d'affaires et politicien Sébastien Ajavon, arrivé troisième lors de la Présidentielle de mars 2016. Ce dernier…  
6139. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 28th November to Friday 2nd December: 1. Journalists in Turkey being arrested and harassed 2. EU neither specified propaganda, nor gave Russian media right to defend – IFJ president to RT 3. La FIP pide liberar al periodista condenado en Panamá por escribir sobre fraude 4. World human rights NGO urges end to Zunar’s 'harassment' 5. Violencia de Género. Asociaciones de periodistas alertan sobre la violencia creciente contra las mujeres informadoras 6. Press…  
6140. 16th IFJ focus on Safety - December 2016  

Welcome to the 16th issue of the IFJ Focus on Safety, a monthly blog which provides highlights, news and in-depth analysis of safety-related events of concerns to journalists. The blog is part of the IFJ strategy to promote the safety of journalists and to combat the issue of impunity. Please check out the IFJ International Code of Practice for the Safe Conduct of Journalism at the end of this issue. We value your feedback and would like to hear about your safety experience in the field as well as any safety-related stories you would like to share with members of the IFJ family, the global journalists’ community. The issue covers the following safety-related events and activities: •…  
6141. Asia Pacific Bulletin: DECEMBER  

Welcome to the IFJ Asia-Pacific’s monthly e-bulletin. The next bulletin will be sent on January 1, 2016 and contributions from affiliates are most welcome. To contribute, email [email protected] Please distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ifjasiapacific Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IFJAsiaPacific Join the IFJ Asia-Pacific mailing list here   In this bulletin: 1. Forging strategies for media change in the Asia-Pacific 2. Asia-Pacific Unions make firm steps towards making gender equity a reality 3. IFJ Resolution: Philippines: We stand behind our besieged colleagues in the Philippines!…  
6142. Turkey: Organising journalists under the state of emergency  

The Journalists Union of Turkey hosted a regional meeting of the IFJ-EFJ affiliates from the Balkans and Eastern Europe in Istanbul on 29-30 November 2016. The gathering of international journalist representatives from over 12 different countries, sent a message of solidarity to Turkey’s journalists operating under the current state of emergency where: • Over 120 journalists are currently in jail • Hundreds face prosecution • Over 3000 have lost their jobs following forced closures of over 180 media The event has primarily focused on the current ‘post-coup’ environment in Turkey and the current oppression against journalists across the country. It also addressed the organizing…  
6143. Panama: IFJ/EFJ urge authorities to release journalist Okke Ornstein  

As an anti-corruption conference gets underway today in Panama, the International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have sent a letter to the country’s President urging him to release Dutch journalist Okke Ornstein. On 15 November, Ornstein was arrested on his arrival at Panama's international airport and charged with slander and libel in connection with articles he published on his website about the alleged fraudulent commercial activity of a Canadian citizen, Monte Friesner, who is currently facing criminal proceedings in Panama. The journalist faces a prison term of 38 months and he has not received his rights to adequate legal assistance, according to his…  
6145. Life sentences for nine for the murder of Bangladeshi journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF) welcome the court verdict on November 30 convicting and sentencing nine persons to life in prison for the 2004 murder of journalist Manik Saha. The Khulna Divisional Fast Track Tribunal Judge M A Rob Hawladar delivered the verdict in the case which had been under trial since June, 2008. The court also fined convicts Akram Hosain Hawladar, Ali Akbar Shikdar alias Shaon, Nuruzzaman, Mithun, Suman, Sattar alias Disco Sattar, Bellal alias Bulbul, Saka alias Sakawat Hossain, and Sarwar Hossain alias Saro Tk 10,000 each. Among the convicts, four are at large whereas five were sent to jail.…  
6146. Bail denied for two Myanmar journalists facing defamation charges  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Myanmar Journalists Association (MJA) strongly criticize the rejection of the bail application of two staff from Eleven Media Group in Yangon on November 30, 2016. The IFJ calls on the Tamwe Township Court to immediately revise the decision and release the two journalists. On November 30, the criminal defamation trial of Eleven Media Group (EMG) CEO, U Than Htut Aung and chief editor, U Wai Phyo continued at the Tamwe Township Court. Aung and Phyo were sued for criminal defamation, by the Rangoon chief minister in early November under Article 66(d) of Myanmar’s Telecommunications Law. The case relates to an editorial…  
6147. 20 Sport Journalists from Brazil among 75 Victims of Plane Crash in Colombia  

20 sport journalists from Brazil were among the 75 victims of the ill-fated plane carrying the players of the Brazilian football team Chapecoense which crashed near the Colombian city of Medellin. Chapecoense was flying to Colombia to play the final match of Copa Sur Americana against Atlético Nacional de Colombia. The plane took off in Sao Paulo, stopped in Bolivia on the way to its final destination in Medellin. According to reports, there were six survivors, journalist Rafael Henzel of Radio Oeste, three football players and two members of the crew. The journalists who died in the plane crash are: Victorino Chermont (Fox Sports Brasil), Rodrigo Santana…  
6148. Victorino Chermon and 19 other Brazilian Journalists Killed in Plane Crash  

20 sport journalists from Brazil were among the 75 victims of the ill-fated plane carrying the players of the Brazilian football team Chapecoense which crashed near the Colombian city of Medellin. Chapecoense was flying to Colombia to play the final match of Copa Sur Americana against Atlético Nacional de Colombia. The plane took off in Sao Paulo, stopped in Bolivia on the way to its final destination in Medellin. According to reports, there were six survivors, journalist Rafael Henzel of Radio Oeste, three football players and two members of the crew. The journalists who died in the plane crash are: Victorino Chermont (Fox Sports Brasil), Rodrigo Santana Gonçalves (Fox…  
6149. Forging strategies for media change in the Asia-Pacific  

Journalist unions from across the Asia-Pacific resolved to share knowledge, utilize new technologies, and strengthen membership to effectively continue their struggle for press freedom and journalists’ rights, at the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Strategy Forum in Kathmandu, Nepal on November 23 and 24. Journalists and union activists from 14 countries participated in the meeting organized by the IFJ together with the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) and South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) with representatives from Afghanistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and…  
6150. IFJ Resolution: India: We stand with journalists of Kashmir  

We, journalists of the Asia Pacific, representing journalists' trade unions and associations of the region, gathered at a meeting of the IFJ in Kathmandu on Nov 24, 2016, call urgently for peace in Kashmir, India. We strongly condemn the attacks and restrictions on media reporting of the Kashmir conflict, in particular the arbitrary ban on the Kashmir Reader daily newspaper. We also condemn the restrictions on the use of internet and mobile phones in the conflict-affected Kashmir Valley, which affects newsgathering and dissemination. It also impedes news reporting from the ground, thus affecting the public's right to know and freedom of expression of the people of Kashmir. Journalists…  
6151. Asia-Pacific Unions make firm steps towards making gender equity a reality  

“Change has to come from within unions in order to make a real impact in the wider media environment”, said women journalists and activists from Afghanistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Vanuatu at the IFJ-FES Gender Equity Forum in Kathmandu, Nepal. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), together with the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) and South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU), held a gathering of women from across the Asia Pacific’s media in Kathmandu, Nepal, on November 20 and 21. Journalists and activists met to evolve…  
6152. IFJ Resolution: India: Improve safety and security of media workers  

In light of the increasingly brutal attacks on journalists in India, we, journalists of the Asia Pacific, representing journalists' trade unions and associations of the region, gathered at a meeting of the IFJ in Kathmandu on Nov 24, 2016, call for the government to immediately bring to justice those who attack journalists. These measures include the immediate enactment of a Journalists’ Protection Act at the national level and other mechanisms to address the suffering of families of slain and attacked journalists. The impunity of perpetrators, which has a devastating effect on press freedom in India must end forthwith. In order to ensure that journalists can carry out their duty in…  
6153. Hernán Choquepata Ordonez  

The radio presented for La Ribereña, also known by his pseudonym ' Randy' was attacked by unidentified assailants during the show he hosted called “Hablan los pueblos” (The villages speak) in the province of Camana, Peru. He suffered severe head injuries and was taken to hospital but died before arriving there. The journalist and his colleagues, who were often critical of the local authorities, had been receiving threats for more than a month and had reported them to the security authorities.  
6154. Colombia: IFJ mourns death of 20 journalists in a plane crash  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the National Federation of Journalist from Brazil (FENAJ, for its initials in Portuguese), in expressing its sincere condolences to the relatives and colleagues of the 20 journalists who died today in a plane crash in Antioquia, Colombia. The plane was carrying the players of the Brazilian football team Chapecoense, journalists and crew. Chapecoense was flying to Colombia to play the final match of Copa Sur Americana against Atlético Nacional de Colombia. The flight began in Sao Paulo, stopped in Bolivia and was supposed to arrive in the Colombian city of Medellin today. Aboard the plane there were 81 people,…  
6155. Egypt: IFJ/NUJ delegation urges release of journalists  

A delegation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), have urged Egyptian parliamentarians to do all they can to secure the release of 29 jailed journalists. The demand to free the journalists, many of whom have been detained for years, came during a meeting at the UK House of Commons. The delegation, formed by the IFJ Honorary Treasurer Jim Boumelha, the IFJ Middle East and Arab World Coordinator Monir Zaarour and the NUJ’s President and General Secretary, Tim Dawson and Michelle Stanistreet respectively, met with the Egyptian Parliamentary Delegation to the UK to express its deep concerns following two year…  
6156. Mustafa Said  

The cameraman for Kurdistan TV was killed in a mortar attack on the village near the Iraqi city of Mosul which had been retaken by the Persmerga forces from the so-called Islamic State. Said was following the forces involved in the assault with his colleague Hayman Nangli , a correspondent for the satellite channel ; who was alsoi injured, according to the station's statement.  
6157. Yemen: concerns raised over tortured journalist’s deteriorating health  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joined its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS), in expressing its concerns over the worsening health of a kidnapped journalist who has been tortured in captivity. Editor of the online site Alislah AbdelKhalee Omran was kidnapped on 9 June 2015 by the Houthi rebels at the Dream Land Hotel in the capital, Sana’a, together with 8 other colleagues. Reports said they were working from the hotel as they felt safer and could use electricity without interruption. Omran remains captive in the “political security” prison in Sana’a and, like the others, has been subject to repeated torture, a lawyer’s group which visited them…  
6158. Journalist attacked by hospital staff in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) in condemning the attack on a journalist by the staff of a hospital in Siraha, eastern Nepal on November 21. The IFJ demands immediate action against those involved in attacking the journalist. According to reports, Mithilesh Yadav, a journalist with Nagarik daily, was harassed at the Lila Mohan Hospital and Maternity Home Private Limited in Lahan of Siraha as he was reporting a dispute between hospital management and a patient’s relatives. Dhananjaya Yadav, a hospital employee, snatched his mobile and broke it while he was talking to hospital management about…  
6159. Arbitrary action on Derana TV by Sri Lankan government  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Free Media Movement (FMM), Sri Lanka in expressing serious concerns over actions by the Ministry of Parliamentary Reforms and Mass Media on the Ada Derana News TV channel. The IFJ demands that the Sri Lankan authorities refrain from any arbitrary action restricting freedom of the press. The Secretary of the Ministry accused the channel of falsification of a speech by President Maithripala Sirisena in a news bulletin and demanded an explanation before further action on November 18. Earlier, on October 25, the official had written to the channel informing them that an inquiry was being conducted into this matter. The FMM has…  
6160. Journalist arrested under controversial Nepalese Electronic Transaction Act  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) in condemning the arrest of a journalist under the controversial Electronic Transaction Act for sharing a Facebook comment. The IFJ demands immediate release of the journalist and dropping of charges. Arjun Thapaliya, the editor of Anukalpa daily published from Golbazaar of Siraha district, eastern Nepal, was arrested on the evening of November 22 by police for his comments on a Facebook post sharing a published news story. He was transferred to Kathmandu and was kept in detention after presenting him at the Kathmandu District Court. Clause 47 of the…  
Search results 6091 until 6160 of 15060