264 results:

141. Philippines: Government plays a dangerous game with ABS-CBN  

…ABS-CBN news in the Philippines has been ordered off air in yet another attack on press freedom, writes Nonoy Espina.  
142. Cambodia: Radio station owner arrested for allegedly spreading fake news  

…Sok Oudom, the owner of Rithysen radio station and website, was arrested and charged with broadcasting false news on a local land dispute in Kampong Chhnang, central Cambodia. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) regrets the arrest and calls for Sok Oudom’s immediate release.  
143. Egypt: Editor in Chief arrested amid new media crackdown campaign  

… against journalists named "case number 586". Case number 586 is a campaign to arrest journalists in Egypt on charges of participating in terrorist groups and spreading "fake news". Among the journalists in custody due to this campaign are Sameh Hanin, Haitham Hassan Mahjoub and producer Moataz Abdel Wahab. Media reported that their arrests…  
144. Descubren una campaña de fake news contra lxs trabajadores de Notimex  

Un equipo de especialistas nucleadxs en la Universidad de Guadalajara constató la utilización de cuentas falsas para difundir información tendenciosa y fraudulenta sobre lxs trabajadores despedidxs por la actual administración. Lxs periodistas mantienen un acampe en las puertas de su lugar de trabajo desde hace más de 80 días. Frente a las denuncias y posteriores comprobaciones académicas de una campaña de desprestigio en redes sociales hacia lxs más de 200 periodistas despedidos de la agencia estatal de noticias mexicana Notimex, desde la Federación Internacional de Periodistas manifestamos nuestro repudio a cualquier tipo de ataque a trabajadorxs que están actuando en defensa de sus  
145. Philippines: Black propaganda against ABS-CBN and Maria Ressa  

… a free-to-air channel.  The task force also targeted Maria Ressa, whose publications are notably critical of president Rodrigo Duterte. NTF-ELCAC accused Ressa of spreading ‘fake news’ when she mistakenly said ABS-CBN employed 11 million workers, instead of 11,000. Ressa, who is also a former head of ABS-CBN News, has apologised.  The Presidential…  
146. Cambodia: Journalists often risk their own safety just to do their jobs  

…the state of emergency.” Authorities have already begun targeting, arresting and educating at least 17 social media users from January to the end of March by accused them posting “fake news” about the Covid-19. At least four Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP) activists among them have been accused on the grounds of ‘incitement’ and were detained in…  
147. Cambodia: Journalists and the media continue to face significant judicial harassment  

… by the RGC, and the recent worsening of this during the Covid-19 crisis, such as the arbitrary arrest of TVFB reporter Sovann Rithy and the increase in arrests for sharing ‘fake news’, this is an alarming amount of power given to the RGC to further quash press freedom. The RGC has reported to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human…  
148. COE Annual Report: Attacks on media in Europe can not become a new normal  

… Europe member states. In response to the health crisis, governments have detained journalists for critical reporting, vastly expanded surveillance and passed new laws to punish “fake news” even as they decide themselves what is allowable and what is false without the oversight of appropriate independent bodies.  These are some of the key findings: The…  
149. #WPFD Nima Hassan Abdi: “Access to information from relevant authorities does not exist”  

… car attacks while there are restrictions of movements in the main cities. Access to information from relevant authorities does not exist. Very often political sides release fake information disguised as real news".    3. What are the most important stories to cover right now?  "Covid-19 and how it has…  
150. Covid-19 ravages Kenya’s media industry  

… despite the challenging environment. The government has reached out editors urging them to work closely with the authorities to disseminate accurate information and debunk fake news that could cause anxiety and confusion.  President Uhuru Kenyatta has praised the media for interrupting their programming to allocate extra space for coronavirus…  
151. Malaysia: Authorities implement ‘stern action’ against online media  

…Authorities in Malaysia have been instructed to take action against online media publishing inaccurate and misleading news. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) express concern over the government’s unclear directive and lack of transparency during the global pandemic.  
152. Latin America: pandemic, journalists and jobs  

… for reporting, as was the case for the Venezuelan journalist Darvinson Rojas, released after 12 days in detention. A parallel pandemic is disinformation. The badly named "fake news" multiplies faster than contagions. It is up to journalists to invest more than a third of their working day to check, check and check again. Today, unions are essential.…  
153. South Asia: Media unions and advocates calls for urgent end to Kashmir blockade  

… pandemic; Editing and sharing of audio and video files; Sharing of high-resolution videos and even some high-quality images. “Journalism is vital to stop the spread of fake news, myths and sensationalized stories, at a time when verified information put out by professional journalists in credible media houses could make the difference between life…  
154. COVID-19: Serbian government must guarantee free flow of information  

… by the Crisis Management Taskforce could release information about the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the government, the decision was intended to fight against fake news about the pandemic. However, the decree was strongly criticized by OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Harlem Désir and media groups, as it was a flagrant attempt…  
155. South East Asia: Concerns over authoritarian clampdown  

… the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act of 2020 on March 25 granting him extensive powers to address the Covid-19 outbreak. The Act allows him to punish those who spread fake and alarming information with up to 2 months in prison and up to 1 million pesos (USD19,735.22) in fines. The government has also limited journalists’ access to cover the Luzon…  
156. COVID-19: restrictions on access to information in Romania  

… other measures, allows the National Authority for Administration and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) to order take-down notices for websites and news reports containing “fake news”. The International and European Federation of Journalists believe that governments are right to tackle misinformation but warn against a set of measures that could lead to…  
157. Philippines: Emergency law threatens press freedom  

… phishing, fraudulent emails, or other similar acts". Even before the act took place, the Philippine National Police task force was allowed to penalise supposed purveyors of “fake news”. In Cebu City, for instance, Governor Gwendolyn Garcia publicly humiliated rapper Brandon Perang for making fun of the government efforts against the pandemic on social…  
158. IFJ Blog: China is trying to rewrite the present  

… efforts had to be dropped. That popular rage is still evident. Touring a residential compound in Wuhan, Vice Premier Sun Chunlan was greeted by a chorus of shouts of “Fake! All this fake!” resounding out of the safe anonymity provided by high-rise apartments. A new storyline percolated online and through WeChat from late January, arguing that the…  
159. COVID-19: Europe’s leaders must protect free flow of information  

… EU member state to make such an extreme and opportunistic power grab. The few remaining independent media outlets in the country are regularly attacked and accused of spreading “fake news” for raising simple questions about the government’s preparedness and strategy for tackling the pandemic. If approved, this new law would grant the Hungarian government a…  
160. China: US journalist press passes revoked for “ideological bias”  

…m information about their staff, finance, operation and real estate in China.” The ministry announcement said that the Chinese government rejects the “ideological bias against China, fake news made in the name of press freedom, and breaches of ethics in journalism”. Instead it called on “foreign media outlets and journalists to play a positive role in advancing the…  
161. IFJ urges media to report responsibly on Coronavirus crisis  

… the IFJ Global Charter of Ethics for Journalists becomes more important than ever. The principles gathered in this Charter are the best antidote against misinformation, fake news and conspiracy theories that are circulating on social media. As its first article reads, "respect for the facts and for the right of the public to truth is the first duty of…  
162. Thailand: Government proposes to monopolise crisis news coverage  

…o-cha administration as a severe violation of Thailand’s press freedom. Buddhipongse Punnakanta, Thailand’s digital economy and society minister who also chairs the government’s anti-fake news centre, raised the proposal in a Senate meeting while responding to questions about the media’s reporting during Thailand’s worst mass shooting in history on February 8 and…  
163. Qatar: IFJ leaders address social media challenges at international conference  

… to hold online platforms responsible for tracking down hate speech. A high number of speakers and participants called for an end to the criminalisation of defamation and fake news as a tool to curb freedom of expression.  Pointing at the number of activists in jail in the region, discussions warned against anti-terror laws that are used as a…  
164. Malaysia: Journalist charged for coronavirus Facebook posts  

… and Hong Kong at least 16 people are reported as being arrested for social media posts on the virus. Malaysia was among the first countries in the world to introduce anti-fake news legislation, but the legislation was repealed in October 2019. In the case of Hayati, provisions under the penal code have been used to similar effect. The Malaysian finance…  
165. Somalia: Union appeals to president to veto law which threatens press freedom  

…ists, by law, to a code of conduct and ethics.  In addition, this body would become the only legal authority to issue press cards and will punish ill-defined “fake news” reporting and “groundless propaganda”, both made illegal by the new law. Journalists who breach the law would be subjected to hefty fines. Since its…  
166. Turkey: EU-backed project organises digital and trade-union workshops in Istanbul and Bursa  

… currently implement in Turkey. Organized on 4 December in partnership with the Türkiye Gazeteciler Sendikası (TGS) and Evrensel newspaper, the first workshop focused on countering fake news and fact-checking techniques.  Training was delivered in the newsroom to 12 journalists by trainer Gülin Çavuş and Orhan Şener, director of the TGS Akademi. It examined…  
167. Iran: Government attacks critical TV channel as ‘terrorist'  

… family members in Iran, the confiscation of passports and travel bans preventing people leaving Iran, ongoing surveillance of journalists and their families, and the spread of fake and defamatory news targeting individuals, especially women journalists. In addition to journalists outside Iran, in the last few days several reporters and journalists have been…  
168. Iran: New threats against journalists in Europe  

… members in Iran, the confiscation of passports and travel bans preventing people leaving Iran, ongoing surveillance of journalists and their families, and the spread of fake and defamatory news targeting individuals, especially women journalists.  
169. Ukraine: IFJ calls on government not to implement measures to restrict media freedom  

… warned that, as happened in the past, that the government may hide its intention  to impose restrictions on press freedom under apparent good intentions of combating fake news and the influence of aggressive external information. The IFJ has pledged to work with Ukrainian journalists to closely scrutinise all the new regulations on media activity. …  
170. India: Andhra Pradesh government pushes for power to sue on fake news  

…The Andhra Pradesh government has submitted a proposal to allow department secretaries to sue media organisations for alleged “fake news”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) denounce the submission as a strategic curtailing of freedom and calls on the government to withdraw the proposal immediately.  
171. Stronger coordination needed to counter global disinformation on Hong Kong  

… Kong Journalists Association: [email protected] Centre for Law and Democracy: Toby Mendel: [email protected], +1 902 431-3688 Hong Kong, press freedom, disinformation, fake news, IFJ, Centre for Law and Democracy, HKJA, journalist, media, safety, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube  
172. India: IJU goes to court, fighting internet shutdown in Kashmir  

… of accurate information through accredited press organisations reporting from the ground is especially problematic and dangerous since there have been several instances of fake and inaccurate reports being spread through social media about the ground situation in Kashmir. It is impossible to determine the genuineness and severity of the humanitarian…  
173. Sri Lanka: Media blocked from meeting probing Easter Sunday attacks  

… is barred from the PSC proceedings. It is vitally important that the government is sharing information and working with the media, which will ultimately stop the spread of fake news.”  
174. IFJ in the news!  

…Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  
175. Macau: Proposed ‘fake news’ legislation threat to press freedom  

… and called for widespread consultation with media stakeholders to ensure press freedom is not impeded Under the proposed legislation, Article 25 refers to ‘biased, unfounded and fake news’ which AIPIM said is subjective and open to interpretation. In a statement, AIPIM said that during the initial public consultations Article 25 and references to fake news  
176. IFJ in the news!  

…Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  
177. Elena Milashina: “Sometimes I get threats and we just have to deal with it”  

… support for my work. It means both protection and recognition of what my newspaper and I have achieved. In recent weeks, the government of Russia passed a new law on fake news that raised concerns among press freedom defenders. What is your view of this law and more generally on the state of press freedom in Russia? For the last several…  
178. Truth vs Misinformation: IFJ launches 17th South Asia Press Freedom Report  

… triumphs and, most importantly, the solidarity of this region’s brave and determined media community over the past year. While battered by the ugly game-changing rise of fake news and the collapse of media’s traditional economic model, journalists, media workers and their unions again and again, showed they were defiant, bold and determined to confront…  
179. World Press Freedom Day : IFJ stands up for safe and independent elections coverage  

… around the world. “Raising standards in journalism to levels of public expectations during elections campaign is more relevant than ever before, in the current climate of fake news fuelling misinformation on increasingly influential social networks. At the same time, covering elections carries some safety risks, which journalists need to assess, prevent…  
180. South Africa: “Disinformation is the biggest threat to any election process”  

… of the SABC would  represent the worst calamity for the right to information in South Africa, more importantly in the context of 2019 elections. The pervasiveness of fake news In the noisy political environment that is South Africa at this point, the potential for misinformation, disinformation and fake-news multiplies exponentially. There is a…  
181. L’influence des élections sur le travail des journalistes  

…mes et femmes politiques de réagir aux informations qui ne leur plaisent pas en disqualifiant le travail du/de la journaliste. Cette disqualification peut se faire en parlant de « fake news » même si l’information est correcte et vérifiée, ou en mettant en avant des liens (supposés) du/de la journaliste avec un parti ou une tendance politique…  
182. Thailand: “Authorities must stop using fake news allegations to silence free and fair criticism”  

… for Community Educational Media (FCEM) and Prachatai (meaning Free People), the independent media website. She highlights the limitations on press freedom and the use of fake news to silence the media. #WPFD2019  
183. Indonesia: Journalists must serve the public interest, not politicians’  

… We hope the newsrooms can benefit from this initiative and that it will contribute to improve the quality of journalism in Indonesia. world press freedom day, Indonesia, fake news, unions, fact-checking  
184. IFJ Blog: ‘We can stop the spread of disinformation!’  

… are no longer the gatekeepers to factual information. Anyone with a blog, a following and understanding of how to manipulate social media algorithms can publish and spread ‘fake news’ without the fact-checking rigours demanded of journalism while also presenting it as journalism. What will be the key message you hope to leave the audience with when you…  
185. Russia: IFJ Voices Concerns over New Law on Fake News, Respect for State, Officials and Society  

…The International Federation of Journalists (IJF) today expressed serious concerns over the new Russian law on "fake" news and the "lack of respect for the state, the authorities, and society", warning it is likely to have a chilling effect on freedom of expression in the country. The IFJ urges the Russian authorities to review the legislation which came into force…  
186. Arab World: Journalists’ unions say it is time for Arab states’ leaders to support media freedom and independence  

…s à exprimer leurs opinions et à diffuser les informations de manière libre. (Il y a un consensus que ces technologies ont également facilité la prolifération d’informations inexactes, fake news, rumeurs ou histoires fictives, dont certaines sont utilisées pour promouvoir la haine et l’incitation à la violence). En revanche, le système législatif et organisationnel…  
187. Arrests made over trolling of Indian journalist  

… Report (FIR) after she was harassed and trolled on social media and via text messages and phone calls. In the FIR Dutt said: “I appear to have been made a victim of some fake news propaganda and my number has been shared on all social media platforms. I have been sent nude pictures and sexually abusive text messages. I fear for my well-being, security…  
188. IFJ Asia Pacific Bulletin: MARCH  

… story published in 2012.  The case has been widely criticised as retaliation by the Duterte government against Rappler's reporting of for exposing violence-inciting fake accounts on Facebook linked to the President.  See the IFJ statement here, read reports from The Conversation, Sydney Morning Herald, The New…  
189. IFJ in the news  

…Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  
190. Albania: Government must retract proposed laws on online media  

… journalists and critics. Self-regulation of the media, education and public awareness campaigns aiming to improve media literacy; awareness of propaganda, disinformation and fake news are the adequate tools to counter these problems – both online and offline. Being aware that Albania has to align its legislation with that of the European Union, we observe…  
191. EAJA, IFJ Hold Regional Workshop on Organising in the Digital Media  

… they face. They noted that while the usage of internet facilities remains very expensive in countries such as Uganda and Tanzania, legislations that aim at fighting so called “fake news” and false information are also emerging in various countries and threaten internet users. The workshop also addressed critical issues including developing tools for online…  
192. South Asia Media Solidarity Bulletin: DECEMBER  

… pressing issues mentioned in the meeting was how the rise of digital media will result with the introduction of online journalistic by-products  to the mainstream, such as fake news which can threaten the existing integrity of the media and journalist profession. Read more here.   2. High Court halts Press Trust of India’s mass layoff The Delhi…  
193. Journalist unions need to adapt to a digital ecosystem  

… issues mentioned in the meeting was how the rise of digital media will result with the introduction of online journalistic by-products  to the mainstream, such as fake news which can threaten the existing integrity of the media and journalist profession. Justin Molito, the director of organizing at the Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE)…  
194. Unions launch new regional group to fight for free and independent journalism  

… against media and the pressure on journalists from unscrupulous governments, politicians and extremists, all of which is creating a new climate for self-censorship where fake news and online hate can flourish. A motion of support and solidarity with Palestinian journalists in their struggle against violence, intimidation and the denial of their…  
195. Media targeted online and offline in the Philippines  

… into both incidents and reiterated its demands to the Duterte government to guarantee the safety of the country’s media. These incidents come as Wikipedia published a list of fake news websites across the world. The Philippines has its own dedicated page, to highlight the prevalence of fake news websites across the country. The NUJP is one organisation in…  
196. Bill to repeal ‘Anti-Fake News’ Act in Malaysia fails  

…Yesterday, Malaysia’s Dewan Negara (the Senate of Parliament) rejected the Anti Fake News (Abolition) Bill 2018, a decision which has been labelled a disappointment for Malaysia’s new Pakatan Harapan government. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists; Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) strongly criticise the…  
197. IFJ in the news this week  

…Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  
198. ¿Qué son las Fake News?: guía para combatir la desinformación en la era de la posverdad  

… (FIP), organización que representa a 600.000 comunicadores y comunicadoras en todo el mundo, elaboró una publicación que tiene como fin esclarecer y visibilizar el fenómeno de las Fake News, a modo de guía para periodistas y para la sociedad en general para identificar las noticias falsas, evitar su reproducción y desmentirlas.  
199. IFJ Blog: A letter to students – to be, or not to be, a Hong Kong journalist?  

…the publisher of The New York Times, A. G. Sulzberger, were locked in a fierce clash over Trump’s threats against journalism. Trump revealed on Twitter he and Sulzberger had discussed “fake news” and how it has morphed into the phrase, “Enemy of the People.” Sulzberger later issued a statement saying he had warned Trump that, although the phrase “fake news” is…  
200. IFJ Blog: Reporting Myanmar is Dangerous Work  

… power to commit to a free, investigative, independent and strong media. PULP FICTION With politicians prepared to label unfavorable coverage in the mainstream media as ‘fake news’ and the never-ending posting of internet opinion as fact, trust in genuine reporting of news events is being eroded in Myanmar. Journalists in Myanmar now say they have to…  
201. Asia Pacific Bulletin: JULY  

… the meeting agreed on the need for media and journalists to develop digital skills and adapt to the changing digital economy. Given the rampant spread of misinformation and fake news, the need for verification and fact-checking was underlined, in order to re-establish the credibility of the media. The meeting called on governments to create enabling…  
202. Media Unions Pledge to Build Power in Transitioning Digital Economy  

… journalist’s rights and media development; labour issues; gender equity; dangers, risks and challenges for journalists and media in conflict zones; impact of misinformation and fake news and emerging models of independent media. Strategies for organizing and campaigning in the changed context especially focused on youth and women. Strongly condemning the…  
203. UN Human Rights Council hears call to end persecution of BBC Persian journalists  

…BBC Persian news presenter Negin Shiraghaei today urged the United Nations Human Rights Council to help end the persecution of journalists and their families.  
204. IFJ in the news this week  

…Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  
205. IFJ in the news this week  

…Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  
206. IFJ Blog: Clampdowns and Courage  

… and in the passionate defence and campaigns delivered by colleagues and family for their release. It is the disturbing undertone in the ongoing discourse on the scourge of fake news that is taking over the online space as well as mainstream media. And it is there in the bleak silence of the many internet shutdowns that are plaguing freedom of expression…  
207. World Book and Copyright Day: Enforce moral rights to fight misinformation  

…eration of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) ahead of World Book and Copyright Day, 23 April. A large part of today’s discussions on the media focus on fighting disinformation and so-called “fake news”. But – so far – there is little discussion of legislation or of improved media practices to enhance and defend the authenticity of journalistic works through the…  
208. India forms committee to regulate online media  

…After the failed attempt to implement a policy to suspend journalist’s accreditation over fake news, the Information and Broadcasting Ministry of India has formed a committee without any representation of working journalists to recommend regulations for online media.  
209. Malaysian government tables ‘Anti-Fake News’ bill  

…The Malaysian Government tabled an ‘Anti-Fake News’ bill in parliament on Monday, March 26, ahead of general elections that are to be held in the country by August. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists; Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) criticized the bill and the heavy penalties.  
210. European parliament hears calls for urgent protection of journalists and trade unions in Somalia  

…t to comply with its ILO obligations and that due diligence is maintained with regards to EU funding for civil society and that independent trade unionists are supported as opposed to ‘fake’ trade unionists.” “While lethal attacks on media existed before the Federal Government, a new offensive has emerged in which government authorities want to take on the very…  
Search results 141 until 210 of 264