15041 results:

561. Togo: Two journalists held in custody for defamation  

The Publication Director of Le Flambeau des Democrates newspaper, Loic Lawson and freelance journalist, Anani Innocent Assous were taken into police custody on 13 November and are being prosecuted for ‘defamation and incitement to violence’. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the arrest and detention of the journalists and calls on the Togolese authorities to drop all the charges against them and release them. According to media reports from Togo, the journalists are being prosecuted for incitement to violence and defamation ‘attack on the honour of the Minister for Urban Planning, Housing and Land Reform, Kodjo Adedze’ in relation to an article that was published on…  
562. Amal Zahed, Mustafa Bakir  

On 24 November, journalist Amal Zahed was killed in an Israeli airstrike on Gaza City and Mustafa Bakir, who worked as a journalist and cameraman for Al Aqsa TV, lost his life in an Israeli airstrike on his house in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, PJS reported. Impunity, IFJ, safety, Amal Zahed, Gaza, Mustafa Bakir, Palestine, Palestinian, union, journalist, killing  
563. Brasil: condenan a prisión a una periodista por investigar corrupción judicial  

Schirlei Alves, periodista independiente del medio The Intercept Brasil, fue condenada por “calumnias e injurias” a un año de prisión domiciliaria y a indemnizar con 80 mil dolarés, tras revelar mediante en una investigación periodística el maltrato a una víctima de violación por parte de los funcionarios de la justicia. La Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ) junto a más de treinta organizaciones se pronunciaron en repudio de la decisión de la jueza Andrea Cristina Rodrigues Studer, que ataca la libertades de prensa y expresión. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas rechaza junto a su afiliada este fallo, que busca disciplinar el trabajo periodístico y la voz de las mujeres que…  
564. Muhammad Moin Ayyash  

On 23 November, photojournalist Muhammad Moin Ayyash was killed, alongside with a number of his family members, in an Israeli strike on his house in the Nuseirat refugge camp in the Gaza Strip, according to WAFA news agency. Palestine, Muhammad Moin Ayyash, Palestinian, Gaza, journalist, impunity, safety, IFJ, union, killed,  
565. Philippines: Full justice still denied 14 years on from Ampatuan journalist massacre  

Fourteen years on from the single worst massacre of journalists in history, only “partial justice” has been delivered for the families of those killed in Ampatuan massacre in the Philippines in 2009. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), in standing in solidarity with the families and communities of the victims as they continue to demand full justice and compensation for the tragedy. On November 23, 2009, 58 people, including 32 journalists, were brutally massacred while travelling in a political convoy on the southern island of Mindanao. The victims were shot and buried in mass graves after their…  
566. Belgium: Candlelight vigil in solidarity with journalists in Gaza  

Join us and the Brussels branch of the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) on Monday 27 November for a candlelight vigil. When? 16h30-19h00 Where? Outside the Justus Lipsius Council building, rue de la Loi, Brussels The Brussels branch of the National Union of Journalists UK and Ireland, with the support of the International Federation of Journalists, is holding a candlelight vigil in solidarity with journalists in Gaza. At least 45 Palestinian media workers have so far been killed since the conflict started, with others injured or missing. This is an unprecedented death toll. There is evidence that Israeli forces are targeting journalists who are trying to document the violence, which…  
567. Mohamad Nabil Al-Zaq, Assem Al-Barsh  

On 22 November, PJS and Al Jazeera confirmed the deaths if Mohamad Nabil Al-Zaq, who worked for Quds TV and was killed in an Israeli strike; and Assem Al-Barsh, who worked for Palestinian Al-Ray radio and was killed by an Israeli sniper in the Al-Saftawi area in northern Gaza Strip. impunity, IFJ, Mohamad Nabil Al-Zaq, Assem Al-Barsh, Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, union, killing, journalist  
568. Azerbaijan: Two journalists detained and one missing  

[UPDATED 22.11.2023] On 21 November Abzas Media chief editor, Sevinc Vaqifqizi, was detained at the Baku airport upon arrival. A day before, on 20 November 2023, journalist and executive director of Abzas Media, Ulvi Hasanli, was detained by the police. Both their apartments and the media’s newsroom were searched by police. Along with that, Hasanli's assistant Mahammad Kekalov, has been missing since Monday. The arrests follow the two journalists’ investigations into officials’ wealth. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the detention of these innocent journalists and calls for their immediate release. On November 21, journalist Sevinc Vaqifqizi was detained by…  
569. China: Citizen journalist killed in police custody  

Citizen journalist and activist Sun Lin was killed following an altercation during a police raid on his home on November 17. The International Federation of Journalists strongly condemns the journalist’s killing, urging authorities to conduct a transparent investigation immediately and hold those responsible accountable. In the early afternoon of November 17, several national security officers forcibly entered the Nanjing home of citizen journalist Sun Lin, with neighbours reportedly hearing an altercation between the journalist and police. Sun, known to report under the pen name ‘Jie Mu’, was transported to the Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital between 2.30 and…  
570. Argentina: el presidente electo afirmó que privatizará los medios públicos  

Las máximas autoridades de los medios públicos que corren riesgo de ser privatizados en la próxima gestión del presidente electo Javier Milei, se pronunciaron en conjunto en contra de la iniciativa y alertaron sobre la importancia de sostener una red de medios de comunicación del Estado. La Federación Argentina de Trabajadores de Prensa (FATPREN), el Sindicato de Trabajadores de Prensa de Buenos Aires (Sipreba) y otras organizaciones gremiales convocaron a reuniones y asambleas para analizar la situación y posibles medidas. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas apoya la lucha organizada de lxs trabajadorxs en defensa del acceso a la información, la libertad de expresión, los puestos de…  
571. Farah Omar, Rabih Me'mari  

Reporter Farah Omar and cameraman Rabih Me'mari, working for Lebanese channel Al Mayadeen TV, were killed on 21 November in an Israeli strike in the town of Tayr Harfa, in southern Lebanon, Al Mayadeen TV reported. The journalists did their last live broadcasting connection near the Lebanese-Israeli border in the morning. Impunity, safety, IFJ, union, killing, journalist, Lebanon, Lebanese, Gaza, war, Al Mayadeen, Farah Omar, Rabih Me'mari  
572. Lebanon: Israeli strike kills Al Mayadeen TV reporter and cameraman in Tayr Harfa  

Reporter Farah Omar and cameraman Rabih Me'mari, working for Lebanese channel Al Mayadeen TV, were killed on 21 November in an Israeli strike in the town of Tayr Harfa, in southern Lebanon, Al Mayadeen TV reported. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Lebanese Journalists’ Syndicate, in condemning the killing of Farah Omar and Rabih Me’mari and calls on the authorities to launch an immediate investigation. Al Mayadeen TV  reported the killings on 21 November at noon and mourned their deaths. The journalists did their last live broadcasting connection near the Lebanese-Israeli border in the morning. In a statement, the IFJ-affiliated Lebanese…  
573. Jamal Hanieh  

On 21 November, Jamal Hanieh, editor at Amwaj Sports Media Network, was killed in an Israeli bombardment on Gaza City, according to the media Hanieh worked for. impunity, Jamal Hanieh, Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, safety, journalist, killed, IFJ, union  
574. Ayat Al-Khaddura  

On 20 November, PJS reported the death of digital and broadcaster journalist Ayat Al-Khaddura, who was killed in an Israeli airstrike on Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza city. Before her killing, she posted a video from her home on social media documenting the ongoing situation in Gaza.  Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, journalist, Ayat Al-Khaddura, killing, impunity, safety, union, journalism, IFJ,  
575. Khamis Salem Deab  

On 20 November, journalist Khamis Salem Deab, editor at Al Quds radio, was killed in an Israeli airstrike that hit his home in Gaza, PJS reported. Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, killing, journalist, journalism, safety, IFJ, PJS, impunity  
576. #IFJBlog: Generosity from journalists' unions is required to keep cameras rolling in Gaza  

Observing the unfolding tragedy in Gaza from a distance, it is easy to become inured to the horror. The death toll climbs, but the real human waste becomes increasingly lost behind the grisly tally. A statistic published in the New York Times on 15 November, brought the situation faced by Gaza’s journalists into fresh focus. The paper reported that 102 employees of the United Nations Relief Work Agency (UNRWA) have been killed since the start of this war on 7 October. The largest number of these were teachers, but the list also includes school principals, warehouse workers, engineers and a software developer. UNRWA is a major presence in Gaza. Its 13,000 employees provide most of the…  
577. Bilal Jadallh  

On 19 November, Bilal Jadallah, who was the director general of media development organisation Press House in Gaza, was killed in his car in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza, according to PJS and media. Palestine, Palestinian, safety, IFJ, union, Bilal Jadallah, Gaza, impunity, killing, journalist,  
578. Moseab Ashour  

On 18 November, PJS reported the death of photographer Moseab Ashour, who was killed in an attack on the Nurseirat refugee camp in the Gaza Strip days before.  Moseab Ashour, Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, killing, impunity, IFJ, union, journalist, safety,  
579. Mustafa Al-Sawaf  

On 18 November, journalist and writer Mustafa Al-Sawaf was killed in an Israeli airstrike on his home in Gaza city. Al Sawaf was killed alongside his wife and two of his children. His two sons, who are also journalists, Monaster Al-Sawaf and Mohammad Al-Sawaf, were critically wounded.   Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, journalist, Mustafa Al-Sawaf, impunity, union, IFJ, killing, safety  
580. Amr Abu Hayya  

On 18 November, Amr Abu Hayya, who worked in the broadcasting department of Al Aqsa TV, was killed in an Israeli strike in Gaza.  Palestine, Palestinian, journalist, Gaza, killed, safety, IFJ, journalism, imounity, Amr Abu Hayya,  
581. Saary Mansour, Hassouneh Isleem  

On 18 November, director of Quds News Network Saary Mansour and freelance photographer Hassouneh Isleem, who worked for Quds News, were killed in an Israeli airstrike on the Bureij refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, PJS and Al Jazeera, reported.   union, IFJ, Palestine, Saary Mansour, photographer, Hassouneh Isleem, impunity, killing, safety, Palestinian, Gaza, journalist  
582. Abdelhalim Awad  

On 18 November, Abdelhalim Awad, media worker and driver of Al Aqsa TV was killed in a strike on his home in the Gaza Strip, PJS reported. impunity, safety, journalist, union, IFJ, Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza Abdelhalim Awad, Al Aqsa TV,  
583. México: asesinan al fotoperiodista Ismael Villagómez a bordo de su vehículo  

Ismael Villagómez, fotógrafo de El Heraldo de Juárez, fue asesinado dentro de su vehículo de un tiro en la nuca. Fuentes policiales aseveran que Villagómez también se desempeñaba como chofer de una aplicación de taxis y que fue asesinado al intentar resistir a un robo. Hasta el momento detuvieron a tres personas que serían responsables de la autoría material. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas lamenta este violento hecho, demanda una profunda investigación que no descarte la profesión del fotorreportero como móvil y a su vez llama a la reflexión sobre las condiciones laborales de la prensa, que obligan a lxs trabajadorxs a diversificar su fuente de ingresos, alcanzando rubros fuera…  
584. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from November 11th 2023 to November 17th 2023. English  Palestinian journalists in Israel say they face intimidation and harassment - NBC News  Israel-Hamas war is 'deadliest conflict for journalists' since at least 1992, CPJ says - ABC News - ABC News Survey on women in media [Latin America, Caribbean] | International Journalists' Network - IJnet  Palestinian journalists forced to flee to southern Gaza, can't report on events in north…  
585. FAJ stands in solidarity with Palestinian Journalists amid the escalating violence in Gaza  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) strongly stands with the Palestine Journalists Syndicate (PJS) and all journalists in Palestine amid the escalating violence in Gaza. FAJ expresses its deepest concerns about the tragic loss of lives and the ongoing attacks on journalists in Gaza. Recent reports have shown that at least thirty-five Palestinian journalists and media workers have tragically lost their lives, while others have been injured and some still unaccounted for  during the current conflict between Israel and Hamas. These acts are not only a violation of human rights but a direct attack on media freedom. FAJ President, Sadiq Ibrahim Ahmed, said  "The targeting…  
586. Sun Lin  

In the early afternoon of November 17, several national security officers forcibly entered the Nanjing home of citizen journalist Sun Lin, with neighbours reportedly hearing an altercation between the journalist and police. Sun, known to report under the pen name ‘Jie Mu’, was transported to the Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital between 2.30 and 3 p.m. He was pronounced dead at 5.45 p.m. ifj, journalists, impunity, china, safety, press freedom  
587. Philippines: PCIJ website targeted by cyber attack  

The Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ) temporarily took down its website on November 15 amid an active hacking attack. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), call on the authorities to swiftly investigate the cyber-attack and identify the perpetrators. On November 15, PCIJ, the Filipino non-profit and independent media agency specialising in investigative journalism, reported an active cyber-attack on its website which prompted it to take the site down temporarily to assess the incident and prevent further breaches. The hacking attacks began on November 13 and escalated around noon…  
588. Cameroon: Journalist arrested, amid increased intimidation of media workers  

Aminou Alioum, correspondent of Canal 2 International in Cameroon was ambushed and arrested by plain-clothes police officials in his hometown, Maroua, on 13 November. He was taken to Garoua, in the far North Regional Division of the Judicial Police. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, Le Syndicat National des Journalistes du Cameroun (SNJC) in condemning in the strongest terms possible this act of intimidation, harassment and deceit meted out to a journalist who was simply doing his job in the public interest. According to a press release issued by the SNJC,  Alioum received a call and was invited to report on an event. While he was on his way to the…  
589. India: Police summon former politician for harassing journalist  

Police in India’s Kerala state have summoned former politician and actor Suresh Gopi in relation to a complaint launched by an Indian journalist following his inappropriate conduct during an interview in late October. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the harassment of a working journalist and calls on authorities to conduct a transparent and effective investigation. On October 27, Malayalam actor and former Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Rajya Sabha MP Suresh Gopi made an unwanted gesture towards a woman journalist from Kozhikode, Kerala, India during an interview. According to reports, the journalist had asked Gopi a question, when he placed his hand on…  
590. Malaysia: Government revokes press passes  

On November 7, Malaysian authorities revoked the press passes of journalists with the Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS)-affiliated news services Harakah and Harakah Daily. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM), urge authorities to reinstate the journalists’ accreditation and to resolve reporting disputes appropriately and with transparency. In an interview, Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil confirmed that journalists and media workers employed by the official press bodies of the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS), Harakah and Harakah Daily, had been revoked on November 7. In an…  
591. Russia: Pardon for Anna Politkovskaya’s murderer  

Former Russian detective Sergei Khadzhikurbanov, convicted for his participation in the killing of the investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya in 2006, has been pardoned by Russian President Putin on 14 November 2023. The IFJ stands with Politkovskaya’s family in condemning this "monstrous injustice". Former Moscow police officer Sergei Khadzhikurbanov was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2014 for his role in conspiring the murder of Novaya Gazeta journalist Anna Politkovskaya. His lawyer, Alexei Mikhalchik, announced that after completing a six-month military contract fighting in Ukraine, Khadzhikurbanov  was pardoned by Russian President Vladimir Putin.  In a joint…  
592. Mahmoud Matar  

On 15 November, freelance journalist Mahmoud Matar was killed in an airstrike on his home in Gaza.  impunity, Palestinian, Palestine, Gaza, journalist, Mahmoud Matar, safety, union, IFJ  
593. Mousa Al Barsh  

On 12 November, PJS and MADA confirmed the death of journalist Mousa Al Barsh, who was the executive director of local Namaa Radio, following an Israeli airstrike on his home in northern Gaza.   ifj, killed journalist  
594. México: asesinan al periodista Héctor Noguera en un presunto robo  

El comunicador Héctor Noguera Trujillo fue encontrado sin vida en su domicilio en Veracruz, en condiciones que indicarían una muerte provocada por violencia. El Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa y la Federación Internacional de Periodistas exigen a las autoridades una rauda investigación que determine si el reportero fue asesinado por el ejercicio de su labor y que este nuevo crimen no quede impune. El jueves 9 de noviembre el locutor Héctor Noguera Trujillo falleció en su vivienda en Veracruz, presuntamente producto de golpes. De la habitación que ocupaba se habrían sustraído numerosos objetos de valor, lo que sugiere que se trataría de un robo. El Sindicato Nacional de…  
595. Yacoub Bursh  

On 14 November, director general of Namaa Radio, Yacoub Bursh, was killed in an airstrike that hit his home in Gaza, media reported.  Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, war, impunity, safety, journalist, killing, union, IFJ, PJS  
596. Mali: One Journalist killed, two others kidnapped  

Journalist Abdoul Aziz Djibrilla of Naata Radio was attacked and killed by unidentified gunmen on 7 November on the Gao- Ansongo road in northern Mali. Two other journalists were kidnapped. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, l’ Union Nationale des Journalistes du Mali (UNAJOM) in condemning this barbaric attack meted out to journalists who pose no danger to anyone.  Abdoul Aziz Djibrilla, a presenter for Naata Radio in Labbezanga was on his way to a training session in Gao with other colleagues when the car was stopped on the road by unidentified gunmen. Djibrilla was killed while journalists, Saleck Ag Jiddou and Moustapha Kone were kidnapped…  
597. Israel: Government shuts down first critical foreign media over "security concerns"  

On 13 November, Israel blocked access to Lebanese channel Al-Mayadeen TV in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories for "security reasons". The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the decision, which undermines media pluralism and the public's right to know. The Federation urges the government to stop using national security as an excuse to censor critical media and to halt its clampdown on journalists and media over the coverage of the war in Gaza. The order to shut down Al Mayadeen is the first to be made in line with the emergency regulations approved on 20 October, that allow the temporary ban of media outlets alleged to “undermine national security”. On 13…  
598. Spain: Unions and broadcasters unite to press for newsroom gender equality  

“All topics can include a gender angle”. These were the words of Valbona Sulçe, one of the four mentors who joined the Peer-to-peer activity bringing together journalists’ unions and public service broadcasters’ representatives in a workshop in Madrid, Spain, on 7-9 November. Six IFJ unions’ representatives and 6 representatives of public service broadcasters holding leading roles got together at the Spanish trade union CC.OO offices in Madrid to participate in a workshop designed to change minds and encourage moves toward gender equality in newsrooms. The event, led by IFJ partner COPEAM (Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators), is part of the EU- funded project…  
599. Ahmed Fatmah  

On 13 November, journalist Ahmed Fatmah was killed due to ongoing Israeli airstrikes in Gaza, PJS reported. impunity, Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, safety, Israel, killed, IFJ, union,  
600. Ahmed Al-Qara  

On 10 November, photojournalist Ahmed Al-Qara was killed at the entrance of Khuza'a town, east of the southern city of Khan Yunis, according to PJS.  ifj, safety,  
601. Bangladesh: Two student journalists attacked on university campus  

Student journalists Abu Sayed Rony and Abdul Alim were attacked by a group of political activists at Rajshahi College, after taking photos of individuals from the Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) vandalising the campus on November 9. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the attacks and urges the local authorities to conduct an immediate investigation into the accident and ensure the safety of journalists. On the afternoon of November 9, Rony, a Rajshahi correspondent for the online newspaper Bangladesh Journal, and Alim, a reporter for the online news portal Rajshahi Post, were attacked by a group of individuals associated with the BCL, the student wing of ruling Awami…  
602. Israel: IFJ condemns threats to lives based on unproven allegations of photojournalists having prior knowledge of Hamas attack  

Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi has accused several international media of employing photojournalists who it suggested might be accomplices in the Hamas-led massacre on 7 October, and requested an immediate investigation. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is outraged by the widespread dissemination of unproven accusations against photojournalists in Gaza, which are “extremely damaging to Palestinian journalists on the ground and put their lives at risk.” The Federation recalls that the Israeli government bears the ultimate responsibility for the safety of journalists working in Gaza, and must take concrete steps to protect them, in accordance with…  
603. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from November 4th 2023 to November 10th 2023. English  Journalists have been killed covering the war in southern Lebanon, Occupied West Bank & Gaza - Al Jazeera English Dozens of Reporters Have Been Killed Covering the Israel-Hamas War. A Press Freedom Group Is Calling for a War Crimes Investigation. – Mother Jones - Mother Jones  Israel Wrestles with Al-Jazeera as National Security Threat; US Lawmaker Wants its DC Credentials Pulled |…  
604. Israel: Mounting pressure and harassment of journalists since the war in Gaza started  

On 6 November, Palestinian journalist Hanaa Mahameed was harassed and threatened by a group of Israeli journalists, including the correspondent for Israeli station Channel 12, in a post office in Kfar Saba, according to her account. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the assault and calls on the Israeli authorities to take concrete steps to tackle the growing climate of fear and intimidation faced by journalists and media workers since the start of the war in Gaza. Mahameed, correspondent in Jerusalem for Lebanese channel Al Mayadeen TV, received a phone call on 5 November, informing her to pick up a package in the post office of Kfar Saba, a city in the centre of…  
605. #IFJBlog: SLAPP down for legal bullies  

Explaining SLAPPs to those outside the media or the law is a challenge. The acronym – strategic lawsuits against public participation – makes little sense. The various legal provisions used to shut up journalists are a bewildering morass. And, many recent cases in the London courts, at least, have involved complex technical arguments advanced by unfamiliar foreign applicants. So in place of a technical explanation, I will use a real-life example. In 1993, UK prime minister John Major sued a small, left-of-centre magazine, The New Statesman*, for libel. A story in the magazine had referenced wide-spread rumours in the UK’s political class that Major had engaged in an extra-marital affair.…  
606. Sri Lanka: Tamil journalists harassed while covering protests  

Two Tamil journalists were harassed and questioned by police on October 28 for coverage of an ongoing farmer’s protest, forcing them to sign written testimony statements and naming them in a criminal investigation. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the harassment and urges the Sri Lankan authorities to cease the investigation and allow journalists to perform their duties without fear of reprisal. On October 28, local police interrogated Tamil journalists Punniyamoorthy Sasikaran and Valasingham Krishnakumar at their homes in Batticaloa for reporting on a protest that occurred on October 8. The freelance journalists had been covering Tamil dairy farmers protesting…  
607. #IFJBlog: Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists: Where does Pakistan stand?  

With a rise in the attacks, jailings, and killings of the global media community, more must be done to ensure that those responsible are held accountable. Sheema Siddique turns a spotlight on the entrenched impunity for crimes against journalists the world over and explains why it must matter to each one of us. November 2 is the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists. The observance of this day helps highlight killings, kidnappings and torture of journalists around the world and to ensure full justice for journalists who fell victims to these crimes. According to the International Federation of Journalists, 47 media persons have been killed in the line of duty in…  
608. Yahya Abu Munie  

On 7 November, journalist Yahya Abu Munie, who worked for Al Aqsa radio, was killed in an airstrike in Gaza City. PJS and Al Jazeera reported. ifj, journalists, impunity, country safety  
609. Abdoul Aziz Djibrilla  

Abdoul Aziz Djibrilla was a journalist with Naata Radio, who was attacked and killed by unidentified gunmen on 7 November on the Gao – Assongo road in Northern Mali. He was going to a training workshop with other journalists when their vehicle was stopped and they asked them to come down. Abdoul Aziz Djibrilla, Mali, journalist, Africa, impunity, safety, IFJ, union,  
610. Mohammad Abu Hasira  

On 7 November, PJS and WAFA confirmed the death of journalist Mohammad Abu Hasira, a correspondent for Palestine News and Information Agency (WAFA), who was killed in an Israeli bombing near the fishermen's port in Gaza City. According to WAFA, the airstrike took place overnight between Sunday and Monday, but the body of Abu Hasira was found in the rubble on 7 November.  Palestine, Palestinian, Gaza, impunity, safety, killing, IFJ, union,  
611. Serbia: Journalists' union leaders will meet Information Minister to tackle unlawful precarious work at Radio Television Vojvodina  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has welcomed the minister’s commitment to meet leaders from its affiliate the Journalists’ Union of Serbia (SINOS) alongside representatives of the 135 workers impacted by the unlawful use of short term contracts which deny them a range of employment rights. The campaign, backed by the IFJ as part of its Union to Union (UTU) project, has exposed the unjust working conditions of 135 media professionals who have worked on short-term, casual and precarious contracts for many years – decades in at least one case. Now the country’s Information and Telecommunications Minister Mihail Jovanović has agreed to meet the campaigners on 10 November in a…  
612. #IFJBlog: Hope in short supply as journalists' death toll mounts  

The pace at which the journalists’ death toll is growing in Gaza is without precedent. But it is the slaughter of the entire family of a journalist that may ultimately become emblematic of the extraordinary bravery of Palestinian reporters during this conflict. Wael al-Dahdouh is Al Jazeera Arabic’s bureau chief in Gaza and a familiar figure to viewers of that channel around the world. Like many other Gazans, he evacuated his loved ones from the north of the territory shortly after Hamas’ horrific attack on Israel. His hope was that the Nuseirat refugee camp offered them safety.  In recent days, however, Israeli rockets have landed on targets that are much further south – including…  
613. Philippines: Radio anchor shot dead during live broadcast  

Radio anchor Juan Jumalon was fatally shot by an unidentified assailant inside his home-based broadcast studio in the southern Misamis Occidental province while live on air on November 5. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), strongly condemn this brazen killing and call for an immediate investigation to bring the perpetrators to justice. On the morning of November 5, Juan Jumalon, also known as DJ Johnny Walker, was shot dead while broadcasting his program on Gold FM 94.7 from his home studio in Calamba in the Misamis Occidental province of Northern Mindanao. Initial investigations by Calamba…  
614. Bangladesh: 30 journalists attacked while covering protests  

Approximately 30 journalists were attacked and had their equipment seized while covering a protest demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the Naya Paltan area of Dhaka on October 28. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the attacks and urges the local authorities to investigate all harassment and violence towards Bangladeshi journalists and media workers. On October 28, approximately 30 journalists were assaulted while covering clashes between local police, supporters of the opposition Bangladeshi Nationalist Party (BNP), and supporters of the ruling Awami League Party-led coalition. Multiple journalists were beaten by protestors or subject to…  
615. Juan Jumalon  

On the morning of November 5, Juan Jumalon, also known as DJ Johnny Walker, was shot dead while broadcasting his program on Gold FM 94.7 from his home studio in Calamba in the Misamis Occidental province of Northern Mindanao. Initial investigations by Calamba Police Station found the gunman pretended to be a listener and asked permission to enter the radio station’s premises to announce “something important”. Jumalon was shot twice in the head during the broadcast, which was also being streamed live on Facebook. A video of the attack shows the gunman snatching Jumalon’s gold necklace before fleeing with a companion. The journalist was rushed to the…  
616. Mohammed Jajeh  

On 5 November, journalist Mohammed Al-Jajeh, who worked for media development organisation Journalism House, was killed in an Israeli atrike in Al-Nasr neighborhood in Gaza city. PJS and media reported his death. impunity, IFJ, union, safety, Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, killing  
617. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from October 28th 2023 to November 3rd 2023. English  Media Reporting On Israel-Hamas War Face Singular Challenges | Barron's - Barron’s  Journalists more vulnerable than ever to getting killed as ‘impunity' prevails - Anadolu Ajansı ‘We are all walking many, many miles to document what is happening’ | Morning Star - Morning Star Israel targeting, censoring journalists for covering assault on Gaza - World Socialist Web Site -…  
618. #IDEI: Silencio e impunidad en América Latina y el Caribe  

Los asesinatos de trabajadorxs de los medios de comunicación en la región, más allá de la variación interanual en términos de cifras, continúan siendo materia de debate por las bajas tasas de resolución judicial de los casos. En el Día Internacional para poner Fin a la Impunidad de los Crímenes contra Periodistas, se torna especialmente relevante analizar en qué situación se encuentra el continente para continuar bregando por instrumentos que protejan a quienes ejercen la labor de informar y medidas que garanticen justicia y eviten la repetición de estos crímenes, que degradan la libertad de prensa y el derecho a la información. Un estudio de UNESCO que analiza el período 2006 - 2021,…  
619. Mohammed Bayyari  

On 2 November, Palestinian journalist Mohammed Bayyari, who worked for Al Aqsa TV, was killed in the Gaza Strip.  Palestine, Palestinian, Mohammed Bayyari, Gaza, journalist, union, killed, impunity, safety,  
620. Impunity: Silence costs lives  

To mark World Day to end impunity for crimes committed against journalists on 2 November, the IFJ is calling on governments across the world to condemn, investigate, and arrest those who kill, harass and intimidate journalists, and enact clear and enforceable legislation to protect journalists’ safety. Who ordered the killing of Anna Politkovskaya, Jamal Khashoggi, Arshad Sharif, Javier Valdez, Martinez Zogo and all other journalists whose murders remain unpunished? Since the adoption of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity in 2012, that aimed to create “a free and safe environment for journalists and media workers”, very little has been done to…  
621. End impunity 2023  

Who ordered the killing of Anna Politkovskaya, Jamal Kashoggi, Arshad Sharif, Javier Valdez, Martinez Zogo and all other journalists whose murders remain unpunished? To mark the International Day to End Impunity for crimes committed against journalists on 2 November, the IFJ is calling on governments across the world to condemn, investigate, and  arrest those who kill, harass and intimidate journalists. Governments should also enact clear and enforceable legislation to protect journalists’ safety. Since the adoption of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity in 2012, that aimed to create “a free and safe environment for journalists…  
622. Iyad Matar  

On 2 November, Iyad Matar, who worked as administrative staff for Al Aqsa TV, was killed in an Israeli bombardment that hit his home on the Gaza Strip, media reported. journalist, killed, Palestine, Palestinian, impunity, IFJ, union, Iyad Matar, Gaza  
623. Mohammed Abu Hatab  

On 2 November, journalist Mohammed Abu Hatab, a member of PJS and IFJ who worked for Palestine TV, was killed when an Israeli airstrike hit his home in Khan Yunis, southern Gaza Strip. PJS reported and media his death. IFJ, safety, impunity, Palestine, Palestinian, killed, journalist  
624. Global call: Israel must commit to protecting journalists  

More than 80 journalists associations and unions from all over the world today call for the Israeli government to take explicit steps to protect the lives of journalists covering the war in Gaza, in accordance with international law. Since the war started the number of fatalities among media workers has exceeded one a day – a rate that is without precedent. The IFJ's call, which has signatories from every continent, is that the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) rigorously observe international law that requires combatants to take all reasonable steps to treat journalists as civilians and to safeguard their lives. IFJ General Secretary, Anthony Bellanger said: “The number of media workers who…  
625. Majd Fadl Arandas  

On 1 November, PJS confirmed the killing of journalist Majd Fadl Arandas, who worked for the news website Al-Jamahir, during a bombing near his house in the Nuseirat camp, in the Deir al-Balah Governorate.  ifj, union, journalist, killing, Palestine, Palestinian, impunity, safety  
626. Myanmar: Independent outlet shuttered, journalist arrested  

On October 29, police and military personnel raided the office of the independent news outlet, the Development Media Group, arresting reporter Htet Aung and shuttering the outlet. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Myanmar Journalists Network (MJN) condemn the raid and closure as an attack on press freedom and call on the international community to embolden efforts in support of Myanmar’s independent media. On the afternoon of October 29, a contingent of approximately 20 soldiers and police officers from the western coastal Rakhine state stormed the office of independent outlet the Development Media Group (DMG), arresting local reporter Htet Aung and…  
627. Paraguay: El SPP defendió en el Congreso el proyecto de ley de protección de periodistas  

El jueves 26 de octubre el Sindicato de Periodistas de Paraguay argumentó ante el Congreso el proyecto de ley presentado en abril de 2023, que busca obtener mecanismos de seguridad para lxs trabajadorxs de medios y defensorxs de Derechos Humanos, así como garantizar la libertad de expresión y el acceso a la información de toda la población. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas apoya la iniciativa impulsada por su afiliada y se mantiene expectante ante novedades. En una audiencia pública convocada por la Comisión de Derechos Humanos, el Sindicato de Periodistas de Paraguay (SPP) dió sus argumentos en favor del proyecto de ley que presentó en conjunto con la Coordinadora de Derechos…  
628. Imad Wahidi  

On 31 October, Palestine TV confirmed the killing of media worker Imad Wahidi in an Israeli airstrike over Gaza city impunity, IFJ, union, killing, Palestine, Palestinian, safety,  
629. Majd Kashkou  

On 31 October, Palestine TV confirmed the killing of media worker Majd Kashkou in an Israeli airstrike over Gaza city impunity, safety, IFJ, Palestine, Palestinian, journalist, union  
630. Serbia: IFJ demands president to investigate the killing of journalist Milan Pantić  

Ahead of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists and following a visit from IFJ's president Dominique Pradalié to Serbia, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliates in demanding Serbian president Aleksandar Vučić to properly investigate the killing of journalist Milan Pantić. A society that lets journalists' killers and harassers walk free is not a democracy. Aleksandar Vučić  President of Serbia Mr President, Journalism is the only civilian occupation where significant numbers lose their lives as a result of systematic and deliberate acts. Serbia, as too many other countries around the world, is suffering from these…  
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