15042 results:

2031. Jesus Malabanan  

The correspondent for the Manila Standard and Reuters news agency was shot dead in Calbayog city in the central province of Samar, accordng to the French News Agency AFP. The National Union of Journaliss in the Phiiippines (NUJO), an IFJ affiliate, its chaper in Pampanga also condelned the ‘’senseless killing,’’ added AFP Journalists' safety, Philippines, IFJ, Impunity  
2032. Myanmar: Two reporters attacked while covering anti-regime protest  

Two journalists were injured at an anti-regime protest in Yangon when a military vehicle drove through the crowd on December 5. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the brutal attack and demands that the junta immediately cease its increasingly extreme violence against journalists.  Journalists with the independent Myanmar Pressphoto agency, Ma Hmu Yandanar Khet Moh Moh Tun and Ko Kaung Sett Lin, were on assignment when junta forces drove through a peaceful anti-regime protest in Yangon and opened fire on those attempting to flee. The attack killed five people and left dozens wounded, drawing international…  
2033. NUJ statement on the Foreign Office’s handling of the evacuation of Kabul as the Taliban took control  

A whistleblower described the chaos and inaction at the heart of government, saying fewer than 5 per cent received help. The publication today of devastating testimony from Raphael Marshall lays bare the chaotic and dysfunctional handling of the crisis following the fall of Kabul to the Taliban, which left thousands of high risk Afghans, including hundreds of journalists, high and dry. Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ general secretary, described the testimony as “shocking but utterly compelling”. “I pay tribute to Raphael Marshall’s decision to blow the whistle on the shambolic and shameful mishandling of the Afghan crisis by this government, which has directly put the lives of thousands of…  
2034. France : la Carte de presse internationale de la FIJ reconnue par les autorités  

La FIJ se joint à ses deux affiliés français, le SNJ et le SNJ-CGT, et prend note de la nouvelle version Schéma national de maintien de l’ordre (SNMO), qui préserve la liberté de travailler pour les journalistes. La Carte de presse internationale de la FIJ, validée par les ministères français de la Culture et de l'Intérieur, permettra aux journalistes qui en sont détenteurs de pouvoir remplir leur mission d'informer. Voici les liens vers les communiqués du SNJ et du SNJ-CGT.                
2035. Greece: Press freedom increasingly under siege  

A journalist spied on by the intelligence services, a foreign reporter verbally attacked by the Prime Minister, and a “fake news law” - concerns over press freedom are piling up in Greece. Yannis Kotsifos, Director of the IFJ-affiliated Journalists Union of Macedonia and Thrace in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, says an increasing number of alerts have come to the attention of the media community over the past year. One of the most concerning, he says, is the recently implemented “fake news law” criminalising the dissemination of disinformation in a controversial way. The legislation vaguely states that those spreading information that could cause “concern or fear for the public or…  
2036. France: des journalistes afghans enfin évacués   

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié, le Syndicat National des Journalistes (SNJ) pour saluer l'évacuation par les autorités françaises d'un groupe de journalistes afghans et de leur famille grâce à une opération organisée le 3 décembre par la France avec l’aide du Qatar, entre Kaboul et Doha. Selon le communiqué du ministère de l’Europe et des affaires étrangères, un avion affrété par la France a permis d’évacuer 258 Afghanes et Afghans particulièrement menacés en raison de leurs engagements. Parmi eux, un certain nombre de journalistes en danger, identifiés et signalés par le SNJ aux autorités françaises depuis le mois d'août.  Cela fait plus…  
2037. China: Officials commission surveillance system targeting journalists  

Recent reports reveal that journalists and other ‘suspicious’ actors will be tracked by an elaborate surveillance system allegedly commissioned by the authorities of Henan Province, China. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned that Chinese authorities will intensify intimidatory tactics towards journalists, using technology to force self-censorship, and calls on the Chinese government to uphold freedom of expression. According to reports from late November, Henan’s provincial government awarded a contract worth US$ 784,000 to Shenyang-based tech company Neusoft to build a sophisticated surveillance system in September. Using 3,000 facial recognition…  
2038. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 26 November and 3 December 2021. English: International Federation of Journalists hits out at restrictions on press freedom in Afghanistan, Morning Star for Peace and Socialism 7,000 Media Workers Fled Afghanistan After Taliban Takeover, Says Former Afghan Official, Republicworld.com  Ratify ILO Convention 190, IJU urges govt, The Arunachal Times Palestinian journalists told to quit job or face travel bans by Israel: report, The New…  
2039. Indonesia: ITE convictions threaten press freedom  

Longstanding disquiet by Indonesian journalists about the potential reach of the notorious Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE) Law was again highlighted this month, writes Jim Nolan. Palopo-based journalist Muhammad Asrul was sentenced to 3 months prison after a court in Palopo found that he had violated Articles 27 and 45 of the ITE Law.  The charges, which were filed on 17 December 2019, followed an in-depth investigation by Asrul of allegations of corruption by the son of the Palopo mayor.   Criminalising critical journalism Asrul published three articles about the Palopo mayor’s son entitled "Crown Prince Palopo Allegedly "Mastermind" Corruption…  
2040. Belarus: The government intensifies its crackdown on independent journalists and media  

On 1 December, the authorities in Belarus arrested and searched the houses of several independent journalists across the country for simply doing their job. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join their Belarusian affiliate, the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), in solidarity with the journalists affected and condemn the government’s systematic harassment of independent journalists. The Belarussian police arrested at least four journalists in three different locations across the country on charges of "funding anti-government protests''. The officers also confiscated some of their equipment. According to BAJ, journalists Valeryia…  
2041. Sri Lanka: Journalist attacked by soldiers for reporting on Tamil memorial  

Tamil journalist Vishwalingam Vishwachandran was brutally attacked by a group of Sri Lankan soldiers in Mullaitivu district on November 28. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Sri Lanka affiliates, the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) and the Federation of Media Employees and Trade Unions (FMETU), condemn the attack and urge the Sri Lankan military to immediately cease their efforts to stifle critical reportage. Vishwalingam Vishwachandran was attacked by members of the 59th division of the Sri Lankan army while covering a Tamil tribute in Mullaitivu, a former battle zone, to those who died during the country’s decades-long civil war. Three…  
2042. Pakistan: Female journalist and family attacked in Lahore  

On November 24, unknown assailants targeted female journalist, Ambreen Fatima, attacking her as she drove with family in the eastern city of Lahore. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemn the attack on Ambreen Fatima and call on the Pakistani government to immediately arrest the perpetrators and develop a security mechanism to ensure the safety of journalists in Pakistan.  According to the first-information report (FIR), Ambreen Fatima, a senior journalist with Urdu-language newspaper Nawa-I-Waqt, along with her daughter and sister, left their home in a car and were attacked on an adjoining street. The unknown aggressors reportedly broke the car’s…  
2043. China: Businessman and journalist Fang Bin remains in detention  

Chinese businessman Fang Bin, who reported on the Covid-19 pandemic from the front line in China, was reportedly being detained pending trial. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Chinese government to release Fang immediately. Fang remained detained at the Jiang’an Detention Center in Wuhan, the Epoch Times reported on November 24, citing a local official. The report also said Fang was still awaiting trial without specifying the charges he was facing.  Fang began posting videos of himself reporting on the Covid-19 situation in Wuhan on January 25, 2020 but was later detained and given…  
2044. Afghanistan: Taliban’s new directives will further muzzle press freedom  

The Taliban has announced eight religious ‘guidelines’ which restrict the broadcasting of media that contravenes Islamic values, with several edicts exclusively targeting women journalists and media workers. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the Taliban’s new media restrictions and calls for a restoration of press freedom and women’s rights in Afghanistan. The restrictions were announced on November 21 by the Taliban’s Ministry of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. According to a Taliban spokesperson, Hakif Mohajir, the “religious guidelines” prohibit the screening of films or television programmes “against Islamic or Afghan values”. The rules called on broadcasters…  
2045. Perú: periodistas sufrieron diversas formas de hostigamiento y agresiones en las últimas semanas  

Dos reporteros del periódico La República y uno del semanario Hildebrandt en sus 13 fueron blanco de hostigamientos y amenazas tras publicar artículos críticos respecto grupos de extrema derecha opositores al gobierno actual, y que ya han tenido actitudes similares contra otrxs trabajadorxs de prensa. Otro reportero fue agredido por un agente de la Policía Nacional, luego de haber recibido ataques por parte de civiles durante una cobertura. La Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) repudió estos hechos y la Federación Internacional de Periodistas se mantiene en alerta por los incesantes ataques que se registran en el país. Abel Cárdenas y Piero Espíritu, periodistas de La…  
2046. Italy: Solidarity with harassed TV reporter Greta Beccaglia  

Journalist of Toscana TV Greta Beccaglia was groped by a football fan while she was reporting live from the Empoli vs Fiorentina game in Empoli on 27 November 2021. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) joined its Italian affiliate, the FNSI, in denouncing this intolerable attack and calling for solidarity with Greta Beccaglia. The journalist was interviewing fans pouring out of the Empoli stadium after the match when one fan approached her and slapped her on the backside - live on Toscana TV. Beccaglia reacted calmly, saying "Sorry, you can’t do this," and professionally continued her report. Instead of condemning the incident, Giorgio Micheletti, a male…  
2047. Pakistan: IFJ holds a training on safety of women journalists and gender equality  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), with the support of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), arranged a two-day Gender Equality & Safety Training workshop for members of the Karachi Press Club (KPC) and all factions of Karachi Union of Journalists (KUJs) in Karachi, on 25 and 26 November 2021. Around 19 members of KPC and KUJ took part in this two-day training workshop in Karachi, which aimed to enhance the capability of women journalists regarding gender equality and the safety at their workplace.    The event raised awareness of assistants about journalists' rights, gender equality issues, safety concerns of journalists when reporting in the…  
2048. “Journalist unions in Africa are undergoing very challenging times"  

The Director of the Namibia Media Trust (NMT) Zoe Titus said that journalist unions in Africa are undergoing very challenging times since declining membership has resulted in reduced bargaining power and scope. As the Guest Speaker  at the opening ceremony of a two -day workshop on Strategic Union Building, organised by the Namibia Media Professional Union (NAMPU) in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) under the Union To Union (UTU) Project 2021, Titus expressed "Some media employers have adopted sophisticated tactics such as employing direct contract systems with employees, categorising journalists as essential workers or using individual pay…  
2049. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 19 and 26 November 2021. English Kyrgyz government urged to withdraw draft Broadcasting Bill, IFEX Taliban's TV ban for women: 'It's as if we don’t exist in Afghanistan', The National News In Afghanistan, Taliban's Terror Tale Traced From Suppressing Media To Killing Journalists, Repubic World EESC's Connecting EU seminar on health, social Europe and democracy a great success in Lisbon, MarketScreener Senate Passes Protection…  
2050. Qatar: Two Norwegian journalists temporarily detained over their report about working conditions at world cup constructions sites  

Two Norwegian journalists working for the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) were arrested by Qatari authorities for 36 hours. They had been investigating the poor working conditions of migrant workers in preparation for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) and their Norwegian affiliate, the Norwegian Union of Journalists (NJ), strongly condemn this detention and call on the Qatari authorities to provide full explanation for the arrests and respect the independence of journalists. On Sunday, 21 November, journalist Halvor Ekeland and photographer Lokman Ghorbani were detained outside their hotel in Doha before…  
2051. Serbia: Time for dignified work and enhanced professional rights in the media  

On 30 November journalists from across the country will converge on the Palace of Serbia to back union calls for fair pay, decent working conditions and labour rights. The meeting, convened by the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue, is the latest stage in a campaign by the country’s journalists’ union (SINOS) to improve the socio-economic status of journalists and to secure collective agreements to protect journalists working rights and conditions. As part of the campaign, IFJ Deputy General Secretary Jeremy Dear, visited Serbia to hear first hand from journalists about the problems they face and to meet with ministers, media, unions and journalists’…  
2052. Statement by the Council of Global Unions (CGU)  

On November 24, the Council of Global Unions issued a global workers’ call for universal access to Covid-19 vaccines and health products and technologies. Read the whole statement here Statement, council, global unions, vaccine equity, healthcare, IFJ, international federation of journalists  
2053. China: Reports on Chinese tennis star censored by authorities  

Beijing authorities censored foreign coverage of missing Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai, who recently accused a former top Chinese official of sexual assault. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Chinese government to cease blocking information and respect freedom of the press and the right to freedom of expression. On November 22, the U.S.-headquartered Cable News Network (CNN) said its live feed was cut in China during a segment about Peng’s allegations of sexual assault and subsequent disappearance. The segment showed the…  
2054. Switzerland: concerns over Le Courrier and journalism in the Gandur’s case  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) joined their affiliate in Switzerland Syndicom in calling the Court’s decision to disavowed Swiss’s newspaper Le Courrier. The decision, not only heavy with consequences for the editorial staff of the independent Geneva newspaper, shows there is a real threat when it comes to the future of investigative journalism.  Following a first victory at the criminal level and in the first instance at the civil level in Switzerland, Le Courrier was disavowed on 23 November 2021 by the judges in the case that opposing it to the billionaire Jean Claude Gandur that started six years ago.  The Federal Court published on…  
2055. #RatifyC190 to defend pluralism and prevent hate speech  

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, on November 25, PERIODICAL & ELECTRONIC PRESS UNION joins its voice with the Gender Council of IFJ, to combat violence and harassment of women journalists and any phenomenon of gender-based violence. The targeting of women journalists due to their work also occurs in the Greek media, both online and offline. Challenges, comments about their appearance, as well as verbal, psychological or physical violence aimed at degrading their personality and professional dignity are unacceptable practices that must be addressed in distinct measures. Women journalists contribute to pluralism and one cannot allow them…  
2056. Canada: Two journalists arrested while covering protests  

The International Federation of Journalists has backed calls from its affiliates CWA Canada, the Fédération Nationale des Communications et de la Culture (FNCC) and Unifor for charges to be dropped against two journalists arrested and held for 3 days while reporting on a protest in British Columbia, Canada. Photojournalist Amber Bracken and documentary-maker Michael Toledano were embedded with indigenous groups when they were arrested on November 19 while covering a protest against a natural gas pipeline in Wet’suwet’en, northern British Columbia. They were released on November 22 and will appear in court in February 2022, charged with contempt.     Amber Bracken received the…  
2057. Libya: Journalist abducted from newspaper office  

A journalist was kidnapped while working at his newspaper’s offices in Benghazi, Libya's second biggest city on November 22. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls for his immediate release and for an investigation into this case. Siraj Abdelhafid al-Mogassbi was seized from Al-Hayat's offices after assaillants entered the building and threatened staff before taking him away. It is not the first time journalists have been targeted recently in Libya. Last year, Mohammed Baayou, the head of Libya’s state-owned Media Corporation was arrested together with his two sons and journalist Hind Ammar.  IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger said: “The kidnapping of Siraj…  
2058. Violence against women: Journalists' unions urge governments to expedite ratification of ILO Convention 190  

On the eve of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates are launching a global call on governments to help eradicate violence at work by ratifying ILO Convention 190 on violence and harassment in the world of work. According to IFJ statistics, almost two-thirds of women media workers have experienced intimidation, threats or abuse in relation to their work either offline or online. Abuse can come from all directions: colleagues and superiors, sources, the powerful or anonymous users on social media. These attacks have had chilling effects on freedom of expression,…  
2059. Bangladesh: Cyber Tribunal indicts charges against photojournalist  

On November 8, the Dhaka Cyber Tribunal slapped charges against photojournalist, Shafiqul Islam Kajol, for three separate offences under the Digital Security Act (DSA). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges Bangladesh authorities to drop the charges immediately and cease intimidating journalists and media workers. Dhaka Cyber Tribunal Judge Ash Sams Joglul Hossain framed charges against Kajol, who is accused of circulating defamatory material about various ministers, lawmakers, and top Jubo Mahila League leaders on social media. The three cases were filed by Awami…  
2060. Argentina: Organizaciones inician una campaña por la libertad de Julian Assange  

Durante la jornada de ayer, la Federación Argentina de Trabajadorxs de Prensa (FATPREN) y el Sindicato de Prensa de Buenos Aires (SiPreBA) lanzaron una campaña de apoyo a Julian Assange que fue acompañada por otras organizaciones sindicales, diputadxs nacionales y figuras del periodismo local. Desde la Federación Internacional de Periodistas participamos de esta iniciativa que se enmarca en las campañas globales que en todo el mundo reclaman por la inmediata libertad del fundador de Wikileaks. A pocos días de cumplirse un nuevo aniversario del “Cablegate”, diversas organizaciones convocadas por la FATPREN y el SiPreBa se dieron cita en el Obelisco de Buenos Aires para reclamar la libertad…  
2061. Egypt: Two journalists sentenced to four years in jail  

On 17 November, two journalists were sentenced by the Egyptian Emergency State Security Court to four years in jail. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed concerns over this verdict and called on the authorities to release the journalists immediately. Journalists Hisham Fouad and Hossam Mounes have been detained without trial since June 2019 and held under "terrorism" charges. At the time, several journalists and politicians planning to run for parliamentary elections were arrested by security forces and allegedly accused of “participating in terrorist activities”. The journalists are reportedly held in poor conditions and have been denied visits and appropriate…  
2062. Pakistan: Senate passes bill to protect journalists and media professionals  

Pakistan’s Senate passed a new Protection of Journalists and Media Professionals Bill, drafted in consultation with journalists’ organisations and union groups. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), welcome the passing of the long-awaited legislation and call for the government to engage with the media to increase the bill’s effectiveness and ensure proper implementation. The bill, which aims to enshrine the protection of media workers in law, was passed by Pakistan’s National Assembly on November 8 before progressing to the Parliament’s upper house on November 19. Minister for Human Rights Dr Shireen…  
2063. Budhinath Jha  

The charred body of the BNN News Benipatti,’s reporter  was found five kilometres away from Benipatti village in the Madhubani district of Bihar, three days after he had gone missing on 9 November  2021. Also known as Avinash Jha, the journalist was working with a local Hindi news portal and was a local RTI activist. He had written about illegal medical clinics, resulting in the closure of some and fines against others. Journalists' safety, India, IFJ, Impunity  
2064. Somalia: Journalist killed in targeted suicide attack  

Veteran journalist Abdiaziz Mohamud Guled was killed on 20 November in a targeted attack by a suicide bomber in Mogadishu, the capital city of Somalia. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Somali affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) mourn the death of our colleague and urge the federal government to redouble efforts to bring those responsible for this heinous crime to justice. Guled, 41, also known as Abdiaziz Afrika, was well known for his reporting and campaigning against violent extremism. He produced several radio and television programs that advocated against violent extremism and senseless killings of the citizens.  Guled boldly called…  
2065. #RatifyC190 to respond to the threats of being a woman and a journalist  

Sofia Branco is the President of the Council of ethics of the Union of the Portuguese Union of Journalists (SDJ). She points out the dangers of being a woman and working as a journalist and how ILO Convention 190 is necessary to help eradicate online violence. Women journalists face the same violence other women do. In Portugal, it means living in a country with the highest scores of domestic violence and physical sexual violence against women (the second in Europe). But being a woman and a journalist often means facing a double risk: the dangers attached to the profession and the risks of being exposed to gender or sexual violence. Due to public exposure, the internet has…  
2066. India: Journalists accused of spreading communal hatred granted bail  

Two journalists who were arrested in the early hours of November 14 in Tripura state for alleged criminal conspiracy and spreading of communal hatred were granted bail on November 15. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliates, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists- India (NUJ-I) urge the Tripura government to stop harassing journalists. The Chief Judicial Magistrate of Gomti district granted bail of INR 75,000 (USD 1,000) each to Samriddhi Sakunia and Swana Jha after a one hour court hearing on November 15, with the journalists accused with “maligning” the Tripura government by covering communal tensions in the region.…  
2067. France. Victoire de la solidarité : le journaliste afghan 
Elyaas Ehsas éligible au droit d’asile  

Les syndicats de journalistes français (SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT-Journalistes), afghan (AIJA, ANJU) et suédois (SJ) et l’engagement total de la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) ont permis à Elyaas Ehsas, journaliste afghan, de pouvoir déposer une demande d’asile en France. Elyaas Ehsas, journaliste afghan, a enfin obtenu, après une année de lutte, de pouvoir déposer une demande d’asile en France, alors qu’il était jusque-là menacé d’expulsion du territoire français. La forte solidarité des syndicats de journalistes français (SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT-Journalistes), afghan et suédois, l’engagement sans relâche de la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), les multiples…  
2068. Abdiaziz Mohamud Guled  

The 41-year-old Director of Radio Mogadishu was killed in a terrorist attack in Somali capital city. Reports quoted police sources as saying that Guled was killed when a suicide bomber approached Guled as he was entering his car and detonated his device, killing him on the spot. Two people who were with him, Director of Somali National Television Sharmarke Mohamed Warsame and a driver were wounded, with Warsame left in critical condition.   The mitlitant group Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the killing of Guled, also known as Abdiariz Afrika, who was known for his denunciation of violent extremism and killings of citizens through his radio and TV programmes. Journalists'…  
2069. #RatifyC190: Reconozcamos la violencia y el acoso laboral en todas sus dimensiones  

Ratificar el Convenio 190 de la OIT es fundamental para garantizar el derecho a trabajar en un mundo libre de violencia tanto en el lugar físico de trabajo como en todos los aspectos relacionados con él, dice Zuliana Lainez, Vicepresidenta Senior de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP). El Convenio 190 de la OIT es un instrumento amplísimo y profundamente democrático que no deja a ningún trabajador/a atrás. Ampara a todos quienes tienen o no un contrato formal, a los/as pasantes, a quienes buscan empleo, trabajadores/as del campo y la ciudad, hombres y mujeres. “El convenio 190 es el primer instrumento internacional de carácter laboral que reconoce no solo del derecho al…  
2070. #RatifyC190 to support women journalists' claims against cyberattacks  

Christos Christophides from the Union of Cyprus Journalists explains the benefits of ILO Convention 190 and how it widens the scope of a workplace to include online space. The main violence women journalists face in Cyprus are cyber-attacks that, in many cases, in contrast to online abuse of male journalists, go beyond the vulgar sexist euphemism and intimidation.  Most of the time, the victims of these attacks do not file a complaint for fear that until their complaint is being examined the attacks and the rhetoric will intensify. Ratification of ILO Convention 190 will help address the issue because, inter alia, it defines the "world of work", which transcends the workplace and…  
2071. #RatifyC190 to combat online abuse  

Jennifer Moreau from UNIFOR describes the level of online abuse in Canada and how it impacts women and freedom of speech. In Canada, online harassment and abuse of female journalists is a major problem affecting our union members.  According to a recent IPSOS poll more than 70 per cent of Canadian media workers experienced online harassment in the past year, and 73 per cent feel the attacks are increasing.  Harassment can range from accusations of “fake news” and sending sexualized images to threats of sexual assault, threats against family members, or death threats.  This unacceptable behaviour is part of a global continuum of violence against journalists that has a…  
2072. "Our crime: women and journalists"  

"To be a journalist, a woman and a Shiite is seen as inexcusable by the Taliban". Afghan journalists Masooma Gholami and Sarah Turgan talk to Greek journalist Tania Bozaninou about their escape following the Taliban's takce over of Kabul. Article originally published in Greek daily TO VIMA  on 7 November 2021 Interview by TANIA BOZANINOU Masooma Gholami is a familiar face in Afghanistan. For seven years she presented newscasts in Kabul. When the Afghan capital fell to the Taliban on August 15, Masooma did not return to work. She is a journalist, a woman and a Shiite- all three seen as inexcusable  by the Taliban. “I received death threats even before the Taliban came”, she…  
2073. China: U.S. and China to relax journalists' visa restrictions  

The new agreement, reached ahead of the virtual summit between China’s leader Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden on November 16, will allow American and Chinese foreign correspondents to enter and depart both countries more freely. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the agreement made by the two governments and calls on both sides to work toward ensuring greater access for foreign correspondents.  Under the reciprocal agreement, U.S. and Chinese authorities consented to extend the validity of visiting journalists’ work visas from the current three months to one year. The two countries also pledged to…  
2074. The IFJ visits the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro  

A field visit to the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro in Podgorica to discuss the evolution of the Union to Union Project.  Since 2018, the union has conducted three surveys to study the economic and professional status of digital media workers, their working conditions, the average salary among media workers and the impact of COVID-19 on media workers in Montenegro. Each Survey has become an advocacy tool in the union's campaign to secure collective bargaining and improved working conditions. The studies also led to two major changes being added to the Union's draft action plan: - To…  
2075. Argentina: dos mujeres periodistas sufrieron acoso durante las coberturas del proceso electoral  

Sucedió en el palacio de gobierno de la provincia argentina de Tucumán. Un caso tuvo lugar durante la cobertura de los resultados de las elecciones primarias el 12 de septiembre y el segundo sucedió este domingo en el marco de las elecciones legislativas generales. Ambos hechos se dieron mientras las periodistas intentaban realizar su trabajo en medio de un gran tumulto de gente que desbordaba el espacio en el que se llevaban adelante las conferencias de prensa sobre los resultados de los comicios. La Federación Argentina de Trabajadorxs de Prensa (FATPREN) y el sindicato local repudiaron los hechos y denunciaron la desprotección que sufren las comunicadoras. La periodista Mariana Romero…  
2076. #EndImpunity IFJ demands Mexican authorities investigate killings of journalists  

In a letter adressed to Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador on November 16, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has urged the authorities to dispel the impression of indifference in the face of deadly assaults against journalists. The authorities need to take action against the state of deterioration of press freedom in Mexico and need to promptly act to ensure the safety and security of our colleagues reporting on the ground. Download the letter here End impunity, impunity, investigations, killings, journalists, mexican, president, authorities, IFJ, International Federation of Journalists  
2077. Malaysia: Authorities continue criminal defamation case against Sarawak Report editor  

On November 5, Malaysian authorities made a public appeal for information on Sarawak Report editor and founder Clare Rewcastle Brown after reviving a three-year-old criminal defamation case against her earlier this year. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the continued intimidation of Clare Rewcastle Brown and urge the Malaysian government to immediately drop all charges against her. The appeal for information relates to an arrest warrant issued against London-based Rewcastle Brown on September 23, for failing to attend proceedings in a defamation suit brought by the Sultanah of…  
2078. Ukraine: Slow improvement in working conditions for journalists, union says  

Ukrainian media workers face dangerous working conditions despite recent improvement through cooperation agreements with law enforcement agencies, the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU) reported. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate in calling on the authorities and police to work harder to ensure a safe working environment for journalists. The NUJU also reported some positive news, such as the launch of public campaigns and activities with international partners. In October, the NUJU worked on the publication of the special Ukrainian-language translation of UNESCO "Guidelines for prosecutors on cases of crimes against journalists". These…  
2079. Iran: Kelid newspaper banned after publishing a cartoon depicting the Supreme Leader’s hand  

On 8 November, the Press supervisory board of the Islamic Republic of Iran banned the publication and revoked the license of Kelid newspaper after it had published a cartoon in which the supreme leader was linked to poverty in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands in solidarity with Kelid newspaper and calls on the authorities to reconsider their decision. On 6 November, Kelid, a newspaper created in 2015, published a front-page article titled “Millions of Iranians Living under Poverty Line", illustrated with a cartoon showing a hand with the distinctive ring of Khamenei. The graphic was taken from Kayhan London newspaper, a London-based media. According to…  
2080. Nigeria: Missing journalist found dead  

A journalist’s dead body was found on 12 November, a month after he went missing in Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Nigerian authorities to ensure that justice is done in this case. Journalist Tordue Salem was the correspondent of the Vanguard Newspaper covering the national Assembly and a member of the House of Representatives Press Corps. He had been missing for almost a month and had been last seen on Wednesday 13 October leaving the National Assembly building in Abuja. The Nigerian police said that a hit-and-run driver has been arrested in connection with the journalist's killing and that the suspect has…  
2081. Afghanistan: Former Ariana television journalist killed in explosion  

Hamid Saighani, a prominent journalist for Ariana television network, was killed in a bomb blast on a minibus in western Kabul on November 13. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Afghanistan affiliate, the Afghanistan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA), strongly condemn the attack and call on the international community to better assist in securing the safety of all Afghan media workers. Saighani was reportedly killed, along with one civilian, in the explosion nearby the Taliban checkpoint in the Dasht-e Barchi area of Kabul. Shortly afterwards, the Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC) confirmed the death of the journalist. Saighani’s wife, Fawzia Wahdat,…  
2082. Sudan: Authorities arrest Al Jazeera bureau chief  

On November 14, the Sudanese authorities arrested the bureau chief of Al Jazeera in his home in Khartoum. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Sudanese authorities to release him immediately. El Musalmi El Kabbashi, Sudan’s bureau chief for Al Jazeera, was arrested at night after the military forces raided his home. His arrest is likely in connection with the broadcaster's live coverage of the anti-coup protests taking place in Sudan since last month’s military coup. In a statement, Al Jazeera condemned "in the strongest terms the reprehensible actions of the military and calls on the authorities to release El Kabbashi immediately and to allow its journalists to…  
2083. Cuba: Retiran las credenciales de prensa a la agencia EFE  

Las autoridades cubanas retiraron el domingo 14 de noviembre las credenciales de prensa de los/as reporteros/as de la agencia española de noticias EFE sin dar ninguna explicación. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y todos sus afiliados en España exigen a las autoridades cubanas que rectifiquen su decisión. El Centro de Prensa Internacional Cubano convocó con urgencia al equipo de Efe en La Habana que está actualmente acreditado para comunicarles que se les retiraban las credenciales sin aclarar si la medida es temporal o definitiva y sin ofrecer ningún tipo de justificación o explicación. La decisión se toma en vísperas de la marcha cívica del lunes 15 para pedir un cambio…  
2084. Hong Kong: Hong Kong government denies visa of The Economist correspondent  

The Hong Kong government has refused to renew the employment visa of one of the Economist correspondents in the city without giving a reason, according to the magazine. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the authorities to stop using denial of visas to target members of the foreign press. Zanny Minton Beddoes, editor-in-chief of the Economist, said in a statement on November 12 that the visa renewal application of the magazine’s correspondent, Wong Sue-lin, had been “declined” by the Hong Kong immigration authorities.  “We regret their decision, which was given without explanation…. We urge the government of Hong Kong to maintain…  
2085. Myanmar: Court sentences US journalist Danny Fenster to 11 years in jail  

Frontier Myanmar’s managing editor Danny Fenster was found guilty and sentenced by a court to 11 years in prison with hard labour on November 12. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the Myanmar military’s unjust prosecution of Fenster and call for his immediate release. Fenster’s court hearing was closed to the media and public and took place inside Yangon’s infamous Insein Prison, where he has been held since his initial arrest by the military on May 24. According to Fenster’s lawyer, Than Zaw Aung, the court found him guilty of spreading false or inflammatory information, contacting illegal organisations and violating visa regulations. The court sentenced…  
2086. “Climate change is an important issue on an urgent agenda”  

The Assistant Secretary of State of the Prime Minister of Cape Verde, Lourenco Lopes, said that Climate Change is an important issue on an urgent agenda in a world in constant economic, social and environmental transformation. Speaking at the opening ceremony of a two –day workshop on Climate Change Reporting, on Thursday, 11 November, at the headquarters of the Journalists Association of Cape Verde (AJOC) in the capital Praia, Lourenco Lopes  emphasised that the training of journalists is a top priority today,  when we are invaded with diverse information from different communication platforms, which have changed human relations and the relationship of traditional organizations…  
2087. Hamid Saighani  

The journalist for Ariana television network was reportedly killed in a bomb blast of a minibus in western Kabul near the Taliban checkpoint in the Dasht-e Barchi area of Kabul. Shortly afterwards, the Afghanistan Journalists Center (AFJC) confirmed the death of the journalist. Saighani’s wife, Fawzia Wahdat, posted “I lost Hamid” on her Facebook page the same day. Media reports said that the minivan caught fire and exploded Saturday evening in a neighbourhood dominated by members of the minority Shiite Hazara community. Another passenger was also killed in the blast. Journalists' safety, Afghanistan, IFJ, Impunity  
2088. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 5 November and 12 November 2021. English Italian prosecutor’s claims against Guardian reporter flagged by human rights watchdog (The Guardian) Plea For Justice For Slain Pakistani Blogger Who Exposed Drug Trafficking (Ghandara) Beijing Olympic organizers reject accusations of blocking foreign media (UPI) Repression of media (Business Recorder) Español C.Europa denuncia que una juez instó a Ignacio Escolar a revelar sus fuentes…  
2089. Myanmar: Junta further constricts media with amendment to broadcasting law   

On November 1, Myanmar’s military junta introduced a series of amendments to broaden the remit of the nation's Broadcasting Law to potentially include social and digital media, increasing the severity of penalties for offenders. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses deep concern at the junta’s efforts to further stifle press freedom, both offline and online, and calls on the administration to immediately repeal the amendments.  Originally enacted in 2015, offences under the Broadcasting Law include broadcasting without a licence or after a licence’s suspension, and securing multiple licenses. Made without any public consultation, the…  
2090. Mexico: prosecutors arrested a man linked to the illegal espionage with Pegasus spyware  

The investigation on the use of NSO Group’s software to spy on journalists and human rights defenders took a big step forward after identifying Juan Carlos “G”, a man allegedly linked to a Mexican company that was operating as an intermediate to sell the software to state agencies. The suspect is accused of using Pegasus for illegally monitoring the private communications of several victims. Almost six months after the revelations of “The Pegasus Project”, the General Prosecutor’s Office (FGR) announced the detention of the first accused in the investigation that is trying to prove the illegal use of Pegasus by the Peña Nieto government. This case initiated in 2017 when journalists,…  
2091. #EndImpunity IFJ demands Yemeni authorities investigate killings of journalists  

In letters adressed to Yemeni Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed and Ansar Allah Leader Mr. Abdul-Malik al-Houthi on November 11, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has urged the authorities to dispel the impression of indifference in the face of deadly assaults against journalists. The authorities need to take action against the state of deterioration of press freedom in Yemen and need to promptly act to ensure the safety and security of our colleagues reporting on the ground. Download the letter to the Yemeni Prime Minister here Dowload the letter to the Ansar Allah leader here End Impunity, Yemen, authorities, investigate, killing, journalists, YJS, IFJ, International…  
2092. Yemen: Journalist killed on her way to maternity clinic  

On November 9, a pregnant journalist was killed in a car blast in Aden on her way to the hospital to give birth. Her husband, also a journalist, was seriously injured in the attack. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) in condemning in the strongest terms this horrific crime and in demanding the opening of an immediate investigation. Freelance reporter and photographer Rasha Abdullah Al-Harazi was killed when an explosive device placed in her car exploded. Her husband and colleague, Mahmoud Amin Al-Atami, a freelance reporter who has worked for Al Arabiya and Al Hadath was wounded in the blast and is in critical…  
2093. Pakistan: Social media activist assassinated in Northern Province of KPK   

Muhammad Zada Agra was shot dead in Sakhakot by two unidentified gunmen on November 8, days after he spoke out against alleged corruption and drug syndicates in the region. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) strongly condemn Muhammad Zada Agra’s assassination and call on the Pakistani government to immediately arrest the perpetrators and to create proper security mechanisms to ensure safety for reporters in Pakistan. Muhammad Zada Agra was gunned down outside his home in Sakhakot, a day after Pakistan’s national assembly passed the Protection of Journalists and Media Professionals Bill,…  
2094. How China uses the news media as a weapon in its propaganda war against the West  

Beijing is reshaping international coverage with strategic deals and investments in countries so diverse as Italy, Czech Republic and the Philippines, writes Raksha Kumar. As China counters the dominance of the West, the news media are becoming a sharper weapon in the war to capture global narratives and the arena within which the war is fought. “It is an ideological and political struggle, with China determined to combat what it sees as decades of unchallenged western media imperialism,” wrote journalists Louisa Lim and Julia Bergin in 2018.  Although only a decade old, China’s strategy to expand its presence in global news media has achieved a certain degree of…  
2095. #EndImpunity IFJ demands Somali Prime minister investigates killings of journalists  

In a letter adressed to Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble on November 8, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has urged the government to dispel the impression of indifference in the face of deadly assaults against journalists. The government needs to take action to bring both non-state and state actors that attack journalists and violate their fundamental rights to justice. Download the letter here end impunity, journalists, media, workers, somalia, somali, prime, minister, IFJ, International Federation of Journalists  
2096. Rasha Abdullah Al-Harazi  

The freelance reporter and photographer Rasha Abdullah Al-Harazi was killed when an explosive device planted on her husband’ car exploded. Her husband, Mahmoud Amin Al-Atami, also a freelance reporter who worked for Al Arabiya and Al Hadath was wounded in the blast and is in critical condition in a hospital in Aden. The blast occurred when Mahmoud Amin Al-Atami was taking his pregnant wife to hospita where she was expected to give birth. Journalists' safety, Yemen, IFJ, Impunity  
2097. Hong Kong: New poll shows widespread concern over possible introduction of “fake news” law  

Foreign correspondents and journalists in Hong Kong have expressed “widespread concern” about the “fake news” law that the city’s authorities have flagged to introduce, a poll by a foreign press group shows. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) shares this serious concern and urges the Hong Kong government to work toward ensuring freedom of the press in Hong Kong. According to a survey conducted by the Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Hong Kong (FCC), an overwhelming majority of respondents are concerned about the possible introduction of a fake news law, with 75.8 percent of them saying they were “very concerned” and a further 15.1 percent…  
2098. Belarus: Crackdown on BAJ and Belsat must stop  

After its liquidation by the Supreme Court in August 2021, the Belarusian Association of Journalists' (BAJ) website is now blocked for users in Belarus. The Belarusian authorities also labeled the TV channel Belsat and its social media accounts as "extremist formation". The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) condemn the continued crackdown on their affiliate and critical media outlets in Belarus. As BAJ reported on 4 November, the Ministry of Information of Belarus decided to block the access of Belarusian users to the BAJ website: "BAJ considers the liquidation of the organisation and the blocking of the site to be absolutely illegal measures.…  
2099. Covering the climate crisis: Journalism’s role in protecting our planet  

Media has failed to cover the climate crisis like the emergency it is. Join us for an international panel discussion on journalism and the climate crisis, held with the People’s Summit for COP26. The event is on Monday, Nov. 8 at 16:30 UK time. Register here for the event: https://cop26coalition.org/peoples-summit/covering-the-climate-crisis-journalisms-role-in-protecting-our-planet/ This is the first event organized by the IFJ’s new climate action team, and we will have Sean Holman (Canada), an investigative reporter and climate expert, moderating. Our esteemed panellists include Jhesset Thrina Enano (Philippines), a journalist from Manila, who focuses on the…  
2100. China: Journalist Zhang Zhan reportedly on verge of death in prison  

Chinese journalist and former lawyer Zhang Zhan is reportedly suffering rapidly deteriorating health following over one year of an intermittent hunger strike in protest against her detention and later imprisonment. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on Chinese authorities to immediately release Zhang so that she may receive proper and urgently needed medical treatment. On October 30, Zhang’s brother Zhang Ju said via Twitter: “I don’t think she can hold on much longer” while attaching a photo of Zhang. “If Zhang cannot make it through the coming winter, I wish the world would remember her as she once was,” he added. According to Zhang Ju, Zhang currently weighs less…  
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