15060 results:

5461. Malta: Journalists´ unions worldwide stand in solidarity with Daphne Caruana  

Several affiliates from the International and European Federation of Journalists have shown their solidarity following the killing of the investigative Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia on 16 October. IFJ and EFJ affiliates from France (SNJ, SNJ-CGT and CFDT-Journalistes), Germany (DJV), Finland, Italy (FNSI), Iceland, Norway, UK (NUJ), Portugal (SDJ), Belgium (VVJ), Cyprus and Azerbaijan (JUHI), among others, have issued statements or published solidarity pictures on their social media with the message #solidaritywithDaphne. The journalist, 53, was killed on 16 October by a car bomb in the town of Bidnija, near her family home - believed to be a targeted attack. Daphne…  
5462. Russia: a journalist stabbed at a radio station’s studio  

Deputy editor in chief and anchor Tatyana Felgengauer working for Ekho Moskyv radio station was stabbed in the throat on 23 October at the radio station in Moscow. The well-known journalist is not in critical condition and is said to be stable. Deputy editor in chief and anchor Tatyana Felgengauer working for Ekho Moskyv radio station was stabbed in the throat on 23 October at the radio station in Moscow. The well-known journalist is not in critical condition and is said to be stable. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) have today joined their Russian affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ), in condemning and demanding an immediate…  
5463. Impunity resources  

Download the campaign´s poster in EN, FR, ES. For Twitter EN, FR, ES. For facebook EN, FR, ES IFJ killed list 2016 IFJ page on impunity 2017 IFJ safety web site UNESCO impunity page Journalists and media staff killed 1990-2015, IFJ Ampatuan Massacre five years on, IFJ Council of Europe Platform to promote the protection of journalism and the safety of journalists For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 141 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook Subscribe to IFJ News  
5464. We're hiring in Brussels! IFJ is looking for a Project Assistant in MENA and Arab World  

The International Federation of Journalists is looking for a part time project assistant to work with its team in the Arab World and Middle East region from its headquarters in Brussels. The post is currently part time (3 days a week) for five months as Maternity Cover starting November.   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is a global union federation of journalists' trade unions. The IFJ protects the rights and freedoms of journalists. It also works for solidarity, social justice, labour rights, democracy, human rights, and fighting poverty and corruption. Today, the IFJ represents around 600,000 members in more than 140 countries.   Location:…  
5465. Persecución contra periodistas y defensores en Colombia: LA CONEXIÓN DAS-URIBE  

El 11 de septiembre pasado, al tiempo que se conocía la orden de investigación emitida por la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia contra el expresidente Álvaro Uribe Vélez por el espionaje ilegal de la policía secreta de ese país a periodistas, sindicalistas y defensores de derechos humanos, en los juzgados especializados de Bogotá un testigo confirmaba lo que abogados y víctimas han denunciado desde hace 14 años: la persecución del clausurado Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS) contra la oposición tuvo su origen en los discursos y señalamientos del exmandatario. Por Marvin David Del Cid Especial para FSC-CCOO y la FIP El 11 de septiembre pasado, al tiempo que se conocía…  
5466. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 13th October to Friday 20th October. 1) Ban on Distribution of Arunachal Times by Local Body Undermines Press Freedom, Says IFJ. The Wire 2) China criticised for failing to grant Hong Kong journalists and media outlets access to key Congress meeting. By Karen Cheung, Hong Kong Free Press 3) Africa: Somalia - Terror Attack Kills One…  
5467. Israel uses military laws to strangle Palestinian media  

At least eight Palestinian TV and media production companies were raided on 17 October in the West Bank and are being forced to close for six months. Two journalists were also arrested. At least eight Palestinian TV and media production companies were raided on 17 October in the West Bank and are being forced to close for six months. Two journalists were also arrested. Israeli forces accuse the media outlets of incitement against Israel. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) backed its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS), in condemning such harassment against media and urged the Israeli authorities to honour rights to freedom of speech in the region and…  
5468. Journalist still missing after three abductions in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has expressed serious concerns over a series of incidents in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan, which have seen three journalists disappear. The IFJ demands action from the administration to ensure the missing journalists are found and return home safely.   In two separate incidents on October 15, two journalists were abducted by unknown people and freed the following day. Shahnawaz Khan Tarkzai, from Mashal Radio, was taken by armed men from the Shabqadar Press Club, claiming tha they were taking him to the local police station. Islam Gul Afridi from Akhbar-i-Khyber…  
5469. Iraq: IFJ welcomes new government committee to counter threats against journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) visited Baghdad 14-15 October to attend a series of meetings hosted by its affiliate the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate (IJS) to address safety and impunity in the country. The IFJ / IJS delegation met first with media managers and editors to address the responsibilities of employers to protect their staff. Then they met with the ‘Iraq National Committee On Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity’ to review the authorities performance in tackling impunity and improving journalists’ safety. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) visited Baghdad 14-15 October to attend a series of meetings hosted by its affiliate the Iraqi…  
5470. IFJ and EFJ condemn murder of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia  

Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia has been murdered today around 3pm by a car bomb in the town of Bidnija, near her family home. The European and International Federations of Journalists condemned today this killing. Maltese investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was murdered yesterday around 3pm by a car bomb in the town of Bidnija, near her family home. The International and European Federations of Journalists condemned today this killing. Daphne Caruana Galizia, 53, was known for her investigative journalism and her blog Running Commentary, which was one of the most widely read websites in Malta. The journalist has been sued many…  
5471. Growing number of media workers joining Communist Party  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concerns about the increasing number of Communist Party of China members who are employed by media organisations. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concerns about the increasing number of Communist Party of China members who are employed by media organisations. According to a report in the Ming Pao Daily, a Hong Kong-based newspaper, there is an increasingly number of media workers who are joining the Communist Party of China. At Tencent more than 7,000 of its more than 38,000 staff are members of the Communist Party. Of the employees, who are Communist Party members, 60% are technicians in the company.…  
5472. Daphne Caruana Galizia  

The female independent journalist, specialising in investigative reporting, was killed in a car blast that left her vehicle in several pieces in Bidnija. According to media reports quoting local sources , the extremely explosion left debris from the car, a Peugeot 108, strewn across the road and in a nearby field. Police at the scene said the driver's body was blasted out of the car and into a nearby field. TVM reported that Ms Caruana Galizia had filed a police report 15 days ago saying she was being threatened, reports added.  
5473. Haroon Khan  

The journalist with Satch TV and a stringer for local Mashriq Television channel was gunned down outside his home by unidentified assailants. Khan had returned home when his killers opened fire, hitting him several times before fleeing the scene, according to police sources. He was taken to hospital and declared dead on arrival.  
5474. Physical attack against journalist Drago Miljuš  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joins its affiliate the Croatian Journalists Association (CJA) and the Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety in strongly condemning the physical attack of Index.hr portal journalist Drago Miljuš by the members of the Split police department. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joins its affiliate the Croatian Journalists Association (CJA) and the Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety in strongly condemning the physical attack of Index.hr…  
5475. Somalia: Terror attack kills one journalist and injures five  

On Saturday 14 October a bomb attack killed at least 276 civilians including one journalist in Mogadishu, capital of Somalia. On Saturday 14 October a bomb attack killed at least 276 civilians including one journalist in Mogadishu, capital of Somalia. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) in condemning the attacks and sends its deepest sympathy to the family of the killed journalist. A truck loaded with explosives exploded near a hotel in Mogadishu on 14 October. The explosion took place in one of the capital's busiest intersections demolishing buildings around it. At least 500 people are believed to have…  
5476. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 6th October to Friday 13th October. 1) Government Bid To Dissolve Opposition. Morning Star 2) Journée mondiale pour le travail décent. La FIJ: "Des syndicats forts sont nécessaires pour protéger les travailleurs". FNSI 3) El periodista de origen turco que quería extraditar el régimen de Erdogán volvió a Suecia, su casa, en…  
5477. National Congress: An open letter to the NPC  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), which represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries, call on the National Congress of the Communist Party of China Press Centre (NPC) to ensure fair and transparent accreditation for journalists for the upcoming 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of the Republic of China. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), which represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries, call on the National Congress of the Communist Party of China Press Centre (NPC) to ensure fair and transparent accreditation for journalists for the upcoming 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of the Republic of China. The…  
5478. Safety protocol with 16 points for journalists covering conflict zones  

The Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS) in partnership with the European and International Federation of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ) successfully organised a 2-day Safety Workshop in Diyarbakir (Southeast of Turkey) on 03-04 October 2017 for local and visiting journalists regularly covering conflict zones in the region. The Journalists Union of Turkey (TGS) in partnership with the European and International Federation of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ) successfully organised a 2-day Safety Workshop in Diyarbakir (Southeast of Turkey) on 03-04 October 2017 for local and visiting journalists regularly covering conflict zones in the region. This workshop was organised in the framework of the IFJ-EFJ-TGS…  
5479. Pakistan: fourth journalist killed this year  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the killing of a journalist in Swabi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in northwest Pakistan on Thursday, October 12. The IFJ demands the immediate arrest and prosecution of the perpetrators.  Haroon Khan, a journalist with Sach TV and stringer for local Mashriq Television channel, was returning home after offering prayers when two motor-cycle borne assailants opened fire. Khan’s bullet ridden body was rushed to the hospital where he was declared dead on arrival. The motive for the killing is yet to be determined. IFJ general secretary Anthony Bellanger said: "Haroon Khan is the fourth journalist killed in Pakistan this…  
5480. Afghan journalist injured, security killed in attack  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in condemning the attack on the head of a television channel in Baghlan province in northeastern Afghanistan on Thursday, October 12. The IFJ demands immediate arrest and prosecution of the perpetrator.  Shir Mohammad Jahish head of Tanweer TV was on the way home from work when his car was attacked by unidentified gunmen near his residence in Pul-i-khumri, capital of Baghlan Province. Jahish’s guard, Amanullah Haqiar was killed in the attack while Jahish sustained injuries on his face and body. Soon after the attack, Jahish was transferred to Baghlan civil…  
5481. Malaysian union chair dismissed for disobeying orders  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticizes the sacking of a union branch chairperson in Malaysia on October 12. The IFJ demands an immediate investigation into the dismissal by the Penang Industrial Relations Department. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticizes the sacking of a union branch chairperson in Malaysia on October 12. The IFJ demands an immediate investigation into the dismissal by the Penang Industrial Relations Department. On Thursday, Chua Cheong Wee, a 48-year-old journalist at Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press Berhad in Penang, northwest Malaysia, was dismissed with immediate effect on the grounds of disobeying his chief’s…  
5482. Japanese journalist death due to ‘overwork’  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Japan Broadcasting Labour Union (NIPPORO) in calling for change in the working conditions of journalists in Japan, after the Labour Standards Supervision Office ruled Miwa Sado died from overwork. The IFJ and NIPPORO call for changes to labour laws to regulate work hours. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Japan Broadcasting Labour Union (NIPPORO) in calling for change in the working conditions of journalists in Japan, after the Labour Standards Supervision Office ruled Miwa Sado died from overwork. The IFJ and NIPPORO call for changes to labour laws to regulate work hours. On…  
5483. Korean public broadcast journalists strike  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Journalists’ Association of Korea (JAK) in supporting the efforts of over 3,000 journalists at South Korea’s public broadcasters who have been in an ongoing strike since Monday, September 4. The IFJ and JAK call on the management at KBS and MBC to start immediate discussions with staff and the unions to resolve journalist concerns over perceived management pressure and interference in reporting. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Journalists’ Association of Korea (JAK) in supporting the efforts of over 3,000 journalists at South Korea’s public broadcasters who have been in an…  
5484. IFJ/EFJ statement on article 11 of the draft copyright Directive on copyright in the digital single market  

The IFJ/EFJ are concerned about the rampant reproduction and making available of extracts or the entirety of journalists' and other creators' works online by third parties without authorisation or remuneration. The IFJ/EFJ are concerned about the rampant reproduction and making available of extracts or the entirety of journalists' and other creators' works online by third parties without authorisation or remuneration. Journalists' contributions to press publications and informing citizens must be recognised and duly protected and remunerated. Their authors’ rights, namely their economic and moral rights, including the right to integrity and paternity, must be duly acknowledged. …  
5485. Bulgaria: TV journalist threatened by politicians  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) are concerned about recent threats to Bulgarian TV journalist Viktor Nikolaev made by politicians. The IFJ/EFJ join their affiliate, the Union of Bulgarian Journalists (UBJ), in its call to end harassment of journalists and support freedom of expression in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) are concerned about recent threats to Bulgarian TV journalist Viktor Nikolaev made by politicians. The IFJ/EFJ join their affiliate, the Union of Bulgarian Journalists (UBJ), in its call to end harassment of journalists and support…  
5486. Newspaper resists censorship by political organization in Arunachal, India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concerns over the act of burning copies of The Arunachal Times newspaper in Arunachal state in northeastern India. The IFJ urges the Indian authorities to ensure that those responsible are brought to book, and to respect the principle of free flow of information. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concerns over the act of burning copies of The Arunachal Times newspaper in Arunachal state in northeastern India. The IFJ urges the Indian authorities to ensure that those responsible are brought to book, and to respect the principle of free flow of information. The Adi Baane Kebang Youth Wing (ABKYW), the youth…  
5487. Criminal defamation slapped over investigative report  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned over the filing of a criminal defamation case against seven persons including the reporter and editors of online news portal The Wire, on October 9. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned over the filing of a criminal defamation case against seven persons including the reporter and editors of online news portal The Wire, on October 9. Businessman Jay Shah filed a criminal defamation case in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, against reporter Rohini Singh and Siddharth Varadarajan, Sidharth Bhatia and MK Venu, editors of the news portal for the report ‘The Golden Touch of Jay Amit Shah’ highlighting a dramatic increase…  
5488. Boletín: editorial  

El 7 de octubre celebramos el décimo aniversario de la Jornada Mundial por el Trabajo Decente. En tanto que sindicalistas, defender el trabajo decente es lo menos que podemos ofrecer a nuestros miembros. También es lo que reclama la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) en Ginebra, donde la FIP acude regularmente para defender los intereses de lxs periodistas y de lxs trabajadorxs de los medios de comunicación. Un trabajo correcto y convenientemente remunerado, seguridad en el lugar de trabajo y protección social para las familias; libertad de los individuos de expresar sus reivindicaciones, de organizarse y de participar en las decisiones e igualdad de oportunidades y de trato…  
5489. Colombia: Fuerte represión policial ante organismos de Derechos Humanos y periodistas  

Un grupo de periodistas que realizaban una investigación junto a organismos de DDHH de la ONU, sufrieron un ataque por parte de la Policía Nacional el pasado domingo en la zona rural de Tumaco. Asimismo, en el departamento de Cauca la Policía Nacional fue señalada de asesinar a una comunicadora indígena. Un grupo de periodistas que realizaban una investigación junto a organismos de DDHH de la ONU, sufrieron un ataque por parte de la Policía Nacional el pasado domingo en la zona rural de Tumaco. Asimismo, en el departamento de Cauca la Policía Nacional fue señalada de asesinar a una comunicadora indígena. Los periodistas se encontraban acompañando una Comisión de la ONU en búsqueda de…  
5490. Edgar Daniel Esqueda Castro  

The body of a photographer was found Friday dumped in an open area near the airport tied and showing sign of torture in the northern state of San Luis Potosí, a day after he was abducted from his home by men dressed as police officers, media reports said quoting Mexican officials. Mr. Esqueda’s wife repotedly said armed men broke into the couple’s house while they were sleeping and said they were government agents and took the journalist away. But, the state prosecutor’s office denied that any of its agents were involved in Mr. Esqueda’s abduction. The journalist, who covered crime and social issues, had reported receiving threats from the police in the past, according to a…  
5491. Juan Carlos Hernández Ríos  

The 29-year-old photojournalist and contributor for La Bandera Noticias news website was killed by two unidentified gunmen who fatally shot him outside his home in Guanajato. He was taken to Yuriria hospital where he died of his wounds. According to La Bandera Noticias, Hernández Ríos had received death threats from the local administration. He had also published shortly before his killing a video in which two police officers who accused their superiors were also later murdered.  
5492. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 29th September to Friday 6th October. 1) India, always risky for journalists, has suddenly turned more dangerous following a murder. By Napur Anand, Quartz India  2) Serbia, the state against independent media. By Antonela Riha, OBC Transeuropa  3) Somalia: IFJ Urges UN Human Rights Council to Act to Stop Rights Crisis. All…  
5493. Journalist attacked in Kalikot, Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in strongly criticizing the attack of a journalist in Kalikot in mid-western Nepal on October 6. The IFJ urges the Nepali authorities to immediately investigate the attack. Journalist Arjun Prasad Bhattarai, central council member of the FNJ, was attacked by three people while he was playing a game of carom in the district headquarters Manma on Friday. The district headquarters houses the police, courts and administration, and is a source of local news for journalists. Bhattarai sustained head injuries and has been taken to Kohalpur Medical College in Nepalgunj for primary…  
5494. México: duodécimo periodista asesinado en 2017  

El fotoperiodista Edgar Daniel Esqueda Castro fue encontrado muerto en la mañana de hoy, viernes 6 de octubre, en el estado de San Luis Potosí. El comunicador había sido extraído de su domicilio a la fuerza durante el día de ayer. El fotoperiodista Edgar Daniel Esqueda Castro fue encontrado muerto en la mañana de hoy, viernes 6 de octubre, en el estado de San Luis Potosí. El comunicador había sido extraído de su domicilio a la fuerza durante el día de ayer.  Esqueda Castro, reportero grafico en la sección policial del diario digital Vox Populi, fue secuestrado en la mañana de este jueves por tres hombres vestidos con uniformes de la Policía Ministerial. En el transcurso…  
5495. Palestine: PJS wins collective agreements and elects new branch leaders  

Palestinian journalists are on the verge of securing new collective agreements at two of the country’s most important private sector media companies. Palestinian journalists are on the verge of securing new collective agreements at two of the country’s most important private sector media companies. The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), signed a Declaration of Intent (DOI) on developing a collective bargaining agreements with Wattan news agency and Ma’an during a week of action. PJS President Nasser Abu Baker and IFJ representative Monir Zaarour attended the signings which will form the basis of a final collective agreement, vital for protecting workers’ rights. The Declaration…  
5496. Spain: unions urge freedom of information amid allegations of manipulation  

Journalists in Spain have complained of being put under undue pressure and an attack on their professionalism in the wake of events surrounding the independence referendum in Catalonia. Journalists in Spain have complained of being put under undue pressure and an attack on their professionalism in the wake of events surrounding the independence referendum in Catalonia. Agrupacion de Periodistas de CCOO, member of the IFJ’s Spanish affiliates, have called for their professional rights to report freely and fairly to be upheld and for a guarantee of freedom of information and expression after unions received widespread allegations of lack of balance and manipulation of information. They…  
5497. Strong unions key to winning decent working conditions, says IFJ  

Despite unprecedented challenges facing the media industry, journalists unions have succeeded in winning higher pay, saving jobs and securing new collective agreements over the past twelve months. Despite unprecedented challenges facing the media industry, journalists unions have succeeded in winning higher pay, saving jobs and securing new collective agreements over the past twelve months. Read IFJ WDDW, the story behind the headlines The results of a major new survey of journalists’ social and professional rights published by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)  to mark World Day for Decent Work on 7 October also show overwhelmingly that strong unions backed by…  
5498. Greece: Unions worldwide support journalists on strike to save social security and welfare funds  

International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) affiliates from all over the world have backed colleagues from the Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers who began a 24-hour general strike on 3 October. Unions from South Africa, Australia and the US among others sent solidarity messages to Greek colleagues, who are fighting to protect a Fund - Unified Journalistic Organisation of Subsidiary Social Insurance and Health Care (EDOEAP) - which for over 50 years has provided social security and welfare payments for journalists and media workers in Greece. “We the workers in news information are going on strike demanding a new ‘Charter’ for the Press and a new social contract for…  
5499. Egypt: Unions support AFP strike  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and French affiliates –SNJ and CFDT – have backed workers striking for fair pay at the Cairo office of AFP news agency. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and French affiliates –SNJ, SNJ-CGT and CFDT – have backed workers striking for fair pay at the Cairo office of AFP news agency. AFP employees in Cairo staged a 6-hour strike on Tuesday 3 October, 12-hour strike on Wednesday 4 October and are on 24-hour strike today. Strikers claim that since the devaluation of the Egyptian pound in November 2016 their salary and purchasing power have halved. Although the office’s editor-in-chief, Emmanuel Parisse, said that AFP is…  
5500. Cataluña: la FIP y la FEP piden respeto para los periodistas  

Las Federaciones Internacional y Europea de Periodistas (FIP y FEP) han pedido a todas las partes implicadas en los acontecimientos vividos en los últimos días en Cataluña que respeten el trabajo de los periodistas que se dedican a cubrir las diversas protestas que han seguido al 1 de octubre. Las Federaciones Internacional y Europea de Periodistas (FIP y FEP) han pedido a todas las partes implicadas en los acontecimientos vividos en los últimos días en Cataluña que respeten el trabajo de los periodistas que se dedican a cubrir las diversas protestas que han seguido al 1 de octubre. El pronunciamiento se debe a ¨algunos sucesos aislados de acoso¨ a profesionales de la información que ha…  
5501. Time to grant Spanish journalists full authors’ rights protection, says IFJ/EFJ  

The lack of protection of journalists’ authors rights in Spain undermines their living standards and journalism ethics. A delegation of the IFJ/EFJ authors’ rights expert group (AREG) members met in Madrid on 2-3 October in solidarity with Spanish affiliates (FES-CC.OO, FESP, FAPE, ELA) to develop a strategy to change Spanish intellectual property law for a better protection of journalists’ rights. The print sector was specifically targeted. To date, Spanish publications are considered as collective works and journalists cannot claim any recognition for their authors’ rights, either from a moral rights’ (right to integrity and paternity) or an economic rights’ (remuneration for…  
5502. Hong Kong journalists threatened for ‘bias’ reporting on China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) denounces a series of threats made against Hong Kong-based journalists. The IFJ calls for an immediate investigation into the threats, and the government to guarantee the safety of the journalists. Last week, Tom Grundy, the editor-in-chief of the Hong Kong Free Press (HKFP), an online English media outlet, spoke with the IFJ and HKJA about a series of letters that he and some of his staff had received over the past month. Each letter arrived on Tuesday, some sent to the HKFP office, while one was sent to the Hong Kong of guest editor Tim Hamlett, and the latest was sent to the United Kingdom home of Tom Grundy’s family. The letters…  
5503. Pakistan suspends mobile, internet services for security reasons  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned about the repeated shutdown of Internet and cellular mobile phone services in Pakistan on grounds of ‘security’. The IFJ urges the Pakistani authorities to find alternative security measures to ensure free flow of information over the Internet. Between September 29 to October 1, most cities in Pakistan remained without mobile and Internet services as a part of the security measures for Ashura, during which there are major religious processions across Pakistan. The Sindh Home Department issued a formal notification of network disconnection across eight cities including Karachi while mobile and internet services were reported…  
5504. Barrage of threats heaped on journalists in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is seriously concerned by the growing intolerance over the critical voices and impenetrable impunity fueling threats to journalists in India in recent weeks. The IFJ demands urgent actions from the Indian authorities to ensure speedy investigation and prosecution of those responsible for threatening journalists in order to allow free speech to flourish. At least four journalists have filed police complaints in Delhi and adjoining Noida after receiving death threats on WhatsApp messaging service and phone calls warning them that anyone critical of the government, and the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party would meet the same fate as journalist…  
5505. Strike in Greece: Solidarity messages from IFJ affiliates  

You want to join our solidarity campaign? Send your messages to our Greek colleagues South Africa Dear Colleagues, The Media Workers Association of South Africa (MWASA) pledges as you embark on a 24-hr general strike, starting today at 6am. We are aware that you have for some time been trying to prevent the closure of the EDOEAP Fund (Unified Journalistic Organisation of Subsidiary Social Insurance and Health Care) and have entered negotiations with the government and media employers to find a viable solution. MWASA supports your demands which are consistently the same as those you presented during the previous strike on September 26th 2017. They are: • A viable solution…  
5506. Zimbabwe: Daily News journalists shot and injured in Harare  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined its affiliate, the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) in condemning the shooting of two journalists by the police in Harare. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined its affiliate, the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) in condemning the shooting of two journalists by the police in Harare. Daily News Senior reporter, Mugove Tafirenyika and photojournalists Brighton Goko were shot on 29 August while covering the demonstrations that have rocked Harare.  The journalists were hit when police fired indiscriminately in to the crowd. Both journalists were rushed to a private hospital. ZUJ, Secretary General,…  
5507. Information under government control in lead up to National Congress  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticises the information policies been implemented in the lead up to the National Congress of the Communist Party of China on October 18, 2017. The IFJ calls on journalists and media workers in China to remain vigilant in the lead up to the National Congress. In the lead up to the 19th National Congress, the Community Party Secretary of Beijing, Cai Qi, demanded that officials and citizens in Beijing ensure that the meetings during the Congress run smoothly and safely. All mayors and leaders from other provinces are following strictly implemented security measures including that citizens ‘act as surveillance’, reporting any…  
5508. Au Burundi, la liberté d’expression muselée  

Parce qu’un éditorial était présumé « contraire à l’éthique professionnelle », une radio du Burundi sera suspendue à partir de lundi, 2 octobre. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de la profession (600.000 membres dans 140 pays), condamne cette décision avec force. Parce qu’un éditorial était présumé « contraire à l’éthique professionnelle », une radio du Burundi sera suspendue à partir de lundi, 2 octobre. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de la profession (600.000 membres dans 140 pays), condamne cette décision avec force.   Depuis avril 2015, le Burundi sombre dans la…  
5509. IFJ welcomes release of Hamza Yalcin  

The International Federation of Journalists has welcomed the release of Swedish Turkish journalist Hamza Yalçin following his arrest in Barcelona by Spanish Authorities by the Spanish authorities on 3 August. The International Federation of Journalists has welcomed the release of Swedish Turkish journalist Hamza Yalçin following his arrest in Barcelona by Spanish Authorities by the Spanish authorities on 3 August. Hamza was released following a decision by the Spanish High Court and weeks of intensive lobbying by the IFJ's affiliates in Spain and Sweden. And, just one hour after Spanish IFJ affiliate FESP organised a press conference with ex-magistrate Baltasar Garzón, who had…  
5510. IFJ urges UN Human Rights Council to act to stop rights crisis in Somalia  

Secretary-General of the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) and member of the IFJ Executive Committee Omar Faruk Osman addressed the 36th session of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva on Wednesday 27 September 2017. Osman highlighted the abuse of human rights in Somalia, particularly attacks on journalists, trade unions and freedom of expression. Secretary-General of the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) and member of the IFJ Executive Committee Omar Faruk Osman addressed the 36th session of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva on Wednesday 27 September 2017. Osman highlighted the abuse of human rights in Somalia, particularly attacks on journalists,…  
5511. Yemen: three imprisoned journalists released  

Prominent Yemeni journalist Yahya Abdulraqeeb al-Jubeihi, jailed and sentenced to death last year by Houthi authorities, was released and pardoned on Sunday, 24 September. Prominent Yemeni journalist Yahya Abdulraqeeb al-Jubeihi, jailed and sentenced to death last year by Houthi authorities, was released and pardoned on Sunday, 24 September.  Two other Yemeni journalists, Abed al-Mahziri and Kamel al-Khozani were released two days earlier after being arrested last week for criticising Houthi rule in western Yemen. The IFJ and its affiliate the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) welcomed their release and demanded that all imprisoned journalists in Yemen be set free…  
5512. Access to Information an ongoing struggle across the Asia Pacific  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU), the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) and its affiliates today observed the second International Day for Universal Access to Information, after resolution (38 C/70) was adopted by UNESCO on November 17, 2015. The IFJ is highlighting the challenges journalists and media workers in the region face in accessing information. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU), the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) and its affiliates today observed the second International Day for Universal Access to Information, after resolution…  
5513. #AccesstoInfo - International Day for Universal Access to Information  

September 28 is International Day for Universal Access to Information, commonly known as Access to Information Day. 2016 was the first year that marked Access to Information Day, after resolution (38 C/70) was adopted by UNESCO on November 17, 2015.  This year, the IFJ is celebrating Access to Information Day by looking at the challenges journalists and media workers across the Asia Pacific face in accessing information.  Australia - The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) The Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA – Australia) remains concerned at attempts to undermine freedom of information in Australia. As highlighted in MEAA’s annual report on…  
5514. Journalist choked by vice-mayor in southern Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) strongly criticize the physical attack on a journalist in Surigao City, in the southern Philippines on Saturday, September 23, 2017. The IFJ demand an investigation into the incident. On Saturday, Edito Mapayo the editor-in-chief of Diaryo Balita, a local Surigao City newspaper, was choked and punched by Surigao del Norte Vice Mayor Francisco Matugas Gonzales. Mapayo was covering a Department of Health event at the Pilar District Hospital. He told NUJP that he was at the venue to cover the event when Gonzales arrived, saw him, and immediately punched him in…  
5515. L'AFP condamnée pour discrimination syndicale  

La Fédération internationale des journaliste (FIJ) s’associe à son affilié SNJ-CGT pour saluer la condamnation en cassation le 20 septembre de l’Agence France Presse (AFP) pour discrimination syndicale d’un délégué du personnel. La Fédération internationale des journaliste (FIJ) s’associe à son affilié SNJ-CGT pour saluer la condamnation en cassation le 20 septembre de l’Agence France Presse (AFP) pour discrimination syndicale d’un délégué du personnel.  Lire le communiqué du SNJ-CGT ici: https://snjcgt.fr/2017/09/26/lafp-definitivement-condamnee-pour-discrimination-syndicale/ Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter la FIJ au + 32 2 235 22 16 La FIJ…  
5516. Menaces inacceptables sur l’Ile Maurice  

Après la publication d’une série d’articles, des journalistes mauriciens du quotidien l’Express ont subi des menaces scandaleuses. La Fédération internationale des journalistes, première organisation mondiale de la profession, condamne fermement ces pressions, indignes d’une démocratie. Après la publication d’une série d’articles, des journalistes mauriciens du quotidien l’Express ont subi des menaces scandaleuses. La Fédération internationale des journalistes, première organisation mondiale de la profession, condamne fermement ces pressions, indignes d’une démocratie. Il ne fait pas bon faire son travail de journaliste sur L’Ile Maurice. Alerté par l’un de ses affiliés français, le…  
5517. Journalist threatened and assaulted for seeking information in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in condemning the assault on a journalist by the public health official in Helmand province of Afghanistan on September 23. The IFJ demands immediate action against the official. Dr. Molladad Tobakar, the head of presidency public health in Helmand province, assaulted and abused journalist Sardar Mohammad Sarwari of Shamshad TV while he was working on a report about complaints that a local hospital allegedly did not receive its allocated budget. Dr. Tobaghar refused to provide Sarwari any information regarding the hospital budget and instead threatened him via fake…  
5518. Spike in attacks on journalists amidst entrenched impunity in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses serious concern over the increasing number of crimes against journalists and incidents of press freedom violation in India. The IFJ urges the Indian government to institute measures to ensure the safety of journalists around the country. Three journalists were murdered in September, a month that also saw a sharp rise in the number of attacks and threats on journalists. Senior journalist KJ Singh was murdered in Mohali, Punjab on September 23 while Shantanu Bhowmik was killed by a mob in Tripura on September 20. Gauri Lankesh was the victim of a targeted killing in Bengaluru on September 5, and her killers are yet to be…  
5519. Newsletter Editorial  

We are celebrating the tenth anniversary of the World Day for Decent Work on 7 October. As trade unionists, defending decent work is the minimum that we can offer to our members. This is also what ILO is asking for in Geneva, where the IFJ regularly goes to defend the interests of journalists and media workers. Fair pay, workplace safety, social protection for families, freedom to express your demands, freedom to organise and participate in decision making and equal opportunities and treatment for women and men are all rights that must be at the centre of our concerns throughout the year.  Let’s mobilise on October 7 and call on our employers and governments to prioritise decent…  
5520. Serbia: 'Vranjske novine' weekly closed following administrative harassment  

Serbian weekly 'Vranjske novine' will cease publishing, announced founder and editor-in-chief Vukasin Obradovic on 18 September. The paper claims it has been subject to intense political and economic pressures, including financial inspections allegedly aimed at compromising its finances. Serbian weekly Vranjske novine will cease publishing, announced founder and editor-in-chief Vukasin Obradovic on 18 September. The paper claims it has been subject to intense political and economic pressures, including financial inspections allegedly aimed at compromising its finances. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) stand in solidarity with Vukasin Obradovic and join…  
5521. Senior journalist found murdered in Punjab, India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) in strongly condemning the killing of a senior journalist and his mother in Mohali, Punjab state in northern India on September 23. The IFJ demands urgent investigation, the arrest and prosecution of the assailants. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) in strongly condemning the killing of a senior journalist and his mother in Mohali, Punjab state in northern India on September 23. The IFJ demands urgent investigation, the arrest and prosecution of the assailants. KJ Singh, 64, former news editor with The…  
5522. IFJ In The News  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 15th September to Friday 22nd September. 1) Int'l journalist group condemns government. Macau Daily Times. 2) IFJ condemns arrest of two journalists in Iran. Kuwait News Agency. 3) Female Journalists trained on discrimination at work. By Getrude Ankah Nyavi, Graphic Online. 4) Kashmir Beyond Cliches III:…  
5523. Turkey: Syrian mother and daughter journalists murdered in Istanbul apartment  

Dr. Orouba Barakat and daughter Hala Barakat were murdered in their Istanbul apartment last night, Thursday 22 September. The IFJ strongly condemned the brutal murder and called on the Turkish authorities to conduct an immediate and thorough investigation to bring those responsible to justice Dr. Orouba Barakat and daughter Hala Barakat were murdered in their Istanbul apartment last night, Thursday 22 September. The IFJ strongly condemned the brutal murder and called on the Turkish authorities to conduct an immediate and thorough investigation to bring those responsible to justice  The pair were found stabbed to death in their apartment in the suburb of Uskudar late on Thursday…  
5524. Leo Diaz  

The columnist for Sapol Newspaper and a reporter for Radio Mindanao Network was shot leaving his house in Sultan Kudarat province. He died from multiple gunshots. Mindanao province has been under martial law since 23 May 2017 following violent clashes between locals and alleged IS-supporters in Marawi City.  
5525. Rudy Alicaway  

The radio anchor with Tigmo-Tigmo program on DXPB 106.9 was shot dead by two assailants on a motorcycle on his way home. According to a police report, the assailant continued to shoot Alicaway as he tried to crawl away.  
5526. Shyam Sharma  

The journalist who worked for Agniban, a local evening newspaper, was on his way to Manglia Square in his car when he was stopped in Indore, Madhya Pradesh state, by two assailants on motorbikes. They asked him to wind down his window, then slit his throat and fled the scene. A passer-by saw Sharma bleeding heavily and rushed him to hospital. He was moved to another hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.  
5527. Santanu Bhowmik  

The 28-yer-old journalist who worked for Dinraat, a cable television channel in Tripura state, northeast India was attacked and fatally wounded while he was a protest in Mandwai near Agartala, the capital of Tripura. He suffered head injuries from sharp objects during clashes between supporters of the Indigenous People’s Front of Tripura (IPFT), a tribal party agitating for a separate state, and the Ganamukti Parishad, the tribal wing of the Communist Party of India, Marxist (CPI-M), the ruling party in the state. Bhowmik was covering the protest and road blockade by the IPFT when he was attacked, possibly with sticks and rods. The police found him with serious stab injuries…  
5528. TV journalist stabbed to death in Tripura, India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the killing of journalist Santanu Bhowmik in Mandwai near Agartala, capital of Tripura state in northeast India on September 20. The IFJ demands immediate prosecution of the assailants to ensure justice to the slain journalist. Bhowmik, 28, a journalist with cable television channel Dinraat was attacked with sharp weapons while covering clashes between supporters of the Indigenous People’s Front of Tripura (IPFT), a tribal party agitating for a separate state, and the Ganamukti Parishad, the tribal wing of the Communist Party of India, Marxist (CPI-M), the ruling party in the state. Bhowmik was covering the agitation and…  
5529. Yemen: IFJ welcomes UN report amid calls for action on journalists' safety  

The IFJ has called on the Yemeni government to “accept its responsibility” as the UN’s leading human rights body condemned the huge toll of deaths, kidnappings and repression faced by the country’s journalists. The IFJ has called on the Yemeni government to “accept its responsibility” as the UN’s leading human rights body condemned the huge toll of deaths, kidnappings and repression faced by the country’s journalists. The call came at a high level meeting between the IFJ, the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS), human rights officials and Yemeni Information Minister Muammar Al Iryani in Geneva, in advance of Friday’s official debate of the report on an escalating human rights crisis in…  
5530. Nigeria : Soldiers break in NUJ press centre in Abia State  

On 12 September, a group of soldiers broke into the Press Center of Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), an IFJ affiliate, in Umuahia, Abia State in Nigeria. Once inside, they attacked journalists and destroyed equipment. The IFJ joined the NUJ in strongly condemning the unwarranted invasion. On 12 September, a group of soldiers broke into the Press Center of Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), an IFJ affiliate, in Umuahia, Abia State in Nigeria. Once inside, they attacked journalists and destroyed equipment. The IFJ joined the NUJ in strongly condemning the unwarranted invasion. During the attack on the press centre the soldiers alleged that the journalists present had taken their…  
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