264 results:

211. Iraq: a journalist arrested again for being critical of the government  

… confirm whether charges had been filed against him. Obeid was previously arrested on 22 October at his home in Al Qadisyah neighborhood in Baghdad on allegations of spreading fake news, later replaced with the accusation of communicating with foreign entities, following his publication of an article in which he claimed that the prime minister’s motive…  
212. Iran: IFJ calls for UN action to protect BBC Persian Service journalists  

… of family members in Iran, the confiscation of passports and travel bans preventing people leaving Iran, ongoing surveillance of journalists and their families, and the spread of fake and defamatory news targeting individuals, especially women journalists. Following the BBC’s urgent appeal, the UN Secretary-General’s report for the Human Rights Council on 28…  
213. Philippines: Journalist banned from Presidential Palace  

…s. The ban against Randa came just days after Special Assistant to the President Christopher “Bong” Go accused Rappler and Philippine Daily Inquirer of publishing ‘fake news’ during a Senate hearing on a frigate deal. In January, the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) order to revoke Rappler’s operating license over…  
214. Council of Europe’s Partner Organisations on Media Freedom Raise Alarm after Grim Record in 2017  

… on charges related to the same facts. Journalists’ deportation to another country. In context of the “information wars” and the “fight against fake news”, the platform partners increasingly report alerts on journalists being deported or risking of being deported from one of the Council of Europe member states to another…  
215. IFJ in the news  

…Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  
216. Aux «fake news», des réponses déontologiques et syndicales  

…La planète entière aurait donc découvert les «fake news» ou «nouvelles fausses» en 2017. Pourtant, cette expression est aussi ancienne que le journalisme. Explications et solutions.  
217. IFJ in the news  

…Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  
218. IFJ in the news  

…Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  
219. IFJ Blog: Celebrating Australian Journalism  

… by politicians. Led by President Trump, and gleefully repeated by politicians around the world, including here in Australia, reputable and critical coverage is labelled as “fake news”. While actual fake news continues to proliferate on social media platforms. In the worst cases, this rhetoric against journalists turns into imprisonment, assaults and…  
220. Iraq: Journalists’ organisations call on government to drop charges against journalist  

… to release the Iraqi/Norwegian journalist Samir Abeid (also spelled Obeid) who has been detained for more than three weeks. Abeid was arrested on allegations of spreading fake news, following his publication of an article in which he claimed that the prime minister’s motive behind the Iraqi government taking back the control of the city of Kirkuk was to…  
221. IFJ Blog: Myanmar Government Uses Laws, Threats to Strangle Reporting  

…concern that most of the “material on social media, especially regarding the situation in Rakhine State was ‘hate speech’. They [government ministers] say they are trying to take down ‘fake news’, but the reality is that they are leading the ‘fake news’. If we report on it or what they say we risk being sued for defamation under 66 9d).” In July the Committee to…  
222. Bangladesh detains Myanmar photojournalists  

… Min Zayar Oo and his assistant, Hkun Lat, who work for German magazine GEO, were accused of entering Bangladesh on tourist visas instead of journalist visas, and reporting “fake news” and arrested on September 7. They have been denied bail and are in detention. The photojournalists face up to seven years in jail if found guilty of violating Bangladesh’s…  
223. South Asian Media Solidarity Forges Ahead  

… of expression, press freedom, and journalist’s rights including impunity; labor issues; gender equity in media; internet shutdowns and freedom of expression online; fake news; journalism in conflict; safety of journalists and digital security. The meeting endorsed the Kathmandu Declaration 2017, which called upon governments for an urgent roadmap…  
224. South Asia Media Solidarity Bulletin: JULY  

… Bangladesh: End disappearances and secret detentions (HRW) 13.  Closing gender gaps could add US$ 3.2 trillion to Asia-Pacific economy (ILO) 14.  Fake news fuels nationalism and Islamophobia — sound familiar? In this case, it's in India (LA Times) 15.  Journalists Increasingly Unsafe in the Indian Subcontinent…  
225. Somalia : IFJ warns new media bill risks damaging free expression  

…ew bill, which seeks to amend Somali media law adopted in 2016, introduces provisions that limit journalism activities. They include one concerning provision purportedly banning  “fake news” and “groundless propaganda”, terms which are open to various interpretation and likely to lead to abusive claims from those targeted in news stories. Moreover…  
226. US: IFJ slams President Donald Trump over violence against journalists  

… version with the CNN logo on the face of the beaten man, WWE founder Vince McMahon, using the hashtags #FraudNewsCNN and #FNN as Trump accuses the TV channel of "fake news". Several media groups and even some Republican politicians stood up publicly against the use of such content against a media outlet. "It's not just anti-CNN.…  
227. Australian government announce inquiry into the future of journalism  

… announcement, on May 10, was backed by several Australian senators, and outlined that the inquiry will examine the structure of media organisations and their tax arrangements, fake-news, as well as the impacts of Facebook and Google on the media and outlets. The announcement came after last week, Fairfax Media, one of Australia’s largest media outlets,…  
228. Bangladeshi editor arrested on allegations of fabricated news  

… as the law has been used to arrest journalists and activists. The ICT Act empowers law enforcers to arrest any person without warrant and Section 57 criminalises publishing ‘fake, obscene or defaming information in electronic form.’ The IFJ said: “The arrest of a journalist under the ICT Act in a complaint filed by a private entity over critical news is…  
229. Fighting ‘fakenews in ‘post-truth’ digital era  

… in the context of the post-truth climate and especially, the role of investigative journalism. Speakers stressed that quality journalism is not just an answer but the answer to ‘fakenews. In this context, journalists should also re-think their societal role: today they can’t be spectators they should be engaged in the battle for truth and democracy, they…  
230. IFJ in the News this week  

… in Iran, Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) David Speers calls for less secrecy on defence and asylum seekers, by Amanda Meade, The Guardian Macron’s campaign accuses RT of spreading ‘fake news,’ dodges requests for clarification, Russia Today IFJ urges India to immediately withdraw social media ban in occupied-Kashmir, by News Desk, The Express Tribune DRAW FOR…  
231. May Day: Unions must be at the heart of fight for decent working conditions and quality media, says IFJ  

… precarious work, safety hazards, lack of training, gender inequality, breaches of authors’ rights, attacks on public service broadcasting and the increasing threat posed by fake news to quality journalism. It has also highlighted the benefits enjoyed by journalists represented by strong unions, including higher wages, collective bargaining, legal…  
232. Council of Europe documents unwarranted interference, fear, self-censorship  

… his annual report on the state of democracy and human rights in Europe. This year he focuses on several new topics, including the rise of populism and the spreading of fake news. Also published today, a new survey sponsored by the Council of Europe into the prevalence of unwarranted interference, fear and self-censorship amongst a sample of 940…  
233. IFJ responds to US Copyright office study on moral rights  

… rights of attribution and integrity are vital tools in the promotion of ethical journalism, the IFJ  also points at the importance to attribute sources to fight against fake news. The IFJ believes that there would be practical advantages to US industry in adopting moral rights, pointing in particular at strengthening integrity of the works and costs…  
234. German daily “Die Welt” correspondent in Turkey still in custody  

… six other journalists working for Turkish news outlets have been arrested supposedly in connection to the RedHack leaks. The emails revealed media outlets’ control and the use of fake Twitter accounts to favour Erdogan’s AKP party. Under the ongoing state of emergency, anyone can be held in police custody for up to 14 days without a hearing before a judge. The…  
235. Afghan journalist detained for a day over news  

… (NDS) for broadcasting a news report alleging that the governor was helping land mafia and selling government property. Safi denied the governor’s office charge that the news was fake and provided AIJA a video clip of the provincial council members’ comments on the topic as credible sources for his news story. Samandar Khan, the AIJA President said:…  
236. Ukraine: government must respect journalists’ rights during privatisation process  

… out by representatives of the local authorities, the doors of the editorial office were forcibly broken, locks were changed and the newspaper’s premises were sealed. In addition fake documents and stamps were used to attempt to seize control of the paper and replace the editor and change the Charter. The IFJ and EFJ have already protested to the authorities…  
237. Newsletter: Sexist hate speech: media must reflect on gender portrayal  

… are 3 times more likely to receive offensive comments on social media than men. Online sexist hate speech usually takes 2 forms: online impersonation: Abusers can produce fake tweets and facebook pages pretending to be the journalist and send abusive remarks in her nameInsults, threats and harassment through emails and social media. We must ensure that…  
238. Chinese journalist loses accreditation for reporting  

… Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT) announced that 17 journalists from 15 media outlets were to be reprimanded as they had ‘manufactured fake or inaccurate news’ between December 2, 2014 and July 13, 2015. The SAPPRFT report said that authorities gave reasons for the investigations and reprimanding of journalists, but…  
239. Treatment of Chinese journalist challenged after dubious state television confession  

…cial authorities will give me a chance and handle me leniently.” According to state-owned media outlet Xinhua, Wang was accused of “colluding with others and fabricating and spreading fake information on securities and futures market”. The Xinhua report also said that Wang admitted basing his report “on hearsay and his own subjective guesses without conducting due…  
240. IFJ urges Chinese authorities to stop harassing the media  

… to manipulate the stock market by spreading rumors and false information online. The Commission said that they would therefore work with the police and regulatory bodies to end fake reporting and information and punish those responsible. Throughout June, China’s stock market strongly fluctuated off the back of a number of supportive measures implemented by…  
241. IFJ Shocked by the Slaughter of 5 Libyan journalists and Media Workers  

… today expressed its shock and dismay at the discovery of the bodies of five employees of the Libyan broadcaster, Al Barka TV. The team had been kidnapped last August at a fake ISIS-Libya check-point while returning from filming the opening session of the newly elected Libyan parliament. Their bodies were found this morning, their throats recently slit,…  
242. South Asia Media Solidarity Network Bulletin: April 2015  

… and Communication Technology Act exist? Under Section 57 of the Act, it is an offence for any person to deliberately publish on a website or on other electronic form fake and obscene things, anything that may induce a person to do immoral acts, cause defamation, deteriorate law and order, tarnish the image of the state or a person or hurt the…  
243. Press Freedom in China Bulletin: March  

… Cyberspace Administrative Office announced that 32 websites had been shut down due to not following relevant regulations, disseminating negative information and fabricating fake news. No evidence was given to prove the allegations. On 9 February, the Cyberspace Administration Office and the Central Propaganda Department ordered all media outlets to…  
244. Chinese authorities must come clean on ‘air pollution’ film ban  

… Administrative Office announced that 32 websites were shut down due to not following the relevant regulations, for disseminating negative information and for fabricating fake news. However, no evidence was given to prove the allegations. The IFJ Asia Pacific Office said: “Whether the Chinese authorities acknowledge it or not, air pollution remains an…  
245. SEAJU expresses concerns on SE Asia press freedom  

… (anti-government) supporter after he also diseeminated the statement online. The Military Count granted Nrian bail because he removed the content after discovering it was fake and surrended to police. Krit B was granted bail after seven days in prison, and Niran has been demoted from editor by ASTV management. §  In Malaysia, the country’s…  
246. IFJ Press Freedom in China Campaign Bulletin: September 2014  

… security guard demanded to take a picture of Li’s press card. When Li refused, the guard suddenly yelled at him and splashed tea over the two journalists. An unknown person cried out “fake reporter” and several workers surrounded Li and pushed him onto the ground. Li’s head was injured by several kicks and punches. China Youth Daily issued a statement the next day…  
247. IFJ Press Freedom in China Campaign Bulletin: July 2014  

… of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT) was also implicated in serious misuses of public funds. These involved overseas vacations and the use of fake invoices to obtain money. The National Audit Report was not covered by any Mainland media, including Xinhua and the People’s Daily. The misuse of public money has been a…  
248. IFJ deplores cyber attack on pro-democracy news websites  

… same time, a system run by Hong Kong 2020, a political group led by former Hong Kong Chief Secretary Anson Chan Fang On-sang, was infiltrated by hackers who used it to send out fake emails that purported to come from Hong Kong 2020. The IFJ Asia Pacific Office said: “This is clearly a cyber attack on a media outlet aimed at suppressing press freedom. The…  
249. IFJ Press Freedom in China Campaign Bulletin: June 2014  

… here. For the simplified Chinese version, click here. 1) Crackdown escalates for 25th anniversary of Tiananmen  massacre 2) Eight charged, six media outlets closed after “fakenews campaign 3) Tencent journalist sacked after discussing censorship with US Secretary of State 4) Mainland journalist attacked and pressured to disclose source 5) Chinese…  
250. Eight charged after nationwide media crackdown in China  

…nda Department, reported that authorities charged eight people out of 11 suspects after a nationwide campaign designed to “prevent extortion by news reporting and contain the spread of fake news”. Jinghua reported that two media outlets were forced to shut down because they were allegedly “fake media outlets”. The State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio,…  
251. IFJ Asia Pacific: World Press Freedom Day Bulletin  

…efence, Mrs Ioma Rajapaksa, receiving a donation from a well-wisher. The tongue-in-cheek photo headline read “Hora Salli Nemeine”, which can be loosely translated into English as “not fake notes, right?” Mrs Rajapaksa is the wife of powerful defence secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa. Wagarachchi was extensively questioned on the motives of the publication of the photo…  
252. Harassment of Journalists at Ukraine News Agency Must End, say IFJ/EFJ  

… newly established TV-news monitoring unit. The five journalists were involved in protests in October 2012 against UNIAN management following allegations of censorship and fake stories at the agency. "We are stunned by the blatant victimisation of these journalists. The UNIAN management has ignored the collective agreement and is instead…  
253. Ai Weiwei Released but Journalist and Associates Still Missing  

… on bail because of his “good attitude in confessing his crimes” and because he is suffering from a chronic disease.   It is alleged that the Beijing Fake Cultural Development Ltd, a company linked to Ai, avoided paying tax and intentionally destroyed accounting documents, the Xinhua report said, adding that Ai repeatedly told…  
254. Another Journalist Murdered In Pakistan - IFJ Demands End To Impunity  

… the PFUJ, Turabi believes his journalistic work is the motivation for the abduction of his son.   After a ransom letter from the supposed abductors turned out to be fake, Turabi alleges that Pakistani intelligence operatives are holding Sharjeel hostage. Army sources have suggested to him the young man has been detained in relation to an attack…  
255. IFJ Calls for End to Media Repression in Middle East and Arab World  

… threats. The review highlights the case of Mohamed Al Maqaleh, abducted by armed men in September and disappeared for four months where he was beaten tortured and suffered fake executions before the government finally admitted they were holding him.    There were numerous cases of acts of intimidation and jailing of outspoken journalists…  
256. Dangers for Journalists Rise as Afghan Elections Approach  

… on June 14 and held for three days, reportedly handcuffed to a chair and deprived of sleep.   Their interrogators reportedly accused them of broadcasting “fake” material and demanded to see all the material they had recorded in preparing their news reports.   “The IFJ calls on Afghanistan’s President to retract…  
257. IFJ urges Indian Government to reconsider the unplugging of two satellite TV Channels  

… of broadcast permission granted two satellite TV channels. The IFJ understands that India Live TV has been ordered off the air for one month as a penalty for airing a fake “sting” operation, wrongly implicating a school-teacher in Delhi in a non-existent prostitution racket. Jeevan TV, a channel broadcasting from the southern state of…  
258. BBC Editorial Crisis Highlights Case for Global Ethical Journalism Campaign Says IFJ  

… like the BBC stumbles, there can be little doubt that the crisis of quality is deep and widespread.” The BBC is facing a major internal review following a scandal over fake phone-ins and editorial breaches. The BBC has suspended all its TV and radio phone-related competitions after viewers were deliberately fooled over prizes and winners in a number…  
259. BBC Editorial Crisis Highlights Case for Global Ethical Journalism Campaign Says IFJ  

… the BBC stumbles, there can be little doubt that the crisis of quality is deep and widespread.” The BBC is facing a major internal review following a scandal over fake phone-ins and editorial breaches. The BBC has suspended all its TV and radio phone-related competitions after viewers were deliberately fooled over prizes and winners in a number…  
260. Commentary on the European Commission White Paper on a European Communication Policy  

… which is often little more than propaganda posing as legitimate journalism. Indeed, the Bush administration in the United States has spent tens of millions of dollars on fake journalism which has promoted government policy. Some of this propaganda has been used by mainstream media without informing readers and viewers of its true origins. It is a form…  
261. CESO-FIP Condemns Wave of Agressions Against Journalists in Colombia  

… (Barranquilla, Piendamó, Neiva, Santa Marta, Barrancabermeja, Bogota, June 7) Three journalists in Barranquilla were threatened with fake bomb packages. This episode is part of a series of acts of intolerance against press freedom in less than a month and has raised serious questions about safety of the press in Colombia. Two reporters from alternative media…  
262. Media Quality: Questions for MediaChannel’s Danny Schechter  

… under new proposals in the Television Without Frontiers directive? For Danny’s response, click here: Video 4 (8MB) Here are his thoughts on fake news (Video 13MB) and on product placement (Video 13MB)  
263. IFJ Protests the Use of Laws to Curb Press Freedom in Pakistan  

… The police chief however said that the encounter took place at 4 pm. This discrepancy indicated that the kidnappers might have been killed in an extra-judicial manner, or a 'fake encounter', which is very common in Pakistan particularly in Karachi. Although the Awam issued a clarification about the timing on the very next day, the cases were not…  
264. Journalists Condemn Brazilian Military Over Use of Fake Press Cards for Spying  

… The International Federation of Journalists today condemned Brazil over reports that military and secret service personnel have used fake press cards to help they spy on opposition and civil society groups. The IFJ, the world's largest journalists' group, joined with its member organisation in Brazil, the National Federation of Journalists (FENAJ) in calls for a…  
Search results 211 until 264 of 264