15060 results:

5741. Editorial  

Esta reunión será claramente simbólica: la FIP organizará su 30º congreso mundial en junio de 2019 en Cartagena (Túnez). El primero en el mundo árabe y en el continente africano desde 1934. La candidatura, presentada por nuestro afiliado, el Sindicato Nacional de Periodistas Tunecinos (Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens – SNJT, en francés) y por la región en su conjunto bajo el estandarte de la Federación Árabe de Periodistas, fue seleccionada durante la última reunión del Comité Ejecutivo en Moscú el 29 y 30 de abril de 2017. Pero no será la primera vez para la FIP en Túnez: el 1 y 2 de junio de 1934, hace por tanto 83 años (!), el Comité Ejecutivo de la recién creada FIP se…  
5742. ¡Alto a la impunidad!  

Ni siquiera nos encontramos a mitad de año pero este 2017 ya se anuncia como particularmente mortífero para los periodistas. A este respecto, México parece batir un récord especialmente siniestro en la materia. Una vez más, la impunidad de la que gozan los asesinos de los periodistas aparece como el factor esencial de esta ola de violencia. La justicia colombiana, a través del Fiscal General, se ha comprometido precisamente a dar prioridad a la lucha contra la impunidad. La FIP se mantendrá vigilante para que esta iniciativa sea supervisada y esperamos que este ejemplo sea seguido. Philippe Leruth Presidente de la FIP  
5743. Bahrain: IFJ calls for ban on Al Wasat newspaper to be lifted  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the Bahraini Journalists Association (BJA), in calling for the ban on national newspaper Al Wasat to be lifted immediately. The paper was suspended until further notice on 4 June, after the Bahraini ministry of information affairs accused it of “violating the law,  (…) repeating the publication of material likely to stir up the community and affect the relations of the Kingdom of Bahrain with other countries," according to news agency BNA.  The IFJ, which represents over 180 unions and associations of journalists across the world, joins the BJA in demanding to immediately lift the suspension…  
5744. Egypt: Media blackout widens as authorities block 20 news websites  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the Egyptian authorities for blocking access to at least 21 news websites including Al-Jazeera after accusing them of “spreading lies” and “supporting terrorism.” The state-run news agency Mena announced last month that 21 websites including Al-Jazeera, Huffington Post’s Arabic-language site HuffPost Arabi and the independent website Mada Masr had been blocked. Reports claim that legal action against the outlets would be taken after they were accused of being affiliated with the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood or being funded by Qatar. This followed moves by Saudi Arabia and UAE authorities to block the websites of Aljazeera…  
5745. Newsletter - President's message: End impunity!  

Despite the fact that we have barely reached the second half of 2017, this year can already be labelled one of the deadliest for journalists. In this respect, Mexico has established the darkest record. Once again, impunity enjoyed by murderers has become the major factor that helps encourage this wave of violence. Through the voice of its Attorney General, Colombian justice has pledged to give priority to the fight against impunity. We will ensure that they are held to this pledge and we hope that it will serve as a good example!  Philippe Leruth The IFJ President  
5746. Newsletter: editorial  

Our leadership decided on a very symbolic location for IFJ's 30th congress in 2019: Carthage, Tunisia. It is the first time an IFJ Congress will be held both in Africa and the Arab World since the IFJ’s creation in 1926. This application, supported by our affiliate the Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT) and by the region through the Federation of Arab Journalists, was endorsed by the last executive Committee meeting in Moscow on 29-30 April 2017.  While it will be the first Congress there, it won’t be Tunisia’s first time hosting an IFJ meeting. On 1st and 2nd June 1934, 83 years (!) ago, the IFJ executive committee met in Tunisia and expressed its fears on the…  
5747. IFJ-SAMSN Guide to Monitoring Internet Shutdowns Launched  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) today launched the IFJ-SAMSN Guide to Monitoring Internet Shutdowns during the ongoing campaign against internet shutdowns in South Asia. The #JournosAgainstShutdowns campaign aims to raise awareness among media workers on the impact of internet shutdowns as a freedom of expression and press freedom issue; encourage journalists and their unions and professional organizations to advocate against and monitor shutdowns; strengthen regional collaboration and join international efforts and coalitions in advocacy against internet shutdowns. “Shutting down online access has direct economic,…  
5748. México: nuevos ataques contra la prensa  

La periodista Marcela de Jesús Natalia fue atacada a tiros el pasado sábado 3 de junio en el municipio de Ometepec. Cinco días antes, el comunicador Carlos Barrios fue amenazado y sufrió la mutilación de una parte de su oreja en Quintana Roo. Pasadas las 9am, la locutora indígena se encontraba saliendo de su trabajo en el Instituto de Radio y Televisión de Guerrero (RTG) cuando dos desconocidos le dispararon varias veces desde un automóvil blanco. El hecho le produjo una herida de bala en el brazo y otra en la cabeza, motivo por el cual fue trasladada de urgencia al hospital local y luego a Acapulco, donde se halla en estado grave pero estable, sin heridas en partes vitales de…  
5749. Internet access blocked on Tiananmen Square anniversary  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticises the recent action by the Cyberspace Administration of China in blocking access to the internet on June 4, 2017. On June 4, the anniversary of Tiananmen Square, social media users across China found access to WeChat, a social media platform, limited and almost impossible to use. According to media reports from Hong Kong, users were unable to post images to their accounts. Throughout the day, internet users also found that any content or headlines that referenced the anniversary were quickly deleted. The authorities said that the content was taken offline as it ‘violated the relevant laws’ without reference the exact…  
5750. Pakistani TV journalist escapes abduction attempt  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses serious concerns over the attempt to abduct a television journalist in Islamabad, Pakistan on Friday, June 2. The IFJ demands a thorough investigation to arrest those involved in the abduction attempt. Azaz Syed, a senior journalist with Geo TV, said he was intercepted by a masked motorbike-borne individual at Park Road in the capital city on Friday evening while he was returning home. A car with the suspected kidnappers was following him closely and the suspects asked him to come out of the car but he sped into a nearby police station to take shelter  The police acted immediately by barricading the roads but failed to…  
5751. Création du comité de soutien belge à Mathias Depardon  

Le 1 juin 2017, à Bruxelles, après 24 jours de détention et à 3.818 km de Gaziantep, s’est constitué un comité de soutien belge des proches et amis de Mathias Depardon, le journaliste français emprisonné en Turquie. En effet, Mathias Depardon a vécu une dizaine d’années à Bruxelles où il a terminé ses études de journaliste et photographe.  Le comité belge s’est réjoui de l’entrevue du 25 mai dernier entre le Président français Emmanuel Macron et le Président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan qui est considéré comme une première étape dans la bonne direction. Suite à cette rencontre, une première visite consulaire a pu avoir lieu et des contacts téléphoniques ont été autorisés entre le…  
5752. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 26th May to Friday 2nd June: 1. IFJ condemns arrest of Aram Bakhtyar and harassment of NRT staff, NRT 2. Journalists walk free after court battle with East Timor PM, by Michael Vincent, ABC news 3. Timorese journalists must be set free to protect country’s fledgling media, by Peter Greste, The Sydney Morning Herald 4. NRT managing director to show up in court next week, NRT  5. UNESCO/IFJ Journalists Safety Course Available for University Media Curricula, by Magda…  
5753. Kamlesh Jain  

The 42-year-old was shot dead by two motorcycle-borne assailants at his office in Pipliya Mandi, 15km from district headquarters Mandsaur. He was shot twice from close range and died on the way to hospital. Jain was reportedly filing stories for Indore-based Hindi daily Nai Dunia, with which he was associated for the last 12 years. Jain’s family said that local illegal liquor sellers had threatened to kill him after he reported their activities to the police a few days back. According to a report the family claimed that Jain had informed the police about the threat.  
5754. Declaration on Media Freedom in the Arab World Signed in Morocco  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on 30 May hailed the signature in Morocco of the Arab Declaration on Media Freedom which took place during an event jointly organised on 23 May by the Conseil national des droits de l’Homme (CNDH) Morocco’s national Human rights council  and the Syndicat national de la presse marocaine (SNPM). The Declaration (read the Declaration in Arabic) was signed by journalists, the publishers’ association, human rights organizations  and main political parties represented in Moroccan Parliament with the noticeable exception of the Justice and Development Party. The signing ceremony was attended by CNDH President Driss Yazmi, SNPM…  
5755. Victory for press freedom: Timor journalists spared from jail  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Timor Leste Press Union (TLPU) and the Timor Leste Journalists Association (TLJA) in welcoming the decision today by the Timor Leste judiciary to dismiss charges against two journalists charged with slanderous denunciation. The IFJ commended the two journalists for their fortitude and determination in bravely fighting the case brought against them by Timor Leste Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araújo. “Viva East Timor journalists,” was the summary by Timor Leste Press Union’s former president Jose Belo, who commended the fighting spirit of the country’s media community over the course of a long campaign for justice…  
5756. Unidentified assailants murder journalist in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the killing of a local journalist in Madhya Pradesh, India on May 31. The IFJ demands immediate investigation and arrest of the perpetrators. Kamlesh Jain, 42, was shot dead by two motorcycle-borne assailants at his office in Pipliya Mandi, 15km from district headquarters Mandsaur. He was shot twice from close range and died on the way to hospital. Jain was reportedly filing stories for Indore-based Hindi daily Nai Dunia, with which he was associated for the last 12 years. Jain’s family said that local illegal liquor sellers had threatened to kill him after he reported their activities to the police a few days back. According to…  
5757. Maldives police summons liberal bloggers over unspecified charges  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses serious concern over the Maldives Police Service’s summons on May 29 to three liberal bloggers living abroad to present themselves for prosecution over unspecified charges. The IFJ demands immediate withdrawal of the summons. The Maldivian police issued summons to Dr Azra Naseem, Muzaffar ‘Muju’ Naeem, and Hani Amir posting separate statements on Twitter. The statement asked the bloggers to present themselves to speak in their defense against unspecified allegations. The police said they would ask the Prosecutor General’s office to press charges and try them in absentia if they refused, the Maldives Independent reported. Dr Azra…  
5758. Two Media Workers Killed in Kabul Massive Truck Blast  

TOLO TV staff member Aziz Navin and BBC Afghan driver in Kabul Mohammed Nazeer were among victims of the explosion in the Zanbaq Square in Afghanistan capital, which killed at least 80 people and injured 350. Three more journalists of BBC Kabul and a reporter of TV1 channel were also injured. The office of TV1 is close to the explosion area. The Taliban have denied responsibility of the attack. In a statement, the BBC said that : "It is with great sadness that the BBC can confirm the death of BBC Afghan driver Mohammed Nazir following the vehicle bomb in Kabul earlier today, as he was driving journalist colleagues to the office," the BBC World Service said in a statement. Four BBC…  
5759. Mohammed Nazir, Aziz Naween, Habibullah Hassanzada, Mohammad Omer Uruzgani  

TOLO TV staff member Aziz Naween, Press TV reporter Habibullah Hassanzada, Mohammad Omer Uruzgani who worked for National Radio Television and BBC Afghan driver in Kabul Mohammed Nazir were among victims of the explosion in the Zanbaq Square in Afghanistan capital, which killed at least 80 people and injured 350. Three more journalists of BBC Kabul and a reporter of TV1 channel were also injured. The office of TV1 is close to the explosion area. The Taliban have denied responsibility of the attack. In a statement, the BBC said that : "It is with great sadness that the BBC can confirm the death of BBC Afghan driver Mohammed Nazir following the vehicle bomb in Kabul earlier…  
5760. Send a postcard to jailed journalists in Turkey  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the European Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and Türkiye Gazeteciler Sendikasi (TGS) have printed postcards with the names of the 158 journalists and media workers currently jailed in Turkey. The names form the letter G for #Gazeteciliksuçdegildir or #Journalismisnotacrime The IFJ is urging members to show their support to all the journalists and media workers in jail. How to do it? 1. Get in touch with our unions or professional associations in your country and ask them to send you the postcard or simply print a PDF version available here. 2. Click here to select who you want to send the postcard to and click on “Send…  
5761. Somalia: IFJ condemns “farcical” threatened prosecution of journalists’ leader  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today voiced serious concerns over “farcical” attempts to prosecute the head  of its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), after he spoke out against government policies on press freedom and journalists’ rights. NUSOJ General Secretary Omar Faruk Osman has been summoned to respond to accusations of “organizing on 3 May a commemoration of world press freedom without authorisation from the Ministry of Information” “issuing on 6 May an abusive statement, as NUSOJ, which offended and defamed the Minister of Information of the Federal Government of Somalia, and was widely disseminated”, according to a letter from…  
5762. Iraq: TV channel harassed by authorities over sensitive reporting  

An NRT TV channel reporter has been detained and an arrest warrant issued against the channel´s Managing Director over its report of a court ruling in Kurdistan, Iraq. NRT journalist Aram Bakhtiar was detained on 22 May in the town of Kifri following his report about the 11 year jail sentence issued against a father for stealing milk and diapers for his baby. The news provoked protests against the court ruling and the issue has created strong public and media reactions embarrassing the authorities.  In a statement, the NRT denounced “a secret plot to silence the TV channel.” NRT General Manager Awat Ali has also received an arrest warrant from the Kifri court. He said that, even…  
5763. Journalists among victims in Kabul bomb explosion  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) condemn the brutal attack in Kabul today, May 31, which saw at least two media staff killed and 11 other media staff injured. The IFJ and AIJA demand justice for the victims and a stepping up of security measures for media staff to safely carry out their duties. TOLO TV’s staff technician Aziz Navin and BBC Kabul’s staff driver Mohammad Nazeer were killed when a powerful bomb was detonated inside a parked vehicle at the Zanbaq Square, near the diplomatic enclave in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan on the morning of May 31. At least 80 people were killed and more than…  
5764. Indonesia: Social media users threatened with legal action for posts  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI), Indonesia, in strongly criticizing the latest action by members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) against social media users across Indonesia. The IFJ and AJI call on the Indonesian police to investigate and to protect the right of Indonesian citizens to freedom of expression on every platform, including the digital media. Over the past two weeks, dozens of reports have surfaced of FPI intimidating social media users who publish what FPI deems to be ‘derogatory’ posts about Rizieq Shihab, the FPI grand mufti. On Sunday, May 21, dozens of members of the FPI went to Indrie Sorayya, a…  
5765. British journalist arrested at Thai airport for carrying ‘war weapons’  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of Thailand (NUJT) in condemning the arrest and detention of British journalist Tony Cheng, at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi airport on May 29, 2017. The IFJ calls for the investigation to be dropped and Cheng’s passport to be returned. On May 29, Cheng from China’s state broadcaster, CCTV, and fellow journalist Florian Witulski, were transiting through Thailand, to report from the city of Mosul in Iraq. Cheng was detained at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi airport after authorities found he was carrying a gas mask and plates for a bullet proof vest. Cheng was detained for violating Thailand’s Arms…  
5766. IFJ and SEAJU demand Timorese PM withdraw criminal defamation charges  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South East Asian Journalist Unions (SEAJU) call on the Timor Leste’s Prime Minister to immediately withdraw the charges of criminal defamation against two journalists before tomorrow’s verdict is handed down that may seem them imprisoned. Late yesterday on Wednesday, May 30, Timor Leste’s Prime Minister, Rui Maria de Araujo, issued a letter to the judges in the criminal defamation against two Timor journalists, Oki Raimundos and Lourenco Martins. In the letter, published by the Portugese news agency, LUSA, Mr Araujo said that the defendants should not be given a prison sentence by the Public Prosecution Service. In the letter, Mr…  
5767. Journalist ambushed and kidnapped in Myanmar  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the abduction of a journalist in Myanmar on May 26, 2017. The IFJ demands an immediate investigation into the incident, and action against those responsible. Last Friday, May 26, Maw Oo Myar, a reporter for the Kantarawaddy Times and broadcaster with the Democratic Voice of Burma was abducted near the town of Loikaw, in Myanmar’s southeastern Kayah State. Myar was on a motorbike with a fellow journalist, when she was pulled off the bike by two men. They verbally assaulted her, before forcing her into a waiting vehicle. Soon after the assailants fled in the vehicle, it was involved in a car accident, which critically injured Myar…  
5768. Lettre d'information - Mot du président: Halte à l'impunité!  

Nous sommes à peine à la moitié de l'année que 2017 s'annonce déjà comme une année particulièrement meurtrière pour les journalistes. Et le Mexique, à cet égard, semble devoir établir un record particulièrement sinistre en la matière. Une nouvelle fois, l'impunité dont jouissent les assassins de journalistes apparaît comme le facteur essentiel de cette vague de violences. La justice colombienne, par la voix de son procureur général, s'est précisément engagée à donner priorité à la lutte contre l'impunité. Nous veillerons à ce que cette démarche soit suivie d'effets, et espérons que cet exemple sera suivi!  Philippe Leruth Président de la FIJ  
5769. Russia: editor-in-chief of Minusinsk local newspaper Dmitry Popkov shot dead  

The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) have joined their affiliate, the Russian Union of Journalists (the RUJ), in condemning the murder of Dmitry Popkov, a former councillor and co-founder and editor-in-chief of local newspaper Ton-M based in Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai of Russia.  Police found Popkov's body with five bullet wounds late at night on 24 May, 2017.   Popkov was known for his investigative journalism and reports on abuse of power and corruption in the country. In 2012, after having been accused of beating a child and deprived of his position at Minusinsk City Council, Popkov founded Ton-M newspaper, the slogan of which is…  
5770. Taqi-eddin Al-Huzeifi, Wael Al-Absi , Sa’ad Al-Nadhari  

The three photojournalists were killed in a rocket attack carried out by the al Houthi rebels in Taiz city, according to the Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate, an IFJ affiliate. Two other photojournalists, Waled Al- Qadasi and Salah Al- Wahbani were injured in the incident.  
5771. México: FIP exige aparición con vida de periodista secuestrado  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) vuelve a reclamar a las autoridades por la pronta localización con vida del periodista Salvador Adame Pardo, secuestrado el 18 de mayo en Michoacán. Tal como se informara en un comunicado previo, Adame Pardo, periodista y propietario del canal 4TV del municipio de Múgica, fue raptado por desconocidos y, luego de 11 días transcurridos, no se ha logrado dar con su paradero. La comunidad periodística local, nacional y latinoamericana ha elevado su voz para reclamar a las distintas instancias del Estado de México que respondan por el bienestar del comunicador, cuya desaparición se da en un panorama sombrío, ya que siete periodistas han sido…  
5772. Interview: Injured in the line of duty  

A number of journalists were injured whilst covering the May Day marches in Paris. Jason Parkinson - a British journalist and active member of the National Union of Journalists - gives an eyewitness account of how he and others came under attack. On Monday 1 May 2017 I covered the May Day protest in Paris. Leading up to the clashes the mood was very tense. From my own experience I suspected it was going to turn violent very quickly. At the front of the protest was a line of CRS riot police four deep. They walked backwards, a wall of riot shields facing the front of the protest.   At about 15.41 a few bottles were thrown over the heads of the police line. The protest continued…  
5773. Yemen: IFJ condemns horrific crime as 3 journalists are killed in bomb attack  

The IFJ has joined the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate in condemning the murders of 3 journalists in a bomb attack   The three photo-journalists: Taqi-eddin Al-Huzeifi, Wael Al-Absi, and Sa’ad Al-Nadhari, were killed on Friday, 26 May 2017, in a bomb attack carried out by theal Houthis which also injured two other photographers; Waled Al-Qadasi and Salah Al-Wahbani.   The IFJ strongly condemned the killing. The YJS called it a “terrorist massacre on journalists, who had been conducting their job consistently throughout the war, and have been covering the incidents in Taiz governorate.    “The syndicate hold the al Houthis militia fully accountable for this crime,…  
5774. #JounosAgainstShutdowns: IFJ, SAMSN launch campaign against internet shutdowns  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) today launched a South Asia-wide campaign against internet shutdowns terming them ‘an act against the freedom of expression and press freedom’. The #JournosAgainstShutdowns campaign is launching at a time of increasing shut downs of the internet in the region, especially in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.  India is right now experiencing two significant shutdowns. Mobile Internet services in Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh were suspended on April 24 amidst violent clashes between two communities; and in Kashmir for the fourth time in 2017 on May 27, immediately after expiration of a…  
5775. Dimitri Popkov  

The editor-in-chief of Ton-M, a local newspaper, was shot dead in Minusink in the Krasnodarski province, according to Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty. Other reports said that Popkov was found in the sauna in his backyard. He had been shot five times. Popkov’s publication is well known for its hard hitting investigations and he had told Radio Free Europe in a recent interview that his newspaper had become an “obstacle for local officials who are now threatening and intimidating journalists.”  
5776. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 19th May to Friday 26th May: 1. Syndicat des journalistes: Composition du nouveau bureau exécutif, by Yüsra Nemlaghi, Kapitalis 2. Federación Internacional de Periodistas se solidariza con panameño Medina, Terra 3. Los periodistas europeos aprueban una moción urgente contra los asesinatos a sus colegas en México, Info Periodistas 4. Los periodistas europeos condenan los asesinatos de sus colegas en México, by SERVIMEDIA, el Economista 5. Sindicatos de periodistas europeos aprueban…  
5777. Police assault dozens of journalists covering political demonstration in Kolkata  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) is condemning two incidents of police brutality against media workers in Kolkata, India on Monday, May 22. The IFJ demands immediate action against the police officers involved in the attacks. On Monday, at least 50 media workers were attacked and beaten by police officers and personnel of the Rapid Action Force (RAF) as they covered a protest march organized by the Communist Party of India (Marxist) in at the Esplanade in Kolkata, West Bengal. The attack saw at least a dozen journalists and media workers seriously injured and required hospital treatment. In a separate…  
5778. México: panorama sombrío en 2017  

Entre marzo y mayo del corriente año se han producido siete asesinatos y múltiples ataques contra la prensa. Desde que el periodista Cecilio Pineda Birto –quien se hallaba bajo amenaza del crimen organizado- fuera asesinado en Guerrero el pasado 2 de marzo, no han dejado de sucederse hechos de violencia contra la prensa mexicana. En un escenario caracterizado por el poder político, económico y territorial del narcotráfico y los grupos delictivos o paramilitares -aliados a sectores de la política, la justicia y las fuerzas de seguridad-, siete periodistas han perdido la vida este año. Además del caso mencionado más arriba, se cuentan los siguientes seis homicidios: Ricardo Monlui,…  
5779. Newsletter: édito  

Ce rendez-vous sera hautement symbolique: la FIJ organisera son 30ème congrès mondial en juin 2019, en Tunisie, à Carthage. Une première dans le monde arabe et sur le continent africain depuis 1934.  Cette candidature, portée par notre affilié, le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT), et par l'ensemble de la région sous la bannière de la Fédération arabe des journalistes, a été retenue par le dernier Comité exécutif qui s'est réuni à Moscou les 29 et 30 avril 2017. Mais ce ne sera pas une première pour la FIJ en Tunisie : en effet, les 1er et 2 juin 1934, il y a donc 83 ans (!), le Comité exécutif de la toute récente FIJ se réunissait à Tunis et exprimait déjà ses…  
5780. Maximino Rodríguez Palacios  

The 73-year old veteran journalist was shot dead outside a shop in Paz, a town located in the state of Baja California Sur. Local media reports said the journalist, who was with his wife, had parked his car when unidentified gunmen in another vehicle fired up to 15 bullets on the couple, killing the journalist and wounding his wife. Maximino Rodríguez Palacios was still active in reporting on the activities of organised crime groups and often published details of the gangsters, including their names. He reportedly was aware of the risks to his life and often said he had no fear and was ready for the consequences of his work.  
5781. Panamá: la FIP pide justicia en un caso de lesiones contra un sindicalista  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) pide que se haga justicia en un caso de lesiones contra el secretario general del Sindicato de Periodistas de Panamá, Filemón Medina, cuyo agresor condenado a cinco años de prisión ha recurrido la sentencia.   "Las realidades que se conocen del sistema judicial en Panamá nos preocupan por los reiterados fallos cuestionados que alteran los hechos y conducen a la impunidad de los culpables en perjuicio de las víctimas por los intereses políticos y económicos en torno a personajes con altos niveles de influencia en el gobierno anterior", ha declarado el sindicato panameño, que es afiliado de la FIP, en un comunicado.   El…  
5782. South Africa: IFJ supports CEB Maintenance Africa strikers over lay-offs  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today backed its affiliate, the Media Workers' Association of South Africa (MWASA), in its ongoing national strike against job cuts at CEB Maintenance Africa.  30 people were dismissed with immediate effect last Thursday, a day after workers began a strike against the proposed lay-offs. MWASA General Secretary, Tuwani Gumani, said that throughout the statutory 60 days of consultation over possible job cuts, CEB Maintenance-Africa, a subsidiary of the parastatal telecommunications company, TELKOM, has failed to submit written responses to formal information queries and to proposals made by MWASA including alternatives to shedding…  
5783. Iran: Rouhani must keep his promises to support organisations of journalists  

In a letter published yesterday, over 700 journalists in Iran urged newly elected president, Hassan Rouhani, to lift the ban on IFJ affiliate the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ). They also called for an end to the refusal to allow the official registration of  the Association of Tehran Journalists.  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) backed the call. During his campaign for re-election, Hassan Rohani expressed strong support for press freedom and freedom of association. Yet, the Association of Tehran Journalists, which organised its founding congress in December 2016 to meet the pressing demands from the press corps in the capital, has always been…  
5784. Malaysian government crack down continues: Malaysiakini CEO charged  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly criticises the charges brought against the CEO and Editor-in-chief of Malaysiakini for posting footage of a press conference in July 2016. The IFJ calls for the charges to be immediately withdrawn. On May 15 2017, Premesh Chandran, Malaysiakini CEO was charged under section 244(1) of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (CMA) at the Kuala Lumpur Cyber Court. The charges were brought against Premesh after Malaysiakini posted footage from a press conference in July 2016, where former political Khairuddin Abud Hassan called for the Attorney General to be sacked, after the Attorney General’s decision to clear Malaysian Prime…  
5785. México: periodista secuestrado en Michoacán  

Salvador Adame Pardo fue secuestrado el pasado jueves 18 de mayo en Michoacán. Recibía amenazas por el ejercicio de su profesión. Adame Pardo, periodista y propietario del canal 4TV del municipio de Múgica se encuentra desaparecido desde ayer jueves cuando, por la tarde, fue raptado por desconocidos en una planta purificadora en Nueva Italia (Michoacán). De acuerdo con los testigos, los captores estaban a bordo de una camioneta negra y se fugaron en dirección al pueblo de Nuevo Corondiro. Su familia presentó la denuncia ante el Ministerio Público y notificó que éste venía recibiendo amenazas anónimas por su labor periodística. El comunicador era un fuerte crítico del actual alcalde de…  
5786. Pakistan: Two media workers killed in one day  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the killing of two media workers in Pakistan just hours apart on May 17, 2017. The IFJ demands immediate arrest and prosecution of the killers. On Wednesday, armed robbers gunned down Abdul Razzaque, a Chunian correspondent of ARY News television in an attempted robbery in Pattoki, Kasur in Punjab. Razzaque was killed when the assailants opened fired on him and Muqadar Hussain after stopping their car. Hussain was taken to hospital but Razzaque died at the scene.   ARY News condemned the brazen attack and expressed condolences with bereaved family of Razzaque.  Just hours later in Punjab in the city of…  
5787. Miroslava Breach  

The 54-year-old female correspondent for La Jornada newspaper was shot dead outside her home. Ms Breach, who covered mainly corruption, organised crime and drug traffic, was in her car in the morning outside her home when unidentified gunmen in another car shot her. She was taken to hospital but died shortly afterwards. The journalist had also worked for the magazine Norte de Ciudad Juárez which ceased publication because of the climate of violence which made it impossible to the free practice of journalism.  
5788. Mohamad Amir Khan, Zinullah Khan, Abdul Latif, Ghani  

The four media workers for the Afghan Public Radio and Television (RTA) in the city of Jalalabad, Nangrahar province, were killed in the suicide attack on the RTA. 17 others staff members were injured in the attack. Media reports said that four attackers, including two suicide bombers, forced their way into the RTA station at around 9:30 am. The two suicide bombers blew themselves up at the front gate and outside the main building while other attackers entered the main building. It took the security forces more than three hours to end the assault.  
5789. West Bank: Palestinian photojournalist wounded during clashes  

Majdi Shtayeh, a Palestinian photojournalist for Associated Press (AP) and a member of the IFJ affiliated Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) was today wounded from gun shots at a protest in the West Bank. Media reports said that the incident happened when a protest by demonstrators supporting Palestinian prisoners who have gone on hunger strike in Israeli jails since 17 April turned violent and hundreds of protesters clashed with Israeli Occupation Forces near Hiwarah town, south to Nablus. During the clashes which took place near a military checkpoint, shots were fired by Israeli soldiers and an Israeli settler who attempted to drive through a crowd of Palestinian protesters,…  
5790. RDC: Trois journalistes agressés par des policiers  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ) a dénoncé ce jeudi 18 mai le tabassage de trois journalistes de TV5 à Kinshasa, capitale de la république démocratique du Congo (RDC).   Selon des informations relayées par la presse nationale, les trois journalistes de TV5, Francine Mukoko, Blaise Basomboli et Baudry Mata, ont été passés à tabac à la Prison centrale de Makala à Kinshasa par des policiers en tenue civile, alors qu’ils cherchaient à se renseigner auprès d’eux sur les formalités nécessaires pour recueillir des images illustrant le bâtiment de la prison.   Par ailleurs, le matériel de travail des trois journalistes a été saisi.   «Ils nous ont ravi trois…  
5791. Saaed Karimian  

The founder and chairman of the Persian-language GEM TV company, and his business partner were shot dead in the Maslak neighbourhood in Istanbul by masked individuals who opened fire on their vehicle. The vehicle and the gun used in the assassination were later found burnt. GEM TV is known for its entertainment satellite channels that dub foreign films and Western television programs into Farsi for Iranians. The TV has been criticised by Iran for “showing programmes that go against Islamic values” and has been accused of spreading Western culture. The TV is officially banned in Iran but is popular inside the country for movies and Turkish TV shows dubbed into Farsi. In 2016,…  
5792. Héctor Jonathan Rodríguez  

The 26-year-old reporter for El Costeño, a weekly publication founded by his father, was shot dead in the locality of Autlán de Navarro, Jalisco. The victim was travelling in a car with his mother Córdova Oceguera who is also El Costeño’s deputy sales manager when the attackers opened fire , killing journalist and injuring his mother in the shoulder. Media reports said that the publication focused on crime and social affairs in the local community’s offices and its offices were under police protection.  
5793. Thai journalist faces defamation charges for reporting  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concerns for the criminal defamation proceedings against a Thai journalist by a mining company over his reporting. The IFJ calls for the charges to be immediately dropped. On March 20, 2017, the mining company, Myanmar Phongpipat Co., Ltd. (MPC) failed charges against Thai journalist, Pratch Rujivanarom and his employer the Nation News Agency under Thailand’s Criminal Code, section 59, 83, 91, 326 and 328 and under the Computer Crimes Act, section 14. The charges all related to defamation for reporting by Pratch on tailings from tin mine, managed by MPC, draining directly into the river system, which is the main source of…  
5794. Timor Leste journalists facing jail for defamation  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) and the South East Asia Journalist Unions (SEAJU) in strongly condemning the latest development in the slanderous denunciation case against Timor Leste journalists Oki Raimundos and Lourenco Martins. The IFJ, MEAA and SEAJU call for the charges to be immediately withdrawn. Yesterday, May 17, the lead prosecutor in the case against Oki Raimundos and Lourenco Martins put forward the final allegations in the case calling for Oki to be jailed for one year and Martins to be jailed for one years with a further two years suspended sentence. The court will read the…  
5795. México: segundo periodista asesinado en una semana, el séptimo en 2017  

Héctor Jonathan Rodríguez murió tras ser atacado con armas de fuego el 15 de mayo en Autlán de Navarro, Jalisco. En el hecho resultó herida su madre, también comunicadora. Este asesinato se une trágicamente al del periodista Javier Valdez Cárdenas, reconocido por sus denuncias contra el narcotráfico, que fue asesinado el mismo día en Sinaloa. El joven reportero Héctor Jonathan Rodríguez y su madre Sonia Córdova Oceguera, trabajador y subdirectora comercial del semanario El Costeño respectivamente, fueron atacados por varios sujetos armados cuando circulaban en automóvil por la ciudad de Autlán. Según ha informado la Fiscalía de Jalisco, Rodríguez, de 26 años, perdió la vida en el lugar de…  
5796. Kazakhstan: Journalist stabbed ahead of meeting on threats to media freedom  

Kazakh journalist and human rights activist Ramazan Yesergepov was stabbed on 14 May in a train to the capital Astana, where he was about to meet European diplomats to discuss threats to media freedom. Reports said that after asking his name, two unidentified men stabbed the journalist in the abdomen three times a few hours after leaving Almaty. Yesergepov was removed from the train at Shu station and taken to a local hospital for an operation while a criminal case has been initiated following the assault. Yesergepov was supposed to meet with officials of the German and Lithuanian embassies the following day regarding the case of Zhanbolat Mamay, editor and publisher of the independent…  
5797. Suicide attackers target Afghanistan’s state broadcaster  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in condemning the deadly suicide attack on the Afghanistan Public Radio and Television (RTA) station at Jalalabad city in Nangrahar province on May 17. The IFJ demands immediate concrete security measures to protect journalists and media in Afghanistan. Four media workers including a technician and a producer at the RTA were killed in the attack and 17 others injured when four attackers, including two suicide bombers, forced their way into the RTA station at around 9:30 am. The two suicide bombers blew themselves up at the front gate and outside the main building…  
5798. Oguz Güven, Cumhuriyet online editor-in-chief, arrested for a temporary tweet  

On 16 May 2017, the IFJ-EFJ and partner organisations submitted the following alert to the Council of Europe’s platform for the safety and protection of journalists: "On 12 May 2017, Oğuz Güven, editor-in-chief of the online edition of the daily newspaper Cumhuriyet, was detained as part of a criminal investigation led by the Bureau of Press Offences of the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office in Istanbul. On 15 May, Güven appeared before a judge, who ordered that he be held in pre-trial detention, on “propaganda for a terrorist organisation” and “defamation against a person’s memory” charges. Both charges against the journalist are solely based on the title of a news report published…  
5799. Government threatens Facebook shutdown in Thailand  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concerns over the state of freedom of expression in Thailand following the government’s threats to block social media site Facebook over what it calls ‘illegal content’. The IFJ calls on Facebook not to withdraw the material, and demands the Thai government end its attack on freedom of expression and the press. On Monday May 15, Thai authorities ordered Facebook to delete 131 ‘illicit’ pages by 10am Tuesday May 16, or they would take legal action and shutdown Facebook across Thailand. The threats came after videos and images of the King of Thailand walking through a shopping mall in a crop top. According to the Thailand’s…  
5800. Indian journalist killed in brutal roadside attack  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) in condemning the murder of Indian journalist Shyam Sharma in Indore, Madhya Pradesh state on Monday, May 15. The IFJ demands an immediate and thorough investigation into the murder. Sharma, a journalist working for a local city-based evening newspaper Agniban, was on his way to Manglia Square in his car when he was stopped by two assailants on motorbikes. They asked him to wind down his window, then slit his throat and fled the scene. A passer-by saw Sharma bleeding heavily and rushed him to hospital. He was moved to another hospital, where he was pronounced dead on…  
5801. Press freedom in question: Eight foreign journalists expelled from Indonesia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate; the Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) is strongly criticizing the deportation of eight foreign journalists from Indonesia just days after Indonesia hosted World Press Freedom Day. The IFJ and AJI call on the Indonesian government to guarantee access across Indonesia for both foreign and local journalists. On May 5, two Swedish media workers, Vilhelm Stokstad and Axel Kronholm were expelled from Jakarta. Stokstad and Kronholm were expelled after they were followed by immigration officers after covering a rally in Jakarta organized by the National Movement to Safeguard the Fatwa of Indonesia Council of Ulemas (GNPF MUI)…  
5802. Prominent Mexican Reporter Javier Valdez Cárdenas Gunned Down  

Javier Valdez Cárdenas, the founder of the weekly Riodoce who also worked for French news agency AFP, was shot dead outside his office by unidentified gunmen in Culiacan city in the north-western Mexican state of Sinaloa. The prominent journalist who reported extensively on drug trafficking had reportedly received death threats against him and his publication. He reportedly said that, in 2009, there was a grenade attack against his publication but no one was hurt. Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto led the condemnation of Cárdenas’ killing who described it as an ‘outrageous crime’ and pledge to protect journalists in his country, according…  
5803. Javier Valdez Cárdenas  

The founder of Riodoce, a weekly publication, was shot dead outside his office by unidentified gunmen in Culiacan city in the north-western Mexican state of Sinaloa. Javier Valdez Cárdenas, who covered extensively drug trafficking, had reportedly received death threats against him and his publication. He reportedly said that, in 2009, there was a grenade attack against his publication but no one was hurt. Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto led the condemnation of Cárdenas’ killing who described it as an ‘outrageous crime’ and pledge to protect journalists in his country.  
5804. México: periodista Javier Valdez asesinado, el sexto en 2017  

*ÚLTIMA HORA: los periodistas europeos aprobaron unánimemente una moción urgente contra los asesinatos de sus colegas mexicanos durante la Asamblea Anual de la FEP, que insta al Gobierno mexicano a poner fin a la impunidad. El periodista Javier Valdez Cárdenas, reconocido por sus denuncias contra el narcotráfico, fue asesinado ayer lunes 15 de Mayo a plena luz del día en Sinaloa. Se trata del sexto trabajador de prensa asesinado en el país en lo que va del año. El comunicador de 50 años, fundador del medio Ríodoce, fue asesinado durante la jornada de ayer en Culiacán, capital del Estado de Sinaloa, cuando unos hombres lo interceptaron en plena vía pública y lo atacaron con…  
5805. GPU, IFJ Hold Seminar on Freedom of Association and Labour Rights  

The Gambia Press Union (GPU) in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) held a two day – Seminar on Freedom of Association and Labour Rights from 13 – 14 May, in Kololi, The Gambia. The Seminar brought together 16 journalists including members of the GPU executive to deliberate on issues relating to Labour rights, freedom of association and the right to organize and collective bargaining as guaranteed by ILO Conventions 87 and 98. In his address to the Seminar, the Assistant Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Information, Communication and Information Technology, Malick Jones, emphasized the need for more solidarity and joint fight for rights and for…  
5806. Au Liban, la sécurité des journalistes s'étudie aussi à l'université  

L'Unesco, la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et le ministère de l'enseignement supérieur du Liban ont lancé mardi 16 mai à Beyrouth un programme de formation de haute qualité pour les étudiants en journalisme libanais. Mardi 16 mai, dans les locaux du bureau régional arabe de l'Unesco à Beyrouth, les enseignants en journalisme étaient conviés au lancement du programme “Sécurité des journalistes", à l'attention des étudiants libanais, avec la publication en arabe et en anglais d'un véritable manuel de bonnes pratiques pour les futurs confrères. Une collaboration entre l'Unesco, la FIJ et le ministère de l’Education nationale et de l'Enseignement supérieur. “Parce…  
5807. Barème de piges des reporters-photographes: un salaire indécent  

Communiqué commun des organisations SNJ, SNJ-CGT, Journalistes-CFDT, SJ-CFTC, SNJ-FO, Union des Photographes Professionnels/Auteurs (UPP), SAIF et SCAM. Il était temps: le Journal officiel du 10 mai a publié le décret fixant «les conditions de détermination du salaire minimum des journalistes professionnels auteurs d’images fixes rémunérés à la pige». Les deux ministres signataires, Audrey Azoulay et Myriam El Khomri, ont attendu les derniers jours de leur mandat pour apposer leur paraphe, le gouvernement ayant démissionné le même jour. Ce décret, prévu par la loi Hadopi du 12 juin 2009 et dont le contenu est de la seule responsabilité des deux ministères, était en effet attendu depuis…  
5808. México: siete periodistas agredidos por hombres armados en Guererro  

Siete periodistas de medios nacionales e internacionales fueron atacados y despojados de sus equipos de trabajo por alrededor de un centenar de hombres armados este último sábado 13 de Mayo en Acapetlahuaya, Guerrero. Los periodistas se trasladaban por la ruta Iguala-Altamirano a la altura de Acapetlahuaya cuando, en las cercanía de un retén militar, fueron interceptados por un centenar de hombres armados, presuntamente pertenecientes al crimen organizado, quienes los retuvieron durante alrededor de quince minutos, los amenazaron de muerte y les quitaron su vehículo y sus instrumentos de trabajo. Distintas fuentes noticiosas enmarcan este hecho en el clima de violencia que se vive en el…  
5809. Israel: Global Journalists' community in shock following "brutal" shutdown of public broadcaster  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the decision of the Israeli government to shut down the public broadcast service, Israel Broadcasting Authority (IBA) TV station, on 11 May after 49 years of service.  Reports said that the measure is part of the changeover to replace the IBA TV station with a new publicly funded entity known as “Kan”, which is expected to go on the air next Monday. The authorities justified the measure, saying that IBA was “too bureaucratic, expensive and had more employees than needed.”   However, according to media reports, the wider public supported the streamlining of the IBA but not its complete shutdown of IBA while…  
5810. IFJ in the News this week  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  Read some of the news highlights from Friday 5th May to Friday 12th May: 1. Manchester and Salford NUJ holds benefit for exiled journalists, Salford Star 2. Attacks on journalists a big worry: IJU, Telangana Today   3. UNESCO marks Press Freedom Day, by Statesman News Service, The Statesman  4. Plight of journalists, by Sajad Bazaz, Greater Kashmir 5. Australian journalists striking for a full week after 125 jobs axed, by Max Walden, Asian Correspondent 6. Financial collapse of Bosnian public broadcaster imminent,…  
Search results 5741 until 5810 of 15060