15062 results:

7771. The Second Issue of IFJ Focus on Africa is now out!  

Welcome to the second issue of IFJ ‘Focus on Safety’, the monthly blog posting which provides highlights, news and in-depth analysis about safety-related events of concern to journalists. This is part of IFJ strategy on the safety of journalists and the issue of impunity. We welcome your feedback, experiences in the field and any stories you may wish to share with members of the global journalists’ community. The present issue covers the following: - IFJ Posts List of 135 Journalists and Media Staff Killed in 2014 - Safety Training for Journalists in Kurdistan Region of Iraq - IFJ/EFJ Condemn Mass Arrest of Turkish Journalists - IFJ Slams Pakistan over Withdrawal of…  
7772. First Media Killing of 2015 in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemned the killing of Al-Masirah TV channel correspondent Khalid Mohammed al Washali, who died last Sunday 4 January in the city of Dhamar, south of the Yemeni capital, Sanaa. The reporter was one of the four people killed by a roadside bomb blast, allegedly carried out by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), and became the first journalist to be killed in 2015. According to media reports, the bombing targeted a gathering of Houthi militiamen, also known as Ansarullah, in the city of Dhamar. During the attack at least three officers were killed, apart from the journalist, and 25 more people were injured. …  
7773. IFJ Condemns First Media Killing of 2015 in Yemen  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate (YJS) have today condemned the killing of Al-Masirah TV channel correspondent Khalid Mohammed al Washali, who died last Sunday 4 January in the city of Dhamar, south of the Yemeni capital, Sanaa. The reporter was one of the four people killed by a roadside bomb blast, allegedly carried out by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), and became the first journalist to be killed in 2015. "We condemn the killing of al Washali and we send our condolences to his family and colleagues," said the IFJ's president Jim Boumelha. "This killing is a reminder of the mindless violence…  
7774. The Journalists Union of Moldova Prepares for Transformation  

The Journalists Union of Moldova (JUM) and the IFJ organised a leadership workshop to discuss possible changes of JUM and its existing structure to become a trade union either through transformation or through the creation of a new organisation. The workshop took place last December in Chisinau and was organised within the framework of the IFJ’s LO-TCO programme entitled “Recruitment and Organising in CEE”. The workshop gathered 16 journalists, of which 8 were females. They were both union and non-union members and discussed the future challenges faced by the organisation which has been facing a difficult situation in the last couple of years. Organised by the IFJ, the…  
7775. Khalid Mohammed al- Washli  

The correspondent of Al-Masirah TV died of wounds he sustained in a road side bomb blast which targeted a gathering of Shiite Huthi militiamen, also known as Ansarullah, in the Dhamar, according to AFP quoting security sources. He was the first journalist known to the IFJ to be killed in the world since the start of 2015. Media reports said that Al-Quaeda in the Arab Peninsula claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement posted on jihadist websites. The Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate (YJS), an IFJ affiliate, said that al-Washli was killed while doing his job in an attack which also claimed the lives of three other people and wounded many more. Source: AFP/YJS  
7776. IFJ's president Jim Boumelha's message for 2015  

See the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) president Jim Boumelha's message with our best wishes for 2015: <iframe src="//player.vimeo.com/video/115796163" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/115796163">JIM NEW YEAR MSG</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user3649713">IFJ Vimeo Channel</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p> Determined. Unswerving. Engaged. Industrious. And in Unison. This is the fighting campaigning spirit that put IFJ…  
7777. Another brutal year for journalists in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) express deep concerns over the miserable condition of journalists in the country as the IFJ’s annual List of Journalists and Media Staff Killed in 2014 puts Pakistan as the most dangerous country with 14 killings. The PFUJ has termed 2014 as one of the worst years in decades for Pakistan media saying that not a single case of these incidents has been prosecuted in the court. Among those killed, eight were journalists and six were media staffs. Those killed were Jewan Arian (Ghambat Khairpur), Shan Dhar (Larkana), Irshad Mastoi(Quetta), Afzal Khawaja (Ustta Muhammad in Balochistan),…  
7778. IFJ Posts List of 135 Journalists and Media Staff Killed in 2014  

The International Federation of Journalists has today published the 24th annual list of journalists and media staff killed in work-related incidents in 2014. A total of 135 deaths , including 118 killings in targeted killings, bomb attacks and cross fire incidents as well as 17 accidents and natural disasters-related deaths occurred in 34 countries. The full report will be published at the end of January 2015. Read more here  
7779. La FIJ et UBJ forment les journalistes du Burundi à la couverture électorale  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), et l’Union Burundaise des Journalistes (UBJ) ont achevé la semaine dernière une série de formation de trente journalistes sur la couverture des élections générales prévue en mai 2015 au Burundi. Cette série de sessions de formation obtenue grâce à l’appui financier du Royaume du Norvège, du soutien du syndicat des journalistes de la Norvège et la FIJ a débuté en septembre pour prendre fin en décembre 2014.  Les élections générales prévues au Burundi de mai à Août 2015 pour élire les députés, les sénateurs, les conseils communaux et collinaires et le président de la République s’engagent déjà sur des disputes liées aux…  
7780. La FIJ et UBJ forment les journalistes du Burundi à la couverture électorale  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), et l’Union Burundaise des Journalistes (UBJ) ont achevé la semaine dernière une série de formation de trente journalistes sur la couverture des élections générales prévue en mai 2015 au Burundi. Cette série de sessions de formation obtenue grâce à l’appui financier du Royaume du Norvège, du soutien du syndicat des journalistes de la Norvège et la FIJ a débuté en septembre pour prendre fin en décembre 2014. Les élections générales prévues au Burundi de mai à Août 2015 pour élire les députés, les sénateurs, les conseils communaux et collinaires et le président de la République s’engagent déjà sur des disputes liées aux candidatures et à…  
7781. ​Pakistan and Syria Loom Large in Violence which Killed 118 Journalists and Media Staff in 2014, Says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said that 118 journalists and media staff were killed in work-related targeted cross fire incidents in 2014, an increase of 13 killings from last year. 17 more died in road and natural disasters accidents while on assignments. According to the 24th IFJ annual list, Asia Pacific had the highest death toll with 35 killings, making it the most dangerous region for journalists and media staff in the world for the second year running. The Middle East comes in the second position with 31 fatalities, followed by the Americas on a tally of 26. Africa is third with 17 killings and Europe finishes at 9 violent deaths. …  
7782. 113 agresiones a periodistas peruanos en el 2014  

Un total de 113 periodistas peruanos han sido atacados durante el 2014. En promedio, cada tres días un periodista fue agredido. La situación se vio agravada por ser éste un año de elecciones regionales y locales, según informe preparado por la Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Periodista (OFIP), de la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP). Se reportan dos asesinatos, una tentativa de homicidio, 61 casos de agresiones físicas y verbales. También 26 amenazas/hostigamientos, ocho trabas al ejercicio periodístico, siete presiones jurídicas, tres trabas a la circulación de la información, dos secuestros, dos robos y una presión administrativa. La OFIP informa que los atentados…  
7783. Pakistan and Syria Loom Large in Violence which Killed 118 Journalists and Media Staff in 2014, Says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said that 118 journalists and media staff were killed in work-related targeted or cross fire incidents in 2014, an increase of 13 killings from last year. 17 more died in road and natural disasters accidents while on assignments. According to the 24th IFJ annual list, Asia Pacific had the highest death toll with 35 killings, making it the most dangerous region for journalists and media staff in the world for the second year running. The Middle East comes in the second position with 31 fatalities, followed by the Americas on a tally of 26. Africa is forth with 17 killings and Europe finishes at 9 violent deaths. The IFJ says that…  
7784. La FAJ Condamne l’assassinat d’un journaliste en RDCongo  

La Fédération Africaines des journalistes (FAJ) condamne énergiquement l’assassinat du journaliste Robert Shamwami Shalubuto de la Radio-Télévision Nationale Congolaise (RTNC) à Goma en République Démocratique du Congo. Selon les sources de nos confrères basés dans le Nord-Kivu, ce drame a eu lieu vers 21h15 (heure locale) le vendredi 26 Décembre 2014, dans le quartier Keshero-commune de Goma, non loin de la résidence du défunt. Les mêmes sources indiquent que la victime est tombée sous les balles d’un homme encagoulé qui a tiré à bout portant sur Robert Shamwami Shalubuto dans une alimentation où il prenait un verre avec ses amis. Auparavant, un premier homme vêtu d’une jaquette y était…  
7785. ​Pakistani TV Journalist Survives Gun Attack  

Zeeshan Shamsi, a reporter with NewsOne Television, and his wife were attacked by three unidentified assailants who open fire on them last week on 22 December in Sialkot, Pakistan. Although Shamsi escaped unhurt, his wife Saima Zeeshan was hit by two bullets in the chest. The couple was travelling in their car from Sialkot to Islamabad when they were intercepted by gunmen in another vehicle. Read more on : www.ifj.org  
7786. Pakistani TV journalist survives attack  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in strongly condemning the attack on a television reporter and his wife on December 22 in Sialkot, Pakistan. Zeeshan Shamsi, a reporter with NewsOne Television, and his wife were subjected of indiscriminate firing by three unidentified assailants. Although he escaped unhurt, his wife Saima Zeeshan was hit by two bullets on her chest. They were traveling in their car from Sialkot to Islamabad when they were intercepted and attacked by gunmen on a vehicle. Police suspected it’s a robbery as the gunmen also looted valuables, jewelry and cash from them. Police has registered the case…  
7787. One year in jail and still no justice for Peter Greste  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Australian affiliate, the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) in calling for the immediate release of Australian journalist, Peter Greste, who will today mark 365 days in an Egyptian jail. The IFJ Asia Pacific and MEAA condemn the sentencing of Peter Greste and his Al Jazeera colleagues, Mohammad Fahmy and Baher Mohamed, simply for doing their job as professional journalists. On December 29, 2013, Greste and three of his Al Jazeera English-channel colleagues were arrested by agents of Egypt’s interior ministry. While one of the four, cameraman Mohamed Fawzy, was released within a month, reporter Peter Greste,…  
7788. ​Robert Shamwami Shalubuto  

The 42-year-old journalis, who worked for the Radio Télévision Nationale du Congo (RTNC) in the eastern city of Goma , Democratic Republic of Congo since 1997, was shot as he was having a drink with friends in a café. Media reports said two armed men entered and made directly to the table where Shalubuto was and shot him at close range. He was rushed to hospital by died shortly afterwards.  
7789. Herlyn Espinal  

The 32-year-old TV journalist went missing and his half naked body was found a day later on the side of a highway with gunshot wounds, according to media reports. Espinal presented a programme entittled ' Hoy Mismo' on Channel 3 Television based in San Pedro Sula, the second largest city of Honduras and one of the worst crime-stricken in the country. Media reports said the he went missing after a meal with a friend at a restaurant and went to his mother's house. he was last seen alive getting into another vehicle with three individuals inside. A suspect was reportedly arrested in connection the journalist's killing. Source: EFE/Huffington Post  
7790. FAJ Condemns Bomb Attack Killing Two Somali Journalists in Somalia  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) has condemned today the bomb attacks on December 5th causing two journalists killed and three others wounded in the town of Baidoa, Somalia.   Ahmed Abdulkadir Mayow, a 27 years journalist, working for Star FM and the Somali television Channel and Mohamed Isaq Barre, a 25-year television cameraman working for Kalsan were killed; and the other injured victims were broadcast journalists Hassan Abdulkadir Jokar, of Kalsan TV, Mohamed Adan Socdaal, of Radio SomSat, and Abdulkadir Hassan Ibrahim.   “We strongly condemn this attack which targeted a restaurant where journalists and officials meet frequently” said Mohamed Garba president…  
7791. Herlyn Iván Espinal Martínez  

The journalist and television reporter was abducted near Santa Rita, in the department of Yoro on 20 July, reports said. He was found dead the following day with multiple gunshot wounds. Espinal worked as chief correspondent for the programme Hoy Mismo on Televicentro based in San Pedro Sula, the second largest city in Honduras. Source: Wikipedia  
7792. Mohammad Shahed Naeemi  

The 22-year-old producer for Nawa radio was killed in a suicide attack which targeted an Afghan army bus in the capital Kabul, media reports said. The director of Nawa Radio Station and Sabah TV channel told to Afghanistan Journalists Center said that Naeemi, who had worked for the radio station since September 2013 as a producer and host of two social and literary programmes, happened to be standing near the army bus waiting for the radio staff car. Source: Afghanistan Journalists' Centre  
7793. IFJ calls for media freedom as Sri Lankan presidential election approaches  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the government of Sri Lanka and state forces to ensure media freedom and the safety of journalists as the country’s Presidential Election approach next month. Sri Lanka is slated to vote for a new president on Thursday, January 8, 2015 with the incumbent president Mahinda Rajapaksha seeking third-term in the office. The opposition has fielded Maithripala Sirisena and its candidate in the presidential race. Sri Lankan elections have a history of violence and civil unrest, including actions against the media. The IFJ urges the government and the Department of Elections to deploy all possible measures to ensure the safety…  
7794. ​IFJ Holds Three Days Safety Training for Journalists in Kurdistan Region of Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its local affiliate the Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate are organizing a three day safety training for local journalists in the city of Shikhan of the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The training, which runs from 18- 20 December and is conducted by the IFJ Safety Trainer in Kurdistan, will discuss many aspects of safety and introduce 26 journalists to life saving skills which they can put in practice to minimize the risks they may face in the course of their work. The training forms part of the IFJ programme which has been developed in recent years, based on a number of practical competencies that explores personal security,…  
7795. Zubair Hatami  

The Afghan journalist and cameraman for the Kabul-based TV channel; Mitra TV, who was seriously injured during a suicide attack on the French cultural centre, died of his wounds in hospital, officials said. He had been in a coma for 10 days. Hatami was among people injured during the bomb blast of 11 December which went off at the auditorium of the French Institute in the Afghan capital, Kabul. The attack occurred during a dance and music show entitled ‘Heartbeat, The Silence After The Explosion‘, which condemned suicide attacks in Kabul and across the country. One German national was also killed in the attack. Source: AFP  
7796. IFJ Calls on Al Houthi Leader to End the Occupation of Yemeni Media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today called on Abdulmalek Al Houthi, the leader of Ansar Allah Movement, to stop his incitement against Yemeni media and to withdraw his forces from media organisations they are currently occupying. The latest attack took place last Tuesday when a group of his supporters, backed by armed militia, took over Al-Thawra, the biggest state-owned newspaper in Yemen. "We call on Al Houthi to end the occupation of media and to stop threatening journalists who criticise his movement," said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. "This is a dangerous path and we hold him personally responsible for the safety and wellbeing of the journalists…  
7797. IFJ Holds Three Days Safety Training for Journalists in Kurdistan Region of Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its local affiliate the Kurdistan Journalists Syndicate are organizing a three day safety training for local journalists in the city of Shikhan of the Kurdistan region of Iraq.   The training, which runs from 18- 20 December and is conducted by the IFJ Safety Trainer in Kurdistan, will discuss many aspects of safety and introduce 26 journalists to life saving skills which they can put in practice to minimize the risks they may face in the course of their work.   The training forms part of the IFJ programme which has been developed in recent years, based on a number of practical competencies that explores personal security,…  
7798. SEAJU calls on Malaysian Government to support press freedom  

The South East Asia Journalists Union (SEAJU) calls for the Malaysian government to repeal the 1984 Printing Press and Publication Act in order to uphold press freedom. A free press is a fundamental feature of a vibrant and accountable democracy. An independent press acts as a disseminator of information as well as a check and balance of elected representatives and government. The campaign for repeal of the 1984 Printing Press and Publication Act should be continued because it is offensive to the constitutional right to freedom of speech and expression as enshrined in Article 10 of the Malaysian Federal Constitution.  For further information contact IFJ Asia-Pacific…  
7799. Journalist severely injured in Afghanistan suicide bombing dies  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Afghanistan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) are saddened by the news that a journalist who was severely injured in a suicide bombing two weeks ago in Kabul, Afghanistan has died. Zubair Hatami, a journalist and cameraman for local Mitra TV in Kabul, died around midnight on Saturday, December 20 after 10 days in a coma. He was severely wounded after a teenage suicide bomber detonated his explosives during a theatre show at Estiqlal High School on December 11. One other, a German civilian, was also killed and nearly 20 others were injured in the attack.  Shortly after the attack, the Taliban claimed responsibility…  
7800. Supreme Court upholds conviction and sentence in Nepalese journalist rape case  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in welcoming the Supreme Court verdict on December 18 to imprison a perpetrator in the rape of a female journalist, but has criticized the slow trial process which left the victim waiting seven years for justice. The Supreme Court sentenced Yadav Ghimire, a section officer of state-owned Nepal Telecom, to five years in prison and ordered him to pay a Rs. 150,000 (approximately US$ 1,500) fine to compensate the victim in its verdict on 2008 rape case. Ghimire lured the 22-year-old female journalist of Syanja district, western Nepal to a hotel room in Pokhara in the pretext of giving her a…  
7801. Journalist killed for reporting in Odisha  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the brutal murder of a journalist in Khallikote, Ganjam district in Odisha state in eastern India on Tuesday night, May 27. Tarun Acharya, 34, was employed with Kanak TV as stringer, and also contributed to the local daily Sangbad. He was attacked with sharp weapons by some unidentified miscreants at a desolate area near Khallikote Police Station as he returned home on his motorbike in Bikrampur. The attackers slit his throat and stabbed his chest, immediately fleeing the scene. He is survived by his wife and a 10-month old daughter. Police later said that his murder was directly linked with his work. P Shyam Sundar…  
7802. Press Freedom, Free Expression Still Under Threat in Indonesia  

An international delegation visiting Indonesia last week raised concerns about the current state of media freedom in the country, calling on the Widodo administration to take a new approach towards freedom of expression. Criminalisation of online speech, a climate of impunity for attacks against journalists, the concentration of media ownership among five moguls and the politicisation of media outlets are all current areas of concern. “This is a window of opportunity for the new Widodo administration to consolidate the position of Indonesia as a regional leader on freedom of expression. The time for action is now”, the mission said. “Important gains have been made in terms of media…  
7803. Tarun Kumar Acharya  

The body of the stringer for Kanak TV, a local Oriya-language TV channel and reporter for Sambad, a local Oriya-language newspaper in the eastern Indian state of Odisha was found with his throat was slit and injuries to his chest. Acharya had been attacked is a desolate area of Khallikote town in Odisha on his way home from work. Prior to his death, Acharya had been threatened following his reports of child labour practices at a local cashew processing plant. On June 8, two suspects in the murder were arrested and one was identified as the owner of the cashew plant who had ordered Acharya’s murder, offering 50,000 rupees (650USD) to the accomplices.  
7804. Abdul Rahman Abu Batra  

Abdul Rahman Abu Batra was killed by ISIS in the city of Lattakia, North-West Syria. He worked as a presenter and journalist at Syrian Al Shaab TV.  
7805. Naseeb Miloud Karfana  

The body of the TV journalist based in the southern city of Sabha, was found together with her fiancé’s in the city’s northern Al-Hay Al-Jadida district. Her throat had been cut and she appeared to have been tortured. At the time of her death, Karfana was working for the state-owned TV station Libya Al-Wataniya as its programme coordinators in Sabha for the past eight months, the station’s director, Ali Shaniber, quoted as saying. Karfana left the TV station at about 7 p.m. with her fiancé, who came to collect her in his car, to attend a friend’s wedding together. When she failed to arrive home, her mother contacted the TV station, where an employee…  
7806. Jose Antonio Gamboa Urias  

The 39-year-old editor of Nueva Prensa magazine went missing on 10 October and his body was found with gunshot wounds, according to state authorities in Sinaloa in north-western Mexico , quoted in media. Two people have been arrested in connection with the killing, they added. Urias' magazine covered corruption and regional politics.  
7807. Atilano Román Tirado  

The host on a local radio was shot dead while he was broadcasting live his programme entitled 'Asi es mi Terra' (Such is my land) on radio Fiesta Mexicana in the Pacific city of Mazatlan. Media reports said that listeners heard the shot being fired after gunmen burst into the studio and shot Tirado in the head. The journalist was a strong supporter of families who had been displaced by the construction of a dam which flooded their land. Tirado, an outspoken opponent of the dam, had led the campaign to secure compensation for the families and his programme focused on the issue. Before his murder, he had reportedly received threats along with other leaders of the campaign.  
7808. Gregorio "Goyo" Jimenez de la Cruz  

The 42-year-old crime reporter for Notisur and Liberal del Surwas kidnapped at his home in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz by masked men. His body was found six days later in a shallow grave together with that of Ernesto Ruiz Guillen, a local union leader, and that of an unidentified taxi driver. Ruiz Guillen, a personal friend of Jimenez, stood up to organized crime and Jimenez wrote about his struggle in the past and used to work as photographer for events organized by the union, reports said. Family sources reportedly said that Jimenez was identified as ' the photographer" by the kidnappers when they came for him. Source: The Huffington Post  
7809. Jorge Torres Palacios  

The decapitated body of an outspoken Mexican newspaper columnist was found in a garden on the outskirts of the tourist city of Acapulco, according to media reports. Palacios, who worked for El Dictatem newspaper where he wrote a column entitled ' Nada Personal ( Nothing Personal), was kidnapped on 29 May after arriving home, reports added. The journalist was an outspoken critic of figures in authority. His newspaper published his last comments hours before he went missing, in which he denounced corruption in the police and political establishment. Source: Global Journalist  
7810. Octavio Rojas Hernández  

The Journalist for the daily El Bueno Tono ( The Good Tone) was shot dead outside his home in San José Cosolapa, Oaxaca, Mexico. According to police sources, Hernández was talking to a young man who had come to his house, claiming to be interested in buying his vehicle when he was shot four times and killed. Rojas was known for reporting police work and topics on organized crime. Media reported that , a few days before his murder, Rojas had published an article about the busting by the Mexican security forces of a criminal cell that was siphoning gas from Mexico's state-owned oil company Pemex.  
7811. Fernando Raymondi Uribe  

The investigative journalist who worked revista Caretas was shot deadwhile visiting family in his father’s dry goods store in Cañete, south of Lima. Reports said that two gunmen entered, shot Uribe, and left without stealing anything from the shop. At the time of his death, Uribe was investigating multiple stories concerning dangerous crime and corruption. Specifically, he had been investigating murderous gangs that extort construction companies in Cañete. In the past he had worked on stories about the relationship between a Mexican drug trafficker and Congressman Jose Leon and also on the violent eviction that eventually led to the death of a man in Cajamarca by a police…  
7812. Donny Buchelli Cueva  

The journalist who presented the programme 'Más Noticias' (More news), on Más Radio (More Radio), was murdered at his home in the province of Pacasmayo, department La Libertad, Peru, according to media reports. Investigators indicated that Cueva, whose lifeless body was found in his bedroom with his hands and feet tied, had suffered a blow to the head which knocked him unconscious. They believed that hand his killers dragged him to his bedroom where they suffocated him, reports added. The journalist had criticised on his programme ethics and standing of candidates running for mayor of Pacasmayo, suggesting that his murder might have been linked to his public views as a…  
7813. Napoleón Rojas  

The 52-year-old journalist died of injuries he had sustained during an attack on his office in which he was shot by allegedly former members of the police forces. According to family sources, Rojas suffered internal bleeding and underwent surgery but did not survive. Two people have been arrested in connection with the attack and are now on remand. The IFJ's Latin America and Caribbean group (FEPALC) issued a statement calling on the authorities to investigate the attack on Rojas and bring his killers to justice. Rojas had worked for several media , including Color Visión and Canal 9.  
7814. Newton González  

The cameraman for Canal 25 TV was gunned down by two armed men who shot him in broad day light in central Santiago before fleeing the scene. Reports said that police ruled out robbery as a motive for the murder which took place at a time of heighteined violence targeting journalists. Three days prior to the killing, another journalist Pedro Fernandez of El Nacional newspaper had escaped an murder attempt. Source: RSF  
7815. 'IFJ in the News' This Week  

Every week the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights for this week, from Monday 15 to Friday 19 of December: 1. Media freedom is a victim of Erdogan's struggle against Gülen 2. A Legacy Of Violence: Impunity For Murdered Journalists Continues In Paraguay 3. India improves journalist murder index 4. IFJ Condemns Deaths of Five Syrian Journalists 5. La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes plaide pour le correspondant Eloge Niyonzima 6. Erdogan tells EU to 'mind own business' over Turkey…  
7816. Reynaldo Paz  

The 48-year-old editor of Canal 28 Television was gunned down by armed men who attacked him at a sports centre in the town of Comayagua. Reports said that unidentified attackers moved in on him as he was working out and shot him several times as he ran to his vehicle to escape. The local newspaper El Tiempo said that according to police investigations Paz was believed to have been killed “for having used his media outlet to make statements about the current situation in the country.” Source: IAPA  
7817. Mónica Andrea Rocha  

The 42-year-old who worked for Bucaramanaga-based Television Ciudadana, was killed after being attacked by unidentified individuals. Her body was found in El Porvenir districy, south of Bucaramanaga. In recent years, Rosha who also practiced as a lawyer, had been very critical of the judicial system.  
7818. Tawfiq Faraj Ben Saud  

The 18-year-old journalist was fatally wounded when gunmen opened fire on his car as he was driving home with friends, one of whom was also killed in the attack, according to the statement by the UNESCO General Director who condemned the killing. The victim presented a programme called "Ishah bi Jawuha” (Live your Life) on Lyniana Hits, a privately-owned radio station. He was also one of the founders of a local human rights organization, Al-Rahma (Mercy Foundation), the statement added. Source: UNESCO  
7819. Edgar Pantaleón Fernández Pleitas  

Media reports said that the journalist was killed in his own home located in Concepción, when unidentified attackers entered and shot him. Fernández Fleitas, a host at Belén Comunicaciones radio, was a critic of local courts which he accused of corruption and their links to drug trafficking. While the authorities vowed to find his killers, investigations appeared to have led nowhere and no one has been held accountable for his murder.  
7820. Fausto Gabriel Alcaraz  

The 28-year-old journalist for Radio Amambay was shot dead in the crime -ridden city of Pedro Juan Caballero bordering Brazil, reports said. According to police sources, the journalist was shot 2 times by unidentified gunmen who opened fire on him as he returned home, before fleeing on a motorcycle. The Journalists' Syndicate of Paraguay (SPP), an IFJ affiliate, organised a protest in front of the Interior Ministry in Asuncion, demanding that the government solve the murder of Alcaraz, who was known for his reports on drug trafficking. The SPP General Secretary Vicente Paez said that Alcaraz had made several reports on drug-trafficking rings and their…  
7821. Nery Francisco Soto Torres  

Media reports said that the 32 -year-old journalist for Canal 23 and producer for Radio Full FM was shot dead in the district of La Conquista, Olanchito municipality, department of Yoro. Reports said that unidentified gunmen opened fire several times on Soto as he was parking his motorbike at home. Both the police and Soto's colleagues dismissed the claim that Soto was murdered in an armed robbery attempt, saying that he had no valuables on him at the time of his death. One colleague told reporters that Soto was held in high esteem by fellow journalists because of his professionalism and fairness. However, the journalist also covered corruption among public administration.  
7822. ​IFJ/EFJ Condemn mass Arrest of Turkish Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists (EF), today condemned the shock raid on Zaman newspaper and Samanyolu TV media resulting in the arrest of at least 23 media persons including journalists, editors and media executives. “We are appalled by this brazen assault on press freedom and Turkish democracy,” said IFJ President Jim Boumelha. “One year after the exposure of corruption at the heart of government, the authorities appear to be exacting their revenge by targeting those who express opposing views.” The police raids took place on Sunday morning, targeting media said to be close to Fethullah Gûllen,…  
7823. ​La FAJ condamne la tentative d’assassinat contre le directeur d’un journal d’investigations en Côte d’Ivoire  

La Fédération Africaine des journalistes (FAJ) condamne fermement la tentative d’assassinat contre Antoine Assalé Tiémoko, directeur du journal satirique ivoirien l'Eléphant déchaîné et appelle les autorités à prendre les mesures nécessaires pour assurer la protection du journaliste, sa famille et le personnel du journal. Dans ses déclarations aux médias et à la FIJ Afrique samedi soir, M. Tiémoko a affirmé que par deux reprises deux individus à bord d’un véhicule de type 4X4 ont essayé de le tuer vendredi le 12 décembre alors qu’il se rendait au travail pour son émission "Allo Presse". Lors de leur première tentative, les agresseurs ont foncé sur le journaliste venant…  
7824. ​IFJ and FAJ Welcomes African Court’s Landmark Decision in Favour of Freedom of Expression  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) have welcomed the African Court on Human and Peoples Rights’ landmark decision of 5 December in the case of journalist Issa Lohé Konaté against Burkina Faso. The Court ruled that the government had violated the reporter’s right to freedom of expression, following his 12 months jail sentence handed down in 2012 for having accused a public prosecutor of corruption. In a binding decision which sets a precedent for all African states, the court ordered Burkina Faso to amend its law on defamation. "We welcome this magnificent victory for press freedom. The African Court has delivered…  
7825. IFJ Holds Regional Workshop on Climate Change Reporting  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) held a two day regional workshop on Climate Change Reporting for eastern Africa journalists from 18 – 19 December, Nairobi, Kenya. The regional workshop, which is being implemented under the LO- TCO Project 2014 - 2016 brought together 10 journalists from 9 countries in the region and was aimed at building the capacities of journalists in the region to report more effectively on climate change. Speaking at the opening ceremony, the President of the Kenya Correspondents Association (KCA) William Oloo, who facilitated the organisation of the workshop, said that the regional workshop is a follow up to the Continental Conference on Climate…  
7826. IFJ urges Imran Khan to call for end to attacks on media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has urged Imran Khan, the leader of one of Pakistan’s opposition parties, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI), to stop attacks against journalists during the PTI demonstrations against the government. In a letter to the politician, the IFJ Asia Pacific expressed serious concerns over the ongoing and repeated incidents of violence and abuses against journalists and media workers in Pakistan – in particular surrounding the political demonstrations organized by Khan’s party. Listing a few recent incidents of harassments and attacks on journalists, the IFJ has asked Khan to offer an unconditional public apology and to cease making statements…  
7827. IFJ Condemns Deaths of Five Syrian Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has declared December a deadly month for Syrian journalists as five more colleagues die in the first half of the month. “The safety of Syrian journalists is critical. The deaths of foreign correspondents in recent months has had a profound impact on the world’s journalists community, but the sacrifices of Syrian journalists are just as great and their deaths just as shocking.” Said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. “The IFJ will continue to do all it can to improve the safety of our colleagues in Syria.” Monday 8th December two journalists and their cameraman working for the Syrian opposition TV station Orient News were killed while heading…  
7828. Luis Alonso Fúnez Duarte  

The 47-year-old journalist was gunned down by unidentified armed men outside his house in the town of Catacamas, 200 km east from the country’s capital, according to media reports quoting eye witnesses. Fúnez Duarte presented a political show on Radio Patria in Catacamas, in the Olancho department.  
7829. Yonni Steven Caicedo  

The journalist was shot dead after reportedly receiving death threats for covering a criminal investigation, Los Urabeños , in the Caldas neighbourhood, located in the coastal town of Buenaventura, in western Colombia, human rights and press freedom groups reported. Caicedo (21), who worked as a cameraman for two different networks, TV Noticias and Más Noticias, had left the city after after an incident in which a group of men threatened him when he tried to film a murder scene. He was advised by local police to leave the city. According to reports from the Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa (FLIP), Caicedo waited seven months before returning to Buenaventura,…  
7830. David Diaz  

The journalist for Radio Femenina died in a helicopter crash while covering the the five-day Vuelta El Salvador stage race. According to reports, Diaz was on board the helicopter belonging to the race organisers, Ruben Contreras which came down in a jungle area, close to the race's finish line. He was pinned between a piece of wreckage and a tree. He had been reportedly been " reluctant to get on the chopper but eventually was convinced it would be a fun way to spend the day and see the race from a new vantage point."  
7831. IFJ/AJI condemn police intervention in Jakarta Post blasphemy matter  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) (Alliance of Independent Journalists, Indonesia) in criticizing and rejecting the naming of the chief editor of the Jakarta Post as a suspect in a blasphemy case. Both AJI and the IFJ have said the case has already been legitimately handled by the Indonesian Press Council and any further intervention by police amounts to an attack on the country’s media freedom. Meidyatama Suryodiningrat, the chief editor of the Jakarta Post, one of Indonesia’s leading English-dailies was named as a suspect for religious defamation on Thursday December 11. The issue is a result of a cartoon published on July 3,…  
7832. Fuerzan la puerta del domicilio del director de un diario en Perú tras robar en la redacción  

En la provincia de Ilo, departamento peruano de Moquegua, desconocidos forzaron la puerta del domicilio del periodista, Enrique Lazo Flores, director del diario La Región. Dicha acción se produjo cuatro días después de que delincuentes ingresaran al local del diario y se llevaran equipos de cómputo, documentación periodística y dinero en efectivo. El forzado de la puerta del domicilio del periodista ocurrió el día 9 de diciembre. Días atrás, la madrugada del 5 de diciembre, delincuentes rompieron la cerradura de la puerta de ingreso de un restaurante colindante al local donde funciona la redacción del diario La Región. En dicho ambiente comercial sustrajeron tres televisores. Luego…  
7833. Human Rights Commissioner’s Report Critical of Hungary’s Media Freedom  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has welcomed the report on Hungary by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, Mr. Nils Muižnieks, criticising the country’s bad media freedom records and calling for changes to the media law. Judit Acsay, the Vice-President of the EFJ affiliate in Hungary (MÚOSZ), says “the report accurately summarises the state of media freedom in Hungary. I hope this will put pressure on the government to push for changes.” The report published the 16 December after Mr. Muižnieks’s visit to Hungary in July 2014 has examined various aspects relating to human rights in Hungary ranging from media freedom to…  
7834. South Asia Media Solidarity Network Bulletin: December  

Welcome to the e-bulletin of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN). The next bulletin will be sent on January 15, 2015, and your inputs are most welcome. We encourage contributions to let others know what you are doing; to seek solidarity and support from other SAMSN members on your campaigns and activities. To contribute, email Ujjwal Acharya at: [email protected] Please feel free to distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. In this bulletin: 1.    Journalist bashed to death in Andra Pradesh, India 2.    Indian journalist killed in car accident 3.    Several journalists injured in police attack in…  
7835. FAJ Condemns Bomb Attack Killing Two Somali Journalists in Somalia  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) has condemned today the bomb attacks on December 5th causing two journalists killed and three others wounded in the town of Baidoa, Somalia.   Ahmed Abdulkadir Mayow, a 27 years journalist, working for Star FM and the Somali television Channel and Mohamed Isaq Barre, a 25-year television cameraman working for Kalsan were killed; and the other injured victims were broadcast journalists Hassan Abdulkadir Jokar, of Kalsan TV, Mohamed Adan Socdaal, of Radio SomSat, and Abdulkadir Hassan Ibrahim.   “We strongly condemn this attack which targeted a restaurant where journalists and officials meet frequently” said Mohamed Garba president…  
7836. La FAJ condamne la tentative d’assassinat contre le directeur du journal l'Eléphant déchaîné  

La Fédération Africaine des journalistes (FAJ) condamne fermement la tentative d’assassinat contre Antoine Assalé Tiémoko, directeur du journal satirique ivoirien l'Eléphant déchaîné.    Dans ses déclarations aux médias et à la FIJ samedi soir, M. Tiémoko a affirmé que par  deux reprises deux individus roulant à bord d’un véhicule de type 4X4 ont essayé de le tuer vendredi le 12 décembre alors qu’il se rendait au travail pour son émission "Allo Presse".   Dans leur première tentative, les agresseurs ont foncé sur le journaliste venant par derrière alors qu’il marchait sur le trottoir. Il a pu « éviter le contact de l'avant du véhicule en faisant…  
7837. IFJ/EFJ Condemn mass Arrest of Turkish Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists, today condemned the shock raid on Zaman newspaper and Samanyolu TV media resulting in the arrest of at least 31 persons including journalists and media executives. The International Federation of Journalists and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists, today condemned the shock raid on Zaman newspaper and Samanyolu TV media resulting in the arrest of at least 31 persons including journalists and media executives. Within the 31 people's group there are 4 journalists, 11 media workers (scriptwriters, producers and technical advisors) and 16 police officers,…  
7838. IFJ Greek Union Launches Historic Exhibition To Celebrate Its Centenary  

The International Federation of Journalists congratulates its member union in Greece, the Journalists Union of Athens Daily Newspapers, for his 100th anniversary, commemorated last Sunday. IFJ president, Jim Boumelha, participated at the event organised by the JUADN Cultural Foundation at the union headquarters which assembled scores of journalists, union activists, politicians, academics, labour movement leaders and civil rights activists. The exhibition of “100 YEARS JUADN” is bringing to the Greek public, for the first time, the story of the union which was started on 14 December 1914 by young Athenian journalists who collected funds to pay for the funeral of a young colleague who…  
7839. Macau Government continues to deny entry to journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) criticises the actions of the Macau Government blocking entry to journalists into the territory to exercise their reporting duties. On 12 December, a journalist of the Hong Kong-based Apple Daily tried to enter Macau to report on the upcoming ceremony of 15th anniversary of the Handover of Macau to China in which Xi Jinping, the President of China, is believed to attend.Upon arrival in Macau, the journalist was blocked from entering Macau by an Immigration officer when he declared his reporting duty. The immigration offer cited the reason that the journalist “posed a threat to internal security”. On the same day, a Hong Kong…  
7840. IFJ condemns political cadre rampage against reporters in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) strongly condemn the attacks against journalists by the protestors of the Pakistan Teheek-e-Insaf (PTI) in Karachi, in Sindh province in Pakistan. Journalists of Geo News TV, AbbTakk TV, the News and the Jang, including senior journalist and PFUJ’s former secretary general Mazhar Abbas, restricted from perform their duties during a rally organized by the PTI. According to reports, hostile cadres of PTI forced the reporting crew of the Jang Group to stay on the roof of the Digital Satellite News Gathering (DSNG) van and disrupted their reporting with loud and abusive slogans. The PTI…  
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