15060 results:

6231. New wave of repression targeting daily Cumhuriyet in Turkey  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) today condemned the new wave of media repression by Turkish authorities following the detention of Murat Sabuncu, editor-in-chief of the newspaper Cumhuriyet, arrested this morning together with 15 other media staff of the newspaper. They are accused of assisting the Fethullahist Terror Organization (FETÖ) and the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). The authorities seized laptops and computers. In Ankara, journalist Güray Öz was taken in for questionning. According to Hurriyet, Turhan Günay, Hikmet Çetinkaya, Aydın Engin, Güray Öz, Musa Kart, Bülent Utku, Mustafa Kemal Güngör, Önder Çelik, Bülent Yener and Eser…  
6232. ​IFJ Marks Third UN Day against impunity for Crime Targeting Journalists with Call to Turn Words into Action  

On the third commemoration of the UN Day against impunity for crime targeting journalists, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest organisation of journalists with 600.000 members, today challenged governments to show political will in tackling the prevailing impunity for violence on media professionals in the world. The UN Day commemoration marks the start of the month long campaign by the IFJ and its affiliates to end impunity, with a special focus on four countries: India, Mexico, Pakistan and Yemen. Read more here  
6233. ​IFJ marks third UN Day against impunity for crime targeting journalists with call to turn words into action  

On the third commemoration of the UN Day against impunity for crime targeting journalists, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest organisation of journalists with 600.000 members, today challenged governments to show political will in tackling the prevailing impunity for violence on media professionals in the world. The IFJ, which has recorded 66 killings since the start of the year, blames the current media safety crisis on the governments’ failure to hold those who threat, attack journalist and kill media professionals to account for their actions. The UN Day commemoration marks the start of the month long campaign by the IFJ and…  
6234. A quand la vérité sur les meurtres de Ghislaine et Claude ?  

Dans le cadre de la Journée mondiale contre l’impunité, trois ans après les assassinats au Mali de Ghislaine Dupont et Claude Verlon, journalistes à RFI, la FIJ s’associe à son affilié français, le Syndicat National des Journalistes (SNJ), pour que toute la lumière soit faite sur cette affaire. Cela fait bientôt trois ans que Ghislaine Dupont et Claude Verlon ont été assassinés à Kidal, au Mali, alors qu'ils étaient en reportage pour Radio France Internationale (RFI). Depuis, l'enquête marque le pas, affectée par de nombreuses zones d'ombre et le secret défense. Lire le communiqué du SNJ  
6235. FIP y FATPREN realizan en Buenos Aires taller de capacitación sindical sobre “La negociación colectiva en el ámbito de prensa”  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), en el marco de un proyecto regional financiado por Union to Union (UTU) y en colaboración con la Federación Argentina de Trabajadores de Prensa (FATPREN), realizó un taller de capacitación entre el 28 y 29 de octubre en Buenos Aires destinado a fortalecer las capacidades sindicales en negociación colectiva. En el transcurso de este taller, enfocado en la capacitación sobre las prácticas y los instrumentos de la negociación colectiva, participaron afiliados y afiliadas de FATPREN y se llevaron a cabo diversos paneles a cargo de especialistas en la temática. La apertura del encuentro estuvo a cargo de Jeremy Dear…  
6236. IFJ marks third UN Day against impunity for crime targeting journalists with call to turn words into action  

On the third commemoration of the UN Day against impunity for crime targeting journalists, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest organisation of journalists with 600.000 members, today challenged governments to show political will in tackling the prevailing impunity for violence on media professionals in the world. The IFJ, which has recorded 66 killings since the start of the year, blames the current media safety crisis on the governments’ failure to hold those who threat, attack journalist and kill media professionals to account for their actions. The UN Day commemoration on 2 November marks the start of a campaign by the IFJ and its affiliates to end…  
6237. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 21th October to Friday 28th October: 1. International Press body urges caution to reporters covering Mosul offensive 2. Radical Copyright reform 3. Manchester based journalist threatened with deportation 4. Over 20 ACP Press Clubs meet in Kigali to discuss media devt 5. La FIJ demande à Radio Kalima de respecter le principe de transparence 6. Turquie. Le gouvernement français doit agir pour défendre la liberté de la presse 7. Tunisie : Sit-in de solidarité…  
6238. IFJ and EFJ condemn threats on journalist in Kosovo  

The International and European Federations of Journalists today called on the authorities in Kosovo to guarantee effective protection of journalist Leonard Kerquki who has received threats. Leonard Kerquki, editor-in-chief of online portal Gazeta Express in Kosovo, has been receiving death threats after his report on war crimes during the conflict between Kosovo and Serbia was premiered on the website on 23 October. The documentary he directed addresses a sensitive aspect of the Kosovo war: the war crimes of the Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK) against Serbian and Bosniak minorities. Leonard Kerquki began receiving threats on Monday 24 October 2016 on the UCK Facebook page and has reported…  
6239. Supreme Court of India rules equal pay for equal work  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India) in welcoming the historic ruling by the Supreme Court of India that the principle of equal pay for equal work applies for every employee regardless of the status of employment. The IFJ strongly welcomes the decision as a step forward for equality in the media. The bench of J.S. Khehar and S.A. Bobde ruled that an employee engaged for the same work, cannot be paid less than another based on whether they were engaged on regular or temporary basis. The Court said: “An employee engaged for the same work, cannot be paid less than another, who performs the same duties and…  
6240. Venezuela: nueva inadmisión de periodistas extranjeros  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) expresa nuevamente su preocupación por la inadmisión de periodistas extranjeros en Venezuela, en momentos de tensión política y social entre la oposición y los partidarios del gobierno de Nicolás Maduro. Un equipo periodístico peruano de la cadena Televisa, compuesto por el reportero Ricardo Burgos, el camarógrafo Leónidas Chávez y el editor Armando Muñoz, fue retenido por las autoridades en el aeropuerto de Caracas, junto al fotógrafo argentino Rodrigo Abd, de Associated Press. Los trabajadores de prensa, según manifestó el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores venezolano, no contaban con la documentación necesaria para desarrollar tareas…  
6241. IFJ Issues Media Safety Advisory for Reporters Covering Battle of Mosul in Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has published a safety advisory for reporters covering the battle for Mosul, in northern Iraq. The advisory contains best practice and procedures for newsgatherers to minimize the risks and manage the threats they face while reporting the conflict. The safety advisory includes a conflict analysis with key questions for journalists to assess the situation in which they are operating, advice on military tactics used by the so-called Islamic State (IS) in Mosul, operational media task planning when covering frontline combat operations and essential personal equipment including ballistic and chemical protective equipment that employers…  
6242. Iraq: IFJ Safety Advisory for reporters covering battle for Mosul  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has published a safety advisory for reporters covering the battle for Mosul, in northern Iraq. The advisory contains best practice and procedures for newsgatherers to minimize the risks and manage the threats they face while reporting the conflict. The safety advisory includes a conflict analysis with key questions for journalists to assess the situation in which they are operating, advice on military tactics used by the so-called Islamic State (IS) in Mosul, operational media task planning when covering frontline combat operations and essential personal equipment including ballistic and chemical protective equipment that employers…  
6243. Perú: alarma por desaparición de periodista  

Aramís Castro Ramos, periodista del portal Convoca, desapareció este lunes por la mañana en la ciudad de Lima. Fue visto por última vez saliendo de su lugar de trabajo. La Federación Internacional de Periodisas (FIP), expresa su preocupación por la desaparición de un periodista peruano este lunes 24 de octubre, en el transcurso de su jornada laboral. El joven periodista de 26 años, fue visto por última vez alrededor de las 11 am saliendo de las instalaciones del medio donde se desempeña, el portal de noticias Convoca. Según informa la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas de Perú (ANP), dicho portal “es un medio de comunicación digital especializado en periodismo de datos. Desde su…  
6244. De graves atteintes à la liberté de la presse au Burundi  

La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de journalistes (600.000 membres), a interpellé ce 26 octobre le gouvernement du Président Pierre Nkurunziza sur les atteintes à la liberté de la presse et à la liberté d’association qui s’aggravent de jour en jour au Burundi. Notre affiliée, l’Union burundaise des journalistes (UBJ), a été suspendue "pour perturbation à l’ordre public" ! Dans une décision publiée le 24 octobre 2016, le gouvernement du Burundi a suspendu, entre autres, l’Union burundaise des journalistes (UBJ), l’affiliée de la FIJ, sur le prétexte que "les activités de ces associations ne sont pas en conformité avec…  
6245. La FIJ et la FEJ solidaires des salariés d’Itélé  

Les Fédérations internationale et européenne des journalistes (FIJ et FEJ) se joignent à leurs affiliés français, le SNJ, le SNJ-CGT et la CFDT-Journalistes, pour apporter un soutien total à la grève des salariés de la chaîne de télévision i-Télé, qui ont voté à une très large majorité (85%), lundi matin, la reconduction du mouvement. Le conflit a été déclenché voici deux semaines, par l'arrivée à l'antenne de l'animateur Jean-Marc Morandini, mis en examen pour "corruption de mineur aggravée" notamment pour des castings liés au tournage d'un film érotique.  Malgré l'opposition de la rédaction, son émission quotidienne "Morandini Live", consacrée aux médias, a été…  
6246. Ali Resan  

The cameraman for Alsoumariya TV, was killed in the south of Mosul while covering the military offensive to take back control of the city from the IS.  
6247. Ahmed Hajr Oglo  

The journalist working for Turkmen Eli TV channel was killed by a gunshot to the chest from a sniper during the raid of the so - called Islamic State (IS) on the city of Kirkuk in Northern Iraq, currently controlled by government’s forces.  
6248. Iraq: IFJ urges extreme caution to reporters covering the battle for Mosul after killings of a journalist and a cameraman  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today asked journalists and media workers covering the fighting around the northern city of Mosul to be extremely cautious following the killings of a journalist and a cameraman during clashes last weekend. Reports said that journalist Ahmed Hajr Oglo, working for Turkmen Eli TV channel, was killed on 21 October by a gunshot in the chest from a sniper while he was covering fighting after the raid by the so called Islamic State (IS) on the city of Kirkuk in Northern Iraq, currently controlled by the governments forces. The following day, cameraman Ali Resan of Alsoumariya TV was also killed in the south of Mosul while covering the military…  
6249. Senior Pakistan TV official convicted of sexual harassment  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in welcoming the recent decision by the Federal Ombudsperson Against Harassment of Women in the Workplace to prosecute the director of the state-run channel Pakistan Television (PTV) with sexual harassment. On October 21, the ombudsperson, retired Justice Yasmin Abbasi, imposed a fine of Rs 250 000 (USD 2400) on Athar Farooq Bhuttar and censured him over sexual harassment complaints filed by six female news anchors at the station. The news anchors in June 2016 accused Bhuttar of sexual harassment, humiliation and insulting behaviour. Emphasising its zero tolerance policy…  
6250. Turkey: 90 journalists in jail - have your say!  

*UPDATE: The figure of jailed journalists in Turkey reached 112 on 25 October. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) launched a global solidarity action on 21 October in support of journalists in Turkey and its affiliates the Journalists’ union of Turkey (TGS), the Progressive Journalists’ Association (PJA) and the Association of journalists of Turkey (TGC). The action is part of the IFJ and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) campaign Set journalism free in Turkey that both federations have been running together since 2010. It consistsed of a one-day show of solidarity action where free journalists could sponsor jailed journalists in Turkey…  
6251. Calais: journalists under surveillance ahead of the "cleaning" of the "jungle" migrant camp  

French authorities of the Northern department " Pas-de-Calais" decided to stricly regulate journalists' access to the said "Jungle" zone of the city of Calais, during the operations aimed at expelling migrants. IFJ French unions (SNJ, SNJ-CGT, CFDT-Journalistes) have shared their concerns. Read full release in French For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16 The IFJ represents more than 600,000 journalists in 140 countries Follow the IFJ on Twitter and Facebook Subscribe to IFJ News  
6252. Romania must not terminate Public Broadcasting Licence Fee  

*Update (25/10/2016) Romania’s parliament passed a bill on Tuesday to scrap over 100 small taxes, including radio/TV fees. The EFJ and IFJ join their Romanian affiliate FAIR-MediaSind to ask the Romanian President not to promulgate this law. The Romanian Senate approved on 17 October a draft law to eliminate the monthly TV and radio license fee and to introduce direct funding for public service media from state budget, which the IFJ/EFJ affiliate alerts would threaten the service's editorial independece.  The proposal, initiated by the Social-Democrats leader Liviu Dragnea, has come just a few weeks ahead of the general elections. The far-reaching…  
6253. Tunisie : Opacité et menaces de licenciement dans une radio privée  

La radio tunisienne privé Kalima, refuse d’identifier ses propriétaires et menace de licencier tout son personnel. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) soutient son affilié, le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT) et demande à la direction de Radio Kalima de respecter le principe de transparence relatif à la propriété des médias en Tunisie, ainsi que les droits des travailleurs. Les deux organisations engagent la Haute autorité indépendante de la communication audiovisuelle (HAICA) à exiger la transparence de la propriété de la radio La radio privée Kalima, co-fondée par Sihem Bensédrine et Omar Mestiri et longtemps considérée comme fer de lance des radios…  
6254. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 14th October to Friday 21th October: 1. Journalists continue to protest against Kashmir Reader ban 2. Action against Cyril Almeida 3. Misconception about media freedom 4. The Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) has turned to the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) of the United Kingdom and Ireland and other international organizations over the UK decision to block the accounts of the RT broadcaster, RUJ Executive Secretary Nadezhda Azhgihina said on…  
6255. Somalia: IFJ welcomes release of trade union leader  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joined its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), in welcoming the release of NUSOJ´s Vice-President, Abdi Adan Guled. The trade unionist and editor-in-chief of Xog-Ogaal daily newspaper was released on 18 October without charge. In a statement following the arrest, NUSOJ expressed the belief that Guled was arrested for his union work. Abdi Adan Guled was arrested on 15 October around 20hrs local time at the daily´s premises in the capital, Mogadishu, by heavily armed officers of the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA), who also confiscatd…  
6256. IFJ and EFJ, in solidarity with Hungarian suspended newspaper's staff  

The International and European Federations of Journalists, (IFJ and EFJ), together with News Media Europe, today expressed in Brussels their solidarity with the staff of the Hungarian biggest left-leaning newspaper “Népszabadság” (Freedom of the People), which was suspended two weeks ago without their knowledge.  IFJ and EFJ General Secretaries, Anthony Bellanger and Ricardo Gutiérrez respectively, today participated to a solidarity demonstration in Brussels, in front of the European Commission offices, where they met the daily's correspondent in Brussels, Katalin Halmai. Halmai said that the suspesion of Népszabadság followed the Hungarian…  
6257. Palestine, first country to adopt Media Safety Curriculum for journalists  

Following a meeting between the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education and the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS), an IFJ affiliate, Palestine became the first country to adopt the IFJ/UNESCO Media Safety Curriculum for journalists in public universities.  During a meeting with the PJS President, Nasser Abu Baker, the Palestinian Minister of Education and Higher Education, Sabri Saidam, signed on 18 October a decision to adopt the Media Safety Curriculum. It has been developed by the IFJ and UNESCO over the last two years to help prepare journalism students to be able to operate safely when reporting on the violence of the occupation and informing the…  
6258. Turkey: Day of Action on 21 October #FreeThemAll  

Ninety journalists are currently in jail in Turkey for doing their job. Critical voices must not be silenced!  On Friday 21 world journalists will sponsor journalists in jail in Turkey in a show of solidarity. Take action! How? Pick the name of a journalist jailed in Turkey from the list below, add the name of the journalist on an A4 paper, take a picture of yourself holding the sign and post it on social media #FreeThemAll. This work can be done anytime throughout the day. Below is an indicative list of journalists you may support. Our aim is to get the 90 journalists freed. #FreeThemAll Aysenur Parildak Aytekin Gezici Muhammed Dogru Murat Aksoy Nazli Ilicak Nedim…  
6259. South Asia Media Solidarity Bulletin: October  

Welcome to the monthly e-bulletin of the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN). The next bulletin will be sent on November 15, 2016, and your inputs are most welcome. We encourage contributions to let others know about your activities and to seek solidarity and support from SAMSN members on your campaigns and activities. To contribute, email Ujjwal Acharya at: [email protected] Please feel free to distribute this bulletin widely among colleagues in the media. This e-bulletin and South Asia related content are available at the SAMSN Digital Hub: https://samsn.ifj.org    In this bulletin: 1.     Journalist shot dead in western…  
6260. Malaysian political cartoonist banned from leaving country  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists Malaysia (NUJM), in condemning the travel ban of a notable political cartoonist in Malaysia. The IFJ demands that the ban be immediately lifted, and that freedom of movement is ensured for all media workers within the country. On October 17, freelance political cartoonist, Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque, commonly known as Zunar, was stopped by immigration authorities at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport as he attempted to travel to Singapore. He was told by the immigration officers that they had received a direct order from the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar,…  
6261. Lebanon: IFJ highly concerned about massive lay - off in media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed its deepest concerns over the massive lay-off taking place at different Lebanese media following an economic crisis in the region. Lebanon’s biggest newspapers are on the verge of financial collapse due to political instability in the region which has driven to strong budget cuts. The news industry in Lebanon has been traditionally plagued by political funding and some journalists denounce that most of the media remain backed by political parties or businessmen that are loyal to these parties. Following the current political instability in the region, ten leading media in Lebanon are now struggling with serious economic…  
6262. Journalists call for lifting the ban news channels in Turkey at IFJ-EFJ press briefing  

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) on Friday organised a press briefing at the Brussels’ Europe Press Club to protest the on-going clampdown on media in Turkey and to urge the government to lift the ban on news channels. The Turkish government recently shut down about 20 TV and radio channels, including the Kurdish Channel Med-Nuçe based in Belgium that was removed on 3 October by Eutelsat SA, a French satellite provider, on Turkey’s request. In Turkey, 90 journalists are in jail, more than 2,500 journalists lost their jobs and arrest warrants have been issued against hundreds of media workers since the coup attempt on 15 July. Speakers invited to…  
6263. Journalists attacked covering protests in Malaysia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists, Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) strongly criticize the attacks and harassment of journalists covering the Bersih 5 in Kuala Selangor in Malaysia on Saturday, October 15. The IFJ and NUJM demand an immediate investigation into the attacks and swift action against those responsible. On Saturday, journalists from The Star were covering the Bersih 5 convoy handing out flyers outside a Hypermarket in Kuala Selangor when they were attacked and harassed by more than 30 ‘Anti-Bersih’ members on motorcycles. As the ‘Anti-Bersih’ group started antagonizing the convoy, they confronted the journalists,…  
6264. Journalist shot dead in western Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in condemning the murder of a journalist in Qalat of Zabul Province in western Afghanistan on Sunday, October 16. The IFJ demands immediate action from the Afghan government to ensure justice to the slain journalist. Yaqub Sharafat, senior provincial reporter for the state-run Radio Television Afghanistan (RTA) was shot dead by unknown armed men in Rasala area of the provincial capital Qalat. He sustained serious gunshot injuries and died on the way to the hospital. The police has begun its investigation but is yet to arrest anyone. No group has claimed…  
6265. IFJ presents campaign for Declaration on Media Freedom in the Arab World to UN Human Rights Chief  

The General Secretary of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Anthony Bellanger, yesterday met with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, (HCHR) in Geneva to present the IFJ’s work and its role in defending human rights and freedom of expression around the world. With its 170 affiliates the IFJ is committed to support the work of the Office of the HCHR in promoting human rights and freedom of expression and combating violent extremism and hate speech. Anthony Bellanger briefed the High Commissioner on the worsening crises facing journalists including violence, imprisonment and impunity for the killers of journalists. Monir Zaarour,…  
6266. Pakistani journalist harassed at work; allegedly forced to resign  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning the harassment of a female television news anchor. The IFJ demands an immediate investigation into the incident. Fiza Khan, a news presenter for the Urdu-language Capital TV channel based in Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad, was allegedly forced to resign after being harassed by senior staff at the station. Khan approached the PFUJ to file a complaint and said that working conditions at the TV station were intolerable. PFUJ have offered their full support to Khan. The IFJ said: “Violence against women is a worldwide epidemic underpinned by disrespect and a…  
6267. Pakistani journalist barred from leaving country  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning the travel ban of a prominent senior journalist. The IFJ demands the ban be immediately lifted, and that freedom of movement is guaranteed for all media workers in Pakistan. On Tuesday October 11, Cyril Almeida, journalist for the English-language newspaper, Dawn, was informed that he had been placed on Pakistan’s Exit Control List (ECL), which bars select individuals from leaving the country. Almeida was booked on a Tuesday flight to Dubai for a family holiday, but was told he should not go to the airport as he would not be allowed to board the plane.…  
6268. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 7th October to Friday 14th October: 1. 10 Years on From the Murder of Russian Journalist Anna Politkovskaya, What Has Changed? 2. #Day91: South Asia Media Solidarity Network seeks Revocation of Ban on ‘Kashmir Reader 3. Sputnik Estonia news portal will submit complaints to international organizations that defend the rights of journalists over the actions of the Estonian Defense Ministry’s press service. 4. 'Journalism is a dangerous job for Palestinians' 5. Russian union of journalists…  
6269. Jordan signs Arab Declaration on Media Freedom  

Jordan became the third country to sign up to the Arab Declaration on Media Freedom at a ceremony organised by the IFJ and the Jordanian Press Association in Amman.   On 12 October Dr Mohammad Momani, minister of state for media affairs, signed the declaration which sets out 16 key principles on media freedom and journalists rights on behalf of the Jordanian government.  He was joined by IFJ Honorary Treasurer Jim Boumelha and Jordanian Press Association President Tariq al Moumani. The event was also attended by Federation of Arab Journalists President Moaid al Lami, and General Secretary Khaled al Maery as well as delegates from several unions from across the…  
6270. Afghan radio station bombed; owner attacked in latest incident  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in strongly condemning the bomb attack on Nasim Radio station on Wednesday, October 12 in Nili, the provincial capital of Dykundi province in central Afghanistan. The IFJ demands an immediate investigation into the attack in order to bring the perpetrators to book. On Wednesday evening, Mohamad Reza Wahidi, owner of Nasim Radio was assaulted by the two men who knocked on his door. He collapsed after he was hit on his head and threatened at gunpoint and told to refrain from broadcasting the news. He was also warned that his family and son would be harmed if he…  
6271. Arab World: unions agree a year-long action plan to improve media workers' rights  

A dozen journalists unions from the Arab world have agreed a year-long action plan to fight for improved working rights and conditions for media workers across the region. During two days of planning and strategic discussion in Amman the IFJ-affiliated unions committed to a programme of: •Building stronger unions and extending collective bargaining •Organising to win new agreements with regional media employers •Increasing the effectiveness of unions through developing improved administration, structures, financing, budgeting and organisation The meeting, made possible by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, also held discussions on strategies to tackle the impact of the economic crisis…  
6272. Press briefing: Turkey must reopen banned TV and radio channels!

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) invite you for a press briefing on 14 October at Press Club Brussels Europe (95 Rue Froissart) from 10.30 to 12 AM. Topics: Hayatin Sesi TV, IMC TV, Med Nûce, TV10, Zarok TV, Azadi TV, Özgür Radyo Speakers: Füsun Erdogan, freelance journalist, Bianet / Özgür Radyo / Med Nûce and ex-arrested journalistsBayram Balci, journalist at Med Nûce televisionBaki Gül, Med Nûce televisionAnthony Bellanger, International Federation of Journalists  Moderated by Mehmet Koksal (EFJ) Languages: French and Turkish  Entrance is FREE but enrollment by email mandatory. Please send an email to confirm your…  
6273. Afghan Times editor violently attacked returning from work  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in condemning the violent attack against the Afghan Times editor-in-chief on Sunday, October 9 in Kabul. The IFJ and AIJA demand an immediate investigation into the attack, and bring those responsible to justice. On Sunday evening, Abdul Saboor Sarir, editor-in-chief of the Afghan Times, was attacked by three men at gun point as he returned home in the Khwaja Bughra area of Kabul city. The assailants stopped Sarir, attacking him, taking his vehicle, laptop and cell phones. The attack took place as Sarir returned from the Kabul-based English newspaper, 3.5 kms from…  
6274. Guatemala: Five journalists killed in 2016  

The IFJ has raised its concerns over the dark situation of journalism in Guatamala where a 5th journalist has been killed this year. Read more in Spanish  
6275. ​Víctor Hugo Valdés Cardona  

The 65-year-old veteran TV presenter at Chiquimula de Visión was shot and killed by people on a motorbike near his home in the municipality of Chiquimula, east of the country while he was out exercising.  
6276. ​Diego Salomón Esteban Gaspar  

The 22-year-old staff of Radio Sembrador, a community radio in Playa Grande, was murdered by gunmen as he was riding his motorbike. The radio station had been receiving threats since 2015.  
6277. ​Mario Roberto Salazar Barahona  

The 32-year-old Director of Radio Estéreo Azúcar was shot dead in Asunción Mita, located in southern Jutiapa Department. Gunmen on a motorbike opened fire on the journalist as he was sitting in his car.  
6278. ​Felipe David Munguía Jiménez  

The 35-year-old cameraman for Canal 21 was gunned down in the municipality of Santa Maria Xalapán, Jalapa Department. The victim was shot near a community assembly where he was a participant. Jiménez had received death threats one day before the shooting. The police arrested Raúl Antonio Jiménez Cruz, who had been released from prison after serving ten years for another murder, as a suspect in the media worker’s killing.  
6279. Kazakhstan: Two journalists sentenced to jail on tax fraud charges  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Federation of Equal Journalists in Kazakhstan (FEJK), in condemning the imprisonment of two journalists, Seytkazy Matayev and his son Aset Matayev who were accused of tax fraud and embezzlement of state funds in Kazakhstan.  Their charges have been dismissed a reprisal measure by the authorities because of the journalists’ independent reporting. On 3 October, Matayev, chair of the National Press Club of Kazakhstan, and his son Aset Matayev, director of the independent news agency KazTag, were sentenced to six years and five years in prison respectively. Both journalists were detained in late February over tax…  
6280. Hungary: biggest opposition newspaper suddenly shut down  

Publication of Hungary’s biggest opposition newspaper, Népszabadság (People’s Freedom), has been suspended. The paper’s owner company Mediaworks unexpectedly announced on Saturday it would suspend both the print and online editions. The International and European Federations of Journalists (EFJ and IFJ) are shocked by this huge blow to media pluralism in Hungary. On 8 October, around 2,000 Hungarians protested in Budapest following the closure of the country’s leading leftist newspaper. Mediaworks, owned by Austrian firm Vienna Capital Partners, said the paper was operating at a “considerable” loss and struggled with dropping circulation. But civil rights groups said the newspaper…  
6281. Argentina: alerta ante presentación de protocolo de seguridad para periodistas  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) ve con preocupación el contenido del Protocolo de Seguridad presentado por el Ministerio de Seguridad de la Nación, la Asociación de Entidades Periodísticas (ADEPA) y el Foro de Periodismo Argentino (FOPEA), que solamente contempla la participación de organizaciones patronales y deja por fuera la representación de trabajadores. El Protocolo, presentado el 30 de septiembre, está destinado a establecer las medidas y procedimientos a ser implementados por las fuerzas policiales y de seguridad con el objeto de garantizar la actividad periodística en Argentina y exige para su ejecución la entrega del material de investigación…  
6282. IFJ and EFJ discuss media freedom in Turkey with CoE General Secretary  

The Presidents of the International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) and the representatives of the other partner media organisations of the Council of Europe (CoE) Platform for the Safety of Journalists met yesterday in Strasbourg with the CoE´s General Secretary, Thorbjørn Jagland. They discussed the possible follow up to the media freedom alerts published on the Platform with regard to Turkey in the aftermath of the 15 July failed coup. The Secretary General briefed them on the Council of Europe actions so far and on-going co-operation with Turkey as a member state of the organisation. Since the coup attempt, the partners of the…  
6283. IFJ and SAMSN demand lifting of ban on Kashmir Reader  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) today called upon the authorities in the state of Jammu and Kashmir to lift the ban on the Kashmir Reader. Gravely concerned over the infringement of press freedom, SAMSN said, “The ban on publication without proven evidence of incitement to violence, as the Kashmir Reader has been accused of, is censorship and against the principles of democracy and press freedom. We urge the authorities to take urgent action to ensure resumption of the publication of Kashmir Reader."  SAMSN, representing the collective voice of journalists across the region, said that in an already…  
6284. World Day for Decent work: secure collective bargaining for all journalists, says the IFJ  

Collective bargaining is the best tool journalists have to secure fairness at work, reduce inequality and improve pay and working conditions.   To mark World Day for Decent Work on 7 October the International Federation of Journalists (FIJ) is celebrating the achievements of collective bargaining for journalists throughout the world.   Results of a recent IFJ survey highlight that collective bargaining improves wages, working conditions, job security and gives journalists, whether staff or freelance, a voice at work.   Victories highlighted in the survey include an historic national collective agreement in Palestine - the first of its kind in the Arab World…  
6285. Justice for Anna Politkovskaya  

On 7 October 2006 Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, a reporter for the Novaya Gazeta, newspaper and a prominent critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was shot dead at her apartment building in central Moscow. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join their affiliate the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) in commemorating the death of the veteran journalist and calling on the Russian government to renew its efforts to identify those who ordered the journalists’ murder.  The journalist and human rights activist’s body was found by a neighbour in the elevator, where she had been shot 4 times. The murder of Anna Politkovskaya, aged 48…  
6286. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday 30th September to Friday 7th October: 1. Ukranian journalist arrested in Mosocu 2. IFJ/EFJ condemn killing of Dutch journalism in Lybia 3. IFJ eist dat Rusland Oekraïense journalist vrijlaat 4. La FIP insta a Rusia a liberar a un reportero ucraniano detenido por espionaje 5. Le droit français de la presse menacé par le projet de loi relatif à l'égalité et à la citoyenneté 6. IFJ condemns threatening a journalist inside police station in Sri Lanka, demands…  
6287. 15th IFJ focus on Safety - October 2016  

Welcome to the 15th issue of the IFJ Focus on Safety, a monthly blog which provides highlights, news and in-depth analysis of safety-related events of concerns to journalists. The blog is part of the IFJ strategy to promote the safety of journalists and to combat the issue of impunity. Please check out the IFJ International Code of Practice for the Safe Conduct of Journalism at the end of this issue. We value your feedback and would like to hear about your safety experience in the field as well as any safety-related stories you would like to share with members of the IFJ family, the global journalists’ community. The issue covers the following safety-related events and…  
6288. ​New IFJ Focus on Safety Now Available  

Welcome to the new issue of the IFJ Focus on Safety, a blog which provides highlights, news and in-depth analysis of safety-related events of concerns to journalists. The blog is part of the IFJ strategy to promote the safety of journalists and to combat the issue of impunity. Read all about it here http://ifj-safety.org/en/contents/15th-ifj-focus-on-safety and please check out the IFJ International Code of Practice for the Safe Conduct of Journalism at the end of this issue.  
6289. Palestine: New agreement ends detention of journalists for work related issues  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has welcomed the adoption of an agreement between the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) and  the Public Prosecutor to support freedom of expression and press freedom in Palestine. The agreement, which was signed by Deputy public prosecutor Ashraf Erekat and PJS president Nasser Abu Baker on 28 September in the presence of Ammar Dweik, the director of the Independent Commission for Human Rights, puts an end to the practice of detaining or imprisoning journalists for their professional work.  In recent years several journalists have been detained on charges of defamation or similar offences, a practice authorised by the…  
6290. Journalists, media harassed in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in condemning recent incidents of violation of press freedom in Nepal. The IFJ demands an immediate probe into the incidents to ensure justice to media and journalists. The FNJ media monitoring unit documented five incidents of media rights violations in the last two weeks of September. On September 15, the Chief District Officer Dhan Prasad Pokharel harassed Laxmi Shah, a reporter with Kantipur daily, in Bara district. Similarly, on September 25, policemen harassed Prabitra Kumar Shahi of Nagarik daily and Ramesh Rawal of Karobar daily in Kalikot district. In both incidents,…  
6291. Media executive held captive for a day in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning the abduction of Abid Abdullah, the executive director of the Jang Group media house, on September 28 in Peshawar, the capital of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in northwestern Pakistan. He was released later on the same day. The IFJ demands urgent action from the Pakistan government: arrest his abductors and create a safe environment for media persons. Abdullah was kidnapped by at least eight armed men in the early hours of September 28 while returning to his hotel after finishing his work at the Jang Group printing press in Hayatabad Industrial Estate.…  
6292. Journalist threatened inside police station in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Free Media Movement (FMM) in condemning the inaction of the police while a TV journalist was threatened inside a police station in Sri Lanka on September 27. The IFJ demands that the authorities immediately investigate the incident. Ranjith Karunaweera, a journalist with Hiru TV in Mahiyanganaya of Badulla District in Uva Province of central Sri Lanka, was threatened over a news story by a group of people when he arrived at the Hasalaka police station to give his statement in a case filed against him. Local sand miners had filed a complaint at the police station after Karunaweera’s news report on illegal sand…  
6293. Colombia: justicia laboral falla a favor de periodista despedida durante su embarazo  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), celebra el pronunciamiento judicial a favor de Luz Dary Ines Mora, quien fue desvinculada de su puesto de trabajo como jefe de prensa y auxiliar de secretaría del sindicato colombiano USO cuando se encontraba cursando un embarazo de riesgo. La Federación Colombiana de Periodistas (FECOLPER), organización que acompañó y patrocinó a la comunicadora durante el proceso judicial, pudo demostrar a través de distintas pruebas la existencia de un contrato de trabajo a término indefinido que se prolongó durante 39 meses y 15 días. La relación laboral, como quedó establecido en el juicio, fue interrumpida unilateralmente por el empleador…  
6294. Journalist harassed by military personnel in East Java  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has been alerted to an incident of violence against a journalist in Indonesia via Indonesian affiliate, Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI). AJI reports that on Sunday, October 2 in Madiun, in East Java province, a journalist from a local television network Net TV was physically attacked and forced to relinquish his camera footage and identity cards to members of the military.  Soni Misdananto was reporting at an Islamic New Year festival when an incident occurred in which a military vehicle collided with a civilian’s vehicle. Military personnel allegedly proceeded to beat “the people involved in the incident”. The Jakarta Globe reports…  
6295. Ensure transparency in re-investigation of Wickrematunge Case  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Free Media Movement Sri Lanka (FMM) in welcoming the reopening of the investigation of the murder of editor and journalist Lasantha Wickrematunge. The IFJ demands transparency in this investigation. On September 27, the body of Sunday Leader editor Wickrematunge was exhumed for a post-mortem as two earlier post-mortem reports were conflicting, with one concluding he had died from gunshot injuries, while another said there was no evidence of bullet wounds. The police exhumed his body not allowing journalists or human rights activists to witness the exhumation. On January 8, 2009, Wickrematunge,…  

Two journalists in East Timor are facing a three year sentence in jail simply for doing their jobs. They are due to go to trial Friday, October 7.   Your urgent action is needed!   Please sign and share this petition: https://www.change.<wbr>org/p/timor-leste-prime-<wbr>minister-drop-defamation-<wbr>charges-against-timor-<wbr>journalists   The IFJ have launched a petition demanding an end to this legal harassment and to put Timor Leste’s government, prime minister and judiciary on notice that the world will be watching as they attempt to wrongfully prosecute journalists. Working together with the…  
6297. IFJ urges investigation into killing of South Sudanese Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for an immediate and independent investigation into the killing of veteran freelance journalist, Issac Vuni, in South Sudan who had been missing since June. The body of the journalist, , missing with his brother since June after unknown gunmen took them away from their home in southern Kerepi, was found dumped in a neigbhour’s farm in his village on 26 September. The whereabouts of his brother are still unknown. IFJ President Philippe Leruth said: “We strongly condemn this appalling crime which must not go unpunished and we urge the government to leave no stone unturned in identifying Vuni’s killers and bringing them to…  
6298. Egypt: three journalists detained and tortured over terrorism charges  

Three journalists remain detained on charges of spreading false information and inciting terrorism online as a result of conducting interviews in the streets in central Cairo.  Their lawyer told media that the trio have been ‘beaten and electrocuted’ during interrogation and are being held in pre-trial detention for a renewable 15 days. On 26 September, Egyptian journalists Hamdy Mokhtar, Mohamed Hassan and Osama al-Bishbishi were arrested while carrying out ‘vox pops’ - short interviews with members of the public – on the economic policy of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi near the Egyptian Journalists’ Syndicate (EJS) in downtown Cairo. Security forces arrested them on the spot…  
6299. Jeroen Oerlemans  

The Dutch photographer was killed by snipe fire after being shot in the chest while covering clashes in the Libyan coastal city of Sirte between the so - called Islamic State( IS) and government forces. According to media reports, the photographer was working for a number of organisations, including the Belgian weekly Knack magazine. Sources: AFP  
6300. IFJ/EFJ condemn killing of Dutch journalist in Libya  

The International and European Federation of Journalists, (IFJ) and (EFJ), today backed their affiliate, the Nederlandse Vereniging Van Journalisten (NVJ), in condemning the killing of a Dutch photojournalist while covering clashes in the Libyan city of Sirte. On 2 October, Dutch journalist Jeroen Oerlemans (45) was killed by sniper fire as government forces battled Islamic State group holdouts in the coastal city of Sirte, a jihadist stronghold 450 kilometers east of the capital Tripoli, media reported. Forces allied with Libya’s UN-backed Government of National Accord are trying to take the city back from jihadists in an offensive that started in May and which resulted in the killing of…  
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