15041 results:

1401. Myanmar: Journalists and media workers threatened by junta  

Media workers from Myanmar news outlets BBC Burmese and The Irrawaddy have been forced into hiding after Myanmar’s military junta threatened legal action against them for allegedly misreporting on a conflict in Mon state. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the blatant intimidation of journalists and calls on the military junta to cease its repression of journalists. On October 12, fighting broke out near the Kyaiktiyo pagoda in Mon State’s Kin Mun Chaung village after members of an unidentified armed group attacked the junta’s outpost. While media outlets have struggled to verify reports, all indicate that at least three people were killed, with over 10 wounded.…  
1402. Le journaliste syrien Hussam Hammoud est arrivé en France  

Hussam Hammoud, journaliste syrien en grand danger de mort, est enfin arrivé en France avec sa famille vendredi 21 octobre. Il a été soutenu dans ses démarches par le Syndicat national des journalistes (SNJ) et la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ). Hussam Hammoud est un journaliste syrien qui a effectué de nombreux reportages et enquêtes sur la Syrie pour plusieurs médias français : Mediapart, France 24, L’Express, Le Monde, Arte, notamment sur des sujets autour de Daesh. Contraint de quitter son pays car menacé par différents groupes armés, il a dû se réfugier en Turquie et y a poursuivi son travail d’enquête sur le financement de Daesh. Des nouvelles menaces, toujours…  
1403. India: Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Mattoo banned from travelling for prize ceremony  

Sri-Nagar based journalist Sanna Irshad Mattoo, who along with other four members of Reuter team won the 2022 Pulitzer Prize, was barred from flying to the United States to receive the prize. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the unjustified travel ban and urges the Indian authorities to allow journalists to travel safely and freely. Journalist Mattoo, who had a valid US visa and air ticket, was stopped by the immigration authorities at Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport on 18 October and prevented from travelling to attend the ‘Pulitzer Prize award ceremony’ scheduled to take place on 20 October. Following the immigration’s…  
1404. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from October 15th to October, 21st 2022. ENGLISH Israel authorises military to kill Palestinians with drones in West Bank - Consortium News Malta: Civil society calls out delays in justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia - Article 19 Malta: Civil society denounces government’s lack of ambition and transparency in press freedom reforms and renew calls for full justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia - RSF Caruana Galizia public inquiry recommendations still not…  
1405. Palestine: Israeli soldiers attack TV journalists  

On Thursday 20 October, Israeli soldiers violently stopped a team of journalists from Palestine TV reporting live on the streets from entering the town of Azzun. Journalist Ahmad Shawar and his cameraman Muhammad Enaya were beaten and weapons were pointed at them. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the attacks and calls on Israeli authorities to let journalists carry out their duty without any form of intimidation. This is not an isolated case. On 13 October, the Palestinian Journalists' Union condemned the continued systematic targeting of journalists following an attack, against photojournalists. On 5 October the IFJ issued a statement condemning the…  
1406. Convention-Briefing_Paper-October_2022.docx  

INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE SAFETY AND INDEPENDENCE OF JOURNALISTS AND OTHER MEDIA PROFESSIONALS Briefing paper October 2022 There are already lots of resolutions and recommendations on safety and impunity. Why are we campaigning for further action? Despite many protocols, guidelines and proposals journalists still face a daily threat – and impunity continues to make the situation worse. Since 1990, the IFJ has recorded 2,778 journalists killed across the world, in incidents related to the exercise of their profession. Between 2018 and October 2022 at least 344 journalists have been killed according to UNESCO. Nine in 10 cases remain unpunished.…  
1407. Daphne Caruana Galizia murder: accountability and reforms “deficient” in Malta  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ) welcome the resolution adopted on 20 October by the European Parliament to pay tribute to the murdered Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia and to denounce the lack of political will of the Maltese authorities to fight corruption and guarantee press freedom. Five years after the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia in Bidnija the European Parliament has paid tribute to the journalist and looked into the rule of law, organised crime, and corruption in Malta. In its resolution adopted with 564 votes in favour, 10 against (the four Maltese MEPs from the socialist group and six MEPs from the German far-right party…  
1408. Oredje Narcisse  

The journalist, who worked for Radio FM of CEFOD ( Centre de Formation et du Développement), was shot dead while covering a protest in the capital N'Djamena when the Chadian armed forces opened fire on protesters.    According to media reports, opposition and civil society groups in Chad had called for the protest to mark " the end of the 18-month period initially agreed upon for the transition period.” Hundreds of Chadians took to the streets in N’Djamena and other cities to protest against the extension of the transitional military council headed by General Mahamat Idriss Deby, demanding a “quicker transition to democratic rule”.  At least 50 people were…  
1409. IFJ warns FIFA president against sexism during World Cup  

In a letter addressed on 18 October to the International Federation of Football Association (FIFA) President, IFJ President Dominique Pradalie and the chair of the Gender council, Maria Angeles Samperio, have warned the organisation against risks of sexism and discrimination during the upcoming Football World cup in Qatar. In the letter, Dominique Pradalie and Maria Angeles Samperio remind FIFA President Gianni Infantino of the need to eradicate any discrimination, including that based on gender, which also affects media professionals. Furthermore, they demand that gender equality be respected among football players themselves, the football teams of the…  
1410. Vietnam: Journalist assaulted by prison guards  

Independent blogger and human rights advocate Huynh Thuc Vy was beaten and choked by prison guards at Gia Trung Prison where she is currently serving a 33-month sentence for ‘disrespecting the national flag’. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the assault and urges the Vietnamese authorities to immediately investigate the incident and hold the perpetrators to account. Vy’s family learned of the assault after the journalist whispered to her 6-year-old daughter during a prison visit that she had been beaten and strangled by prison guards. On October 9, her family expressed deep concern for the journalist’s safety. While the motive behind the assault is unknown, Vy’s…  
1411. Afghanistan: Taliban ban and harass foreign journalist  

In the latest crackdown on international media in Afghanistan, foreign journalist and photographer Stefanie Glinski has been barred from entering the country after being targeted by the Taliban for her critical reporting. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the harassment and intimidation against Glinski and urges the Taliban to uphold press freedom and cease its persecution of Afghan journalists. Glinski, who spent four years in Afghanistan reporting for several news outlets including The Guardian and Foreign Policy, left Kabul in July but began to fear for her safety following the recent investigation of her work by members of the Taliban. In a statement on social…  
1412. Colombia: sicarios asesinaron al periodista Rafael Emiro Moreno  

El periodista y líder comunitario murió tras ser herido con armas de fuego por personas que lo atacaron en la puerta de un comercio que era de su propiedad. De acuerdo con medios locales, el comunicador tenía asignado un esquema de seguridad a cargo de la Unidad Nacional de Protección (UNP) pero se lo habían retirado pocos días atrás. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia este nuevo hecho de violencia contra un trabajador de prensa y exige una investigación urgente que contemple su labor informativa como posible motivación para el crimen. Rafael Emiro Moreno fue asesinado por sicarios durante la noche del domingo 16 de octubre en el municipio de Montelíbano, Córdoba. El…  
1413. Iran: Concerns over fate of four journalists detained in Evin prison  

Four journalists are still unaccounted for following the major fire at Iran’s Evin prison on 15 October. The International Federation of journalists (IFJ) has expressed its grave concern for the fate of the four and called on the authorities to provide urgent updates on their situation. The IFJ has been informed that the families of the four detained journalists have still heard nothing from them following the fire at the prison in Tehran where many political prisoners and journalists are being held. Eight prisoners are reported to have died and over 60 were injured following the fire, officials say. While some of the journalists detained have confirmed they were safe to their families, no…  
1414. Qatar: World Cup restrictions on broadcasters threaten media freedom  

The conditions being imposed by the Qatari government for journalists covering the World Cup, including restricting the locations where international media can film, undermine media freedom. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Qatari government to drop the abusive terms, respect media freedom and allow journalists to work without interference. International broadcasters will not be allowed to record at governmental buildings, universities, places of worship, hospitals, as well as residential properties and private businesses, according to The Guardian. These terms are among a list of conditions that international media must subscribe to when applying for a…  
1415. Rafael Emiro Moreno  

The director of Voces de Córdoba, a news was shot dead being shot by gunmen on a motorbike who attacked him outside a shop he owned in the municipality of Montelíbano, Córdoba. According to local media, the journalist had been admitted into a protection scheme run by the National Protection Unit (UNP) but it had been withdrawn a few days before his killing. Rafael Emiro Moreno, covered corruption issues in the Cordoba municipalities of San José de Uré, Ayapel, Buenavista, Montelíbano and Puerto Libertador where he was from, had reported threats in 2019, which is why the UNP had assigned him a guard,  local media reports added. Journalists' safety, Colombia, IFJ, Impunity  
1416. Malta: Civil society denounces government's lack of ambition and transparency in press freedom reforms and renews calls for full justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia  

Civil society and journalists’ organisations, including the IFJ and the EFJ have denounced the maltese government’s lack of ambition and transparency on press freedom reforms and renewed their calls for full justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia. Five years ago today, investigative reporter Daphne Caruana Galizia was brutally assassinated in a car bomb attack in Malta. Our thoughts are with her family, friends and colleagues. Together with them, we continue to fight for full justice. Today is a day to remember and celebrate her fearless journalism, the far-reaching impact of her incisive writing on financial crime, abuses of power and deep-seated corruption, and her unwavering commitment to…  
1417. Uganda: “The first thing you should do as a journalist is to join the union”  

The Uganda Journalists Union (UJU) in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) under the Union to Union (UTU) Project 2022 held a two- day seminar on Digital Organising, Trade Union Reform and Youth Recruitment from 13 – 14 October, in Kampala, Uganda. The Guest Speaker at the opening ceremony, Honourable Dr. Abdul  Byakatonda the Workers’ Representative at the Ugandan Parliament, emphasised that the first thing any journalist should do is to join the union. He noted that journalists are the vanguard of development and hence the need for journalists to know their rights. Honourable Abdul, said that freedom of association is a constitutional right in Uganda…  
1418. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from October 8th to October, 14th 2022. ENGLISH: RSF and a coalition of international press freedom groups condemn Turkey disinformation bill placed before Parliament - RSF Lack of consultation on media reforms cited by the Council of Europe platform as a threat to media freedom - Worldakkam Pakistan is one of the most dangerous countries for journalists - The Friday Times World-Wide backing as parliament encircled for assange - Consortium News EU…  
1419. Hong Kong: New Hong Kong report calls China to account for gutting media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses its deep concern at the gutting of independent media and press freedom in Hong Kong ahead of the commencement tomorrow of the Chinese Communist Party Congress in Beijing. In a new report, the IFJ calls on governments internationally to maintain vigilance in condemning the actions of the Hong Kong and Chinese governments and urging for respect to Hong Kong’s Basic Law obligations and press freedom. The IFJ and its affiliates have watched the dramatic collapse of press freedom and independent media in Hong Kong over the past two years since Bejing imposed its so-called National Security Law. At least 12 independent news…  
1420. Honduras: un periodista fue secuestrado y asesinado en Tegucigalpa  

El cuerpo de Edwin Josué Andino fue hallado en la calle principal de la colonia Villa Franca de Comayagüela con heridas de armas de fuego, luego de ser sacado por la fuerza de su domicilio junto a su padre, quien también apareció muerto en otro sector de la capital hondureña. Si bien se desconoce si el comunicador había recibido amenazas previamente, por las circunstancias en las que fue asesinado es imprescindible que su crimen se investigue teniendo en cuenta su labor periodística como posible móvil. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia este hecho y exige a las autoridades que este caso se esclarezca y no quede impune. El periodista Edwin Josué Andino, de 23 años, fue…  
1421. Thailand: CNN criticised for mass shooting coverage  

Two CNN reporters, Anna Coren and Daniel Hodge, were deported from Thailand on October 10 for visa violations after their coverage of a mass shooting at a preschool centre in Nong Bua Lamphu province was strongly condemned by the nation’s media community. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges all journalists and media workers to respect global standards of ethical reporting in the field. At least 37 people, including 23 children, were killed at the preschool when a former police officer opened fire and stabbed victims at noon on October 6. The motive behind the attack is unknown. According to deputy national police chief, Surachate Hakparn, the journalists believed they…  
1422. Paraguay: el despido de una trabajadora de Canal 9 viola todas las garantías laborales  

El 5 de octubre pasado, el grupo Albavisión despidió a la periodista Angie Prieto, quien contaba con el beneficio de estabilidad laboral consignado en las leyes paraguayas por tener más de diez años de continuidad en sus funciones. Para poder hacerlo, la empresa interpuso una demanda judicial contra la trabajadora acusándola de difamación por apoyar el reclamo de compañeras que denunciaron acoso sexual meses atrás. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas junto al Sindicato de Periodistas del Paraguay repudia esta violación a los derechos de la colega y denuncia el peligroso antecedente que representa para todxs lxs trabajadorxs de prensa del país. Luego de las denuncias por acoso…  
1423. Iran: Global Unions condemn the brutality of the Iranian authorities and demand the release of all imprisoned trade unionists  

CGU Statement, 7 October 2022. The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC) and the Global Union Federations (GUFs) condemn the continued brutality of the Iranian authorities against their own people and call for stronger international pressure against the regime. Some 100 people have been killed and many more injured as public fury over the killing of Mahsa Amini has continued. Amini was killed by religious police simply for not complying with the country’s draconian dress code. “The entire international trade union movement pays homage to the incredibly brave people who are standing up to the vicious repression being…  
1424. Sudan: IFJ welcomes restoration of rights of Sudanese Journalists’ Union  

The Sudanese Journalists’ Union (SJU) officially resumed its activity on October 11, three years after the decision of the military authorities to ban it. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) join its affiliate in welcoming the court's decision to reverse the ban and call on the Sudanese government to respect union rights and media freedom in the country. The SJU received an official notification on October 10 from the Ministry of Justice, which cancelled the decision of the Sudanese authorities to disband the union, issued in December 2019.  The office of SJU, which was occupied by military forces, will be transferred to…  
1425. Zimbabwe: Two journalists assaulted by CIO and party militants within 48 hours  

Reporters Godwin Mangudya from Voice of America (VOA) and Dunmore Mundai from Alpha Media Holdings (AMH) were assaulted on 8 and 10 October in Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital. Members of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) and party militants from the Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front (ZANU – PF) attacked them while they were covering the party’s Central Committee elections. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this act of brutality and intimidation against journalists who were simply doing their jobs. It calls on the government to guarantee the safety and security of journalists and to ensure that those who perpetrate crimes against journalists…  
1426. Philippines: Veteran radio broadcaster attacked  

Radio broadcaster Flo Hervias was physically assaulted by four assailants on October 7, amid a growing number of violent attacks against journalists in the Philippines. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), in condemning the attack and urging the authorities to immediately investigate the incident and hold those responsible to account. On the evening of October 7, Hervias was assaulted by four masked men as he exited the DYRI radio station in the Lapaz District of Iloilo City after his program ‘Banwa Binag-binaga’ aired. Hervis was beaten and sustained injuries to his eyes and mouth. According to…  
1427. Edwin Josué Andino  

The 23-year-old journalist for La Tribuna TV, was found dead reportedly with gunshots wounds and his mouth taped shut near his home in the Central District, after being kidnapped along with his father who was also found dead. According to a statement issued by the National Police, they were approached and forced to leave their home by a group wearing Military Police of Public Order uniforms. Nine suspects were arrested a week later in connection with the killings. Journalists' safety, Honduras, IFJ, Impunity  
1428. Myanmar: Journalist sentenced to 3 years in prison for incitement  

Voice of America journalist Sithu Aung Myint was sentenced to three years in prison with hard labour on October 7 for ‘inciting government employees to commit crimes’. The International Federation of Journalists (IJF) condemns the sentencing and calls on Myanmar’s military junta to cease its persecution of journalists for their independent reportage. Sithu Aung Myint was arrested in Yangon on August 15, 2021, along with fellow journalist Htet Htet Khine who was sentenced to three years in prison on September 15 for incitement under Section 505(a) of Myanmar’s penal code. The journalist’s lawyer indicated that he will appeal the sentence. Sithu Aung Myint is due to appear again in court on…  
1429. UK: IFJ president joins human chain for Assange  

International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) president Dominique Pradalié joined NUJ activists on 8 October forming a human chain around the Palace of Westminster to oppose the extradition of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.  Pradalie spoke of her fears for journalism if Assange’s prosecution proceeds. “The offences for which the United States is pursuing Assange are acts that every journalist performs ever day – finding witnesses to wrongdoing, encouraging them to share evidence and helping them to cover their tracks.  If Assange goes to jail, there is not a journalist on earth who will be safe. The British government should bring this grotesque persecution to an end at…  
1430. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from October 1st to October, 7th 2022. ENGLISH: Elimination of fake news, implementation of media laws inevitable: speakers - Daily Times Iran cracks down on journalists over hijab protests - RTV Govt urged to do away with fake news phenomenon - Dawn Omani Journalists Association calls for creation of international charter to protect journalists - Times of Oman The Paris appeal for Julian Assange - French Daily News Filipino journalist Percival…  
1431. Vigil for Daphne Caruana Galizia: Still no justice five years on  

The 16th of October will mark five years since the brutal assassination of Malta’s best-known investigative journalist and anti-corruption campaigner, Daphne Caruana Galizia. To honour her memory and to continue calling for justice, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) organise a vigil in Brussels on 14 October 2022. We invite you to join us to send a clear message that we want to know who killed Daphne and why. We want truth and justice. What: A vigil to pay tribute to the courage of Daphne Caruana Galizia, and to call for justice Where: Outside the Residence Palace, 155 rue de la loi, 1040 Brussels When: Friday 14 October…  
1432. World Day for Decent Work: Time for wage justice in journalism  

To mark World Day for Decent Work (WDDW) on 7 October the International Federation of journalists (IFJ), the world's largest organisation of journalists, is joining the International Trade Union Confederation's call for wage justice. The IFJ demands media organisations restore decent wages in journalism and stop anti-union practices. Across the world the federation has witnessed a deteriorating situation for journalists and media workers with the weakening of labour laws, a growing insecurity in the workplace, more precarious working conditions and the undermining of rights to bargain collectively as a result of many media organisations' anti-Union strategies. The covid pandemic…  
1433. Myanmar: Japanese video journalist sentenced to 10 years in prison  

A military court has sentenced Japanese video journalist Toru Kubota to 10 years in jail for two charges on October 6 after he filmed a protest against the Myanmar junta in July. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, Minpororen (Japan Federation of Commercial Broadcast Workers’ Unions), condemn the sentencing and demand the junta release Kubota immediately. Kubota was found guilty of violating Myanmar’s electronic transactions law, with a charge of seven years in prison, as well as a further three for incitement. The journalist will also face a separate hearing on October 12 for charges of violating immigration law. Kubota has contributed to international…  
1434. Palestine: Two journalists shot by Israeli forces in Occupied Palestinian Territories  

Cameraman Louay Samhan and reporter Mahmoud Fawzy, who work for Palestine TV, were shot and wounded on 5 October while covering an Israeli military raid in the town of Deir Al Hatab, east of Nablus, in the occupied West Bank. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate condemn the crime and call on the Israeli government to hold the perpetrators accountable and halt, once and for all, targeted attacks on Palestinian media workers. According to the media, the two members of the Palestine TV crew were shot, one in the hand and the other in the shoulder. Israeli military said that the cause of their injuries is…  
1435. Turkey: International Press Freedom Groups Condemn Turkey Disinformation Bill Placed before Parliament  

Twenty-two international media freedom, freedom of expression and journalists’ organizations call on Members of Parliament (MPs) to vote against the bill on “disinformation and fake news,” which was submitted to parliament’s General Assembly on October 4 by the governing alliance of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). Law designed to criminalize free flow of information. Law designed to criminalize free flow of information. Twenty-two international media freedom, freedom of expression and journalists’ organizations call on Members of Parliament (MPs) to vote against the bill on “disinformation and fake news,” which was submitted to…  
1436. IFJ backs global mobilisation on October 8 to free Julian Assange  

On October 8th, at 1PM a human chain will surround the Houses of Parliament in London, UK, to oppose the extradition of Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, and urge the US government to drop all charges against him. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on journalists unions, press freedom organisations and journalists to mobilise and express their solidarity. More than 3.600 people will form a human chain to demand Assange’s freedom. Members of the IFJ affiliated union in the UK, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), will join the rally. “Criminalising investigative journalism enables every other kind of repression. If enough of us come together to surround…  
1437. Turkey: IFJ and EFJ call on the parliament to reject the “disinformation and fake news” bill  

The law was submitted to the parliament on May 27 by the governing alliance of Justice and Development Party (AKP), President Recep Tayyip Erdogan‘s Islamic party, and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), their ultra-nationalist allies. The draft will be presented at the Parliament General Assembly this week, and is expected to be voted on and passed promptly after. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) call on the Turkish government to immediately dismiss the “disinformation law”, expected to be turned into law by the end of the week. Such a bill, giving very vague definitions of “disinformation” and “intent”, would, if implemented, enable the government to…  
1438. Afghanistan: Journalist Abdul Hannan Mohammadi released from jail  

After nearly four months in jail, the Taliban has released journalist Abdul Hannan Mohammadi from a Kabul prison. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists Union (AIJU), welcome the journalist’s release but urge the Taliban to immediately release all other media workers currently detained. On June 12, members of the General Directorate of Intelligence arrested Abdul Hannan Mohammadi, a journalist for Pajhwok Afghan News, while he was travelling to the Hessay-e-Awwal district of Kapisa province for an assignment. Mohammadi was taken to an undisclosed location where he was reportedly tortured. Family members were not permitted…  
1439. Editorial- Let's not forget Afghan colleagues  

Since the day the Taliban took over Kabul, we have worked hard - with your support - to help our Afghan sisters and brothers in need. The emergency appeal we launched in August 2021 has been pivotal in saving lives, either by supporting those fleeing the country or by providing essential basic food and medicines for those who remain in Afghanistan. But. The money has run out and our colleagues badly need humanitarian assistance: funds and food.  There is not a single day on which we don't receive another request for help from Afghanistan or from Afghan journalists exiled in neighboring countries. Once again we urge you to help us show…  
1440. Philippines: Radio broadcaster killed in ambush  

Radio commentator Percival Mabasa, also known as Percy Lapid, was shot to death in his vehicle in Las Piñas City on October 3. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), in condemning Lapid’s killing and calling on the authorities to conduct an immediate investigation to bring all perpetrators to justice. Lapid, whose broadcasts were often critical of the Duterte and Marcos administrations, was killed by two armed and unidentified suspects outside BF Resort Village in Barangay (District) Talon Dos of Las Pinas City, in the southern part of Metro Manila. Witnesses stated a first assailant hit the rear…  
1441. South Korea: MBC network sued for defamation by ruling party  

The ruling People Power Party (PPP) of the Republic of Korea has launched several intimidatory public and legal attacks against public broadcaster Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation (MBC), accusing the outlet of misreporting President Yoon Suk-yeol’s remarks during a trip to New York. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Journalists Association of Korea (JAK), in condemning the censuring of MBC and other Korean media in a clear violation of press freedom. Following a meeting with United States President Joe Biden, President Yoon was heard on a live microphone appearing to use offensive language in reference to US President Joe Biden’s ability to…  
1442. México: el Ejército compró el software Pegasus en 2019 y desde entonces al menos dos periodistas han sido espiados  

De acuerdo a una investigación colectiva realizada por el portal Animal Político, la Red en Defensa de los Derechos Digitales (R3D), la revista Proceso y Aristegui Noticias, la Secretaría de Defensa Nacional (Sedena) compró a principios de 2019 el sistema creado por la empresa israelí NSO Group, y ese mismo año se habrían infectado los teléfonos de dos periodistas y un defensor de los derechos humanos. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas junto al Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa de México repudia este nuevo hecho de espionaje ilegal sobre trabajadorxs de prensa y la reiteración en el uso de un software que ya había sido denunciado en 2017, y exige al gobierno mexicano el…  
1443. UN: IFJ leads call for action to fight impunity  

The campaign for a new binding international instrument dedicated to the safety of journalists has been formally launched at the 51st session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. The call for a new UN Convention to enhance the safety, protection and independence of media workers has been backed by journalists and media unions, associations, media representative bodies and NGOs across the world. Now a working group - the Friends of the Convention - has been set up to enable member states to work towards its adoption. The group was launched at a side event in Geneva on 30 September addressed by the IFJ President Dominique Pradalié, Nasser Abu Bakker, President of the Palestinian…  
1444. Somalia: Journalist killed in landmine blast  

Ahmed Mohamed Shukur, a reporter for the Somali National Television (SNTV), was killed in a landmine blast in the Basro neighbourhood of Bal’ad district on September 30 while covering the counter-terrorism operations by the Somali security forces. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Somali affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) condemn the killing of Shukur and urge the federal government to redouble efforts to ensure the safety of journalists and media workers in the country. According to preliminary reports quoted by NUSOJ’ statement, Shukur was on assignment to cover the counter-terrorism operations by the Somali security forces, aimed at…  
1445. Percival Mabasa  

The radio commentator, also known as Percy Lapid and host of ‘Lapid Fire’ on radio station DWBL 1242, was shot dead in Las Piñas City located in the southern part of Metro Manila. According to media reports, Mabasa whose broadcasts were often critical of the Duterte and Marcos administrations, was killed by two armed and unidentified suspects outside BF Resort Village in Barangay. Witnesses stated that a first assailant hit the rear of Lapid’s vehicle with a white Toyota Fortuner, while a second assailant riding a motorcycle opened fire on Lapid and fled. The veteran broadcaster was known to criticise the practice of red tagging, or the labelling of…  
1446. Afghanistan: Rana Ghag radio terminates broadcast  

In the latest of a series of media shutdowns in Afghanistan, Khost-based radio station Rana Ghag has ended its broadcast on September 22 due to economic crisis under the Taliban regime. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Afghanistan Independent Journalists Union (AIJU), are deeply concerned at the continued shuttering of Afghan media houses and urge the international community to offer increased support to sustain Afghanistan’s vital media industry. According to Rana Ghag owner Ullah Mahjor, although the radio station attempted to continue operating despite serious economic concerns, there was now no option but to cease broadcasting. The station’s…  
1447. México: el periodista Roberto Flores lleva diez días desaparecido  

Fue visto por última vez durante la mañana del 20 de septiembre en el barrio La Pileta, en el municipio Comitán de Domínguez, Estado de Chiapas. Su esposa denunció la desaparición ante la Fiscalía General del Estado que ya inició las investigaciones correspondientes. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas se mantiene en estado de alerta ante estos hechos, que son de extrema gravedad en un país que en diez meses registró al menos 15 asesinatos de trabajadorxs de prensa y donde la tasa de impunidad alcanza el 95%. También demanda acciones urgentes para garantizar la aparición con vida del comunicador. Diez días han pasado desde el último registro con vida del periodista Roberto Flores, de…  
1448. International Podcast Day  

On International Podcast Day, the IFJ has compiled a non-exhaustive list of podcasts related to journalism that we find particulalry interesting. From testimonies to tips, if you're a podcast fan, this list is for you! ENGLISH: James Hewes, CEO of FIPP, on the legacy of the pandemic on digital media - Journalismnews Discussion with James Hewes, CEO of FIPP about the effect of the pandemic on digital media, the choice between investing in audio or video,  new revenue options and  the cookieless future that Google has announced for 2023.  Jen Maxfield, broadcast journalism veteran, on perfecting the interview - Journalismnews This podcast focuses on Jen Maxfield's advice…  
1449. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from September 24th to September, 30th 2022. ENGLISH: Papua New Guinea’s new media rules could undermine the work of journalists, Global Voices The principles of successful Journalism - Malaysian Digest Manipur journalist Kishorechandra Wangkhem’s arrest draws massive criticism - National Herald  Marking the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian Journalist, two killed this year, 20 in prison - Palestine News & Information…  
1450. Ahmed Mohamed Shukur  

The reporter for Somali National Television (SNTV) was in a landmine blast in the Basro neighbourhood of Bal’ad district. According to preliminary reports, Shukur was on assignment to cover the counter-terrorism operations by the Somali security forces, aimed at dislodging elements of the Al-Shabaab militias from the area when the blast happened. Banadir Region Police Commander, General Farhan Mohamoud Adan (Karole), was also killed in the same incident. Source : NUSOJ Journalists' safety, Somalia, IFJ, Impunity  
1451. AJI files to prosecute Myanmar Human Rights Violations in Indonesia  

Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) Indonesia, an affiliate of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), and pro-democracy activists have recently petitioned the Constitutional Court of Indonesia to prosecute the human rights violations committed by the Myanmar military junta in Indonesia. AJI Chairperson, Sasmito, tells the IFJ how this solidarity action developed, and the justice he hopes to achieve, writes Ratna Ariyanti. In July 2022 the Myanmar military junta executed four pro-democracy activists, including veteran activist Kyaw Min Yu, also known as Ko Jimmy, and National League for Democracy lawmaker Phyo Zeya Thaw. The four activists were sentenced to death under the 2014…  
1452. Colombia: la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos investigará el asesinato del periodista Jaime Garzón  

El organismo internacional decidió admitir el pedido de investigación realizado por la familia del periodista y humorista asesinado en 1999, y a través de este proceso se buscará determinar la responsabilidad del Estado colombiano en el crimen y la impunidad que aún lo rodea. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas celebra la apertura de esta nueva instancia que permite continuar con la búsqueda de verdad y justicia, indispensable para la libertad de expresión y para que lxs trabajadorxs de prensa de Colombia puedan desempeñarse en condiciones más seguras. A 23 años del asesinato del periodista, abogado y humorista Jaime Garzón, la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH)…  
1453. Indonesia: Digital attacks target at least 25 media workers  

At least 25 journalists and media workers from Indonesian digital media outlet Narasi have been the target of malicious social media hacking attempts since September 23. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Indonesian affiliates, Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) and SINDIKASI, in condemning this series of attacks and urges the authorities to conduct an immediate and thorough investigation. According to Narasi sources, hacking attempts were first discovered on September 24 after one of the outlet’s producers received a suspicious WhatsApp message. Despite not clicking on the attached link, the producer lost control of his WhatsApp account and phone number.…  
1454. Australia: Police seek authorisation to raid NT Independent office  

Police in Australia’s Northern Territory (NT) have sought powers to raid the office of NT Independent after the digital news outlet released an article on the sexual assault of a minor, an incident suppressed by local police. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Australian affiliate, the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA), in condemning this violation of press freedom and calling on the territory’s authorities to safeguard the right of journalists to report on matters in the public interest. In March 2021, NT Independent published an article on an incident of sexual assault committed against a minor, in which the news outlet alleged that local police had…  
1455. Nepal: Sixty journalists meet for week-long workshop on cross-border reporting  

Lubna Jerar Naqvi describes her experience meeting with sixty fellow journalists from Pakistan and India during a workshop on cross-border reporting in Kathmandu. This piece has been republished with permission from Lubna Jerar Naqvi. I recently undertook a convoluted journey from Karachi to Kathmandu for a weeklong cross-border reporting workshop organised by the East West Center. There were in fact 60 journalists from India and Pakistan, making this perhaps the largest such exercise in a long time. Maybe ever. In a world of virtual interactions and particularly in a pandemic-hit world, in-person meetings are rare in any case. Pandemic or no pandemic, for Pakistanis and Indians to meet…  
1456. Yemen: International organisations supporting independent journalism must respect journalists’ social and professional rights  

Lutf Al-Sarari, editor-in-chief of the Khuyut platform based in Sanaa, was dismissed from his job and has still not received the legal compensation he is entitled to. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate in expressing solidarity with Al-Sarari and is calling on international organisations and funders to ensure that the rights of journalists provided by national labour laws are respected. Al-Sarari, as editor-in-chief, helped the Khuyut platform to become a leading independent digital media in Yemen. Following the termination of his contract, the YJS tried for months to negotiate an end of service payment for Al-Sarari, according to a…  
1457. Maldives: Government to amend controversial evidence act  

The Maldivian government has proposed a series of amendments to the nation’s Evidence Bill after concerns were raised by media rights organisations at the potential of the law to restrict press freedom. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA), welcome the proposed amendments but urge the Maldivian government to further revise the draft to remove the provision requiring disclosure of journalists’ sources. In a statement on September 25, the office of the Maldivian Attorney General said it would propose an amendment to the Evidence Act, in response to concerns raised by media rights organisations regarding provisions…  
1458. Hong Kong: HKJA reveals alarming decline in press freedom  

The Hong Kong Journalists Association’s (HKJA) annual press freedom index has reached a new low for a third consecutive year, reflecting a rapidly deteriorating situation for journalists and media workers in Hong Kong and growing uncertainty over the media’s effectiveness as a watchdog. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the destruction of Hong Kong’s media and calls on the administration to respect press freedom and ensure all journalists can work without fear of persecution. Based on a survey of 169 people in the media industry and 1,016 members of the public, the HKJA recorded a 6-point drop in Hong Kong’s press freedom index, the sharpest decline since the index…  
1459. Iran: 24 journalists detained amid protests  

UPDATED 06.10.22 Twenty four journalists have been detained amid national protests following the death of Mahsa Amini, and internet showdowns and social media blockages have intensified. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges Iranian authorities to immediately release the reporters and restore the free flow of information. The nationwide protests  flared up across Iran after a 22-year-old woman, Mahsa Amini, died in detention of the Morality Police of Tehran on 16 September. Web monitor NetBlocks noted  widespread internet platform restrictions on Skype, WhatsApp and Linkedin and rolling blackouts. This followed older bans on Facebook, Twitter,…  
1460. Perú: una periodista sufrió acoso sexual durante una cobertura  

Una reportera del portal de noticias Wayka.pe fue víctima de una agresión sexual mientras realizaba entrevistas en el distrito Comas, al norte de la ciudad de Lima. A pesar de la inmediata denuncia y actuación de la policía para la detención, hubo notorias demoras de la Fiscalía en presentarse a tomar declaración a la colega atacada. Desde la Federación Internacional de Periodistas nos solidarizamos con la compañera y expresamos nuestra preocupación por los altos índices de agresiones contra trabajadorxs de prensa en toda la región, situación que se agrava en el caso de las mujeres periodistas y personas que integran la comunidad LGBTTIQ+, que sufren una doble exposición por su labor y su…  
1461. Nigeria: Angry mob attacks journalist  

An angry mob attacked Abubakar Tahir, a reporter for Manjaha Newspaper, on 23 September as he was covering the devastating floods in Ganuwar, Kuka village in Hadejia local government of Jigawa State in northwest Nigeria. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this unwarranted assault on a journalist who was simply doing his job. A police statement said “the mob almost drowned journalist Abubakar Tahir. It took the intervention of some good Samaritans in the area that he was saved from being lynched by the angry youth in the village.” His mobile phone was destroyed in the process The journalist was escorted to the District head’s house where he was provided with new…  
1462. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from September 17th to September, 23rd 2022. ENGLISH: A legal complaint on the Israeli army’s killing of journalist Abu Akleh submitted to the International Criminal Court - Palestinian News & Information Agency-WAFA Shireen Abu Akleh’s family submits complaint to ICC - Al Jazeera Shireen Abu Akleh: Lawyers submit complaint to ICC over Palestinian journalist’s killing - The New Arab Lawyers submit complaint to ICC over killing of Shireen Abu Akleh…  
1463. Malta: Government must widen its consultation on media law reform  

A number of journalists and civil society groups have urged the Maltese government to launch a public consultation on the media law reform. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) join their affiliate the Institute of Maltese Journalists (IGM) in urging the government to be transparent in the drafting process and openly consult the public before submitting any bill to parliament. A committee of experts, of which IGM is a member, was appointed by the maltese government and concluded the first part of its remit on 1 June. Its role consisted in providing feedback to a number of laws passed by the government dealing with greater protection of journalists and…  
1464. Russia: 18 journalists arrested during anti-war protests  

Over 1,300 people, including 18 journalists, were detained across Russia on 21 September as rallies against a military mobilization declared by President Vladimir Putin for the war in Ukraine took place in 42 cities across the country. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) demand the release of these citizens who were demonstrating peacefully as well as the journalists who were covering the demonstrations. According to the independent OVD-Info police monitor, at least 1,328 people, including 18 journalists identified by the independent Journalists and Media Workers Union (JMWU), an IFJ/EFJn affiliate, have been detained nationwide so far. A…  
1465. Iran: Six journalists arrested and internet shutdowns  

Six media workers have been arrested by the security forces in Iran amid national protests following the death in detention of a young woman on 16 september. Several internet shutdowns and social media blockage have also been reported throughout the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges Iranian authorities to immediately release the reporters and journalists and to restore the free flow of information. The nationwide protests erupted across dozens of major cities in Iran after a 22-year-old woman, Mahsa Amini, died in detention of the Morality Police of Tehran. Security forces arrested Shargh newspaper journalist Nilofar Hamedi on…  
1466. Mauritanie: une stratégie pour le journalisme d'investigation  

La formation de la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) sur la sécurité des journalistes d'investigation s'est côturée à Nouakchott le 22 septembre et fut l'occasion de rappeler les préalables à tout reportage d'investigation: planification, évaluation des risques, soutien psychologique. Treize journalistes de différents médias se sont reunis à Nouakchott, capitale mauritanienne, pour deux jours de formation autour du journaliste  Zied Dabar, membre du réseau des formateurs à la sécurité des journalistes du Monde-Arabe et du Moyen-Orient de la FIJ. " Cette formation fut l'occasion d'affiner nos compétences pour mieux nous protéger contre les…  
1467. Pakistan: PFUJ Secretary General targeted in car accident  

Pakistan Union of Journalists (PFUJ) Secretary General Rana Muhammad Azeem was hit by an unlicensed vehicle in a targeted attack amid ongoing persecution of journalists in Pakistan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the PFUJ condemn the attack and urge authorities to hold those responsible to account. On the night of September 19, Azeem was travelling home from work when a vehicle ran into his car before quickly fleeing the scene. Though Azeem was unharmed, his car was significantly damaged as a result of the crash. The PFUJ concluded that the incident was a deliberate attack intended to silence Azeem who has been critical of the government on his live TV…  
1468. Tunisie: un journaliste violemment agressé par la police  

Sofiène Ben Njima, journaliste à Radio Tunis International a été victime d’une grave agression par les services de police dans la nuit du 17 au 18 septembre. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT) pour condamner fermement une attaque infondée et demander au gouvernement tunisien de rétablir un environnement sécurisé pour les journalistes dans le pays. L’agression de Sofiène Ben Njima est survenue dans la nuit du 17 au 18 septembre 2022.  Après avoir voulu se rendre dans un poste de police de Tunis, et alors qu’il attendait avec un groupe de personnes, trois policiers l’ont vivement agressé.…  
1469. Hong Kong: HKJA chair charged with obstructing police  

Ronson Chan, the chair of the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), was formally charged on September 19 for obstructing police, less than one week before he was scheduled to begin a fellowship at Oxford University in the United Kingdom. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Hong Kong authorities to immediately drop all charges against Chan. Chan was arrested after an altercation with two police officers while covering a homeowner committee meeting at MacPherson Stadium in Mong Kok on September 7. According to the officers, Chan refused to provide identification and was ‘uncooperative’. Chan was formally charged with ‘obstructing a police officer’ on September 19,…  
1470. México: el presunto autor intelectual del asesinato de Javier Valdez fue puesto en libertad en Estados Unidos  

Dámaso López Serrano, quien según las investigaciones de la Fiscalía Especial para la Atención de Delitos cometidos contra de la Libertad de Expresión (FEADLE) sería la persona detrás del asesinato del periodista en 2017, será liberado y puesto en prisión domiciliaria luego de que una corte federal del sur de California definiera que “colaboró lo suficiente” y que puede seguir el resto de los procesos en su contra fuera de la carcel. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas rechaza esta decisión y se solidariza con la familia de Javier Valdez. También demanda que se cumpla el pedido de extradición realizado por la Fiscalía General de la República (FGR) para que se lo juzgue por sus…  
Search results 1401 until 1470 of 15041