15060 results:

3921. Albania: Journalists' association pushes President to veto "censorship" law  

The President of Albania, Ilir Meta, has vetoed a proposed law that would stifle online media following the pressure from the Association of Professional Journalists of Albania (APJA), who denounced the bill as "authoritarian". The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) welcomed the decision, stressing that anti-defamation laws must not be used as tools to restrain press freedom. The proposed amendments to the Law on Audiovisual Media and the Law on Electronic Communications would have granted new government bodies such as the Albanian Media Authority (AMA) and Albanian Communication and Postal Authorities (AKEP), the power to instantly block media websites and…  
3922. Maxwell Nashian  

The journalist for the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) FM Station, also known as Fombina FM, died at the hospital where he was taken after being found unconscious with serious injuries. Nashian was abducted by unknown assailants According to local reports, Maxwell Nashian was abducted from his residence in the Lainde –Badirisa community of northern Adamawa State, where he was later found unconscious with signs of beatings and cuts on his body.  He was spotted by a group of women going to their farms, who then alerted the Civil defense operatives at the radio station. He was rushed to hospital but died on arrival.     The police have reportedly retrieved a…  
3923. Kenya: Union urges government to tackle police brutality against media  

The Kenya Union of Journalists (KUJ) has accused the authorities of not responding to cases of police brutality filed by journalists and warned the government it will denounce the situation at the UN if action is not taken immediately. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Kenyan affiliate in condemning police violence against journalists and urging the government to hold those responsible accountable. Police violence against journalists has become widespread in Kenya, where several journalists have been attacked in the last two weeks alone. On Monday, January 13, photojournalist Labang Wallonga was beaten by a police officer while covering a protest against Standard…  
3924. India: Court finds Kashmir shutdown “impermissible”  

The Supreme Court of India ordered the Indian government to review restrictive orders on internet service in Indian-administered Kashmir on January 10. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) welcome the verdict and urge the immediate lifting of the ban in Kashmir. A three-judge bench of Justices N V Ramana, R Subhash Reddy and B R Gavai determined the internet shutdown was illegal and called for restrictions to be reviewed within a week. The current internet shutdown was imposed in Kashmir on August 5, 2019. This followed the revocation of Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, which removed the independence of Jammu and…  
3925. Chile: Carabineros hieren con perdigón a periodista que se encontraba cubriendo manifestaciones  

El 8 de enero la periodista Dayane Marquez fue herida por un perdigón en su rostro cuando la policía disparó contra lxs trabajadorxs de prensa que se encontraban cubriendo las manifestaciones desarrolladas en la ciudad de Antofagasta (norte de Chile). Este hecho se da en el marco de la violenta represión a la protesta popular que el Estado chileno ha ejercido desde el inicio de las masivas manifestaciones en el país sudamericano, represión que también alcanza a lxs comunicadorxs que desde el lugar de los hechos ejercen su labor. Dayane Marquez, periodista de Radio Cooperativa en Antofagasta, fue alcanzada en su rostro por perdigones de Carabineros cuando la fuerza policial comenzó a…  
3926. Iraq: Government must secure the investigation of the killings of journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined today a group of international press freedom organisations to call upon the prime minister of Iraq, Mr. Adil Abdul-Mahdi, and the Council of Representatives to secure the investigation of the killings of Iraqi journalists Ahmed Abdul Samad and Safaa Ghali in Basra. International media development and press freedom organisations call upon the Iraqi Government to allocate all the resources needed to investigate the recent killings of Iraqi journalists Ahmed Abdul Samad and Safaa Ghali in Basra and hold those behind the crime accountable. Outcry from the journalistic community On January 10th, after a day of demonstrations in…  
3927. Sécurité personnelle et protection des données au menu d'une formation en Jordanie  

Du 7 au 9 janvier 2020 à Amman (Jordanie), la Fédération internationale des journalistes a organisé un séminaire de formation sur la sécurité professionnelle des journalistes, en collaboration avec le Syndicat des journalistes jordaniens. Treize formateurs, en provenance d'Algérie, Tunisie, Jordanie, Egypte, Soudan, Mauritanie, Yémen, Irak et Palestine, ont participé à une formation sur la sécurité professionnelle des journalistes, du 7 au 9 janvier 2020 à Amman, en Jordanie. Ce séminaire a été supervisé par le formateur international David Bevan durant lequel ont été abordés les risques auxquels sont confrontés les journalistes, notamment la sécurité personnelle, la protection…  
3928. Philippines: Police assault journalist during Traslacion 2020  

Jun Veneracion, a journalist for GMA Network, was covering the Traslacion 2020 procession in Manila on January 9, when Brigadier General Nolasco Bathan assaulted him and grabbed his phone. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) condemn the incident and urge the Philippine National Police to investigate and impose the appropriate sanctions against Bathan. Veneracion was covering the Traslacion, an annual religious procession, when he witnessed a group of police officers attacking a devotee and started to record the incident on his phone. While recording the incident, his phone was suddenly taken by a…  
3929. Iraq: Two reporters shot dead in Basra  

A journalist working for Iraqi broadcaster Dijlah TV and his cameraman were killed by unknown gunmen on Friday January 10 in the southern Iraqi city of Basra. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Iraqi Journalists’ Syndicate (IJS) in condemning these appalling murders and calls on the authorities to bring the killers to justice. Armed men attacked Ahmad Abdessamad (37), a correspondent for the local television station al-Dijlah, and his cameraman, Safaa Ghali (26), on Friday evening in Basra where they had covered the anti-government protests. According to media reports,  Ahmad and Safaa were in their car when a 4x4 vehicle pulled up and its…  
3930. IFJ Voice January 2020 - Editorial  

Julian Assange faces 175 years in prison if he is extradited from the UK to the US in a few weeks' time. A member of our Australian affiliate, the Media Entertainments and Arts Alliance, and a holder of the IFJ International Press Card, Assange has become a symbol for the profession worldwide. The case against him is historic because, for the first time, the US government is invoking espionage charges against a publisher for publishing truthful information, including on the US military blunder of 12 July 2007 in Baghdad during the war in Iraq, which resulted in the deaths of 12 civilians, including two children and two Reuters journalists, Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor-Eldin. …  
3931. IFJ in the News!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Who Is Targeting Journalists and Activists in Iraq?, Fair Observer  OSCE 'closely following' case of news agency Sputnik, whose journalists face pressure from Estonian police, RT IFJ urges govt to withdraw IT Bill, The Himalayan Times IFJ, other media rights groups denounce IT Bill, My República El Sindicato de Periodistas convoca el XIII premio internacional de periodismo Julio Anguita Parrado, Cordopolis Los periodistas de Málaga muestran su oposición a la rueda de prensa sin preguntas tras la polémica de Víctor Sánchez, Pr…  
3932. México: Hallan muerto al comunicador Fidel Ávila Gómez, desaparecido en noviembre pasado  

El comunicador Fidel Ávila Gómez estaba siendo buscado desde el pasado 29 de noviembre de 2019, cuando fue reportado desaparecido. Su cuerpo fue hallado sin vida el martes 8 de Enero de 2020 en el Estado de Michoacán, dentro su vehículo, convirtiéndose en el primer comunicador asesinado de este año. Fidel Ávila Gómez, locutor y gerente de la radiodifusora La Ke Buena. fue visto por última vez el pasado 29 de noviembre de 2019, cuando salió de su domicilio con destino al municipio de Altamirano, Estado de Guerrero, donde participaría de un evento cultural. A partir de ese momento, no se supo nada de él, hasta este martes 8 de enero, cuando fue hallado asesinado dentro de su vehículo en el…  
3933. Yemen: Union reports 134 rights violations in 2019  

In an annual report published by the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS), the union reports 134 violations of media and journalists' rights in 2019. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined the Syndicate in condemning those attacks and repeated its call for the release of imprisoned journalists. According to YJS's report media violations range from killings, torture and kidnapping to cases of blocking websites and denying proper coverage of daily news. According to the report, all warrying parties are responsible for such attacks.  In light of the hostile environment caused by the civil war between the government and the armed Houthi…  
3934. Ahmad Abdessamad, Safaa Ghali  

37-year old Ahmad Abdessamad, a correspondent for the local television station al-Dijlah in Basra and his 26-year-old cameraman Safaa Ghali were shot dead in southern Iraqi city where they had been covering anti-government protests. According to media reports, Ahmad and Safaa were in their car when a 4x4 vehicle pulled up and its passengers fired a hail of bullets into the car. Ahmad Abdessamad was killed instantly while his cameraman was taken to hospital, where he died shortly afterwards. A video of the attack later emerged on the website of Dijlah TV , showing Abdessamad slumped down in his chair. Journalists' safety, Iraq, IFJ, Impunity  
3935. UK: BBC journalist wins landmark equal pay case  

BBC presenter and National Union of Journalists (NUJ) member Samira Ahmed today won a landmark equal pay victory against the BBC. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) congratulate her and the NUJ for its excellent and inspiring work and hope this victory will encourage all women journalists seeking equal pay to make sure they are in a union and media employers to learn the lessons . Journalist Samira Ahmed, backed by the NUJ, first appeared at The Central London Employment Tribunal  on Monday 28 October to challenge unequal pay at the BBC. The journalist has been presenting the BBC programme Newswatch since 2012 and claimed she was paid 6 times less than…  
3936. Spain: IFJ-EFJ stand in solidarity with Madrid’s public broadcaster workers  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (EFJ and IFJ) join their Spanish affiliate, Federación de Servicios a la Ciudadanía de CC.OO, in its call for the defence of Madrid’s public service broadcaster RTVM (Telemadrid and Onda Madrid) from the blocking situation its management is suffering by the regional government. The Government of the Community of Madrid is carrying out an institutional blocking strategy against its public broadcaster and its workers. It is not allowing the replacement of medical leaves for months, it has not yet authorised the broadcasting of women’s sport or second division football matches that have been taking place since 2017, nor has…  
3937. Iran: Journalist summoned to serve 8-month jail sentence  

Nima Saffar, a journalist and prominent author in Iran, has been summoned to Gorgan prison to serve an 8-month jail term. According to his Instagram profile, he has been denied access to his medicines. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemned his imprisonment and urges officials to grant him access to proper health care. According to an Instagram post from 8 January, the writer was summoned to jail in the city of Gorgan, northern Iran. Prison officials are making it difficult for his friends and family to deliver him his medicine, and Saffar has been placed in quarantine in conditions that are not suitable for his health. According to a friend,…  
3938. Burkina Faso: la voiture d’un journaliste incendiée  

Des individus non identifiés ont mis le feu ce 7 janvier à la voiture de Yacouba Ladji Bama, rédacteur en chef du bimensuel Courrier Confidentiel. La Fédération internationale des journalistes se joint à son affiliée , l’Association des journalistes du Burkina, pour dénoncer cet acte et enjoindre le gouvernement à faire toute la lumière sur cette attaque. Ce 7 janvier 2020 vers 3 heures du matin, des individus ont jeté une bouteille remplie d'essence dans la voiture de Ladji Bama garée à l’intérieur de sa maison, brisant le pare-brise et mettant le feu à l'intérieur de la voiture. Le feu a alerté la famille qui a rapidement maîtrisé les flammes. Yacouba Ladji Bama est un journaliste…  
3939. Iran: Journalists demand end to censorship of Iranian media on Instagram  

Following the assassination of a high-ranking officer of the Islamic Republic of Iran, posts by Iranian media on Instagram related to his killing, have been deleted by the company. The deleted content includes posts by Iranian media and individual users. The Association of Iranian Journalists in Tehran has written to Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri urging the company stop the censorship of Iranian media. In the days following the assassination of Iran’s top general Qassem Soleimani, Instagram has deleted posts and blocked some Iranian users and Iranian media. Posts mentioning Soleimani, both in pictures and in text, have been removed. Individual journalists have also…  
3940. Palestine: PJS records 760 violations against Palestinian journalists in 2019  

More than 750 violations against media workers were recorded in 2019, according to an annual report published by the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS). While the number of violations decreased slightly compared to last year (909), the International Federation of Journalists remains deeply concerned about the "unacceptable level of attacks " on Palestinian journalists and its impact on press freedom. The PJS report records 760 violations against journalists, including 260 photojournalists and 46 female journalists. The majority of violations were due to electronic blocking of Palestinian journalists’ social media accounts and preventing media covering events (343…  
3941. Indonesia: Journalist attacked over drug trafficking investigation  

An online journalist was attacked by a suspected drug dealer in the North Sumatra province of Indonesia in retaliation for reporting on local drug-trafficking activities. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) have condemned the assault and urged the authorities to guarantee journalists’ safety. Irfan Nahampun, a journalist working for local online media Lintangnews.com, received a phone call on December 29 from JP, also known as Nando, a suspected drug dealer that he was investigating. In the conversation, the suspect accused Irfan of reporting his crime to the police. By that time, the journalist was conducting a…  
3942. Fidel Ávila Gómez  

The lifeless body of the radio journalist for La Ke Buena was found inside his car in the municipality of San Lucas, Michoacán state near the border of the Guerrero state, according to media reports. He had been missing since 29 November after he had left his home to attend a cultural event in Altamirano of Guerrero state. The Michoacán State Attorney General's Office reportedly confirmed that the body of Gómez had gunshot wounds. The CEDH (State Human Rights Commission) indicated that there had been a rise in the rate of physical and verbal attacks on journalists in that state, media added. Mexico, Journalists' safety, IFJ, Impunity  
3943. Sudan: Government seizes four private media outlets  

In a new move to curb press freedom, the Sudanese government announced the seizure of four independent media houses, including two newspapers and TV-channels. Their offices have been occupied by security forces and all employees have been ordered to leave. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), together with its affiliate, the Sudanese Journalists Union (SUJ), have denounced this latest blatant attack on Sudanese media. On Tuesday, January 7, the Sudanese Anti-Corruption Committee announced  the seizure of all accounts and assets of daily newspapers al-Sudani, Al-Rai al-Aam, and satellite TV channels, Al-Shrooq and Tayba. According to news reports, this was…  
3944. South Africa: Kidnapped journalist returns home after three years  

South African photojournalist Shiraaz Mohamed returned home on Friday, January 3, after being held in captivity in Syria for three years. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) celebrates his safe return and reunification with his family. Shiraaz Mohamed, 38,  was abducted on the border with Turkey by a group of unknown armed men, on January 10,  2017. At the time he was working on assignment for Gift of the Givers, a South African disaster relief organization. The journalist was documenting the effects of civil war and was supposed to exit Syria by car, when he was pulled out of the vehicle by armed men, near a hospital run by the Gift of the Givers. He was…  
3945. Nepal: Parliamentary committee passes controversial IT Bill  

A new information technology bill currently under discussion in the Nepalese parliament threatens to undermine media freedom. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates, the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the Nepal Press Union (NPU) have strongly condemned the proposed new law and urged the parliament to amend it in order to guarantee Nepali citizens’ constitutional right to freedom of expression. The controversial bill -  passed by the Development and Technology Committee of House of Representative (HoR) on 29 December - threatens freedom of speech online. Among the concerns expressed by Nepali journalists organisations are that  it includes…  
3946. IFJ in the News!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Progress in the fight against impunity, journalists freed, defamation decriminalised Cathal Sheerin, IFEX Tackling online abuse in the games industry is "not optional" Haydn Taylor, gamesindustry.biz India protests, internet shutdowns, Ampatuan verdict, and Hong Kong’s “White Christmas” Mong Palatino, IFEX Maharashtra will follow Chhattisgarh model to tackle red terror Sharad Vyas, The Hindu Nigeria Named Among Countries Where Journalists Were Killed In 2019 Sahara Reporters 49 periodistas fueron asesinados por ejercer su profesión…  
3947. IFJ mourns 49 killed journalists in 2019  

The IFJ has recorded 49 killings of journalists and media professionals in 2019, a significant drop from 95 posted last year. The Federation says that, while the apparent decreasing bloodbath in the journalists’ community is a welcome relief, the spread of killings and the motives behind the killings are sobering reminders that violence against journalists is still rampant and the failure to combat impunity for these attacks remain a damning indictment on those in power. The IFJ lists 18 countries from the four corners of the world where journalist were killed since the start of the year, including Africa (9), Asia Pacific (12), Europe (2), Latin America (18) and the Middle East and Arab…  
3948. Burundi : 15 ans de prison requis contre les quatre journalistes et leur chauffeur!  

Le réquisitoire du Tribunal de grande instance de Bubanza au Burundi dépasse l'entendement : 15 ans de prison ont été requis lundi 30 décembre à l'encontre des quatre journalistes et de leur chauffeur, arrêtés le 22 octobre, alors qu'ils étaient en reportage. La FIJ, première organisation mondiale de la profession, exige de nouveau leur libération immédiate. Une vraie douche froide s'est abattu sur le Burundi lundi 30 décembre. Après 70 jours de prison, Christine Kamikazi, Agnès Ndirubusa, Térence Mpozenzi et Egide Harerimana, quatre journalistes d'une équipe de reporters du média Iwacu, et Adolphe Masabarakiza, leur chauffeur, ont entendu avec effarement le…  
3949. Sénégal: Deux journalistes arrêtés puis relâchés  

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation de la profession représentant plus de 600.000 journalistes dans 146 pays, s'associe aux inquiétudes de son affilié, le Synpics, le Syndicat des Professionnels de l'Information et de la Communication du Sénégal, après l'arrestation de deux journalistes le 21 décembre à Dakar. "Nous sommes consternés et remplis de peine après avoir assisté le 21 décembre à l'interpellation de deux journalistes couvrant la manifestation du mouvement "Nio Lank Nio Bagn" contre la hausse du prix de l'électricité" a déclaré Bamba Kassé, le Secrétaire général national du SYNPICS. "Consternation et peine que de pareils écarts se…  
3950. Mise à jour 31/12/2019. Maroc: le journaliste Omar Radi a été libéré  

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de la profession représentant plus de 600.000 journalistes dans 146 pays, s'associe à son affilié, le Syndicat national de la presse marocaine (SNPM), et dénonce l'arrestation du journaliste Omar Radi, suite à la publication d'un tweet en... avril 2019. Omar Radi a finalement été libéré le 31 décembre 2019. Le journaliste marocain est poursuivi sur la base du code pénal. "Je lance un appel pour la libération de Omar Radi," a déclaré Younes Mjahed, le président de la FIJ. "Quels que soient les motifs de son arrestation, rien ne justifie sa détention,…  
3951. Cambodia: Local journalist questioned for incitement and defamation  

Sath Chanbuth, a journalist for Rasmei Kampuchea Daily and Apsara TV, was questioned on December 2 for his interview about a land theft conflict earlier in July, 2019. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the defamation of Sath Chanbuth and calls for the case to be dropped. Chanbuth appeared for questioning on December 2, at the provincial court of Mondulkiri, an eastern province of Cambodia after charges were filed by Lieutenant Colonel Sophat Serivuthy, alleging incitement and defamation, according to the report. In July of this year, Chanbuth interviewed ten indigenous families who accused the lieutenant of planting fence posts in an attempt to grab their land…  
3952. Cambodia: IFJ joins call to drop charges against Cambodian journalists  

A number of journalists in Cambodia are facing baseless charges that are restricting their ability and freedom to carry out journalistic duties. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), together with other civil society organisations, joins a call urging Cambodia’s authorities to drop the charges against journalists. A Court of Appeals in Phnom Penh is set to rule on December 30, 2019, on an appeal by Yeang Sothearin and Uon Chhin, two former reporters from Radio Free Asia, to cease a  reinvestigation of pornography charges against them. A decision on a second investigation into charges of espionage against the pair remains outstanding, according to the report. An appeal…  
3953. Thailand: Court sentences journalist to two years’ jail for Twitter post  

A former reporter for Voice TV in Thailand was sentenced to two years’ jail by a Lopburi court on Tuesday, December 24, for tweeting about the exploitation of workers at a local poultry farm in 2017. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the Thailand court ruling and demands charges to be dropped. Suchanee (Cloitre) Rungmuenporn was sued by Thammakaset Co, a poultry supplier to Thai agribusiness giant Betagro. Following the verdict, she was granted bail and will appeal the verdict. Cloitre is one of more than 20 journalists, workers and activists targeted and sued by the company in legal proceedings. Suchanee, who worked for Voice TV at the time, posted a retweet post…  
3954. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. India's Standing Improved in Journo-murder Index in the year 2019 Nava Thakuria, IndraStra Five Men Punished for the Death of WaPo Journalist Jamal Khashoggi Sarah Toce, The New Civil Rights Movement Whispering Hope for justice and peace Amelia H.C. Ylagan, Business World Harassment of Sputnik reporters by police in Estonia ‘beyond all existing norms’: Journalist groups call to protect colleagues Denis Bedoya, Infosurhoy Journalistes brutalisés lors du sit-in de Nio Lank: le Synpics a déposé une lettre de protestation auprès du…  
3955. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned.  International Federation of Journalists urges KRG president to protect journalists  Mohammed Rwanduzy, RUDAW International Federation Of Journalists Says Concerned Over Threats To Sputnik Estonia Mohammad Ali, UrduPoint When truth-seekers become victims Marichu A. Villanueva, The Phillipine Star Manifestations: "La répression policière cherger à intimider les journalistes Catherine Morozov, Sputnik France Le Conseil national de la presse défié par les nouvelles…  
3956. Gender equality in public service media: new guidelines for building a gender-balanced workplace  

The European Broadcasters Union (EBU) has published a new report, ‘All Things Being Equal’, in which its members share their own experience and good practices on equal opportunities and equal pay. Among other topics, the report talks about work/life balance, and protection from sexual harassment and discrimination. Public service broadcasters have the capacity to shape public’s perception on gender roles and are leading the way in building gender-balanced workplaces. As public services they have the duty to reflect the societies they are informing. Many of them made gender equality a top priority in their workplaces which led to a change in their culture. The report found that women…  
3957. Bangladesh: Daily Sangram Editor Arrested  

Police in Dhaka, Bangladesh arrested Abul Asad, Editor of Daily Sangram on December 13 after he described an executed opposition leader convicted for war crimes as a “martyr”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urge the government of Bangladesh to release the editor. On December 12, Daily Sangram, a Bengali-language newspaper, referred to Abdul Quader Molla, who was hanged over crimes committed during Bangladesh's 1971 war of independence, a “martyr”. According to the Daily Star, when the article was published, Hatirjheel Police Station filed a case against Asad under the Digital Security Act. Police arrested Asad on December 13 and the following day, the court ordered Asad…  
3958. Philippines: Guilty verdict delivered on Ampatuan massacre  

The masterminds behind the killing of 58 people, including 32 media workers, were found guilty of murder on December 19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) welcome the long-awaited conviction into the country's worst political massacre. On November 23, 2009, the single deadliest attack on journalists in history occurred when a political convoy was attacked in the southern province of Maguindanao. In all, 58 people lost their lives in the grizzly murder on the convoy on its way to register an election candidate from a rival to the Ampatuan clan. The Ampatuan name is the one to which the massacre has…  
3959. Macau: Journalists denied entry to interview president  

Journalists attempting to enter Macau to interview China’s president, Xi Jinping, were refused entry at border checkpoints. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) condemn the direct intervention by authorities to prevent journalists from reporting in Macau. Over the last week, more than three reporters sought entry into Macau from public security checkpoints on east artificial island, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge and the Macau Outer Harbour Ferry terminal and were denied entry. These heightened restrictions co-incide with the 20 year anniversary of Macau becoming a Special Administrative Region. A reporter and…  
3960. Estonian government threatens journalists with criminal proceedings  

Journalists from the Russian Sputnik news agency in Estonia are facing threats from the Estonian authorities, who have demanded they stop cooperating with the agency's parent organisation “Rossiya Segodnya.” The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemned the threats. Employees of Sputnik Estonia received a warning from the Estonian Police Department and the Border Guard, to stop cooperating with the International Information Agency Rossiya Segodnya by January 1, 2020. According to the news agency, the Estonian government justified this move by mentioning sanctions imposed by the EU on March 17, 2014 against a number of Russian individuals and legal entities in…  
3961. Russia introduces large fines for journalists deemed foreign agents  

Russian President Putin signed into law a controversial amendment to the Administrative Violation Code on December 16, which will allow for journalists deemed ‘foreign agents’ to be fined up to 1590 dollars or be jailed for fifteen days for repeated violations. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this move which it warned could be used to silence independent media. The updated code, which came in to effect on 4 December, would enable freelance reporters, freelance bloggers, and individual journalists who work for foreign funded organizations to be labeled as foreign agents. The  amendment signed on December 16 sets out penalties for media workers…  
3962. Libya: Journalist arbitrarily arrested by intelligence services at Tripoli airport  

Libyan journalist Ridha Fheel al-Boom was arbitrarily arrested on December 14 at Tripoli's airport by the Lybian intelligence agency. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on authorities to release him immediately and respect the rule of law. Ridha Fheel al-Boom is a journalist and founder of The Libyan Organization for Independent Media, which tracks and documents human rights violations against Libyan journalists. He was detained on Saturday night on his return from neighbouring Tunisia. He is still under arrest but the reasons behind his detention remain unclear. Several international bodies have expressed serious concerns over Ridha's situation. The European…  
3963. In Erbil, IFJ urges Kurdish President to fight impunity  

Dozens of journalists, trade unionists and researchers from the Arab world and the Middle East, but also from Belgium and France, took part in an international conference on journalism ethics in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan, on 17 and 18 December. More than 400 journalists have been killed since 2003 on the Iraqi territory. Many of them lost their lives fulfilling their duty to inform on the front line in the face of terrorism, but many have also been killed on the street or on their doorstep because their reports were considered embarrassing.  Despite contacts with the governments of Baghdad and Erbil in recent years, the figures for impunity for murderers of journalists remain…  
3964. Iran: IFJ hosts meeting on security threats to Iranian journalists working abroad  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today hosted a special meeting with Iranian journalists working abroad to develop a plan of action to address the regime’s threats and harassment against them. The IFJ pledged its full support to standing up for Iranian journalists and working with its affiliates to protect them and their freedom to report. The Islamic Republic of Iran’s security forces and judiciary have renewed pressure and threats on the Iranian journalists that are based and work for international media outside Iran.   More than 20 Iranian journalists working for Persian media such as Iran International, BBC Persian, Deutsche Welle or Radio Farda gathered today at…  
3965. African journalists strongly condemn dissolution of Sudanese journalists’ union as a gross human rights violation  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the African Regional Organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), condemns in the strongest terms possible, the decisions of transitional authorities of Sudan to dissolve all trade union organisations including General Union of Sudanese Journalists, an affiliate of FAJ and IFJ. Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) Press Statement 16 December, 2019 African journalists strongly condemn dissolution of Sudanese journalists’ union as a gross human rights violation The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the African Regional Organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), condemns in the strongest…  
3966. Sri Lanka: Journalist clubbed in home attack  

A correspondent for Sri Lanka’s Daily Mirror and Lankadeepa was attacked by club-wielding assailants in his home on December 6. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the Free Media Movement (FMM) and the Federation of Media Employees’ Trade Unions (FMETU) condemn the attack. On December 6, around 10 to 15 men armed with clubs are alleged to have attacked Thusitha Kumara de Silva and his wife in their home in Luthgama in the Kulatara District. Both victims sustained injuries to their head in the attack. Thusitha, who is known for his investigative reporting on illegal artificial toddy manufacturing in Kalutara district, had reported in the Mirror on Sri…  
3967. India: Internet blocked by government in Assam and Tripura  

The Indian Government has imposed internet shutdowns in Assam and Tripura states amid ongoing protests against the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill 2019. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate Indian Journalists Union (IJU) denounce government attempt to restrict communications at a critical period for media reporting. The Assam government blocked internet access in the state on December 11, while the Tripura government imposed its restrictions two days earlier, on December 9. The Citizenship Amendment Bill passed India’s parliament on December 11. The Bill will allow non-Muslims from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh to become citizens if they are fleeing…  
3968. Sudan: IFJ demands authorities reverse decision to ban journalists' union  

The IFJ has strongly condemned moves by the Sudanese authorities to ban and forcibly shut down the country's trade unions, including its affiliate the Sudanese Journalists' Union. The offices of the Sudanese Journalists' Union are currently occupied by military forces. The move comes just months after the union's head was seized and detained for several days by the military authorities. The global trade union movement has reacted with anger and demanded the Sudanese authorities act in line with international standards and stop the arbitrary denial of human rights and reverse their unlawful dissolution of professional associations. In a statement the SJU said: "The Sudanese Journalists…  
3969. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Intl journalist group: fewer media staff killed this year, The Washington Post International Journalist Group: Fewer Media Staff Killed This Year, Voa News Fewer journalists killed in line of duty, The Mercury Fewer media staff killed this year: International journalist group, The Straits Times Fewer Journalists Killed in 2019, but It Doesn't Mean They're Safer, Report Shows, Haaretz Human Rights Day: 49 journalists killed this year, says IFJ, The Brussels Times Fewer journalists killed this year, says report, New Europe…  
3970. Malaysia: IFJ calls on authorities not to deport Kurdish journalist to Syria  

Syrian Kurdish journalist Hamberfan Kosah has been held under arrest without explicit and public charges in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) airport since December 7. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the authorities to immediately release him and not to deport him to Syria, where his life could be at risk. Hamberfan Kosah, who writes for many Kurdish and Arab websites and is based in the Kurdistan region of Iraq was detained at Kuala Lumpur’s airport when he was travelling to Germany. According to media reports, communication with him was cut just after his family was notified about his arrest. Malaysian authorities have not made public any charges against Kosah. Several…  
3971. Hong Kong: IFJ call for independent investigation into allegations of police brutality  

The panel of foreign experts, tasked with ensuring the objectivity of the Independent Police Complaints’ Council's (IPCC) investigation, said they were stepping down as their concerns about the investigation went unresolved. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is highly concerned about the objectiveness and effectiveness of IPCC' investigation. According to a report on Wednesday a group of foreign experts recruited to ensure objectivity in the probe said in a statement that they would be formally standing aside after discussions with the IPCC failed to result in “any agreed process” through which the IPCC would be able to conduct an effective investigation. The panel said…  
3972. Indonesia: Police assault journalist covering protests on Human Rights Day  

Police officers grabbed the phone of IDN Times journalist Helmi Shemi, deleting his footage of the Jakarta protests on Human Rights Day. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia condemn the attack and demand authorities investigate the incident to hold the perpetrators to account. During the protest, two police officers wedged a demonstrator between their police motorcycles. Shemi recorded the incident on his phone when a police officer confronted Shemi demanding to know where he worked. Shemi showed his press card but the police still grabbed his phone. Shemi recalls: “My phone was grabbed by one of the…  

World journalists call on fellow colleagues across the world to sign a joint statement demanding Julian Assange's immediate release.   Dear friends and colleagues, Julian Assange, publisher of Wikileaks, has been charged under the US espionage act for publishing the Afghanistan and Iraq war diaries and US embassy cables, important documents that many of us around the world used and helped to publicise. This sets an extremely dangerous precedent for journalists, media organizations and freedom of the press. We do not want to be silent at this time. We invite all journalists and people in journalism-related roles to be part of this global statement in defence of Julian Assange.…  
3974. Nigeria: Journalist re-arrested a day after release from prison  

Nigerian-American journalist and activist Omoyele Sowore was re-arrested on December 6 on treason charges, despite a court ordering his release. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), strongly condemn the impunity for violations of media freedom in Nigeria. Journalist Omoyele Sowore is the founder of U.S.-based Sahara Reporters, an online publication that reports on corruption in Nigeria.  In August 2019, he was arrested by agents of the Department of State Security (DSS) on charges of treason, money laundering and harassing President Muhammadu Buhari. Sowore was granted bail in October, but was not released until…  
3975. Turkey: EU-backed project organises digital and trade-union workshops in Istanbul and Bursa  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ), in partnership with their Turkish affiliates, organized last week two training workshops in Istanbul and Bursa, Turkey. The events are part of an EU-funded project promoting journalists’ rights and human rights journalism, which the organisations currently implement in Turkey. Organized on 4 December in partnership with the Türkiye Gazeteciler Sendikası (TGS) and Evrensel newspaper, the first workshop focused on countering fake news and fact-checking techniques.  Training was delivered in the newsroom to 12 journalists by trainer Gülin Çavuş and Orhan Şener, director of the TGS Akademi. It examined various online…  
3976. Nepal: Police attack journalist during South Asia Games protests  

Police attacked Suman Chapagain, a journalist with Nagarik News while he was reporting on protests at the Dasrath stadium in Kathmandu during the 13th South Asian Games (SAG) on December 10, 2019. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) condemn the police violence and urge an investigation into the attack. According to reports, sports journalist, Suman Chapagain was severely beaten by police while taking photographs of football fans clashing with police over the lack of tickets available for the final game. The incident occurred when the police conducted a baton charge to disperse the fans. Chapagain suffered injuries to his ear…  
3977. Urgent bid to European leaders to push for justice for killed Maltese journalist  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) join other international organizations in an urgent call to European leaders to hold President Muscat to account for political interference in Daphne Caruana Galizia's murder investigation. We, the undersigned organisations, urge European Union leaders to call on Prime Minister Muscat to guarantee that all investigations and legal proceedings related to the Daphne Caruana Galizia murder are conducted efficiently, transparently and without any interference from any individual potentially implicated in the case. Heads of State of EU countries will gather in Brussels tomorrow, 12 December, for the meeting of the European…  
3978. Nepal: Police abuse television journalist  

Rajendra Prasad Adhikari, correspondent for News24 Television, has allegedly been threatened and abused by the Kaski district police after he reported on the Kaski police’s ‘Gambling Operation’. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate Federation of Nepali Journalist (FNJ) condemn the treatment of Adhikari. According to FNJ, Adhikari, a member of the FNJ, left town after continuous threats by Kaski police. Adhikari had just appeared on television reporting on the ‘Gambling Operation’ by Kaski police when Dan Bahadur Karki, the head of Kaski District police, sent police in civilian clothes to Adhikari’s office and home.   Police issued an arrest warrant for…  
3979. Iraq: Photojournalist killed as another is abducted  

Zaid al-Khafaji, a photographer and reporter in Baghdad, was abducted in the early hours on Friday, December 6. That same night, photojournalist Ahmed Mehana was stabbed to death while covering protests in the city. On December 6, two photojournalists were attacked in Baghdad. In the morning of 6 December, Zaid al-Khafaji, 22,  was reported missing by his family, when he suddenly disappeared after knocking on the family's door. A video of the kidnapping can be viewed on the Al Hurra news website. Al-Khafaji was walking home from Tahrir Square, where he had been documenting the protests since the beginning of December.  A relative told The Middle East…  
3980. Albania: EFJ/IFJ urge Parliament to reject online media law  

The Albenian government is set on passing a new "anti-defamation" media law package on December 19. The European and International Federations of Journalists (EFJ/IFJ) backed calls of their affiliate in Albania (APJA) to reject the two draft laws threatening freedom of expression and media freedom. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama accounced that Parliament will pass the so-called "anti-defamation package" after initial 'public consultation' hearings on December 11 and 12 in Tirana. If adopted, amendments to the Law on Audiovisual Media and the Law on Electronic Communications would grant government bodies, the Albanian Media Authority (AMA) and Albanian Communication and Postal…  
3981. Hands off workers' rights in the Philippines, say Global Unions  

We, undersigned General Secretaries of the Global Unions representing sectors of activities where workers rights are denied, request the Duterte administration to respect the human and trade unions rights of workers and to enable trade unions to function/operate in the country. The persistent anti-union climate is causing workers, civil servants, unionists and activists to fear for their safety, privacy and civil rights. In recent months, union leaders and members, activists of human rights and indigenous groups have been spied on, profiled, portrayed as terrorists, arrested and even killed by police and paramilitary groups. This is a concerted attempt to muzzle civil society and ignore…  
3982. Philippines: Duterte threatens ABS-CBN franchise renewal  

Philippines’ president, Rodrigo Duterte, has threatened to block the license renewal of the country’s largest broadcasting company, ABS-CBN. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) urge Philippines lawmakers to uphold independence and approve the license renewal for ABS-CBN. The current franchise for ABS-CBN will expire on March 30, 2020. Without Congress and presidential approval, ABS-CBN will be forced to cease operation. During a speech on December 3, Duterte threatened: “Your franchise will end next year. If you expect it to be renewed, I'm sorry. I will see to it that you're out!” It is not the…  
3983. Turkey: Journalist found unconscious with brain haemorrhage  

Turkish journalist İdris Özyol who had been beaten up in May was found unconscious in the street in Antalya on 2nd December and rushed to hospital where he was diagnosed with a brain haemorrhage. The IFJ and EFJ join their affiliates the Progressive Journalists' Association (CGD) and Disk Basın-İş in calling for a full investigation into the case and demanding the government act to ensure journalists' safety. İdris Özyol, who is known for his criticism of government’s policies, writes for local daily Akdeniz’de Yeni Yüzyıl in the southern province of Antalya.  On 15 May 2019, he was attacked by three assailants in front of his newspaper's building following threats over his…  
3984. IFJ Marks Human Rights Day by Highlighting 49 Killings of Journalists Worldwide  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today marked Human Rights Day (December, 10) by condemning violations of the rights and freedoms of journalists and media professionals, which have become routine around the world. They include the killings of 49 journalists in 18 countries from Africa (9), Asia Pacific (12), Europe (2), Latin America (18) and the Middle East and Arab world (8) since the start of 2019. This is a sharp decrease from 95 killings recorded last year and the lowest figure since 2000 when 37 journalists and media staff were killed. This year’s death toll is the fourth lowest since 1990 when the IFJ began publishing annual reports on journalists and media staff…  
3985. Palestine: Israeli forces detained Palestinian TV journalists in Jerusalem  

Israeli intelligence officers detained two Palestinian TV crews on 6 December in Jerusalem. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) strongly condemn on-going repression of Palestinian media. On the morning of 6 December , Israeli security forces detained a Palestinian TV  crew during the shooting of a live broadcast of “Good Morning Jerusalem,” on the Mount of Olives. Amongst the detained were the show’s producer Dana Abu Shamsiya and cameraman Ameer Abed-Rabuu. Their equipment was also seized. According to Mohammad Barhouti, Palestine TV’s general news manager, the journalists were released after being…  
3986. Ahmed Mehana  

The photojournalist was among the 23 people killed at the anti-government protests in Tahrir Square, a Baghdad square which was turned into a focal point for protesters, according to media reports. Mehana, who had survived reporting on the frontline against the so-called Islamic State, was stabbed in the back while covering the protest, media added quoting his brother. Journalists' safety, Iraq, IFJ, Impunity  
3987. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Tuesday, December 3 to Friday, December 6 2019: Journalists see no major improvement in media freedom John Liu, Myanmar Times  International journalism groups condemn ‘intimidation’ of reporters in Malta Claire Caruana, Times of Malta Top Journalistic Watchdogs Slam Limitations Of Press Freedoms In Malta Amid Murder Scandal Sumaira FH, UrduPoint Afghanistan: The Missing Peace – Part III: Press freedoms and the Taliban revival Robert Edwards, RUDAW Iranian Intelligence Ministry…  
3988. Federica Mogherini : « L’assassinat de Jamal Khashoggi est emblématique de la lutte contre l’impunité »  

L’Association pour la lutte contre l’impunité et pour la justice transitionnelle a été lancée à Bruxelles, mardi 3 décembre. Plusieurs responsables du Parlement européen, des Nations Unies et la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) y sont impliqués. « L’impunité qui protège les assassins de journalistes est la gangrène de la profession. Selon l’Unesco, neuf meurtres sur dix dans le monde ne font l’objet d’aucune enquête et laisse les familles des victimes dans l’impossibilité de faire leur deuil. C’est un scandale auquel, collectivement, nous devons mettre fin. C’est tout l’objet de la Convention internationale pour la protection et la sécurité des journalistes, un document…  
3989. Afghanistan: Journalist injured in deadly military convoy blast  

A roadside bomb in Helmand province in Afghanistan seriously injured a reporter travelling in a military convoy on November 30, 2019. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists' Association (AIJA), call for stronger security measures for journalists reporting in the field. According to reports, Sardar Mohammad Sarwari, a reporter with Shamshad TV, sustained severe injuries to his head and leg in the blast when the Taliban attacked the convoy travelling from Lashkargah to Marjah in southern Helmand. He had been accompanying security forces on a military operation against Taliban in the Marjah district which has been…  
3990. Pakistan: Demonstrators turn violent against Dawn newspaper  

A demonstration outside of Dawn newspaper’s Islamabad office in Pakistan on December 2 turned violent with demonstrators threatening staff. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) condemn the violent demonstration, urging Pakistan’s government to investigate the incident and ensure the safety of Dawn staff. The demonstration that turned violent outside of Dawn occurred in response to their report of Usman Khan, who was convicted in the UK for engaging in acts of terrorism. Usman Khan stabbed two people to death at London Bridge on November, 29, 2019. Protestors were angered as they claimed most newspapers in…  
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