15063 results:

10361. Blaming the Messenger No Solution to Kashmir Disturbances  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply disturbed at the drastic erosion of the atmosphere for journalism, following month-long civil disturbances in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir.   Cities in the Kashmir valley have been under curfew for a number of days since widespread demonstrations began in the region early in June. On July 7, as the army was summoned out of its barracks, the curfew was extended to cover the movement of all civilians, and word was put out that press passes would no longer be honoured.   The situation resulted in all Kashmir’s media personnel being confined to home. Photographers and news cameramen in…  
10363. EFJ Calls on EU to Strike Better Balance Between Freedom of Expression and Privacy Rights  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists, calls on European legislators today to strengthen the journalists' rights by improving the balance between the fundamental rights of freedom of expression and an individual's right to privacy when reviewing European data protection legislation. The call came after a recent ruling by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) which denied an applicant's right of access to a public document regarding anti-competitive behaviour on personal privacy grounds that is protected under current data protection regulation. "The judgement of the Court on 30 June exposes the current…  
10364. IFJ Calls for Investigation of Attack on Magazine in Indonesia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is disturbed by reports that Molotov cocktails were thrown at the Jakarta office of Tempo magazine in Indonesia.   The Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), an IFJ affiliate, said that local media reported two unidentified men on a motorcycle hurled three Molotov cocktails at the Tempo office in Menteng, South Jakarta, early yesterday morning. The Jakarta Post said two of the petrol bombs exploded but the resulting fire was quickly extinguished. One of the magazine’s security guards said the two suspects threw the bombs about 2.40 am. The Post noted that the attack followed a Tempo cover story on alleged…  
10365. IFJ Mourns Journalist Killed in India, Calls for Inquiry  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is shocked at reports that a freelance journalist, Hem Chandra Pandey, was killed in an armed encounter in which police in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh eliminated a leader of the banned Communist Party of India (Maoist), Cherukuri Rajkumar, alias Azad.   The incident reportedly took place late on the night of July 2 and was reported in the daily newspapers of July 4.   A person killed alongside Azad was identified by police as a Maoist cadre until his picture was published in the press. Babita Pandey in Delhi identified the photo to be of her husband, Hem Chandra Pandey.   At a…  
10366. EFJ Condemns Appointment Process of French TV Head  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists, has deplored the manner of appointing the President of the French public broadcaster. Yesterday French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced his nomination for the new president of France Télévisions, Remy Pflimlin. The EFJ deplores the implementation of the new broadcasting law passed in March 2009 that allows the political executive to appoint the chairmen of public broadcasters. Even if the appointment must be confirmed by the High Audiovisual Council (CSA) and the Cultural Affairs Committee of the Assembly, the process "sends the wrong signal and marks…  
10367. IFJ Partners with WageIndicator to Campaign for Decent Pay to Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is partnering with WageIndicator, a global wage survey that has measured wages of over 1,500 different occupations and 400 industries in over 48 countries around the world to date, to campaign for decent pay for journalists. "Too many journalists face wage discrimination in the workplace," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "Wages of women and young journalists are particularly at stake. Unions need to take action so that journalists' salaries are, for the first time, assessed on a global scale." In a letter addressed to its affiliates on 5th July, the IFJ called on all its members to participate in the global wage survey…  
10368. IFJ Relieved By Release of Abducted Journalist in Nepal  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is relieved to learn of the release of Keshav Bohara, a journalist who was abducted in Nepal on June 30, and applauds the role of the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in responding quickly to his disappearance.   Upon news of Bohara’s disappearance in the mid-west, the FNJ regional chapter in Pyuthan district immediately began a cooperative investigation with local police, quickly dispatching a fact-finding mission from the Central Committee of the FNJ, an IFJ affiliate.   “The IFJ is pleased to learn that Keshav Bohara has returned from his ordeal safely, with no major injuries,” IFJ…  
10369. European Union Chief Backs Journalists in Fight to Protect Press Freedom in Europe  

The European Union's leading voice in the struggle to defend citizen's rights, Commissioner Viviane Reding, gave her backing to the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) and its members in their campaign against threats to press freedom across the continent. Mrs Reding, the Commissioner responsible for Justice and Fundamental Rights, took the opportunity of a meeting with EFJ leaders to underscore warnings about new threats to press rights arising from EU and national anti-terrorism measures and growing interference of governments to manipulate media content. "I share the concern of the EFJ that press freedom in Europe faces a growing…  
10370. Journalists’ Conditions Under Attack in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists is alarmed at reports that one of the Philippines’ largest broadcasters ABS-CBN has terminated 31 employees who refused to accept retrograde working conditions.   In an attempt to undermine the rights of workers to fair conditions, ABS-CBN since early this year has been offering permanent employment to staff in exchange for the withdrawal of labour complaints against management. The agreement offered by management also excluded any back-pay of employees who have been working for up to 22 years at the broadcaster.   “ABS-CBN’s demand that staff waive their rights and working conditions in exchange…  
10372. Editor’s Arrest Underlines Need for Defamation Law Reform in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned at the arrest of T.P. Nandakumar, a magazine editor in the southern Indian state of Kerala, on charges of defamation. Nandakumar was taken into custody on July 3 following a complaint lodged by an Indian businessman resident in the Gulf emirate of Abu Dhabi. He was released on bail the following day.   Nandakumar, who edits a weekly magazine called Crime, was under court injunction not to publish any material on the complainant. His arrest followed the posting of an article pertaining to the same individual on the magazine website, www.crimenewsonline.com.   Crime magazine has earned a wide…  
10373. IFJ Demands Action Over Abduction of Journalist in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in demanding an immediate government investigation into the abduction of journalist Keshav Bohara in Nepal’s mid-west on June 30.   Bohara had reportedly received death threats in recent weeks, in relation to his reporting for Mandavi Radio in the town of Tiram, Pyuthan district.   The FNJ reports that Bohara’s comments on May 27 about a Maoist cadre’s involvement in a land dispute and subsequent delays to a housing project had attracted threats from an unknown group.   Bohara then alerted his colleagues, local authorities, the…  
10374. Monitoring Change in Journalism - May/June 2010 Archive  

30 June Two Portuguese Newspapers Face Closure The Portuguese media group Controlinveste announced plans to close its free newspaper Global Notícias and the national daily 24 Horas as a result of "a deep structural change". It was reported recently that this year's circulation of Global Notícias had dropped by over 50%. The management of the group explained that the closure is a strategic decision to maintain the group's business. http://www.sfnblog.com/launches_and_closures/2010/06/two_portuguese_free_dailies_close.php 28 June Global: Yahoo! to Introduce "Ultimate" Style Guide Competing with traditional media or universities, Yahoo! announced plans to publish…  
10375. IFJ Demands Action to Free Journalists in Six Month Hostage Ordeal  

The International Federation of Journalists today demanded action to secure the immediate release of two French journalists and their three Afghan assistants who have been held hostage since their abduction six months ago and a Japanese journalist missing for three months. Stéphane Taponier, Hervé Ghesquière, and their three Afghan assistants, working for France 3, were taken hostage in the Kapinsa region on 30th December 2009. Japanese journalist, Kosuke Tsuneoka, who went missing believed kidnapped on 31st March in the Taliban controlled city of Kunduz, has not been heard of for three months. "It is an outrage that the Afghan authorities have failed,…  
10376. Attacks and Unwarranted Investigation of Journalists in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned about two separate incidents perpetrated against journalists in China in recent days, one which left a journalist seriously injured.   On June 24, Fang Xuen Chang, scientific editor of the Beijing-based Caijing Magazine, was beaten over the head with an iron rod by two unidentified assailants, after he left work. Fang‘s head and back were seriously injured in the attack, which occurred near Fang’s home, according to Phoenix Satellite TV.    Reports said Fang claimed to have no knowledge of why he was attacked and he denied experiencing tension or animosity with other people.…  
10377. Fiji Media Decree Entrenches Regime’s Control  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the new media decree imposed by the military regime of Commodore Frank Bainimarama in Fiji as erasing the right of journalists to report freely and fairly.   The Media Industry Development Decree 2010, which the administration announced yesterday had been gazetted on June 25, permanently installs the sweeping censorship that has been in force in Fiji since “temporary” emergency regulations were imposed in April 2009.   The decree is little changed from a draft that met with international condemnation when it was announced in April.   “The Bainimarama regime claims it has revised many…  
10378. EFJ Backs Protest by Journalists and Citizens Groups Over Law on Wiretapping in Italy  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today backed a massive mobilisation organised by its Italian affiliate, the Federazione Nazionale della Stampa Italiana (FNSI) in opposition to an Italian law over wiretapping which the union claims will hamper legitimate journalistic work. The law proposed by the Italian Minister of Justice, Angelino Alfano and also called the "gagging law" (legge bavaglio) was adopted on 10 June in the Italian Senate and covers telephone tapping ordered by judges. It is still to be discussed in the Lower House. The EFJ and the FNSI warn that this draft law is an attempt to censor…  
10379. IFJ Calls for Release of arrested Journalist in Somaliland  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed deep concern over the arrest on Saturday, 26th June ,2010 of Hadis Mohemed Hadis, editor of  the online paper Baadiyenews.com, an independent website published in Somaliland. Hadis is charged with “serious crimes”.“The criminal charges slammed on our colleague are fabricated with the intention to intimidate and muzzle the independent media. Hadis is charged with a “criminal offence” for simply doing his duty in a professional way” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. According to the National Union of Somali Journalists, (NUSOJ)an IFJ affiliate, uniformed officers of…  
10380. Greek Journalists on Strike on 29 June  

Greece's journalists and media workers are to take part in the 24-hour nationwide strike declared by the country's trade unions, which is set to start on Tuesday, June 29, at 6 am and end on Wednesday, June 30, at 6 am. The journalists' unions of Macedonia,  Athens Daily Newspaper (JUADN) and Thrace Daily Newspapers (ESIEMTH), under the auspices of the Panhellenic Federation of Journalists' Unions (POESY), is taking part in the strike protesting against: - The abolishment of fundamental labor and pension rights. - The undermining of collective labor agreements, the dissolution of the Organization for Mediation and Arbitration (O.ME.D.), and the efforts…  
10381. IFJ Condemns Killing of Journalist in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is shocked and saddened to learn of the gruesome killing of journalist Faiz Mohammad Khan Sasoli in Pakistan’s Balochistan province yesterday.   Faiz, a former president of the Khuzdar Press Club and correspondent for Aaj Kal and Independent News of Pakistan, was killed instantly when unidentified assailants opened fire on his car as he was driving near Faisal Hotel in Khuzdar District, according to the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists, an IFJ affiliate. Faiz’s car hit a nearby shop, where two people were injured.   While no group has claimed responsibility for the killing, the PFUJ reported that…  
10382. IFJ Worried Over Arrest and Mistreatment of Publisher in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned over the arrest, mistreatment and possible torture of Mahmudur Rahman publisher and editor of the daily Amar Desh by authorities in Bangladesh.   On June 1, the Bangladesh Government cancelled registration of Amar Desh, saying it was in breach of the law as it had no authorised or identifiable publisher. Rahman was arrested the same day despite protests by the staff of his newspaper.   He has since been produced before a magistrate three times and committed successively to police remand. Human rights groups in Bangladesh believe that he has suffered serious mistreatment and possible torture while…  
10383. EFJ Criticises Dismissals at Spanish Press Agency  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the regional group of the International federation of Journalists, today expressed its great concern about the recent announcement of 22 job cuts of journalists working at the major public Spanish Press agency EFE.  The EFJ together with its Spanish affiliates, FAPE, FeSP and CCOO appeal to the management of the agency and its public state shareholders to continue their negotiations. During the last few months, the EFE management, government representatives and the unions' officials from CCOO and UGT have negotiated a long term strategy to overcome the critical situation of the agency after controversial decisions of its…  
10384. Media are no Threat to Security in Romania, Says EFJ  

Today the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists, rejected the idea that media are a potential threat to national security in Romania. "We understand that , in Romania like in any other country, terrorism, crime and corruption pose a threat to the public and the government , but we are puzzled to hear that media could be added to a list of threats to public institutions," said EFJ President Arne König. "Media are an essential part of the democratic life; they help investigating precisely threats to the public and we hope the Romanian Presidency will realise this mistake." The National Defence Strategy,…  
10385. Nordic Freelance Seminar on Social Media, Stockholm  

The annual Nordic freelance seminar will be held this year in Stockholm from 3th  to 5th September 2010. This year's  theme focuses on "how freelancers can make use of social media as a reporting tool".   The acclaimed photographer Pieter Ten Hoopen, and the Swedish film maker, Fredrik Gertten who caused a heated debate about the bananas business in his documentary "Banana", will be among the speakers to share their expertise. Such Nordic freelance seminars have already some 20 years tradition; it is held every year in one of the Nordic countries. Each year, it attracts more than a hundred freelancers to participate. This year the seminar will be in…  
10386. IFJ Demands Reversal of Ruling against Albanian TV over Undercover Film  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused Albanian authorities of violating press freedom rights after a court in Tirana awarded damages of 400.000 EUR over a case of investigative journalism in which a senior government official was exposed for promising jobs in exchange for sexual favours. Ylli Pango, former minister of Culture, Tourism , Youth and Sport, was exposed by the network Top Channel in a video which showed a secret film of him promising jobs to a young woman in exchange for sexual favours. He resigned from his position after the broadcast. "This decision is almost as scandalous as the practices the programme sought to expose and should not…  
10387. European Journalists Reject the new Hungarian Media Bill and Call for New Talks  

The European Federation of Journalists, the regional body of the International Federation of Journalists, today protested over a new media bill announced by the Hungarian government last week which it warns will "turn the clock back" for press freedom in the country."The bill before the Hungarian Parliament is a restrictive measure that limits freedom of opinion and thereby freedom of speech," said Aidan White, EFJ General Secretary. "It does not meet European standards of diversity and plurality and turns the clock back to a time when Hungary lived under communism and the shadow of state control of media."The EFJ says the bill brings under state regulation the content of most printed and…  
10389. Safe Passage for Tissainayagam Just One Step Toward Free Media in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is relieved that J.S. Tissainayagam is safe, following more than two years of an ordeal in which the Sri Lankan Tamil journalist was accused, charged and tried for terrorism for his journalistic reporting on human rights issues.   Tissainayagam has now left Sri Lanka, joining the growing ranks of Sri Lanka’s senior independent journalists who have felt compelled to seek safety abroad.   The IFJ acknowledges the support of its affiliates worldwide as well as international and local press freedom organisations who have sustained a long campaign to secure justice and freedom for Tissainayagam since he was detained…  
10390. IFJ Condemns "Harsh and Unacceptable " Sentence against Journalist in Venezuela  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the ruling of a court in Venezuela which sentenced journalist Francisco Perez of El Carabobeño newspaper to three years and 9 months imprisonment and fined him 20.000 US dollars. The court also banned him from exercising professional and political activities. "We condemn this harsh and unacceptable sentence which takes media repression in Venezuela at record levels," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "The four crippling orders in the ruling prove the manipulation of justice in Venezuela in order to silence critical reporting on the country's leadership" Perez, writer for over forty years of a…  
10391. Second Media Killing in Philippines Within 24 Hours: Arroyo and Aquino Must Act  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is today horrified to learn of the killing of a radio broadcaster in the northern Philippines, the second media killing within two days.   Joselito Agustin, 37, a commentator for dzJC Aksyon Radyo-Laoag, was shot on his way home to Bacarra town, Ilocos Norte, late on June 15 and died in hospital at 1.15 am today. The culprits were riding a motorcycle.   The murder came about 24 hours after the brazen killing of broadcaster Desidario “Jessie” Camangyan, anchorman of Sunrise FM, in Mati, Davao Oriental, as he hosted a singing contest in Manay, in the southern province of Mindanao.…  
10392. Pakistan Media Woes Intensify Amid Closures and Lock-outs  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned at the sacking of staff at the Islamabad edition of the Daily Aaj Kal and the lock-out of employees at ROHI TV, which has seen more than 100 journalists and media workers lose their jobs.   The cuts come as the latest shock to Pakistan’s media industry, as a rising number of newspapers, journals and broadcasting organisations have reduced wages, cut jobs or locked out staff in recent times.   More than 600 journalists and other newspaper employees have lost their jobs in the past two and a half years, according to IFJ affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ). Many have…  
10393. IFJ Mourns Another Broadcaster Killed in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today joined its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), in mourning the death of yet another journalist killed in Mindanao in the southern Philippines.   Desidario “Jessie” Camangyan, 52, anchorman of Sunrise FM in Mati, Davao Oriental, was shot dead around 10.30pm last night as he hosted a singing contest in Manay.   Regional police said the killer shot Camangyan at close range beneath the right ear. A ”special investigation task force” headed by Superintendent Jorge Corpuz has been established to investigate the murder, according to a local news…  
10394. Colleague of Missing Journalist Under Threat in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed at reports of a home invasion and attempted abduction of Mawbima reporter Disnendra Perera at his Colombo home in Sri Lanka on May 31.   According to local media reports, Perera was not harmed in the incident. His mother, who was at home at the time of the attack, has reportedly made an official complaint to the Piliyandala police, who denied police involvement in the raid.   Perera, a close colleague of Lanka-e-News journalist Prageeth Eknaligoda, who has been missing since January 24, had previously received death threats from unknown people demanding he give them a file of documents they claimed…  
10395. IFJ Condemns Sentence of Sichuan Writer After Failed Appeal  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the Chengdu Intermediate Court in China after it upheld a sentence of five years’ imprisonment for writer Tan Zuoren   Tan had appealed the sentence, handed down in February, on charges of inciting subversion of state power after he had written articles about the Tiananmen Square Massacre and the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, and also accepted  interviews with foreign media.   The conviction includes a three-year suspension of Tan’s political rights.   “I’m not surprised with the outcome,” Wang Qinghua, Tan’s wife, said.   Wang was…  
10396. IFJ Condemns Al-Jazeera as Women Journalists Resign over Dress Code  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on Al-Jazeera to explain the circumstances that led to the resignation of five women journalists on 25th May amidst reports that they left following harassment and complaints over their dress. The IFJ says that the incident has raised new concerns over the lack of free association in Qatar and the right of Al-Jazeera to organize a union to represent their interests and help resolve conflicts. Five well known and distinguished news presenters, Jumana Namur, Lina Zahreddin, Lona al-Shibel, Julnar Mussa and Nofar Afli are reported to have left Al-Jazeera following repeated ‘harassment caused by remarks and criticism' for not…  
10397. IFJ Demands Inquiry as One Journalist Is Confirmed Dead in Gaza Ships Attack  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), with the backing of its affiliate in Israel, today called for a special inquiry into the killing of a journalist and injuries to others during the Israeli assault on a flotilla of ships carrying humanitarian aid which took place on June 1. "We now know that one journalist died and at least one other is seriously injured in horrifying circumstances that remain unexplained," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "We are also gathering information about the treatment of journalists and the confiscation of their material, all of which raises new concerns about the violations of their rights." The IFJ says that a specific…  
10398. IFJ Condemns Al-Jazeera as Women Journalists Resign over Dress Code  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on Al-Jazeera to explain the circumstances that led to the resignation of five women journalists on 25th May amidst reports that they left following harassment and complaints over their dress. The IFJ says that the incident has raised new concerns over the lack of free association in Qatar and the right of Al-Jazeera to organize a union to represent their interests and help resolve conflicts. Five well known and distinguished news presenters, Jumana Namur, Lina Zahreddin, Lona al-Shibel, Julnar Mussa and Nofar Afli are reported to have left Al-Jazeera following repeated ‘harassment caused by remarks and criticism' for not…  
10400. IFJ Urges Presidential Commitment to End Philippines’ Culture of Impunity  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the incoming administration of Benigno Aquino in the Philippines to make a public commitment to defend journalists’ right to safety and to undertake immediate action to end the country’s notorious culture of impunity.   The IFJ and its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), also call on the Philippines Congress to ratify the Freedom of Information Bill which is to be deliberated in the Congress tomorrow. It will be the last opportunity to pass the Bill before the Congress ends its session. If the Bill is not ratified tomorrow, it will have to be re-filed before the new…  
10401. EFJ Demands Immediate Withdrawal and Revision of Draft Law on Public Broadcasting in Romania  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the largest group representing journalists in Europe, condemned the draft law on public radio being debated today by the Romanian Parliament. It called on the government to withdraw it immediately and conduct a full review of its contents in full consultation with media professional and civil society groups."This law, if adopted, would increase political interference in the public radio and television, while weakening the voice of professional journalists and civil society groups," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the EFJ. "The removal of the right of journalists to protect the confidentiality of their sources would do immense damage to…  
10402. IFJ 2010 World Congress Report, 25-28 May, Cadiz  

Click HERE to read the IFJ 2010 World Congress Report, 25-28 May, Cadiz  
10403. Urgent Gaza Appeal  

Journalists were among the key players in the dramatic events of May 31st when Israeli soldiers intercepted a flotilla of ships bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza. Nine people died in the assault on these ships including one journalist.   Up to 100 reporters and camera staff were among the passengers covering the event and most of them were detained by Israeli officials when the ships docked. Many of them had their equipment confiscated. The IFJ, with the help of its Israeli affiliate the National Federation of Israeli Journalists (NFIJ), is providing help to journalists to try to recover their lost materials and equipment. We are also gathering information…  
10404. IFJ Mourns Former Honorary Treasurer Hans Verploeg  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today sent its condolences to the family and colleagues of Hans Verploeg who passed away on 25 May after a serious illness. Hans was General Secretary of the Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten(NVJ), an IFJ affiliate and served as Honorary Treasurer of the IFJ until 2001. ″The death of our colleague Hans is a tragedy for his family and the journalists community,″ said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. ″Our thoughts are with his family at this difficult time.″ Hans was 65 years old and spent 25 years in journalism with the NVJ which he left five years ago. He took up the position of chairman of Free…  
10405. Spanish Deputy Prime Minister to Address IFJ Conference on Future of Journalism  

The Spanish Deputy Prime Minister, Teresa Fernandez de la Vega, will tomorrow address the conference on future of journalism organised by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on 25 May in Cadiz before the opening of its world congress in the Spanish seaside city.   ‘'We are delighted that the Deputy Prime Minister is joining us in this debate on the future of journalism,'' said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President who will officially open the IFJ Congress on Tuesday evening. ‘'Governments on behalf of the public they represent need to be part of this debate and make their contribution. We hope the example of the Spanish Government will be emulated around the…  
10406. Journalists Head to Spain for IFJ Debate on Actions to Confront Media Crisis  

Journalists' leaders from all corners of the globe are heading for Spain this weekend to join the Congress of the International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest gathering of unions and associations representing reporters and editorial staff. The Congress, which will be held in the historic centre of Cadiz, will confront a range of massive problems facing the media industry and journalists - including threats of violence, governmental interference in media, a crisis of confidence in traditional media markets hit by the impact of the Internet, and growing demands from within the community of journalists for action to defend ethical and professional standards. "The…  
10407. IFJ Warns of "Chilling Threat" As Kuwait Jails Leading Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for the immediate release of leading Kuwaiti journalist and lawyer, Mohamed Abdel Qader Al-Jassem, who is detained in Kuwait City prison since 16 May on subversion charges following his arrest by the country's security agents five days earlier. He is the first journalist to be jailed for exercising his right to press freedom. "The case of Al-Jassem is a chilling threat to press freedom in a country which is considered as progressive," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "The use of the courts to resolve media disputes opens the door to censorship and political meddling in journalists' affairs." Reports…  
10408. IFJ Condemns Killing of Second Journalist in Thailand  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the killing of Italian freelance photojournalist Fabio Polenghi, 45, who was shot dead yesterday when armed forces broke up the stronghold of anti-government protesters in central Bangkok.   Polenghi is the second journalist to die in violent clashes in Thailand’s capital since April 10, when Japanese cameraman Hiro Muramoto was killed by gunfire.   “The death of Fabio Polenghi is a reminder that journalists continue to put their lives on the line while reporting close to danger,” IFJ Asia-Pacific Director Jacqueline Park said.   Three other foreign media personnel were reported…  
10410. EFJ Condemns Macedonia Television Call for Violence Against Journalists  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) the European group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused the authorities in the Republic of Macedonia of "scandalous neglect" for the safety of journalists after police and public officials failed to intervene over incitement to violence against journalists in the Republic of Macedonia.Journalists in the country were shocked when a broadcaster issued a list of targeted journalists, accusing them of being traitors and called for their ‘liquidation.' But despite protests over hate-speech and the threats posed to the named journalists, the authorities have yet to react says the Association of…  
10411. IFJ Condemns Press Violations in Sudan after Arrest of Four Journalists and Newspaper’s Ban  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed its concerns over the increase in press freedom violations in Sudan since the recent elections after the arrest of four journalists and the closure of Rai-Alshab daily newspaper. Taban Bonifacio, online journalist for the Sudanvote.com website was arrested in South Sudan on 23 April while three more journalists of Rai-Alshab newspaper were detained on Sunday 16  May 2010.   “The situation of press freedom in Sudan has deteriorated since the last elections,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. “We call on all actors to remain calm and initiate a dialogue in order to let the media…  
10412. IFJ Condemns Growing levels of Violence against Journalists in Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists today warned that violence against journalists in Iraq is once again on the rise and has called for an investigation in two deaths of Iraqi journalists. Iraqi Kurdish journalist Sardasht Osman was kidnapped on 4 May and found dead two days later in the city of Mosul. His murder is linked to reporting critical of figures in the Kurdish Regional Government. Last week another journalist, Raheem Al-Shamry, died in an explosion in Al-Hella city. "These shocking events are a throw back to the darkest days for journalism and democracy in Iraq," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "We must not allow the situation to deteriorate further…  
10414. Radio Broadcaster Escapes Murder Attempt in Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands a full police investigation into the attempted murder of radio broadcaster Jerome Tabanganay in the northern Philippines on May 14.   Tabanganay, 44, host of the “Agenda” news program, was reportedly confronted by an unidentified assailant as he entered his office at the government-owned Radyo ng Bayan station in Kalinga province early on Friday morning, according to the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP).   The gunman fired four times, hitting Tabanganay in the back of his right leg and knee as he fled into the office, the NUJP said.   Tabanganay’s regular…  
10415. China Censors Human Rights Dialogue with US  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) notes with concern that authorities in China censored online reporting about human rights discussions between the United States and China last week.   A two-day closed-door meeting between China diplomats and US officials in Washington began on May 13, signalling the re-opening of dialogue between the two powers on human rights, racism and related internal unrest such as protests by ethnic Tibetans and Uyghur peoples.   The State Council Information Office of China directed all online media outlets on the mainland not to post reports relating to the bilateral talks on the front pages of news sites. The order also…  
10416. Chief Editor Removed Over Vaccine Scandal in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned to learn that a senior editor in China has been demoted because of his role in publishing a report which exposed that faulty government-issued vaccines had killed several children in Shanxi province.   Local reports suggest the editor-in-chief and publisher of the China Economic Times, Bao Yueyang, 47, was removed from his position yesterday because he decided to publish the report in the public interest and then defended his decision and the journalist who prepared the report.   “Although the Department of Health of Shanxi Province strongly denied the spoiled vaccines report, Bao did not retract…  
10417. IFJ Demands Pakistan’s Leaders Address Impunity  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on Pakistan’s federal and provincial governments to take immediate action to end impunity for the killings of journalists in Pakistan, following the murder of Ghulam Rasool Birhamani, whose body was found in the Sindh region on May 10.       Birhamani, a reporter for the Hyderabad-based Daily Sindhu newspaper, went missing on May 9. According to local media reports and the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), he was kidnapped by unidentified persons near the village of Wahipandhi, tortured, and killed by a blow to the head. His mutilated body was found in a field near the town of Dadu. …  
10418. Levy on private copies may be imposed on digital equipment only where they are to be used for private copying says ECJ Advocate General  

Advocate General's Opinion in Case C-467/08Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (SGAE) v PADAWAN S.L. 11th May 2010 In an Opinion given in the case SGAE (Spanish collecting society) v Padawan ECJ Advodate General Trstenjak explains that levies on private copies in favour of authors, artists and producers may not be applied indiscriminately to undertakings and professional persons who clearly acquire the equipment and data media for other purposes. Advocate General Trstenjak is of the opinion that there must be a sufficiently close link between the use of the right and the corresponding financial compensation for private copying. She says that such a charge can be regarded as a…  
10419. IFJ Condemns “Unacceptable” Threats and Intimidation against Journalists in Ethiopia  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today accused Ethiopian politicians of resorting to threats and intimidation against many Ethiopian journalists in lead up to forthcoming next general elections envisaged for 23 May 2010.   “Election times are always a risky period for journalists in many African countries at a time where media have a crucial role for the consolidation of democracy,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. “Ethiopian political leaders must respect media as an independent watchdog of the democratic process with the sole duty to inform the citizens,” he added.   On Friday 7 May 2010, Amharic weekly…  
10420. China Plans Online Registration System  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned to learn that China’s State Council Information Office plans to create a registration system for web-users seeking to participate in online forums or to post information on the Internet.   According to an article in the state-owned China Daily newspaper on May 5, the Minister for the State Council Information Office, Wang Chen, disclosed that the system would require netizens and cell-phone users to supply their real names when posting information on the Internet, instead of using “usernames” or pseudonyms.   Wang reportedly said that the office had been exploring the…  
10422. Police Safely Escort Journalists Amid Philippines Election Violence  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is relieved to learn that seven journalists caught up in election-related violence on Camiguin Island in the southern Philippines were escorted safely by police to their offices in Cagayan de Oro, Mindanao, today.   Among the group was Rolando Bruno, formally identified as Rolando Gono, who was reported missing on May 9 after sending a text message to a colleague requesting help.   Concerns were raised after Bruno, an Azilam Review writer and volunteer reporter for Hot FM 106.3, disappeared shortly after complaining to police about an attack that day on Herbert Hugo and his son, Hubert Dumaguis, who both work for…  
10423. IFJ Denounces Party’s Attacks on Journalists in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) to end politically motivated violence against local media, after a photojournalist was assaulted as he reported on party-led protests in Kathmandu on May 9.   The Unified CPN (M), had earlier this year made a public statement to say the rights and safety of media personnel would be respected by its members and supporters during planned general strikes this month.   However, the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), an IFJ affiliate, reports several incidents of targeted violence against journalists by Unified CPN (M) cadres across the country.   On May 10,…  
10424. IFJ Denounces Detention of Hong Kong Journalists in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has been notified of another incident in which provincial authorities in China have ignored the promises of the Central Government to allow local and foreign journalists more freedom in their reporting.   Four Hong Kong journalists were detained by government officials in Dujiangyan, Sichuan Province, on May 7 while they researched a story on corruption related to the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, local reports said.   The journalists, who were on assignment for the Ming Pao newspaper and the Hong Kong-based Hong Kong Cable Television station, told the IFJ they were prevented from interviewing residents of…  
10425. Bauer Media Group Faces Defeat Before German Court  

The district court in Hamburg, Germany ruled on 4 May that the Bauer Media Group violated German copyright law by re-using images of its photojournalists without further payment (Az. 312 O 703/09).   According to the court decision, the flat-rate fee charged by Bauer to cover multiple uses of photojournalists’ work is illegal. The court said second-use of images should be compensated with additional payment.   The decision also overturned previous ruling that photojournalists have to face the legal consequence for the use of their work. However, the court rejected the claim for compensation to photojournalists whose names were not attributed in Bauers’…  
10426. Journalists Targeted in Philippines Election Violence  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is greatly concerned by reports of early violence against media personnel as the Philippines national elections begin today.   Rolando Gono, radio stringer and writer for the weekly Azilam Review in Cagayan de Oro City in Mindanao, went missing on May 9, according to the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), an IFJ affiliate.   A colleague and Hot FM 106.3 radio reporter, Rene Abris, told the NUJP that he received a message from Gono asking for help after being accosted by a group of unknown people. His whereabouts remain unknown.   Abris and Gono reportedly went to Catarman police…  
10427. Safety, Diversity and Dialogue: Building Trust in Mediterranean Journalism  

We the representatives of journalists' unions in 30 countries of the Mediterranean meeting in Cagliari from May7-9, having considered the economic, political and social crisis facing journalists across the region, Deploring violence against media, pressure on journalists from unscrupulous governments, politicians and extremists, and the neglect of media organisations all of which is creating an atmosphere in which self-censorship is growing; Believing that professional and independent journalism, exercised in conditions of non-discrimination and respect for core labour standards, is vital to defend citizens right to know, Condemning all attacks on journalists by governments…  
10428. IFJ Calls for End to Media Repression in Middle East and Arab World  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for an end to media repression in the Middle East and the Arab World following the launch of  Breaking the Chains, the IFJ’s annual review into press freedom violations in the Middle East and Arab World.   The review documents the violations of journalists’ rights with a focus on the use of the law to punish journalists for their work. It reveals that despite commitments by governments to respect media freedom tens of journalists are still being prosecuted and jailed across the region each year.   “This report reveals not only the continued abuse of the law by the…  
10429. IFJ Demands No Interference in Maguindanao Massacre Trials  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) remains deeply worried about the risks of continuing political interference in the trials of those accused of involvement in the Maguindanao massacre in the southern Philippines last November, even as the Philippines Government has reversed its contentious decision to drop charges against two key suspects.   Yesterday, Acting Justice Secretary Alberto Agra was quoted as saying that he is “now convinced insofar as Zaldy Ampatuan and Akmad Ampatuan are concerned, that there is probable cause to pursue the case against them,” according to the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), an IFJ…  
10430. Sri Lanka Urged to Confirm Restoration of Tissainayagam’s Rights  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is awaiting details and verification that senior Sri Lankan journalist J.S. Tissainayagam will receive a full presidential pardon for his conviction on charges of “causing communal disharmony”.   The IFJ wishes to verify that the reported pardon for Tissainayagam is unconditional, and that Tissainayagam’s rights are fully restored, including his right to safety and protection.   “Tissainayagam, his family, colleagues and the international community require official confirmation that Tissainayagam’s full civil, political and human rights have been restored and he is able to…  
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