15041 results:

771. Executive Committee  

Executive Committee The IFJ’s Executive Committee is elected by delegates at the triennial world congress. President Dominique Pradalié Union: SNJ - France Email: [email protected] Senior Vice President Zuliana Lainez Union: Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú Email: [email protected] Vice-Presidents Sabina Inderjit Union: Indian Journalists' Union, India Email: [email protected] Nasser Abu Baker Union: PJS - Palestine Email: [email protected] Honorary Treasurer Jim Boumelha Union: NUJ, UK & Ireland Email: [email protected] Advisers Mohamed Al Araimi OJA - Oman [email protected] Dhairan Almutairi KJA -…  
772. Policy on Sexual Harassment  

Policy on Sexual Harassment Click here to download the IFJ Policy on Sexual Harassment This policy will be both circulated and drawn to the attention of all participants at the outset of each IFJ event. The IFJ seeks to encourage the active participation of its members in meetings, projects, campaigns and activities. The IFJ is committed to the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct in all its activities. The IFJ is committed to assure and promote gender equality. Every member has the right to participate and to be treated with dignity, equality and respect. Any kind of behaviour or intimidation that undermines these basic rights is unacceptable. All participants…  
773. Global Charter of Ethics for Journalists  

Global Charter of Ethics for Journalists The IFJ Global Charter of Ethics for Journalists was adopted at the 30th IFJ World Congress in Tunis on 12 June 2019. It completes the IFJ Declaration of Principles on the Conduct of Journalists (1954), known as the ”Bordeaux Declaration". The Charter is based on major texts of international law, in particular the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It contains 16 articles plus a preamble and defines journalists’ duties and rights regarding ethics. Preamble The right of everyone to have access to information and ideas, reiterated in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, underpins the journalist's mission. The journalist's…  
774. Working Programme  

Download working programme WORKING PROGRAMME 2016-2019 Preamble: The working programme of the IFJ for 2019-2022 aims to position the IFJ as the global voice for journalists and to strengthen IFJ member unions worldwide in their endeavour to: put their weight behind the global decent work agenda, and defend and advance the working conditions of journalists across all sectors and platforms, throughout the information landscape; promote and defend professional and ethical journalism in its role as a cornerstone of democracy and freedom, and be in the vanguard of creating a media culture that is ethically-based, driven by the…  
775. Constitution  

IFJ Constitution 2022-2026 Approved by the IFJ World Congress - Muscat, Oman, June 2022 Changes passed by Muscat Congress highlighted in Italic Bold:     SECTION I: Title and Headquarters 1.  The name of the organisation is the International Federation of Journalists. Its headquarters is based in Residence Palace, International Press Center, Block C, Rue de la Loi 155, 1040 Brussels, Belgium at the time when this Constitution was approved.   SECTION II: Character 2.   a) The International Federation of Journalists is a confederation of journalists' trade unions. It has been created to deal with matters…  
776. Rules and Policy  

Rules and Policy IFJ rules and policy are decided democratically at a Congress which meets every three years.  
777. Iran: Government accreditation system for journalists will further stifle journalism  

The Iranian government announced on 18 September its plans to establish a licensing system for journalists operating in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed by the latest action announced by the government that will extend its control over information, stifling the remains of a thin body of independent journalism, and exacerbating the crackdown on local and international media. On September 18, the minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Mohammad Mahdi Esmaili  announced the government’s intention to set up an accreditation system for journalists. Although no further details or specific dates have been made public by the authorities, if the…  
778. About IFJ  

The Global Voice of Journalists The IFJ, the world's largest organisation of journalists, represents 600,000 media professionals from 187 trade unions and associations in more than 140 countries. Established in 1926, the IFJ is the organisation that speaks for journalists within the United Nations system and within the international trade union movement. First established as the Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ) in 1926 in Paris, it was relaunched as the International Organization of Journalists (IOJ) in 1946, but lost its Western members to the Cold War and re-emerged in its present form in 1952 in Brussels. The IFJ: Organises collective action to support…  
779. Switzerland: Shireen Abu Akleh's death must be investigated  

“If the International Criminal Court does not investigate the death of Shireen Abu Akleh soon, it will lose all credibility among journalists and the Palestine people” said IFJ vice-president Nasser Abu Baker. He was speaking to a packed meeting on 21 September at the United Nations Human Rights Council, organised by the IFJ on the anniversary of the lodging a complaint with the Hague-based court. Nearly 100 national representatives, including those from China, the USA, the UK and the EU, heard contributions from lawyers and campaigners involved in the case. Ilora Choudury, senior lead counsel for the International Center of Justice for Palestinians told the meeting about the troubling…  
780. Pakistan: Lahore journalist’s home attacked  

The home of senior Pakistani journalist and Lahore Press Club president Azam Chaudhry was attacked by four unknown assailants on September 16. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), condemn the attack and urge the local authorities to conduct an immediate investigation into the incident. On the evening of September 16, a group of four unidentified individuals arrived at Chaudhry’s Lahore home approaching his son and asking about the journalist’s whereabouts. Learning the journalist was not home, the intruders allegedly assaulted Chaudhry’s son and attempted to break into the residence. Their preparations were…  
781. France: Disclose journalist searched and taken into custody  

Ariane Lavrilleux, the French journalist who revealed in November 2021 the French government’s complicity in “arbitrary executions”, was taken into police custody at 6am on Tuesday 19 September. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) condemn this brutal violation of media freedom and the fundamental democratic principle of protecting sources. At six o’clock on Tuesday morning, police officers from the French Directorate-General for Internal Security (DGSI), accompanied by a judge, searched the home of journalist Ariane Lavrilleux, who works for the investigative online media Disclose. She was then taken into custody “as part of an investigation into the…  
782. #IFJBlog: German Giant consumes mamoth agenda  

By any standards, Ver.di’s Congress is enormous. Well over 1,000 delegates, representing nurses, postal workers, teachers and many others from all over Germany gathered on Sunday (17 September) in Berlin to set their policy for the coming four-year period. I attended as the guest of journalists organised within this general union of 1.9 million, whose Congress is surely among the largest democratic gatherings in Europe? It is certainly the biggest I have ever attended. A football pitch of packed seating fills one’s field-of-view, multiple cameras beam the platform onto cinema screens, and theatrical lighting adjusts to suit the intended mood. Watching delegates mill about, every sartorial…  
783. Se lanzó la Encuesta 2023 sobre la situación de las trabajadoras de prensa de América Latina y el Caribe  

En el marco del Día Internacional de la Igualdad Salarial, que se celebra el 18 de septiembre, desde la Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas se lanzó una encuesta que indaga en la situación actual de las trabajadoras de prensa latinoamericanas. Este relevamiento busca indagar en la condiciones en las que se desempeñan actualmente las periodistas y trabajadoras de prensa de la región, con el objetivo de identificar problemáticas comunes y plantear soluciones colectivas con la ayuda de las organizaciones sindicales y asociaciones profesionales. Este trabajo es impulsado por la Federación Internacional de Periodistas junto a Union to…  
784. Tchad: Formation des femmes journalistes à la sécurité et à l’égalité  

L'Union des journalistes Tchadiens (UJT), en collaboration avec la Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ) a organisé un atelier de formation sur « La Sécurité et l’Égalité des femmes journalistes » du 15 - 16 septembre, afin d’outiller les femmes journalistes membres de l’Union. Les femmes journalistes sont au cœur des préoccupations de l’organisation qui considère qu’elles sont très mal considérées et mal traitées sur des prétextes fallacieux. Durant deux (2) jours, face à une vingtaine de femmes de médias, plusieurs thèmes ont été abordés. Différentes thématiques ont été développées par des facilitateurs et facilitatrices professionnels des médias qui ont partagé leurs…  
785. Equal pay Day: Six tips for equal pay in newsrooms  

To mark International Equal Pay Day on 18 September, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has published six tips for the media to set equal pay in newsrooms. According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), women are paid 20% less than men globally. And journalism is no exception. While some media houses claim they have adopted salary scales to prove their good will towards equal pay, access to promotions, bonuses, remuneration in kind are not usually made public.  On top ot this, motherhood is another factor that inevitably brings another wage penalty that will affect a woman's whole career. Recent pay scandals at the BBC have shown that…  
786. Iran: IFJ launches report on press freedom in the last year  

A year after the death in custody of Mahsa Amini on 16 September 2022, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) launches its press freedom report documenting all cases of violations and attacks against media workers in Iran. The IFJ joins its affiliate, the Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ) in calling on the Iranian authorities to free all journalists and media workers imprisoned, stop the media crackdown and secure a free flow of information. The suspicious death of Mahsa Amini, a 22 year-old Iranian girl, on 16 September 2022, triggered widespread and unprecedented protests in Iran. Videos posted on social media have shown Iranian girls and women defiantly removing or…  
787. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from September 9th 2023 to September 15th 2023. English M20 Editors Meeting Stresses Importance of Media Freedom for G20 Leaders' Summit - The Wire Ukrainian pensioner jailed for social media 'likes' - Big News Network  A New Forum Of Independent Journalists In Jordan Was Launched | MENAFN.COM - MENAFN Authors’ rights for journalists: a necessary luxury - Equal Times - Equal Times  Media groups condemn alleged bribery attempt on RNZ Pacific…  
788. Cameroon: Journalist summoned and detained on Governor’s orders  

The Head of the Agency of the newspaper, L’Oeil du Sahel, Bertrand Ayissi, has been arrested and detained in an apparent attempt at intimidation. He was summoned by the Governor of the Adamaoua Region in Central Cameroon, Governor Kildadi Taguieke Bouka, on 12 September. Ayissi was then handed to the Vina Gendarmerie and taken into custody.   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists in Cameroon ( Syndicat national des journalistes du Cameroun) (SNJC) in vehemently denouncing this act of intimidation and attempt to silence journalists and the media. According to a press release issued by the SNJC on 13…  
789. Turkey: Sputnik strike continues after 30 days  

One month has passed since 24 journalists from the Russian news agency Sputnik in Istanbul and Ankara were dismissed. As members of the Journalists' Union of Turkey (TGS), they were ready to go on strike to demand better working conditions, after negotiations on a new collective agreement failed. The strike, which has been going on for 30 days, continues. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) reiterate their solidarity with the Turkish journalists and urge Sputnik to respect labour law and provide their employees with decent working conditions. Since the beginning of the strike on 17 August 2023, Sputnik has not acceded to any of the union’s demands and the…  
790. Sierra Leone: Journalists’ union launches new gender policy  

The Sierra Leone Association of Journalists’ (SLAJ) has launched its new gender equality guidelines on 13 September. The policy aims to make an impactful change towards the integration of gender equality and women’s empowerment in the work environment. The “Media Gender-Equality Policy” insists on the development of gender balance in work environments and condemns all cases of harassment in newsrooms, online and by third parties. It also promotes the implementation of a monitoring program to guarantee that all rights in the workplace are respected.  The new set of rules suggests that all journalists must enjoy equal access to resources, and that women must form at least 30% of the…  
791. Authors’ rights for journalists: a necessary luxury  

With their recent criticism of the potential abuses of artificial intelligence in content protected by authors’ rights, unions representing authors, actors and screenwriters have rekindled a debate on the importance of creators, particularly journalists, knowing their rights and protecting the use of their work. “When my former employer talked to me about my author’s rights, I have to admit I didn’t even pay attention,” says Fleur D. (who wishes to remain anonymous), a French journalist who worked for a long time as a freelancer before being given a permanent contract. This is a fairly common reaction for journalists when asked about their author’s rights. “I’ve never given it too much…  
792. South Korea: News outlets raided as attacks on media escalate  

News outlet Newstapa and broadcaster Joongang Tongyang Broadcasting Company (JTBC) have been raided by South Korean authorities after reporting in 2022 on an allegedly fake interview claimed to discredit then-Presidential candidate Yoon Suk Yeol. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Journalists Association of Korea (JAK), condemn the intimidation and legal harassment of media workers and news outlets and urge the authorities to cease all investigations immediately. On September 14, investigators and prosecutors with the Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office were dispatched to the offices of online news outlets Newstapa and broadcaster Joongang…  
793. DRC: Authorities arrest journalist and accuse him of “spreading false information”  

[UPDATED 20.03.2024] Authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have arrested and detained journalist Stanis Bujakera, who works for the international media outlet, Jeune Afrique. He was detained at the N’djili International Airport (Kinshasa) on Friday 8 September as he was about to board a flight to Lubumbashi in the south-east of the country. Bujakera is accused of “spreading false rumours” and disseminating "false information”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this attack on media freedom and the apparent determination of the authorities to intimidate media professionals. According to media reports, Stanis Bujakera was arrested and detained in…  
794. Pakistan: Two journalists face charges by district authorities  

Journalists Fayaz Zafar and Amjad Ali Sahaab are facing similar misinformation and defamation charges in the Swat Valley region, amid a rising number of incidents of detention, assault, and harassment against Pakistan’s media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), condemn the legal and physical harassment against the journalists and urge the local authorities to withdraw all charges immediately. Senior Khyber Pakhtunkhwa journalist Fayaz Zafar was arrested on the evening of August 30 under a Maintenance of Public Order Ordinance (MPO) while returning home from work. The journalist said that approximately 30…  
795. Iran: Global Unions condemn the escalating violations of human and labour rights and civil liberties  

The Council of Global Unions (CGU), representing over 200 million workers, including journalists, condemns the escalating violations of trade union leaders and activists' human and labour rights and civil liberties by various Iranian authorities. The CGU expresses deep concern about the intensification of repressive measures targeting teachers, journalists, trade union activists, student activists, and women's rights defenders, especially in light of the approaching anniversary of the extrajudicial death of Jina Mahsa Amini on 16 September. We denounce this repression and urgently call for its cessation, thereby enabling trade unionists to defend and uphold workers' rights in Iran, a…  
796. Philippines: Final tax charge against Maria Ressa dropped  

Independent news outlet Rappler and its founder Maria Ressa have been acquitted of the final of five tax evasion charges launched in 2018 by the Philippines government. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), in welcoming the long-awaited legal victory and calling on the Filipino judiciary to overturn all remaining cases against Ressa and other media workers. On September 12, a court in the National Capital Region’s eastern city of Pasig acquitted renowned journalist and 2021 Nobel Prize winner Maria Ressa and her outlet, Rappler, on the fifth of five tax evasion charges. In its decision, the court…  
797. Turkey: Two journalists issued with travel bans following their reporting on a controversial senior judicial appointment  

The Ankara 22nd Heavy Penal Court handed travel bans to Faruk Eren, President of the DİSK Basın-İş Union, and editor of the Gerçek Gündem news portal Furkan Karabay on 7 September. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) join their affiliate the Turkish Press and Printing Employees Union (DİSK BASIN-İŞ) in condemning these actions against journalists that infringe their rights and damage media freedom. Constitutional Court member Judge İrfan Fidan filed a complaint against the two journalists regarding an article published in the Gerçek Gündem news portal. The article reflected on the many controversies surrounding the 2021 appointment of Fidan to the…  
798. Palestine: Al Jazeera presenter’s Facebook profile deleted by Meta  

Tamer Almisshal, Al Jazeera Arabic presenter had his Facebook profile taken down following the airing of his TV Show ‘Tip of the Iceberg’ on 8 September. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) in condemning all actions brought forward by Meta as well as its recurring policy of digital violation and restriction of journalists’ work. Almisshal was investigating how Meta is inclined to restrict pro-Palestinian or critical content of Israel in cooperation with Israeli intelligence services. His Facebook profile was deleted 24 hours after the show aired.  Al Jazeera said they have tried to contact Facebook looking…  
799. Vanuatu: Indonesian official attempts to bribe RNZ journalist  

A Radio New Zealand (RNZ) journalist has alleged that an Indonesian official attempted to both bribe and intimidate him following an interview at a recent meeting of a Melanesian intergovernmental organisation in Port Vila, Vanuatu. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates, the Media Association Vanuatu (MAV) and the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia, condemn the attempted bribery and harassment of the journalist and urge the relevant authorities to thoroughly investigate the incident. On August 23, RNZ journalist Kelvin Anthony reported that a representative of the Indonesian government, Ardi Nuswantoro, attempted to bribe him outside Port…  
800. Yemen: IFJ calls on Yemeni President and Prime Minister to safeguard journalists’ unity and independence  

In a letter addressed to Yemeni President Mr Rashad Al ALIMI and Prime Minister Mr Maeenn Abdulmalik Saeed, on 5 September 2023, the IFJ has joined its affiliate the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate in expressing extreme concern over the six-month occupation of YJS’ offices in the city of Aden. In the letters to Yemeni President Mr Rashad Al ALIMI  (here) and Prime Minister Mr Maeenn Abdulmalik Saeed (here)  IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger said: “If this act is not repelled, it could open the door for other YJS offices to fall into the hands of politically motivated groups. This is not just an attack on the YJS and its property, it is an attempt to destroy what the YJS…  
801. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from September 2nd 2023 to September 8th 2023. English UK May Block Assange’s Attendance at Appeal to European Court of Human Rights - Truthout Greece: Swift investigations required after two attacks against journalists - IFEX Scrap all DSA cases against people over free speech - The Daily Star Reporter Covering Illegal Mining in Amazon Lives Under Threat - VOA news  Afghanistan’s Taliban Release 9 Journalists After Wave of…  
802. Belarus: Exiled journalists denied passport renewals  

On September 4, Aleksandr Lukashenko‘s regime ordered the country’s embassies to stop issuing passports to citizens living abroad. A measure that will directly impact Belarusian journalists in exile and citizens who fled repression. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their affiliate, the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), in condemning the latest repressive action by the regime to crush free speech and political opposition. The Federations amplify their calls to immediately release the 33 imprisoned journalists in the country. Belarusian citizens who fled the country, including journalists and media workers in exile, are facing increased…  
803. Myanmar: Photojournalist sentenced to twenty years imprisonment  

Myanmar Now photojournalist Sai Zaw Thaike has been sentenced to over 20 years in prison on September 6, following his coverage of the impacts of the devastation caused by Cyclone Mocha in May. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the journalist’s sentencing and urges international governments, human rights organisations, and media groups to intensify efforts to end the military junta’s unrelenting assault on press freedom. On September 6, a military tribunal in Yangon sentenced photojournalist Sai Zaw Thaike to 20 years in prison, the harshest sentence handed down to a media professional since the junta’s takeover of Myanmar in 2021. The journalist was arrested on…  
804. Côte d'Ivoire : L’UNJCI et la FIJ organisent un atelier de formation sur les changements climatiques  

L’Union Nationale des Journalistes de Côte d’Ivoire (UNJCI) en collaboration avec la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) a organisé un atelier de formation de deux jours sur les changements climatiques, les 29 et 30 août 2023 à Bouaké, en Côte d'Ivoire, dans le cadre du projet Union To Union (UTU) 2023. Cet atelier a rassemblé une vingtaine de journalistes de divers médias (radio, télévision, presse écrite et médias en ligne) de la localité. La première journée de l’atelier a été consacrée à la familiarisation des journalistes aux concepts fondamentaux qui ont attrait aux changements climatiques. Ces termes et concepts ont été développés par Dr Hermann Kouakou Kanga,…  
805. Looking forward to our biggest birthday  

In June 1926 representatives of journalists unions from 21 countries met in Paris to establish a world-wide umbrella organisation. It was not the first attempt to do this, but the International Federation of Journalists that traces its origins to that gathering endured, and is the only body with a viable claim to speak with a truly global voice. The journey from there to here – with plans in motion to celebrate the IFJ’s centenary – has had plenty of twists and turns. World war two created an interregnum; the cold war led to a split that endured, nominally at least, until 2016.  More surprising than the bumps in the road, or, indeed, recent issues that affect the international body,…  
806. Tunisie: arrestation du journaliste Khalifa Guesmi  

[MISE À JOUR 07.03.2024] Le journaliste Khalifa Guesmi, travaillant pour Radio Mosaïque, a été arrêté par les forces de sécurité tunisiennes le 3 septembre au matin. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) exige sa libération immédiate et sans condition. Le correspondant de Mosaique FM à Kairouan avait été condamné à un an de prison le 29 novembre 2022 pour “divulgation d'informations confidentielles d'ordre sécuritaire", après la publication sur le site de Radio Mosaïque d’une information portant sur le démantèlement d’une “cellule terroriste” et l’arrestation de ses membres.  Le journaliste avait fait appel du jugement.  Guesmi aurait refusé…  
807. Comores: quatre journalistes condamnés pour avoir rapporté des faits de violences sexuelles  

Quatre journalistes comoriens ont été condamnés le 24 août à 9 mois de prison avec sursis et à une amende de 150.000 francs comoriens (environ 300 euros) pour avoir rapporté des faits présumés de violence sexuelle au sein de la radio-télévision publique. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié le Syndicat national des journalistes comoriens (SNJC) pour dénoncer une condamnation qui constitue un dangereux précédent pour la liberté d’expression et la lutte contre les violences sexuelles et sexistes. Abdallah Mzembaba de RFI, Andjouza Abouheir et Toufé  Maecha de la Gazette des Comores, et Oubeidillah Mchangama de Fcbk FM ont été condamnés le 24 août par…  
808. India: Manipur authorities file cases against four journalists  

Police in India’s eastern Manipur state have filed charges against four journalists associated with the Editors Guild of India, including its president, following the publication of a report analysing ongoing unrest in the region. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the registration of arbitrary cases against the journalists and urges the local authorities to withdraw all charges immediately. On September 4, police in Manipur state filed criminal First Information Reports (FIR) against four senior journalists under several sections of the Indian Penal Code, following the September 2 publication of a report by the Editors Guild of India (EGI) analysing trends in media…  
809. FAJ forms Lawyers’ Network to defend Media Freedom  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) in collaboration with UNESCO under the Global Media Defence Fund (GMDF) Project held a one- day Consultative Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya on Wednesday, 30 August, under the theme “Defending Journalists and Media Workers Rights by Seeking Redress through the Courts”. The Consultative Workshop, which brought together members of the FAJ Steering Committee, union leaders, lawyers and a representative of the Pan – African Lawyers Association (PALU) was aimed at setting up a “Network of Lawyers” who are willing to work with the FAJ affiliated unions across the continent to defend freedom of expression and media freedom by challenging media violations in…  
810. Support Ukrainian Journalists  

On 24 February 2023, it will be one year since Russia invaded Ukraine. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) are launching a new fundraising campaign to support Ukrainian journalists on the ground.  Ukraine became the deadliest country for journalists in 2022 with 12 colleagues killed in the course of their work, according to the IFJ’s Killed List, and the needs are immense. The war still rages, and affects all dimensions of journalists' lives from increasing insecurity, to the need for protection equipment and safety training and humanitarian aid for those forced to flee. As a response to the emergency situation, the IFJ and EFJ launched a special…  
811. Afghanistan: Taliban releases nine journalists following crackdown  

Nine journalists in Taliban custody across Afghanistan have been released following a campaign of arrests targeting foreign or exiled media outlets. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists Union (AIJU), condemn the Taliban’s crackdown on journalists and call for the immediate release of all media workers still in custody. On September 2, Paktia journalist Habibullah Sarab, and Kunar journalist Parviz Sargand were released from Taliban custody, with reports emerging that their detentions were related to allegations of working for exiled media outlets. The pair had been in detention since August 11. The day prior, Zabul…  
812. Greece: Swift investigations required after two attacks against journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined the undersigned journalists’ and media freedom organisations in strongly condemning the recent attacks against Greek journalists Giorgos Papachristos and Kostas Vaxevanis and call on the authorities to swiftly investigate the attacks and ensure that those responsible are held accountable. On 29 August, Giorgos Papachristos, an editorialist and adviser at the centrist daily Ta Nea, was attacked at a football match in Athens. According to the case filed by the journalist, businessman and ship owner Yiannis Karagiorgis, backed by two bodyguards, punched him in the face and head in an unprovoked attack. Karagiorgis also reportedly…  
813. Colombia: preocupante aumento de amenazas a periodistas  

En los últimos meses se registraron numerosos casos de hostigamiento y violencia contra trabajadorxs de la prensa dificultando su labor, ocasionando autocensura, en muchos casos obligándolxs al exilio junto a sus familias. Esta situación es muy preocupante, tanto para lxs periodistas que no pueden ejercer su tarea en las condiciones seguras que deberían ser garantizadas por las autoridades, como para la población que ve vulnerado su derecho al acceso a la información. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas se mantiene en alerta y demanda soluciones ante las condiciones en las que lxs periodistas y comunicadorxs realizan su labor en Colombia. Las amenazas y hostigamiento a lxs…  
814. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from August 26th 2023 to September 1st 2023. English Ukraine’s path to EU membership: Tackling corruption, an independent judiciary and reining in the oligarchs - El País English  Corruption, independent justice and stopping the oligarchs: Ukraine’s challenges to enter the EU - Morning Express IFJ condemns Turkish attack on JIN TV: “Crimes against journalists must not go unpunished” - ANF News Syrian journalists and Artificial Intelligence:…  
815. Organizaciones sindicales recordaron a periodistas en el Día Internacional de las Víctimas de Desapariciones Forzadas  

En ocasión del Día Internacional de las Víctimas de Desapariciones Forzadas, diversas organizaciones sindicales conmemoraron a lxs trabajadores de prensa desaparecidxs en el ejercicio de su labor. En Perú, la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas (ANP) recordó a los reporteros Jaime Ayala, Hilario Ayuque y Pedro Yauri. En Argentina, la Intersindical por los Derechos Humanos junto al Sindicato de Prensa de Buenos Aires (Sipreba) inauguró un mural en homenaje al periodista desaparecido Rodolfo Walsh. El 30 de agosto se conmemora el Día Internacional de las Víctimas de Desapariciones Forzadas, una fecha para numerosos países de América Latina y el Caribe significa una herida abierta. Dentro de…  
816. UK: London protesters support striking BBC Cairo journalists  

BBC journalists in Cairo deserve fair pay that takes account of Egypt’s recent financial crisis, was the message delivered outside the Corporation’s headquarters yesterday.  Members of the National Union of Journalists in Britain and Ireland handed leaflets to BBC staff as they arrived at work at New Broadcasting House in central London. A flyer was even thrust into the hands of Director General Tim Davie. The leaflet carried a message from Khaled El Belshy, President, Egyptian Journalists’ Syndicate. “Our main demand is to peg their salaries to US dollars, backdated to February 2022 prior to the sharp devaluation of the Egyptian pound. We are demanding nothing but a fair wage to ensure…  
817. Bangladesh: Press freedom groups urge government action on DSA cases  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and 18 other press freedom and human rights organisations have urged the government of Bangladesh to intervene in an ongoing Digital Security Act (DSA) case against journalist Adhora Yeasmean, who has suffered continual harassment and intimidation after reporting on alleged criminal activities of a religious organisation in the country. The IFJ urges the Bangladeshi authorities to guarantee the safety and security of all journalists and to ensure that neither the DSA nor the country’s Cyber Security Act are used to target journalists and freedom of expression. In the letter sent to Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh…  
818. Perú: amenazan al periodista Manuel Calloquispe por su cobertura de la Amazonia  

El periodista Manuel Calloquispe denunció amenazas tras la cobertura de un corte de ruta por parte de trabajadorxs de la minería ilegal en la región de Madre de Dios. Calloquispe es un comunicador nacido en la zona de frontera desde la que informa sobre como operan las mafias en complicidad de algunxs funcionarios públicos, y como éstas delinquen y depredan los recursos naturales. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas rechaza éstos hechos violentos y exige medidas de protección para Calloquispe, así como una rápida investigación. Manuel Calloquispe, periodista de El Comercio, fue amenazado el 18 de agosto durante la cobertura de un corte de ruta de trabajadorxs de la actividad minera…  
819. Yemen: Journalist brutally assaulted in Sana’a  

On August 24, director and owner of the radio station Voice of Yemen, Mujalli As-Samadi, was brutally assaulted in front of his house in Al-Safia area in Sana’a, by a gang of five individuals allegedly associated with the Houthi group. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Yemeni Journalists’ Syndicate (YJS) in condemning the attack and calling for better protection measures for journalists and media workers in the country. The assailants beat As-Samadi, and warned him to cease his work or risk ‘severe consequences’, said the journalist shared ‘X’, formerly Twitter.    It is not the first time that As-Samadi has been attacked, according to…  
820. Egypt: A week since police arrested journalist's father  

UPDATED 30.08.23 and 21.09.23 It will be a week on 29 August since the father of well-known Egyptian journalist Ahmed Gamal Ziada was arrested by security forces. The International Federation of journalists (IFJ) urges Egyptian authorities to release Gamal Abdel Hamid Ziada and stop intimidating the press. On August 22, Egyptian security agents illegally arrested Gamal Abdel Hamid Ziada , the father of Ahmed Gamal Ziada – a journalist and editor-in-chief of the independent news web site Zawia3 now living in exile in Belgium. Gamal Ziada owns a clothing manufacturing workshop and holds a Facebook account to promote his work. He has not been engaged in any political activities and was never…  
821. Kazakhstan: Journalists harassed, assaulted and obstructed in separate incidents  

A female journalist was attacked by a group of men following the deaths of five colliery workers in a workplace accident in Central-Eastern Kazakhstan, while separately another two media workers had equipment destroyed at a power station in the nation’s west. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Federation of Equal Journalists in Kazakhstan (FEJK) condemn the violence, obstruction and abuse of Kazakhstan media workers and calls on authorities to urgently investigate the matters. On August 18, KazTAG journalist Diana Saparkyzy was forced away from the offices of the Kazakhstanskaya mine in the country’s central Karaganda region after being confronted by…  
822. Syria: Driver killed and journalist critically injured by alleged drone attack by Türkiye  

On August 23, a suspected drone attack near Qamishli city, in the de facto Autonomous Administration of North East Syria ruled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), killed driver Faisal Haj Sinan, an employee of Jin TV, a media organisation run by women journalists. Reporter Dalila Agid, who was working for the same outlet, was severely injured in the same attack. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the authorities of Türkiye to launch an immediate investigation and to hold the perpetrators accountable. The Federation restates the demand that journalists and media workers must not be targeted and they should be allowed to perform their work without interference. A…  
823. IFJ Convention: Journalists need UN protection  

Do journalists deserve legal protection beyond that granted to the general population? For many of us, the instinctive answer is “no”. It is a matter of professional pride and identification with our audience that we do our work by graft and guile, not privileges withheld from others. There are aspects of reporting, however, that make it wholly unlike other occupations. Plenty of jobs involve exposure to accidental injury – in many cases, unacceptably so. Journalism, however, is the only civilian occupation where significant numbers lose their lives as a result of systematic and deliberate acts. Around the world, 68 journalists were killed in 2022 – down from the all-time high of 155 in…  
824. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from August 19th 2023 to August 25th 2023. English Why journalists deserve convention protecting ‘inalienable rights that are frequently denied’ - Press Gazette  Off colour: Spanish journalism’s ‘black Wednesdays’ - The Morning Star  US and Iran reach agreement amid escalating pressure, tensions and threats - World Socialist Website  Maharashtra: Shinde Sena MLA's Aides Attack Journalist for Raising Rape-Murder of Minor Girl - The…  
825. China: Hubei journalist arrested after reporting on alleged corruption  

Hubei self-media operator Lu Hua has reportedly been in detention since April 2023, with rights organisations raising awareness of his detention on August 19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemn Hua’s arrest and urge authorities to ensure his immediate release. On April 19, the head of self-media operation Hubei New Viewpoint Network Lu Hua was reportedly arrested by the Huanggang Public Security Bureau’s digital security division in China’s central Hubei province. Reports of his detention emerged following an investigation from a human rights advocacy publication. Lu serves as the sole legal representative for Hubei New Viewpoint Network’s affiliate parent company,…  
826. Bangladesh: Two journalists allegedly assaulted by student activists  

Two journalists were allegedly assaulted by members of the student political organisation the Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) on August 21. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the assaults and urges authorities to conduct an immediate investigation into the incidents. On August 21, several Jahangirnagar University (JU) BCL activists arrived at a campus guest hall, allegedly chasing a student. United News of Bangladesh JU correspondent and media studies student Asif Al Amin, then sitting outside the guest hall, went to investigate the incident upon hearing screams. The activists, reportedly suspecting the journalist had been recording them, proceeded to assault Al…  
827. Paraguay: fiscales solicitan a medios que identifiquen a periodistas que investigaron al ex presidente Horacio Cartes  

Cuatro funcionarixs del Ministerio Público emitieron oficios judiciales a distintos medios de comunicación que ordenaban revelar los nombres de lxs autorxs de notas de investigación vinculadas al ex presidente Horacio Cartes, en el marco de una causa judicial iniciada por el ex mandatario. En lo que parece ser un nuevo ejemplo de judicialización de la labor periodística, lxs fiscales Aldo Cantero, Rodrigo Estigarribia y Daniela Benítez respondieron a la causa penal iniciada por el ex presidente Horacio Cartes a distintos medios de comunicación por “persecusión” emitiendo oficios judiciales donde piden a las patronales  que revelen los nombres de periodistas responsables de notas de…  
828. Egypt: IFJ stands in solidarity with BBC Cairo journalists  

Journalists at the BBC’s Cairo bureau have started a ten-day strike in a dispute about pay. It follows a one-day strike in June and a three-day strike in July. The current action may be extended beyond the allotted stoppage if resolution cannot be reached. Egypt has suffered extreme economic turbulence since Russian’s invasion of Ukraine caused commodity prices to soar, prompting investors to pull $20 billion from the country. Since March 2022, the Egyptian pound has lost half its value against the dollar, and in June inflation stood at 35.5 per cent. Despite a series of meetings between BBC managers and Khaled Balchy, the general secretary of the Egyptian Journalists’ Union, journalists’…  
829. Afghanistan: Iranian photojournalist arrested at airport by Taliban  

Iranian photojournalist Mohammad Hossein Velayati was arrested by Taliban officials at Kabul International Airport on August 19 as he attempted to leave the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), and its affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists Union (AIJU) condemn Velayati’s detention and call for his immediate release. On August 22, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) news outlet, Tasnim News Agency, published an article detailing the arrest of the photojournalist at Kabul International Airport. According to the report, Velayati was visiting Afghanistan for non-work-related purposes for ten days yet the reasons behind his arrest are…  
830. Faisal Haj Sinan  

On August 23, a suspected drone attack near Qamishli city, in the de facto Autonomous Administration of North East Syria ruled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), killed driver Faisal Haj Sinan, an employee of Jin TV, a media organisation run by women journalists. A team of Jin TV journalists were travelling in a media company car near Qamishli, a city located close to the Syrian-Turkish border, when the vehicle was hit by a suspected Turkish drone attack on August 23. According to media reports, the journalists were travelling on assignment.  This is the second time Tûrkiye has been  accused of attacking journalists in the region. IFJ, journalists, impunity, Syria, Turkey,…  
831. Off colour: Spanish journalism’s ‘black Wednesdays’  

Stand outside the offices where the Spanish national newspaper El País is published on any Wednesday morning in the past few months, and you might imagine that the staff are in mourning. Despite the sunshine, they are all wearing black. Across Madrid, at the home of El Mundo, a similar scene could be observed. Indeed, at many newspapers all over Spain, journalists have been reporting for work on Wednesdays wearing black from head to toe for some months. It is part of a nationwide protest against terrible pay in the media, which appears to have rattled bosses. In July, management at El País agreed to a progressive 8 per cent raise until 2025, with a staggered increase according to the…  
832. India: India blocks Kashmiri media outlet The Kashmir Walla  

Independent news agency The Kashmir Walla has reported that its website and social media accounts are now unreachable in India. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the censorship of the independent media outlet and ongoing media repression in Kashmir. According to the news agency, which is located in Srinagar, access to its website and social media platforms was restricted inside India by Indian officials from August 19. In a statement the website’s employees said: “On Saturday, August 19, we woke up to another deadly blow of finding access to our website and social media accounts blocked,” The website’s service provider verified the occurrence of the blocking,…  
833. Journalists Ranko Perenić and Đuro Slavuj: Missing on assignment for 25 years  

It was the time of armed conflict in Kosovo, and journalists were doing their job. It was August 21, 1998, when the Radio Pristina media crew went on a work assignment to the Zočište monastery, in the west of Kosovo. Maybe it wasn't a stuffy and sticky summer day. Perhaps the weather was atypical for that time of year. These are events from a quarter of a century ago, so far away that perhaps no one even remembers. Except for two families. They remember every detail. That was the day their lives were uprooted, left hanging in the grasp of that invisible hand of evil. To this day, their lives have not yet found their place, their soft landing and calm.   Journalist Đuro Slavuj…  
834. Russia: Two journalists critical of the Kremlin allegedly poisoned in exile  

Dissident journalists Elena Kostyuchenko, a former reporter for the investigative newspaper Novaya Gazeta, and Irina Babloyan, previously a journalist for the broadcaster Ekho Moskvy, believe they were poisoned in Germany and Georgia respectively in October 2022. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) call on the competent authorities to thoroughly investigate these disturbing allegations and bring the perpetrators to justice. The Federations urged governments to protect Russian journalists in exile. German authorities are investigating a possible poisoning on Russian journalist Elena Kostyuchenko in October 2022, the Berlin prosecutor has confirmed,…  
835. India: Hindi daily journalist assassinated outside home in Bihar state  

Journalist Vimal Kumar Yadav was fatally shot in the chest outside his house in Bihar state in Eastern India on August 18. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the National Union of Journalists – India (NUJ-I) and the Indian Journalists’ Union (IJU) condemn the murder and call for the perpetrators to be brought to swift justice. A reporter with local daily newspaper Dainik Jagran, 35-year-old Yadav was shot in the chest at approximately 5.30am on Friday morning after answering a knock at the door of his home located in the Raniganj market area of Araria district. Araria police later arrested four suspects in connection with the murder  Yadav’s wife,…  
836. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from August 12th 2023 to August 18th 2023. English Catastrophe for Afghanistan’s media but we could speed recovery - Press Gazette Afghanistan: More Journalist Incarcerations As Taliban Marks Two Years In Power - Public Now PFUJ/IFJ Condemn KTN Journalist’s Murder - News Pakistan TV The Assange case is about much more than Assange himself - Council Estate Media Senior journalist Jan Mohammad Mahar murdered in Pakistan - News Intervention Pakistan:…  
837. Somalia: Journalist arrested after exposing alleged corruption within police  

On August 17, journalist Mohamed Ibrahim Bulbul, Editor in Chief of Kaab Somali TV, was arrested and taken into custody in Mogadishu after allegedly investigating and publishing a story that imputed corruption within the police’s ranks. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Somali affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), in condemning the arbitrary arrest and ongoing detention of journalist Mohamed Ibrahim Bulbul by the Somali Federal Police (SPF), and demands his immediate release. The IFJ-affiliate noted that the detained journalist is being singled out due to the performance of his journalistic duties and was operating well within the framework…  
838. Vimal Kumar Yadav  

On 18 August, journalist Vimal Kumar Yadav was fatally shot in the chest outside his house in Bihar state in Eastern India. A reporter with local daily newspaper Dainik Jagran, 35-year-old Yadav was shot in the chest at approximately 5.30AM after answering a knock at the door of his home located in the Raniganj market area of Araria district. Araria police later arrested four suspects in connection with the murder.  India, Indian, journalist, impunity, Vimal Kumar Yadav, safety, IFJ, union,  
839. Pakistan: Family of killed Sukkur journalist link brutal murder to his work  

Sukkur Police have registered the case of assassinated senior journalist Jan Mohammad after the journalist’s brother petitioned a report saying he was killed for his public interest journalism. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), strongly condemns the brutal assassination and calls for an urgent investigations. The FIR (first Information report) was filed at the C-Section police station in Sukkur on the complaint of Karamullah, the son of Muhammad Paryal Mahar and elder brother of deceased journalist Jan Muhammad Mahar, under Sections 302, 120-B, 337 H(2), 440, 147, 148, 149 PPC, 6/7ATA against the assailants…  
840. Bangladesh: Journalists assaulted after death of controversial religious leader  

Members of the Jamaat-e-Islami and its student organisation, Islami Chhatra Shibir, attacked five television journalists late in the hours of August 14 and the early hours of August 15 following the death of religious leader Delwar Hossain Sayedee. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the brutal attack on the journalists and calls for urgent investigations to find the perpetrators. Members of the hardline political group carried out the attack on the media workers after a news broadcast in front of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) in Dhaka's Shahbagh area. Reporter Sheikh Farid and RTV camera operator Ayatullah Manik were among those injured, as was…  
Search results 771 until 840 of 15041