15063 results:

10782. Twenty Media Workers Injured, Offices Damaged in Lahore Bombing  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) learns with great concern from its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), that 20 journalists and media workers suffered injuries of varying degrees of severity in the lethal bombing at the headquarters of Pakistan’s military intelligence establishment in Lahore on May 27.   “The IFJ condemns this horrific terrorist attack which has taken a huge toll of innocent civilian life,” IFJ General Secretary Aidan White said. “At the same time, we extend our solidarity to Pakistan’s journalists, who find themselves increasingly caught in the crossfire of escalating conflict in the…  
10784. Finland: EFJ Protests Against "Threatening" Bill on Protection of Sources  

The European Federation of Journalist (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), today strongly protested against proposals for the draft legislation in Finland which would compel journalists to reveal their sources in certain criminal cases.  "This bill is unbelievable. Protection of sources is a cornerstone of independent journalism and the free flow of information. Journalists have to be certain that media freedom is secured and journalists' sources have to be sure that their protection is guaranteed. Otherwise,  the media are incapable of performing their duty in a democratic system," says Arto Nieminen, Chairman of the Union of…  
10787. IFJ Conference Ethics and Gender: equality in the newsroom. Documents  

Agenda for the Conférence FR EN ES   IFJ 2001 gender action plan   EN FR ES   Declarations   Brussels Declaration (EN) Déclaration de Bruxelles (FR) Declaracion de Brusselas (ES)    Declaracion sobre latina america(ES)  Declaration on Latin America (EN)   Speeches   Jim Boumelha, IFJ Alton Grizzle, UNESCO Lavinia Mohr, WACC Stéphane Hoebeke, RTBF Colleen Lowe Morna, Genderlinks Nadezhda Azhgikhina, RUJ Marieke Koning, ITUC        
10788. IFJ Conference Ethics and Gender: equality in the newsroom. Documents  

Agenda for the Conférence FR EN IFJ 2001 gender action planENFRES Declarations Brussels Declaration (EN Declaracion de Brusselas (ES) Declaracion sobre latina america(ES)Declaration on Latin America (En) Speeches  Jim Boumelha, IFJAlton Grizzle, UNESCOLavinia Mohr, WACCStéphane Hoebeke, RTBFColleen Lowe Morna, GenderlinksNadezhda Azhgikhina, RUIKMarieke Kining, ITUC   
10789. IFJ Launches Emergency Appeal for Pakistani Journalists  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is launching an emergency appeal to provide emergency financial support to more than 100 journalists and their families who were forced to flee the intense conflict in northern Pakistan in late May 2009. The specific objectives of this internal appeal are to enable the PFUJ and the Khyber union to: · Offer emergency assistance to an overwhelming number of journalists and their families who have lost their homes, possessions and livelihoods. · Organise immediate accommodation alternatives for affected families currently sheltering in tents in North-West Frontier Province (NWFP). · Organise short-term…  
10790. Appeal to Government to Protect Targeted Journalists in Pakistan  

  For the attention of:   Honourable Mr Asif Ali Zardari President Islamic Republic of Pakistan   c/- Office of the Secretary General Mr  M. Salman Faruqui Fax: +92 – 51 –…  
10792. Pakistan’s Journalists Demand a Fair Deal  

    Journalists from Pakistan’s print and electronic media rallied nation-wide on Monday under the banner of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an affiliate of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), to call attention to the continuing crises of livelihoods, job security and physical safety in their profession.   Protests were held in all the major cities of Pakistan, including Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Faisalabad, Gujranwala and Bahawalpur.   The PFUJ condemned the continuing failure of media owners to implement the Seventh Wage Award, despite the lapse of seven years since it was notified. With the…  
10793. IFJ Condemns Murder of Third Journalist in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned in the strongest possible terms, the murder of Abdirisak Warsameh Mohamed, known as Gado' O, journalist of Radio Shabelle, based in Mogadiscio who was shot dead on Thursday, May 21, 2009 near Bakara market in Mogadishu. “We firmly condemn the murder of our colleague and demand that the murderers be identified and brought to justice,” declared Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. “The unrelenting killings of journalists in Somalia constitute an attempt to intimidate and silence the press in Somalia.” According to the director of Radio Shabelle, Mukhtar Mohamed Hirabe, Abdirisak was shot in…  
10794. IFJ Calls for Full Access as World Health Forum Opens Door to Taiwan Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today welcomed the decision of the World Health Organisation (WHO) to lift the five- year ban on Taiwanese journalists who will now be able cover the World Health Assembly from 18-22 May in Geneva. The Association of Taiwanese Journalists (ATJ), an IFJ affiliate, said that the WHO has given accreditation to its members to cover this year's World Health Assembly in Geneva. However, the journalists will be issued with the WHO green press cards instead of the UN blue ones and will not have access to press facilities. "We welcome the decision of the WHO to lift this discriminatory ban on Taiwanese journalists,' said Aidan White,…  
10795. European Journalists Outline Quality Strategies to Resolve Media Crisis  

Journalists have launched a European-wide campaign to confront a growing economic and professional crisis in media which they say threatens to weaken democracy across the region.The annual meeting of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), bringing together leaders of unions and associations from 25 European countries, ended their meeting in Varna, Bulgaria on 17 May with the adoption of a comprehensive declaration - Journalism in the Vanguard of Change - and an appeal to candidates in the upcoming elections to the European Parliament to give priority to the defence of quality journalism in Europe.In a stark warning to policymakers, the EFJ states: "There is no…  
10796. Europe-wide Backing for Media Strike in Turkey  

Journalists' leaders from across Europe have pledged support for journalists and media staff in a strike which is at the heart of a struggle for union rights and for press freedom in Turkey. The annual meeting of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), held in Varna, Bulgaria at the weekend applauded the action of journalists in membership of the Journalists' Union of Turkey (TGS) who have been on strike at ATV television and Sabah daily newspapers and magazines group since 13 February this year. The significance of the battle is not lost on journalists in Europe where many union groups are fighting for basic rights. This is the first media strike to hit Turkey for almost…  
10797. European Journalists Demand Justice over Targeted Killing in Cyprus  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) has demanded that the Turkish government and the authorities in the north of Cyprus renew their investigation into the killing of journalist Kutlu Adali who is thought to have been targeted by Turkish security agents or unknown assassins of the administration in the northern part of Cyprus. Adali, a political columnist with the leftist daily Yeni Duzen who opposed the division of Cyprus, was shot dead outside his home in the island's divided capital of Nicosia on July 6, 1996. He had received work-related threats prior to his murder. The EFJ meeting of journalists' leaders in Varna, Bulgaria, at the weekend responded to an appeal…  
10798. Journalists Obstructed in Lead-up to Tiananmen Anniversary in China  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns attempts by officials in China to obstruct contact between journalists and mourners ahead of the anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre on June 4.   Jiang Qisheng, vice-chairman of Independent PEN, told the IFJ he had been repeatedly obstructed or prevented from making contact with journalists or people connected to victims of the massacre.   On May 18, a security officer reportedly instructed a café owner in Beijing to refuse service to Jiang and a Hong Kong journalist to prevent an interview from taking place. Despite changing locations, the interview was watched by security…  
10799. Journalists Condemn European Commission for "Neglect and Self-interest" in Face of Media Crisis  

The European Federation of Journalists which was meeting this weekend in Varna, Bulgaria to discuss the economic and professional crisis that is threatening to overwhelm traditional media in Europe has condemned the European Commission and its President Jose-Manuel Barroso for fostering a culture of "self-interest and neglect" in its treatment of media. The EFJ, Europe's largest journalists' group, says the Commission has shown little interest in confronting the potential crisis for information pluralism and democracy in Europe as newspapers and audiovisual groups - including public broadcasters - struggle to cope with an unprecedented firestorm of problems which has seen tens of…  
10800. IFJ Condemns Threats and Intimidation against Journalists in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned today the threats and intimidations against journalists in Somalia after the head of an Islamic militia group in Somalia warned journalists against reports which are critical of the movement. “We condemn this climate of terror and intimidation against journalists in Somalia,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. “It is against press freedom and ethical journalism to interfere in journalists’ work.” According to media reports the Emir Sheik Muktar Abdirahman (Abu Subeyr) of the islamist Al Shabaab militia yesterday warned the journalists against any information which would be…  
10801. European Journalists Support the ETUC Campaign  

The European Federation of Journalists at the eve of its Annual Meeting in Varna (Bulgaria) on 15-17 May - Managing Change: Journalists Respond to the Media Crisis - supports the ETUC campaign "Fight the Crisis: put the people first", which includes four European days of action from 14 to 16 May 2009.    The EFJ and its members at national level support the ETUC demands for a "new social deal in Europe" and a recovery strategy to end the current recession that puts people first.  The EFJ has been monitoring the drastic changes in the media sector and its impact on journalism and democracy. In response to this challenging environment the EFJ believes that…  
10802. IFJ Condemns New Attack on Journalists' Sources in UK  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its European group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today joined their affiliate, the National Union of Journalists in the UK and Ireland (NUJ), in condemning the secrecy of a preliminary hearing at a court in Belfast dealing with an application submitted by the Police Service in Northern Ireland (PSNI) to force Belfast journalist Suzanne Breen to hand over confidential material. Judge Tom Burgess heard the evidence which was not made available to Ms Breen or her legal team and ruled that he "was minded to grant the application" but said he can still change his mind when he hears the full case which is…  
10803. UK Government urged to act on private sector pay equality  

(NUJ) The NUJ has expressed concern that the Equality Bill - being debated in the UK Parliament today - will not do enough to stop pay discrimination in the private sector. When the union does workplace surveys women journalists almost always come out as earning far less than their male colleagues. But the government refuses to make employers publish pay audits and act on them. Jeremy Dear, NUJ General Secretary, said: "Unfortunately the Equality Bill does not contain the key reforms needed to close the gender pay gap in the private sector. Source: http://www.nuj.org.uk/innerPagenuj.html?docid=1225    
10804. UK Government urged to act on private sector pay equality  

(NUJ) The NUJ has expressed concern that the Equality Bill - being debated in the UK Parliament today - will not do enough to stop pay discrimination in the private sector. When the union does workplace surveys women journalists almost always come out as earning far less than their male colleagues. But the government refuses to make employers publish pay audits and act on them. Jeremy Dear, NUJ General Secretary, said: "Unfortunately the Equality Bill does not contain the key reforms needed to close the gender pay gap in the private sector. Source: http://www.nuj.org.uk/innerPagenuj.html?docid=1225    
10805. IFJ Calls for Inquiry Into Lasantha’s Murder  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the widow of Sri Lankan journalist Lasantha Wickrematunge in calling on Sri Lanka’s power-holders to take immediate action to conduct a full, fair and independent investigation into the murder of the senior newsman.   Sonali Samarasinghe Wickrematunge, also a journalist, has publicly released a letter she wrote to Sri Lanka’s President, Mahinda Rajapakse, on April 24 voicing her grave concerns at the Government’s failure to investigate the January 8 murder of her husband.   Lasantha, editor of the Sunday Leader, was killed by gunmen who ambushed his car and shot him several times in central…  
10806. IFJ Joins Pacific Call for Action on Media Freedom  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins a call by journalists representing 12 Pacific nations for governments of the region to defend and promote freedom of the media in the Pacific, in line with their international obligations under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.   The call was made by 40 journalists and media workers from across the Pacific at the inaugural meeting of the Pacific Freedom Forum (PFF) in Apia, Samoa, from May 6 to 8.   The “Project XIX: Courage Under Fire” seminar, which included a two-day workshop on freedom of expression and media rights reporting and monitoring delivered by the IFJ, sought to…  
10807. IFJ Unions Open Door to Salvation of Boston Globe  

Union members at The Boston Globe, one of America's leading newspapers, threatened with closure in the current media crisis, have reached a deal with management to keep the title alive. The Boston Globe, which is owned by The New York Times Company has lost 30 percent of its advertising income in the first months of 2009 and was facing collapse. Now an agreement with The Newspaper Guild-CWA, an IFJ affiliate, has given the paper a lifeline and saved hundreds of jobs. According to reports, the agreement includes the end of lifetime job guarantees, steep pay cuts and the phasing out of the company's contributions to retirement plans for employees. This package is the latest effort…  
10808. IFJ Backs South Asia Declaration on Media Freedom  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and partner organisations from the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) joined a declaration in Kathmandu, Nepal, condemning the rapid deterioration in conditions for free media in South Asia.   The declaration, which was adopted at a two-day meeting of media practitioners from South Asia hosted by UNESCO, the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to mark World Press Freedom Day on May 3, affirmed that free media institutions are an essential part of efforts in all South Asian countries to build a truly democratic and representative…  
10809. IFJ Backs Report Critical of Press Freedom in Tunisia  

The International Federation of Journalists(IFJ) has expressed its support for a report published by the Syndicat National des Journalistes Tunisiens (SNJT), an IFJ affiliate, to mark World Press Freedom Day which highlights poor working conditions of Tunisian journalists. "This report portrays a worrying situation which needs urgent attention," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "We applaud the efforts of our colleagues to improve the conditions of journalists and will resist any attempt to deny their right to speak out."The report released by the SNJT criticised in particular the lack of Government action on a pledge to regularise the situation of hundreds…  
10810. EFJ Condemns Court Decision against Photojournalist in Finland  

The International Federation of Journalists and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today condemned the decision of the Helsinki Court of Appeal in Finland against a  photographer who took pictures  of  a protest demonstration during the Asia - Europe  trade summit  meeting in Helsinki on September 9, 2006. On the eve of the World Press Freedom Day 2009, the Helsinki Court of Appeal in Finland April 30,  confirmed the conviction by Helsinki District Court in December 2007 against staff photojournalist Markus Pentikäinen of the Finnish weekly Suomen Kuvalehti  who…  
10811. High time for Turkey to take concrete steps for press freedom, says the EFJ  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), Europe's largest organisation of journalists, today sends a strong support to its journalists affiliates in Turkey following a two-day conference to defend press freedom and freedom of speech.   "There is no real freedom of speech in Turkey", says Arne König, EFJ president. "During these two days, we have witnessed many examples of journalists and media workers being intimidated and the control public authorities exercise over the media. Our colleagues can no longer work under such pressure. Turkey must give evidence of its commitment towards freedom of speech in its…  
10812. Mourning Press Freedom in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is greatly concerned at the decline in press freedom in Afghanistan over the past year, noting that there have been 115 incidents of violence against media personnel, including the killings of five journalists.   The IFJ’s concerns were raised as the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), an IFJ affiliate, marked World Press Freedom Day yesterday by calling international attention to the dangers and restrictions challenging free media in Afghanistan, including the continuing imprisonment of journalists Ahmad Ghows Zelmay and Sayed Parvez Kambakhsh.   AIJA said its research over the past year…  
10813. Seven Organisations of Journalists Present Short Film to Honour World Press Freedom Day  

See Video Here: www.for-freedom.cc The following movie has been made to commemorate the lives  of more than 800 journalists and media workers who have lost their lives  as a result of their work since United Nations first established May 3 as the World Press Freedom Day, in 1993. Be it in Iraq, Burma, Russia, Uzbekistan or Colombia, reporters and media workers throughout the world are subject to daily repression. They are threatened or killed because of their investigations into corruption, violence and discrimination. In December 1993 the UN General Assembly made May 3 the day of World Press Freedom, honouring the demands of the UNESCO "Windhoek Declaration" Where…  
10814. IFJ Welcomes US Statement on Press Freedom and Tissainayagam  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes a statement issued by the President of the United States, Barrack Obama, highlighting the fundamental importance of press freedom in defending other freedoms and rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.   Mr Obama drew attention in his statement on May 1, ahead of World Press Freedom Day on May 3, to the “distressing reality” of journalists jailed or harassed for the content of their work, including senior Sri Lankan journalist J.S. Tissainayagam.   Tissainayagam is currently on trial in Colombo accused of terrorism for the content of his writing.   For the…  
10815. IFJ Worried by Lay-offs in China Media  

On International Labour Day, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned by reports that media outlets in China and Hong Kong are using the excuse of the global financial crisis to lay off workers and reduce their benefits despite maintaining good revenue flows.   The IFJ urges media businesses in China to refrain from staff cuts and reductions in workers’ benefits, and to recognise that decent working conditions are essential for providing a quality news service.   Press freedom is also a significant factor in promoting quality media. As World Press Freedom Day approaches on May 3, the IFJ also reminds governments at all levels in China of…  
10816. EFJ Condemns Sacking of Journalist Union Leader in Ukraine  

The European Federation of Journalists today condemned the sacking of a leader of its member organisation in Ukraine because of his trade union activities.   Sergey Goos, Vice President and leading activist in Ukraine’s Independent Media Trade Union (IMTU), was sacked from his job at the Ukrainian Tyzhden, a Kiev-based investigative magazine after leading negotiations for a collective agreement to regulate salary and editorial rights.   “Sergey Goos is a committed trade unionist who has dedicated many years to building the journalists’ union and defending the rights of Ukraine journalists,” said Arne Konig, President of the European Federation of…  
10817. IFJ Welcomes New Vintu Partnership to Assist Stricken Media Families  

As part of its World Press Freedom Day actions, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has announced a new agreement with the Brussels-based Vintu Foundation to provide humanitarian assistance to families of journalists and media personnel who are killed on duty. The first agreement between the IFJ and the Vintu Foundation for Excellency in Education and Journalism, founded by Romanian media owner Sorin Ovidiu Vintu, was signed in 2007 when a special Fund was created to specifically assist families who lose a breadwinner as a result of their work in the media. The agreement was first renewed in 2008. "The assistance provided under the Fund has proved over the last…  
10818. Slovakia's Outspoken Prime Minister Opens Door to Fresh Dialogue with Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) says that hostile relations between the Slovak government and some of the country's media may be about to ease following a meeting in Bratislava today between journalists' leaders and Prime Minister Robert Fico. A delegation of the Slovak Syndicate of Journalists led by Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary and of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), pressed Mr Fico to address the crisis facing journalism and to open up a new dialogue with Slovak media. Responding to suggestions that it was time for a change of approach, the Prime Minister offered a new dialogue with journalists' leaders - particularly on how to change…  
10819. IFJ Welcomes Release of Tamil Editor in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the release of Nadesapillai Vithyatharan, editor of the Tamil daily newspaper Sudar Oli, after almost two months in detention in Sri Lanka.   Although no charges were laid against Vithyatharan, officials of the Crime Branch of the Sri Lankan police had requested a magistrate’s court on March 18 for an extension of his detention, while his alleged involvement in an insurgent air raid on Colombo on February 20 was investigated.   In ordering the editor’s release on April 24, a court in Colombo took on board the admission by the Crime Branch and other security agencies that there was no evidence…  
10820. FAJ says African journalists face series of threats ranging from safety and security, repressive laws, oppressive regimes  

Omar Faruk Osman, President FAJ Tuesday 21 April told a gathering of Human Rights Defenders in Kampala, Uganda, that journalists and media workers in Africa face series of threats ranging from safety and security, repressive laws, oppressive regimes, monopolies, bad labour practices and unfair competition.   The FAJ President further stated that the journalist, in reporting events including those that expose him/her to personal insecurity and most times injury or death, is now faced with even greater challenges “in the face of new threats occasioned by globalization, political power play and economic developments.”   Describing the safety of journalists especially…  
10821. IFJ Welcomes Successful Safety Training for Gaza Journalists in Egypt  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today welcomed the successful safety training organised for Gaza Journalists which took place in Cairo from 20 to 22 April. The training which was jointly organised by the International Institute for News Safety (INSI) and the IFJ and hosted by the Federation of Arab Journalists (FAJ) was attended by 18 journalists from the Gaza Strip. "Safety training is vital for journalists working in hostile environments and nowhere else are conditions as challenging to journalists as in Gaza," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "We are delighted that our colleagues have completed the training and grateful to the FAJ for having…  
10822. IFJ Calls for End to Ban of Newspaper in Central African Republic  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the Central African Republican authorities  and,  in particular, the High Council of Communication (HCC), the official regulatory body of the media to lift the fifteen days suspension imposed against the daily newspaper, l’Hirondelle on April 20, 2009. “It is an inappropriate decision which is aimed at muzzling this newspaper”, declared Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. “After having published the remarks of an army captain, l’Hirondelle also published the position of the government on the story in line with its duty to their right of reply.” Following the…  
10823. Copyright Day: Stop Unfair Contracts for Journalists, Says the EFJ  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the largest organisation of journalists in Europe, today marked World Copyright Day by condemning the widespread use of unfair contracts by media employers that deprive journalists from their authors' rights."This situation seriously undermines our profession by grabbing journalists' means of earning and ignoring their right to be recognised as authors. It also undermines media quality by allowing media companies to recycle and reuse the work of journalists across different platforms" says Aidan White, EFJ General secretary.Together with its affiliates, the EFJ denounces in particular recent pressures in media companies such as Sanoma…  
10824. World Copyright Day: Stop Unfair Contracts for Journalists, Says the EFJ  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the largest organisation of journalists in Europe, today marked World Copyright Day by condemning the widespread use of unfair contracts by media employers that deprive journalists from their authors' rights."This situation seriously undermines our profession by grabbing journalists' means of earning and ignoring their right to be recognised as authors. It also undermines media quality by allowing media companies to recycle and reuse the work of journalists across different platforms" says Aidan White, EFJ General secretary. Together with its affiliates, the EFJ denounces in particular recent pressures in media companies such as…  
10825. Ten Years On, IFJ Says NATO "Must Apologise" over Belgrade Media Killings  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said that, ten years after NATO forces defied the protests of journalists and human rights groups and bombed a television centre in Belgrade killing 16 media staff, the damage from that unprecedented strike is still being felt. "When NATO forces decided to strike at the television of station RTS in Belgrade because they found its propaganda offensive they set a terrible precedent," said Jim Boumelha, IFJ President. "That attack opened the door to a decade of attacks on media in conflict zones and has made journalism more dangerous than ever." Boumelha says that NATO should admit its mistake on April 23rd 1999 when…  
10826. IFJ Urges End to Suspension of Interactive Broadcasts in Togo  

 The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on  the High Authority of Audio-visual and Communication (HAAC), the official regulatory body of the media in Togo, to lift the suspension of interactive emissions on radio and television stations in Togo. “This decision is unacceptable and represents an attempt to prevent the local press from reporting on recent allegations of a “coup d’état” declared Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. “This is a grave violation on the freedom of expression”. On Friday April 17 2009, the HAAC announced its decision to suspend, until further notice, all interactive emissions…  
10827. Reporting Ban in China Puts Women's Health at Risk  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands the Propaganda Department of Sichuan Province explain new restrictions on media reporting on birth miscarriages. A local journalist, who wishes to remain anonymous, told the IFJ that the April 17 order instructed all media to end all reporting on the frequency of miscarriages among women in Dujiangyan and an alleged connection to formaldehyde exposure. Articles published in the local press in early March reported several cases of miscarriages by women living in temporary housing provided to victims of the 2008 earthquake in the province. The reports cited speculation that the cause may be linked to formaldehyde exposure in the…  
10828. EFJ Calls on Turkey to Respect Fundamental Trade Union Rights in the Media Sector  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the regional group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed its outrage about the continuing complete lack of respect to basic trade union rights in Turkey, a candidate country to the European Union  which is infringing on human and fundamental rights enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the Social Charter of the Council of Europe, and Conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). “We can no longer accept that trade union rights, especially the law on collective agreements and the right to industrial action, be considered as old fashioned not to be respected. This situation is…  
10829. Reporting Ban in China Puts Women's Health at Risk  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands the Propaganda Department of Sichuan Province explain new restrictions on media reporting on birth miscarriages.   A local journalist, who wishes to remain anonymous, told the IFJ that the April 17 order instructed all media to end all reporting on the frequency of miscarriages among women in Dujiangyan and an alleged connection to formaldehyde exposure.   Articles published in the local press in early March reported several cases of miscarriages by women living in temporary housing provided to victims of the 2008 earthquake in the province. The reports cited speculation that the cause may be linked to…  
10830. Recruiting and Organising: Unions Challenges in Times of Media Crisis  

EFJ/FES Seminar: Recruiting and Organising: Unions Challenges in Times of Media Crisis Belgrade,  15-17 April, 2009   Conclusions   1.      Journalists’ Unions and Associations Join Forces to: - Coordinate actions on issues of shared interests, such as the media crisis, organise joint events on themes of importance to the journalistic community, present common proposals to the government, raise awareness and reach out to the public by presenting the challenges and problems of the profession in a concerted manner; - Act together in the defence of  independence of media ,focusing solely on …  
10831. China Imposes Yet More Restrictions on Journalists  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns instructions to media issued by China’s Prison Bureau and Central Propaganda Department that they must only report information distributed through official channels.   The order, dated April 10, prevents journalists from reporting on the welfare, death or injury of prison inmates unless the information is sourced from the Prison Bureau. The Central Propaganda Department reportedly said such information could be manipulated and used against prison authorities.   The addition of this topic to China’s list of banned topics occurs shortly after the publication of news reports about the…  
10832. Journalists Welcome Backing of European Political Leaders in Bid to Confront Media Crisis  

Leaders of Europe's political parties are uniting around a campaign launched by the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) to place the economic, social and democratic crisis in media at the heart of European Union policymaking in the coming years.After meetings with the leaders of the three largest party blocks in the European Parliament - the European Peoples' Party, the Socialist Group and the Liberal Alliance - the EFJ says that politicians are ready to confront the media crisis."When it comes to media there is no such thing as business as usual," said Aidan White, EFJ General Secretary. "Political leaders recognise it's time for radical action to help media meet the…  
10833. A.P. Seeks to Rein in Sites Using Its Content  

By RICHARD PÉREZ-PEÑA (NYT) Taking aim at the way news is spread across the Internet, The Associated Press said on Monday that Web sites that used the work of news organizations must obtain permission and share revenue with them, and that it would take legal action against those that did not. source: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/07/business/media/07paper.html?_r=1&hp=&pagewanted=print  
10834. IFJ calls for Openness in Trial of Journalist Accused of Spying in Iran  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called for the trial of an Iranian-American journalist accused of spying to be ‘open, honest and respectful' of all her rights under international law. The trial of Roxana Saberi began yesterday behind closed doors in Tehran and a verdict is expected within three weeks, says an Iranian official. "To accuse a journalist of spying is easily done," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary, "but it must be a fair trail with evidence given in an honest and respectful manner in open court and in line with international standards of jurisprudence." Ms Saberi faced her accusers before Iran's Revolutionary Court, which handles…  
10835. IFJ Demands Fiji Regime Reverse Media Clampdown  

The unprecedented clampdown on the media in Fiji at the weekend underscores the unwillingness of Fiji’s military leadership to uphold long-promised democratic reform in the Pacific island nation, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) said today.   “Press freedom in Fiji is in tatters. The repressive actions taken against Fiji’s media at the weekend give the lie to promises by the military government throughout the past year that it would support press freedom and media professionalism as essential components of the country’s return to democratic rule,” IFJ General Secretary Aidan White said.   “But now, the draconian…  
10836. IFJ Warns of Dangers of Intolerance after Cameroon Union Circulates anti-Gay Article  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on African journalists to beware the dangers of prejudice and discrimination facing gay people after a report that a journalists' group in Cameroon has put at risk colleagues by making public accusations of homosexuality in a country where the practice is forbidden by law.The IFJ says that the distribution by the Syndicat des Journalistes Employés du Cameroun (SJEC) of a controversial report in the biweekly Aurore Plus, which accuses a rival union leader of homosexuality, was a provocative and unacceptable action."In parts of Africa there is a level of intolerance of homosexuality which is unacceptable and this…  
10837. EFJ Protests Over ‘Intimidating Signal' to Media From Slovak Prime Minister  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the regional group of the International Federation of Journalists, today condemned a warning issued by Robert Fico, the Prime Minister of Slovakia, over media coverage of what he says are trouble-making extremist groups in neighbouring Hungary. The Prime Minister on Monday gave a blunt warning that the government might take action against journalists covering groups which he says are promoting separatism and trying to sow dissent within Slovakia's minority Hungarian community.  Fico said his government might act to stop reporting that it considers damaging to Slovakian national interest. The EFJ accused him of sending an…  
10838. IFJ Calls on Obama to End US Silence Over Injustice of Media Killings in Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on United States President Barack Obama to intervene over the injustice of journalists killed in Iraq at the hands of the US military. Marking the sixth anniversary of United States army attacks on media in Baghdad on April 8th 2003, in which three journalists died, the IFJ says President Obama must act to investigate a series of killings in the conflict which remain unresolved. In a  letter  to the US President, IFJ President Jim Boumelha, says the April 8th attack by US forces on Baghdad's Palestine Hotel, which was filled at the time with media staff, "has come to symbolise impunity over attacks on…  
10839. IFJ Calls on the Government of Niger to End the Arrests and Intimidation of Journalists  

   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the Government of Niger to put an end to the intimidation and harassment of journalists allegedly accused of broadcasting “false reports” since April 1, 2009.    “This is more nor less a deliberate attempt of harassing and intimidating the Dounia media group and Le Courier newspaper whose only wrong is to have organized a debate about the visit of French President, Nicholas Sarkozy and published articles considered to be defamatory”, declared Gabriel Baglo, Director of IFJ Africa Office. On April 6 Ali Soumana, director of the newspaper “Le Courrier” was arrested…  
10840. IFJ Stands in Solidarity With Sacked Media Workers in Pakistan  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed by the sackings of media personnel at television stations and newspapers across Pakistan and calls on media owners to treat their workers with respect and to abide by Pakistan’s labour laws.   The Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, reports that hundreds of journalists and media workers in all major cities of Pakistan have been sacked with little warning since the beginning of the year. Many retrenched workers have received no explanation or been told their retrenchment is due to “financial constraints”.   Complaints about abrupt sackings have been…  
10841. IFJ Alarmed by Another Police Search of the Fiji Times  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands an end to the ongoing maltreatment of staff and editors of the Fiji Times after another intervention by police this week.   According to local media reports, three plain-clothes police produced a warrant to search the offices of the Fiji Times on April 3. They were looking for a document alleged to be in the possession of reporter Reijeil Kikau and which reportedly contained a petition signed by Ministry of Finance staff addressed to the Public Service Commission.   “The search warrant was a complete waste of time for the police and the firm,” Fiji Times editor-in-chief Netani Rika told the media.…  
10842. Working Conditions of European Journalists  

The EFJ drafted preliminary conclusions  of a best practice review of collective agreements in Europe (following replies to a specific questionnaire sent to member unions in 2008). Member unions which did not reply to the questionnaire can ask the EFJ Secretariat for more information.The summary below has been drafted by the Labour Rights expert group (LAREG) and still needs to be completed.   Working Time and Holiday Regulationsa) Working time  The 30 hours per week working time that is in effect in Greece for those employed by the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT) is the shortest one of all in comparison with other European countries, most of which enforce a…  
10843. IFJ Calls for Top-Level Inquiry into Murder of Journalist in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in calling on Pakistan’s Government to set up a high-level judicial commission, headed by a superior court judge, to investigate the murder of journalist Musa Khankhel and ensure his killers are brought to justice.   The call by the PFUJ, an IFJ affiliate, is made in the interim report of a PFUJ team which recently visited Pakistan’s troubled Swat valley to investigate the murder of Khankhel, after local authorities failed to initiate their own inquiry.   “The IFJ is deeply disturbed by the PFUJ’s findings, and the alarming failure of…  
10844. IFJ Calls for Independent Probe Over Journalist's Death in Russia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for an independent investigation into the death of Sergey Protazanov, a journalist with Grazhdanskoye Soglasiyel newspaper, who died on 31 March, reportedly after being beaten up. According to the editor-in-chief of Grazhdanskoye Soglasiye, Anatoliy Yurov, Sergey was attacked two days earlier in the town of Khimki, near Moscow and died later of his injuries. The attack was reported by the victim's wife to the police who allegedly failed to record the incident, reports say. "It is important that this tragic death is independently investigated and the findings made public," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary."…  
10845. IFJ Urges End to Threats against Journalists in Guinea Bissau  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today urged the authorities in Guinea Bissau to put an end to the threats and intimidations on journalists who have been targeted in relation to their work since the tragic events of the double assassination of the president of the republic and the army chief of staff on March 1st, 2009.   “We denounce these threats and intimidations which is an attempt to silence them from reporting on the tragic assassinations of President Nino Vieira and the Army Chief of Staff,  Tagme Na Waie. That is against the principle of press freedom” declared Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office.   Since the…  
10846. IFJ Welcomes YTN’s Promise of Editorial Independence  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes an agreement between staff and management at South Korea’s YTN to resolve a 259-day dispute over editorial independence at the broadcaster.   On April 1, staff representatives and YTN management concluded five days of closed-door negotiations with a nine-point agreement, under which both sides will seek to develop and implement a code for editorial independence at the broadcaster, according to the Journalists’ Association of Korea (JAK).   “The IFJ trusts that YTN’s management has acknowledged the primary importance of editorial integrity and quality to journalists and media…  
10847. Getting the World to Work- Global Union Strategies for Recovery  

The following is the introduction  by Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary, to the Global Unions' Publication "Getting the World to Work- Global Union Strategies for Recovery" as a response to the world crisis. There is no escaping the despair caused by recession and economic decline.  Across the world millions of workers and their families are suffering because they cannot keep their jobs and cannot get work as the deepest recession since the 1930s begins to bite. The misery of mass unemployment is felt everywhere. In the United States job losses began in the first days of 2008 and accelerated after the financial crash in October with 3.3 million jobs lost in the last…  
10848. Getting the World to Work- Global Union Strategies for Recovery  

The following is the introduction  by Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary, to the Global Unions' Publication "Getting the World to Work- Global Union Strategies for Recovery" as a response to the world crisis.There is no escaping the despair caused by recession and economic decline.  Across the world millions of workers and their families are suffering because they cannot keep their jobs and cannot get work as the deepest recession since the 1930s begins to bite. The misery of mass unemployment is felt everywhere. In the United States job losses began in the first days of 2008 and accelerated after the financial crash in October with 3.3 million jobs lost in…  
10849. Fears Grow for Safety of Journalists in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in calling on Pakistan’s Government and media owners to address the extreme dangers confronting media workers in the country’s most troubled regions and towns, including the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, the Swat Valley, Baluchistan and Peshawar.   The PFUJ’s Biannual Delegates Meeting in Faisalabad at the weekend included a long session on the safety concerns of media personnel, which the PFUJ said was now the priority issue for Pakistan’s journalists’ community.   Journalists at the meeting spoke of their fear of death…  
10850. South Korean Authorities Must Release Journalists' Leader, Says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on authorities in South Korea to immediately release YTN union chairman Jong-Myun Roh, who has been detained for 10 days since being arrested ahead of strike action at the broadcaster.   Roh was arrested on March 22, the day before YTN staff were due to take strike action as part of their long campaign to secure guarantees of editorial independence at the broadcaster. Three other union members arrested on the same day were quickly released.   According to the Journalists’ Association of Korea (JAK), an IFJ affiliate, Roh was transferred yesterday to a detention facility near Seoul.   Roh is…  
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