15063 results:

13301. Ukraine Journalists Show United Front Against Political Interference as Election Crisis Continues  

The International Federation of Journalists today welcomed a statement by journalists’ leaders in the Ukraine accusing political leaders and media directors of lies, censorship and media manipulation and calling on all journalists to maintain professional standards in the wake of the Presidential election crisis. “The government of the Ukraine and political leaders have failed the principal test of democracy by their violation of free press rights and by bullying independent journalists,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “The journalists of the Ukraine are putting it on the record that they will never allow it to happen again.” In the statement issued by the National Union…  
13303. IFJ to Send Mission as Press Freedom Comes Under Fire in the Philippines  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, today expressed concern over the brutal murder of photojournalist Allan Dizon in the Philippines. His death raises the journalist death toll to four in November alone. “The killers appear to be stepping up the violence. It sends a clear message to the Government that their rhetoric about press freedom and justice for journalists is just that - rhetoric, “said IFJ President Christopher Warren. Allan Dizon, photojournalist of The Freeman and Banat News died at 8:27pm on Saturday 27 November at the Cebu Medical Center from two gunshot wounds to the body.…  
13305. IFJ Calls for Solidarity as Ukraine TV Journalists go on Strike  

The International Federation of Journalists today called on journalists around the world to support Ukraine reporters who went on strike against censorship at UT1, a major state-controlled TV station. “The chaos in the country after the Presidential election will only get worse if media are forced to distort the truth,” warned IFJ General Secretary Aidan White today. “Our colleagues in Kyiv are determined to try to do their jobs without being forced to take sides. We will give them our full support”. Around 14 journalists, two thirds of the newsroom staff, are refusing to work in protest against censorship. “It doesn’t matter who is in power, journalists must be free to do their…  
13306. IFJ Backs Journalists Fight Against Censorship in the Ukraine  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned blatant attempts to prevent Ukraine journalists from reporting the protests following the hotly contested Ukrainian election. “The situation is very tense and we have extremely worrying reports about attempts to distort the news and control the media”, said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “Many broadcast journalists are risking everything by refusing to bow to pressure and censorship.” Meanwhile print media fear that their publications will be blocked in the coming days following a series of incidents in the week prior to Sunday’s poll. (Details attached below.) The IFJ election observer in Kiev has reported that:…  
13307. IFJ Condemns Attack on a Freelance Journalist in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, today condemned the attack on a freelance journalist in India. According information received by the IFJ, Shubhranshu Choudhary based in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, traveled to Lakheempur on 8 November to cover a story for BBC Radio about the Lakheempur District Administration’s decision to give priority for arms licenses to motivators of sterilization for family planning. "Attacks on journalists for their truth-telling represents a curtailment of press freedom that must be resisted," said IFJ President Christopher Warren. While working on the story, Choudhary…  
13308. IFJ Says Iraq Elections “Pipe Dream of Deluded Politicians” As Media Face New Pressure  

The idea of free and fair elections in Iraq any time soon is a ‘pipe-dream’ unless all restrictions on journalists are lifted immediately said the International Federation of Journalists today. The Federation is demanding urgent news about the US detention of an Arab television correspondent and has condemned the interim Iraqi government for trying to censor the media in a new directive from Baghdad. “Journalists already struggle to report freely in dangerous conditions,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “But the atmosphere is made infinitely worse when occupation armies and the authorities try to muscle the media through diktat and arbitrary detention.” The IFJ called…  
13311. IFJ Protests over Intimidation and Harrassment of Independent Media by Pakistani Authorities  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation of journalists representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, has today expressed concern over the recent governmental clampdown on independent media in Pakistan. Pakistani authorities took control of the premises FM Radio 103 Lahore on Friday, 12 November, forcing radio staff to suspend transmission. Shafqatullah, FM Radio 103’s station manager said that approximately 25 police raided the station and arrested three staff members: Arshad, Abdul Ghafoor and Nauman, he also said police seized the majority of the radio equipment thus forcing the staff to cease transmission. The raid was reportedly in…  
13314. Media Death Toll Breaks 100 as IFJ Condemns Spate of Killings of Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists warned that 2004 may turn out to be the worst year on record for killings of journalists and media staff as news of the deaths of reporters in the Philippines, Nicaragua and the Ivory Coast shocked the world of journalism. Three killings of journalists in separate instances on three continents has brought the death toll of media employees in 2004 to more than 100 – already higher than for last year and more than 30 more than 2002. “2004 is turning out to be one of the most bloody years on record,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “The crisis of news safety has reached an intolerable level and must be addressed urgently.” In…  
13316. Indian Editor "Brutally Murdered" as World Death Toll Reaches Century Mark  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) the global organisation of journalists, representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, has today condemned the brutal murder of an Oriya newspaper editor in India. The horrific murder of 45-year-old Dilip Mohapatra editor of Aji Kagaj, on Tuesday, 9 November, is believed to be the 100th journalist killed worldwide in 2004. According to reports, Mohapatra was found dead on the National Highway 42 near Bhagirathipur with his hands and legs bound with plastic tape and his skull smashed. Mohapatra had been reported missing since Monday, 8 November. Police reported that he had been killed with sharp weapons and that his head…  
13319. IFJ Backs Adoption of Single Framework Collective Agreement for Journalists in West Africa  

The International Federation of Journalists has expressed satisfaction at the adoption today in Dakar (Senegal) of a Framework Collective Agreement defining minimum working conditions for journalists, at the end of a seminar which brought together the representatives of media professionals in the member States of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). “This unique initiative opens a window of opportunity for a major improvement of journalists' working conditions in sixteen countries”, said Bertrand Ginet, IFJ Projects Officer. “The single Act adopted today shall impact positively on their capacity to promote quality journalism and high professional standards”. The…  
13327. East Meets West : Social Dialogue in the Media Sector  

Back to Main Page and Action-Plan - Programme of the Conference (PDF) - Statement - EFJ Conference Condemns Double Standards in European Media (PDF)  
13329. IFJ Condemns Government Censorship as the Media Comes Under Fire in the Ivory Coast  

The International Federation of Journalists condemned the Ivorian authorities over driving an already explosive political situation over the edge following a government ban on eight newspapers and “gang attacks” against several private newspapers in Abidjan. Last Thursday, an offical from President Gbagbo’s government delivered a list of eight banned newspapers to the distribution company Edipresse - Le Patriote, 24 Heures, le Nouveau Réveil, le Libéral Nouveau, Le Front, Ivoire Matin, Le Journal des Journeaux and Le Jour Plus. Earlier the same day, close to 200 armed youths, calling themselves the “young patriots” had attacked four of these listed private dailies Le Patriote, 24…  
13331. Violence Directed Towards Journalists Undermines Democracy in India, says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) the global organisation of journalists, representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide is concerned over the recent violence directed towards journalists and media workers in Kerala, India. On 1 November 2004, 15 media workers were attacked whilst covering a reception of the Industries Minister, P.K. Kunhalikutty at the Karipur airport. “It is unacceptable for journalists to be attacked in attempts to intimidate or censor reports,“ said IFJ President Christopher Warren today. "Journalists must be allowed to perform their professional duties free from violence or fear". The journalists who were attacked and injured in the…  
13333. IFJ/IPI Welcome Firm Commitment to Hold 4th EFJA General Assembly and Appoint a New President  

On 15 October, the International Press Institute (IPI) and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) received a statement from one of the presidents of the divided Ethiopian Free Press Journalists’Association (EFJA), Kifle Mulat. In that statement, Mulat outlined his commitment to hold a fourth EFJA General Assembly for the purposes of choosing a new EFJA President. In the statement, Mulat said, “The objective of [EFJA] is not to create division but to bring about unity based on firm convictions and commitments.” He went on to agree to a 4th General Congress to be called within six months starting from 23 October 2004 and said he was doing so in the belief that it “would…  
13335. IFJ Condemns Colombian “Intimidation” After Officials Bar Union Activists from the Country  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the Colombian government over a “political game of intimidation” after barring entry into the country of Víctor Báez Mosqueira, the General Secretary of ICFTU-ORIT, along with three other international trade union representatives. “In a country where union activists are being killed as they fight for their rights, it is intolerable that international unionists expressing solidarity and support should be victims of a political game of intimidation,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. On 30 October and 1 November Víctor Báez Mosqueira, General Secretary of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions -…  
13336. Killing of Journalists and Media Staff in 2004 at ‘Unprecedented Levels of Brutality’ Says IFJ as Total Nears 100  

The targeted bomb attack on the Baghdad office of Arab television channel Al-Arabiya at the weekend, in which a number of employees were killed, and the killing yesterday of Reuters cameraman Dhia Najim have confirmed Iraq as the world's most dangerous country for journalists and brings the death toll of journalists and media staff this year to almost 100, says the International Federation of Journalists. “Journalists and media staff are victims of unprecedented levels of brutality,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary today. “We need more action to reduce risks and we need clear answers to hard questions about why our colleagues are being killed.” White was raising concerns over…  
13337. World Journalists Back “Courageous 200” Fighting Intimidation and Censorship in Ukraine Election  

The International Federation of Journalists today backed the “courage and defiance” of more than 200 television journalists in the Ukraine who have publicly denounced intimidation and political censorship during the presidential election. The call for independence by Ukrainian TV journalists announced at an open-air press conference in Kiev last Thursday has had a noticeable impact on coverage of Sunday’s presidential elections, which until now have been marred by widespread black propaganda against the leading opposition candidate. Since protests began last week journalists have been subject to attacks and victimization by television managements who accused them of being…  
13339. Creators Respond to the EU Consultation on the Revision of the Acquis Communautaire  

The European Commission launched a consultation on a possible revision of the acquis communautaire in July 2004. Together with other creators' organisations, the EFJ issued a common statement in response to the consultation, stressing that the most important inconsistencies and imbalances in the acquis communautaire are due to omissions leading to: - the divergent definitions of protected works - The worrying existence in some EU member states of US like workfor- hire concepts on the ownership of works that are created in the course of employment - The lack of recognition of some basic -but vital- economic rights for performers - The unacceptable disparities in the protection…  
13340. IFJ Call For Solidarity as Hunger Strike by Journalists Inspires Ukraine Protests against Election Censorship  

The International Federation of Journalists today called on journalists around the world to send messages of support and solidarity to colleagues at the Ukrainian independent Broadcaster, Kanal 5, where over 250 staff have entered their fourth day of hunger strike. Yesterday the strike inspired journalists in the state media when 42 leading journalists in four major TV stations issued a statement calling for an assertion of professional ethics and complaining that “Contrary to the standards of professional journalism, the authorities, with several owners and managers of TV channels which they pressurize, are striving to conceal important developments or to distort them.” One…  
13344. IFJ Welcomes Award to Belarussian Association: A Tribute to Solidarity in the Fight For Freedom  

The International Federation of Journalists and its European organisation the European Federation of Journalists today congratulated the Belarussian Association of Journalists following the announcement that the group is to receive the European Parliament’s prestigious Sakharov Prize. “This is thoroughly deserved and a tribute to the power of union solidarity in the fight for press freedom,” said Aidan White, IFJ and EFJ General Secretary. “The BAJ has been at the forefront of the struggle for journalists’ and media rights in a country whose attitude to independent journalism remains stuck in a time warp from the Soviet era.” For ten years the country has suffered, says the IFJ,…  
13346. EFJ Condemns Attack on Press Freedom and Public Service Broadcasting by Portuguese Authorities  

In a motion adopted by its Steering Committee on Monday, the European Federation of Journalists condemned the will of the Portuguese Spokesman of the government to apply “limited liberties” to journalists. The EFJ expressed its concern over public statements by the Portuguese government intending to change media regulations and to replace the High Authority for Social Communication by a new regulatory body in absence of a public debate. Even more worrying are the declarations by Mr. Morais Sarmento, the Minister responsible for media policy and spokesman of the Government, who said that public service broadcasters should only have a “limited freedom”. “These declarations sound from…  
13351. IFJ calls for Government action in response to journalist murdered in Bangladesh  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide has today called for an investigation into the murder of journalist Shahid Anwar, assistant editor of the Daily Asian Express. Anwar was shot on 24 October 2004 inside his office in Dakar’s Kataban area. Anwar was shot twice in the forehead by unidentified attackers who stormed his office at approximately 3:30pm. Police have suggested one possible motive for the killing is a business rivalry but are yet to confirm any suspects or motives connected to the murder. Anwar is the second journalist murdered in Bangladesh in two months; unidentified assailants…  
13353. IFJ Executive Committee Condemns the Hindustan for terminating 362 employees  

The International Federation of Journalists condemns the termination of services of 362 permanent employees of the Hindustan Times in Delhi and supports the Hindustan Times Employees Union struggle for the withdrawal of the arbitrary and illegal dismissal order of 3 October 2004. The IFJ takes a dim view of the employer´s tactics in justifying the termination of services on grounds of change in ownership of its printing units to its subsidiary, whereas in effect it is controlled and owned by the Hindustan Times group itself. The IFJ is particularly is concerned about the Company´s use of FDI as a cover for dismissing its employees. The IFJ sends a message of solidarity of…  
13354. IFJ Condemns “Shadows of old-Style Censorship” After Attacks on Ukrainian Independent National Broadcaster  

The International Federation of Journalists today accused Ukrainian leaders of taking the country “into the shadows of old-style censorship and media controls” following the attacks on the only independent national broadcaster, Kanal 5, whose accounts have been frozen following a decision of the Pecherikiy District Court in Kiev in 18 October. Earlier Kanal 5’s license to broadcast in Kiev was also suspended and the station could be prevented from broadcasting in the capital at any moment. “These actions against an independent media voice are shocking in a country that claims to be making a transition to democratic pluralism,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “It is even worse…  
13355. Killing of Journalist Sparks IFJ Concern Over “Wave of Hatred” in Belarus  

The International Federation of Journalists today called for an independent investigation into the killing of an opposition journalist in Belarus and warned that the regime of Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko was in danger of “unleashing a wave of hatred” against opposition voices as protests continued over controversial elections at the weekend. The family of Veronika Cherkasova said today that the body of the 44-year-old journalist, who has worked for independent media outlets for the past 15 years, was discovered by her stepfather Vladimir Melezhko last night. He said she had many stab wounds. Cherkasova was working most recently for the newspaper Solidarnost, a trade…  
13356. IFJ Calls on Somalia’s New Rulers to Support Independent Journalism and Press Freedom  

The International Federation of Journalists, which represents over 500,000 journalists worldwide, today called upon Somalia to strengthen the participation of journalists in the drafting of the national constitution and a new media law. The IFJ says urgent action is needed to improve the country’s current press freedom situation. “The Somali people has to recover from the 14-year terror of armed militias in the country and now move into a new democratic environment where there is respect for free speech and press freedom," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “That requires the creation of a confident, vigorous community of journalists and we urge the new government to support…  
13361. Somalia: Press and Civil Society Groups Jointly Condemn 'All Types of Direct and Indirect Censorship'  

Statement from the Journalists Network (SOJON) Participants from the press and the civil society entities in Somalia who attended a meeting on “How can be strengthened the protection of Somalia’s Freedom of Press” with a special focus on the new administration of Somali Federal Republic condemned all types of direct and indirect censorship. This meeting, which was held on 16 October 2004, was organized by the Somali Journalists Network (SOJON) after Somalia’s National Reconciliation Conference was culminated soon after electing the Somalia’s interim President for the coming period of five years. The members of the press and the civil society welcomed the outcome of the National…  
13363. IFJ Vows to Carry On Fight for Protection of Journalists’ Sources After European Court Defeat  

The International Federation of Journalists today said it was determined to continue the fight in the case of an investigative journalist seeking to protect his sources despite a court decision that could see his confidential files falling into the hands of European Union officials, even before the police investigation of his case is completed. The President of the Court of First Instance in Luxembourg on Friday dismissed an application for interim measures by Stern investigative reporter Hans-Martin Tillack, to prevent the European Union’s anti-fraud office (OLAF) from inspecting material seized in a raid on his offices in Brussels in March this year. He was directed by the Court…  
13364. Journalists Hail “Victory for Editorial Independence” as Greek Judges Back Strikers  

The International Federation of Journalists today welcomed a landmark decision by an appeal court in Greece that has confirmed a verdict against a publisher in Thessaloniki who victimised a journalist when he protested over internal censorship regarding coverage of the war in Iraq. “This is a major victory for editorial independence and social justice,” said Arne Konig, Chairman of the European Federation of Journalists, the regional group of the IFJ. “It should act as a warning to others that try to intervene in the work of journalists.” The Thessaloniki Court of Appeals has confirmed an original decision of the Thessaloniki Court of First Instance, which ruled in favour of staff…  
13365. Euronews September 2004 auf Deutsch  

Bulletin der Europäischen Journalisten Föderation European Federation of Journalists INHALT EJF Nachrichten Medienkonzentration Urheberrechts-Nachrichten Europa-Politik Briefing Veröffentlichungen/Websites Kalender DOWNLOAD (PDF)  
13366. United States Attack on Journalists’ Right to Protect Sources “Violates First Amendment” Says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists has accused the United States authorities of endangering the country’s cardinal democratic principle of free expression by attempting to force reporters to disclose confidential sources of information. “The First Amendment is a beacon for free expression,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “But that principle is threatened when journalists are bullied by judges and face jail for talking to government employees about serious public issues.” The IFJ is backing New York Times reporter Judith Miller who faces jail after being held in contempt by a judge in Washington over her refusal to reveal the source of a story about a leak from the…  
13367. Somaliland: Journalists' Group Denounce an 'Unstable Press Freedom'  

Further to a mission in Somaliland, the Somali Journalists Network (SOJON) issued a special report denouncing violations of press freedom in Somaliland. The report (in English), entitled "Somaliland: Unstable Freedom of Press", is available by clicking here.  
13369. ‘More Intimidation Than Crime-Busting’ Says IFJ As Police Target Independent Media Network  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the global organisation representing over 500,000 journalists worldwide, today called for an investigation into the action by police in Britain in co-operation with other agencies that led to the temporary closure of 21 of the more than 140 Indymedia web sites worldwide. "We have witnessed an intolerable and intrusive international police operation against a network specialising in independent journalism," said Aidan White IFJ General Secretary. "The way this has been done smacks more of intimidation of legitimate journalistic inquiry than crime-busting." The IFJ believes that the authorities may have abused their powers in carrying…  
13370. Upcoming European Social Forum, London, 15-17 October  

With its catchphrase ‘Another World Is Possible’, the ESF is a giant gathering for everyone opposed to war, racism and corporate power and for everyone who wants to see global justice, workers’ rights and a sustainable society. Over the course of three days there will be around 500 seminars and workshops, a multitude of cultural events, a march through central London and a rally at Trafalgar Square, culminating with a gig by Asian Dub Foundation. The National Union of Journalists of Great-Britain and Ireland has played a key role in the organising process, proposing seminars addressing the concentration of the media, public service broadcasting, exposing propaganda and fighting…  
Search results 13301 until 13370 of 15063