15063 results:

12251. EFJ Supports Journalists’ Union in Difficult Talks at Greek Public Broadcaster ERT  

Meeting today in Helsinki, the Steering Committee of the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) backed the Journalists’ Union of Macedonia and Thrace Daily Newspapers (ESIEMTH) in their battle for secure positions of dozens of journalists who were hired in precarious conditions in Greek Public Broadcasting (ERT). “Journalists expect a public broadcaster to set standards”, said EFJ Chair Arne König, “and in this extent we hope that ERT will indeed respect social and professional rights of its short term staff, working under false contracts, and provide them with open end work agreements” A strike is foreseen on 1st November. The union is asking…  
12252. IFJ Condemns Killing of Iraqi Journalist as Media Death Toll Hits 154  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the killing of Iraqi journalist Saed Mahdi Shalash and his wife in an attack on their home. On Thursday unidentified gunmen shot Shalash and his wife in their home in the Al Ameriya area west of Baghdad, the Iraqi Journalists’ Syndicate (IJS) said. He became the 154th media worker killed in Iraq since the start of the war in 2003. Shalash worked for the Rayat Al Arab newspaper. He had a 20-year career as a journalist working for the Iraqi News Agency. He left the agency in 2003, the IJS said. The IFJ says that Iraqi journalists risk being killed by any number of groups as the security…  
12253. IFJ and Middle Eastern Journalists Seek “Fast-Track” Procedure for Media to Combat Visa Obstacles  

We have corrected our press release in the fifth paragraph to correctly identify European Commissioner for Justice and Home Affairs Franco Frattini. A corrected version follows. The International Federation of Journalists and the Federation of Arab Journalists have condemned the increasing bureaucratic hurdles being placed in the way of entry by Middle Eastern journalists and media staff into countries of the European Union. At a meeting in Brussels last week the two groups agreed that delays in granting visas restrict freedom of movement was creating frustration in media and may contribute to a growing misunderstanding between communities. “It is more difficult than ever…  
12255. Professional Journalism in Conflict: South Asian Editors in solidarity with beleaguered media in Sri Lanka  

In response to the recent deterioration of the security situation in the country, which has contributed to an uncertain environment in which the media operates, a group of editors and journalists from South Asia is visiting Sri Lanka from October 23-25, 2006. The Mission members included: Bharat Bhushan, Editor (Delhi), The Telegraph; Prateek Pradhan, Editor, The Kathmandu Post, Nepal; Mazhar Abbas, Bureau Chief, AFP, Karachi, and Secretary General of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists; K. Venkataramanan, Special Correspondent, The Pioneer, Chennai; Jacqueline Park, Director, International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Asia Pacific; and Laxmi Murthy, IFJ Asia Pacific. The…  
12256. IFJ Denounces Bombing of Voice of Tigers in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists has condemned the bombing of the official radio station of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), the Voice of Tigers (VOT), by the Sri Lankan Air Force in Killinochch, an LTTE held town in Northern Sri Lanka on October 17. According to IFJ affiliate, the Free Media Movement (FMM), the attack destroyed the broadcasting towers of the VOT, and injured two workers. While the IFJ does not endorse or support the views of any particular media organisation, we maintain that all media should be treated as non-combatants and we strongly denounce the bombing of the VOT,” IFJ President Christopher Warren said. The Media Centre for National…  
12258. IFJ Calls for Release of Journalist Held in Gabon  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called for the immediate and unconditional release of Norbert Ngoua Mezui, editor of Nku'u Le Messager newspaper, who this week began serving a sentence related to a three-year-old libel action. Mezui was sentenced by a judicial tribunal in 2003 to 21 days of imprisonment for "press slandering." This decision followed a trial brought to the court by the paymaster of the general treasury against the weekly newspaper Misamu (whose publication has been suspended since then) and Mezui, author of the article that alleged that Equatorial Guinea was paying the salaries of the civil servants of Gabon. Mezui’s lawyer, Nkéa…  
12259. IFJ Condemns Death of 153rd Media Worker in Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the death of Ali Halil, a security guard for Al Irakiya TV, who was shot as he was on his way to work. Halil worked as a security gaurd for Al Irakiya and for others in an area in northwest Baghdad, according to the Iraqi Journalists’ Syndicate. He was killed by unknown gunmen on 16 October. He is the 15th media worker to be killed this month and the 153rd media worker to die in Iraq since the start of the war in 2003. The IFJ believes the security situation in Iraq is sliding out of control as journalists risk being killed by any number of groups. These threats make critical or investigative reporting…  
12263. Under strange circumstances another journalist dies in Cali, Colombia  

(Bogotá, Colombia) Journalist and publicist José Bonilla Romero was shot in the head by two unknown gunmen hiding in the interior of his residence in Cali, last October 12 at 9:40 pm. Although at first the police assured the crime was perpetrated by guerrilla, after they stated it had been the reaction of burglars that had been surprised inside the apartment of the journalist’s brother. However, due to the awkward silence from authorities and media organizations on this case, a version gathered from several colleagues began taking shape: Bonilla was the victim of an attack against the of Spain in that city, Mario de Ayala. The journalists and owner of…  
12267. Journalists Demand European Union Puts Pressure on Russia over Media Crisis  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the European Union to put the crisis of press freedom in Russia and the need for urgent action over the killing of leading journalist Anna Politkovskaya high on the agenda in this week’s summit meeting with Russian leaders in Lahti, Finland. “With rising concern over the lack of press freedom in Russia and in the aftermath of the killing of leading journalist Anna Politkovskaya this is no time for a business as usual summit,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “European Union leaders must demand that Russia restores a degree of pluralism and free expression into the media.” White…  
12270. IFJ Calls for Detailed Probe of Knife Attack after New Killing Shocks Russian Journalism  

The International Federation of Journalists today called for a detailed and credible investigation into the killing of Anatoly Voronin, the business manager and deputy director of Russian news agency Itar-Tass. Voronin was found in his apartment with multiple knife wounds and police are treating the incident as a case of premeditated murder. The case has further shocked a media community still stunned by the death just over a week ago of one of the country’s leading investigative journalists. “This was a shocking and deadly assault,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “It adds a new dimension to the dangerous and intimidating atmosphere that is…  
12272. EFJ Questionnaire on Quality in Journalism  

The EFJ is working on a project to build up a network to develop standards for quality journalism which can be used for collective agreements and journalism training at universities. We need to have some information beforehand and would appreciate very much if you answer these short questions. Write an X in the right box. For all the open questions, you are free to write your own contribution. Deadline for submissions is 15 November. Replies can be sent by fax or email to: fax +32 2 235 22 19 or email [email protected] DOWNLOAD THE QUESTIONNAIRE HERE (WORD)  
12276. Euronews Oktober 2006  

Euronews ist das Bulletin der Europäischen Journalisten Föderation . Download PDF File here Weitere Informationen über: Renate Schroeder and Marc Gruber – European Directors    [email protected]   [email protected]   European Federation of Journalists International Press Centre Residence Palace Bloc C, second floor Rue de la Loi, 155 1040 Brussels Tel: 32-2-235.22.15 Fax: 32-2-235.22.19  
12278. IFJ Condemns ‘Catastrophic Lawlessness” After Nine Die in Dawn Raid on Iraq TV  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the raid by gunmen on an Iraqi satellite television channel in Baghdad in which at least nine people were killed. This latest attack on the Al Shaabiya satellite channel brings to 149 the number of media staff killed since the Iraq conflict began and is further evidence, says the IFJ, that journalists are major victims of a “catastrophic rush towards civil war and lawlessness.” The IFJ says that targeted attacks on media are increasing and this assault was one of the largest single attacks on Iraqi journalists, who account for the vast majority of media casualties at the hands of insurgents. The Iraqi…  
12283. IFJ Calls on Islamic Courts to Respect Press Freedom in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on Somalia’s Islamic Courts Council (ICC) to protect press freedom after the council presented its information policy during a meeting with the local media. At the meeting on 8 October in Mogadishu, the ICC unveiled its thirteen-point policy, which included the stipulation that media should not disseminate anything that can create confrontations between the people and the ICC. They also said that journalists should reveal the sources of information they quote and not attend seminars of foreign organisations without the council’s “formal permission.” “This troubling policy shows that the ICC…  
12284. Authors’ rights and the European Agenda 2007 -2013, Authors’ works, EU content policy and global services  

September 20th 2006 Intervention by Aidan White International federation of Journalists First of all, I want to thank you for the kind invitation to speak at this meeting. It comes at a time when all creators, and particularly, the people I represent are facing unprecedented challenges and attacks on their rights. Meetings like this are vital. They give us an opportunity to share experiences but more importantly, they give us the chance to develop common strategies that we can use to defend the interests of all creators in the current difficult climate. The importance of protecting the economic and moral rights of journalists and press photographers has never been more…  
12288. Successful Claim for Equal Pay  

Successful Claim for Equal Pay Following a battle lasting almost two years, National Union of Journalists UK and Ireland (NUJ) member Ciara O’Brien has won a major victory in the Irish Equality Tribunal. The NUJ took a claim for equal pay against Dublin-based publishing company Computerscope Ltd., which published technology titles PC Live, Computerscope and Smart Company. In a decision released on September 19, the Equality Officer found that Ciara was discriminated against on the grounds of gender and age and was victimised for exercising her rights under the Act. Publishing magnate Frank Quinn was ordered to pay the complainant equal pay for a period of almost two years in…  
12290. Successful Claim for Equal Pay  

Successful Claim for Equal Pay Following a battle lasting almost two years, National Union of Journalists UK and Ireland (NUJ) member Ciara O’Brien has won a major victory in the Irish Equality Tribunal. The NUJ took a claim for equal pay against Dublin-based publishing company Computerscope Ltd., which published technology titles PC Live, Computerscope and Smart Company. In a decision released on September 19, the Equality Officer found that Ciara was discriminated against on the grounds of gender and age and was victimised for exercising her rights under the Act. Publishing magnate Frank Quinn was ordered to pay the complainant equal pay for a period of almost two years in…  
12291. IFJ Says Killing of Politkovskaya an “Outrage That Will Stun World Journalism”  

The International Federation of Journalists has described the killing in Moscow of Anna Politkovskaya, the Russian reporter who was a fierce critic of Russia’s war in Chechnya, as a “shocking outrage that will stun journalists across the world.” The IFJ says the killing reflects a state of lawlessness that is threatening to overwhelm Russian journalism. The Federation has called on the government of President Vladimir Putin to act immediately to bring the killers to justice. Politkovskaya was shot to death on Saturday. According to news reports, her body was found in the elevator in the building where she lived. “The Russian authorities must carry out an…  
12297. EURONEWS September / October 2006  

Euronews is the monthly bulletin of the European Federation of Journalists, produced in the Secretariat in Brussels. Download PDF File here For more information, please contact: Renate Schroeder and Marc Gruber – European Directors [email protected]   [email protected]   European Federation of Journalists International Press Centre Residence Palace Bloc C, second floor Rue de la Loi, 155 1040 Brussels Tel: 32-2-235.22.15 Fax: 32-2-235.22.19  
12299. IFJ Calls for Solidarity with Afghan Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is calling on its member unions and journalists around the world to show their solidarity with their Afghan colleagues and join a protest against the persistent attacks on journalists and media censorship in Afghanistan. Monday, October 9 is the two-year anniversary of the first democratic elections in Afghanistan. To mark this anniversary, the IFJ and its Asia office are asking member unions and journalists to send a letter to Afghan President Hamid Karzai to show their solidarity and to urge him to stop attacks on journalists and ensure freedom of the press. Two years after its first democratic election, Afghanistan remains one of…  
12301. IFJ Invites you to attend Oct. 16 Event in Brussels on Media Repression in Belarus  

The International Federation of Journalists cordially invites you to attend: 11 Years of Media Repression: What Next for Belarus Journalism? To be held as part of the The Belarus Forum: a Discussion of Belarus Politics, Economics and Media hosted by the Belarus Caucus of the European Parliament Monday, October 16 16.30.—20.00 European Parliament, room ASP 3G2 rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Brussels Speakers will include: Zhanna Litvina – Chair of the Belarus Association of Journalists Dmitry Novikau –  European Radio for Belarus Oliver Money-Kyrle –  International Federation of Journalists After eleven years of rule the…  
12302. Preliminary Proposals For RTHK Revealed In Hong Kong  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called for further measures to protect the independence of public service broadcasting in Hong Kong, after the independent panel review committee revealed a package of preliminary proposals at a press conference on September 27. The committee proposed Hong Kong’s future public broadcaster should be an independent statutory body, governed by a board of up to 15 directors and that it should be fully funded by the government in the first three years of its operations, after which it can begin receiving sponsorship and donations. “While it is a very positive sign that the committee recognised the vital need for the public broadcaster…  
12305. IFJ Calls for Justice for AP Photographer Held by US Military in Iraq  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the US military to take action in the case of Bilal Hussein, an Associated Press (AP) photographer who has been held for more than five months by US forces in Iraq on accusations that he is a security threat. In a report, the AP said it was told by military officials that Hussein, an Iraqi citizen, was being held for "imperative reasons of security" under United Nations resolutions. AP executives said the news cooperative's review of Hussein's work did not find anything to indicate inappropriate contact with insurgents, and any evidence against him should be brought to the Iraqi criminal justice system. The IFJ is…  
12306. IFJ Condemns Detention of Indigenous Journalists by Colombian Police  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the detention of two journalists from indigenous communities in Colombia, who were held on charges of rebellion and aiding guerrillas. The two have since been released but their case is yet another example of targeting of indigenous-community journalists by Colombian authorities. On the morning of September 19, police arrested Griseldino Yafue Guetoto and Rubiel Lis Velasco. The officers presented themselves as officials from the Communications Ministry and expressed interest on the juridical situation of the indigenous radio station Uxwall Nasa Yugue Stereo (Radio Nasa) in southwest Colombia. Initially,…  
12310. The Freedom and Independence of Romanian Press - 2005/2006  

In September 2006, the trade union of Romanian journalists "MediaSind" issued a report on freedom and independence of the the press in 2005-2006. CLICK HERE to download the report (PDF, 353kb) In June 2005, MediaSind became a full member of the International Federation of Journalists . As a result of the affiliation to IFJ, MediaSind Trade Union Organization has become country evaluator and has the duty to draw up country reports for the media field. MediaSind conclusions and reports are presented to the European Union Institutions, in the global report of the IFJ, as they represent European forums’ materials to inform and evaluate the level of democratization of the press…  
12313. Successful Claim for Equal Pay  

Successful Claim for Equal Pay Following a battle lasting almost two years, National Union of Journalists UK and Ireland (NUJ) member Ciara O’Brien has won a major victory in the Irish Equality Tribunal. The NUJ took a claim for equal pay against Dublin-based publishing company Computerscope Ltd., which published technology titles PC Live, Computerscope and Smart Company. In a decision released on September 19, the Equality Officer found that Ciara was discriminated against on the grounds of gender and age and was victimised for exercising her rights under the Act. Publishing magnate Frank Quinn was ordered to pay the complainant equal pay for a period of almost two years in…  
12314. IFJ Condemns Harassment of Journalists by Military in Togo  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the harassment of radio journalists by the military after they broadcast press releases asking the Togolese Football Federation (FTF) to reschedule the start of the national championship. On Saturday, 23 September, during the Radio Sport FM programme "Temps Réglementaire," presented by journalist and editor-in-chief of the station, Jean-Marie Elo, a reporter read a press release from football clubs that wanted to reschedule the start of the national championship. The reporter also read a press release from the FTF stating that there was no way the championship could be rescheduled. The programme prompted a…  
12317. EFJ Backs Italian Journalists in Strike Call Over Future of Collective Agreement  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today gave its full backing to the trade union of Italian journalists, the Federazione Nationale della Stampa Italiana (FNSI ), which has announced a series of strikes in the coming weeks in the face of a blunt refusal by newspaper publishers to talk about renewal of the national collective agreement . “The position of the employers is incomprehensible and shocking,” said the General Secretary of FNSI, Paolo Serventi-Longhi. “It does not take into account the willingness of trade unions to enter into a dialogue without any conditions.” Unions have tried to get talks started for a year, since the last agreement…  
12319. Google looses case against Belgian newspaper publishers  

  Sat 23/09/06 - The court in Brussels on Friday rejected Google's appeal against the injunction it received on 5 September. Lawyers acting for the Californian company had asked the court to reconsider the damages Google had to pay to Belgian newspaper editors. VRT News    
12320. Lagos Declaration on the Right of Access to Information  

Introduction On 22-23 September 2006, representatives of 30 civil society organisations from 16 countries in Africa met in Lagos to discuss ways to promote the right of access to information held by public authorities and, in particular, to share experiences regarding strategies for advancing the adoption of laws that fully protect this right. The Regional Workshop on Freedom of Information in Africa was organized by Media Rights Agenda (MRA) in collaboration with the Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI) and received expert presentations from Freedom of Information advocates from Albania, Bulgaria, and the United States. Observations and Resolutions The participating…  
Search results 12251 until 12320 of 15063