15063 results:

14141. IFJ Condemns the Banning of Times of Tonga  

The International Federation of Journalists has sent a letter of protest to the Prince of Tonga, voicing its concern over the continued deterioration of press freedom surrounding the Taimi 'o Tonga (Times of Tonga) case. Recommended action: Send appeals: Condemning the banning of the import of the Taimi 'o Tonga (Times of Tonga). Ask the Tongan government to air its grievances on the content of the newspaper through democratic means under either Tongan or New Zealand law. Urging the Government to ensure press freedom in Tonga. Appeals: Prince Lavaka Ata Ulukalala Palace Office Nukualofa, Tonga Fax: +676 24102 Please copy appeals to the IFJ Asia Office at…  
14142. Indpendent Press Councils  

The Indpendent Press Councils' web site is a source of information relating to press councils and media accountability systems throughout the world. An independent press council is responsible for the self-regulation of the news media in any given area, free from government interference or judicial supervision. Indpendent Press Councils  
14147. Unity For Justice - The Challenge of Change for Journalism in the Ukraine. Inquiry Into the Social and Professional Conditions of Journalists in the Ukraine  

Unity For Justice - The Challenge of Change for Journalism in the Ukraine. Inquiry Into the Social and Professional Conditions of Journalists in the Ukraine. April 2003.  
14150. IFJ Journalism Prize for Tolerance: The finalists for central and West Africa  

The jury for the IFJ Journalism for Tolerance Prize for West and Central Africa met in Dakar, Senegal from 1 to 2 April, 2003 to identify winners for the year 2003. A total of 36 entries were received and examined in the categories of print / on-line, radio and television. After deliberation, the jury comprising journalists of the region identified the following finalists for the print/ on-line category: Cherif Moumina SY ( Burkina Faso ) for "The Ivority syndrome: Ivorian article 35, Burkinabe article 38" published in "Brendré"on 14th October, 2002; Godefroid Ngambata ( DRC ) for " Zimbabwe: More calls for a negotiated solution to the Zimbabwean crisis" published in : " Le…  
14151. Romania: Authors' rights law  

English version of Romanian authors' rights law can be found here  
14152. Australian Journalists Protest Bombing of Iraqi Television  

The Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance has sent a letter of protest to the Prime Minister, John Howard voicing its concern over the recent The Media Alliance is deeply concerned over the coalition forces' bombing of Iraqi Television on Tuesday night. Recommended action: Send appeals: Condemning the recent bombing by coalition forces of Iraqi Television on Tuesday night. Appeals: Prime Minister John Howard Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Via facsimile: (02) 6273 4100 Please copy appeals to the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance at [email protected] The Alliance have protested to the Australian Prime Minister in the following letter:…  
14210. Algeria: Syndicat National des Journalistes  

Maison de la Presse, Tahar Djaout 1 rue Bachir Attar Alger Algeria Telephone/Fax: 213-21-67 36 61 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: General Secretary per interim: Kamel Amarni Status: Full Member  
Search results 14141 until 14210 of 15063