15058 results:

3571. Belarus: four journalists sent to prison for doing their job  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) today joined their affiliate the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) in demanding the release of four journalists sent to jail just for doing their job. On 11 and 12 May, Belarusian courts of Mahilou and Hlybokaye sentenced four journalists, all of them BAJ members, Ales Asiptsou, Mikhail Arshynski, Alexander Burakou and Zmitser Lupach to 10 days of administrative arrest for alleged “participation in unauthorized protests”. The journalists were in fact covering these demonstrations for their media. On 12 May, the Leninski District Court announced its decision in the case of…  
3572. Mozambique: Community radio journalist still missing while authorities offer no help  

Palma community radio journalist Ibraimo Abu Mbaruco was arrested on 7 April and held incommunicado by the Mozambican military in the troubled northern province of Cabo Delgado. Update: Journalist Ibraimo Abu Mbaruco has been missing for over one month while the government has not officially commented on the case The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Mozambique Union of Journalists in calling for the immediate and unconditional release of journalist Ibraimo Abu Mabaruco. On Tuesday 7 April, journalist Ibraimo was arrested by soldiers after leaving his office by about 6:00pm. According to the Media Institute of Southern Africa MISA…  
3573. Greece: EFJ/IFJ condemn smear campaign against four sport journalists  

The International and European Federations of journalists (IFJ/EFJ) strongly condemned the smear campaign in Athens, Greece, against four sport journalists and union members.  Around 10 000 posters featuring photos and names of the four journalists were plastered in the early hours of the morning in the streets across Athens on 6 May . Insulting  words against the journalists such as "slanderers", "shameful for 10 euros", "impostors" were printed on the posters. Three of the targeted journalists are members of Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers (JUADN), and IFJ/EFJ affiliate while  the fourth  is a member of the Journalists’ Union of Macedonia and Thrace…  
3574. USA: As China-US retaliations escalate, Chinese journalists face new visa restrictions  

On May 8, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced visa restrictions for mainland Chinese journalists employed by non-U.S. media restricting their work visas to 90 days, in what is seen as the latest retaliatory measure against China. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concern about the escalation of the situation and the impact on media freedom as it obstructs the free flow of information during a global pandemic. This measure taken by the U.S. is one in a series of retaliatory moves between China and U.S., that involves media and journalists and threatens the free flow of information.  Under the new rules, Chinese journalists are eligible to receive…  
3575. Nepal: Journalist attacked by thugs  

Journalist Pawan Yadav was attacked by thugs in Bara district after on May 10, 2020. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Nepal affiliate, the Nepal Press Union (NPU), condemn the attack and call on authorities to punish the guilty. Yadav, a journalist with Terai Madhesh daily was punched and kicked by a group of young thugs in Kalaiya, Hanuman Mandir after he tried to stop them abusing a priest in the temple. “While I was returning my home in Uttarjitgaiya from the office at around 8:30 pm, I saw a gang misbehaving and insulting a priest, and I tried to stop them from misbehaving. To my surprise, they attacked me”, Yadav said to IFJ. Yadav received serious injury on…  
3576. Belarus: Government revokes accreditation of two Russian journalists  

On 6 May, Belarusian Foreign Ministry cancelled press accreditations of Russian Channel One television journalist Aleksei Kruchinin and cameraman Sergei Panasyuk, following their reports on the growing coronavirus outbreak in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) in condemning this open act of intimidation and urge the Foreign Ministry to review its decision and give the accreditation back to their holders. The two Russian media professionals are not obliged to leave the country, but they can no longer work freely as they are no longer officially recognised as journalists. The Foreign Ministry provided no…  
3577. Malaysia: Journalists barred from covering first sitting since change in government  

Malaysia’s lower house of parliament scheduled to sit for the first time since the change in government will only be accessible to journalists from government media organisations on May 18. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) urge the government to give journalists access to parliament while maintaining safety standards. Journalists from non-government media organisations will be barred from attending the first sitting day of the lower house since the political crisis in February and March that led to a change in government. In addition to the government plans to introduce Covid-19 related bills and…  
3578. Philippines: Black propaganda against ABS-CBN and Maria Ressa  

The government's anti-communist task force posted offensive black propaganda on social media against ABS-CBN and Rappler chief executive officer Maria Ressa. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) condemn the offensive propaganda and blatant disregard for the media. The National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) shared a series of black propaganda posts, intending to discredit organisations by appearing to make claims on their behalf. One post from the task force falsely stated the ABS-CBN's franchise renewal request ‘was disapproved’ after legal issues were raised…  
3579. Sweden: Cartoonist threatened with death after publishing cartoon  

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) together with their affiliate in Sweden the Journalistförbundet (SJF) strongly condemned the online smear campaign targeting cartoonist Mahmoud Abbas since 21 April 2020, following the publication of his cartoon. Cartoonist of Palestinian origin Mahmoud Abbas lives in Sweden. On 20 April 2020, his cartoon about the collapse of international oil prices went viral on Twitter in Saudi Arabia. It shows a person in a Gulf Arab dress and a rolling barrel of oil behind him. The character was identified by the audience as crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman and the cartoon was perceived as “mocking the Gulf”. Since 21…  
3580. Afghanistan: Journalist shot dead in police crossfire  

Ahmad Khan Nawid, host of Voice of Ghor Radio, was shot and killed in Firozkoh, Ghor province in police crossfire on May 9. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists' Association (AIJA) are deeply concerned over Nawid’s death and urge the government investigate the excessive use of force by police. Volunteer radio presenter at Voice of Ghor Radio, Ahmad Khan Nawid, 19, was shot during a clash between police and protestors over the unfair distribution of food aid in the Ghor province. Nawid was only passing by on his way to work, approximately 5 km away from his office, when the bullet struck the back of his head killing…  
3581. Ahmad Khan Nawid  

Ahmad Khan Nawid The radio presenter for Voice of Ghor was killed by a shot fired during clashes between police and protestors over unfair distribution of food aid in the city of Firozkoh, Ghor province. Nawid was passing in the area on his way to work when a bullet struck the back of his head, killing him instantly. Journalists' safety, Afghanistan, IFJ, Impunity  
3582. Northern Ireland: IFJ condemns sickening death threats  

The IFJ has joined the National Union of Journalists in the UK and Ireland in demanding sickening death threats against Sunday World and Sunday Life newspaper workers be lifted. The threats, issued by the dissident loyalist group, the South East Antrim Ulster Defence Association (UDA),  is being taken seriously by the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and by the media company, which also publishes the Belfast Telegraph, Sunday Independent, Irish Independent, the Herald and a range of regional titles. Séamus Dooley, NUJ assistant general secretary, said: "This is a vile attempt to intimidate editors, journalists and publishers. "It is the latest in a series of threats in…  
3583. Periodistas y COVID en América Latina: ya murieron casi 30 trabajadorxs de prensa  

Se han registrado fallecimientos por coronavirus de periodistas y trabajadorxs de medios y junto con nuestras organizaciones afiliadas en la región, instamos a las autoridades y empleadores a hacer cumplir y acatar los protocolos sanitarios para evitar más contagios. La Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe de la Federación Internacional de Periodistas, unión de sindicatos que agrupa a más de 600.000 trabajadorxs de prensa en el mundo, recibe periódicamente, a través de sus afiliados en la región, partes sobre el estado de lxs trabajadorxs del sector en el contexto del COVID-19. Hasta la fecha, hemos recibido una preocupante cantidad de contagios y una lamentable nómina de…  
3584. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 1 and 8 May, 2020 English Journalists face crises on multiple fronts due to COVID-19 pandemic, survey finds (THE JAKARTA POST) Indonesian journalists face job losses, pay cuts and obstruction during outbreak: LBH Pers (THE JAKARTA POST) CPJ, 191 partner organizations urge UN Secretary General to take action to secure release of jailed journalists amid COVID-19 (CPJ) Report: Virus pandemic being used to curb press freedom (CP24) Pacific…  
3585. Women journalists are suffering greater stress due to COVID-19 , IFJ study says  

Women journalists are suffering greater stress and anxiety than their male counterparts as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to an International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) global survey. While women journalists’ working conditions tend to be less affected by the COVID-19 outbreak than those of men , two-thirds of women have suffered higher stress and anxiety as a result of the crisis compared to just half of men. The survey, carried out by the IFJ, the world's leading journalists' organisation representing 600.000 journalists in 146 countries on 26 - 28 April, gathered 1308 responses from 77 countries, out of which 42% were female. While three-quarters of all…  
3586. Brazil: wage cuts, layoffs and COVID-19 infections hit journalism  

The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus has exacerbated the crisis already existing in the economic model of traditional journalism. In Brazil, companies in the communication sector fire their workers and/or reduce their wages, in addition to cutting the working hours of their staff. Despite this situation, journalists work in harsher and more difficult conditions and often do so without the measures and equipment necessary to protect their health. Wage cuts have taken place in many media, including big companies. The Rio de Janeiro-based publisher Globo or the newspaper O Estado in Sao Paulo have applied 25% cuts in workers' wages and a similar…  
3587. France: Government’s "désinfox coronavirus" page was short-lived  

The "désinfox coronavirus" page, an initiative of the French Government Information Service (SIG), will be remembered as May’s fake ‘good idea’. Announced in a tweet on April 30 by the French government spokeswoman, Sibeth Ndiaye, the page "désinfox coronavirus", a selection of fact-checking articles from some media about Covid-19, caused an instant outcry from the entire profession, in particular in a press release by two French affiliates of the IFJ, the SNJ and the SNJ-CGT, published on May 2. They denounced an unacceptable stranglehold on information policy: "By what right does the government authorise itself to decide what constitutes "good" and "bad" information?…  
3588. Malaysia: Court denies access to journalists  

The magistrate’s court in Putrajaya banned journalists from covering an open court proceeding against the eldest daughter of UMNO party president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Nurulhidayah Ahmad Zahid and her husband Saiful Nizam Mohd Yusoff on May 5. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has backed its affiliate the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) in expressing regret regarding the banning and demand the authorities respect the rights of journalists. Journalists were on standby since early morning on Tuesday to cover the case. However, at least five reporters were told to leave without clear explanation. The court still allowed some members of the public to…  
3589. Philippines: Radio host shot dead in Dumaguete City  

Cornelio Pepino, 48, was shot dead by two unidentified men after hosting his regular radio program on dyMD Energy 93.7 FM. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) condemn the murder and urge authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the killing. Radio host Cornelio Pepino, also popularly known as Rex Cornelio, was gunned down by two men on motorcycles in Dumaguete City at 8:45pm on May 5. Cornelio was riding his motorcycle with his wife when two men on a separate motorcycle opened fire. Cornelio was dead on arrival at Siliman University Medical Centre. His wife survived,…  
3590. Bangladesh: Five Journalists arrested within five days  

The first five days of May has seen the arrest of five journalists under the draconian Digital Security Act (DSA) over their news articles and Facebook posts. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses its serious concern over the arrests and urges the authorities to release the journalists and drop all charges against them immediately. On May 5, editor of Haorancholer Katha and district correspondent of SATV, Mohammad Mahtab Uddin Talukder, was arrested at his residence over his Facebook post that allegedly spread false information about Member of Parliament (MP), Mouzzam Hossain Ratan. According to Dhaka Tribune, the complaint filed against Mahtab Uddin was made citing…  
3591. Philippines: ABS-CBN forced off-air  

The ABS-CBN, one of the oldest television broadcasters in the Philippines, was forced off air on Tuesday night, May 5, after the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) ordered the company to stop television and radio operations. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) to condemn the cease and desist order and urge the authorities to allow ABS-CBN to continue its operations. NTC has issued a cease and desist order against ABS-CBN on May 5 after the company’s congressional franchise expired on Monday, May 4. The network went off air at 7.52 pm local time, just after the airing of flagship news…  
3592. Colombia: denuncian espionaje militar a periodistas  

La revista Semana denunció en una investigación al Ejército Colombiano por interferir computadoras y teléfonos de periodistas que reportaban sobre el Proceso de Paz en ese país. Junto con nuestrxs afiliadxs en la Federación Colombiana de Periodistas, condenamos absolutamente este accionar. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) rechaza firmemente las operaciones de espionaje ilegal a periodistas denunciadas por la revista colombiana Semana: según una investigación de ese medio, el Ejército de Colombia intervino teléfonos y computadoras de numerosxs comunicadores colombianxs y del fotógrafo estadounidense Stephen Furry, ganador del premio Tim Hetherington por su aporte a la defensa…  
3593. Chile: FIP apoya las denuncias por represión contra periodistas  

Durante las manifestaciones del 1° de Mayo, Carabineros de Chile reprimió y detuvo a periodistas que estaban trabajando así como también a dirigentes de organizaciones sindicales que estaban movilizándose de manera pacífica. Ante las detenciones y la represión a periodistas durante la última manifestación del Día del Trabajador, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) apoya las presentaciones judiciales y quejas formales de las organizaciones de profesionales chilenxs que exigen justicia para lxs periodistas agredidos. Las detenciones a lxs compañerxs, según lo muestran videos de dominio público, no tuvieron justificación alguna e incluso llegaron a producirse mientras algunxs…  
3594. Cornelio Pepino  

The 48-year-old radio host, also known as Rex Comelio, was fatally shot after hosting his regular radio program on dyMD Energy 93.7 FM. Cornelio was riding his motorcycle with his wife in Dumaguete City when two men on a separate motorcycle opened fire. He was pronounced dead on arrival at Siliman University Medical Centre. His wife survived, unharmed.   Journalists' safety, Philippines, IFJ, Impunity  
3595. Somalia: Journalist stabbed to death in Mogadishu  

Journalist Said Yusuf Ali, working for the privately owned Kalsan TV, was stabbed to death in Mogadishu’s Hodan district on May 4. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) condemn this heinous crime and urge the authorities to deliver justice Said Yusuf, 30, was stabbed 4 times by a man on his way back home after work. The police said that the suspected killer is currently being detained while a further search is underway for a woman suspected of being involved in the crime. Police officials referred to the case as a “calculated killing”.   Said Yusuf Ali, who leaves behind a wife and 2 children, is the second…  
3596. La liberté d'expression en danger au Maroc  

Le projet de loi 22.20 relatif à l'utilisation des réseaux sociaux au Maroc a suscité un tollé général. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organisation mondiale de la profession, s'associe à son affilié, le Syndicat national de la presse du Maroc (SNPM), et demande son retrait immédiat. Ce n'est qu'un projet de loi, mais il a déjà fait couler beaucoup d'encre au Maroc. Le texte 22.20 relatif à l'utilisation des réseaux sociaux, des réseaux de diffusion et réseaux similaires, déjà baptisé par les internautes marocains “la loi bavette”, a été adopté en Conseil de gouvernement le 19 mars dernier sans qu'aucune organisation professionnelle ou…  
3597. Indonesia: Police arrest former chief editor of local online media  

The special crimes investigation directorate of South Kalimantan police arrested Diananta Putra Sumedi, former chief editor of local online media, banjarhits.id, despite the Indonesian Press Council resolving the dispute in January, 2020. The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) has backed its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia to call on the police to release Diananta and drop the case immediately. Diananta was arrested on Monday, May 4 after a 4-hour interrogation. The police rejected an appeal filed by Diananta’s lawyer to suspend the detention, arguing Diananta is unlikely to cooperate and may eliminate evidence. He was charged under the…  
3598. China: Chinese journalist jailed for criticising Chinese government  

A Chinese journalist has been jailed for 15 years for reports posted on social media allegedly claiming corruption by Chinese party officials in Hunan province. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the sentence and questions the trial process which has been widely criticised. According to court documents, Chen Jieran was convicted of "picking quarrels and provoking trouble, extortion, illegal business operations and bribery”. Chen, who had previously worked for some of China’s propaganda outlets including the People’s Daily, was convicted on May 1 but has been held in detention by China’s authorities since 2018. The court statement said that Chen had “published…  
3599. Bangladesh: Missing journalist found near border and re-arrested  

Shafiqul Islam Kajol, a photojournalist who had been missing for nearly two months, was arrested on World Press Freedom Day, May 3, by Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) who claim that he was found illegally trespassing the border from India. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the arrest and urges authorities to release him immediately. Kajol, a photographer and editor of Pakkhakal Shafiqul magazine, had reportedly gone missing on March 10, a day after he was charged under the Digital Security Act (DSA), along with 31 other journalists, for allegedly publishing false information. The journalists were charged under the DSA after being sued by a ruling party…  
3600. Pakistan: Daniel Pearl’s parents launch appeal to Supreme Court  

The parents of murdered US journalist Daniel Pearl filed an appeal to the Supreme Court of Pakistan on May 2, a day before the World Press Freedom day, in an effort to reverse the Sindh High Court’s ruling that overturned the convictions of four men in murder of their son. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) express its solidarity with the Pearl’s family to seek justice. Pearl's father, Judea Pearl, confirmed the appeal to the higher court seeking a reversal to the April 2 ruling. “The Sindh High Court has misapplied the burden and the standard of proof erroneously to the facts of this case,” their appeal…  
3601. Australia: Bauer Media criticized over handling of job losses  

On 4 May, German publisher Bauer Media notified its staff about 60 job losses and 15 stand downs in a Zoom meeting. This move has been heavily criticized by the Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA), describing the way the situation was handled as “callous”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the MEAA, in condemning the harsh way in which Bauer Media has treated its staff. According to a statement released by MEAA, Bauer Media had recently completed its acquisition of Pacific Magazines, which had 160 employees. Following this acquisition, Bauer Media quickly moved to managing redundancies. The statement further mentions that, Bauer Media, being a…  
3602. Philippines: Solicitor general warns against granting provisional authority to ABS-CBN  

Solicitor general Jose Calida warned the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) against allowing the ABS-CBN television network to operate while the company’s franchise is pending approval in Congress. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) express dismay at the warning and call on authorities to grant the franchise to the broadcasting company. The Philippine’s largest television network, ABS-CBN’s franchise expires yesterday on May 4 after months of delays in the Senate attempting to approve the franchise. On World Press Freedom Day, May 3, Jose Calida threatened to prosecute NTC commissioners if…  
3603. Said Yusuf Ali  

The journalist Said for the privately owned Kalsan TV, was stabbed to death in Mogadishu Hodan district. According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), an IFJ affiliate, 30-year-old Said Yusuf was on his way home after work when he was attacked and stabbed four times by a man. The police said that the attacker was detained and they were looking for a woman suspected of being involved in the attack. Police officials referred to the case as a “calculated killing”.   Journalists' safety, Somalia, IFJ, Impunity  
3604. Somalia: IFJ commends declaration to decriminalise journalism and freedom of expression in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has welcomed the announcement by Somalia’s President to repeal harsh laws which criminalised freedom of expression and journalism. Speaking on World Press Freedom Day, and responding to an appeal from the IFJ’s affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmaajo committed to scrap Somalia’s excessively harsh and severe Penal Code which was enacted in 1964 “to ensure it is not used against journalists”. President Farmaajo said his “administration fully supports the decriminalisation of journalism and free expression through legal reform” and “will not tolerate any infringement against…  
3605. Uganda: Union fights Covid-19 pay cuts  

The Uganda Journalists Union is threatening legal action to fight pay cuts of up to 60% imposed on journalists by New Vision Publishing. Journalists were sent a memo by company bosses on 30 April imposing cuts of between 40% and 60% as a result of “extremely difficult market conditions” caused by the Coronavirus crisis. The company, publishers of New Vision and Kampala Sun among other titles, said the “stiff measures” were necessary to “keep the business viable”. But members of the UJU say workers already earn low pay and these cuts will cause enormous hardship just at a time when citizens are turning to the group’s papers and websites for news. One female journalist…  
3606. Online High-Level Dialogue: Press Freedom and Tackling Disinformation in the COVID-19 context 4 May 2020, 17:00 - 18:30 CET (GMT+2)  

On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day 2020, join UNESCO and representatives of the press and press freedom groups on Monday 4 May for an online discussion on the importance of press freedom and independent journalism to provide reliable,life-saving information during the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics to be covered include: • Fighting disinformation and rumours • Journalists on the front lines: ensuring their health and safety • The role of governments: protecting press freedom and independent journalism • The role of social media and technology: supporting journalism and fighting disinformation Speakers António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations  Audrey Azoulay…  
3607. #WPFD: IFJ affiliates stand up for press freedom  

Many IFJ affiliates took action to mark World Press Freedom Day on 3 May. Here is a non exhaustive list of their initiatives. Australia: MEAA released its annual press freedom report on World Press Freedom Day Colombia: FECOLPER interviewed columbian journalists . Read the interviews.   France: SNJ-CGT, SNJ: Liberté de la presse, une conquête permanente. Lire le communiqué ici et ici  Ireland: NUJ, "From health crisis to good news. A recovery plan for the news industry in Ireland". Read the Full Text. Italy: FNSI and ARTICOLO 21, The alarm of Anthony Bellanger, IFJ General Secretary. "Democracy in danger". Read the Full…  
3608. Malaysia: Journalist summoned over critical article  

Tashny Sukumaran, a correspondent for Hong Kong newspaper the South China Morning Post in Malaysia, has been summoned by the Malaysian police over her reporting on raids in Covid-19 red zones. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) condemn the investigation and urge the authorities to drop the probe. Sukumaran co-wrote an article  published  on May 1 on raids by civil defence officers, the police and immigration officers targeting migrants and refugees. The raids, resulting in the arrest of hundreds of already marginalised migrant workers and refugees, occurred despite assurances from the…  
3609. Cambodia: The ongoing battle for press freedom  

Cambodia is a country in the press freedom spotlight, for all the wrong reasons. Press violations are on the rise as the country’s long-serving prime minister Hun Sen seems intent on silencing media and critical voices to stay in power. On World Press Freedom Day, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges all sides to continue efforts to fight against the relentless clampdown on free press in Cambodia. IFJ has been monitoring press freedom and attacks on media institutions in the country for 17 years. It began when IFJ published a statement on October 20, 2003 to condemn the killing of a reporter in Phnom Penh and warn against the creation of a “climate of fear”. On 18 October…  
3610. African journalists’ body decries media repression and absolute impunity in the continent  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the Pan African organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on African governments to create a safe and enabling environment for journalists and media workers so that they can do their work freely and without fear of reprisals. Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) Press Statement 3 May, 2020 African journalists’ body decries media repression and absolute impunity in the continent The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the Pan African organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on African governments to create a safe and enabling environment for journalists and…  
3611. States of Control: IFJ launches 18th South Asia Press Freedom Report  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) and its affiliates launch the 18th edition of the South Asia Press Freedom Report – States of Control: Covid, Cuts and Impunity. The report was launched in a webinar hosted by the IFJ and UNESCO New Delhi on May 1, 2020. The IFJ said: “The media had the task of reporting the growing humanitarian crisis, working in difficult circumstances and amidst unprecedented physical curbs due to lockdowns and restrictions, particularly in containment zones. The Covid-19 crisis has exacerbated existing fault lines in the precarious freedoms that the South Asian media has fought for and the most vulnerable…  
3612. States of Control: South Asia Press Freedom Report 2019-20  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) and its affiliates launch the 18th edition of the South Asia Press Freedom Report – States of Control: Covid, Cuts and Impunity. States of Control: Covid, Cuts and Impunity was launched in a webinar hosted by the IFJ and UNESCO New Delhi on May 1, 2020 and published on World Press Freedom Day on May 3, 2020.   
3613. Cambodia: Journalists often risk their own safety just to do their jobs  

On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day 2020 and to launch the IFJ’s Cambodia media monitoring project, supported by the British Embassy in Phnom Penh, the IFJ has interviewed Nop Vy, the founder of the Cambodian Journalists Alliance (CamboJA).  Nop Vy, also the media director of the Cambodia Center for Independent Media (CCIM), is a committed press freedom advocate who has a deep understanding of the challenges faced by media workers in Cambodia.   What are the main challenges facing press freedom, particularly since the shutdown of independent media outlets starting in 2017 and the ongoing crackdown on social media? The safety and security of independent journalists are…  
3614. Cambodia: Journalists and the media continue to face significant judicial harassment  

To mark World Press Freedom Day 2020 and the launch of the IFJ’s Cambodia media monitoring project, supported by the British Embassy in Phnom Penh, the IFJ has interviewed Chak Sopheap, the Executive Director of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR). CCHR is one of the leading human rights organizations working for the promotion and protection of political and civil rights in Cambodia.  Over recent years Chak Sopheap has witnessed systematic restrictions on press freedom and judicial harassment of journalists and human rights defenders. 1) What are the main challenges facing press freedom, particularly since the shutdown of independent media outlets starting in 2017 and the ongoing…  
3615. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 24 April and 1 May, 2020 English Journalists' Working Conditions Hit Hard by Coronavirus (THE NEW YORK TIMES) Journalists’ working conditions hit hard by coronavirus (THE WASHINGTON POST) Journalists' working conditions hit hard by coronavirus (THE MIDDLETOWN PRESS) Coronavirus Makes Journalists' Work More Challenging (ASHARQ AL-AWSAT) Journalists' working conditions hit hard by coronavirus (TAIWAN NEWS) What you need to know today about the…  
3616. 1 de Mayo: Dia Internacional de lxs trabajadorxs  

Este Día Internacional de lxs Trabajadorxs nos encuentra en medio de una crisis política, económica y sanitaria sin precedentes. Nuevamente, como en cada crisis, el rol de los sindicatos y de las organizaciones comunitarias resulta de una importancia sustancial. La crisis del COVID19 es sanitaria, económica, social y laboral. El papel de los sindicatos, como ha sido a lo largo de la historia, vuelve a ser clave para defender los empleos, apuntalar el futuro del trabajo y aportar a la salud de sus afiliadxs. En varios países, organizaciones sindicales han donado instalaciones, insumos o puesto a sus profesionales al servicio de la población. Para el que vive de su salario, no hay…  
3617. Exposed: The crisis facing journalism in the face of Covid-19  

Three in four journalists have faced official restrictions, obstruction or intimidation in reporting on Covid-19, according to a major new survey of more than 1300 frontline journalists in 77 countries. Two-thirds of staff and freelance journalists have also suffered pay cuts, lost revenue, job losses, cancelled commissions or worsening working conditions, according to the survey carried out by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) between 26-28 April. The IFJ is the world's largest organisation of professional journalists representing 600,000 journalists in 146 countries. The survey of 1308 journalists also revealed that as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic: Nearly…  
3618. #WPFD Lotfullah Najafizada, TOLOnews: "I lost 11 colleagues, all killed by suicide bombs”  

Lotfullah Najafizada, is an award-winning journalist and director of TOLOnews, Afghanistan's top 24/7 news and current affairs TV channel. At TOLOnews, Najafizada oversees the largest news operation in Afghanistan 1. What is your biggest concern for press freedom in your country?  "Getting accurate and timely information from officials, at various levels of government, is a big issue for press freedom in Afghanistan. For example, it is often very difficult to get meaningful statements about financial activity from the ministries or about controversial operations from security forces, or about the progress of high-profile cases from the judicial organizations. In early February, 30…  
3619. #WPFD Haris Jamalzada: " It’s our duty as journalists to fight against violence, injustice, bigotry and inequality"  

Haris Jamalzada is the current affairs manager at Khurshid TV and a Rana Journalism Faculty Lecturer. He is a member of the Afghan Independent Journalists' Association and has more than 10 years’ experience in Afghan media 1. My biggest concern for press freedom?  "With the coming of World Press Freedom Day, I am concerned about the ongoing restrictions of freedom of expression and freedom of the media in Afghanistan. It’s our duty as journalists to fight against violence, injustice, bigotry and inequality".  2. What are your daily challenges as a journalist?  "Trust is a huge challenge. I don’t trust the Taliban and they are the biggest obstacles to media…  
3620. #WPFD Syed Hassan Abbas: “Media is the only effective medium between the state organs and the public in this health crisis”  

Syed Hassan Abbas is a senior journalist from Pakistan and has been defending media freedom and rights for more than 20 years. He has been President of Karachi Union of Journalists, one of the Pakistan Federation Union of Journalists (PFUJ ) affiliate units with over 2500 working journalists in membership. 1)      What is your biggest concern for press freedom in your country? "I have many concerns. The safety and security of journalists in a country like Pakistan is always difficult. And, the fact that the important work of journalists is not recognised. The importance of the media and their rights must be guaranteed".   2) What are…  
3621. #WPFD Togo: “Media independence means the ability for journalists to work without fear”  

AGBOKA Koffi Agbévavi is a web journalist and director of Empreinte News. He is a member of the Union of Independent Journalists of Togo (UJIT). A human rights activist, he is committed to social justice and transition. 1- What is your greatest concern for press freedom in your country? "The biggest concern is security. There must be real security for communication professionals in the exercise of their profession both in the field and in their offices. Safety also concerns the information we have to process and make available to readers, listeners, viewers and Internet users, as well as our working tools and the different sources of information available to journalists to carry out their…  
3622. COE Annual Report: Attacks on media in Europe can not become a new normal  

Attacks on press freedom in Europe are at serious risk of becoming a new normal, 14 international press freedom groups and journalists’ organisations, including the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), warned as they launch the 2020 annual report of the Council of Europe Platform for the Protection of Journalists. The fresh assault on media freedom amid the Covid-19 pandemic has worsened an already gloomy outlook. The report analyses alerts submitted to the Platform in 2019 and shows a growing pattern of intimidation to silence journalists on the continent. The past weeks have accelerated this trend, with the pandemic producing a new wave of serious threats and attacks on press…  
3623. #WPFD Global journalists stand up for press freedom  

What is your biggest concern for press freedom in your country? What are your daily challenges as a journalist? What are the most important stories to cover right now? Meet world journalists who are fighting fiercely to defend a free press. Hassan Al-Aboudi, Iraq: "One of the most important threats journalists are exposed to is harassment by government agencies due to a lack of understanding of the nature of journalistic and media work" . Read the Full Interview. Nima Hassan Abdi, Somalia: "Access to information from relevant authorities does not exist". Read the Full Interview. Farah Marshita Abdul Patah, Malaysia: "If the general public understands the important role of the media as…  
3624. China: Media workers detained for sharing censored Covid-19 information  

On April 19, Chinese authorities arrested two media workers based in Beijing, Cai Wei and his girlfriend Tang. They voluntarily contributed to Terminus2049, a crowd-sourced project that stores and collates reports and social media posts, containing information that is censored by the Chinese government. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the arrest of the media workers and calls for their immediate release. According to a report posted on Facebook by a Chinese human rights group, the families of Cai Wei and Tang were informed about their arrest five days after they had been held under police surveillance. The whereabouts of Chen Mei, a third volunteer working for…  
3625. Pakistan: Murder suspected in journalist hanging death  

Local journalist Saeed Qaisar Inphool Nagar was found hanging in a building in the Kasur district, 40 km from Lahore on April 29. He had been missing since April 27 and was found dead two days later. The International Federation of Journalists ( IFJ) joins with its affiliate, the Pakistan Federation Union of Journalists (PFUJ), in condemning the alleged murder. The PFUJ alleges the murderers tried to stage Qaisar's death as a suicide by hanging. The police have registered the case and started investigations but have yet to determine whether the death was a homicide or a suicide. The authorities are waiting for a post-mortem report. PFUJ president GM Jamali and Secretary General Rana…  
3626. Chile: se agrava la situación de los trabajadores de prensa  

Los principales grupos mediáticos de ese país, El Mercurio y La Tercera, avanzan en posibles planes de vaciamiento que iniciaron antes de la pandemia, pero se han agravado desde la llegada del COVID19. Nuestrxs afiliados en Chile afirman que el ajuste no obedece a una crisis económica, sino a un plan de recortes y reconversiones. Desde la Federación Internacional de Periodistas rechazamos los despidos en El Mercurio  S.A. y el grupo Copesa, responsable de los tradicionales medios chilenos El Mercurio y La Tercera, respectivamente. Una de nuestras nuestras organizaciones afiliadas en ese país, la Federación de Trabajadores de Medios de Comunicación Social de Chile (Fenatramco)…  
3627. #WPFD Hassan Al-Aboudi: One of the most serious threats to journalists is harassment by government agencies  

Hassan Al-Aboudi is deputy editor in chief of Al-zawrw newspaper in Iraq. He is a member of the Iraqi Journalists' Syndicate, head of the Press Freedom Committee and a member of Press Freedom Committee of the Federation of Arab Journalists. He has supervised safety training programs in Iraq in coordination with the IFJ. 1) What is your biggest concern for press freedom in your country?   "One of the most important threats journalists are exposed to is harassment by government agencies due to a lack of understanding of the nature of journalistic and media work that requires the transmission of facts to the public, in a transparent and neutral manner and devoid of misinformation…  
3628. #WPFD Nima Hassan Abdi: “Access to information from relevant authorities does not exist”  

Nima Hassan Abdi is a Somali journalist who has worked in the media sector for 16 years, mainly in the electronic media, where she had both professional and leadership roles. She is also the organising secretary of the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ). In the last four years, she has worked with the union in the struggle for free and independent media and free unionism from oppression and persecution. She has led the fight against gender inequality and discrimination against women journalists. 1. What is your biggest concern for press freedom in your country? "The biggest concern is oppression.  Authorities in Somalia tend to arrest journalists arbitrarily with…  
3629. IFJ Launches Global Platform for Quality Journalism  

On the eve of World Press Freedom Day on 3 May and in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world's leading professional and representative organisation of journalists with more than 600,000 members in 146 countries, launched a "Global Platform for Quality Journalism" on Wednesday 29 April. The document is aimed at IFJ affiliates, its regional groups and is supported by all the trade union World Federations, representing several hundred million workers. Information must never be confined. Information must remain a public good. By bringing more than two thirds of humanity to a standstill, the health, political and economic crisis of…  
3630. Russia: Vedomosti journalists demand removal of editor in chief for censorship  

Journalists at Vedomosti, one of Russia’s most prominent business publications, have demanded the removal of Editor in Chief, Andrey Shmarov, for what they claim is pro-Kremlin censorship. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) together with the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) urge Vedomosti's ownership to act to protect the independence of media professionals and respect press freedom. In March, Vedomosti was sold to Konstantin Zyatkov, the publisher of Argumenty i Fakty, a weekly newspaper owned by the Moscow government and to the businessman Alexei Golubovich. In the following days, they publicly announced that nothing would change under the newly installed chief editor…  
3631. #WPFD Farah Marshita Abdul Patah: "If the general public understands the important role of the media as a watchdog, there would be greater press freedom "  

Farah Marshita Abdul Patah is a journalist working in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She started her career in journalism in 2009 with Malaysia’s leading media house, Media Prima. Farah currently serves as President of the National Union Journalists Malaysia (NUJM) and is the chair of the NUJ branch at New Straits Times Press (NSTP) 1) What is your biggest concern for press freedom in your country? "Our growing concerns are laws that restrict journalists both accessing information and getting that information out to the public. There is a general lack of cooperation from various sectors and organisations that impacts on the work we do. If the general public understands the important role of…  
3632. Colombia: Journalists are imposed working conditions equal to or more harmful than the Covid-19 pandemic  

Six companies representing 18 media outlets in the country were reported to the Ministry of Labor for practices on the sidelines of Covid-19 for a breach on workers' rights. The Government of Colombia must cogently materialize the mechanism of “Rigorous labor inspection of employers' labor decisions during the health emergency”, contemplated in Circular 022 of March 19, 2020, of the Ministry of Labor. FECOLPER and the International Federation of Journalists reject and repudiate the practices performed by some employers in Colombia which downplay the labor rights of workers in the media sector, breaching national regulations and disregarding the treaties ratified by the country, in…  
3633. Global unions' statement on World Day for Safety and Health at work  

The IFJ, the world's leading organisation of journalists, joins leading global workers' organisations on World Day for Safety and Health at Work (28 April) to demand that Covid-19 be recognised as an occupational disease". Read the Full Text  health, coronavirus, covid19, unions, journalism  
3634. India: SimpliCity founder detained for criticism of government’s Covid-19 response  

D Andrew Sam Raja Pandian, the founder of SimpliCity, a bi-lingual news portal in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu is in judicial custody for his reports that were critical of the government’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and National Union of Journalists (NUJ-I) condemn the arrest and call on his immediate release. D Andrew Sam Raja Pandian, 39, has been kept in jail following his arrest on April 23 despite growing criticism from the media fraternity and political opposition. He was arrested for two news stories entitled ‘ People stuck in hunger demand government to supply them food…  
3635. Bangladesh: Journalist assaulted reporting on Covid-19 relief embezzlement  

Sajal Bhuiyan, the Narsingdi district correspondent for SA Television was punched, kicked and beaten by men wielding batons while collecting information on the alleged relief rice embezzlement in Bangladesh. The International Federation of Journalists condemns the attack and urge authorities to hold the perpetrators accountable. Sajal was brutally assaulted while investigating Amirganj Union Parishad chairman, Nasir Uddin Khan’s alleged embezzlement of rice in Narsingdi, 50km north-east of Dhaka on April 23. Reports allege Khan misappropriated public rice marked for distribution as part of the Bangladesh government’s program to assist poorer households during the Covid-19 lockdown.…  
3636. #WPFD Maja Sever: "I try to show the importance for public service media to be independent from political influence"  

Maja Sever is a journalist and editor at Croatian Radio-Television. She is also the president of the Croatian Trade Union of Journalists, an active member of the Croatian Association of Journalists and an executive member of the European Federation of Journalists . She started her career as a presenter on childrens' and entertainment shows and worked as a war reporter during the Balkan conflict. Today she is known for her editorial role of Hrvatska Uživo, an afternoon news magazine on Croatian television. She is a fierce defender of public service broadcasting    1) What is your biggest concern for press freedom in your country?   "Croatia…  
3637. India: Editor-in-chief attacked whilst driving  

Arnab Goswami, owner and editor-in-chief of Republic TV and his wife, were allegedly attacked by two men on a motorbike in a Mumbai parking lot. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (India - NUJI) condemn the attack. Reports state, two men attacked Arnab Goswami and his wife in their vehicle on April 23. The attackers allegedly hit the window of the car and threw paint over the vehicle. Goswami and his wife were unharmed during the attack. Mumbai police have charged two men in connection with the incident. Goswami is a controversial figure, with sixteen First Information Report’s against him, ranging from allegations of…  
3638. Survey Press Freedom and COVID-19  

Take part in the IFJ survey on Press freedom and COVID-19 and help us assess the impact of the pandemic outbreak on journalists' working conditions. The survey is available in EN, ES and FR Deadline for responding: 28 April  
3639. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 17 and 24 April, 2020 English International Federation of Journalists condemns digital security case against editors (BDNEWS24.COM) Pakistani Journalists Face Security, Unpaid Salary Crisis (VOICE OF AMERICA) Stop intimidating journalists, drop all charges: IFJ (THE KASHMIR WALLA) ‘State wants to control media’: Journalists in Kashmir brace for worse (TWOCIRCLES.NET) Over 100 press freedom violations in the EU since COVID-19 (THE…  
3640. World Intellectual Property Day 2020: Interview with three copyright experts of the Federations’ Authors’ Rights Experts Group (AREG)  

On World Intellectual Property Day 2020, April 26, the European and International Federations of journalists (EFJ/IFJ) are putting the spotlight on the so-called “publishers’ right”, one of the key achievements of the EU Copyright Directive in the Digital Single Market, interviewing three copyright experts of the Federations’ Authors’ Rights Experts Group (AREG). Michael Klehm, there was a strong push from press publishers in Germany for the adoption of the Directive. What is your take on the legislation, its new “publishers’ right” (Article 15), and what is the situation in Germany on that front? The Directive is not perfect, but it gives us tools to defend authors’ rights in the digital…  
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