15063 results:

11624. IFJ Criticises Indictment of Croatian Journalists at The Hague “For Doing Their Job”  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned by the demand from the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia at the Hague to question eight Croatian Journalists over publication of confidential information related to the prosecution of Ante Gotovina for war crimes. “We are deeply disturbed at the prospect of the Tribunal questioning journalists for doing their job of reporting on the prosecution of war criminals,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “Journalists have a public duty to report information, sometimes even when it is confidential, but in this case, however, there was not only a strong public interest but journalists…  
11628. FECOLPER Stands Up for Journalism in Colombia  

When we’re gone, who will cover the news? On Monday, November 5th, during the Standing Up for Journalism campaign, more than 600,000 journalists and media workers affiliated to the IFJ in 116 countries, alerted society about our profession’s degradation, as a result of criminal actions of powerful groups, excessive commercialization of media organisations, political pressures and our dire work conditions. On this day, led by the National Union of Journalists of the UK and Ireland, we reminded citizens from every social status, of the crucial role we have as a guarantee to their right to accurate information. In addition, we highlighted most of the decisions made by citizens…  
11630. European Journalists Call on Dutch to Come Clean over Spying on Media  

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today called on the government of the Netherlands to come clean over the extent of surveillance of media in the country after civil servants were exposed for secretly spying on a news agency for over a year. The EFJ was responding after civil servants in the Ministry of Social Affairs were forced to admit that they had been hacking into the computer of the GPD news agency and secretly monitoring work prepared by journalists. The surveillance came to light after officials from the ministry complained to the agency about the contents of a story that had not yet been published. “This is a scandalous state of affairs,” said EFJ…  
11631. Stand Up for Journalism: Do You Get What you Want?  

Because we refuse to accept low-quality journalism becomes the norm in the search for greater profit, members of the European Federation of Journalists, journalists’ unions and professional associations throughout Europe, are demonstrating on November 5th in their own countries for quality journalism and for decent working conditions for journalists. The real scandal that exists is the increasingly precarious situation for young freelances, job cuts, economic and politic pressures on the news rooms.  This paper outlines – seriously – the challenges of the profession. It was produced by the European Federation of Journalists, the Association of Professional Journalists (AJP)…  
11632. Stand Up for Journalism: Do You Get What you Want?  

Because we refuse to accept low-quality journalism becomes the norm in the search for greater profit, members of the European Federation of Journalists, journalists’ unions and professional associations throughout Europe, are demonstrating on November 5th in their own countries for quality journalism and for decent working conditions for journalists. The real scandal that exists is the increasingly precarious situation for young freelances, job cuts, economic and politic pressures on the news rooms… This paper outlines – seriously – the challenges of the profession. It was produced by the European Federation of Journalists, the Association of Professional Journalists (AJP) and the…  
11638. Stand Up for Journalism in Italy  

JOURNALISTS: “ALARM FOR THE PROFESSION, EU DIRECTIVES REQUIRED” (FNSI PRESIDENT, FRANCO SIDDI) (ANSA) - ROME, 5 NOV - “The alarm is sounding throughout Europe” for journalism; therefore “a European directive is required to ensure freedom and independence of information and to protect journalism as part of the checks and balances in democratic systems.” This is what the FNSI president, Franco Siddi, said when speaking at a conference in Rome organised by the FNSI to mark the occasion of the day for defending and valorising journalism in Europe, organised by the international and European federation of journalists, working with the national…  
11640. Images from the European Day of Action Stand Up for Journalism!  

Members of ANPRESS, an affiliate of the Colombian Federation of Journalists in the city of Ibagué in west central Colombia, stand up for jouranlism. Their sign reads: Journalists seek truth through peace: No more indifference! German Journalists from the Deutscher Journalisten Verband demonstrating with the DJV President Michael Konken. Italian Journalists demonstrating with the President of the FNSI Franco Siddi. Serbia: Round table discussion organised at the Journalists' House with journalists' organisations (Dragana Cabarkapa, Dejan Gligorijevic, Nino Brajovic, Rajko Simic , Nada Gace), Deputy of minister of media Dragan Jajnic, Inspector for…  
11643. IFJ Condemns Action by Algeria to Ban Book by Jailed Independent Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the banning at a book fair in Algeria of the controversial book Jailhouses of Algiers (Les geôles d'Alger) by journalist Mohamed Benchicou, a fierce critic of the government. Benchicou was condemned to two years jail in 2004 in Algeria on charges of illegal financial transactions in a case condemned by press freedom groups and journalists at the time as a cover for official action designed to stifle the criticism of the journalist, the founder and former director of the daily newspaper Le Matin, which went out of business in 2004. The book stand was closed this week immediately after the opening of the…  
11644. IFJ Says Jailing of Journalists Shames Egypt as One of World’s Most Repressive Countries for Media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today said that the latest jail terms handed down for journalists in Egypt have made it one of the most repressive countries for media in the world. “In a matter of months, Egypt has become one of the most repressive countries for journalists,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “The authorities have shamelessly and relentlessly pursued reporters through the courts and they use criminal defamation to intimidate and stifle critics.” On Saturday, an Egyptian court convicted opposition newspaper al-Wafd’s Editor-in-Chief Anwar al-Hawari, Chairman of the Board and opposition-party leader Mahmoud Abaza…  
11647. IFJ Accuses Chad over Journalists Caught in ‘Child Kidnap’ Case  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the government of Chad to release journalists accused along with members of a French NGO of kidnapping children from the border between Chad and the Darfur region in Sudan. “Regardless of the merits of the kidnapping case against the members of the group that planned to transport the children, the journalists documenting it should not be considered accomplices,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “They are only observers and should be released immediately and all charges against them should be dropped.” The case involves a French group called Zoe's Ark, which has told the press it wanted…  
11648. EFJ Backs Cyprus Journalists’ in Condemnation of Threats against Newspaper  

The International Federation of Journalists and its regional group the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) today condemned an attack on the newspaper Africa in the northern part of Cyprus by protestors who claimed the newspaper was supporting terrorism. “We condemn this latest attack, which shows clearly the hostility to free and independent press in the northern part of Cyprus,” said Arne König, EFJ chair. Last week the right-wing group Grey Wolves and Turkish settlers held a large demonstration against “terrorism” by Kurdish rebels in Turkey. The demonstrators gathered outside of Africa’s offices, threatening its journalists. The…  
11649. IFJ Condemns “Bogus and Sinister” Intimidation as Russian Authorities Shut Down Journalists’ Centre in Moscow  

The global leadership of the International Federation of Journalists today protested over this week’s closure by the Russian fire authorities of the House of Journalists, a popular meeting place for reporters in central Moscow. The IFJ says the action is evidence of fresh intimidation of media and independent journalism by the Government of President Vladimir Putin in advance of Parliamentary elections in December. “The tactics of using so-called violations of fire regulations to shut down this building are bogus and sinister,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “It doesn’t fool anybody. This decision is a deliberate attempt to squeeze…  
11651. REPORT: Bringing East Africa Journalists Association to Action and Prominance  

This report is a record of Eastern Africa Journalists meeting that took place in Djibouti on 29-30 September 2007. With delegates from eight of the ten Eastern Africa countries, the presentations & discussions covered wide range of topics of press freedom, journalists’ rights, trade union issues, specific country situations, strengthening journalists groups in the region and reviving the Eastern Africa Journalists Association as a formal organisation. The meeting was hosted by the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) and supported by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ). The report consists of speeches, presentations, discussions, country reports, the…  
11654. Journalist arrested on uncorroborated statement by Sri Lankan Minister  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned about the well-being of staff reporter of The Sunday Leader, Arthur Wamanan, who was arrested yesterday and is still being held by police. This kind of action could set a dangerous precedent for silencing journalists in Sri Lanka. Wamanan was arrested last night over a news item published in The Sunday Leader relating to Minister Mano Wijeratne. According to IFJ affiliate the Free Media Movement, Wamanan telephoned Minister Wijeratne on his mobile phone to get his comments regarding a story that appeared in the October 21st 2007 edition of The Sunday Leader titled "Minister gets Gem Authority to pay wife's roaming…  
11655. FECOLPER: another journalist forced to leave Colombia; two months of radio station shut down  

Considering the dangerous political atmosphere against journalism due to the repeated statements made by President Álvaro Uribe, journalist Hollman Morris decided to abandon the country today with his family. On another hand, this week marks two months of the shutdown of Fresno Estéreo radio station, after news program director, colleague and trade union leader, Rodrigo Callejas, was threatened by the guerrilla group of the FARC. Morris, director of the suspended television program, Contra Vía”, recently awarded with Journalism Prize CEMEX-FNPI, received last week a new threat accusing him of being antipatriotic and a guerrilla fighter. During a conversation…  
11656. EFJ Welcomes Jobs Pledge as Peace Deal Ends Strike Threat at Swedish Broadcasting  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its regional group the European Federation of Journalists today welcomed a “ground-breaking” last-minute agreement in Sweden that has averted last week a major confrontation between more than 2500 journalists working for the public service broadcasting sector. Just as 400 members of the Swedish Union of Journalists, SJF, were preparing to walk out as the first group in a long relay of strikes in the public service radio and television, the SJF managed to sign a new collective agreement for the journalists working for the public service media. The controversial issue was the employers´ demand for extended possibilities to employ…  
11664. IFJ Condemns Persecution of Missing Gambian Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the persistent threats to the life of Yaya Dampha, a reporter with the Foroyaa newspaper in The Gambia, after him and two Amnesty International staff were arrested, detained and released for alleged ‘spying’. According to reliable sources from Banjul, plain clothes officers, believed to be agents of the National Intelligence Agency, (NIA), on Sunday, October 14, stormed Dampha’s house in Latrikunda Sabiji, about 20 kilometres from the Capital Banjul. The officers questioned Dampha’s wife about his whereabouts and were informed that he had actually gone to work at the Foroyaa office. The police…  
11665. Murder and Intimidation As “Nightmare Year” For Somali Journalists Continues  

The International Federation of Journalists has condemned the assassination on Friday of a leading radio journalist in Somalia where a wave of brutal and targeted attacks has claimed eight media victims this year. On the same day a number of incidents across the country suggested independent media face a new wave of intimidation. The IFJ has joined its affiliate in the country, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), in protests over the killing of Bashir Nor Gedi, acting head of the Shabelle Media Network who was gunned down at his home on Friday evening in Wardhigley district of Hamarjadid neighborhood. His friends and colleagues are convinced this is a targeted…  
11666. Killing of Cameraman in Pakistan Highlights Constant Danger Facing Media Covering Violence Says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the suicide bombing that killed and injured scores of people in Pakistan, including a cameraman. At least one other journalist was injured. The IFJ said these deaths highlighted the danger that media face in covering violent events. “This terrible attack had many, many victims whose deaths we condemn,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “We are standing in solidarity with our colleagues in Pakistan, who cover many dangerous stories even at the risk of their own safety.” A suicide bomber is suspected to be responsible for the attack on former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in…  
11668. IFJ Condemns Wave of Attacks on Journalists in Algeria  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned a wave of recent attacks on journalists in Algeria, particularly in the Djelfa, where journalists are being charged under the penal code for press offences. “The Algerian government use of the criminal code to prosecute journalists has created a hostile atmosphere for independent journalism,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “We are calling on the government to decriminalise press offences and stop sending reporters to jail.” The IFJ and its Algerian affiliate, the Syndicat National des Journalistes (SNJ) have been urging authorities to decriminalise press offences, ensure fair trials…  
11669. UK report: More of us want to work flexibly  

A report released on 1st october 2007 by the Equal Opportunities Commission reveals that 52% of men and 48% of women want to work more flexibly. The new report, entitled "Working outside the box" has revealed that 6.5 million people could be using their skills more fully if flexible working was available. Often considered a problem limited to working mothers, the new findings show that this "skills drain" affects almost as many men as women and more non-parents than parents. The survey shows that rigid models of work are diving highly qualified workers into jobs below their skill level in order for them to have a life outside work. Outdated workplace cultures are therefore damaging the…  
11671. Iraq’s Intolerable Crisis: IFJ calls for International Action after Latest Media Deaths  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the international community to take special action to confront the human tragedy in Iraq where the killings of journalists and media staff have reached “shocking proportions that can no longer be ignored.” The IFJ was responding to the latest killings of four media workers in Iraq and the increasing frustration of Iraqi journalists who feel that their suffering is not being taken seriously by major players on the international media scene. “This is not a numbers game,” said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “The international community must stand up and take fresh action to alleviate…  
11672. EURONEWS - Oktober 2007 (auf Deutsch)  

Euronews ist das Bulletin der Europäischen Journalisten Föderation . PDF Datei hier herunterladen Weitere Informationen über: Renate Schroeder and Marc Gruber – European Directors [email protected] [email protected] European Federation of Journalists International Press Centre Residence Palace Bloc C, second floor Rue de la Loi, 155 1040 Brussels Tel: 32-2-235.22.15 Fax: 32-2-235.22.19  
11673. EFJ Condemns “Political Coup” Over Control of Serbian Television  

Serbian politicians who have commandeered a national television network to broadcast non-stop parliamentary proceedings are guilty of a ‘breathtaking political coup” that threatens the principle of public broadcasting says the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists. The EFJ is supporting the protests of journalists in Serbia who are calling for the defence of genuine public service broadcasting and have condemned moves to provide compulsory transmission of all the work of the Parliament. “Activities of the Parliament are important, but the public broadcaster must have editorial freedom and cannot be forced to…  
11674. EFJ Condemns “Political Coup” Over Control of Serbian Television  

Serbian politicians who have commandeered a national television network to broadcast non-stop parliamentary proceedings are guilty of a ‘breathtaking political coup” that threatens the principle of public broadcasting says the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the European group of the International Federation of Journalists. The EFJ is supporting the protests of journalists in Serbia who are calling for the defence of genuine public service broadcasting and have condemned moves to provide compulsory transmission of all the work of the Parliament. “Activities of the Parliament are important, but the public broadcaster must have editorial freedom and cannot…  
11678. IFJ Calls on Niger President to End Media Repression after Arrest of Second Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the President of the Republic of Niger to intervene to put an end to the repression on the media after the recent arrest of Ibrahim Manzo Diallo, the editor of a private newspaper accused of “working with Radio France Internationale” and the detention of journalist Moussa Kaka on charges of endangering the safety of the state for suspected links with Tuareg rebels. He faces life imprisonment. “The press has become a scapegoat of the government since the beginning of the Tuareg conflict and the recent events worry us,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “We call on…  
11679. EFJ Denounces “Political Manipulation” of Broadcasting in Moldova  

“This ban is simply political manipulation”, said EFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “We urge the Moldavian authorities to reconsider this decision and to follow the rules. The government has to show that after a decade of attacks to press freedom, the country is now ripe for a democratic transition that includes press freedom, pluralism and respect for journalists’ rights”. Last week the Coordination Council for Audiovisual of the Republic of Moldova (CCA) decided to remove the Romanian Society of Television (SRTV) from the domestic broadcasting market and to reopen the attribution of this frequency, although the license released in 2006 by the Moldova authorities officially runs…  
11680. EFJ Denounces “Political Manipulation” of Broadcasting in Moldova  

The European Federation of Journalists, the European group of the International Federation of Journalists, has pledged its full support to journalists’ organisations in Moldova in their struggle for a fair and transparent attribution of broadcasting frequencies after the ban of Romanian RTV1 in Moldova. “This ban is simply political manipulation”, said EFJ General Secretary Aidan White. “We urge the Moldavian authorities to reconsider this decision and to follow the rules. The government has to show that after a decade of attacks to press freedom, the country is now ripe for a democratic transition that includes press freedom, pluralism and respect for…  
11683. IFJ Condemns Somali Information Minister Attack on Journalists’ Union  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the statements of the Somali Minister of Information attacking the National Union of Somali Journalists and asking international organisations to work with local journalists only through his ministry. “We are very surprised by this move of the Information Minister,” said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa office. “We condemn the clumsy statement of the Minister and call on the Somali government to let media organisations work directly with their partners free from government interference.” On 5 October, the IFJ as well as Somali organisations and media, received a scanned letter issued…  
11684. EFJ/ETUI seminar on 'Future of Collective Bargaining and Organising in Journalism'  

The European Federation of Journalists and the Education Department of the European Trade Union Institute for Research, Education, Health & Safety organised a seminar in Berlin on 5-7 October 2007 to debate the Future of Collective Bargaining and Organising in Journalism. The Seminar gathered representatives from 17 coutries with the objective: - To identify tools and methods to reinforce collective bargaining in the sector - To evaluate and develop trade union strategies and practices for collective bargaining CLICK HERE FOR DOCUMENTS AND CONCLUSIONS  
11686. IFJ Marks Anniversary of Anna Politkovskaya Killing With New Call to End Impunity  

A year after the brutal killing of Russian investigative reporter Anna Politkovskaya sent shock waves around the world of journalism the crisis of impunity in the targeted killing of reporters is intensifying warns the International Federation of Journalists. The IFJ, the world’s largest journalists’ organisation, today called for renewed efforts to end impunity and said that 2007 is likely to set a new high-water mark the number of journalists killed over their work. The IFJ says that around 148 journalists and media workers worldwide have been killed so far in 2007, only a handful short of the total for last year which broke all previous records.…  
11688. IFJ Condemns Relentless Harassment of Al Jazeera Journalist in Tunis  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the relentless harassment of Al Jazeera correspondent Lotfi Hajji who has been physically intimidated on five occasions in the past week. “Lotfi Hajji has been singled out by the authorities determined to bully and intimidate him for his journalism,” said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. “It is unacceptable treatment and must cease immediately.” Hajji has been denied access to report on the hunger strikes taking place in the offices of the Progressive Democratic Party following the decision to close the party. The latest incident occurred yesterday, 2nd October. Hajji explained to IFJ…  
11689. IFJ Welcomes Relaunch of Eastern Africa Journalists’ Association  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the recent re-launching of the Eastern Africa Journalists’ Association (EAJA), whose aims will be to foster press freedom, improve journalists’ safety and security and promote conflict resolution in the region. “We salute and congratulate our colleagues from East Africa for reviving and re-launching EAJA as a formal organisation as this will make it a visible and vocal part of civil society in the region,” said Gabriel Baglo, director of the IFJ Africa Office. “We are confident that EAJA will help rally the support of opinion leaders and the civil society in the search for peace and…  
11690. Malta Declaration by Journalists from Mediterranean Rim Countries  

Representatives of journalists' trade unions and non-profit groups held their tenth joint meeting on September 28 and 29, 2007 in Malta. They noted that imbalances between the countries of the North and South continue to exist, resulting in restrictive policies on migration being adopted in certain European countries, with asylum seekers and migrants being presented as dangerous trouble-makers. Too many European media allow themselves to be used as willing mouthpieces for policies which violate the most elementary humanitarian principles. The job of journalists is to present the news with sufficient perspective to avoid inciting hatred, and on the contrary to promote a humane…  
Search results 11621 until 11690 of 15063