15063 results:

10921. Asia-Pacific Journalists Question China's New Media Rules  

Mr Hu Jintao President of the People’s Republic of China   Mr Wen Jiabao Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China   Mr Sheng Guangzu Minister of General Administration of Customs of the PRC   Mr Gao Siren Director of Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR   Mr Liao Hui Director of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of the State Council   Mr Tian Congming Chairman of All-China Journalists Association   Re: Concerns About Media Rules Raised at IFJ Regional Meeting, Hong Kong   Dear Sirs,   We, the leaders and representatives of journalists’ associations and trade…  
10922. IFJ Defending Journalists in Palestine and Israel  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has reaffirmed its commitment to defend the interests of journalists in Palestine and Israel in response to concerns expressed by its affiliate the National Federation of Israeli Journalists  (NFIJ) that recent actions in carrying out a mission to Gaza and IFJ statements over the crisis have not adequately taken account of the views of journalists in Israel. The IFJ says that the emergency mission to Gaza was primarily focused on the conditions and circumstances of Palestinian journalists and media and was not designed or intended to examine the situation in Israeli journalism. The IFJ recognises that Israeli journalists…  
10924. IFJ Condemns Strip Humiliation of Women Journalists in Sierra Leone  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today strongly condemned the humiliating and degrading treatment suffered by four women journalists who were stripped naked in public in Kenema, Eastern Sierra Leone where they were covering events to mark the International Day against female circumcision. "We condemn this serious assault and violation of the right to dignity which can have traumatic effects," said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office.  "We expect the authorities to apply the full force of the law to the perpetrators and to eradicate the lawlessness that has led to numerous incidents of violence against journalists over the recent months." …  
10925. IFJ Condemns Strip Humiliation of Women Journalists in Sierra Leone  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today strongly condemned the humiliating and degrading treatment suffered by four women journalists who were stripped naked in public in Kenema, Eastern Sierra Leone where they were covering events to mark the International Day against female circumcision. "We condemn this serious assault and violation of the right to dignity which can have traumatic effects," said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office. "We expect the authorities to apply the full force of the law to the perpetrators and to eradicate the lawlessness that has led to numerous incidents of violence against journalists over the recent months."…  
10926. IFJ Condemns Escalation of Violence against Journalists in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the violent knife attack on Hassan  Bulhan Ali,  Director of Radio Abudwaq station in Central Somalia, who was stabbed five times on Saturday and is in a critical condition. "We are concerned about the escalation of violence against journalists in Somalia," said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office. "The situation is simply unacceptable and the government must make it a priority to ensure that those who perpetrated these crimes are arrested and brought to justice in order to prevent more attacks." According to the National union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), IFJ affiliate, Hassan Bulhan Ali…  
10927. IFJ Deplores Interference with BBC Broadcasts in Sri Lanka  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is disturbed to learn that the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) has been blocking and in other ways interfering with BBC World Service programs that SLBC has contracted to carry over its FM channels.   The SLBC and the BBC have had a contractual relationship whereby the latter provides programming in English, Sinhala and Tamil for rebroadcast through the former’s FM channels. According to a press release issued by the BBC, the SLBC - Sri Lanka’s national broadcaster - has been blocking and in other ways interfering with these broadcasts, in violation of the agreed contractual…  
10929. IFJ Fears Internet Law Threatens Free Press in Indonesia  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) in expressing alarm at the threat to free media presented by Indonesia’s Information and Electronic Transactions Act.   AJI, an IFJ affiliate, has joined forces with other Indonesian free speech groups and Indonesian bloggers to challenge the Act (Law No 11 of 2008).   AJI reports that some articles in the law, which is usually used to regulate pornographic content and gambling on internet publications, present a real and immediate threat to Indonesia’s free press in the scope for interpretation.   Article 27(3) contains an…  
10930. International Mission Nepal Releases Joint Statement on Press Freedom in Nepal  

  The International Press Freedom and Freedom of Expression Mission (also known as the International Media Mission) visited Nepal from 5 to 8 February to undertake a rapid response assessment of the press freedom situation in the country. The International Mission was represented by ARTICLE 19, International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), International Media Support (IMS), International Press Institute (IPI), Reporters Without Borders (RSF), UNESCO and World Press Freedom Committee (WPFC).   Press freedoms in Nepal continue to face serious threat despite the hope that restoration of democratic rule would improve the situation.   The Federation of Nepali…  
10931. IFJ Protests at Six Year Jail Term for Tunisian Journalist in Hiding  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today expressed its dismay at the six year jail sentence for Fahem Boukadous, a reporter for the satellite TV El Hiwar station, which was upheld by the Court of Appeal in Gafsa, Southern Tunisia. Boudadous had been convicted of membership of a criminal group following his coverage of demonstrations held in Gafsa last year. "This is an appalling miscarriage of justice against a journalist who was only doing his job covering the demonstration," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "Our colleague should never have been put on trial in the first place as there has been no evidence to suggest he took part in these demonstrations.…  
10933. European Commission report on Industrial relations in Europe stresses the role of collective bargaining in reducing the gender pay gap  

  This 2008 report shows that on average the gender pay gap decreased in the majority of the EU Member States. The only exceptions are Germany, Denmark, Italy and Finland, where the gender pay gap increased. In Estonia, Austria, Portugal, Slovakia and the United Kingdom the gender pay gap stayed the same. The gender pay gap in 2006 varied from some 4 % in Malta to 25 % in Estonia.   In general, Member States can be divided into three different groups. The first group, with a gender pay gap below 10 % in 2006, consists of Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia.   The second group, with a gender pay gap between 11 % and 20 % consists of…  
10934. European Commission report on Industrial relations in Europe stresses the role of collective bargaining in reducing the gender pay gap  

This 2008 report shows that on average the gender pay gap decreased in the majority of the EU Member States. The only exceptions are Germany, Denmark, Italy and Finland, where the gender pay gap increased. In Estonia, Austria, Portugal, Slovakia and the United Kingdom the gender pay gap stayed the same. The gender pay gap in 2006 varied from some 4 % in Malta to 25 % in Estonia. In general, Member States can be divided into three different groups. The first group, with a gender pay gap below 10 % in 2006, consists of Belgium, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia. The second group, with a gender pay gap between 11 % and 20 % consists of Bulgaria, the Czech…  
10935. IFJ Condemns Lawlessness in Somalia after Killing of Another Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the murder of Said Tahliil Ahmed, Director of HornAfrik- a radio and television station in the Somali Capital Mogadishu- who was gunned down on 4 February 2009. "We condemn this murder which is the result of the lawlessness in Somalia," said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office. "This crime, the second in as many months to claim the life of a journalist in 2009, demonstrates that criminal organisations are on a killing spree in Somalia and that journalists are clearly in their sights." According to the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), Said was killed near the Bakare market in central…  
10936. IFJ Condemns Police Beating of Online Journalist in China  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the brutal beating of an online journalist by Chinese authorities in Chengdu, Sichuan Province.   The incident occurred after plain-clothes officers prevented the journalist, who works for SCOL.com.cn, a website owned by Sichuan Daily Network Media Development Ltd, from taking photos of government officials in Chendu’s Chenghua District, on February 1.   The journalist’s camera was confiscated and he was taken to a security room for interrogation, according to local media reports.   When the officers found that the journalist was attempting to record his interrogation, he was reportedly…  
10937. IFJ Welcomes Court Victory for Journalists in Egypt and Demand "Full Exoneration"  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the decision of the Court of Appeal in Cairo, Egypt to remove jail sentences imposed on four editors who were prosecuted on the charges of "harming the public interest" and called for their fines to be scrapped as well. "We welcome this Court's decision which is the result of our colleagues' determination not to let an unjust outcome stand," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "They now deserve full exoneration by removal of the fine as well." According to media  reports, the Appeal Court in Cairo on Saturday quashed the one year jail sentence which had been handed in 2007 to Adel Hammouda, Wael Ibrashi,…  
10938. IFJ Condemns Repressive Press Laws in Tunisia after Seizure of Publication  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the Tunisian authorities to release for publication the latest issue of Attariq Aljadid newspaper which was stopped last week. "There seems to be no end to violations of press freedom in Tunisia," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "Existing press laws are clearly designed to control media and crack down on any publication which fails to toe the government's line. This is not acceptable." According to the Syndicat National des Journalistes Tunisiens (SNJT), the issue no 113 of Attariq Aljadid, a weekly publication of the Tunisian opposition party Ettajdid was impounded by the authorities on Saturday 31…  
10939. IFJ Report Calls on China to Meet Press Freedom Challenge  

A new report by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on press freedom in China’s Olympic year highlights significant shortcomings in China’s approach to press freedom during 2008.   The report, China’s Olympic Challenge: Press Freedom in 2008, is the result of a 12-month press freedom monitoring project coordinated by IFJ Asia-Pacific from Sydney and Hong Kong. It examines the major problems faced by foreign and local journalists reporting in China during 2008.   When granted the Olympic Games, China promised that all foreign journalists, including journalists from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, would enjoy freedom to report. Overall,…  
10940. IFJ Condemns Charges against Gambian Editor  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the Gambian authorities' decision to charge Pape Saine, co-proprietor and editor of the Point newspaper, with publication of false information following the printing of an article concerning the arrest of a Gambian diplomat. "Journalists in The Gambia continue to work in a very hostile environment due to the repressive nature of the Government" said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office. "Over the past decade, the government has orchestrated a systematic pattern of harassment against journalists and caused many journalists to flee the country. Arbitrary arrest and detention of journalists have become…  
10941. IFJ Condemns Attack on Brother of Slain Journalist  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns an attack on a senior journalist in Pakistan, Kamal Azfar, whose brother - also a journalist - was murdered last week.   According to the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, Azfar’s car came under fire in his hometown of Kohat, in Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province (NWFP), on February 1.   Azfar did not suffer serious harm, but his car was badly damaged. The attackers reportedly fled from the scene.   Azfar’s brother, Amir Wakil, who worked for a local television station and newspaper, was murdered in Rawalpindi on January 24.…  
10942. IFJ Alarmed by Threat to Foreign Media in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly decries a warning issued by Sri Lanka’s Defence Secretary that foreign media organisations would face “dire consequences” and be “chased out” of the country if they did not behave “responsibly”.   Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa accused three international news organisations - CNN, Al-Jazeera and the BBC - on February 1 of partisan reporting on the situation regarding civilian casualties and suffering in areas of conflict between government forces and Tamil separatist insurgents, according to news reports.   Rajapaksa also reportedly targeted…  
10943. Monitoring Change in Journalism - Europe and North America  

Country Job Losses Context and number of journalists Austria    1000 ORF:  restructuring plan between 2009 and 2012 concerns mostly non editorial staff (live performance,   technicians and administration) Belgium (Flandern)   284 VRT:  reducing of workforce in 2009 - no compulsory redundancy according to the management TM, 5 journalists Corelio (De Standaard/Het Nieuwsblad; 16 journalists dismissed + at least 35 "false" freelances put aside and unknown number of contracts not renewed De Morgen, 16 journalists (1/4th of newsroom!) Salomoa/magazine Milo: stopped, because advertisement target was no…  
10944. Brussels Gender Declaration 2009  

Click HERE to read the Brussels Gender Declaration 2009  
10945. South Asia Press Freedom Report 2009: Under Fire  

Click HERE to read the South Asia Press Freedom Report 2009: Under Fire  
10946. IFJ Report on Solidarity Mission to Gaza 2009  

Click HERE to read the IFJ Report on the Solidarity Mission to Gaza 2009  
10947. IFJ Report on Breaking the Chains Report in the Arab World & Iran 2009  

Click HERE to read the IFJ Report on Breaking the Chains Report in the Arab World & Iran 2009  
10948. 2009: Massacre in the Philippines  

Click HERE to read the 2009 IFJ report Massacre in the Philippines  
10949. IFJ Condemns Violent Attack on Journalist in Sierra Leone  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the attack on a female journalist in Freetown, Sierra Leone. "The continued attacks on journalists in Sierra Leone need to be addressed urgently by the Government" said Gabriel Baglo, Director of the IFJ Africa Office. "These attacks constitute a serious threat to the democratic ideals of the country and must stop". According to a press release issued by the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists (SLAJ), Sylvia Olayinka Blyden, publisher and proprietor of the Awareness Times newspaper, was attacked in the capital, Freetown on January 27. She believes the attack was connected to the case being tried at…  
10950. US: Progress on Fair Pay  

(NYT)Congress has given a significant boost to civil rights by approving legislation to overturn a notorious 2007 Supreme Court decision that made it much harder for employees to challenge unlawful pay discrimination based on gender, race, age and disability. Following its passage with a final House vote on Tuesday, the measure goes to the White House where President Obama is expected to sign it this week. Read on NYT web site: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/28/opinion/28wed3.html?ref=opinion  
10951. US: Progress on Fair Pay  

(NYT)Congress has given a significant boost to civil rights by approving legislation to overturn a notorious 2007 Supreme Court decision that made it much harder for employees to challenge unlawful pay discrimination based on gender, race, age and disability. Following its passage with a final House vote on Tuesday, the measure goes to the White House where President Obama is expected to sign it this week. Read on NYT web site: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/28/opinion/28wed3.html?ref=opinion  
10952. IFJ Condemns Arrest of Journalist and Siege of Radio Station in Tunisia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today condemned the arrest of a private radio's editor by security forces who have also laid siege to the Tunis-based station. "The IFJ protests at the arrest of Dhafer Otay and condemned "the brutal interruption of the normal business at the Kalima radio station," Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary said: "This heavy handed police action just proves the lack of press freedom in Tunisia and the regime's determination to frustrate independent journalism." According to the Observatory of Press Freedom, Publishing and Creation in Tunisia (OLPEC), Otay, coordinator of Kalima, a private radio broadcasting from Tunis, was arrested on 27…  
10953. IFJ Salutes Strikers as Tunisia Broadcasters Grant Rights at Work  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the decision of the management at State television and radio to review the contracts of hundreds of employees, including journalists who have been on strike to demand rights at work and legal contracts. "We welcome this decision which was achieved by media staff standing up for their industrial rights to full contracts and social insurance," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "All employees are now entitled to fair terms of contracts which guarantee secure employment."According to the Syndicat National des Journalistes Tunisiens (SNJT), the management of Tunisian State radio television has…  
10954. IFJ Salutes Strikers as Tunisia Broadcasters Grant Rights at Work  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the decision of the management at State television and radio to review the contracts of hundreds of employees, including journalists who have been on strike to demand rights at work and legal contracts. "We welcome this decision which was achieved by media staff standing up for their industrial rights to full contracts and social insurance," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "All employees are now entitled to fair terms of contracts which guarantee secure employment." According to the Syndicat National des Journalistes Tunisiens (SNJT), the management of Tunisian State radio television has agreed to…  
10956. IFJ Backs Call for Action on Nepal Journalist’s Murder  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports the ongoing program of nationwide protests by the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) to demand quick and accountable action by the Government of Nepal in defending media freedom and security.   The protest campaign was sparked by the brutal murder of a young print and radio journalist, Uma Singh, in the south-eastern Nepali town of Janakpur on January 11.   Several incidents of intimidation and harassment of the media community by cadre of the United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) – the main constituent of the ruling coalition in the country – have also been reported.   The…  
10957. Trade Unions' Recommendations on Freelances' Fees  

Germany:  DJV: http://www.djv.de/Honorare  dju in ver.di: http://dju.verdi.de/freie_journalisten/tarifvertrag_ftaz/linkliste_freien-honorare Denmark: JOURNALISTS http://www.journalistforbundet.dk/graphics/pjecer/Freelance/Vejledende_vilkaar_for_freelancejournalistik.pdf PHOTOGRAPHERS http://www.journalistforbundet.dk/graphics/pjecer/Pressefotografer/Et_oejebliksbillede.doc CARTOONISTS/ILLUSTRATORS: http://www.journalistforbundet.dk/graphics/pjecer/freelance/en_streg_i_sandet.pdf TV-PHOTOGRAPHERS AND OTHER TV- AND RADIO CONTENT PROVIDERS http://www.journalistforbundet.dk/graphics/pjecer/ansatte/klar_til_optagelse.pdf Finnish Union of Journalists…  
10958. Rajasthan Patrika Invites Entries for KC Kulish International Award 2008  

The Rajasthan Patrika Group is glad to announce the Second Karpoor Chandra Kulish International Award 2008 (KC Kulish  Award 2008).   This annual award, in the hallowed memory of  Karpoor Chandra Kulish, is aimed at recognizing efforts of thought leaders in media, journalist's outstanding contributions to upholding professional values as well as protecting and promoting ethics and morality, right and freedom of the people for better quality of life.    The award theme for the year 2008 shall be "Terrorism & Society".  The award, together with US$ 11,000 in prize money,  is given to the winner of KC Kulish Award. The trophy and prize…  
10959. IFJ Denounces Smear Campaign Against Journalists in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly denounces an appeal by Sri Lanka’s Defence spokesman urging journalists in Sri Lanka to inform authorities about what he described as suspicious activities by fellow journalists.   Defence spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella was reported in local media on January 23 to have called on "journalists and all those attached to media organisations … to be vigilant about those who enter the media field”. He asks journalists to report “any person who appears suspicious".   Rambukwella reportedly asked journalists to help in apprehending cadre of the insurgent Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam…  
10960. Media Freedom in Fiji Worsens as Another Newsman Deported  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is increasingly alarmed at the deteriorating press freedom environment in Fiji as authorities deported the publisher of The Fiji Times today. It is the third deportation of a senior newsman in less than a year.   Rex Gardner, the publisher and acting CEO of The Fiji Times, was deported to Sydney, Australia, after being declared a prohibited immigrant. Gardner is an Australian citizen.   Gardner’s expulsion follows on the heels of a court ruling on January 22 in which he and The Fiji Times were convicted for contempt of court for publishing a letter to the editor which criticised a High Court ruling upholding…  
10962. IFJ Welcomes Release of Editor After 22 Months in Prison  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes the release of Atiqullah Khan Masud, editor of the Bengali daily Janakantha, following bail granted by the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.   According to reports from Dhaka, Atiqullah Khan was released on January 20 after more than 22 months in detention.   Atiqullah Khan was taken into custody in March 2007 by Bangladesh special forces and charged with alleged corruption under the emergency regulations then in force. He was later convicted in six separate cases to a total of 48 years’ imprisonment, by special courts set up under the emergency regulations.   “The IFJ…  
10963. IFJ Condemns New Israeli Targeting as Journalists Come Under Fire in West Bank  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today condemned Israeli attacks on journalists in Ramallah in which at least one foreign journalist was injured. Eye-witness reports say that journalists came under fire three times before a demonstration rally in the town.   "This appears to be another example of reckless soldiering by Israeli forces," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "This was an incident that should never have happened and which confirms that the already dangerous work of journalists in the region is put at further risk by the actions of Israeli military."   According to media reports, Israel's soldiers fired tear gas and rubber bullets in the…  
10964. IFJ/EFJ Check list for freelances' contracts  

This list is an indication of provisions that should be included in a freelance contract. Agreement between .......................................................................... (hereinafter referred to as ' author') and .................................................................................................... (hereinafter referred to as 'publisher/broadcasting company') Author agrees to undertake the work described in the description below for publisher under the following terms and conditions: 1. Description of the work: ........................................................................................................... (brief description of the work…  
10965. Figure It Out: Reporting on Trafficking in Women  

Media coverage of trafficking of women and children, migration and sex work is confused and inaccurate. Media wrongly uses the terms ‘sex work' and ‘trafficking' synonymously, perpetuating stereotypes and stigmatisation and contributing to the violation of women's right to free movement and livelihood options, say these authors Read on Infochange News and Features: http://infochangeindia.org/Media/Related-Analysis/Figure-it-out-Reporting-on-trafficking-in-women.html  
10966. IFJ Welcomes Journalist Release in Somalia  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today welcomed the release of Somali journalist, Abdifatah Mohamed Elmi, after 146 days in captivity. Photojournalist, Abdifatah Mohamed Elmi, was abducted on August 23, 2008 with two foreign journalists, namely Amanda Lindout of Canada and Nigel Brenan of Australia. Elmi's two drivers, Mohad Isse and Marwali were also abducted. According to National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), Elmi was released on Thursday, January 15, 2009 together with the two drivers, Mohad and Marwali. "While we welcome the release of Elmi, we are still deeply concerned about the safety of Amanda Lindout and Nigel Brenan," said Gabriel…  
10967. IFJ/EFJ Check list for freelances' contracts  

This list is an indication of provisions that should be included in a freelance contract. Agreement between .......................................................................... (hereinafter referred to as ' author') and .................................................................................................... (hereinafter referred to as 'publisher/broadcasting company') Author agrees to undertake the work described in the description below for publisher under the following terms and conditions: 1. Description of the work: ........................................................................................................... (brief description of the work…  
10968. IFJ Calls for Leniency for Journalist Jailed in Bhutan  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is worried at the Bhutan High Court’s sentencing of journalist Shanti Ram Acharya to a prison term of seven-and-a-half years on terrorism charges.   According to the Association of Press Freedom Activists (APFA), an organisation active among Bhutanese exiles in Nepal, Acharya is accused of “involvement in subversive activities" against Bhutan and alleged links to a Maoist group.   However, APFA is concerned that Acharya may have fallen victim to a draconian law which criminalises the return of exiles to Bhutan.   Acharya, 20, lived in refugee camps in Nepal since he and his…  
10969. Afghan Journalists Protest Governor’s Abuse  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) extends its solidarity to journalists in Afghanistan who are strenuously protesting the rough treatment of three reporters by a provincial governor at a press conference.   The program of protests and boycotts in Kunar, an eastern province of Afghanistan, continued for a fourth day yesterday, following the rough treatment by provincial governor Fazalullah Wahidi of three reporters at a press conference on January 18.   According to the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA), an IFJ affiliate, Wahidi publicly addressed three journalists and threatened to destroy their professional equipment.…  
10971. Newspaper Editor Faces Criminal Defamation Charges in Timor Leste  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned at the status of the free media in Timor Leste as a local newspaper editor faces a possible prison sentence on charges of criminal defamation.   According to local reports, the editor of Tempo Semanal, Jose Belo, was issued with a notification of defamation charges on December 12, 2008, in relation to a series of news reports published on October 12, 2008. The reports investigated alleged corruption by Justice Minister Lucia Lobato.   Belo appeared at the Prosecutor’s Office on January 19 and was reportedly questioned for three hours before being released.   The IFJ is also concerned…  
10972. IFJ Condemns Jailing of Writer in Thailand  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the decision of a court in Thailand to jail an Australian writer for three years on charges that he insulted Thailand’s monarchy in a self-published novel.   Harry Nicolaides, 41, apologised and pleaded guilty to charges under Thailand’s harsh lese majesty laws. The court reduced the sentence from six years.   According to the leading court judge, Nicolaides’ 2005 novel, Verisimiltude, suggested that there was an “abuse of royal power” and was critical of the King, the Crown Prince and the monarchy. According to Nicolaides, 50 copies were printed and fewer than…  
10973. Newspaper Editor Assaulted in Vanuatu  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns a violent attack on the publisher and editor of the Vanuatu Daily Post in Port Vila, Vanuatu, on January 17.   According to local media reports, Marc Neil-Jones was attacked in his office by a group of men he alleged were members of the Vanuatu Correctional Services Department. The men were reportedly angry about a report in the Daily Post about the country’s prisons. Neil-Jones’ injuries include a broken nose and substantial facial bruising.   Neil-Jones said the newspaper’s investigative reports on an internal management crisis at a Port Vila prison, which led to the…  
10974. IFJ Condemns Violence against Media in Venezuela after Murder of Journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply concerned about the spiraling violence against media in Venezuela after a second journalist is murdered since the beginning of the year. "January has been a fatidic month for freedom of expression in Venezuela," said Gregorio Salazar, Director of IFJ Latina America Office. " Two journalists have been murdered, another survived an assassination attempt and a string of criminal attacks and serious violations of press freedom have been perpetrated including the decision of the National Congress ( Asamblea Nacional) to deny TV crews access to the Parliament room as was the practice." Orel Sambrano, Director of Radio…  
10975. IFJ Welcomes India's Decision to Shelve Broadcast Code for Emergencies  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomes a clarification by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh that his Government has no immediate intention of introducing a statutory code for broadcast news channels in designated “emergency” situations.   India’s Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) had reportedly prepared a code requiring news channels to carry only pre-authorised content during situations notified as “emergencies”. The issue became a serious concern with the MIB following the live coverage of the November 26 attacks in Mumbai and the 60-hour siege of three buildings in the city.   “The IFJ…  
10976. IFJ Plans Investigation into Violations of Press Rights after New Assault on Media in Gaza  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today announced that it plans to organise a wide ranging investigation into Israeli actions against media during the current conflict in Gaza after another building housing media organisations was struck this morning by Israeli missiles. "We are witnessing in Gaza unprecedented and deliberate attacks on media which put journalists and others in harm's way," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "There have been a string of such actions, and a concerted effort to ban, control and manage media, all of which demands full investigation." The IFJ says it will support a wide ranging investigation particularly into the…  
10977. IFJ Supports Nepal Protests over Murder of Uma Singh  

The Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and other professional journalists’ organisations united on January 13 in nation-wide protests over the murder of Uma Singh. The print and broadcast journalist, aged in her mid-20s, was murdered in Janakpur in south-eastern Nepal on January 11.   “The IFJ joins the FNJ and all journalists in Nepal in expressing outrage and grief at the brutal murder of Uma Singh”, the IFJ’s Asia-Pacific Director, Jacqueline Park, said.   “We call upon high-level authorities in Nepal to enter into good faith talks with the FNJ and all other relevant bodies to improve the media freedom situation in the…  
10978. As Mecom Quit , EFJ Calls for Quality on German Media Agenda  

The decision by troubled media company Mecom to sell its prize German assets is a golden opportunity to abandon reckless cutbacks and put quality journalism back on the media agenda, says the European Federation of Journalists Mecom, a transnational giant based in Britain and funded by investment bankers, has bought up hundreds of newspaper titles across Europe over the past few years and has become notorious for enforcing tough editorial cutbacks and changes to squeeze profits out of media that are caught up in major restructuring of the industry. They have now been forced to sell German newspaper publishing houses Berliner Verlag and the Hamburger…  
10979. IFJ Calls on Israel to Release Journalists Arrested in Gaza  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today condemned the arrest  of two Palestinian  journalists from Gaza who are detained by Israeli military authorities since 5 January 2009 . "We demand that these journalists who are being unlawfully detained are released immediately," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "Israel has no legitimate reason to detain journalists who are neither on its soil nor involved in fighting in Gaza." According to media reports, Khadir Shahin, journalist for Al-Alam TV and his producer were arrested by Israeli soldiers on Monday 5 January 2009 and have since been detained in unidentified location. The IFJ has condemned the…  
10980. Young Journalist Murdered at Home in Nepal  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands an immediate investigation into the murder of a young journalist in her home in Janakpur, in the Dhanusha district of Nepal’s central region, on January 11. According to the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), an IFJ affiliate, Uma Singh was attacked repeatedly with a sharp weapon by a group of 15 to 16 people who entered her house in Janakpur in the early evening. Singh, aged in her mid-20s and a correspondent for the daily Janakapur Today and Radio Today FM, died on the way to hospital, FNJ President Dharmendra Jha said in a statement. On the same evening, Kantipur Daily correspondent Manika Jha received death threats when…  
10981. Lasantha Wickrematunge: And Then They Came For Me  

  The following editorial by Lasantha Wickrematunge, who was murdered in Sri Lanka on January 8, 2009, was published in The Sunday Leader on January 11.   The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins journalists and human rights defenders in Sri Lanka in grieving the loss of a courageous journalist and defender of human rights. He has paid the ultimate price.     No other profession calls on its practitioners to lay down their lives for their art save the armed forces and, in Sri Lanka, journalism. In the course of the past few years, the independent media have increasingly come under attack. Electronic and print-media institutions have been…  
10982. Young Journalist Murdered at Home in Nepal  

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) demands an immediate investigation into the murder of a young journalist in her home in Janakpur, in the Dhanusha district of Nepal’s central region, on January 11.   According to the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), an IFJ affiliate, Uma Singh was attacked repeatedly with a sharp weapon by a group of 15 to 16 people who entered her house in Janakpur in the early evening.   Singh, aged in her mid-20s and a correspondent for the daily Janakapur Today and Radio Today FM, died on the way to hospital, FNJ President Dharmendra Jha said in a statement.   On the same evening, Kantipur Daily…  
10983. IFJ Demands End to Targeting as Israelis Strike Media Tower  

 The International Federation of Journalists has called for the protection of media and journalists to be guaranteed in any talks taking place to end the violence in the Gaza Strip following the bombing on Friday of a building housing news organisations.   The Al-Johara Tower, an eight-storey building in Al-Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City, was hit twice by Israeli aircraft, even though the building was clearly marked as housing media staff. Up to 20 news organisations work inside the building including Iran's English-language Press TV and Arabic-language network of al-Alam. Satellite transmission equipment on the roof of the building was destroyed and at least…  
10984. IFJ Pays Tribute to Campaigning Editor Killed by Assassins in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expressed shock at the murder of Lasantha Wickramatunga, one of South Asia's leading journalists and press freedom campaigners, who was shot dead yesterday in a targeted assassination. Lasantha, editor in chief of the Sunday Leader in Sri Lanka, was shot after has car was ambushed by two assassins on motorcycles. They blocked his car, used crowbars to smash the windows and shot him at a busy intersection in Colombo as he was driving to work. Sri Lankan president Mahindra Rajapaksa reacted sharply to the murder and suggested that it may be part of a conspiracy to discredit his government. "This brutal attack and murder of…  
10985. IFJ Calls for ‘Independent and Exhaustive' Inquiry into Shooting of Journalist by US Soldiers in Iraq  

  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today called for a full ‘independent and exhaustive' inquiry into the shooting of an Iraqi woman journalist in Baghdad by American soldiers. Hadil Emad, 25, an editor with Biladi TV was shot and critically wounded by America soldiers as she was heading home in the al-Karrada district of Baghdad on 1 January 2009. She was taken to hospital and has undergone extremely difficult surgery involving the removal of her kidney which had been damaged, according to the Iraqi Union of Journalists.   "The circumstances of our colleague's shooting are suspicious," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary "and we demand a…  
10986. IFJ Condemns Double-blast Strategy that Killed Two Reporters in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned the killing of two journalists in a double-bomb attack in the town of Dera Ismail Khan, north west of Pakistan. Mohammad Imran and Saleem Tahir Awan of local dailies the Eitedal and Apna Akhbar were among the five killed in the explosion. A further 25 people were injured. The incident occurred on January 4, reports the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ-affiliate, who said a suicide bomber struck when the area had been cordoned off by the police and forensic experts were collecting evidence after an earlier blast. The IFJ says terrorist strikes in recent times have often used the tactic of setting…  
10987. IFJ Condemns Attack on Private TV Channel in Sri Lanka  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today strongly condemned the attack on the studios and facilities of the Maharaja group of media enterprises in the Pannipitiya suburb of the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo, during the early hours of January 6. According to reports received from IFJ affiliates in Sri Lanka, more than a dozen armed intruders entered the premises and overpowered the security guards who were held at gunpoint and one among them was badly beaten.   They forced one of the guards to open the door to the main control room of the three TV and four radio channels that the media group operates. They fired at random, detonating a hand grenade and…  
10988. IFJ Deplores Attack on Sindhi Language Newspaper in Pakistan  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has strongly condemned the attack on the offices of the Sindhi language newspaper, Awami Awaz, in Pakistan's commercial metropolis of Karachi on January 1.According to information received from the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), an IFJ affiliate, the attack was carried out by armed activists of the Sindh National Front (SNF). They detained the staff including the managing editor for a length of time and used abusive language against the chief editor, Jabbar Khattak.The attackers were angry over what they claimed was the newspaper's lack of coverage of SNF statements. But the IFJ warned that acts of intimidation against…  
10989. IFJ Calls for Immediate Release of Editor Arrested in India  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is alarmed to learn of the arrest of B.V. Seetaram, chairman and chief editor of Chitra Publications, by police in the district of Udupi in the southern Indian state of Karnataka. Seetaram, whose principal publication is the evening newspaper, Karavali Ale, published from the adjoining district headquarters town of Mangalore, is reportedly being held on charges of defamation filed two years ago. He was arrested while travelling with his wife through Udupi district by car. The police have also detained his wife who is a director of Chitra Publications. When produced before a magistrate in Udupi on January 5, Seetaram reportedly…  
10990. IFJ Welcomes Agreement between Federation of Nepali Journalists and Government  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has today welcomed the ten-point agreement between the Nepal government and the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), which led to the cancellation of a nation-wide demonstration over growing attacks on the media. In signing the agreement, the Information and Communications Minister Krishna Bahadur Mahara, has reportedly said that the government would make a firm commitment in ongoing debates in the Nepali Constituent Assembly, to safeguarding press freedom and ensuring the security of journalists and media houses. According to the information received from the FNJ, an IFJ-affiliate, the Ministry will create a special bureau…  
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