15063 results:

14562. Zimbabwe media bill "Kiss of Death" For Press Freedom  

THE International Federation of Journalists today joined press freedom groups in declaring that Zimbabwe's free press has been mortally wounded after parliament passed a media bill essentially gagging independent journalists ahead of the country's contentious presidential election in March. "This bill is an attempt to kill off any media criticism as a prelude to stealing a democratic election," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ "It is the kiss of death for press freedom in Zimbabwe." The legislation passed yesterday makes it illegal for journalists to operate without government accreditation and allows foreign correspondents into the country only to…  
14563. IFJ Report on Journalists Killed 2002  

Click HERE to read the IFJ Report on Journalists and Media Staff Killed in 2002  
14565. Putting Children in the Right. Guidelines for Journalists and Media Professionals  

Putting Children in the Right. Guidelines for Journalists and Media Professionals  
14568. Journalists Condemn Australian "Intimidation and Threats" To Media Covering Asylum Drama  

The International Federation of Journalists today accused the Australian authorities of putting press freedom at risk over their policy of "intimidation and threats" to reporters covering a controversial detention centre where asylum seekers have been on hunger strike. The IFJ has also called for charges to be dropped against Nathalie Larkins, a reporter for Australia's ABC television, who was arrested and briefly detained after an order was imposed moving media away from the Woomera detention centre where protesting asylum seekers have been vigorously protesting over their treatment. "This arrest and the arbitrary decision to keep media away from the Woomera centre…  
14570. IFJ express dismay over the adoption of German Copyright Contract Law  

The International Federation of Journalists and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists, representing more than 200.000 journalists in 35 countries, regrets that the German Copyright Contract Law has finally been watered down. "The adoption of the bill in the German Bundestag today is a clear sign that politicians failed in standing up against the powerful publishers" said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. After the adoption of this soft version of the German Contract Law it is evident that the months' long struggle for better authors' rights, the voices of the creators were heard and their arguments proved to be the better ones. But the economic…  
14571. Joint Media Industry and Journalists’ Letter on the Draft Directive on Market Abuse  

Joint Media Industry and Journalists’ Letter on the Draft Directive on Market Abuse To the members of the EP Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs from the European Federation of Journalists and other organisations Download the letter  
14572. Broadcasting Campaigners Call for Action to Curb Italy's "Media Dictatorship"  

Campaigners for broadcasting freedom have targeted Silvio Berlusconi, the media magnate now in the Prime Minister's office in Rome, as "public enemy number one" when it comes to the defence of public broadcasting in Europe. "The shocking state of affairs in Italy whereby the man who controls the private television sector is now trying to control the future of public broadcasting in the country makes a mockery of the European Union's commitment to public service," said John Barsby, the European Co-Chairman of the worldwide campaign Public Broadcasting For All. "It amounts to media dictatorship which should not be tolerated in any democratic state."…  
14573. World Journalists Accuse Israel of "Dangerous Act of Cultural Vandalism" After Attack on Palestinian Media  

Israel's destruction of Palestinian broadcasting facilities in the West Bank over the weekend was a "dangerous and vindictive act of cultural vandalism" that puts media staff everywhere at risk said the International Federation of Journalists today. The IFJ, which is the world's largest journalist group, says Israel's destruction of Palestine Broadcasting offices and equipment continues an unacceptable trend of targeting of media in recent conflicts. "Three years ago it was virtually unheard of for media to be military targets," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ, "now it is becoming routine for one side or another to shout "propaganda"…  
14574. EurActiv, IFJ and Systran succesfully develop CrossLingual policy portal  

A consortium formed by EurActiv, the policy portal on EU affairs, language software developer Systran and the International Federation of journalists (IFJ) succesfully completed the contract it was awarded under the eContent programme of the EU's Directorate General 'Information Society'. The project aimed to develop a CrossLingualTM policy portal: www.euractiv.com. The portal, which was first operational in English only, now provides access to information in French. A working prototype in German has also been developed, which could be launched in September 2002. In addition automated translations in some other EU languages can be generated of the documents available on the…  
14575. New Calls For Open Government in Europe  

Demand for Transparency Over Lobbying in Brussels Fears Over Lack of Commitment to Public Access Rules The European Federation of Journalists today warned that secrecy and a lack of accountability over corporate and political lobbying pose a threat to independent reporting of the European Union. At the same time journalists expressed fears over a lack of commitment to recently adopted rules on access to official documents in Brussels. The European Federation of Journalists, which represents more than 200,000 journalists in Europe, says that a lack of transparency in relations between European Union institutions and corporate and political lobbyists, consultants and media is…  
14576. ORGANISING SKILLS WORKSHOP - Tanzania Union of Journalists (TUJ)  

ORGANISING SKILLS WORKSHOP --- THE NJUWENI HOTEL, KIBAHA, November 18-19, 2002 Introduction: The organising skills workshop for trade union executive committee at the national level and branch level members was held at Njuweni Hotel Kibaha from 18-19November 2002 The number of participants attended was 25, However at the second afternoon the attendance dropped to 21. The attendance percentage was 92. Objective: The principal aim of the workshop was to equip 25 participants drawn from various media organs with the necessary skills of organising and running trade union branches at workplaces. Topics covered: Key papers presented at the workshop included the History of…  
14577. Journalists Safety Training Workshop: Peshawar  

Journalists Safety Training Workshop: Peshawar, 7-11 January 2002  
14578. Norwegian Court of Appeal states that reuse of a work on the Internet without journalists’ authorization does not constitute an infringement  

The Norwegian Court of Appeal overruled a district court decision which stated that the reuse of a press article on the Internet by the Norwegian newspaper "Dagbladet" constituted an infringement of a freelance journalist’s authors’ rights. The Court of Appeal made an interpretation of the oral agreement between the journalist and the newspaper. The Court held that it was fair for the newspaper company to assume that according to practice, they would be allowed to use the article on the Internet. The Court said that there was an obligation on the journalist to inform the newspaper that the material should not be used on the Internet.  
14580. European Backing for Strike by UK Journalists  

The European Federation of Journalists today gave its full support to a strike by journalists in the North of England. Leading newspapers owned by the Newsquest company in Bradford will be hit by a series of strikes beginning next Wednesday after union leaders rejected a pay offer by management. "The decision by journalists to strike is never easy, but in the face of a derisory pay offer in one of Britain's most poorly-paid areas of journalism it is hardly surprising," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the European Federation of Journalists in Brussels. The European Federation of Journalists, which represents more than 200,000 journalists in Europe, says that the…  
14581. IFJ Calls For Europe to Lead International Action as Press Freedom Faces "Moment of Truth" in Zimbabwe  

THE International Federation of Journalists today called for the European Union to lead international community action to "condemn, isolate and put into political quarantine" the Government of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe over new restrictions on press freedom. "The Government in Harare has contempt for democracy and the rights of journalists," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ, the world's largest journalists group "now is a moment of truth for press freedom and for the international community's commitment to democracy in the region." The IFJ says that the government's controversial media bill banning foreigners from working as…  
14585. IFJ Report on Media Casualties in the Field of Journalism and Newsgathering 2001  

IFJ Report on Media Casualties in the Field of Journalism and Newsgathering 2001  
14587. IFJ Condemns Israel's Press Card Rules as "spiteful discrimination" Against Palestinian Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned the new accreditation procedure, imposed by the Government Press Office (GPO) of Israel, on Palestinian journalists. Press cards belonging to Palestinians who work as assistants in foreign networks will not be renewed and, instead, the holders will receive an orange card designating them as escorts to foreign journalists. The cards will only be valid for the territories and will not grant the holders automatic access to Israel. Daniel Siman, head of the GPO, said order was necessary "because everyone thinks he's a journalist, and we have to extend this order to the Palestinians too." He said that press cards had been "passed…  
14589. Corporate Control of Editorial Policy in Canada Threatens Press Freedom Says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists today gave its backing to a campaign for editorial freedom being fought by journalists and newspaper staff in Canada who accuse their employer of stifling free expression by imposing a country-wide editorial policy. CanWest Global Communications Corporation, which owns 14 major newspapers around Canada, is insisting that all newspapers print the same editorial and is sidelining regional voices - particularly hitting the editorial independence of its newspaper in Montreal, the English-language Montreal Gazette. "This corporate control of editorial policy proves how dangerous concentration of ownership is to media pluralism," said Aidan…  
14591. IFJ Backs Striking Greek Journalists in Call for Solidarity Over Media Crisis  

The International Federation of Journalists and its European regional group has called on journalists throughout Europe to give their backing to strikes being called in Greek newspapers and audiovisual newsrooms on December 20th in response to a wave of sackings and a crisis of quality in the Greek media. "Greek journalists are in the frontline of a concerted campaign to defend jobs and to demand higher quality in media content," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ and the European Federation of Journalists, "Journalists throughout Europe should throw their weight behind this campaign." The Greek union is launching its campaign under the motto "The News is Not a…  
14592. 100 Journalists and Media Staff Killed in Year of Tragedy and Conflict  

The International Federation of Journalists today called for industry-wide action to counter the rising toll of media staff killed in the exercise of their work. The IFJ's report into journalists and media workers killed during 2001 records exactly 100 confirmed killings and deaths under investigation - the highest for six years. Many of the victims died in war zones, others have been targeted by brutal assassins, others have been in the wrong place at the wrong time when a story is breaking. "The roll of media casualties provides a tragic reminder of the price we pay for press freedom and democracy," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "It is time for media companies to work…  
14593. Mission to Ghana 30 November – 06 December 2001  

Isabella Haaf, IFJ Project Officer, Michel Philipart, GRET and Gabriel Baglo, MFD regional coordinator for West Africa visited the Ghana Journalists Association(GJA) from 3-6 December 2001 in order to assess the work of the GJA Ethics Committee in relation with media workers and organisations and to discuss further activities within the framework of the Media for Democracy programme.  
14594. Journalists Condemn Ukraine Over Plans to Provide Weapons for Journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists today condemned "misguided and dangerous" plans by the Ukraine government to provide weapons for journalists in response to a wave of violent attacks on reporters. "It is the responsibility of government to protect all of its citizens and this misguided and dangerous invitation to specialist journalists to take up arms will increase risks to all reporters and media staff," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ following an announcement that the country's Interior Ministry plans to allow journalists reporting on politics, crime and corruption to carry guns that fire rubber bullets to protect themselves. "Even under controlled…  
14596. IFJ Welcomes Global Copyright Treaty, But Seeks Wider Recognition of European Policy  

The world's largest journalists' group, the International Federation of Journalists, has welcomed the announcement from the World Intellectual Property Organization that a new Copyright Treaty covering rights on the internet has been adopted by enough countries to come into force early next year. "This major treaty brings international copyright agreements up to date with the changes in the digital age", said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. However, the IFJ is still looking for improvement in international authors' rights policy, particularly to bring international standards more into line with European Union law. "The European Union countries have, through the directive…  
14597. European Journalists Salute Swedish Victory in National Battle On Authors' Rights  

The International Federation of Journalists and its regional group, the European Federation of Journalists, representing more than 200.000 journalists in 35 countries in Europe, today welcomed a ground-breaking deal signed between journalists and publishers in Sweden which signals a victory in the European-wide campaign to defend the authors' rights. "Swedish journalists have shown commitment and determination to protect authors' rights at a time when publishers are attempting to sweep away traditional standards," said Aidan White, European Federation of Journalists' General Secretary. "It is a landmark victory and points the way for journalists' groups throughout the European Union."…  
14598. European Journalists Accuse Luxembourg Minister Of "Vindictive Campaign" Against Defiant Editor  

The European Federation of Journalists, Europe's largest group of journalists, has accused Luxembourg of a "vindictive campaign" to silence an Editor who has exposed tax evasion in the private affairs of a Government minister. More than three years after publication of an investigative article the editor in chief of Letzeburger Journal, Rob Roemen, is being prosecuted over his failure to reveal his sources of information on the instructions of the Minister of Home Affairs, Michal Wolter. In 1998 Roeman revealed tax evasion by Mr. Wolter in his capacity as a president of the Luxemburg Tennis Association. "Legal demands to force this journalist to betray his…  
14599. IFJ Condemns Slaying of Haitian Journalist As Wave of Violence Against Media Continues  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' organisation, today condemned the brutal killing of radio journalist Brignol Lindor. His killing follows from a wave of assaults and threats suffered by the Haitian media over the past two years. "It is a merciless campaign in which journalists are being targeted and victimized", said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. A mob stoned and hacked to death Lindor yesterday in the same town where opposition members have faced off recently against government supporters. Lindor, news director of Radio Eco 2000, was ambushed as he was on his way to the town of Petit-Goave, 40 miles west of the…  
14600. World Journalists Condemn Botswana Over "Dangerous" Draft Media Law  

The International Federation of Journalists today warned that government plans for a Press Council in Botswana with extensive powers to impose fines and jail terms on journalists and publishers were "dangerous, unworkable and could limit freedom of expression." "The Bill threatens to undermine efforts by media professionals to establish genuine self-regulation," said IFJ General Secretary Aidan White. "The affairs of journalism and the ethics of our profession are best left to those with professional responsibilities. We urge the government of Botswana to withdraw this Bill in favour of a dialogue with journalists and media organisations. The way forward should…  
14601. Public Broadcasting in Denmark, article in Danish by Mogens Blicher Bjerregård  

A Public Service Council - a Shortcut to a Radio Council Article by Mogens Blicher Bjerregård, chair of Dansk Journalistforbund Af Mogens Blicher Bjerregård Formand for Dansk Journalistforbund Kulturministeriets nyligt oprettede public service råd blev til under det seneste licensforlig og har blandt andet det formål at sikre en bred offentlig debat om vores public service radio- og tv-stationer, Danmarks Radio og TV2. Naturligvis skal offentligt ejede medier DR og TV 2 være parate til at være en del af en offentlig diskussion. Men med såvel public service rådets som radio- og tv nævnets seneste udmeldinger har de to organer tilsammen for alvor taget skridt tilbage i tiden…  
14603. IFJ mission report - Serbia (2001)  

Download the IFJ mission report on the conditions and priorities that journalists are facing in Serbia - 2001  
14604. World Journalists Condemn Killing of Cameraman As Armed Gangsters Target Reporters in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists today warned that journalists face a new and sinister threat to their lives after cameraman Ulf Strömberg of Sweden's TV4 was shot dead by armed robbers who broke into a house where Swedish journalists were staying in the northern Afghan city of Taloqan. "Journalists are now the targets of armed gangsters who are ruthlessly exploiting the chaos that has descended over much of Afghanistan," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. He said journalists, many of them in possession of satellite telephones and expensive equipment, needed reliable security conditions and protection to work. "This may be almost impossible to…  
14605. The 2001 Jury Report  

Report of the Jury 26th November 2001 The Natali Prize for Journalism, Excellence in Reporting Human Rights, Democracy and Development was established by the countries of the European Union in honour of the late Lorenzo Natali, Vice President of the European Commission with special responsibilities for development issues. The prestigious Prize is awarded each year to print journalists who have demonstrated a striking insight and particular dedication to the reporting of human rights issues within the context of the development process. The Natali Prize for Journalism 2000 marks the third year the International Federation of Journalists has been organising the prize on behalf of the…  
14608. World Journalists Condemn "hysteria and hatred" of Zimbabwe Attack on Foreign Correspondents  

The International Federation of Journalists has accused the Government of Robert Mugabe of a "hysterical and hateful campaign" against press freedom after Zimbabwe accused a number of correspondents in the country of aiding terrorists. "Linking legitimate journalism to terrorism is absurd, cynical and dangerous," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ, the world's largest journalists' group. "It confirms beyond doubt that the government of Zimbabwe is engaged in a hysterical and hateful campaign against all forms of press freedom." The IFJ spoke out after the state-controlled Herald newspaper quoted a government spokesman as saying that reporting…  
14609. IFJ Demands Media Action as Journalists' Toll Hits 90 and More Reporters Die in Afghanistan  

The International Federation of Journalists today urged journalists and media organisations to avoid unsafe front-line reporting and not to travel without protection in Afghanistan after four more journalists perished in a roadside ambush near Kabul - bringing to seven the toll of media deaths in Afghanistan the past week. "Much of Afghanistan is now bandit country and hundreds of reporters are at risk," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ, the world's largest journalists' group, "It is clearly reckless for reporters to go into areas that have not been secured without military protection." He was speaking after the deaths of Reuters news agency…  
14610. The Casablanca Declaration 2001  

A voice for the public : Public service broadcasting in the Mediterranean region CASABLANCA, 15-16 NOVEMBER 2001 FINAL DECLARATION Lien vers le français Journalists and news professionals attending the conference on A Voice for the Public: Public Service Broadcasting in the Mediterranean Region (Casablanca, 15-16 November 2001) have adopted the following declaration: - We reiterate the provisions of the Rabat conference on working together with civil society to create a network of journalists in the Mediterranean region with a view to introducing a strategy of change in the media sector; - We regret the state monopoly on news media in certain countries in the…  
14611. Report Condemns 'Vindictive Campaign' Against Journalists In Palestine Crisis  

Safety Programme Planned after 3 deaths and 43 shootings Press Card Ban on Palestinian Journalists Condemned All Sides To Blame for Pressure on Media and Reporters The International Federation of Journalists today called for urgent international action to confront "a grave and dangerous climate of confrontation" that threatens journalists and media staff caught up in the Israel-Palestinian conflict. The IFJ, the world's largest group of journalists, has called for assistance to journalists in the region including providing bullet proof vests to reporters and camera crews and setting up a journalists' safety centre. "We have found a spiral of decline that…  
14612. Concern Over Media in Firing Line After US Missile Strikes Al Jazeera TV in Kabul  

The world's largest journalists' group the International Federation of Journalists today expressed concern over the bombing of the independent Arab satellite television network Al-Jazeera shortly before Northern Alliance forces entered Kabul today. The offices, including much sophisticated broadcasting equipment, were destroyed but apparently, no one was hurt. Managing Director Mohammed Jassim al-Ali said its 10 staffers were believed to be safe but their whereabouts were unknown. The missile also damaged the offices of The Associated Press and the BBC in Kabul. "This strike raises concerns over whether or not media are being targeted," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the…  
14613. 'Reporters Hold Back' Says IFJ After Three Journalists Die in Afghanistan Ambush  

The world's largest journalists' group the International Federation of Journalists today called on journalists and media organisations to pull back from unsafe front-line reporting of the Afghanistan war after three reporters were killed in an ambush on Sunday. "Journalists must not go into areas that have not been secured," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ, "these colleagues apparently died following a lead from a Northern Alliance commander who said he was leading them into an area the Taliban had surrendered. In fact it was a trap." The IFJ says that it would be reckless to follow in the wake of a fighting force that cannot provide basic security. Two French…  
14614. Political Will and Journalists' Unity Key to Bulgarian Broadcasting Reform, Says IFJ  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists group, today called for more political commitment from Bulgaria's new government to create a genuine public broadcasting system. "If Bulgaria's leaders mean what they say about democratic will and reform they must move quickly to resolve the crisis in confidence in public broadcasting," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. An IFJ report made available today also called for solidarity among journalists and journalists groups in Bulgaria in their campaign for genuine public service broadcasting in Bulgaria. Following requests from the Union of Bulgarian Journalists and the Union of…  
14615. Journalists Newsline October 2001  

Journalists Newsline is the bi-monthly newsletter of the IFJ Media For Democracy in South Eastern Europe programme. October 2001  
14616. European Journalists Warn Over Threat to Finance Reporting in Euro Law on Market Abuse  

The European Federation of Journalists, the regional group of the International Federation of Journalists, today condemned plans for a European Union directive over insider dealing which could lead to the prosecution of financial journalists. "The watchdog role of media is essential in reporting the world of finance," said Gustl Glattfelder, Chairman of the EFJ, "but this new law threatens journalistic inquiry into a whole range of business activities." The European Commission's Internal Market directorate is proposing a directive on insider dealing and market manipulation. The European Federation of Journalists says it could expose financial journalists to the…  
14617. World Journalists Issue Report on Media, War and Terrorism  

Praise for Media Coverage Attempts to Manipulate Media Threats to Civil Liberties International Programme of Action The world's largest journalists' group today issued a report condemning attempts to manipulate media in the aftermath of September 11 and warning governments over a "rush to legislate" against terrorism that may undermine civil liberties and press freedom. The International Federation of Journalists issued its report Journalism, Civil Liberties And The War on Terrorism after a survey of media coverage in more than 20 countries. It concludes that journalists throughout the world generally responded well to the challenge of reporting the September 11 attacks, but…  
14618. World Journalists Back Dutch Strike at Metro Newspaper and Call for European Social Dialogue  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' group, today called on trade unions of journalists and media staff covering the European-wide network of Metro, a free daily newspaper service operating in major cities, to support a strike next week of the newspaper's staff working in the Netherlands. The Executive Committee of the IFJ, meeting in Stockholm, the original base of Metro International, also gave its unanimous support to a call for European-wide discussions with the company to improve social and professional standards. "The company in the Netherlands is proposing to cut its editorial workforce to absurd levels," said Aidan White, General…  
14619. Report of IFJ Mission to Bulgaria, September 2001  

BULGARIAN BROADCASTING CRISIS The politics, problems and protests in Bulgaria’s national broadcasting Report of IFJ Mission, Sofia, September 26-29th 2001 [WORD]  
14620. World Journalists Welcome Fresh Legal Victory For US Freelance in Authors' Rights Battle  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' group, has welcomed a new court ruling in the United States as a further blow for "author's rights against employers' greed". In June the US Supreme Court defined Anglo-American Copyright Law in favour of authors in a landmark ruling against the New York Times, now a new favorable ruling has been made by the Supreme Court in the case of a freelance photographer working for National Geographic. Jerry Greenberg sued after he found that his pictures were reused electronically without his permission. The court has ruled that he should be paid. The verdict is a further recognition of freelance…  
14623. World Journalists Welcome Fresh Legal Victory For US Freelance in Authors' Rights Battle  

The International Federation of Journalists, the world's largest journalists' group, has welcomed a new court ruling in the United States as a further blow for "author's rights against employers' greed". In June the US Supreme Court defined Anglo-American Copyright Law in favour of authors in a landmark ruling against the New York Times, now a new favorable ruling has been made by the Supreme Court in the case of a freelance photographer working for National Geographic. Jerry Greenberg sued after he found that his pictures were reused electronically without his permission. The court has ruled that he should be paid. The verdict is a further recognition of freelance…  
14624. Journalists Alert Over Media War Crisis  

IFJ Demands Release of Reporters - Alert Over "Reckless News Gathering" - Call for End to Government Pressure On Media The world's largest journalists' group, the International Federation of Journalists, today called for governments to lift pressure on journalists reporting events surrounding the military action in Afghanistan. "Once again, journalists are being bullied and harassed by all sides in a conflict that calls for professionalism and independence from media - not propaganda and censorship," said Aidan White, General Secretary of the IFJ. The IFJ called for the release of French reporter Michel Peyrard, on assignment for the magazine Paris Match, who…  
14627. The IFJ denounces the derogation of Law 1728 of Administrative Transparency in Paraguay  

The Latin American Group of the Federation the International of Journalists (GAL-FIP) today announced the derogation on the part of the Paraguayan parliament of Law 1728 of Administrative Transparency, that restricted severely access to the citizenship and the journalists to official documents. Oswaldo Urriolabeitia, vice-president of the Executive Committee of the FIP and member of the director of the GAL-FIP, emphasized that the derogation of the mentioned law was possible to the severe critics formulated by the civil society, headed by the Union of Journalists of Paraguay (SPP), member of the Latin American Group of the FIP. The law was countermanded, after two months of use, as…  
14628. PSB Campaign Launching Conference  

Public Broadcasting in the Information Age Meeting in Tokyo, 10th June 2001 The IFJ and NIPPORO (NHK Union) organised a meeting on Public Service Broadcasting on June 9, 2001 in Tokyo. Participants were delegates of IFJ member Unions and over 50 representatives of Japanese media workers. The participants of the meeting defined the basis of a worldwide campaign for the defence of public service values in broadcasting (TV, radio and internet). During its meeting in Seoul on 11-15 June, the IFJ Congress adopted a resolution to lauch officially the Public Broadcasting Campaign. Public service broadcasters of the world are now faced with various difficult problems such as…  
14629. IFJ Calls for Release of Reporter Held in Afghanistan and Warns Journalists: "No Story is Worth Your Life"  

The International Federation of Journalists has called for the immediate release of British reporter Yvonne Ridley, on assignment for the Daily Express in London, who was arrested by Taliban security forces after slipping over the border into Afghanistan. She now faces possible charges of spying. "Journalism is about telling truthful stories, not espionage and it is ridiculous to suggest that this reporter is guilty of anything other than enthusiasm to carry out her job," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary of the IFJ, the world's largest journalists' group. The IFJ has welcomed the joint initiative of the newspaper company and the British National Union of Journalists to try to…  
14630. Costa Rican president accuses Nicaraguan press of escalating conflict  

Costa Rican President Miguel Angel Rodríguez has publicly accused Nicaraguan journalists of being responsible for the conflict between the two countries in connection with a territorial dispute over the San Juan river region. "You Nicaraguan journalists are responsible for escalating the war between our countries with the scandalous news you publish," said a visibly irritated President Rodríguez, when questioned by a reporter from the Nicaraguan television station Canal 6. Rolando Cruz Castillo, secretary general of the Nicaraguan National Union of Journalists (Sindicato Nacional de Periodistas de Nicaragua), informed the IFJ's human rights section for Latin America that he…  
Search results 14561 until 14630 of 15063