15057 results:

3011. Armenia: Crowd attacks bureau of Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty  

Amid unrest over a peace deal between Azerbaijan and Armenia, around 40 people attacked the offices of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s (RFE/RL) Armenian Service in Yerevan on 10 November. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the attack. The angry crowd tried to gain access to the bureau of RFE/RL by breaking down the door to the offices, attempting to destroy property and equipment and allegedly attacking employees, according to the Union of Journalists in Armenia (UJA), an IFJ affiliate, and a report by RFE/RF. The attackers voiced their anger against the Armenian government’s deal with Azerbaijan over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region and the…  
3012. Germany: Police and protesters target journalists and media workers at Leipzig protest  

At least 43 journalists were prevented from carrying out their work by protesters and police officers at an anti-lockdown demonstration in the eastern German city of Leipzig on 7 November. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ), their German affiliates DJV and DJU strongly condemned the violence and called on the German police to take steps to protect journalists covering demonstrations. According to German media, around 20,000 protesters attended the demonstration – including people criticising the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as people from far-right parties including the extremist National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD). Many…  
3013. México: asesinan al tercer periodista en 15 días  

Ante el asesinato del periodista Israel Vázquez Rangel, el tercer comunicador asesinado en México en los últimos 15 días, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y su organización afiliada en el país el Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) condenan este hecho brutal e instan a las autoridades a aplicar los mecanismos previstos para salvaguardar la vida y la integridad de los periodistas. Rangel fue asesinado en el estado de Guanajuato, mientras realizaba una cobertura periodística para el portal el Salamantino, donde se desempeñaba como redactor. En un comunicado, el SNRP afirmó: “De acuerdo con reportes, el comunicador se había desplazado a realizar su trabajo…  
3014. Virgilio Maganes  

The journalist and member of the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), who worked as a commentator on dwPR and columnist for the weekly Northern Watch newspaper, was gunned down in front of his home in Villasis town by gunmen on motorcycle in black jackets riding in tandem. He died on the spot after being hit several times in the head and other parts of the body, according to media reports. Maganes had survived a prior assassination attempt on November 8, 2016, playing dead when motorcycle-riding gunmen shot and wounded him as he rode a tricycle to work, reports added. Journalists' safety, Philippines, IFJ, Impunity  
3015. Israel Vázquez Rangel  

The 31-year-old editor of El Salmantion, an online newspaper, was killed in the Mexican state of Guanajuato by unidentified assailants. The SNRP, an IFJ affiliate, said that Rangel was shot several times by gunmen in the Villa Salamanca colony where he had gone to report on the discovery of human remains dumped in plastic bags. His attackers fled the scene, the SNRP added. Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
3016. #EndImpunity: Our affiliates' activities  

Here is a round up of IFJ affiliates' activities during the #EndImpunity campaign running from 2 to 23 of November 2020. Canada Unifor took part in the social media photo campaign demanding that those who ordered the killing of journalists be brought to justice. The CWA union sent letters to the Russian embassy and the Mexican embassy in Canada denouncing the state of impunity in the two countries. Cyprus The union of Cyrprus journalists took part in the social media photo campaign demanding that those who ordered the killing of journalists be brought to justice. India The Arunachal Pradesh Union of Working Journalists, a regional affiliate of the Indian Journalists’ Union (IJU),…  
3017. Philippines: Journalist shot dead in front of his home  

Journalist Virgilio Maganes, a member of the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), was shot dead by motorcycle-riding gunmen in front of his home in Villasis town at 6.30 am on November 10. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists the Philippines (NUJP) to condemn the murder which occurred only a week after the International Day to End Impunity for Crime Against Journalists on November 2. According to the initial investigation, Maganes, a commentator on dwPR radio and columnist for weekly Northern Watch newspaper, was shot several times by unknown gunmen in black jackets riding in tandem. Police stated he was…  
3018. India: Reporter brutally stabbed to death near Chennai  

G. Moses, a reporter for Tamilian TV, has been hacked to death in the western suburb of Kundrathru, Tamil Nadu, allegedly for his coverage of illegal land grabbing in the area. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the journalist’s brutal attack and is concerned for the safety of media workers in the region. Authorities stated that Moses, aged 26, was attacked by multiple men with knives nearby to his house, after being called outside via mobile. He attempted to run back to safety but was attacked a second time. His assailants fled the scene before Moses’ father and neighbour emerged to investigate his cries. The journalist was declared dead soon after at Chromepet…  
3019. Challenging impunity for crimes against media in Sri Lanka  

Against the backdrop of killing, arrest and harassment of journalists, media freedom organisations continue to campaign against the scourge of impunity in Sri Lanka, writes Ruki Fernando. Dozens of journalists have been killed, abducted or have disappeared in the past two decades in Sri Lanka, with 2005-2010 being the most dangerous. According to Journalists for Democracy in Sri Lanka (JDS) 44 journalists and media workers were killed or disappeared during this period.  Disturbingly, there are hosts who have been arrested and detained, assaulted, threatened, intimidated and harassed. And media institutions have been subjected to arson, with one Tamil newspaper in the war-ravaged north…  
3020. United States: Journalists arrested for reporting on protests in Los Angeles and New York  

Two videographers were arrested on 4 November by Los Angeles police while New York police arrested several journalists for not having press credentials. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Writers Union (NWU) in condemning the arbitrary arrests of journalists. Los Angeles police officers arrested freelance journalist Vishal Singh and freelance videographer Sean Beckner-Carmitchel after declaring the Black Lives Matter protests in central Los Angeles unlawful. Singh said on Twitter that he and Beckner-Carmitchel were targeted for filming the protests.   The reporters were clearly identified as media workers when they were arrested. Both…  
3021. G Moses  

The correspondent for Tamil language channel Tamilian TV was knife stabbed by a group of men a short distance from his house in Kundrathur, Tamil Nadu. He attempted to flee but was stabbed again and left fatally wounded. He later died of his wounds. Journalists' safety, India, IFJ, Impunity  
3022. Myanmar: Internet shutdown, misinformation obstructs voters’ rights  

Voters across Myanmar went to the polls on November 8 in an election that is expected to see the return to power of Aung San Suu Kyi’s party. In the lead up to the election the Myanmar government’s ongoing shutdown of internet services in Western Myanmar was extended, restricting access to telecommunication services for over a million citizens in conflict zones. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the government’s blatant manipulation and interference with the democratic process, restricting access to communication, press freedom and personal expression. The world’s longest internet shutdown began on 21 June 2019, affecting townships in Rakhine and Chin states with a…  
3023. Afghanistan: Former Tolonews journalist killed in targeted attack  

Yama Siawash, former TOLO news television journalist in Afghanistan was killed on November 7 in the targeted explosion in Makrorayan-e-Char area of Kabul. The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) and the Afghan Independent Journalists’ Association (AIJA) are deeply saddened by the incident and urge authorities to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into the journalist’s killing and hold those responsible to account. According to the police, the explosion was targeted at the vehicle carrying the TOLO news’s former reporter Siawash and two others. Details of the incident are yet to come. The IFJ and the AIJA are collecting additional information about the incident. The…  
3024. Uruguay: Cesan los contratos de 40 trabajadores de la Radio Pública  

Luego de que Radio Pública de Uruguay anunciara que no renovará los contratos de más de 40 trabajadores que finalizaban sus tareas el 31 de diciembre próximo , la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y su organización afiliada, la Asociación de la Prensa Uruguaya (APU), muestran su preocupación ante el recorte de personal e instan a un diálogo que permita mantener los puestos de trabajo. Al respecto, APU afirmó en un comunicado que “en las actuales circunstancias de grave crisis generalizada de los medios, con varias decenas de trabajadores despedidos, cierres de medios, precarización laboral y deterioro de la calidad de la información, esta decisión de un organismo estatal…  
3025. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 31 October and 6 November, 2020. English IFJ: Masterminds of journalists’ killings walk free (ALSAHWA NET) Int’l day to end impunity for crimes against journalists (NEWS PAKISTAN) Say No To Impunity For Crimes Against Journalists (BHADAS 4 MEDIA) None of the perpetrators have been brought to justice ... 44 journalists have been killed in Yemen in 10 years (TELLER REPORT) Thirty-two journalists killed since the start of the year, RSF appeals…  
3026. Pakistan: Columnist and social media activist arrested  

Media columnist and social media activist Bayazid Kharoti, who was reported ‘missing’ since November 4, had actually been arrested in Quetta on charges of meddling in the work of police. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) denounce the misuse of the authority to detain the media worker and urge that the case be withdrawn. On November 5 police say they arrested Bayazid Kharoti, a newspaper columnist and the administrator of a Facebook page and WhatsApp group called "Choti Chiri" (Little Bird), on accusations of forcibly entering the headquarters of the paramilitary. In case filed against him, Kharoti…  
3027. #Endimpunity: Mexico  

No. of journalists killed since 2010: 103 Cases unsolved: 95% Fourteen years after the country’s military joined the war on drugs, crimes against Mexican press workers and their disappearance are emblematic of the systemic violence which has flowed from it. Mexico remains one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists. The IFJ has already documented 10 killings in 2020, added to the more than one hundred murders* (161 as of the date of this report) since 2006 - the beginning of the so-called "war against the drug trafficking". A "war" that, following the decision of then President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa to send the Mexican army to fight cartels in the State of…  
3028. México: el Congreso Nacional elimina el fondo independiente que financia al Mecanismo de Protección para Defensores de Derechos Humanos y Periodistas  

El pasado 21 de octubre, el Congreso mexicano votó la eliminación de aproximadamente 100 fideicomisos que, con fondos públicos, financiaban el funcionamiento de distintos organismos y programas. Pese a las objeciones de distintos organismos estatales, se incluyó en ese recorte el fideicomiso que sostiene al Fondo para la Protección de Personas Defensoras de Derechos Humanos y Periodistas, decisión que podría implicar el entorpecimiento de su funcionamiento ante situaciones de emergencia. Luego de un largo debate en el Congreso Nacional mexicano, miembros del Poder Legislativo Federal decidieron votar por la eliminación de 109 fideicomisos que, hasta este ejercicio presupuestario,…  
3029. Russia: IFJ calls on Russian government to end impunity for crimes against journalists  

As part of its 2020 campaign to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has sent a letter to the Russian embassy in Belgium on 4th November calling on the Russian government and President Vladimir Putin to take swift action to improve the state of impunity in Russia.   Concern: Call to End Impunity for Killers of Journalists in Russia Your Excellency, We are writing as the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world’s largest organisation of media professionals representing over 600.000 members in more than 140 countries, to urge your government to address the issue of impunity for violence against journalists in…  
3030. Zimbabwe: Court bars recognized lawyer from representing jailed journalist  

UPDATED 4 NOVEMBER A Harare court banned prominent lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa from defending journalist Hopewell Chin’ono, ruling she was in contempt of court. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) called the 18 August decision "an attack against the journalist’s right of defense" and demanded a fair trial for Chin’ono. The magistrate argued in a decision published by The Herald newspaper that the lawyer had offended the court by posting about court proceedings on a Facebook page called Beatrice Mtetwa and the Rule of Law. Mtetwa denied being the author of the posts. Following the decision, American filmmaker Lorie Conway repeatedly confirmed…  
3031. Hong Kong: Police arrest RTHK documentary producer  

Hong Kong police arrested producer Choy Yuk Ling on November 3 in relation to a Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) documentary about the 2019 Yuen Long mob attacks. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is deeply disturbed by the arrest and calls for all charges against the producer to be dropped. After police searched her home on November 3, Choy was charged in connection to the use of car license plate records while she was conducting research for an episode of RTHK’s Hong Kong Connection.  The documentary focused on the events of July 21, 2019 when over 100 rod-wielding men stormed Yuen Long MTR station leaving 45 people injured, including journalists, protesters,…  
3032. Bangladesh: Four journalists charged under draconian Digital Security Act  

Four journalists, including and editor and publisher, from Lakshmipur district in South Eastern Bangladesh are the latest media workers to be pursued under Bangladesh’s notorious Digital Security Act (DSA). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the targeting of journalists under the law and calls on authorities to withdraw the cases. Mayor of Raipur Municipality, Md Ismail Khokon, filed the cases against AKM Mizanur Rahman, editor and publisher of the Daily Banglar Mukul; executive editor, Afroza Akter Ranga; Mohona TV correspondent SN Uddin Riad and Asian TV correspondent Jahirul Islam Titu on October 31. The First Information Report (FIR) filed in the Raipur…  
3033. México: Asesinan al segundo periodista en menos de una semana  

El comunicador fue acribillado la noche del lunes 2 en Ciudad Obregón, Sonora. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) junto con su organización afiliada, el Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP), demanda la inmediata investigación de este crimen y la urgente respuesta por parte de las autoridades ante el clima de violencia imperante en México. Se trata del periodista Jesús Alfonso Piñuelas, también conocido como “El Norris”, quien fue asesinado a balazos, alrededor de las 22:00 horas del lunes 2, cuando cumplía labores en su segundo empleo, como repartidor de comidas, en el Municipio de Cajeme, Sonora. De acuerdo con las autoridades locales, desconocidxs armadxs…  
3034. Zimbabwe: Court bars recognized lawyer from representing jailed journalist  

(UPDATED 4 NOVEMBER) A Harare court banned prominent lawyer Beatrice Mtetwa from defending journalist Hopewell Chin’ono, ruling she was in contempt of court. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) called the 18 August decision "an attack against the journalist’s right of defense" and demanded a fair trial for Chin’ono. The magistrate argued in a decision published by The Herald newspaper that the lawyer had offended the court by posting about court proceedings on a Facebook page called Beatrice Mtetwa and the Rule of Law. Mtetwa denied being the author of the posts. Following the decision, American filmmaker Lorie Conway repeatedly confirmed…  
3035. #EndImpunity: Russia  

Since 2005, 17 journalists have been killed. Five murders remain unsolved. Critical journalism can be dangerous in Russia. 17 journalists have been murdered in the past 15 years. All of them were Russian journalists, many reporting on corruption, human rights abuses or rights violations by authorities or the police. Attacks have been particularly widespread in the North Caucasus region. Some trials have taken place but, often, the masterminds behind those crimes remain free.  Media freedom in Russia is under attack from two sides. Firstly, broadcasters, newspapers or websites have been increasingly brought under state control or were bought by state-affiliated companies…  
3036. Jesús Alfonso Piñuelas  

The journalist, who worked for many news organisations including Televisora del Yaqui, the ICI News Agency and the newspaper El Regional de Sonora, was shot dead in the city of Obregon, Sonora state. According to local official sources, the journalist also known as “El Norris” and managed two Facebook news account called Zarathustra Prensa" and "El Shock de la Noticia", was intercepted by unidentified gun men who shot him several times. Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
3037. South Asia: Fourteen murders in 2020, impunity rife  

Corruption, weak institutional mechanisms, lack of political will are key factors the IFJ documented as major reasons that results on denial and delay of the justice on crime against journalists in South Asia. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) condemn the ongoing murder of journalists in 2020 and call on South Asia’s governments to expedite investigation of attacks on journalists and strengthen protections for journalists. Despite 14 journalist murders in the region in targeted killings, cross fire attacks and bombings, most remain unresolved. The toll includes seven Pakistani journalists murdered in the year to date, three…  
3038. Asia Pacific: IFJ Impunity Campaign Asia Pacific Statement 2020  

On the International Day to End Impunity, the International Federation of Journalists and its affiliates launches its annual campaign to end impunity for crimes against journalists. The campaign, which will run from November 2 to November 23, demands authorities denounce crimes targeting journalists and take urgent steps to put an end to impunity and protect press freedom. Over the past decade, IFJ reports show 998 journalists have been killed, including 30 so far in 2020. Since 1990, 2,644 journalists have lost their lives. These horrifying figures are concrete evidence of the huge efforts of those in power to hide the truth and silence dissenting voices.  This year, the IFJ is…  
3039. Hong Kong: Student activist detained under security law  

Tony Chung, a former leader of student activist group Studentlocalism, has been charged with secession, money laundering and conspiracy to publish seditious material under Hong Kong’s national security law. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists’ Association (HKJA) condemn this arrest and the continued restriction of free speech in Hong Kong. Chung, who is 19 years old, was detained opposite Hong Kong’s United States consulate, where he was reportedly attempting to seek asylum on October 27. The teenager was denied bail after his court appearance on October 29, with a second appearance set for January 7. If found guilty, the student…  
3040. End Impunity 2020: Journalists’ killings - masterminds are walking free  

Impunity occurs when those who threaten, attack and kill journalists walk free. On the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists the IFJ is launching a global campaign targeting those who order crimes against journalists and but go unpunished and demanding governments take urgent steps to put an end to impunity and protect press freedom. In the past decade 999 journalists have been killed, IFJ reports show, 30 so far in 2020, most of them local journalists. Since 1990, 2644 journalists lost their lives. These horrifying figures of murders of journalists are concrete evidence of the huge efforts powerful people around the world are doing to hide…  
3041. Arturo Alba Medina  

The body of the 49-year-old TV host for Telediario, part of Multimedios Televisión, was found inside his car with gunshots wounds in city of Juárez, Chihuahua. Media reports said that Medina was killed minutes after finishing his news program and eleven shell casings were found at the crime scene, according to the Municipal Public Security Secretariat (SSPM). Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
3042. México: Asesinan a periodista en Ciudad Juárez  

Arturo Alba Medina, conductor de Telediario, en Multimedios Televisión, fue asesinado a balazos en Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, minutos después de finalizar su programa en el noticiero. Hasta el momento, la Fiscalía General del Estado, no ha dado mayor información sobre la investigación. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), insta a las autoridades policiales y judiciales a dar inmediatamente con lxs autorxs materiales e intelectuales de este crimen. En la noche del jueves, fue encontrado sin vida dentro de su vehículo, el periodista Arturo Alba Medina, minutos después de finalizar su labor como conductor del noticiero Telediario, en Multimedios Televisión. Según la Secretaría de…  
3043. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 24 and 30 October, 2020. English 24 global media, news & journalist organizations call on the US government to drop plans to shorten visa length for foreign journalists (EUROPEAN BROADCASTING UNION) Joint Statement from international media on DHS proposal on I visas (AFP) Indian journalist takes aim at Modi govt’s majoritarian politics, plunging economy (GEO NEWS) India has now become the sick man of South Asia (DAWN MEDIA) Journalism in…  
3044. #EndImpunity: Somalia  

57 journalists have been killed since 2010, only 4 perpetrators have been punished. Somalia is one of the most dangerous countries for journalists in Africa and presents a real risk of death for journalists. Corruption and insecurity are a serious obstacle to press freedom, while journalists were killed in crossfire, bombings, terrorist attacks or in targeted attacks. Since 2010, 57 journalists have been killed, with the deadliest year being 2012 with 18 killings. The level of impunity remains at its highest as, until the date, only 4 killers have been punished. The appointment of a Special Prosecutor perceived as positive step forward Despite the difficult situation of journalists…  
3045. Philippines: Journalists labelled communists in editorial cartoon  

A satirical cartoon in local Filipino media has accused journalists and activists of a relationship with communist rebels. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins it affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning this labelling and media denigration of journalism. The Manila Times published an editorial cartoon on October 25 depicting a man wearing a shirt and hat branded with identifiable communist symbols, painting masks with the labels ‘lawmakers’, ‘feminists’, ‘activists’, ‘educators’, ‘clergy’, ‘artists’, and ‘journalists’. Red tagging, or the labelling of individuals, institutions and professions as affiliated with communism,…  
3046. #EndImpunity: Yemen  

Yemen: 44 journalists have been killed in the last ten years; perpetrators remain unpunished Forty-four journalists were killed in Yemen between 2010 and September 2020, many of whom lost their lives since the outbreak of fighting between the Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi-led Yemeni government supported by the Saudi-led coalition and the Houthis armed movement. According to the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS), none of the perpetrators has been brought to justice. The bloody conflict, political instability, the multiplicity of actors in the absence of state authority, but also the growing hostility towards the press and journalists have contributed to enshrining  the impunity…  
3047. Pakistan: Journalist returned after suspected abduction  

Ali Imran Syed, a reporter for Geo News, was reported missing in Karachi on October 23 after a suspected abduction. He was found safe after 22 hours. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) condemn the abduction and call for a swift investigation. Syed left his residence between 7pm-8pm on the evening of October 23, telling his wife he would return in half an hour. After he failed to return home, his brother filed a First Information Report (FIR) at Sachal police station, registering it as an abduction case without identifying suspects. The reporter established contact with his wife 22 hours later, after safely…  
3048. Rashid al-Bakr  

The reporter for Syria 1 News Agency was killed in an airstrike while covering the training of soldiers belonging to the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation, a Syrian opposition coalition, at a training camp in Jabal al-Duwailah, near the northern Idlib city of Kafr Takharim. Journalists' safety, Syria, IFJ, Impunity  
3049. Angola: Eight journalists assaulted while covering a civil society demonstration  

Eight media workers were roughed up, assaulted or detained by the police on 24 October in the Angolan capital Luanda while covering a demonstration organised by civil society activists and supported by the opposition to demand better living conditions and jobs. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Sindicato Dos Journalistas Angolanos (SJA) in condemning the arbitrary detentions of media workers and calls on the Angolan authorities to stop intimidating journalists. UPDATE 27/10/2020: The three journalists that remained in jail have been released without charge. Journalists Suely de Melo, Carlos Tome, Santos Samuesseca, Leonardo Faustino and their driver,…  
3050. Sudan: Security forces attack journalists and obstruct reporting on protests  

Security forces attacked journalists and prevented them from covering protests in Sudan’s capital Khartoum on 21 October. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Sudanese Journalists Union (SJU), in condemning the attacks on journalists' and urges the government to stop harassing journalists and guarantee their freedom to work. The SJU reported two incidents against journalists covering the protests. Security forces wearing plain clothes and carrying batons surrounded Saad Eddin Hassan, a correspondent for the Al-Arabiya network, in an attempt to prevent him from reporting on a demonstration taking place in the centre of Khartoum.  The…  
3051. Pakistan: PEMRA suspends 24NewsHD’s satellite broadcast  

Pakistani authorities suspended satellite transmission of television channel News24HD from October 19 after it allegedly aired an opposition party political rally on YouTube. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) condemn the suspension and demand Pakistan authorities resume the channel’s broadcast across all outlets. The satellite broadcast of News24HD, a current affairs television channel in Pakistan, was suspended for allegedly airing a Pakistan Democratic Movement rally in Karachi on YouTube and other coverage of the country’s political opposition. Transmission from the network’s satellite channel ceased on…  
3052. Pakistan: PEMRA suspends 24NewsHD’s satellite broadcast  

Pakistani authorities suspended satellite transmission of television channel News24HD from October 19 after it allegedly aired an opposition party political rally on YouTube. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) condemn the suspension and demand Pakistan authorities resume the channel’s broadcast across all outlets. The satellite broadcast of News24HD, a current affairs television channel in Pakistan, was suspended for allegedly airing a Pakistan Democratic Movement rally in Karachi on YouTube and other coverage of the country’s political opposition. Transmission from the network’s satellite channel ceased on…  
3053. US: IFJ calls for rethink on planned visa changes  

Planned changes to the way the US issue visas for journalists threaten to “seriously jeopardise the exercise of journalistic freedom” the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has warned the the US authorities. The IFJ joined Reuters, the European Broadcasting Union, the World Association of Newspapers and other media and press freedom campaigners in sending a letter to the Department of Homeland Security urging them to drop the proposals which would drastically cut the amount of time a journalist could remain working in the US. The “I visa” is required for all foreign journalists operating in the US, whether they are there for one week or five years. Once issued it is valid…  
3054. Pelumi Onifade  

The 20-year-old intern journalist for Gboah TV, an online news outlet based in Lagos, was found in the Ikorodu morgue after he went missing on 24 October. He had gone out to report on the protest outside a food ware in the outskirts of Lagos and never returned. His family, which reported his disappearance, later identified his body in the morgue. Reports said that he had been detained by police. Journalists' safety, Nigeria, IFJ, Impunity  
3055. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 17 and 23 October, 2020. English ‘Harassment’ of journalists: Global press bodies write to PM Modi (INDIAN EXPRESS) PM Modi urged to tell States to drop sedition cases against journalists (THE HINDU) Concern over sedition charges against journalists in India (DAWN) Drop Sedition Cases Against Journos: Global Press Bodies to Modi (THE QUINT) 'Journalistic Work Cannot Be Equated To Sedition': Global Press Bodies Write To PM Modi (THE LOGICAL…  
3056. Libya: Journalist and media executive unlawfully arrested  

Mohammed Baayou, the head of Libya’s state-owned Media Corporation, was arrested on 20 October in Tripoli. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the United Nations (UN) in condemning this unlawful arrest and urging for his immediate release. According to the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Baayou was arrested together with his two sons and journalist Hind Ammar, who recently got appointed as head of programs at the Libya al-Wataniya TV channel. His sons were released shortly after the arrest and Ammar two days after, while Baayou remains under arrest. Pictures posted on social media allegedly show  Bayouu inside the headquarters of the…  
3057. Nigeria : Media houses attacked and torched during protests in Lagos  

Unidentified individuals attacked and torched the premises of Television Continental (TVC) and other media houses in Lagos on 21 October, resulting in the loss of media equipment and damage to vehicles. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) in condemning these attacks against media workers. These attacks on media happened during the ongoing massive protests after the killing of ten protesters by the security forces on Tuesday. Protesters took to the streets to condemn police brutality, calling on the Nigeria Government to dismantle SARS, Special Anti- Robbery Squad, an elite unit in the Nigerian police Force. Channels…  
3058. Thailand: Court order to suspend online broadcaster revoked  

An attempt by Thailand’s Digital Economy Ministry and the Royal Thai Police to retract the license of online broadcaster Voice TV has been rejected by the Thai Criminal Court on October 21. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists Thailand (NUJT ) condemn the Thai authorities’ attempt to censor Thailand’s media and welcome the response by the courts to defend media freedom. On October 20, Thailand’s Ministry of Digital Economy and Society announced it had obtained a court order to suspend all broadcasts and publications from online liberal media outlet Voice TV. It claimed the organisation had breached the now-withdrawn Emergency…  
3059. Malaysia: Media union calls for exemption from work from home directive  

The National Security Council (MKN) has issued a directive for all employees in both the public and private sectors to work from home effective Thursday, October 22 in an attempt to control the spread of Covid-19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) to call upon the relevant authorities to allow all media personnel to carry out their duties without being detained or restrained by any roadblocks. While all of Malaysia is now under a recovery movement control order, certain states and territories have been placed under the stricter restrictions following a spike of Covid-19…  
3060. Pakistan: State-owned Radio Pakistan sacks 749 media workers  

State-owned Radio Pakistan announced on October 20 the sacking of 749 contractual employees effective immediately. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) condemn the outrageous mass lay-off and urge intervention by Pakistan’s government to reverse the decision. A memorandum issued by Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (PBC) on October 20 terminated the service of 177 news staff, 531 program staff and 41 from NCAC radio station, and other web desk staff citing a ‘budget deficit and no need of contractual human resource’ as its defence. PBC management argue the organization faces a budget deficit of PKR. 942.887…  
3061. United Kingdom: BBC Flexible Working Policy guides the implementation of flexible working models  

To facilitate the reconciliation of family and professional life media companies should offer media workers flexible working arrangements and set up frameworks guiding the implementation of such arrangements. The BBC Flexible Working Policy does this. It sets a clear framework for the process of requesting and implementing appropriate arrangements that benefit both the employee and the employer. The policy outlines several options for a flexible organization of working time and the place of work, including part-time working, flexitime, compressed working hours, remote working, career breaks or flexible retirement. Read the BBC Flexible Working Policy here. BBC, United Kingdom,…  
3062. India: Media freedom campaigners call on government to halt use of sedition laws against journalists  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined forces with the International Press Institute (IPI) to issue a joint call on the Indian authorities to take urgent action to prevent the increasing use of sedition laws and other legal sanctions to threaten and silence independent journalists. In a joint letter, the IFJ and IPI urged Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi “to take immediate steps to ensure that journalists can work without harassment and fear of reprisal..and to direct the state governments to drop all charges against journalists, including those under the draconian sedition laws, that have been imposed on them for their work”. The call comes amid a worrying increase in…  
3063. India: J&K administration seals Kashmir Times office  

The Jammu and Kashmir administration shut down the Srinagar office of Kashmir Times, one of the leading English-language dailies in the Kashmir Valley, on October 19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliates Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemn the J&K administration’s move and urge to reverse the government’s decision. The J&K administration’s estates department officials sealed the Kashmir Times office located at Press Enclave area in Srinagar without serving any notice of cancellation or eviction.  The J&K administrations’ move comes a day after it sealed Kashmir News Service (KNS), a local news gathering agency. According to the…  
3064. Kosovo: Journalist Shkumbin Kajtazi’s car attacked for the second time in four months  

On Sunday, 18 October, Kosovo journalist Shkumbin Kajtazi announced via a Facebook post that he had found his car damaged by several bullets that broke the window and left holes on the front and back seats. It is believed that this attack is related to his journalistic work. Kajtazi is an investigative journalist working for Reporteri.net and Jepi zë and covers political events, politicians and corruption affairs in Kosovo. This is the second time in four months that the journalist was targeted. On 13 June, his car was set on fire and the prosecutor informed him that the suspect for this arson attack had taken responsibility for it, claiming it was due to Kejtazi’s journalistic…  
3065. Netherlands: Union negotiates vital travel ban exemption for IFJ press card holders  

Foreign journalists travelling to the Netherlands will be exempt from a travel ban and be able to leave quarantine to carry out vital newsgathering provided they are carrying an IFJ International Press Card (IPC). The protocol, negotiated between the Dutch journalists union, the NVJ and the country’s authorities exempts foreign journalists in possession of the IPC and a letter issued by the union, are exempted from the travel restrictions currently in place. Journalists are still required to: - get a visa when needed - follow travel requirements - follow corona rules in place, such as self-quarantine for 10 days, except for the time journalists are reporting. In its online guidance the…  
3066. República Dominicana: Periodista es agredida por agente de la policía  

La policía de República Dominicana agredió brutalmente el 18 de octubre a Dulce García Robles, periodista que protestaba por la libertad de un colega en la ciudad de San Pedro de Macorís. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y su organización afiliada en el país, el Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa (SNTP) repudian este accionar y exigen justicia para la comunicadora y libertad para su colega. García Robles protestaba por la liberación de Ivan Echavarría, colega de FM La Kalle que había sido arrestado, presuntamente, por violar el toque de queda impuesto en la región por el COVID 19. Según denunciaron lxs compañerxs de García Robles, cuando la policía intervino…  
3067. Thailand: Reporter arrested while covering protests  

Police have arrested Prachatai journalist Kitti Pantapak as he recorded live coverage of the police crackdown on protestors in Bangkok on October 16. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) denounces the Thai government’s violation of journalist safety and press censorship. Pantapak was broadcasting live coverage of the nationwide protests against Thailand’s recent emergency degree on Facebook, when he was arrested outside the Mahboonkrong Centre, a large shopping precinct in Bangkok. He was released on the afternoon of October 17, after paying a 300 baht fine (USD10) for disobeying an official order under Section 368 of the Criminal Code. Footage reveals Pantapak spoke to…  
3068. Malaysia: Parliament to restrict media access  

The Malaysian Parliament, in a decision attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic, has opted to limit press coverage of the upcoming parliamentary session to 15 media organisations, from November 2 to December 23. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) to call for re-evaluation of the decision to limit media access to parliamentary proceedings. The Parliament’s corporate communications unit issued a statement on October 16, instituting new limitations for in-house media coverage for the Third Meeting of the Third Term of the 14th Parliament session. 15 organisations have been granted access: Radio…  
3069. India: Broadcast journalist arrested after critical news report  

Ramesh Rath, a senior journalist affiliated with Odisha Television (OTV) was arrested in Odisha’s capital Bhubaneswar on October 15. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliate National Union of Journalists- India (NUJ-I) denounce the incident and urge the Odisha government to allow media houses and journalists to report independently. Rath was reportedly picked up by a group of policemen nearby his residence in Bhubaneswar a day after the channel questioned Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik’s aerial survey of flood-hit areas. Following the arrest, his mobile phone was seized and he was not allowed   to make any calls, even to his family…  
3070. Hong Kong: Police raid offices of pro-democracy media magnate Jimmy Lai  

Hong Kong’s national security police officers raided the private offices of pro-democracy activist and media tycoon Jimmy Lai, on October 15. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this incursion and the continued restriction of media autonomy in Hong Kong. On Thursday, October 15, 14 police officials visited Lai’s Kwung Tong office and confiscated documents, departing before lawyers had time to arrive. Lai, the founder of media institution Next Digital, which manages pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, regularly criticizes the Hong Kong government and China’s authoritarian rule and was arrested under the new national security law in August.   The raid came hours…  
3071. Yemen: Five journalists released as part of a prisoner exchange  

On 15 October, the Houthi rebels in Yemeni capital city Sana'a released five journalists as part of a prisoner exchange with the internationally recognized government of President Hadi. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists' Syndicate (YJS) in welcoming the release of the journalists and in calling for the release of all other journalists who remain detained. The five journalists, Hisham Ahmed Tarmoom, Hisham Abdulmalik Al-Yousefi, Haitham Abdulrahman Al-Shihab, Essam Amin Balgheeth and Hassan Abdullah Annab were among those released in a prisoner exchange between the Houthis rebels who lead the de facto government in Sana and the…  
3072. IFJ in the news !  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 10 and 16 October, 2020. English International press organisations, Council of Europe salute memory of Caruana Galizia (MALTA TODAY) Hadi government and Houthis the mainly responsible for attacks against media workers (SOUTH 24) International Federation Of Journalists Condemns Attacks On Press Freedoms In Yemen (URDU POINT) Timber smugglers attack Sri Lankan journalists exposing the racket (COLOMBO PAGE) Attack on journalists in Murippu…  
3073. Guatemala: exigen la liberación de la periodista y líder indígena Anastasia Mejía  

Luego de que la periodista y líder indígena guatemalteca Anastasia Mejía declarara ayer ante la Justicia, distintas organizaciones de la prensa de ese país y la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), reforzaron sus reclamos por la liberación de la comunicadora, detenida bajo acusaciones de “sedición” tras cubrir una protesta en la ciudad de Joyabaj. Al cierre de este artículo Mejía, quien se desempeña en la radio comunitaria Xoi Jabaj, permanece detenida a la espera de que la Justicia resuelva su situación. Ayer, recién después de 22 días de arresto y varias reprogramaciones las autoridades le tomaron declaración, un retraso en el que distintas organizaciones han visto una forma de…  
3074. Three years after her assassination, still no justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia  

On 16 October 2017, journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was assassinated in Malta. Three years later we, the undersigned 19 international free expression, anti-corruption, civic participation, and journalists’ organisations, once again demand an end to impunity for this heinous attack. As alleged murder mastermind, Yorgen Fenech, is facing criminal proceedings and the three defendants charged with carrying out the contract killing Alfred Degiorgio, George Degiorgio and Vincent Muscat, are awaiting trial, we recall that justice delayed is justice denied. We call for thorough and effective criminal investigations and prosecutions that ensure the whole truth is uncovered and all those…  
3075. Thailand: Emergency Decree restricts press freedom  

The Thai government has issued an emergency decree prohibiting gatherings of more than five people, alongside a nationwide ban on the broadcasting of news with the potential to incite fear. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns this restriction of media coverage and press censorship from the Thai government. The decree, installed at 4am on October 15, was initiated in response to student-led protests which are challenging the nation’s government and monarchy. Bangkok police have arrested at least 22 activists outside Government House of Thailand. The government claimed the state of emergency was provoked by a disruption to the queen’s motorcade as it passed by…  
3076. México: periodistas de Guerrero exigen protección ante el crimen organizado  

Un grupo de periodistas de Iguala publicó una carta abierta en la que reclama seguridad a las autoridades y pide evitar más asesinatos de comunicadorxs en esa región del norte de México. Tanto la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) como el Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa Mexicana (SNRP), su organización afiliada en ese país, apoyan a lxs colegas y se suman al reclamo. En su comunicado, la agrupación de comunicadorxs conocida como Reporteros de Iguala afirmó: “En las últimas semanas, en el contexto de la guerra que mantienen grupos del crimen organizado en esta ciudad, hemos sido amenazados por medio de llamadas y mensajes a través de la aplicación WhatsApp, por…  
3077. Sri Lanka: Journalists exposing timber smuggling attacked  

Journalists Shanmugam Thavaseelan and Kanapathipillai Kumanan, correspondents for the Tamil Guardian, were attacked by timber smugglers on October 12 when the journalists duo were working on a story on illegal deforestation and timber smuggling in the Murippu forest area in the Mullaitivu district. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Sri Lanka affiliates the Sri Lanka Working Journalists’ Association (SLWJA), the Free Media Movement (FMM) and the Federation of Media Employees' Trade Union (FMETU) denounce the attack and urge the Sri Lanka government to bring the perpetrators to justice. The Tamil Guardian journalists Kumanan and Thavaseelan were attacked  by…  
3078. Perú: Periodistas denuncian seguimientos y amenazas de muerte  

Ante las amenazas de muerte recibidas la semana pasada por lxs periodistas peruanxs Paola Ugaz y Pedro Salinas, quienes han investigado abusos sexuales en una organización religiosa, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) alerta sobre la importancia de proteger la integridad de lxs comunicadores y su derecho a ejercer la libertad de prensa. La Federación ha seguido el caso de estxs comunicadores, quienes desde hace años se han comprometido con su profesión y su sociedad al investigar abusos en la organización religiosa Sodalicio de Vida Cristiana, una labor que ya les ha valido hostilidades en reiteradas ocasiones. Esta vez, Paola Ugaz denunció que recibió el siguiente mensaje:…  
3079. Armenia: new amendments to the martial law seriously undermine media freedom  

On 8 October, the Armenian authorities decided to amend the martial law declared on 27 September 2020, which from now on prohibits the publication of reports criticising the actions of the government, officials and local bodies. It also gives increased power to the police to give fines, freeze assets and request removal of content from media outlets. The European and International Federations of Journalists (EFJ/IFJ) joined its affiliate in Armenia in denouncing a blatant violation of media freedom in a context where non-partisan information is crucial. The amendments refer in particular to the publication of reports “criticising”, “refuting actions of state and local self-government bodies…  
3080. Tunisie: un projet de loi audiovisuel menace la liberté d'expression  

Un projet de loi audiovisuel, qui sera discuté la semaine prochaine au parlement tunisien, modifie le mode de désignation des membres de l'instance de régulation audiovisuelle et l'octroi de licences pour les chaînes de télévision. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affilié le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT) pour appeler au rejet d'une initiative qui porterait atteinte aux principes de concurrence loyale, de transparence et de démocratie. L'initiative présentée en juillet par la coalition parlementaire Al Karama en Tunisie comporte des amendements relatifs au décret-loi 116 du 2 novembre 2011. Elle propose, d'une part, l'élection des 9…  
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