15042 results:

2171. Tunisie: un journaliste arrêté  

Les forces de police ont arrêté un journaliste travaillant pour la chaîne de télévision Zitouna le 3 octobre. Cette action s'inscrit dans une série d'arrestations de journalistes que la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et son affilié le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (SNJT) dénoncent fermement. Le 3 octobre, la police a arrêté sur ordre de la justice militaire Amer Ayad, présentateur de la chaîne de télévision privée Zitouna, ainsi qu'un député qui participait à l'émission Hassad 24, pour avoir tous deux critiqué sur le plateau la décision du président tunisien Kais Saied du 25 juillet de limoger son premier ministre et…  
2172. India: Budgam administration bars journalists for asking questions  

Jammu directorate of information in central Kashmir’s Budgam district announced it will limit and regulate journalists covering official functions due for asking questions of the union minister. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and National Union of Journalists- India (NUJ-I) condemn restrictions and conditions imposed on journalists reporting on official issues and reiterate the imperative for press freedom and independence. The Budgam District Information Officer (DIO) Tajamul Yousuf announced the government would ban particular journalists from entering the…  
2173. Myanmar: Additional charges levelled against jailed American journalist  

After awaiting trial for over four months in Yangon’s Insein prison on charges of sedition American journalist Danny Fenster was charged with a further criminal offence on October 4. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the ongoing detention of all journalists in Myanmar and calls for the immediate release of Danny Fenster by the military junta. Danny Fenster, editor of independent magazine Frontier Myanmar, was charged under the Unlawful Associations Act on October 4. Fenster was previously facing charges of sedition under the penal code, an offence which could see him imprisoned for up to three…  
2174. Afghanistan: Report reveals dire economic and safety situation for Afghan media workers  

Research by the Afghanistan National Journalists Union (ANJU) sheds light on the grave situation facing journalists and media workers since the Taliban takeover of the country on August 14. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) commends the research by its affiliate in safeguarding transparency under the Taliban regime and condemns increasing attacks on press freedom and the safety of journalists in Afghanistan.  The report, Reflecting the current situation of Afghan Journalists and Media Workers in Afghanistan, surveyed 1,379 journalists and media workers from 28 provinces. Confirming widely-held fears in terms of the safety and freedom of…  
2175. Argentina: se lanzó una campaña internacional para exigir justicia por el periodista Sebastián Moro  

A casi dos años de la muerte del comunicador, su familia junto a organizaciones de derechos humanos lanzaron hoy una campaña internacional en reclamo del esclarecimiento de su caso. Sebastián murió en el marco del golpe de estado perpetrado en Bolivia a fines de 2019, y las circunstancias de su fallecimiento permanecen sin clarificarse. En noviembre de 2019, Sebastián Moro fue encontrado moribundo en su departamento en la ciudad de La Paz en Bolivia, donde vivía desde hacía dos años. Pocos días antes, al mismo tiempo que se consolidaba el golpe de estado en aquel país, su familia perdió contacto con él. Fue internado en un hospital del barrio de Miraflores pero el 16 de noviembre…  
2176. India: Journalist found dead after covering farmers’ protest clash  

After disappearing while covering a farmer protest in Lakhimpur Kheri, a reporter for Sadhna Prime News was found dead on October 4. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliates, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and National Union of Journalists- India (NUJ-I) condemn the tragic incident and urge for a judicial inquiry into the case. Local journalist Raman Kashyap’s body was found in a mortuary a day after his reported disappearance while covering the violent demonstrations in Lakhimpur Kheri, where local farmers and political supporters collided. Kashyap was among eight…  
2177. South Korea: Parliament shelves controversial press law amid backlash  

South Korea’s National Assembly, in which the ruling Democratic Party holds a majority, has backed down on the amendment bill of the Press Arbitration Act, after press freedom groups, including the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Journalists Association of Korea (JAK), expressed concern and demanded revisions. The IFJ welcomes the decision and urges the South Korean authorities to respect freedom of the press and expression. On September 29, Democratic Party lawmakers agreed to shelve the amendment bill of the Act on Press Arbitration and Remedies for Damage Caused by Press Reports and to work with opposition lawmakers to explore…  
2178. Pakistan: World’s press, book publishers and journalists condemn Pakistan plan for strict control over media    

The World Association of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), the International Publishers Association (IPA), and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) call on Pakistani authorities to retract plans to establish the ‘Pakistan Media Development Authority’ (PMDA) that risks placing strict state control over all media. Under the pretence of “simplifying procedures and fighting disinformation”, the proposed changes to current frameworks aim to centralise under a single authority all regulations pertaining to any media.  The PMDA would replace existing media regulatory bodies and would oversee "films, electronic, print  and digital media" across every domain, from registrations to…  
2179. NUJ and IFJ call for urgent action by UK government to secure safe passage for under-threat former BBC journalists in Afghanistan  

Over seven weeks since the capture of Kabul by the Taliban, and the subsequent evacuation of western troops from the city, many journalists with close links to the UK remain stuck in hiding, fearful for their lives. These include a number of journalists who previously worked for the BBC, and are at particularly high risk because of their profile and clear connections with the British public service broadcaster. The NUJ and IFJ have made urgent representations on behalf of these journalists, yet there remains a concerning lack of clarity and frustratingly slow progress on securing visas to bring them to the UK. NUJ General Secretary Michelle Stanistreet said: “It’s absolutely…  
2180. Singapore: Controversial foreign interference bill passed  

The so-called Foreign Interference Countermeasures Act (FICA) has been passed by Singapore’s parliament on October 4, with the new legislation allowing authorities to compel media platforms and internet providers to block content, release user information and restrict access to applications. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the bill, which has dire implications for Singapore’s already deteriorating press freedom. The FICA passed after ten hours of parliamentary debate led by His People’s Action Party (PAP), who have governed Singapore for over 60 years. The bill was first raised three years ago but was…  
2181. Sudan: IFJ mourns death of Mohiuddin Titawi  

The former president of the Sudan Union of Journalists (SUJ), Dr. Mohiuddin Titawi, died on Tuesday, 5 October in Khartoum, Sudan. Dr Titawi had previously served as President of the East Africa Journalists Association (EAJA) (2007 - 2016) and as an Executive Committee member of the IFJ (2013-2016), as well as being an Assistant Secretary of the Arab Journalists Union. Dr. Titawi was a reservoir of knowledge, perseverance, and good deeds and a great defender of media rights and freedom of expression not only in Sudan, but in the Eastern African region, the African continent and the world at large", said IFJ President Younes MJahed. He worked for more than fifty…  
2182. Afghanistan: Journalist Sayed Maroof Sadat gunned down  

Prominent Afghan journalist and author Sayed Maroof Sadat, a former government spokesperson and an affiliate of radio ‘Sub Bakhair and Sham Bakhai’, was gunned down on October 2. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the murder, which is another grave blow to press freedom in Afghanistan and calls on the international community to better assist in securing the safety of all Afghan media workers. Sadat was one of four people, including two Taliban fighters, who were killed in a drive-by shooting in Jalalabad city, the capital of Nangarhar Province in eastern Afghanistan. Sadat’s son was also critically injured during the attack. The perpetrators are…  
2183. Cambodia: Journalist jailed for one year over disinformation charge  

Youn Chhiv, journalist and owner of website Koh Kong Hot News, was sentenced to a years imprisonment on September 30 for incitement under Cambodia’s Criminal Code, after reporting on a government land dispute. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Cambodian Journalists Alliance (CamboJA) condemn the imprisonment and intimidation of Youn Chhiv under the Criminal Code and call for the immediate cessation of all charges against him. The journalist was charged with incitement to cause a felony over publishing alleged misinformation about a land dispute at Botum Sakor National Park. After two days of police questioning without a lawyer, the Chhiv was sentenced…  
2184. Editorial: Afghanistan must not become the new Yemen  

Since 12 August, the International Federation of Journalists, many of its affiliates and other international organisations, have received thousands of distress messages, appeals for help on social networks, emails with attachments containing copies of journalists' passports and press cards. They all want to flee their country in search of a better life - or be helped to tackle rising poverty and joblessness. Thanks to its global campaign launched in recent weeks, the IFJ has received many donations, mostly from its member unions and has ben able to provide some help. Unfortunately the need is still great both in Afghanistan and in neighbouring countries…  
2185. España: Amenaza de prisión por fotografiar una acción policial  

El fotoperiodista Albert Garcia fue detenido el 18 de octubre de 2019 en la plaza Urquinaona mientras cubría para El País la manifestación a raíz de la sentencia del Procés. La Fiscalía le atribuye dos delitos de atentado contra agentes de la autoridad y un delito leve de lesiones, por los que le piden dieciocho meses de prisión, una pena de multa de cuarenta días y una indemnización. Las imágenes grabadas de la detención prueban que en ningún caso hubo agresión, desobediencia u obstrucción. Un montaje policial basado en un relato repleto de falsedades para justificar una detención injusta, desproporcionada y represiva. Las entidades abajo firmantes rechazamos los delitos que se le…  
2186. Opinion: What future awaits journalists in Afghanistan? The IFJ calls on the United Nations to take a stand  

Changing everything to change nothing. This could be the name of the cynical communication strategy of the new Taliban government in Afghanistan. By Anthony Bellanger, General Secretary, International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).  This Opinion was jointly published by Mediapart, L'Humanité, Le Soir, Le Temps, the Sydney Morning Herald, Lamrea.com, the Canberra Times and InfoLibre on 2 October 2021. Just two weeks after August 31, 2021, the date set by the U.S. administration to leave Afghanistan, the Ministry of Women's Affairs was replaced by the Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in a government that no longer includes any woman. This is a morbid…  
2187. Raman Kashyap  

The body of the reporter for Sadhna Prime News in Lakhimpur Kheri was found in a mortuary a day after his reported disappearance while covering the violent demonstrations , where local farmers and political supporters clashed. Kashyap was among eight peiople allegedly killed in the demonstration involving hundreds of farmers who had gathered to protest the visit of Uttar Pradesh’s deputy Chief Minister Keshav M to the village. There are conflicting accounts of the circumstances in which Kashyap died. The editor of the Sadhna Prime news channel, Brij Mohan…  
2188. Yemen: Security forces arrest a journalist and close two radio stations in Aden  

Radio stations Adeniya FM and Bandar Aden were suspended after police raided their headquarters in Mansourah, Aden governorate, on 27 September. Journalist Raafat Rashad was arrested the day after. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) in calling for the journalist’s immediate release. Journalist and director of both radio stations Raafat Rashad was arrested when he went to the headquarters of the Security Belt Forces to inquire about the closure of the radio stations. This military force controls Aden, and does not follow the orders of the Yemeni government and it's mostly funded by the United Arab Emirates. His…  
2189. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between September 24 and October 1 2021. English: Taliban's New Media Regulations for Afghanistan Seen as Move to 'Strangle' Free Press, The Wire Hong Kong Journalists Association Stands Firm Amid Criticism, VOA Afghan newspapers go online due to financial crisis, lack of information under Taliban, Web India 123 Bombshell investigation reveals CIA plots to kidnap, assassinate Assange, Assange Defense Julian Assange Faces Extradition, Defend…  
2190. Zimbabwe: At least nine journalists detained for two hours for covering a public demonstration  

On 30 September, the Zimbabwean police arrested and held for two hours nine journalists covering a public demonstration in Harare. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) in condemning the repression against media workers. All the arrested journalists, Thomas Madhuku, Nyadzashe Ndoro, Leo Munhede, Marshall Bwanya, Gaddaffi Wells, Adrian Maratu, Tongai Mwenje, Tinashe Muringayi and Robert Tapfumaneyi work for local media organizations.  They were arrested while covering a demonstration organised by the opposition's Movement for Democratic Change-Alliance in Harare, Zimbabwe's capital city, to denounce its exclusion…  
2191. Brussels Declaration: Public media and international organisations to call for journalist safety and media freedom  

Public service media companies and international organisations have signed the Brussels Declaration on September 30, 2021, a statement for journalist safety drafted on the initiative of CBC/Radio Canada, VRT and RTBF. Violence against and intimidation of journalists and other media staff is increasing, hence this call for a halt to this dangerous evolution. ‘Freedom of the press is a universal human right. We must unite to protect it.’ The International Federation of Jouranlists supports the Brussels Declaration and commends it to other media organisations for delivering safety to journalists everywhere. 2020 and 2021 will be remembered as violent years for media. According to research…  
2192. Egypt: Detained journalist on hunger strike must be released immediately   

Journalist Abdel Nasser Salama, who was arrested at his home in July 2021 and is being held on unfounded terrorism charges, started a hunger strike on 25 September. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges Egyptian authorities to drop all charges against him and release him immediately amid concerns about his deteriorating health. Abdel Nasser Salama was a columnist and editor-in-chief of the Al-Ahram newspaper and was detained following a social media post where he expressed his views on the Egyptian president, Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, calling on him to resign for his mishandling negotiations with Ethiopia over the Renaissance Dam on the Nile River. He is now being held on…  
2193. Afghanistan: Future professional hopes dashed for women in Afghanistan’s media  

The Taliban has closed down Afghanistan’s women’s affairs ministry and replaced it with a controversial ‘virtue and vice ministry’ in a telling and ominous sign for women in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is concerned at the rapid shrinking of women’s space in Afghanistan under the Taliban and calls for urgent measures to support women journalists in the country. On September 16, the sign of the women’s affairs ministry was removed and replaced with a new sign written in Dari and Arabic reading "Ministries of Prayer and Guidance and the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice". Historically, such ministries are known for harsh interpretation of Islamic law…  
2194. Hong Kong: RTHK staff ordered to support “national security”  

Employees of Hong Kong’s public broadcaster Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) have been instructed to support the Hong Kong government in safeguarding national security. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concern at this overstep of influence on the broadcaster’s guidelines that will ultimately undermine editorial independence. On September 29, the broadcaster  issued a document to management, now led by government appointed bureaucrat Patrick Li, referencing a government review report published in February 2021, that set out its new editorial policies, processes and responsibilities.  The document advised RTHK “has…  
2195. Afghanistan: "Every minute I fear they will try to find and kill me"  

Hundreds of journalists working in Afghanistan have fled or gone into hiding in recent weeks following the seizure of power by the Taliban. The leader of one of the IFJ's affiliates in Afghanistan, who has worked for over 20 years with international media as a reporter and senior editor tells us about the challenges he and his colleagues have faced since the militants took Kabul on 14 August 2021 in a country where censorship has become the norm and the risk of being detained, beaten or killed a daily reality. IFJ: It's been over a month since the Taliban took over Kabul which led many journalists to escape or to go into hiding. As a journalist and a unionist, what are the biggest…  
2196. Webinar “Trabajo forzoso y migración: herramientas para una cobertura periodística de calidad”  

Los movimientos migratorios en el continente son un tema recurrente en los medios de comunicación pero mayoritariamente se lo aborda desde un discurso plagado de preconceptos estigmatizantes y con poca profundidad, lo cual perpetúa relatos y construcciones sobre las personas migrantes que muchas veces afectan su desarrollo posterior en el país receptor. Es por esto que, en el marco de la creación de la Caja de Herramientas sobre la Cobertura Periodística del Trabajo Forzoso y la Contratación Equitativa que desarrolló la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, desde la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) lanzamos este webinar para América Latina y el Caribe, en el cual abordaremos…  
2197. México: Un periodista fue asesinado en el Estado de Morelos  

Manuel González Reyes fue baleado en la ciudad de Cuernavaca este martes por personas que se trasladaban en motocicleta. Todavía no hay detenidos y se investigan los motivos del crimen. El Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) condenó el asesinato y exige el pronto esclarecimiento. Reyes era el director de la Agencia PM Noticias, la cual contaba con más de 200 mil seguidorxs en Facebook. A través de esa plataforma, informaba sobre los hechos sociales, políticos y económicos del estado de Morelos, donde residía. De acuerdo con las primeras investigaciones, el atentado tuvo lugar en las inmediaciones de la colonia Lomas de la Selva. Hasta ahora la Fiscalía General del Estado…  
2198. Myanmar: Exiled but not silenced  

Burmese journalists living in exile since the military coup are watching their country and media crumble from the outside, but they still fight for the truth to be told, writes Lara Pagola. The crisis in Myanmar has seen scores of Burmese nationals flee or attempt to flee the country or go into hiding. Those lucky enough to escape remain in necessary exile, including many journalists. The International Federation of Journalists spoke to Toe Zaw Latt, operations director at the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) who escaped with the help of Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and relocated to Melbourne, Australia. Saw Blacktown, a reporter for Karen News, is living and…  
2199. Now open! Free online course on environmental reporting  
Environmental reporting

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has collaborated with the Thomson Foundation on this free online course to help journalists look into local environmental stories and their link to climate change. This 3-hour course is ideal for entry-level journalists or those who are new to climate reporting. It was organized by a team of experts and guides students to expose political and economic drivers behind climate issues. It also gives useful tools to find reliable information and data sources. This project is led by an international team, including the Director of the IFJ Africa office Louis Thomasi. This team is made up of biodiversity, environmental and climate journalists and…  
2200. Maldives: Press freedom organisations call for the repeal of bill that threatens press freedom  

Five media rights and press freedom organisations have called for the repeal of an alarming provision within Article 136 of the Maldivian Evidence Bill that would compel journalists to reveal their sources. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Maldives Journalist Association (MJA), along with Amnesty International, The Maldives Editors Guild and Transparency Maldives, to condemn the proposed legislation and call on the government to immediately withdraw the provisions. Article 136 of the proposed Evidence Bill, which was sent by the government of Maldives to the People’s Majlis for debate on August 30, adds two exceptions under which the courts can…  
2201. Afghanistan: Draconian media rules set to further strangle media  

On September 19, the interim director of the so-called Government Media and Information Centre (GMIC) announced 11 new media regulations for Afghanistan’s media industry, which can be arbitrarily interpreted to censor broadcast content and restrict press freedom. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the coercive restrictions which it says will set a grave precedent for media control and effectively dismantle any possibility of sustainable independent journalism in Afghanistan. The 11 rules announced by GMIC interim director, Qari Mohammad Yousuf Ahmadi, are binding and apply to all journalists and media organisations across Afghanistan and place restrictions on…  
2202. Northern Ireland: IFJ demand end to impunity on 20th anniversary of journalist's murder  

Twenty years after the murder of investigative journalist Martin O’Hagan, who was shot dead in Lurgan, Northern Ireland, by the paramilitary Loyalist Volunteer Force (LVF) group on September 28, 2001, no one has been brought to justice. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in calling for justice and accountability for the killing of O'Hagan. O’Hagan was an experienced investigative journalist who had exposed the activities of paramilitary groups, including those of LVF founder Billy Wright. At the time of his death he was the Secretary of the Belfast and District branch of the NUJ. The NUJ hit out at the lack of…  
2203. US: CIA reportedly plotted to kidnap and assassinate Julian Assange  

CIA officials under the Trump administration plotted to kidnap and assassinate journalist and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange when he was hiding at Ecuador’s embassy in London, a new report has revealed. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) said the plans, if true, would mean no journalist or source would be safe and represented a grave threat to media freedom. A report published by Yahoo News citing over 30 former US officials revealed that the CIA allegedly planned to assassinate Julian Assange as they feared he was planning to escape to Russia from the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he took refuge for seven years. According to the officials quoted,…  
2204. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 17 and 24 September 2021. English These are dark days for journalism in Afghanistan; we must support those who seek to shine a light, Equal times IFJ: 153 media outlets at risk of closure since Taliban takeover, the Frontier Post International Federation of Journalists slams Taliban, Malaysia Sun Afghan Newspapers Shut Down Due To Lack Of Funds & Information After Taliban Takeover, Republic world Afghan Radio Journalist Shot in Leg During…  
2205. Palestine: Journalist shot in head by Israeli soldier  

A journalist was hit in the head by a rubber-coated bullet fired by an Israeli soldier in a village east of Nablus in the West Bank on 22 September. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) in strongly condemning this latest attack. Photojournalist Nasser Ishtayeh was shot while covering a demonstration in the village of Deir al-Hatab after clashes broke out between a group of youth and the Israeli Defense Forces. The PJS said that they would seek justice for such crimes against journalists in the International Criminal Court. The IFJ has repeatedly condemned the deliberate targeting of journalists by Israel. In July…  
2206. Pakistan: PFUJ stands in solidarity with women journalists in Afghanistan and Indian Held Kashmir  

With the Taliban taking over, the women journalists of Afghanistan have been put under extreme pressure and even threatened. Things have turned hostile for a large number of women journalists, causing a lot of fear and anxiety among them. Many were able to get out of the country but there are still many women journalists left behind. Women journalists living and working in IHK face the worst working conditions and constants threats on a daily basis. These journalists are vulnerable in many ways, and they are unable to do their work freely. All Pakistani journalists can relate to the situation faced by their colleagues in Afghanistan and Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) as they have a long history…  
2207. China: Chinese journalist Huang Xueqin thought detained after disappearance  

Chinese journalist and activist Sophia Huang Xueqin is feared to have been detained in China after disappearing on September 19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expresses concern for Huang’s safety and stands in solidarity with Huang who has faced harassment by Chinese authorities for exercising freedom of expression. Huang, a freelance journalist and leading campaigner for China’s #MeToo movement, has reportedly not been contactable by friends since September 19, the day before she was supposed to travel from the Chinese city of Guangzhou to London, via Hong Kong.  There are concerns that she and labour activist Wang Jianbing, who was with…  
2208. Thailand: Authorities reverse restrictions on reporters covering anti-government protests  

Following pressure from journalist unions, Bangkok’s Metropolitan Police have conceded that the extended list of requirements for media workers covering anti-government protests in Bangkok was a “misunderstanding”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) applauds the unions’ proactive defence of media access, with the result an encouraging step in maintaining Thailand’s press freedom. On September 17, Thai police issued numerous conditions that determined journalists’ ability to cover anti-government protests past Bangkok’s 9pm COVID-19 curfew. Authorities mandated that all journalists must produce an official letter of permission from police allowing them to…  
2209. Sudan: Press council suspends two newspapers for three days  

The National Press and Publications Council of Sudan suspended on 20 September the publication of newspapers, Al – Intibaha and Al – Sayha for a period of three days from 21- 23 September for allegedly publishing a report on the closing of the roads in the eastern part of the country, where protests have been taking place. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Sudanese Journalists Union (SJU) in condemning this arbitrary decision by the Council which is not backed by any Court order and violates the people’s right to know. According to a press release issued by the SJU, the decision of the Council comes amid a “fierce and unprecedented attack by the…  
2210. India: Dainik Bhaskar journalists pursued and arrested by police for report error  

A ‘factual error’ on the location of a suspected terrorist’s arrest in a Dainik Bashkar news report led to the arrest of its editor, Sandeep Sharma, and reporter Sunil Brar by Haryana state police. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemn the misuse of the state power to intimidate media and stifle reporting on stories of national interest. On September 16, Dainik Bhaskar reported on the arrest of suspected terrorists namely Rubal Singh, Vicky Bhutti, Malkeet Singh and Gurpreet Singh (alias Gopi), who were allegedly behind a bomb plot in Punjab a month earlier. On August 8, the group backed by Inter-Services Intelligence…  
2211. Australia: Journalists and news crew targeted by Melbourne protesters and police  

Journalists and news crews were targeted by protestors and police during a series of protests in Melbourne on September 21. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Australian affiliate the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) condemn the aggressive and intimidatory harassment against media workers. While covering a second day of protests against mandatory vaccinations in Melbourne, Channel 7 reporter Paul Dowsley and news crew were abused by protestors. “I’ve been grabbed around the neck today, I’ve had urine tipped on me, now I’ve had a can of energy drink thrown on me,” Dowsley said. He said that members of the media were being targeted…  
2212. Argentina: paro nacional de FATPREN por falta de respuesta ante pedidos de recomposición salarial  

La Federación Argentina de Trabajadores de Prensa (FATPREN) llevó adelante durante las últimas semanas asambleas y un paro nacional para exigir un aumento urgente en los salarios de lxs periodistas que se encuentran bajo el convenio colectivo de trabajo 541/08. La Asociación de Diarios del Interior de la República Argentina (ADIRA), cámara empresaria que nuclea a los medios que aplican ese convenio, no ha dado respuestas por lo cual la organización gremial realizó medidas de fuerza que culminan hoy con una nueva huelga nacional de trabajadorxs de la prensa escrita. Hoy los sindicatos del interior del país agrupados en FATPREN están realizando una jornada de paro nacional. Todo esto sucede…  
2213. Pakistan: Digital media workers urge for industry representation and reform  

Three separate IFJ digital media studies commissioned from July to September 2021 found that digital media workers in Pakistan are largely ignored both in terms of working conditions and in meaningful participation in unions and press clubs. The International Federation of the Journalists (IFJ) echoes the researchers’ concerns and urges media, governments and journalist representative organisations in Pakistan to take note of the recommendations put forward by the country’s young, digital and female media workers and put plans in action to address issues raised. The research was conducted by activists from the Freedom Network, the Young Journalists Forum Lahore and the Rawalpindi Islamabad…  
2214. El Salvador: En pocos días se registraron varias agresiones a periodistas por parte de funcionarios de gobierno  

En los últimos días se recrudeció la hostilidad del gobierno hacia trabajadorxs de prensa y contra la Asociación de Periodistas de El Salvador (APES), organización afiliada. Una de las agresiones fue protagonizada por el presidente Nayib Bukele, quien publicó ayer en sus redes sociales una denuncia falsa contra un miembro de la conducción de APES. Varios hechos sucedidos en los últimos días despiertan preocupación por la situación que atraviesan lxs periodistas actualmente en El Salvador. El viernes de la semana pasada, el asesor jurídico de la Casa Presidencial Javier Argueta, mediante un mensaje en su cuenta de twitter, amenazó con sanciones a la revista GatoEncerrado por no querer…  
2215. Colombia: el periodista Marcos Efraín Montalvo fue asesinado en Tuluá  

Durante la noche de ayer se conoció la noticia del asesinato del comunicador en la región del Valle de Cauca. Si bien los motivos del crimen aún no están esclarecidos, versiones periodísticas indican que Montalvo había recibido amenazas, pero no les habría dado importancia. Por este motivo urge que no se descarte su labor periodística como línea de investigación para dar con las personas responsables por el delito. Ayer por la noche, en un comercio a escasos metros de su hogar, fue asesinado el periodista Marcos Efraín Montalvo, conocido por amigxs y colegas como “El Comandante”. El comunicador se había desempeñado en varios medios de Cali y el Valle de Cauca, y actualmente reportaba…  
2216. Hong Kong: National security chief accuses journalist association of bias  

Hong Kong’s national security chief recently accused the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), an affiliate of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), of having political preferences and receiving foreign funding. The IFJ expresses grave concern over the official’s remarks and urges the Hong Kong authorities to respect HKJA members’ freedom of association. Speaking with reporters on September 15, Secretary for Security Chris Tang Ping-keung accused the HKJA of having biased political views and thus favouring pro-democracy news organisations such as Apple Daily and Stand News. He also claimed that the HKJA may have received funds provided by foreign political groups, without…  
2217. Marcos Efraín Montalvo  

Montalvo was shot dead while talking to a friend in a shop in Tuluá. The gunman didn't steal anything from the shop and ran right after shooting Montalvo. The journalist had worked in many national and local media outlets, but since his retirement he was reporting from his facebook page. According to his colleagues and family, he had received threats recently but he ignored them. Journalists' safety, Colombia, IFJ, Impunity  
2218. TANZANIA: JOWUTA tells Government to stop issuing general penalties for errors committed by journalists  

The President of the Journalists Workers ‘Union of Tanzania (JOWUTA), Claud Gwandu, has called on the Tanzanian Government to “stop issuing general penalties for errors committed by journalists. Government, he said, is always in a haste to close down a media house when such mistakes are committed”. Speaking at the opening ceremony of a two – day Seminar on “Organising in the Digital Economy, Trade Union Reform and Youth Recruitment, organised by JOWUTA in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) under the Union to Union (UTU) Project 2021, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from 15- 16 September, Comrade Gwandu said that disciplinary action should be imposed like in any…  
2219. Uruguay: periodistas enfrentan una denuncia judicial por una investigación sobre una dirigente política  

El jueves 16 de septiembre, trabajadorxs de la revista Caras y Caretas y del periódico La Diaria se presentaron ante la justicia por una demanda por difamación e injurias presentada por Pilar Silvestre, dirigente del partido de derecha Cabildo Abierto, que acusa a lxs periodistas de haber impedido su designación en un cargo en el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social con comentarios vertidos en un artículo publicado en 2020. En los últimos días también se registró una situación similar contra una periodista en Perú, lo cual hace crecer la preocupación por el aumento en el uso de estas herramientas judiciales que buscan limitar la labor de lxs comunicadorxs en la región. Cuando el presidente…  
2220. Syria: Jailed journalist in critical condition must be released  

The health of journalist Mohammed Al Sagheer, who was arrested on June 7, 2019 in Northeast Syria and sentenced by a military anti-terrorism court to 25 years in jail, is deteriorating rapidly according to his family. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) which called the original case against him implausible, has demanded his immediate release because of his critical health condition. For over two years, Al Sagheer’s family, the IFJ and our Syrian affiliates have been demanding information about his state of health and the charges he was facing. Last month, Khalid Alhasan, a journalist who was arrested with him in the same case, was released from jail. The IFJ was informed in…  
2221. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 10 and 17 September 2021. English Govt must heed protests against PMDA bill: IFJ, The news international Journalism in Afghanistan in danger of disappearing, says scribes’ body head, Wion news Taliban’s return ‘a catastrophe’ for journalism in Afghanistan, the Guardian In Afghanistan, Taliban Seizes Control Of Over 150 Media Outlets After August 15 Takeover, Republic World India: Jammu and Kashmir police raid journalists’ homes, IFEX The…  
2222. Myanmar: Military junta intensifies hostility towards media workers  

Myanmar’s military junta is increasingly arresting media workers, a sign of the gradual deterioration of press freedom in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the repeated and increasingly hostile acts of Myanmar’s military junta towards media workers, which are a blatant attempt to supress an objective and independent press in Myanmar. On September 10, the State Administration Council increased the charges against Frontier Myanmar and Voice of America political reporter Sithu Aung Myint. Myint, along with Htet Htet Khine, a freelance producer for BBC Media Action, have been detained in Insein Prison…  
2223. China: Press freedom groups call for release of Zhang Zhan  

Concerns for Chinese journalist and former lawyer Zhang Zhan are increasing after reports showed that Zhang’s health condition had deteriorated during August following an intermittent hunger strike in prison. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Chinese authorities to exonerate and release Zhang immediately. Zhang, 38, was sentenced to four years in prison on December 28, 2020, after being found guilty of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble,” a vaguely defined charge often levelled by the authorities against those critical of the Chinese Communist Party. Today, a total of 43 non-governmental organisations dedicated to defending freedom of the press, including the…  
2224. Afghanistan: Attacks to the media escalate as Taliban control takes hold  

At least 153 media organisations have been forced to cease operations as the Taliban’s new regime solidifies in Afghanistan, with women journalists barred from working, telecommunication shutdowns and ever-increasing threats and violence towards media workers. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the Taliban’s mounting attacks to press freedom and is gravely concerned for the safety of journalists across Afghanistan. Reports are escalating of Taliban militants detaining journalists, seizing their equipment and even subjecting individuals to torture or beatings. Over 7000 media workers have been affected by the takeover, with many prevented from working, in hiding and…  
2225. India: New form of censorship in Jammu and Kashmir  

In the latest in a series of intimidation tactics against Kashmiri Journalists, the Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) administration has adopted a new order which requires all journalists to be authorised and registered before reporting in the field or publishing media coverage online. The International Federation of Journalists condemns this misuse of state power to suppress the media. On July 24, the district magistrate of Kupwara, Imam Din, issued an ‘order’ instructing journalists to complete a ‘registration’ process to be eligible to continue reporting. Any journalist who is ‘unregistered’ or ‘unauthorised’ will be forced to “refrain from any media coverage until they complete their registration…  
2226. Safety of journalists: IFJ and EFJ welcome European Commission’s Recommendation and calls for monitoring of Member States  

Vice-President of the European Commission Vera Jourova presented a Recommendation ‘on ensuring the safety of journalists’ on 16 September 2021. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) welcomed this timely recommendation as well as the Commission’s commitment to the safety of journalists. However, as this legislation is non-binding, the IFJ/EFJ stressed the need to swiftly put in place a mechanism to thoroughly monitor significant action of Member States towards this end. During the press conference, Vera Jourova paid tribute to all the journalists attacked, and in particular to those who paid “the highest price”. She highlighted the…  
2227. Sri Lanka: Tamil journalist targeted with repeated interrogations  

On September 14, Tamil journalist and union treasurer Punniyamoorthy Sasikaran was the subject of an interrogation by Sri Lankan police, the third occasion he has been questioned in the past three months. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Sri Lanka affiliate, the Federation of Media Employees Trade Union (FMETU), condemns these repeated interrogations by local authorities that work to constrain press freedom by enforce self-censorship. Sasikaran, a freelance journalist and treasurer of the Batticaloa District Tamil Journalists Association, was interrogated by Sri Lanka's Special Crime Prevention Unit of the Batticaloa Senior Superintendent of Police's…  
2228. Pakistan: Indus News announces temporary closure after three years in operation  

International news channel Indus News is the second Pakistani media house in under two years to have closed down under real estate tycoon Malik Riaz Hussain’s ownership. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) condemns the closure of Indus News by its management, putting hundreds of media workers under financial stress. On September 14, Indus News employees were alerted to the media house’s temporary closure by an email from its management citing “unavoidable legal and technical issues”. The channel, owned by billionaire Malik Riaz Hussain, was launched in late 2018.  The email sent to Indus News…  
2229. Global Unions Statement on the Global Day of Action on Myanmar, 15 September 2021  

The Global Unions are calling on affiliates worldwide to support the Global Day of Action on Myanmar set for 15 September, which is also the International Day of Democracy. We stand with the people of Myanmar to end the 1 February military coup and restore democracy in Myanmar. A democratic system is fundamental to the exercise of trade union rights and fundamental freedoms. We express our strongest solidarity with the workers of Myanmar in every sector and from every profession who have sacrificed their lives, freedom and jobs to persist in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), paralyse the military’s administration of the country and shut down its major economic activities. Read the…  
2230. IFJ-ILO's webinar on reporting migration and forced labour: Telling the whole story  
Webinar speakers

The IFJ hosted the IFJ-ILO webinar on Reporting migration and forced labour- A European perspective on 14 September, which focused on why do so few journalists report on these topics and what key skills should they develop to portray migration without falling into stereotypes and bias. This was the first of a series of four regional webinars bringing together migration experts and specialised journalists .  Discussions covered issues such as international labour standards, terminology,  legal channels and loopholes leading to exploitation loopholes and tips to improve journalists' reporting. The International Labor Organisation (ILO) also presented its toolkit on reporting forced…  
2231. Pakistan: Government must heed media protests against controversial PMDA bill  

Hundreds of Pakistani journalists participated a ‘sit in’ demonstration from September 12-13, united in protest against the proposed controversial Pakistan Media Development Authority (PMDA) bill. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate, Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) said the government must heed the calls of media and open a transparent and industry-engaged process of review of the existing regulatory framework before hitting the media with the brute force of a single regulatory government-created response. Protesting journalists began gathering outside the National Press Club on September 12, before marching to Pakistan’s Parliament,…  
2232. IFJ-ILO Webinar on reporting migration and forced labour  

How to ethically report on migration and forced labour and avoid falling into stereotypes, shallowness and inaccuracies? While the International Labour Organisations (ILO) estimates there are 169 million migrants work around the world, few enjoy many rights, including in their work places. Abusive working practices are rampant, the lack of information on existing legislation on migration is acute, and the inhuman attitude of some recruitment agencies forces migrant workers to face an often dire reality.  Many continue to face severe inequalities, particularly vulnerable groups.  Telling those human stories connects…  
2233. Malaysia: New government prevents media outlets from attending parliament  

Malaysia’s parliamentary speaker Azhar Arizan Harun announced on September 8, the new government led by prime minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob will continue to restrict media outlets from attending parliament when it resumes on September 13. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM) urge the Malaysian government to allow equal access to the in-house parliamentary proceedings. Malaysia’s parliament resumed session on September 13 and will sit until October 1, with only 16 media outlets allowed to attend. It is unclear how media outlets were chosen or ruled out from being eligible to attend parliament.…  
2234. India: Five media houses attacked in Tripura during unofficial BJP rally  

The premises of two television channels, PB 24 News and Duranta TV, and three daily newspapers, Pratibadi Kalam, Kalmer Shakti and Daily Deshar Katha, were vandalised during an unauthorised Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) rally in Tripura on September 8. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Indian affiliates the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists India (NUJ-I) condemn these attacks to media organisations and demand the immediate apprehension of all perpetrators. The BJP vice-president Rajib Bhattacharjee led a rally that turned violent following a clash with supporters of the opposition Communist Party of India-Marxist…  
2235. Brasil: crece el clima de hostilidad contra periodistas  

Durante el 2020, en medio de la pandemia, lxs periodistas de Brasil sufrieron 428 agresiones y ataques, según un registro realizado por la Federaçao Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ). Un gremio que en gran parte del mundo fue considerado esencial, estuvo sometido a la violencia que implican las condiciones de trabajo a las que fueron obligadxs lxs trabajadorxs de prensa que debieron enfrentar la pandemia sin herramientas adecuadas. El saldo de comunicadorxs muertos por COVID-19 durante 2020 y lo que va de 2021 ya supera los 270. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas sigue con preocupación y en estado de alerta el crecimiento de la hostilidad contra periodistas en Brasil. Hace pocos…  
2236. Turkey: AFP journalists threaten strike over pay  
TGS protesters in front of AFP offices

Journalists are threatening to strike over the refusal of news agency Agence France Presse to increase its below-inflation pay offer to staff in Istanbul. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is backing the action and union demands for fair wages and decent labor conditions for the workers. The Turkish Journalists Union (TGS) has been in talks with AFP for three months, but the company is refusing to meet the union's pay demands. According to TGS, while the official inflation rate is 19%, the costs of many basic products have increased much more. The company has only offered to increase salaries by 11%. The TGS said: “We favour solving this issue through dialogue at the…  
2237. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 3 and 10 September 2021. English IFJ, Afghan affiliate decry continuous attacks against journalists after Taliban takeover, United News of India Afghan Media Say Taliban are Jailing, Attacking News Crews During Kabul Protests, Infobae Belarus Continues to Crack Down on Independent Media, OCCRP Pak journalist' union raises alarm over TTP's warning to scribes, Web india Israel Abducts 7 Journalists in South Hebron Hills – IMEMC…  
2238. Myanmar: Reporters barred from covering refugee vaccine rollout in Rakhine State  

Reporters have been prevented from covering a vaccine drive amongst Myanmar’s Rohingya population in Rakhine State after their access to internally displaced persons (IDPs) camps was denied by police. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns these restrictions to press freedom and urges Myanmar authorities to allow the media to report without constraint. Two news crews were denied entry to camps in Rakhine State, which house Myanmar’s largest Muslim population, prompting concerns of violations to press freedom.   The incident follows a statement made in August by Zaw Min Tun, spokesman for Myanmar’s ruling military, ensuring that…  
2239. India: Jammu and Kashmir police raid journalists’ homes  

On September 8, Jammu and Kashmir authorities raided the homes of four journalists in Srinagar before their temporary detainment and questioning. The International Federation of Journalists and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemn repressive acts by police intended to stifle press freedom. Showkat Motta, the editor of Kashmir Narrator magazine; Hilal Mir, a reporter for the Turkey-based news outlet TRT World; and freelance journalists Azhar Qadri and Abbas Shah all had documents and electronic equipment seized. The searches were reported to have been conducted by both police and paramilitary troops. The four journalists were summoned for questioning following the…  
2240. France: Journalist interrogated for two hours by police   

Police summoned Le Média journalist Thomas Dietrich to Puteaux police station (Paris), where he was interrogated for two hours over a recent journalistic investigation. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) joined their affiliate in France, the SNJ-CGT, in denouncing the attempted intimidation and have called on the authorities to dismiss the groundless complaint against him. The summons followed a complaint filed by the former head of the Chadian political police, Mahamat Ismaël Chaïbo, for “threats to commit a crime or an offence” after the journalist went to his home in Paris to ask him questions. The journalist denied making any threat during the interview…  
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