15060 results:

4061. Papy Mumbere Mahamba  

The journalist for the community radio of Lwebma in Ituri province, north east of the country, was killed by unidentified attackers at his home after he had presented a programme on Ebola epidemic. His wife was also injured by the attackers who burned down the family house. Media reports said that Mahamba had not received threats but the Mai Mai, a local armed group had warned against any role in fighting Ebola disease. According to l'Observatoire africain de la liberté de la presse (OALP), many radio stations in Mambasa area had stopped broadcasting programmes on Ebola since September because of the open hostility from the majority of the local population and out of fear for…  
4062. South East Asia: Too many journalists targeted for simply doing their job  

Journalists directly targeted for attack by public or private individuals is the primary threat for media workers in South East Asia with far too many facing arrest or detainment for simply for doing their jobs. Today, on International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists (IDEI), the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South East Asia Journalists Unions (SEAJU) launch the preliminary findings of the 2019 annual survey of journalist working conditions in the region and call on governments and authorities to do more to enhance the safety of journalists in South East Asia. The survey, which is the second collaboration of the IFJ and journalist unions in South…  
4063. South Asia: Justice needed for 12 journalists murdered in South Asia in 2019  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) says 12 journalist deaths this year in South Asia are yet to have the murderers identified, let alone punished, pointing to an abject failure by governments to deal with a crisis of impunity in the region. The IFJ and its South Asia affiliates condemn ongoing impunity for crimes against journalists in the region. On the International Day to End Impunity today, the IFJ along with the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) call on governments and authorities to expedite investigation of these cases and increase protections for journalists. The IFJ monitors media violations across South Asia, including journalist killings. The IFJ…  
4064. Palestinian journalist "tortured by Hamas"  

The IFJ has condemned reports of the torture of Palestinian journalist Hani Al-Agha by Hamas amid revelations his life may now be in danger According to well-placed sources Al-Agha - who has been detained for 37 days due to his woerk as a journalist - has been brutally tortured in Hamas jails Reports allege that Al-Agha has been severely beaten and tortured for more than 20 consecutive days, which led to his inability to stand and walk for several days and that his conditions is described as life-threatening. The source also confirmed that claims by Hamas' security spokesman Iyad al-Bazam's that he had been arrested as a security threat were false. They stressed that his arrest was…  
4065. IFJ launches 3-week campaign against impunity  

The IFJ is to launch a 3-week campaign to expose the staggering levels of impunity for crimes against journalists and the lack of international action to combat the rising tide of threats and abuse faced by journalists worldwide. The campaign will kick-off on 2 November marking International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists and run until 23 November, the anniversary of the Ampatuan massacre in the Philippines, in which at least 32 media workers were killed. The Federation has recorded 1064 killings of media professionals in the past 10 years. Yet, only one murder in every ten is punished. According to UNESCO, 93% of the victims…  
4066. Somalia: journalist arrested and jailed  

Somali journalist Abdulkadir Barre Moallim was jailed for 3 months on 29 October after being arrested and convicted of organising an unlawful meeting. The IFJ joined its affiliate the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) in condemning the sentence and called on the authorities to release him. A court in Southwest State condemned freelance journalist Abdulkadir Barre Moallim to a 3-month jail sentence and a 300USD fine. He was arrested on 25 September and has been held in prison in Baidoa since then. According to NUSOJ, the accusation was that he covered a press conference given by local elders whohad reportedly condemned a move to block former Somali…  
4067. #EndImpunity: Somalia  

Since 2010, 55 journalists have been killed. There were only 4 prosecutions. Somalia is one of the most dangerous countries in Africa and presents a real risk of death for journalists. Corruption and insecurity are a serious obstacle to press freedom. Since 2010, 55 journalists have been killed, including one Malaysian, 1 Italian and 6 Russians with the deadliest year being 2012 when 18 journalists got killed. Only 4 killers have been punished. Since the beginning of the year, 3 journalists have been killed. In Somalia, the Al-Shabab movement has been active since 2006 and was responsible for  the death of three journalists in 2019. This Islamist terrorist group of…  
4068. #EndImpunity: Palestine  

Since the beginning of 2009, 31 journalists have been killed. None of their killers has been punished. Palestine is a dangerous country for journalists, especially in the Gaza Strip, where journalists, as well as citizens, are paying the price of the clashes in an area where the political context is extremely sensitive. In the last decade, 31 journalists were killed including 3 foreign journalists (1 Turkish and 2 Italian) in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Among them, 28 were killed by the Israeli forces, 2 by gunmen in Gaza and 1 by Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade. 22 of these killings happened during the last 5 years. None of these 31 murders killers have been punished. In 2014, the…  
4069. #EndImpunity: Ukraine  

16 journalists killed since 1995, 3 cases resolved. Ukraine is a dangerous country for journalists, especially in the city and the region of Kyiv. In Ukraine, 16 journalists have been killed since 1995 including 7 foreign journalists (1 Italian and 6 Russian): Vadym Komarov, Pavel Sheremet, Oles Buzina, Sergii Nikolaiev, Andrei Stenin, Anatoli Klian, Anton Voloshin, Igor Kornelyuk, Andrea Rocchelli, Andrei Mironov, Vyacheslav Veremyi, Volodymyr Karachevtsev, Igor Alexandrov, Georgiy Gongadze, Igor Grouchetsky and Vladimir Ivanov. Regarding media independence and press freedom, Ukrainian national media are owned by oligarchs that makes journalists’ work complicated and hard. During the…  
4070. Pakistan: Journalists injured in Muzaffarabad Press Club attack  

Several journalists were injured after police attacked a press club in Muzaffarabad in Pakistan Administered Kashmir on October 22. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) criticize police actions in the incident in raiding the press club. Local police raided a press club in Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistan Administered Kashmir (PAK). The press club was holding a media briefing by Jammu Kashmir People's National Alliance (JKPNA). Police fired tear gas shells, used batons and destroyed journalists’ recording equipment in the raid. A number of protesters and journalists also sustained injuries. PFUJ President GM…  
4071. Cambodia: Journalists must be part of Cambodia’s Press Law reform  

Journalists have called on the Cambodian government to ensure government officials respect journalists’ right to gather information and do their jobs safely. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called for urgent changes to the Cambodian Press Law to bring it into line with current global press standards to guarantee freedom of the press and media in Cambodia. Cambodia introduced its Press Law in 1995 to regulate various media such as television, newspapers and radio. However, the current regulation does not govern new forms of digital media and lacks adequate scope to cover the technological changes that have impacted the media since its introduction over two decades ago.…  
4072. #EndImpunity: Perú  

La Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) ha registrado un total de 64 periodistas asesinados desde 1982, de los cuales 61 siguen impunes. Según los registros, la época de mayor violencia contra periodistas fueron las décadas de los 80 y 90, cuando los medios de comunicación se veían amenazados por numerosos frentes: por los grupos terroristas Sendero Luminoso y el Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac Amaru, ejecuciones militares extrajudiciales y el terrorismo de Estado en los años 90. El nivel de impunidad de los crímenes contra periodistas que se cometieron en este periodo es altísimo. En 1995 la ley de amnistía dejó en libertad a policías y militares que habían cometido crímenes…  
4073. #EndImpunity: The Philippines  

186 killings since 1986; 17 cases resolved “ Just because you’re a journalist you are not exempted from assassination, if you’re a son of a bitch”. Since his election in June 2016, President Duterte has continuously targeted media and journalists he disagrees with. One of the most prominent cases is the trumped-up charges against Rappler news website for its reporting on President Rodrigo Duterte’s so-called “drug war”  and the spurious prosecution as well as online harassment against its CEO Maria Ressa.  In May 2019, the Duterte Administration accused several journalists and media organisations of an alleged plot to overthrow his government during the…  
4074. IFJ and battleface launch new insurance for journalists across the world  

Today the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world largest organization of journalists, has announced it is partnering with battleface - a provider of specialist insurance benefits and services for travelers visiting or working internationally – to offer an all-inclusive travel insurance to journalists. This new insurance scheme will offer IFJ members protection while travelling and will include coverage in the world’s most challenging places. Members will be protected for emergency medical expenses and evacuation, as well as covered against accidents and injuries. They will also be able to insure their equipment whilst travelling anywhere in the world. IFJ President…  
4075. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, October 19 to Friday, October 25 2019: En-GAJE : l’association accueille les journalistes exilés à Bruxelles, BX1 Rendre une dignité aux journalistes exilés, L'avenir.net "Google bafoue la loi en offrant aux médias un cynique choix de dupes", Marianne Ministry seeking journalists’ input in amending press law, The Phnom Penh Post Hong Kong Authorities Mull Official Journalist Registry, Drawing Concerns of Press Freedom Restrictions, The Epoch Times Lawyers can enable…  
4076. Chile: La policía detiene ilegalmente a periodistas durante el toque de queda  

En la noche del 23 de octubre, tres periodistas fueron detenidxs mientras se encontraban trabajando como periodistas acreditadxs y participando de distintos cacerolazos realizados en poblaciones de la ciudad de Arica. La situación se da en el medio de una escalada represiva en el país sudamericano, cuyo gobierno ya ha recibido denuncias por violaciones a los derechos humanos. Cabe destacar que, aún durante el toque de queda, está prohibido por la constitución chilena y el Código Procesal Penal la retención de personas para evitar su circulación por parte de las fuerzas de seguridad y/o armadas. La comunicadora ariqueña Estefani Carrasco, trabajadora del Diario La Estrella de Arica,…  
4077. Global Unions Federations call for "bold commitments" in advancing the Beijing Platform for Action ahead of UN Commission on the Status of Women  

Ahead of the United Nations Commission on the status of Women (UNCSW 64) to be held in March 2020, Global Unions Federations including the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Education International (EI), Public Services International (PSI), UNI Global Union, International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), International Federation of Journalist (IFJ), International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF) have co-signed a joint statement  calling for bold commitments in advancing the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the human rights of women throughout the lifecycle. "2020 provides an extraordinary, generational opportunity to reinvigorate the unfulfilled promise of…  
4078. Hong Kong: Chinese #MeToo journalist detained for reporting on Hong Kong protests  

Leading journalist and activist who reported on Hong Kong’s protests has been arrested by Chinese authorities in Guangzhou, China, for “making trouble and picking quarrels”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the arbitrary arrest of Sophia Huang Xueqin on spurious charges just one month after her reporting on the democracy movement and protests in Hong Kong and hold grave fears for her safety and well-being. The South China Morning Post reported, the 30-year-old activist and journalist, was arrested by local authorities in Guangzhou on October 17. She was reported missing by friends the same day. Huang published her essays on Hong Kong-based online platform Matters…  
4079. Palestine: Court orders closure of 59 websites  

A Palestinian court in Ramallah ordered the closure of 59 websites on Monday 21 October - a move strongly condemnded by the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined its affiliate in demanding the cancellation of the closure orders. Most of the 59 websites are Palestinian and all of them are considered to be "in opposition to the Palestinian Authority". According to the prosecutor's office, these media are guilty of "publishing content that threatens national security and civil safety". The PJS confirmed that the court decision was based on a 2018 decree on cyber-criminality. The union called on the Supreme Council of the Judiciary to take…  
4080. Indonesia: Rioting football supporters assault journalists  

Journalists covering the football match between PSIM Yogyakarta and Persis Solo at Mandala Krida Stadium in Yogyakarta Special Region on October 21 were attacked by spectators and a footballer from PSIM Yogyakarta. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Alliance of Independence Journalists (AJI) Indonesia in condemning the assaults and urges authorities and the football club to conduct a full investigation into the attacks. Trouble erupted during the game when two PSIM players were issued red cards in the last few minutes of the match causing a riot to break out. Angry fans rushed the football field with some supporters throwing items at the opposition…  
4081. Hong Kong: Police continue to obstruct journalists in Hong Kong from reporting  

Hong Kong journalists hit with blue dye filled water cannons, and verbal abuse from police in two separate incidents. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalist Association (HKJA) strongly condemn the ongoing abuse of media by members of Hong Kong’s police force and continue calls for a review into excessive force being used against journalists. On October 20, violence directed toward journalists by police escalated. HKJA received reports of a water cannon truck filled with blue dye being deployed to drive away protestors and journalists in Kowloon. Police targeted journalists by spraying blue dye on them and throwing tear gas at reporters.…  
4082. Algérie : nouvelle arrestation arbitraire d'un journaliste  

Mercredi 23 octobre, Mustafa Bendjama, rédacteur en chef du journal Le Provincial, a été arrêté sans qu'aucune raison officielle ne soit communiquée. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), première organsiation mondiale, condamne cette nouvelle arrestation et demande la libération immédiate de ce journaliste ainsi que de tous les autres journalistes retenus sans motifs en Algérie. Mustafa Bendjama a été arrêté le 23 octobre sur son lieu de travail, à Annaba, au nord-ouest de l'Algérie. Les quatre policiers en civil qui l'ont interpellé ont également confisqué l'unité centrale de son ordinateur. Mercredi soir, les journalistes de la rédaction…  
4083. Burundi : une équipe de reporters a été arrêtée  

Mardi 22 octobre, quatre journalistes du quotidien burundais Iwacu ainsi que leur chauffeur ont été arrêtés à Musigati, à l'ouest du Burundi. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) se joint à son affiliée l'Union Burundaise des Journalistes (UBJ) pour condamner ces arrestations abusives et demander la libération immédiate de ces cinq détenus. Christine Kamikazi, Agnès Ndirubusa, Térence Mpozenzi et Egide Harerimana, quatre journalistes d'une équipe de reporters du média Iwacu, et Adolphe Masabarakiza, leur chauffeur, ont été arrêtés mardi 22 octobre par des hommes en civil dans la province de Bubanza. L'équipe du média burundais allait couvrir des affrontements entre…  
4084. Hong Kong: IFJ joins opposition against “official” press cards  

Journalist unions and representative organisations have joined forces to condemn suggestions for a government accreditation scheme for journalists in Hong Kong. The International Federation of Journalists and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), have jointly issued a statement with journalist house unions, academics and other freedom of expression advocates to express opposition and concern at the notion of any government administered accreditation scheme on who can qualify to be a journalist.  Reports have circulated through Hong Kong concerning studies conducted by the government and police plans to issue “official” press cards to identify reporters covering…  
4085. Droits voisins: Google n’est pas au-dessus des lois  

Plus de 850 journalistes, photographes, responsables de médias et représentants de journalistes signent une tribune contre la décision de Google qui refuse de rémunérer le secteur de la presse pour les informations référencées sur son moteur de recherche et ses services. Les Fédérations européenne et internationale des journalistes, représentant respectivement 320,000 journalistes en Europe et 600,000 à travers le monde, cosignent cette tribune et appellent les Etats de l’UE à agir contre cet abus de position dominante. « Aujourd'hui, Google s'attaque à la presse. Demain, ce sera à la musique, au cinéma. Nous estimons que Google ne peut être au-dessus des lois ni bafouer la volonté du…  
4086. Somalia: Authorities release detained journalist after coerced confession  

The Puntland authorities have today released journalist Ahmed Sheikh Mohamed - who had been held under arrest accused of defaming the police since October 17 - after it was revealed he had been forced in to making a confession. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined its Somali affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) - in condemning the coercive methods used by Puntland authorities to obtain a false confession of criminal activities.  Ahmed Sheikh was accused of serious criminal offences such as threatening public officers, insulting authorities and institutions, and corruption. These groundless accusations came after Ahmed reported on Radio…  
4087. Chile: Organizaciones sindicales, sociales, de estudiantes y de pobladorxs llaman a huelga general para los días 23 y 24 de octubre  

El día martes 22 de octubre, la Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT) realizó en asamblea un llamado a participar el día miércoles de la marcha de la unidad social y a plegarse los días miércoles y jueves a la huelga nacional convocada por distintos sectores del pueblo trabajador. Las medidas se dan en rechazo a los graves acontecimientos de brutalidad estatal, represión, detenciones, torturas y muertes que ha dejado el intento del gobierno chileno de acallar las masivas protestas que se desencadenaron en todo el país en repudio a los constantes aumentos de las tarifas públicas, el transporte y la salud, entre otros. Chile vive desde el jueves 18 de octubre una escalada de movilizaciones…  
4088. España: La FIP se une al manifiesto de rechazo a las agresiones a profesionales de la información  

Las Federaciones Internacional y Europea de Periodistas (FIP y FEP) al manifiesto elaborado por el Sindicat de Periodistes de Catalunya, sindicato afiliado a la FeSP, miembro de la FIP y de la FEP, en repulsa a las numerosas agresiones a medios de comunicación durante las protestas en Cataluña. El comunicado completo: Ante el alud de agresiones que los y las periodistas estamos sufriendo en los últimos días, queremos advertir a la ciudadanía que se están vulnerando sus derechos. Nuestro insistente y reiterado llamamiento a que se ponga coto a las agresiones a los y las profesionales de la información va mucho más allá de una reivindicación corporativista, es un grito de alarma ante un…  
4089. Algérie - Journée nationale de la presse : la répression contre les médias continue  

En cette Journée nationale de la presse algérienne du 22 octobre, la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) condamne la vague de répression contre la presse et d’arrestations de journalistes dans le pays. Depuis le début des manifestations en Algérie en février 2019, les autorités algériennes ont procédé à des dizaines d’interpellations de journalistes – totalement injustifiées. Le 14 octobre, les forces de l’ordre ont arrêté le journaliste Adel Azeb Cheikh. On lui reproche d'avoir publié sur sa page Facebook la photo d'un rassemblement de chômeurs devant l'Agence Nationale de l'Emploi de Oued Souf, dont le directeur…  
4090. Zimbabwe : Police assault and terrorise student journalist  

Police officers assaulted and physically attacked a young female journalist in central Harare today, causing her several injuries. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists (ZUJ) in condemning the attack and calling on authorities to investigate the incident. Ruvimbo Muchenje, who is doing an internship with NewsDay, was assaulted after passing by a group of police officers while she was on assignment. According to the victim, one of the officers ordered the rest to beat her “because she is wearing a camera”. Muchenje suffered several injuries to her back and had to receive medical attention. She claimed being traumatised by the…  
4091. Australia: Media unites in unprecedented campaign to protect country’s press freedom  

A nation-wide campaign countering the Australian government’s culture of secrecy launched on Australian television yesterday, continuing today with newspapers across the country publishing redacted front pages. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Australian affiliate the Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) support this important campaign which is pushing for critical reforms to protect journalists, whistleblowers and the public’s right to know in Australia. The Right to Know coalition, made up of broad group of media organisations, journalists and publishers, including the MEAA, is running the campaign against steadily declining press freedom standards in…  
4092. Turkey: Altans & others still in jail as retrial commences on new bogus terrorism charges  

JOINT STATEMENT On 8 October, the retrial of journalists, writers and media workers Ahmet Altan, Mehmet Altan, Nazlı Ilıcak, Yakup Şimşek, Fevzi Yazıcı and Şükrü Tuğrul Özşengül on terrorism charges began at the High Penal Court No. 26 in Istanbul. The retrial on these charges was ordered by the Supreme Court of Appeals in July 2019. ARTICLE 19 and Reporters Without Borders (RSF) observed the opening hearing of the retrial. The court issued an interim decision ordering the continued detention of all defendants apart from Mehmet Altan, who had previously been released following decisions by the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights that his rights had been violated.…  
4093. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, October 12 to Friday, October 18 2019: Catalogne : 12 journalistes blessés, une enquête réclamée, L'indépendant C.Europa pide investigar ataques a periodistas en manifestaciones catalanas, El Diario Libre Solicitan investigar ataques a periodistas en manifestaciones catalanas, Radio Monte-Carlo Deportaciones ordenadas por Maduro incluyen a políticos y periodistas, El Pitazo "Si atacas y provocas, al final la gente pierde el miedo", Publico Uniones internacionales de…  
4094. India: Andhra Pradesh government pushes for power to sue on fake news  

The Andhra Pradesh government has submitted a proposal to allow department secretaries to sue media organisations for alleged “fake news”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) denounce the submission as a strategic curtailing of freedom and calls on the government to withdraw the proposal immediately. On October 16, the cabinet of Jagan Mohan Reddy empowered secretaries of various departments to file defamatory cases against various, including print, electronic, digital and social media. According to IJU, the departments have been guided to take legal action to sue media organisations for “negative” stories or stories they…  
4095. Indonesia: Journalist wins case against employer  

A former journalist with Berita Satu TV won an important case for workers’ rights in Indonesia, with his former employee ordered to pay severance and pending salary on October 9. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia to welcome the court decision and call on the company to respect workers' rights. Management of Berita Satu TV unilaterally terminated the employment of Jekson Simanjuntak on October 12, 2018, for being absent from work from October 6 to 11, 2018. During this period, Simanjuntak, a member of the union branch of AJI Jakarta, was on assignment with AJI Jakarta to establish media centers in…  
4096. USA: union win at Los Angeles Times  

Los Angeles Times Guild secured yesterday the first collective agreement in the title's history that will provide immediate pay rises and measures to increase newsroom diversity, among other benefits for the company's journalists and editorial workers. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) warmly welcomes the agreement - which took a year to negotiate - as a very important union win and a significant improvement of the LA Times workers' rights. The Los Angeles Times, a media historically known for its strong anti-union positions, announced on Wednesday 16 October the agreement with Los Angeles Times Guild (part of the Communications Workers of America, an IFJ affiliate) and…  
4097. K Satyanarayana  

The reporter for Andrha Jyothi was hacked to death by unknown attackers in Godavari district in Andhra Pradesh. A month before his death, Satyanarayana had filed a report with police concerning an earlier attack. Journalists' safety, India, IFJ, Impunity  
4098. India: Journalist stabbed to death in Andhra Pradesh  

Unidentified assailants stabbed and killed Andrah Pradesh journalist K Satyanarayana on October 14 – just a month after he was attacked in a separate incident. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the National Union of Journalists (India) (NUJ) and the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemn his brutal murder and demand immediate investigation on the issue. The 45-year-old was working as a reporter for Andhra Jyothi, a Telugu Dailyin East Godavari district and had previously filed a report to police concerning an attack a month ago. The journalist’s body was found near his house in Godavari district. According to The News Minute, the incident occurred around…  
4099. Malta: Two years on, still no justice for Daphne Caruana  

Wednesday 16 October 2019 marks two years since the brutal assassination of Malta’s best-known investigative journalist and anti-corruption campaigner, Daphne Caruana Galizia. The International Federation of Journalists joins today the vigil organised in Brussels to honour Daphne Caruana's memory and to demand, once again, an end to impunity for this heinous crime. Although three men have now been formally charged with her murder, a date for their trial has yet to be set while those who ordered her killing remain at large. To honour Daphne Caruana Galizia’s memory and to continue calling for justice, The IFJ, along with Article 19, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), the European…  
4100. Hong Kong: IFJ condemns police violence against Now News driver  

A driver from Now News was targeted with a projectile fired by a police weapon on October 14, before being beaten and detained by police for two hours. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalist Association (HKJA) strongly condemn the violence perpetrated by police against media workers and demands that all cases be independently investigated. According to a statement by Now TV, the Now News driver was hit by a suspected “bean bag” round on the morning of October 14 as he walked to his company vehicle.  The driver, Mr Lau was hit in the back of the head and fell to the ground. Pictures provided by Now News of Lau on the ground show…  
4101. IFJ hosts press briefing on pro-democracy protests  

The IFJ hosted a press briefing at the Brussels Press Club organised by the ITUC for a delegation of human rights and pro-democracy activists visiting Europe. The delegation was comprised of Alan Leong kah Kit, the Party Chairman of “The Civic Way, The Fairer Way” and Wong Yik Mo , a member of the Civil Human Rights Front. The briefing focused on the on-going pro-democracy protests, highlighting violence and other measures targeting journalists such as verbal and physical attacks from the police. The speakers cited a case of an Indonesian journalist who was deliberately shot and lost an eye. The week after the Indonesian journalist was attacked, the colonial era emergency laws were used to…  
4102. Spain: IFJ and EFJ demand an investigation into police violence against journalists  

Twelve journalists clearly identified as such were targeted by police violence on 14 October in Catalonia as part of the coverage of demonstrations following the sentencing of nine independence leaders to prison terms for Catalonia’s attempted secession in 2017. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFF) call on the competent authorities to investigate all the attacks and hold those responsible accountable. Most of these attacks were perpetrated by police officers, either by the Mossos d’Esquadra, which are under responsability of the Catalan autonomous government, or by the National Police, which is under responsability of the Spanish Ministry of the…  
4103. Syria: Two journalists killed and four injured in explosion in northern Syria  

Journalists Saad Ahmed, working for Hawar ANHA news agency, and Mohamed Hussein, correspondent for Çira TV, were killed and four others were injured on Sunday 13 October in an explosion in the city of Ras al-Ain, located in northern Syria. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has backed calls for an immediate investigation to bring the material and intellectual perpetrators of the attack to justice. The group of journalists were in a civilian convoy on their way to cover events in the city when the explosion occurred. Saad Ahmed died on the spot and Mohammed Hussein died on Monday 14 as a result of the serious injuries he sustained in the attack. At least other four…  
4104. Brussels: Press Briefing tomorrow on Pro-Democracy Protests in Hong Kong  

Pro-democacy protests in Hong Kong have dominated headline news for months and the unrest shows no signs of dying down. The IFJ will organise a press briefing at Brussels' Press club on 16 October from 10-12 am with a delegation of journalists, trade unionists and lawyers from Hong Kong. The protests started in June in opposition to the proposed extradition law with mainland China under certain circumstances. The introduction of the bill caused widespread criticism domestically and abroad from the legal profession, journalists’ organisations and business groups fearing the erosion of Hong Kong’s legal system and its built-in safeguards. Critics feared this could undermine the city’s…  
4105. Mohamed Hussein  

The correspondent for Çira TV was fatally injured in the explosion which killed Saad Ahmed in the city of Ras al-Ain. Hussein died the following day as a result of the serious injuries he had sustained in the explosion. Journalists' safety, Syria, IFJ, Impunity  
4106. Egypt: Journalists arbitrarily arrested and beaten as repression of media grows  

Several journalists have been arrested in Egypt in a new crackdown on independent media. Esraa Abdel Fattah was detained on Saturday, October 12 by plainclothes police officers and the following morning another journalist Mostafa al-Khatib was also arrested . These arrests came after Italian journalist Francesca Borri was detained on arrival at Cairo Airport on Friday, October 11. The journalist, who was released and sent back to Italy hours later said that she was denied entry to the country by Egyptian national security officers with no official reason. She claimed she was arrested because of her reporting on the case of an Italian student who was reportedly tortured to death by Egyptian…  
4107. #OurDisparity launches to mobilise world’s biggest film screening  

Activists across world times zones unite to tackle the biggest issue of our time, human DISPARITY. With inequality at unprecedented levels, reducing the appalling disparity between the rich and poor is arguably one of the most critical issues facing humankind today. There hasn’t been a major film about the biggest issue of our time. Until now. In an unprecedented collaboration, the Real Aid Campaign, in association with the world’s largest organisation of media professionals - The International Federation of Journalists - are co-presenting a landmark documentary film, DISPARITY, a global rallying call to ultimately make this the World's Biggest Film…  
4108. Saad Ahmed  

The reporter for Hawar Anha news agency was killed in an explosion in the city of Ras al-Ain, located in northern Syria. His was travelling in a civilian convoy with other journalists on the way to cover fighting between Turkish and Kurdish forces when the blast happened. At least four other journalists were injured in the attack, including Mohamed Akinji correspondent for Hawar ANHA agency, Arsin Jaksou, correspondent for Alfurat News, Amel Younes of Stêrk TV and Delsous Dildar, a correspondent for North Press Agency. Journalists' safety, Syria, IFJ, Impunity  
4109. Haití: asesinan al periodista Néhémie Joseph en el departamento de Mirebalais  

En la noche del 10 de octubre, el periodista radial y corresponsal Nehemie Joseph fue encontrado asesinado de dos balazos en el interior de su vehículo. Su crimen se enmarca en un contexto de recrudecimiento de la violencia e inseguridad que azota al país desde el inicio de las manifestaciones populares en contra del presidente Jovenel Moïse y luego de que el periodista denunciara públicamente amenazas en su contra por parte de miembros del partido de gobierno. Néhémie Joseph, periodista en Radio Panique de Mirebalais y corresponsal permanente de la Radio Méga en la zona del Departamento Central de Haití, fue encontrado asesinado en la noche del pasado jueves. Nadie resultó, hasta el…  
4110. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday, October 4 to Friday, October 11 2019: Turkey: Joint call for charges against Gezi Park defendants to be dropped, Article 19 British Journalist Alice Taylor Wins Case Against Immigration Police, Exit La FIJ condamne « les entraves à la liberté de la presse » en Algérie, Tout Sur l'Algérie Uniones internacionales de periodistas urgen a liberar a su colega rusa detenida en Irán, Sputnik News IFJ, EFJ Urge Iran to Clarify Reasons for Russian Journalist's Detention, Demand Release,…  
4111. Hong Kong: Smear campaign targets Hong Kong unionists and journalists  

A series of false allegations and smears have this week targeted journalists and unionists in Hong Kong known for speaking out against attacks on media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) condemn the attacks against media workers and commends the solidarity of Hong Kong journalists in the face of such relentless attacks. Since the “Prohibition on Face Covering”, otherwise knowns as the “anti-mask law”, was passed on October 4, media workers and their union, the Hong Kong Journalist Association (HKJA), have week endured a targeted campaign of  smears and false allegations published online and in newspapers…  
4112. Myanmar: Internet shutdowns persist in Rakhine State  

Four townships in Myanmar’s Rakhine state have been closed off from internet access for nearly three months, blocking access to information to journalists and the public. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the ongoing blockage of internet in the troubled state and urges Myanmar’s authorities to respect the public’s right to information by restoring the connection immediately. On June 21, the government cited security concerns and the general public interest under Section 77 of the Telecommunications Act as justification to suspend the telecommunications services in nine towns, following the clashes between Myanmar’s military and the Rakhine insurgent group known as…  
4113. Malaysia: 800 jobs lost as Utusan Media Group shuts down  

More than 800 workers are to lose their jobs following the announcement of the closure of the Utusan Malaysia, Mingguan Malaysia, Kosmo! and Kosmo! Ahad media publications on 9 October. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Malaysian affiliate, the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM), have expressed deep regret at the closure of the publications, which the company say came after years of financial losses and have called on the company to comply with the law and fully pay the workers’ legal redundancy entitlements. In a memo sent to staff, the executive…  
4114. Néhémie Joseph  

The radio journalist and correspondent was found murdered with two gunshots inside his car in Mirebalais department. His crime took place against a backdrop of escalating violence and insecurity since the beginning of popular demonstrations against President Jovenel.   Néhémie Joseph worked for Radio Panique de Mirebalais and was a permanent correspondent of Radio Méga in the area of the Central Department of Haiti. He had covered anti-government protests and had publicly denounced threats against him by members of the ruling party. Journalists' safety, Haiti, IFJ, Impunity  
4115. Iraq: International organisations call on authorities to protect freedom of speech  

The International Federation of Journalists has joined a coalition of international organisations to call on the prime minister of Iraq, Mr. Adil Abdul-Mahdi, to ensure the safety of media workers during the demonstrations taking place across the country. Joint statement: Since the first of October, thousands of protesters have taken to the streets to express their discontent with the Iraqi authorities. The resulting violence - including from the Iraqi security services - has already led to the deaths of more than 100 protesters, with thousands injured (according to the Iraqi Human Rights Commission). Furthermore - in direct violation of article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human…  
4116. Hong Kong: IFJ condemns Hong Kong mask ban  

The Hong Kong government’s use of colonial era emergency regulations to prohibit face coverings in protests adds another hurdle for press freedom for journalists who are already facing significant challenges in the island territory. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalist’s Association (HKJA) condemn the Hong Kong government’s continued attempts to undermine journalists’ work and the safety of media workers. The Emergency Regulations Ordinance enacted on October 5, now bans any kind of face coverings during protests. Members of the public as well as journalists use the masks as a daily protection against the routine use of tear gas fired…  
4117. Ecuador: la FIP exige el fin de las violentas acciones represivas ejercidas contra trabajadores de prensa y el pueblo en general  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) se solidariza con lxs trabajadorxs de prensa y con el pueblo ecuatoriano ante la violencia desatada en el contexto de la represión de la protesta social, a la vez que exige la protección de los derechos humanos, políticos y de expresión de la población en su conjunto. Las masivas protestas que cubren el Ecuador, generadas a partir del rechazo mayoritario al llamado “paquetazo” (una serie de medidas gubernamentales que implican procesos de reformas laborales y tributarias, la eliminación del subsidio al combustible y un aumento de las tarifas de los servicios públicos para ajustar el país a los requerimientos del Fondo Monetario Internacional…  
4118. Iraq: Several media offices attacked by masked armed men in Baghdad  

Several media offices were attacked and stormed by masked armed men in Baghdad on Saturday 5 October in the evening amid the violent protests in Iraq. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns these violent attacks against press freedom and demands the authorities to investigate and bring the perpetrators to justice. Many media premises, including international broadcasters, were targeted. The Saudi-owned news broadcaster Al Arabiya said that their office in Baghdad was attacked by masked gunmen who smashed the media’s equipment and physically attacked some of the workers. Al Arabiya received threats on the days before the incident. The offices of NRT, a TV channel from…  
4119. Algérie : un journaliste arrêté et une équipe de télévision suspendue  

MISE A JOUR 08.10.2019 Le 22 septembre, le journaliste Sofiane Merakchi du média Al-Mayadeen a été arrêté. Le même jour, lors de manifestations à Alger, les autorités algériennes ont imposé à une équipe de télévision de la chaîne Al Araby l'arrêt de leur tournage. La Fédération Internationale des Journalistes condamne ces entraves à la liberté de la presse en Algérie. Sofiane Merakchi, journaliste correspondant pour la chaîne libanaise Al-Mayadeen à Alger, a été arrêté le 22 septembre par la gendarmerie lors d'une perquisition au sein des locaux du média. Il serait soupçonné de louer, sans autorisation, ses équipements à d'autres chaînes de télévision pour des diffusions en direct. Il…  
4120. España: El ayuntamiento de Madrid cierra la emisora pública local M21  

El ayuntamiento de Madrid anunció el pasado 29 de septiembre el cierre de la radio local M21, dejando a sus trece trabajadores en una situación de incertidumbre y a los ciudadanos madrileños sin un servicio público de información. La Federación Internacional y Europea de Periodistas (FIP y FEP) se unen a sus afiliados españoles FAPE y FeSP en su condena el cierre e instan al gobierno local a reconsiderar su decisión. Radio M21, antigua ONDA IMEFE, es una radio local inaugurada en octubre de 1998 y que operó hasta 2005. En 2016, el ayuntamiento decidió relanzar la estación con fines educativos y sociales, dando la bienvenida a estudiantes, aprendices y desempleados a los que se les…  
4121. World Day for Decent Work: If you work in digital media – we’ve got news for you!  

They told you precarious work in digital media is inevitable... But it's not! The media industry has gone through revolutionary technological change, from big data to AI, from digital first to algorithms writing news. Such changes offer both threats and opportunities and has a huge impact on the way journalists work. While new technologies offer such great opportunities to enhance journalism too many companies see it as a chance to do journalism on the cheap. In digital media, the recruitment of young and poorly paid journalists facing precarious working conditions has become the norm. Today, issues such as job losses, low and frozen pay, poor health and social protections, pressures on…  
4122. Iran: Russian journalist arrested  

Russian journalist Yulia Yuzik was arrested yesterday in her hotel room in the Iranian capital Teheran. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) joins their affiliates the Russian Union of Journalists (RUJ) in urging Iran to clarify the reasons for her arrest and to respect press freedom. Yulia Yuzik had her passport confiscated by the police as she entered Teheran airport on 3 October and was told she would get it back on her return. She was arrested later in her hotel room by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) for allegedly working for Israeli secret services. She faces a 10-year jail sentence. A few years ago, Yuzil worked in Iran as a…  
4123. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, September 28th to Friday, October 4th 2019: International Journalists Federation stands against decision of National TV and Radio Council, 112 International International journalists', broadcasting bodies speak out on Bulgarian National Radio controversy, The Sofia Globe It’s easier to kill the story by killing the journalist, The Independent  Pleas for 'justice and accountability' one year on from Jeamal Khashoggi murder, PressGazette  Omicidio Khashoggi, un anno senza…  
4124. Nepal: Journalist and union leader threatened for reporting  

Nepali journalist and union leader Ajaya Babu Shiwakoti has been the subject of a campaign of threats and surveillance since the publishing of an article on an alleged rape by Nepal’s Speaker in Parliament. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Nepal Press Union (NPU) remain deeply concerned for Shiwakoti’s safety and call on authorities to immediately ensure his protection. Shiwakoti’s website, Hamra Kura, published an exclusive report on September 30 on the alleged rape of a female employee of Nepal’s Federal Parliament by Speaker Krishna Bahadur Mahara.  Krishna Bahadur Mahara was forced to step down as House Speaker. after the publication of…  
4125. Hong Kong: More police violence directed at Hong Kong journalists  

In another dire week for media in Hong Kong, one journalist was seriously injured by a projectile fired from a police shotgun and others were subjected to pepper spray as ongoing violence by police continued. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates, the Hong Kong Association of Journalists (HKJA) and Alliance of Independent Journalists Indonesia (AJI) condemn the latest attacks on local and international journalists covering events in Hong Kong. Indonesian journalist Veby Indah was shot in the face with a rubber bullet fired by a Hong Kong police officer. The attack took place at a protest on September 29, despite the fact that Veby was wearing a ‘Press’ high…  
4126. Cambodia: Court postpones verdict, orders new investigation into ex-RFA journalists  

The Phnom Penh Municipal Court has deferred a verdict in the espionage trial of two former Radio Free Asia (RFA) journalists and controversially ordered a new investigation into the case. In the decision by Justice Im Vannak on October 3, the court noted that the Cambodian authorities need “to investigate and search for other related documents” in the case. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the continued persecution of the journalists and calls for all charges to be dropped immediately. Reporter Yeang Sothearin and cameraman Uon Chhin were arrested in November 2017 and charged with espionage for their journalism work with the US government funded outlet Radio Free…  
4127. Egypt: wave of attacks on press freedom amid protests  

Four journalists have been arrested as part of a wave of attacks against press freedom and freedom of information in Egypt in recent days. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on the Egyptian government to abide by its international obligation to respect press freedom and free all arrested journalists. Protests against President el-Sisi have spread across Egypt since they began on Friday 20 September despite a ban on public protest dating from 2013. Reports claim that around 2000 Egyptians have been arrested. Among them were four journalists who are being held incommunicado. A number of media and social media sites have also been blocked. Photographer Amr Hisham…  
4128. Bosnia and Herzegovina: harsh sanctions requested against Radio Sarajevo assailants  

Several journalists were attacked by a group of Sarajevo Football club fans on 27 September. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) joined their affiliate in Bosnia and Herzegovina, BH Journalists, in demanding harsh sanctions against the assailants. A Radio Sarajevo journalist was attacked and several journalists were threatened by a group of fans of the Football Club Sarajevo on the evening of  27 September. After breaking into the newsroom, a group of hooligans harassed for more than two hours -including with death threats – a radio reporter to remove an article about a fan who had been convicted to a five-year prison sentence for drug…  
4129. Humphery Nkonde  

The investigative journalist and assistant editor at the Catholic run Mission Press, in the northern town of Ndola, was found dead under mysterious circumstances. His body was found floating on a lake in the rural district of Masaiti, exactly ten days after he had gone missing. He was hastily buried by the police at Kantulomba Cemetery in Ndola in the absence of his family, even though there were some identification documents that were found on him. Humphery went missing on 22 September, a day before he was due to travel to Germany for a journalism training programme. Journalists' safety, Zambia, IFJ, Impunity  
4130. Khashoggi : A year without justice  

On October 2, 2018, at 1:14 PM, the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. He never came out alive. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) was quick to condemn this crime and today, one year on, renews its calls on the international community to launch an independent investigation to ensure all the intellectual and material perpetrators are put behind bars. Twelve months after Khashoggi’s killing, there are plenty of unanswered questions. Where is his body? Who ordered his killing? Who sent up to 15 Saudi men - a hit squad including a forensic expert - to Istanbul?  Why did the Saudi authorities, including the Crown Prince Mohammed bin…  
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