15042 results:

1541. Ukraine: International efforts to support journalists  

To date the IFJ/EFJ Ukraine Safety Fund has provided €85,130 to fund three solidarity centres, and €30,000 to provide safety training. A further €20,000 will go to the Independent Media Trade Union of Ukraine (IMTUU) to fund a solidarity centre in Lutsk, writes Tim Dawson, Executive Member of the National Union of Journalists of Britain and Ireland (NUJ), an IFJ affiliate. Gleb Golovchenko runs the Ukrainian television company TAK TV, in the Black Sea city of Mykolaiv. In February, Russian forces attempted to invade the city. Despite heavy bombardment, the attack was repulsed. The front line today is scarcely ten kilometres away, but Golovchenko has continued to broadcast – something that…  
1542. UK: IFJ backs strike threat amid cost-of-living crisis  

Hundreds of journalists at the UK’s largest national and regional news publisher are to strike for four days to demand a fair pay increase after bosses offered a below inflation rise in negotiations with IFJ-affiliate, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ). The IFJ has backed the workers’ demands and called on Reach PLC to negotiate, and recognize the impact of high inflation rates, in the face of a 79% vote for strike action. Around 1000 journalists are expected to join the action. NUJ members across Reach titles will strike on 26 and 31 August and 14-15 September, with a “work to rule” taking place between 1 and 13 September. Reach PLC is the…  
1543. Philippines: Court orders NTC to unblock Bulatlat website  

A Quezon City court has ordered the National Telecommunication Commission (NTC) to cease blocking the website of independent media outlet Bulatlat, after it was accused of being affiliated with terrorist organisations. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), in welcoming the decision of the court to respect press freedom and uphold a free and independent media in the Philippines. On August 11, Judge Dolly Rose Bolante-Prado, of Quezon City Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 306, granted Bulatlat’s petition for a preliminary injunction against the blocking order from the NTC. The Court’s decision…  
1544. Afghanistan: Regional unions call for international solidarity to support Afghan journalists  

One year on from the Taliban takeover, the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) has today called on governments and the international community to increase support for Afghan journalists and media workers, amid continuing attacks, harassment, censorship, and harsh restrictions on Afghanistan’s media. The region’s media unions urged the Taliban to respect press freedom and ensure the safety and security of all working journalists in Afghanistan. Since the Taliban assumed control of Kabul on August 15, 2021, Afghanistan’s media has faced one of its bleakest years in history, with a dramatic increase in media rights violations and a host of new media restrictions, all contributing to a…  
1545. Ecuador: asesinaron al periodista Gerardo Delgado  

El comunicador se encontraba camino a una cobertura cuando fue sorprendido por dos sicarios que le dispararon al menos nueve veces dentro del vehículo en el que se encontraba con su hija, quien afortunadamente salió ilesa del ataque. Dos personas fueron detenidas poco tiempo después. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas repudia este hecho y exige que las autoridades realicen una investigación exhaustiva para dar con todos los responsables, tanto materiales como intelectuales, y esclarecer los motivos de este crimen. El miércoles 10 de agosto por la tarde, el periodista Gerardo Delgado fue asesinado de varios disparos por sicarios en el trayecto Manta-Montecristi, a unos 400…  
1546. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from August 6th to August, 12th 2022. ENGLISH: China Plays A Major Role In The High-Level US Visit To The Solomon Islands - Top Wire News In High-Level US Visit to Solomon Islands, China Looms Large - VOA Honiara denies wanting to control Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation, while moving to replace its board - ABC Palestinian Journalists Syndicate renews demand for international protection of journalists - MEMO UN raises ‘grave…  
1547. Afghanistan: New report outlines draconian conditions for women journalists under Taliban rule  

A new report released by an IFJ Afghan affiliate has outlined the bleak conditions faced by women journalists in Afghanistan, including financial uncertainty, unemployment and security concerns. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined forces with Afghan journalists to condemn the dire conditions and called for international solidarity to protect media rights in Afghanistan. The new report, released in August, outlines the draconian conditions imposed on women working in journalism in Afghanistan, with findings revealing rising levels of insecurity in finance, safety and employment, owing to the systemic gendered discrimination established by the Taliban regime. Women…  
1548. Afghanistan: "I will become the voice for the voiceless", says an Afghan journalist exiled in New Zealand  

In the year following the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul, the IFJ has received thousands of requests for assistance from journalists and media workers on the ground, ranging from requests for support for evacuation to financial assistance and emergency housing. The IFJ has committed to assisting as many cases as possible, lobbying international governments to increase their humanitarian efforts and fast track the applications of those media workers fleeing Afghanistan. With support from the IFJ and the Government of New Zealand, one family of Afghan journalists was able to successfully resettle in New Zealand in July 2022. Read their story. "We have just completed our journey from the…  
1549. Afghanistan: “Afghan women know that if we stay quiet, our rights will never be restored”, says Lailuma Sadid, an Afghan journalist exiled in Belgium  

Lailuma Sadid is an Afghan journalist and a political refugee due to the threats that she received from the Taliban for her journalistic work. She has been living in Belgium for more than a decade and is a correspondent at the Brussels Morning newspaper. Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan one year ago, Sadid has been working with Afghan women and has become their voice, raising awareness of their situation in Europe and beyond. IFJ. One year has passed since your appeal to NATO’s Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, in which you asked him: “please, don’t recognise the Taliban and don’t put us again in the same situation”. What will you tell him today, one year after the Taliban…  
1550. Afghanistan: Taliban attack reporter and crew during live broadcast  

Armed Taliban militants assaulted and intimidated members of an Al-Hadath TV crew during a live broadcast in Kabul on August 10. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA), condemn the attack and urge the Taliban to cease its vilification of Afghan media workers. On August 10, Al-Hadath correspondent Christiane Baissary and her crew were reporting on the delivery of humanitarian aid by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation in Kabul. During the live broadcast, several armed men in civilian clothing can be seen approaching Baissary, physically harassing and intimidating the crew and instructing…  
1551. Vietnam: Citizen journalist dies in detention  

Independent citizen journalist, Do Cong Duong, has died in detention on August 2 while serving an eight-year sentence for reporting on land seizures in Vietnam’s Bac Ninh province. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns Duong’s death in custody and urges the Vietnamese authorities to end their assault on human rights and press freedom. On August 2, Do Cong Duong died at a hospital in Vietnam’s coastal Nghe An region, where he was serving an eight-year sentence at the province’s Detention Centre No. 6. The Prison Administrator has since rejected Duong’s family’s request to bring his body home and instead conducted a local funeral. Duong developed various illnesses…  
1552. Afghanistan: "We have already spent more than we raised and the need is still immense", says IFJ Deputy General Secretary Jeremy Dear  

Ahead of the anniversary of Taliban's takeover of Kabul, Afghanistan's capital on August 15, IFJ Deputy General Secretary Jeremy Dear, who has been co-ordinating the federation's emergency response to the situation in Afghanistan, tells us about a year of relentless work to support and evacuate journalists and their families, the ongoing media repression on the ground, the amazing solidarity among world journalists and the urgent need to raise more funds. 1. Can you describe the work that the IFJ and its local affiliates have been doing to help Afghan journalists and media workers since the Taliban took over the country one year ago? Since the day that Kabul fell to the Taliban, IFJ…  
1553. Afghanistan: "JUADN is very sensitive to issues of refugees and journalists under threat"  

Maria Antoniadou is the President of JUADN, one of IFJ's Greek affiliates. The union has a long tradition of helping journalists in need coming from around the world and has been actively supporting two Afghan women journalists and their families during their visa process to Canada.   IFJ. Can you describe how JUADN has been supporting Afghan journalists? Historically, JUADN has been standing in solidarity with colleagues in need and is very sensitive to issues of refugees and journalists under threat. Therefore, when IFJ Deputy General Secretary Jeremy Dear asked for JUADN’s support for Afghan colleagues Sara Turgaan and Masooma Gholami and their families who had fled…  
1554. Taiwan: FTV News hacked during live broadcast  

Taiwanese pro-independence news outlet, Formosa Television (FTV) News, has been subject to cyber-attacks and disruptions from suspected Chinese hackers from August 6. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns these attacks and calls for press freedom to be respected in Taiwan. In the first incident on August 6, Chinese activist hackers displayed a series of messages expressing support for the unification of Taiwan with the People’s Republic of China. They replaced screens with a map of mainland China and Taiwan accompanied by the words, “China, not one bit less.”  Shortly after the attack, which lasted three minutes, FTV News confirmed that its YouTube broadcast had…  
1555. Myanmar: Silencing Dissent  

Despite closure of the country’s independent media, arrest warrants, torture, jail and being driven underground or into exile, Myanmar’s journalists continue to defy the military junta to find ways to report, writes Phil Thornton. Journalists Phyo and her husband Ko Soe Ya are determined to keep publishing, despite Myanmar’s military forcing the closure of their office, revoking their licence, issuing warrants for their arrest and an underground trek to what they thought was to be a safe border location.   Monsoon rains ease as Phyo takes time to reflect on the life-changing events, she and her husband, Soe Ya, endured since the military coup leaders dismantled Myanmar’s…  
1556. Russia: Journalist Marina Ovsiannikova faces criminal charges  

[UPDATE 04.10.2023] Russian journalist Marina Ovsiannikova was officially charged with “spreading false information” about the army on Wednesday 10 August. She was arrested today and will spend the night in pre-trial detention in Moscow. She faces “up to ten years in prison” under a new article of the Russian Criminal Code, introduced after the start of the war in Ukraine. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) have condemned the judicial harassment of the journalist and demanded her immediate release. Marina Ovsiannikova is famous for having interrupted a Russian state TV news programme and has already received two administrative fines for her…  
1557. Afghanistan: “One year on - we still receive appeals from journalists every single day,” says IFJ  

On the eve of the first anniversary of the Taliban takeover of Kabul, Afghanistan on August 15, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the world largest organisation of journalists, has condemned the continuing repression of journalists in the country and demanded global action to save at-risk Afghan media workers. Despite Afghanistan vanishing from headline news, journalists on the ground continue to face attacks, arbitrary detentions, press freedom restrictions and killings with the Taliban and other terrorist organisations enjoying impunity for these crimes. The IFJ South Asia Press Freedom Report documented 75 media rights violations in Afghanistan, including 12 killings…  
1558. Gerardo Delgado  

The director of the local digital media Ola Manta TV was on his way to cover a story when two assassins opened fire on him on the Manta-Montecristi road, some 400 kilometres from Quito, while he was in his car with his daughter, who fortunately escaped unharmed. Gerardo Delgado, who was travelling to  cover an alleged suicide for which he had received a warning call hours earlier, was shot at least nine times. The National Police announced that two people had been arrested in connection with the incident. According to local media reports, one of those arrested said that he had been paid for the crime and that he did not know who had hired him and why they wanted the journalist…  
1559. Belarus: Repression continues on the second anniversary of the fraudulent elections  

Following the fraudulent presidential election in Belarus on 9 August 2020, journalists have faced hundreds of arrests and detentions. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) join their Belarusian affiliate, the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ), in condemning the indiscriminate repression by the regime of dictator Alexander Lukashenko. The IFJ/EFJ and BAJ demand the immediate release of the 30 journalists and media workers currently imprisoned in Belarus. August 9, 2022 marks the second anniversary of the most recent presidential election in the Republic of Belarus. Two years ago, instead of recognizing the democratic choice, the authorities…  
1560. Journalists persecuted under Imran Khan’s rule  

Imran Khan has denied claims that he oversaw the repression of journalists across Pakistan during his tenure as Prime Minister (2018-2022), despite ample evidence to the contrary. This piece has been republished with permission from Naya Daur. On July 16 2022 at a seminar on media freedom in Islamabad, former PM and PTI Chairman Imran Khan claimed that he never issued orders against any journalists and only found out about a journalist’s disappearance or treatment in Cabinet meetings.  During the seminar Imran Khan denied thinking about taking any actions against any journalist explaining that one of the most significant elements that he witnessed in the West was freedom of speech.…  
1561. Pakistan: ARY News broadcast suspended across country, executive arrested  

An executive of Pakistani broadcaster ARY News was arrested on sedition charges on August 10, with several more media workers named in First Information Reports (FIRs), following the interruption of the station’s broadcast on August 9. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), call on the Pakistani authorities to immediately cease all legal action against the ARY News employees and withdraw the transmission suspension orders. According to the PFUJ, Ammad Yousaf, Senior Executive Vice President of ARY News, was arrested on sedition charges on August 10. Sources close to the detained said Yousaf was arrested without…  
1562. Afghanistan: Reporter and his crew abducted by the Taliban in Kabul  

WION news correspondent, Anas Mallick, and his crew were abducted and assaulted while covering a story in Kabul to mark the one-year anniversary of the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the attack and urges the Taliban to immediately end its persecution of Afghan journalists and media workers. On August 4, Mallick and his crew were abducted by the Taliban, despite receiving permission from Afghanistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to cover news stories in the country. Speaking to his network affiliate, WION, Mallick said that his car had been intercepted by Taliban authorities who proceeded to physically assault him and…  
1563. Haití: liberaron al periodista Edner Décime luego de 20 días secuestrado  

Tras 20 días en cautiverio, el comunicador fue puesto en libertad por sus captores, quienes lo habían secuestrado el 17 de julio pasado junto a otras personas. El medio para el que trabajaba había organizado una campaña pidiendo su libertad, la cual fue acompañada por numerosas organizaciones locales como la Association des Journalistes Haïtiens (AJH). La Federación Internacional de Periodistas celebra la aparición con vida de Edner Décime y se solidariza con él y su familia. También reclama que las autoridades se comprometan a garantizar la seguridad e integridad de todxs lxs trabajadorxs de prensa del país, que se encuentran en condiciones muy precarias y en peligro inminente en medio de…  
1564. Paraguay: despiden a tres trabajadoras que habían denunciado acoso en Albavisión  

En mayo de este año, un grupo de mujeres periodistas de Canal 9 habían denunciado a un superior por acoso sexual y habían alertado del carácter sistemático de su comportamiento hacia las trabajadoras de prensa a su cargo. A partir de la investigación abierta, se recabaron más denuncias y testimonios sobre la misma persona y sobre otros gerentes de la empresa. Tres de las denunciantes fueron despedidas sin causa en un claro acto de represalia, y la patronal se ausentó de la audiencia prevista para el viernes 5 de agosto en el Ministerio de Trabajo en la que se debía abordar esta situación. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas junto al Sindicato de Periodistas de Paraguay (SPP) repudia…  
1565. Palestine: Unions launch joint action against poor social conditions  

Journalists in Palestine will join a sit-in organised by Labour unions to demand improved social conditions for media workers. In a joint statement published on August 5, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) announced the joint sit-in with other labour organisations on August 9, to protest against the Palestinian Authority's failure to address the poor social conditions and to consult with civil society groups. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) stands with its affiliate, the PJS, and demands stronger government commitment towards workers’ organisations and better social policies for all. Several strikes have taken place over the past month to protest against the…  
1566. Perú: ex candidato al Congreso denuncia por novena vez a periodistas  

Víctor Hugo Quijada Tacuri, ex candidato por el Partido Nacionalista del Perú acusado de acoso y chantaje sexual, denunció nuevamente a la periodista Graciela Jimena Tiburcio Loayza y a Luciana del Carmen Távara Bermejo, directora del portal de noticias Wayka, por una nota publicada en el medio en marzo de 2021. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas se solidariza con las colegas y rechaza este claro acto de hostigamiento por parte de una persona que en reiteradas oportunidades intentó utilizar el sistema judicial para amedrentar a las comunicadoras por realizar su trabajo. Este caso es otra muestra más de la normalización del uso de la justicia como herramienta para el castigo y el…  
1567. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from July, 30th to August, 5th 2022. ENGLISH:  Israel holding 17 Palestinian journalists, says rights group - Middle East Monitor  Censoring SIBC an ‘assault on media freedom’ in Solomons, says IFJ - Asia Pacific Report Outrage as Solomon Islands government orders vetting of stories on national broadcaster - The Guardian Solomon Islands: Prime Minister’s Office Orders Censorship of SIBC - Solomon Times Backlash after Solomons' govt reins in…  
1568. Myanmar: Photographer and activist dies in military custody  

Photographer and activist Aye Kyaw, who was known for documenting anti-junta protests, has been reported dead in custody after his arrest on July 30. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the killing and urges Myanmar’s military junta to immediately investigate the incident and cease its persecution of journalists, media workers and activists. Aye Kyaw, the owner of the Sagaing city Harman Photography studio and a member of the Upper Myanmar Photography Association, was arrested in the early morning of July 30. Speaking with Radio Free Asia, Aye Kyaw’s relatives said members of the military arrived at his home in a convoy of six vehicles, under the premise…  
1569. India: Union president harassed by National Investigation Agency  

The President of the All Manipur Working Journalists Union (AMWJU), Wangkhemcha Shamjai, was summoned and harassed by National Investigation Agency (NIA) officers on August 2. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), condemn the harassment of the journalist and urge authorities to respect freedom of the press. On July 31, Shamjai, the Editor-in-Chief of local daily newspaper Kangleipakki Meira, received a phone call summoning him to the NIA office on the morning of August 2 regarding an investigation into two journalists accused of aiding underground insurgent groups. According to the IJU, on arrival at the office, the…  
1570. México: asesinaron a un periodista en un ataque armado  

El comunicador Ernesto Méndez falleció el 2 de agosto en Guanajuato luego de que un grupo armado irrumpiera en el bar en el que se encontraba, que era propiedad de él y su familia, y abriera fuego contra las personas que se encontraban allí. Otras dos personas perdieron la vida y hay varixs heridxs. Con Méndez, ya son 13 lxs periodistas asesinadxs en México en los últimos ocho meses, motivo por el cual les imprescindible que la investigación tenga en cuenta su trabajo como posible motivación para el crimen. Nos unimos al Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) en la exigencia a todos los niveles de gobierno para que se actúe de manera urgente para frenar la violencia contra lxs…  
1571. Russia: IFJ and EFJ condemn "stop list" banning European journalists  

After a series of British journalists, Russia has banned, on Monday morning, the Danish public television correspondent in Moscow, Matilde Kimer. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) call for the reversal of these decisions. On the morning of 1 August, on arrival at Moscow's Vnukovo airport, Matilde Kimer had passed through passport control but was arrested after collecting her luggage. At an airport office, she was handed a document stating that she was denied entry to the Russian Federation "for security and defence reasons" and should therefore be deported immediately. After a five-hour wait at the airport in Moscow, Matilde Kimer was escorted on board…  
1572. Myanmar: Journalists detained and imprisoned for protest coverage  

Working journalists in Myanmar continue to face growing security and safety threats, with one journalist imprisoned and another detained on July 29 and 30 respectively for covering ongoing insurgencies in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the military junta’s crackdown on press freedom and calls on authorities to protect the safety of journalists across Myanmar. On Friday 29 July, freelance journalist Maung Maung Myo was sentenced to six years in prison for the possession of images and interviews with members of several insurgent groups fighting Myanmar’s military government, a violation of Section 52(a) of the nation’s Counter Terrorism Law. Maung…  
1573. Bangladesh: DBC News journalists assaulted  

Two DBC News journalists, Saiful Islam Jewel and Azad Ahmed, were assaulted on August 2 while investigating alleged irregularities in the procurement of medical equipment. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the attack and calls on the Bangladeshi authorities to bring all perpetrators to justice. On August 2, Jewel and Ahmed were investigating allegations of corruption and irregularities made against the Victor Trading Corporation in their procurement of medical equipment. As they reported outside the Corporation’s office, the owner of Agargaon Taltola trading house, Kawsar Bhuiyan, and other employees proceeded to beat the journalist and…  
1574. Perú: el presidente amenazó con iniciar acciones legales contra periodistas  

Pedro Castillo aseguró que denunciará a la producción periodística del programa Panorama, arguyendo que el mismo difundió “noticias falsas” en un reportaje realizado a un ex miembro del gobierno. Esta situación se suma a la larga lista de procesos judiciales que enfrentan lxs trabajadorxs de prensa en la región, en donde la utilización de la justicia para acallar voces o disciplinar se hace cada vez más frecuente. Adherimos al rechazo expresado por la Asociación Nacional de Periodistas del Perú (ANP) y acompañamos su preocupación ante el uso sistemático de los resortes de la justicia para criminalizar la labor de lxs periodistas. Ayer por la mañana el presidente de Perú, Pedro Castillo,…  
1575. Egypt: IFJ supports call from human rights organisations to release all imprisoned journalists  

At least 23 journalists and media workers are imprisoned in Egypt for simply carrying out their professional duties according to IFJ statistics. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has backed a call from human rights organisations on August 2, condemning the Egyptian authorities for their repressive practices and urging them to release all journalists in jail. Seven human rights organisations have called for the immediate release of journalists, media workers and activists detained for exercising their right to express their opinion on news articles and social media. The signatories call on the Egyptian authorities to stop using terrorism charges to prosecute those who…  
1576. Médias : les femmes à l’épreuve du pouvoir   

« Les droits ne doivent pas être des droits de papier. » Ce fut l'un des principes chevillé au corps des participantes et participants de ces 49èmes Assises de « l’Union de la presse francophone » à Ben Guerir au Maroc les 25, 26 et 27 juillet 2022. Constatant que des femmes continuent toujours d’être les victimes de ce syndrome d’imposture qui les freine, Mme Christiane Taubira, ancienne Garde des sceaux, femme politique dans toutes les nobles acceptions du terme, a patiemment démystifié le pouvoir machiste, ses codes et ses  méthodes pour mieux rappeler aux femmes qu’elles doivent tracer leur propre chemin. Elle a dû relever 4 défis : sa condition de femme, sa condition de…  
1577. Greece: Journalists covering protest attacked by Athens riot police  

Officers of the primary riot police unit of the Hellenic Police (MAT) physically attacked and teargassed several journalists and covering a protest in central Athens on 28 July, during the demonstration in solidarity with jailed anarchist Yiannis Michailidis. The International and the European Federation of Journalists (IFJ - EFJ) condemn the police brutality against several journalists and call on the Greek judicial authorities to prosecute the perpetrators of such violence. Among the victims identified were journalists Eleftheria Komandou (Golden Dawn Watch), Lefteris Partsalis and Manos Fragioudakis (News 24/7). The Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily…  
1578. Solomon Islands: Prime minister’s office orders censorship of SIBC  

The Government of the Solomon Islands has ordered the national radio and television broadcaster, the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation (SIBC), to censor its programs of anti-government voices on August 1. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the restriction of press freedom in the Solomon Islands and calls for the reinstatement of an independent SIBC. The Prime Minister and Cabinet Office of the Solomon Islands mandated the SIBC censor its programs of perspectives critical of the incumbent government. According to SIBC staff, the acting chairman of the board, William Parairato, outlined the new guidelines on July 29. Both news and paid programs are to be…  
1579. Yemen: Fears over health of a journalist on death row  

The health of Yemeni journalist Tawfiq Al-Mansoori, who was sentenced to death together with three other journalists in April 2020 by the Houthi Movement, has critically deteriorated in the past days. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) in calling for the release of all journalists in jail and the urgent transfer of Al-Mansoori to hospital. According to a report from Al-Mansoori’s family received by YJS, the journalist’ health is in grave danger due to its deterioration in the Central Security Camp prison in the capital, Sana’a.  Al-Mansoori alongside with AbdulaKhleq Amran, Akram Al-Waleedi and Hareth Humaid…  
1580. Jokowi’s Criminal Code: Draft legislation threatens press freedom in Indonesia  

Despite an ongoing campaign since 2019 for the repeal of proposed provisions in Indonesia’s revised Criminal Code, the government’s determination to ratify the legislation poses grave concerns for press freedom, writes Jim Nolan. Serious concerns about threats to the independence and freedom of the press by Indonesia’s proposed revised Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) continue to be voiced, notwithstanding recent attempts by President Jokowi to provide for more consultation with civil society and press freedom groups.   The draft RKUHP, first introduced in 2019, provoked massive demonstrations and was met with widespread condemnation by press freedom and human rights groups. In the…  
1581. FIJ-UPF : Lancement d'un Prix annuel pour le courage et l'engagement des femmes journalistes  

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et l'Union de la presse francophone (UPF) ont lancé le 27 juillet un Prix pour le courage et l'engagement des femmes journalistes, prix qui sera décerné annuellement en hommage à la journaliste palestinienne Shereen Abu Aqleh, tuée en reportage le 11 mai 2022. Le prix a été lancé conjointement par les deux organisations à Benguerir au Maroc lors des 49e Assises internationales de la presse francophone organisées par l'UPF. Il s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un mémorandum de collaboration entre la FIJ et l'UPF signé à Benguerir par la Présidente de la FIJ, Dominique Pradalié, et la Présidente de l'UPF Anne-Cécile Robert. Le "Memorandum…  
1582. Aye Kyaw  

The photojournalist, who was known for documenting anti-junta protests, died in custody hours after his arrest at his home. Aye Kyaw, the owner of the Sagaing city Harman Photography studio and a member of the Upper Myanmar Photography Association, was arrested in the early morning of July 30. Speaking with Radio Free Asia, Aye Kyaw’s relatives said members of the military arrived at his home in a convoy of six vehicles, under the premise that weapons were allegedly stored on the property. The photographer was detained despite no weapons being found. Approximately ten hours later, the administrator of the Aung Chanthar ward contacted Aye Kyaw’s family to inform them…  
1583. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from July, 23rd to July, 29th 2022. ENGLISH: Canceled: India's Travel Bans Seen as Retaliation Against Critics - Voice of America On anniversary of public inquiry report, 9 international organisations insist ‘implementation remains crucial’ - The Shift Timor-Leste told to drop charges against scribe - Union of Catholic Asian News  'Open Fear': Taliban Cracks Down On Afghan Media By Decree - RadioFreeEurope  Samoa journalist gets…  
1584. Tchad : L'UJT et la FIJ organisent un atelier sur le reportage sur le changement climatique  

L'Union des Journalistes Tchadiens (UJT), en collaboration avec la Fédération Internationale des Journalistes (FIJ), a organisé un atelier de deux jours, les 25- 26 juillet, sur le reportage sur le changement climatique au siège de l'office National des Médias Audiovisuels (ONAMA) à Ndjamena, dans le cadre du projet Union to Union (UTU) 2022. L'atelier de deux jours a réuni 25 journalistes des radios, des télévisions, des journaux et des médias en ligne ainsi que les membres de l'exécutif de l'UJT pour renforcer leurs capacités dans le reportage sur le changement climatique. Le Ministre de l'Environnement, de la Pêche et du Développement Durable, Mahamat Ahmat Lazina  dans son…  
1585. Tunisia: Journalists attacked by security forces while covering a demonstration  

Several journalists and demonstrators were attacked with nerve gas by security forces in Tunis on 22 July, during a protest against the new draft constitution which was ultimately adopted on 25 July. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined its affiliate, the National Union of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT) in condemning targeted violence against journalists and called on the judicial authorities to investigate the attacks. Members of the SNJT executive board were among the targets of police violence, including its president Mohammed Yassine Jelassi, whose face was sprayed with nerve gas at close range, and required urgent treatment. Some attacks were explicitly directed…  
1586. Somalia: Calls to reverse Somaliland authorities ban on BBC  

Calls for a ban on the BBC by the Somaliland authorities to be lifted have increased, amid accusations that the silencing of the broadcaster is part of an “information blackout”. The International Federation of Journalists joins its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) in condemning the ban, which undermines media freedom and citizens’ right to freedom of information.  The government of the Somaliland region imposed an indefinite ban on the BBC on 19 July. On July 23, the police raided the BBC Media Action office in the capital, Hargeisa, and briefly detained five journalists.  Broadcasts of the BBC Somali Service have been off air in the Somaliland region since…  
1587. Myanmar: Regional union body condemns activist executions  

The South East Asia Journalists Unions (SEAJU) has strongly condemned the Myanmar military junta’s execution of four pro-democracy activists and the continued assault on human rights and press freedom under the regime. The region’s media unions said the military must immediately cease the state-sanctioned violence, arbitrary arrests and draconian laws that have suppressed activists and stifled freedom of expression. In the first use of capital punishment since 1988, four pro-democracy activists were executed including veteran activist, Kyaw Min Yu, also known as Ko Jimmy, and National League for Democracy lawmaker Phyo Zeya Thaw. The four activists were sentenced to death under the 2014…  
1588. Afghanistan: Journalists detained and assaulted amid ongoing insecurity  

A female journalist was allegedly assaulted and threatened by Taliban officials on July 20 and another detained on July 26 amid continuing attacks on Afghanistan’s media. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists' Association (AIJA), condemn the assault and detainment of the journalists and call for an immediate investigation into the incidents. Dost Radio presenter Selagi Ehsaas was attacked by unknown assailants while she returned home in Moi Mubarak village of the Surkh Rod district, Nangarhar province, on July 20. The unidentified gunmen stopped Ehsaas, stole her phone and beat her with a gun, leaving her unconscious.…  
1589. Indonesia: Electronic system registration policy threatens press freedom  

The Indonesian government will begin blocking private electronic systems operators that fail to register their platforms by July 27, despite concerns from members of civil society that the policy restricts press freedom. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), and its affiliate, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia, urge the government to withdraw the policy and ensure press freedom in Indonesia. The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) has mandated that foreign and domestic digital technology platforms to register with the government under the private electronic systems policy (Permenkominfo 5/2020), extending the deadline from July 21 to July…  
1590. Afghanistan: Taliban force journalist to retract articles  

Taliban officials threatened and forced Australian journalist Lynne O’Donnell to publicly retract several articles during the journalist’s visit to Afghanistan on July 19. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the harassment of the journalist and urges the Taliban regime to immediately cease their attacks on media freedoms. Australian journalist Lynne O’Donnell arrived in Afghanistan on July 16 for a week long reporting trip and on July 17, Taliban intelligence agents summoned the journalist for questioning by the General Directorate of Intelligence. Reporting in Afghanistan for about two decades, O’Donnell was the former bureau chief in Kabul for The Associated…  
1591. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from July, 16th to July, 22nd 2022. ENGLISH: Biden helps Israel get away with murder - Electronic Intifada Ailing journalist begins hunger strike in northeast Syria prison: regime media - The New Arab Global unions demand immediate release of Syrian journalist kidnapped by SDF - Morning Star SPANISH: Buscan usar a la justicia para acallar denuncias periodísticas - Crónica Juicio por la libertad de expresión: audiencia oral se debe iniciar este…  
1592. Sri Lanka: Security forces attack journalists and unarmed protestors  

Sri Lankan security forces carried out a violent raid on the Galle Face protest site in Colombo on July 22, attacking and detaining journalists and unarmed protestors. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Sri Lankan affiliates, the Free Media Movement (FMM), the Federation of Media Employees Trade Unions (FMETU) and the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA), strongly condemn the brutal attacks on the media and call on the new Sri Lankan government to end its assault on press freedom. In the early morning of July 22, thousands of military and police personnel entered the Gota Go Gama protest site at Galle Face, equipped with riot gear. According to St John…  
1593. Indonesia: Journalist intimidated following sexual harassment coverage  

Three men attempted to intimidate a journalist at his house in Tamiang Layang, Central Kalimantan, on July 17, allegedly for his coverage of sexual harassment by a local official. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia, to condemn the intimidation of the journalist and demand the authorities conduct an investigation. On July 17, three men visited the residence of Agustinus Bole Malo, a journalist for local online media Borneonews.com. According to Agustinus’ wife, they looked through the windows and attempted to find the journalist, before leaving upon determining he was not at home. Agustinus had…  
1594. México: un periodista denunció amenazas y pidió ayuda en la conferencia de prensa matutina del presidente  

Durante la conferencia diaria conocida como “mañanera” que ofrece el presidente mexicano Andrés Manuel López Obrador, el reportero Rodolfo Montes alzó la voz para denunciar públicamente que recibió amenazas de personas presuntamente pertenecientes al cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación. También expresó que había recibido ayuda de las autoridades para dejar su ciudad pero que la escolta que se le había otorgado estaba siendo retirada. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas exige que se garantice protección a Montes y a su familia y se de seguimiento a su caso para que no quede impune. El periodista Rodolfo Montes utilizó el espacio de la conferencia de prensa diaria del presidente mexicano y…  
1595. Uruguay: la periodista Silvia Techera fue amenazada de muerte  

La comunicadora, quien es ex presidenta de la Asociación de la Prensa Uruguaya (APU), denunció ante la policía que recibió una amenaza de muerte vinculada a su trabajo periodístico a través de un mensaje privado de Facebook. El Consejo Directivo de APU expresó su repudio y exigió una investigación para dar con los responsables. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas expresa su solidaridad con la colega Silvia Techera, se suma a lo reclamado por su organización afiliada y demanda que se garantice la seguridad y la integridad de la trabajadora de prensa. La periodista Silvia Techera presentó una denuncia ante las autoridades y ante la Asociación de la Prensa Uruguaya (APU) por una amenaza…  
1596. Maldives: President ratifies controversial Evidence Act  

Despite protests by media rights organisations, Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih ratified amendments to the nation’s Evidence Act on 18 July, allowing courts to demand the disclosure of journalists’ sources. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA), condemn the act's infringement on press freedom and urge the Maldivian parliament to consult with media organisations to amend the act. While the President’s office states that the Evidence Act (Act No. 11/2022) concerns evidence in civil and criminal cases, Article 136 of the bill lists exceptions where the court can compel journalists and media outlets to reveal…  
1597. Indonesia: Draft criminal code threatens press freedom  

The latest draft of the Indonesian criminal code (KUHP) consists of several articles that potentially criminalise journalists’ work and threaten press freedom. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia, urge the government to drop all controversial articles and increase its transparency in the deliberation process. The Indonesian government submitted the latest draft of the criminal code to the House of Representatives on July 6 for a closed door deliberation of the bill, which could be passed before the end of July. According to Indonesia’s Journalists Safety Committee (KKJ), comprised of nine media…  
1598. India: Journalist Rupesh Kumar Singh arrested  

Police arrested Jharkhand-based independent journalist Rupesh Kumar Singh on July 17, accusing him of supporting Maoist groups. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU), condemn the arrest and call for the journalist’s immediate release. According to Singh’s wife, Ipsa Shatakshi, at 5:25 am on July 17 Saraikela Kharsawan district police conducted a 9-hour raid at their home, seizing a bed sheet, a nine-page notebook, a tax invoice for a motorcycle, two mobile phones, one hard-disk, the retail invoice of a car and two laptops, among other personal items. Immediately following the raid, the police arrested Singh and charged him…  
1599. Sri Lanka: Protesters force state-run broadcaster off-air  

Anti-government protesters entered the building of the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation on July 14, harassing journalists in the office and forcing its broadcast off-air. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Sri Lankan affiliates, the Free Media Movement (FMM) and the Federation of Media Employees Trade Unions (FMETU), condemn the attack and call for an end to harassment against media workers in Sri Lanka. On July 14, a group claiming to represent the ‘Aragalaya’ (the Sinhalese word for struggle) entered the Rupavahini premises and forcibly ordered the television station to limit its broadcast exclusively to the ongoing anti-government protests and entertainment…  
1600. Somalia: Series of police attacks on journalists  

Two independent journalists were violently attacked by the Federal Somali Police Force (SPF) on 18 July and one journalist was arrested and has been detained incommunicado since 16 July. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) condemn the latest attacks, amid a rise in unprovoked violence and illegitimate use of force by authorities. The two journalists, Mohamed Nur Mohamed and Munasar Abdirahaman Ahmed, were reporting on flooding and the impact of the lack of road maintenance in Mogadishu districts. They were working for the privately-owned Arlaadi Media Network, as a reporter and cameraman respectively. While reporting in the…  
1601. DRC: US and Congolese journalists arrested and detained  

UPDATE: 22.07.22 American journalist Stavros Nicolas Niarchos and Congolese journalist Joseph Kazadi Kamuanga were arrested and detained by the DRC's intelligence services on Wednesday, 13 July for allegedly making contacts with armed groups. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the arrests. According to local media reports, Niarchos, who works for The Nation and New York magazines and Kamuanga, who worked as his fixer, were arrested in the south-eastern city of Lubumbashi by the Agence Nationale de Renseignements (ANR)  and taken to the capital, Kinshasa. Niarchos was questioned “about his close links with the armed groups,…  
1602. Thailand: Police release watchlist with details of reporters and citizen journalists  

Thai police have released a document containing a list of reporters, activists and citizen journalists covering pro-democracy protests, including their photographs, personal information, and social media accounts. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the document's release and urges the Thai authorities to safeguard the safety and security of all working journalists and citizen journalists. Accompanying the journalists’ personal data, the document, marked 'classified', also contains details of Facebook accounts and a description of activities for each name listed. Named journalists include Burapat Chanpratad, a multimedia reporter for Prachatai, an independent and…  
1603. Haití: el periodista Edner Fils Decime fue secuestrado junto a otras personas  

Tres vehículos en los que se trasladaban personas fuertemente armadas interceptaron el automóvil en el que se encontraba el comunicador y al menos otras cuatro personas más, según testimonios recabados por los medios locales. Esta situación se enmarca en la profunda crisis política y social que atraviesa Haití, en donde la guerra entre bandas del crimen organizado que se disputan territorio ya dejó heridas o muertas a 234 personas en tan solo una semana, según cifras de la ONU. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas acompaña en su preocupación a la Association des Journalistes Haïtiens (AJH), organización gremial de lxs trabajadorxs de prensa en el país, y exige la libertad de Edner…  
1604. Indonesia: Journalists face harassment and intimidation while reporting  

Three journalists in Maluku and Jakarta were intimidated, harassed, and prevented from reporting in two separate incidents on July 9 and 14, amid a rising number of violations against media workers in Indonesia. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia, condemn the intimidation against the journalists and urge the authorities to ensure press freedom is protected. On July 9, journalist Sofyan Muhammadiyah was covering student demonstrations against the Maluku Governor, Murad Ismail, in Namlea, Maluku when he was harassed by the Governor’s aide, I Ketut Wardana. Muhammadiyah, a reporter for Molluca TV, had…  
1605. Sri Lanka: Regional unions demand media freedom; end to political corruption  

The South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) today called on Sri Lanka’s political leaders to ensure accountability, democracy and a free and functioning media are upheld amid the country’s political and economic crisis. As the country marks 100 days of mass uprising in Sri Lanka, the region’s media unions said there is a critical need for regional stability and a return to a functioning democracy reflecting the rights of Sri Lanka’s people. Since the Sri Lankan protests began on April 9, thousands of the country’s citizens have led calls for an end to the Rajapaksa-led government. The protests have been defined by violence and harassment against media workers, citizens and activists and…  
1606. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from July, 9th to July, 15th 2022 ENGLISH: None arrested over Kushtia journalist killing - New Age Bangladesh  Jurisdiction issues see journalist’s case back at Attock court - Dawn IFJ urges Pak authorities to drop cases against Imran Riaz Khan - Global Village Space Protest movement pushes Sri Lankan President to resign despire harassment, arrests and attacks - CIVICUS Monitor Assassins gun down Philippine broadcaster outside home - Asia…  
1607. The IFJ Gender Council reiterates its stand against sexism in sport  

The Gender Council of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the sexual assault of a female journalist in Indonesia by a football fan while covering a match between two local teams at Maguwoharjo Stadium, Sleman, Yogyakarta, on 7 July. The IFJ has joined its affiliate, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) in Indonesia, in condemning sexual harassment and urging the authorities to bring the perpetrator to justice. The Gender Council supports these demands and recalls that one of the objectives is to end sexism in the world of sport. “We have already launched a campaign ahead of the latest Olympics and we will continue to work along these lines to prevent women…  
1608. Indonesia: Female journalist sexually assaulted by football supporter  

A female journalist was sexually assaulted by a football supporter while covering a match between two local teams in Maguwoharjo stadium, Sleman, Yogyakarta, on July 7. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia, in condemning the sexual harassment and urging the authorities to bring the perpetrator to justice. A female journalist for local online media website, Liputan6.com, was assaulted and harassed when a football supporter groped her chest on July 7, outside the ‘tribune’ area of the stadium. The journalist shared the incident with two other reporters present at the match, and conveyed the assault to…  
1609. México: la Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos advirtió que las autoridades no le brindaron protección al periodista asesinado Gustavo Sánchez Cabrera  

El organismo emitió una misiva en la que confirma que hubo omisiones, dilaciones, negligencia e incumplimiento de funciones de numerosos funcionarios públicos, que tuvieron como resultado el asesinato del comunicador en junio de 2021. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas advierte que esta noticia confirma la falta de garantías y respuestas con las que se encuentran lxs trabajadorxs de prensa cuando denuncian amenazas y ataques, y exige la aplicación de medidas urgentes e integrales para abordar la violencia que sufren lxs periodistas en el país. La Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos de México emitió la Recomendación 121/2022 en la que se refiere al caso del periodista Gustavo…  
1610. Belarus: Journalist Katsiaryna Andreeva sentenced to 8 years for alleged treason  

Belarusian journalist Katsiaryna Andreeva, a correspondent with the Poland-based independent broadcaster Belsat TV, has been sentenced on July 13 to eight years in prison for alleged treason charges. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) denounce this parody of justice and call on Belarusian authorities to stop harassing and prosecuting media workers and release all journalists in jail. On July 4, Andreeva’s trial on alleged treason charges started behind closed doors in the southeastern city of Homel. On July 13, the Homel Regional Court sentenced the journalist to eight years in prison on charges of treason against the state (Article 356 of the Belarusian…  
Search results 1541 until 1610 of 15042