15058 results:

3781. Council of Global Unions Joint Statement | COVID-19 Urgent Economic Stimulus and Workplace Measures Required  

The rapid and wide spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the COVID-19 disease that it causes require an urgent global response to protect health and stimulate the economy. Governments and employers must act to protect workers and tackle transmission in workplaces. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has warned that COVID-19 could cause an economic crash similar to the 2008 recession. The need for governments to act together and through multilateral institutions to shore up the economy and keep people in work is clear. The global economy needs economic stimulus that reaches the real economy, workers and small businesses, and prioritises employment, livelihoods and communities. Income support…  
3782. Bangladesh: Journalist goes missing amidst controversial accusations  

Shafiqul Islam Kajol, a photographer and editor of Pakkhakal Shafiqul  is reported missing after being accused by the ruling Awami League of publishing false information. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges the Bangladesh government to expedite the investigations to locate Kajol and ensure his safety. Julia Ferdousy Noyon, Kajol’s wife, filed a complaint at Chawbazar Police Station, Chittagong, on March 11 after his disappearance.  Monorom Palak, Kajol’s son, said his father left their house at Bakshibazar, Dhaka, around 3pm on March 10. Police are investigating the complaint and have denied arresting Kajol. A day before Kajol’s disappearance, Kajol was accused of…  
3783. Indonesia: Lampung Governor verbally threatens and intimidates journalist  

Tuti Nurkhomariyah, a journalist with RMOL Lampung, was verbally assaulted by Lampung’s governor, Arinal Djunaidi, at a press conference on March 3. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) call on the Lampung official and others in his office to respect journalists undertaking their professional duties. Dozens of journalists and heads of provincial agencies attended the press conference held by the Lampung governor on March 3, during which he asked if there were journalists in attendance from local online media outlet RMOL Lampung. Tuti Nurkhomariyah, a journalist with RMOL Lampung, raised her hand only to be told to…  
3784. IFJ Blog: Philippines, a step closer to illiberal democracy  

President Rodrigo Duterte’s legal assault to silence the Philippines major national broadcaster ABS-CBN is following the playbook on modern authoritarianism. On Tuesday March 10, the Philippines government led by Rodrigo Duterte suffered two significant set-backs in its attacks upon the independent media network ABS-CBN. These attacks by Duterte against critical media have taken a form familiar in modern authoritarian states - that of attrition by litigation and state regulation.  Like most media organisations in democracies, Philippine television network ABS-CBN – the country’s largest broadcaster - operates under a license issued by the national government - commonly referred to…  
3785. Hong Kong: Police continue to abuse and obstruct journalists  

Over the last nine months, journalists in Hong Kong have faced obstruction, interference, violence, verbal abuse and humiliation by the police while reporting. Despite numerous calls by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), the situation has not improved. The IFJ strongly condemns police brutality against journalists and demands the Hong Kong government ensure journalists’ safety. On 2 March, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) issued an open letter to Commissioner for Police, Chris Tang Ping-Keung, raising their concern that the use of force, violence, verbal abuses and humiliation by police against…  
3786. México: Apuñalan y amenazan a la directora editorial Mireya Ulloa  

En la madrugada de este miércoles, un desconocido atacó a Mireya Ulloa, directora editorial de “La Opinión” de Poza Rica, cuando llegaba a su casa luego de su jornada laboral. Afortunadamente, sus familiares pudieron llevarla a una clínica a tiempo, por lo que se encuentra internada y su estado es estable. Desde la página web del medio “La Opinión” de Poza Rica, partido mexicano de Veracruz, se denunció hoy el siniestro. Aunque se ignora aún al autor material del hecho, desde el medio informaron que el sujeto, luego de apuñalar a la editorialista, le habría dicho que, si seguía publicando cierta información, la mataría. Es por ello que desde la editorial se calificó al ataque como “una…  
3787. Palestine: IFJ condemns Israeli army assault on journalists in Beita  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Palestinian Journalist Syndicate strongly condemn this deliberate act of violence against media workers and urges the Israeli authorities to investigate the attack and bring those responsible to justice. The PJS reported that the Israeli army fired bullets and threw tear gas at reporters while they were covering the assault of Israeli soldiers on Palestinian citizens in the city of Beita. The attack left several people injured, including journalist Baker Abdulhaq, Palestine TV correspondent in the region, who was hit by a bullet in the leg. The PJS denounced the incident as a "deliberate attack on journalists" while they were doing…  
3788. Afghanistan: Television journalists wounded in deadly Kabul attack  

A reporter and a cameraperson for Kabul News TV were wounded when members of the Islamic State attacked a commemorative event in Kabul on March 6. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists' Association (AIJA) condemn the brutal attack. Reporter Mansour Nikmal, 30, and cameraperson Najim Sultani, 25, both of Kabul News TV, were wounded when IS gunmen opened fire on a ceremony marking the 25th commemoration of death of Abdul Ali Mazari, an Afghan Shiaa leader killed in 1995 after being taken prisoner by the Taliban. At least 32 people were killed and another 58 civilians wounded in the grizzly attack. The Islamic State claimed…  
3789. Montenegro: Public broadcaster threatens journalists for speaking out  

Management of the Public Radio and Television of Montenegro (RTCG) have launched disciplinary proceedings against its editor Zoran Lekovic and journalist Nevenka Cirovic for exposing alleged irregularities at the broadcaster on social media. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) join the Trade Union Of Media Of Montenegro (SMCG) in condemning this act of intimidation and call on managers to withdraw the threat. Disciplinary procedures were initiated against Cirovic, SMCG's vice president, and Lekovic due to Facebook posts in which they condemned numerous irregularities at the public media. The SMCG warned that the procedures could result in the dismissal of…  
3790. Myanmar: Army files lawsuit against Reuters  

Myanmar’s Army filed a defamation lawsuit against Reuters news service for its coverage of the shelling of a Rohingya village in Rakhine State that resulted in the death of two women in January. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the army’s action and calls for adjudication by the Myanmar Press Council. On January 25, Reuters reported on the shelling of Kin Taung village. Two women were killed in the attack, one of which was pregnant, and seven others were wounded. The incident happened just two days after the Hague-based International Court of Justice ordered Myanmar to protect the Rohingya against further atrocities. The army rejected allegations from various…  
3791. U.S./China: U.S. - China retaliations threaten press freedom  

Ongoing retaliations between the U.S. and Chinese government prevent journalists from working and threaten to critically impede the flow of information during the coronavirus outbreak. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) objects to the use of visa policies as weapons against journalists and calls on China and the U.S. to end reactive punitive measures. According to a report by the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China (FCCC), 22% of the journalists interviewed reported difficulties renewing their press credentials and at least 12 correspondents received only short term visas, valid for six months or less. The FCCC fears that China is preparing to expel more journalists in the…  
3792. China: Three citizen journalists vanish; authorities tighten controls amid COVID-19 crisis  

The number of citizen journalists to disappear in China in the last month after reporting on covid-19 has risen to at least three, with reports that former journalist Li Zehua was arrested on February 26. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) said the disappearances are a grave concern for the international media community and urges China’s authorities to provide transparent information on their whereabouts and grant their immediate release. It also reminded on the vital need to respect the international community’s right to information. Li Zehua, a citizen journalist in Wuhan who had been reporting about the reality of life inside Wuhan since its lockdown, had uploaded a video…  
3793. Italy: journalist threatened by mafia group  

On 6 March, Gennaro Del Giudice was threatened by the Camorra mafia while reporting on a shooting in Naples, Italy. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) condemn this act of intimidation and call on the authorities to guarantee his safety. Del Giudice is the Editorial Director of Cronaca Flegrea and works with Il Mattino di Napoli. Cronaca Flegrea has previously been targeted by the mafia group because of its publications and investigations. On Wednesday 6 March, following his arrest, a mafia affiliate threatened Del Giudice. After being handcuffed, he said that the raid on his home two years ago was commissioned by the group. “I'm watching what you're…  
3794. Iraq: Journalist kidnapped by gunmen  

Al-Sabah journalist Tawfik Al-Tamimi, was abducted on 9 March by unidentified gunmen on his way to Baghdad. The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) demands his immediate release. Al Tamini's colleagues claimed the Iraqi journalist may have been targeted as a result of a Facebook post he published on Saturday - in which he asked for the release of his friend, publisher and writer Mazen Latif, abducted 37 days before in similar circumstances. IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger said: "We call for Tawfik's immediate release and demand the Iraqi government immediately investigate the circumstances surrounding his abduction".  Journalis, press freedom, freedom, abducted,…  
3795. IFJ Voice March 2020 - Editorial: Against Violence and harassment  

March 8 was an opportunity for the IFJ and its affiliates to demand that governments transpose ILO Convention 190 on violence and harassment in the world of work into national law. This convention is a concrete response to the endemic violence facing journalists and specifically women media workers through harassment, online threats, sexist comments and physical violence. Keep calling on your governments to ratify Convention 190  to oblige media employers to put in place real policies to curb violence in the workplace, including online violence. Join the campaign. Anthony Bellanger IFJ General Secretary editorial, ifj voice, harassment, violence, women,…  
3796. India: Two men arrested for brutal attack on Tamil Nadu journalist  

Two men have been arrested for a brutal assault on journalist M Karthi who sustained serious head injuries an attack in Sivakasi on March 3. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemn the attack and highlight the need for stronger protections for journalists in India. M Karthi, a reporter with the Tamil weekly Kumudham Reporter, lost six teeth on his upper jaw and two teeth in his lower jaw when he was allegedly set upon by two men brandishing iron rods. That day he had published the story ‘Rajendra Balaji ai veezhthuvara Rajavaraman?’  (Will Rajendra Balaji be defeated by Raja Varman?). The story detailed the possible…  
3797. Myanmar: Journalist and photographer abducted and tortured in Kayin State  

A journalist from Frontier Myanmar and a news photographer from The Myanmar Times were detained, beaten and interrogated in the jungle of Kayin State, in south-eastern Myanmar, on March 4 by members of the Karen State Border Guard Force (BGF). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the mistreatment of the journalists and calls for an investigation into the incident. The two media workers, journalist Naw Betty Han and photographer Ko Mar Naw, were on assignment near Border Gate 1 in Myawaddy, Kayin State, taking pictures of heavy machines building a new casino when they were seized by guards. Wearing black suits and armbands with Chinese insignia, the guards ordered them…  
3798. Algérie: un journaliste arrêté en marge d'une manifestation  

MIS A JOUR 29.05.2020 Le journaliste algérien Khaled Drareni a été arrêté le 7 mars alors qu'il couvrait une manifestation à Alger et demeure en détention. La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) exige sa libération immédiate. Khaled Drareni, correspondant de la chaîne TV5 Monde, et fondateur du site d’information en ligne Casbah Tribune, a été présenté le 8 mars devant le procureur du Tribunal de Sid M'hamed pour « attroupement et incitation à un attroupement ». Il a vu sa garde à vue prolongée de vingt-quatre heures pour "complément d'information".   En signe de protestation, des journalistes ont organisé un sit-in ce 9 mars devant le tribunal de…  
3799. Iran: IFJ denounces the systematic harassment against BBC Persian journalists at the Human Rights Council  

BBC journalist Rana Rahimpour attended today on behalf of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) the Human Rights Council in Geneva. During her intervention, she denounced the systematic harassment by the Iranian regime of current and former BBC Persian staff. Read here the full speech of Rana Rahimpour Thank you Mr Vice-President, for the chance to address the Council on behalf of the International Federation of Journalists.  Since the protests in November, Iran has increased its intimidation of family members of BBC Persian journalists. Our relatives have been interrogated and their passports confiscated. Together with my colleagues, I am being harassed and…  
3800. Turkey: EU leaders must call on Erdoğan to release journalists imprisoned in Turkey  

The presidents of the European commission and council, Ursula von der Leyen and Charles Michel, will meet Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Monday evening over his decision to open his border to migrants travelling to Europe. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) call on European leaders to demand that Erdogan release 94 journalists imprisoned in Turkey for doing their job. Though the number of jailed journalists in Turkey declined slightly, from 110 at the beginning of 2019 to 91 by the close of the year (94 on this date), Turkey remains a highly repressive environment for journalists. Turkish authorities and courts continue to deliberately link…  
3801. Unions demand fair share in EU Copyright Directive submission  

The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) submitted on 6 March a position paper to the European Commission (EC) on the implementation of Article 17 of the EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, to ensure protected journalistic works available on online content-sharing service providers (“OCSSPs”) are effectively and fairly remunerated. Article 17 of the new Directive aims to close the “value-gap” between rightsholders and online platforms and to ensure a fair share of the wealth generated by platforms, – tech giants in particular - using protected works, is distributed to creative industries and their authors. The position paper was submitted to…  
3802. Australia: Media giants shutter Australian Associated Press  

Australia’s major newswire service, Australian Associated Press (AAP), will close its doors on June 26, in a controversial move by majority shareholders News Corp and Nine Entertainment announced on March 3. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) call on the government of Australia to address an ‘impending crisis’ that will leave public interest journalism in Australia in turmoil. Majority shareholders of AAP, News Corp and Nine Entertainment stated AAP will close after 85 years as it is “no longer viable”. Newsrooms across Australia will feel the impact of AAP newswire service closure that has been described as…  
3803. Pakistan: Police contradict Aziz Memon post-mortem report  

Despite a post-mortem report detailing slain journalist Aziz Memon died from asphyxiation from a wire tied around his neck, Pakistan’s police declared on March 4 he died of “natural causes”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) condemn the police response to the murder and call for urgent action to arrest his killers. On March 4, Additional Inspector General (AIG), Waliullah Dal, briefed the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Interior, insisting Aziz Memon died of “natural causes” and highlighted his hypertension and diabetes as key factors in his death. Two days later, however, Dr Tahseen Hussain and Dr…  
3804. India: News channels receive gag order for covering Delhi riots  

Malayalam-language news channels Asianet News and MediaOne received bans for alleged “bias” content covering the Delhi protests amidst the climbing death toll. The International Federation of Journalists and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemn the government censorship and implore the government to refrain from enforcing bans on the media. India’s Ministry for Information and Broadcasting issued two orders on March 6 imposing a 48-hour ban, accusing the two outlets of reporting on the riots “in a manner that highlighted the attack on places of worship and siding towards particular community.” Despite the ministry claiming the coverage has the potential to “incite…  
3805. India: Police block journalists covering NIA operation in Pulwama  

Police barred two journalists from reporting on a government operation in Pulwama district, in Indian-administered Kashmir, and confiscated their equipment on March 4. The International Federation of Journalists and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemn police harassment of the media in Indian-administered Kashmir. On March 4, Indian police stopped  television journalists Qayoom Khan, a reporter for CNN News 18, and Qisar Mir, from TV9, from reporting an operation by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in Hakripora, a village in Pulwama district, 30 km from the summer capital of Srinagar.  The Kashmir Press Club said police…  
3806. IFJ in the news!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between March 02 and 06, 2020. English The ‘sadistic’ trial of Julian Assange. (ECHO NETDAILY) To cement internet control, Iran helps journalists get online ( CPJ ) Social media’s become powerful tool ( IOL ) Watch, Sputnik Turkey Office After Police Search. (SPUTNIK) Calls for 'responsible' reporting on coronavirus as Government breaks Today and GMB boycott. (Press Gazette) Français Journalistes de Sputnik agressés en Turquie:…  
3807. SEAJU: South East Asia journalists support ABS-CBN franchise renewal  

Journalists across South East Asia express solidarity with more than 10,000 ABS-CBN media workers that may be left unemployed if the ABS-CBN franchise is not renewed. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South East Asia Journalists Unions (SEAJU) call on Congress to pass the ABS-CBN franchise extension. The Republic Act 7966, which granted ABS-CBN's franchise a 25-year license from March 30, 1995, will expire shortly. While earlier expectations were that CBS-ABN’s licence would expire on March 30, it is now thought that the current licence could remain in place until May 4, 2020. Since 2014, several bills to renew ABS-CBN franchise for the next 25 years were filed in…  
3808. IFJ calls to ratify Convention 190 on violence and harassment  

To mark International Women's Day on 8th March, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges world governments to ratify the International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention 190 on Violence and Harassment in the world of work and help reduce the "unacceptable" level of violence against women journalists. Convention 190 was adopted by the International Labor Organization (ILO) on 10th June 2019 and is now in the process of ratification by Member States. The IFJ and other Global Unions Federations have been battling for several years in support of a convention that would outlaw gender-based violence at work. According to IFJ statistics, 65% of women journalists…  
3809. Guatemala: Muere el periodista Bryan Guerra, baleado en Chiquimula  

El periodista guatemalteco Bryan Guerra murió este martes, cinco días después de haber sido baleado. El ataque ocurrió el 27 de febrero pasado en Chiquimula, al este del país, y aún no se saben los autores materiales ni intelectuales del crimen, así como tampoco las razones del mismo. Bryan Leonel Guerra, que trabajaba como presentador del noticiero TLCOM, fue atacado a balazos el pasado 27 de febrero, en la ciudad de Chiquimula, unos 98 km. al este de la Ciudad de Guatemala. Luego de cinco días hospitalizado, falleció ayer, a los 25 años, a causa de heridas ocasionadas por armas de fuego. A pesar de la denuncia que la Procuraduría de Derechos Humanos (PDH) efectuara el pasado 29 de…  
3810. Chad: Jailed journalist on hunger strike to protest against "judicial manipulation"  

A jailed Chadian journalist is on hunger strike after claiming the authorities manipulated the charges against him. Martin Inoua Doulguet, who was sentenced to three years in jail in August 2019, is protesting against what he claims are “various forms of manipulation” of his case. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemned his imprisonment on unsubstantiated charges and without a fair and transparent trial. The editor of the Salam Info quarterly, Inoua Martin Doulguet, started his hunger strike on March 2 to protest against “the judicial manipulation” of his case, according to news reports. Doulguet was initially…  
3811. Philippines: Court orders GMA network to reinstate 51 employees  

The Court of Appeals (CA) ordered the reinstatement and backpay of wages for 51 former Global Media Arts (GMA) network employees. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) welcome the CA decision and urge GMA to respect the court order. The CA on February 25, ordered GMA network, a commercial television and radio network in the Philippines, to reinstate 51 workers who were fired for protesting against the companies unfair labour practices in 2015. The Court found the employees to be entitled to reinstatement without loss of seniority rights and the full payment of wages including any benefits or allowance…  
3812. Hong Kong: Arrests raise concerns over selective law enforcement  

Jimmy Lai, owner of pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, was arrested on February 28 on suspicion of taking part in an anti-extradition assembly. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the police for arresting Lai’s and suppressing freedom of expression in Hong Kong. On February 28, Jimmy Lai, founder of Next Media Limited, was arrested alongside pro-democracy figures Lee Cheuk-yan and Yeung Sum for allegedly taking part in an assembly during an anti-extradition law demonstration last August 31. Under the Public Order Ordinance it is an offence for three or more people to “act together in a disorderly manner with the intent to cause others to fear that a breach of peace…  
3813. Nepal: Journalist threatened for reporting bribe- negotiation  

Ajayababu Shiwakoti, the general secretary of the Nepal Press Union (NPU), received threats for his reporting on an alleged bribery scandal involving Nepal’s minister of communications and information technology. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the Nepal Press Union (NPU) and the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FJN) call on authorities to immediately ensure Shiwakoti’s safety. Shiwakoti is the editor in chief of  www.hamrakura.com, which published a story on February 20, linking an audio recording alleged to be that of the minister, Gokul Prasad Baskota, negotiating with Bijay Prakash Mishra, a Nepal agent of a Swiss equipment supplier on the…  
3814. IFJ urges media to report responsibly on Coronavirus crisis  

As the media coverage of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak idominates media all over the world, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has urged media to report responsibly and avoid creating any unjustified panic that could worsen the situation. In the light of the emergence of new coronavirus infections across the world, the IFJ believes the media’s role is to provide citizens with verified, accurate and factual reporting and avoiding sensationalist reporting that could lead to general panic and fear. In the context of catastrophes or epidemics, following the IFJ Global Charter of Ethics for Journalists becomes more important than ever. The principles gathered in this…  
3815. Lettre ouverte à l’attention du Président Macron concernant la demande d’asile de Julian Assange  

Huit organisations, dont la Fédération internationale des journalistes, ont signé le 27 février 2020 une lettre ouverte au Président de la République française Emmanuel Macron, lui demandant d’accorder l’asile au journaliste et fondateur de WikiLeaks, Julian Assange.   Monsieur le Président, La Ligue des droits de l’Homme (LDH), la Fédération internationale des Ligues des droits de l’Homme (FIDH), la Maison des lanceurs d’alertes, le Syndicat national des journalistes (SNJ), le SNJ-CGT, Reporters sans frontières (RSF), la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), la Fédération européenne des journalistes (FEJ) vous demandent d’apporter une réponse positive à la demande…  
3816. IFJ in the News!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between February 22 and 28, 2020. English International Federation Of Journalist (IFJ) Official Visits Lahore Arts Council (LAC) Mohammad Ali, Urdu Point UNESCO, Al-Jazeera Media Network and International Federation of Journalists concluded training sessions on Advancing Safety India EducationDiary 'No justice' for Tanzanian journalist freed after seven months in jail Kate Hodal, The Guardian Français Face au coronavirus, les médias multiplient les…  
3817. China: Bookseller Gui Minhai sentenced to 10 years of jail  

Gui Minhai, a Swedish citizen and journalist formerly based in Hong Kong was sentenced on February 24 to ten years in prison for allegedly “illegally providing intelligence overseas” .The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the courts sentencing of Gui Minhai and demands his immediate release. On February 24 the Court of Ningbo City, an eastern port city in China, found  Gui, a publisher and shareholder of Mighty Current Media which owned the Causeway Bookstore in Hong Kong, guilty for illegal providing intelligence overseas. The court said Gui pled guilty and will not appeal the decision. The trial’s verdict, handed down five days after a petition by Swedish…  
3818. Turkey: Two journalists hacked in cyber attack after tweeting about killed soldiers  

Two columnists of the daily newspaper Yeniçağ, had their phones, Twitter and Gmail accounts hacked on February 23 after writing an article about the death of Turkish soldiers in Libya. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate DİSK Basın İş condemn the hacking of journalists’ working tools which is a blatant attack on press freedom. On Sunday, February 23, the daily newspaper Yeniçağ announced in a statement that two of its journalists,  Batuhan Çolak and Murat Ağırel, fell victim to a cyber attack after publishing an article naming two Turkish soldiers killed in Libya. On Saturday (February 22), President Recep Tayyip…  
3819. India: Journalists shot, punched and kicked in Delhi communal violence  

Akash Napa, a journalist working for JK 24×7 media was shot and at least four other journalists were injured during communal unrest in Delhi on February 25 over the country’s controversial Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists (India-NUJI) condemn the attacks and urge the India’s government to do more to ensure the safety of journalists in the country. Journalists came under attack while covering the communal violence rocking northeast Delhi since Sunday, February 23. Several have been hospitalised after being punched and attacked by communal mobs, where…  
3820. Pakistan: Anti-Taliban journalist gunned down in Swat Valley  

Javedullah Khan, the bureau chief for Urdu language newspaper Ausaf, was gunned down on February 25 in Matta, 40-kilometres northwest of Pakistan's Swat Valley. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) condemn the brutal killing. According to senior police official Muhammad Ijaz Khan, the 36-year-old journalist was killed when two gunmen opened fire on his vehicle. He died at the scene. A police guard accompanying him was unhurt in the attack. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.  A local peace committee member Fatehullah Khan called this a "targeted attack." PFUJ said the remote Swat…  
3821. Affiliates activities for 8th of March  

Just like every year, the IFJ highlights the activities of our unions and affiliates to mark Women's Day on 8 March. Take a look at the activities and materials which we will be updating in the coming weeks, and get inspired to join the list with your union! Peru: ANPP 6-7 March : 14th National Meeting of Women Journalists, Lima. Approximately 100 women journalists from Lima and the regions will participate. A sit-in in front of the Ministry of Labour on Friday, March 6th at 12:00 demanding better living and working conditions for women. Denmark: Dansk Journalistforbundt A self-defence workshop for journalists will be organized on Women’s Day. Costa Rica: The Costa Rican…  
3822. Five things you need to know about the ILO Convention 190  

Here are five things you need to know about the ILO Convention 190 on harassment and violence in the world of work. Remember, you don't have to wait for C190 to be ratified! Continue reading on what your union can start doing today to change the lives of journalists. Five things to know about ILO Convention 190 on harassment and violence in the world of work Once it's ratified by your government it becomes legally binding It protects all media workers irrespective of their status (freelance, interns, part-time) It makes violence and harassment a health and safety issue. Media employers will need to include violence and harassment when managing occupational health and safety…  
3823. Javed Khan  

The bureau chief for Ausaf, the Urdu language daily newspaper in Matta, was shot and critically injured by two unidentified gunmen who opened fire on his vehicle in the northwest of Pakistan. Reports said that the local police confirmed the incident, saying that journalist was with police guard in what they described as “a targeted attack.” 36-year-old Javed Khan, who previously worked as a correspondent for Dawn in Mingora, a locality of the Swat valley, was taken to hospital but died on the way.   Journalists' safety, Pakistan, IFJ, Impunity  
3824. Pakistan: Promises made for urgent government action for media pay crisis  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its Pakistan affiliate Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) call for urgent government action to force Pakistan’s media companies to pay up to 11 months’ worth of unpaid salaries to journalists. This amids a crisis which has led to several media workers dying from stress or committing suicide. The issues of unpaid salaries for Pakistan’s media were a key focus of a five-day mission to Pakistan by IFJ Deputy General Secretary, Jeremy Dear, organised by the PFUJ and its affiliated unions in Karachi, Punjab and Sheikhupura from February 18-22. In meetings with provincial government ministers, regional governors, editors, media…  
3825. Assange Extradition Preview  

When Julian Assange emerges from the tunnel connecting Belmarsh prison with Woolwich Crown Court this morning it will be his first public appearance since May 2019. Then, Judge Deborah Taylor sentenced the Wikileaks founder to 50 weeks in prison for violating his bail conditions in 2012. Today starts in earnest his fight against extradition to the United States and a potential 175-year jail sentence. Text by Tim Dawson, IFJ and NUJ representative at Julien Assange´s extradition hearing. The hearings promise to set precedent for the extraterritorial reach of US justice, and the potential prosecution of those who publish leaked US government information. Also likely are fresh revelations…  
3826. IFJ in the News!  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between February 14 and 21, 2020 English Body of Pakistani Reporter Found Hours After He Went Missing New York Times IFJ Secretary Calls On Speaker Pervaiz Elahi Muhammad Ifran, Urdu Point Philippine protesters back ABS-CBN television survival against Duterte Asia Pacific Report Conference recommends enhancing social media freedom and security The Peninsula International Conference on 'Social Media' begins on Sunday The Gulf Times World-wide…  
3827. India: Journalist killed in car accident  

Two people, including a Captain TV journalist were killed in a car accident at Kallankattupudur in Tamil Nadu on February 18. The IFJ is saddened on the death and urges all journalists to remain safe when reporting. B Chandrasekar, 36, who worked as a reporter for Captain TV and university student, R Kishore, 19, were killed in the car accident at 12:45am on Coimatore-Pollachi Road while travelling from Malumichampatty, the residential village in the Coimbatore-South taluk, Coimbatore district.  The two were killed when the car they were driving rammed into a divider. While Kishore died on the spot, the Captain TV journalist, Chandrasekar died on the way to Pollachi Government…  
3828. China: Swedish journalists and publishers petition China for release of Gui Minhai  

Swedish journalists, publishers and media jointly launched a petition on February 20, calling on China to release imprisoned Swedish writer and publisher Gui Minhai. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports its affiliate the Swedish Union of Journalists (SJF) in its calls to release Gui Minhai so he can return home. The petition collectively called on China’s President Xi Jinping to end a “campaign” of harassment against people who engaged in Gui Minhai’s case, drawing particular reference to China’s ambassador in Sweden, Gui Congyou, and outlined that “many Swedish journalists, editors, publishers, politicians, organisations, and researchers have since been victims of the…  
3829. China: Three Wall Street Journal reporters expelled from China  

Chinese authorities have cancelled the press passes of three journalists from the Wall Street Journal and given them five days to leave the country in retaliation for the publication’s recent opinion coverage on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) and the National Writer Union (NWU) call on China’s leaders to reconsider such a move at a time of global concern and urged for the journalists’ visas to be reinstated. The move to expel the three journalists follows the WSJ’s publication of an opinion piece on February 3 by Walter Mead entitled “China is the Real Sick Man of Asia”,…  
3830. México: Asesinan a la locutora Teresa Aracely Alcocer en Chihuahua  

La tarde del pasado martes, la locutora de radio Teresa Aracely Alcocer fue asesinada a balazos en la colonia El Barreal, Ciudad Juárez. Trabajaba para la estación de radio La Poderosa y tenía 37 años. Medios locales confirmaron ayer el asesinato de Teresa Aracely Alcocer, conocida públicamente como “Bárbara Greco”. Trabajaba como locutora de radio en La Poderosa, estación local de la colonia El Barreal. De acuerdo con Julio Castañeda, vocero de la Fiscalía Especializada en Investigar Violencia contra las Mujeres por  Razones de Género (FEM), la joven de 37 años fue ultimada por varios sujetos armados en el cruce de las calles Honduras y 20 de Noviembre, en Ciudad Juárez, una de las…  
3831. Abdel Nasser Haj Hamdan  

The journalist and photographer for Binnish Media Office was killed in airstrikes on Idlib, according to a statement by UNESCO’s Director-General. Source: UNESCO Journalists' safety, Syria, IFJ, Impunity  
3832. Thailand: Government proposes to monopolise crisis news coverage  

Thailand’s government announced plans on February 17 to reform media coverage to allow only one single state-run media outlet to cover so-called national crises. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the proposal by the Prayut Chan-o-cha administration as a severe violation of Thailand’s press freedom. Buddhipongse Punnakanta, Thailand’s digital economy and society minister who also chairs the government’s anti-fake news centre, raised the proposal in a Senate meeting while responding to questions about the media’s reporting during Thailand’s worst mass shooting in history on February 8 and 9. At least 29 people killed and dozens more wounded in a mass shooting in the…  
3833. Indonesia: Journalist arrested for reporting on alleged corruption  

Mohammad Sadli Saleh, the chief editor of Liputanpersada.com was arrested for publishing an article covering alleged corruption connected to road construction in Central Buton district, South East Sulawesi. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia condemn the arrest and urge authorities to release Sadli from prison. Sadli published the article on July 10, 2019 questioning the budget of the road construction project but was not arrested until five months later on December 17, 2019. Sadli’s article was originally published on Liputanpersada.com and widely circulated on various Facebook and WhatsApp groups; the…  
3834. Teresa Aracely Alcocer  

The 37-year-old female radio presenter for radio La Poderosa was gunned down in the El Barreal colony, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua state. According to authorities quoted by local media, the presenter also known as "Bárbara Greco"was shot dead by unidentified attackers on the Mexican border with United Nations which has a strong presence of members of organised crime groups. Teresa Aracely Alcocer used to collaborate with a radio programme dedicated to reading letters and she had recently condemned on her social networks the murder of the girl Fatima, a femicide case which shocked many in the country. Journalists' safety, Mexico, IFJ, Impunity  
3835. Qatar: IFJ leaders address social media challenges at international conference  

International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) leaders convened on 16-17 February in an International conference in Doha, Qatar, to address social media challenges and their impact on freedom of expression and journalists' work. The Conference on Social media challenges and ways to promote freedoms and protect activists brought together over 300 participants across the globe including journalists and their unions' leaders, think tanks, human rights activists, NGOs and international organisations. The conference included speeches from prominent human rights, press freedom advocates, UN Special Rapporteurs, and experts on anti-terrorism and international law as well as IFJ unions'…  
3836. India: Kashmiri journalist detained in nocturnal raid  

Kamran Yousuf, a multimedia journalist who works with Newsclick, was detained by Pulwana police late in the evening of February 16 and interrogated for several hours. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condemn Yousuf’s illegal detention. Police officers led by the Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) and Station House Officer (SHO) surrounded Kamran Yousuf’s house in Kashmir’s Pulwana district at 11pm on February 16, before knocking on the door. When Yousuf answered, he was taken by police van to the DSP Pulwana office.   Yousef told IFJ monitors that the police officials asked him to come with them and took his…  
3837. Hong Kong: Former leader meddles over satirical content on public broadcaster  

Former Hong Kong leader Leung Chun-ying has called for the sacking of the director of broadcasting for Hong Kong’s public broadcaster, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK). The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) warns against the political interference and meddling by the former chief executive in Hong Kong’s media. RTHK’s political news satire program Headliner, was the subject of Leung Chun-Ying’s (CY Leung) ire after an episode broadcast on February 14 about Hong Kong‘s police response to the coronavirus. He subsequently posted on his Facebook account on February 16 calling for RTHK’s director of broadcasting, Leung Ka-Wing, to be fired for allegedly defaming police and…  
3838. Australia: Federal Court dismisses questions over journalist raids  

Australia’s Federal Court rejected the case put forward by Australia’s national broadcaster, the ABC challenging the legality of police warrants used to raid their offices in 2019. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Media, Entertainment and Arts Affiliate (MEAA) notes the decision as evidence of the severe threat Australia’s laws pose to press freedom and the public’s right to know. On February 17, Justice Wendy Abraham dismissed the ABC’s legal challenge finding the Australia Federal Police (AFP) complied with the law when issuing the warrant. The ABC’s challenge claimed the warrant was “legally unreasonable” and had no meaningful limitation to what…  
3839. Abduwali Ali Hassan  

The 25-year old journalist was shot to death by unknown gunmen in the Afgoye town of the Lower Shabelle Region, 30 kilometers south of Mogadishu as he was returning from an assignment. Ali Hassan was critically injured and was taken to hospital where he died later of his injuries sustained in the attack. He had been a contributor for Mogadishu-based Kulmiye Radio and the London-based Somali channel Universal TV.  According to journalists' testimonies collected by the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), an IFJ affiliate, Ali Hassan had received threatening calls from a hidden telephone number. They also believe he had been targeted because of his recent reporting…  
3840. Somalia: Freelance journalist killed by unidentified gunmen  

Freelance radio and TV journalist, Abduwali Ali Hassan (25), was shot to death by unknown gunmen on February 16. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) mourns his death and stands by its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) in condemning this crime and calling for justice to be delivered. Journalist Abduwali Ali Hassan, also known as Abduwali Online, was shot to death late Sunday, in the Afgoye town of the Lower Shabelle Region, 30 kilometers south of Mogadishu. He was returning from an assignment when unknown gunmen opened fire on him. Ali Hassan was critically injured and later died due to the wounds when he being transported to Mogadishu…  
3841. Philippines: Protestors support ABS-CBN franchise renewal despite uncertain future  

More than 500 journalists gathered to protest threats to the survival of the largest television network in the Philippines, ABS-CBN, on February 14 amid ambiguous state by politicians regarding the broadcasters’ franchise renewal. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists Philippines (NUJP) condemns the blockade of the ABS-CBN franchise renewal and re-iterates the need for a reviewal bill to pass through parliament. On Friday, February 14,  more than 500 people gathered to fight government attempt to close ABS-CBN as part of the Red Friday protest in Quezon City, Metro Manila. The protest was organised by the NUJP,…  
3842. Pakistan: Killed journalist found strangled in irrigation canal  

Aziz Memon, a journalist with Kawish Television Network (KTN) TV and Sindhi-language Daily Kawish was found dead in an irrigation waterway in Mehrabpur in Southern Sindh on February 16. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) condemn the brutal murder. PFUJ has called for national protests to demand urgent action on the killing. UPDATE March 6: The post-mortem examination confirmed that journalist Aziz Memon died due to asphyxia as a result of suffocation. The body of 56-year-old Memon was recovered from a canal near Gaddo Bridge in the Naushahro Feroze district near where he lived, after locals reported a…  
3843. Bangladesh: Journalists attacked during Dhaka City elections  

Attacks on journalists and obstruction to reporting were documented in Bangladesh during the Dhaka North and South city elections on February 1. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the series of attacks at polling stations by polling agents and political party supporters and calls on Bangladesh’s authorities to do more to quell election attacks on media workers in the country. The Dhaka City mayoral and councillor elections on February 1 were fraught with suspected irregularities at polling booths, low voter turnout as well as obstruction of journalists attempting to cover polling by activists and political parties. At least nine journalists were attacked while…  
3844. Aziz Memon  

The journalist for Kawish Television Network (KTN) TV and Sindhi-language Daily Kawish was found dead in an irrigation waterway in Mehrabpur in Southern Sindh. The body of 56-year-old Memon was recovered from a canal near Gaddo Bridge in the Naushahro Feroze district near where he lived, after locals reported a body floating in the water. Memon, who was also president of the Mehrabpur Press Club, was found with wire tied around his neck. His body was taken to the Sindh-based Taluka Hospital for medical and legal formalities. Initial investigations indicate he died from strangulation.   Police told Dawn newspaper that Memon received many…  
3845. IFJ co-organises international conference on social media in Doha  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will co-organise the international conference “Social Media: Challenges and Ways to Promote Freedoms and Protect Activists” in Doha, on February 16 and 17. The two-day conference, held in Qatar, is organised by the IFJ together with the European Parliament, The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the National Human Rights Committee of Qatar (NHRC), the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI).  Over 300 international organisations, universities, think-tanks, journalist and trade unions, major specialised companies and social networks will attend the sessions. The…  
3846. Liban: un journaliste agressé à Beyrouth, ses assaillants en fuite  

Un journaliste a été violemment agressé par des inconnus le 12 février dans le quartier d'Hamra dans le nord ouest de Beyrouth, au Liban. La FIJ soutient son affilié le Syndicat des journalistes libanais (SJL) et exige que les agresseurs soient immédiatement traduits en justice. Mohammed Zbeeb, ancien rédacteur en chef de la section économique du journal al-Akhbar et membre du SJL, a été agressé et battu par trois inconnus, dont l'un armé d'un bâton, dans un parking. L'agression a eu lieu alors que le journaliste venait de quitter le séminaire où il enseignait la finance et les procédures bancaires. Les inconnus ont pris la fuite après l'agression. Le journaliste a été…  
3847. Pakistan: Government clamps down on digital creators  

The Pakistan government has hammered through strict controls to digital content creators in 2020. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) condemn the regulations and urge the authorities to revise the guidelines after consulting with journalists, media organisation and relevant stakeholders. The proposed Consultation on Regulating the Web TV & Over the Top TV (OTT) Content Services was published on the PEMRA website on January 8 with a deadline for comments on the proposal due on February 14. The proposal seeks to regulate online content creators and imposes license fees up to PKR 10,000,000 (USD…  
3848. Paraguay: Asesinan al periodista Leo Veras en Pedro Juan Caballero  

La noche del miércoles 12 de Febrero, desconocidxs ingresaron al domicilio del periodista y lo balearon, ocasionándole la muerte. Leo Veras era encargado del portal web de noticias Porã News y corresponsal de algunos medios brasileños. Agrupaciones de medios denunciaron que la noche del miércoles, mientras el periodista Lourenço “Leo” Veras se encontraba en su domicilio, ubicado en la ciudad de Pedro Juan Caballero, fue sorprendido por al menos dos desconocidxs que dispararon varias veces contra él. El comunicador fue trasladado al hospital luego de ser atacado donde finalmente falleció. Leo Veras era periodista y encargado del portal web Porã News y corresponsal de otros medios de…  
3849. Senegal: BBC Afrique staff protest against the dismissal of Jacques Matand  

The BBC Afrique media staff protested against the dismissal of journalist Jacques Matand and the sanctions taken against several colleagues, regarding an interview with Franco-Cameroonian writer Charles Onana on Rwanda. The International Federation of Journalists support all their demands to the BBC management board. BBC Afrique statement: It is with great concern, We, BBC Afrique employees, learned the dismissal of our colleague Jacques Matand Diyambi and the sanctions taken against several colleagues, regarding an interview with Franco-Cameroonian writer Charles Onana on Rwanda, broadcasted four times on radio and published on the BBC Afrique website. Therefore , we would like to inform…  
3850. Indonesia: Journalist attacked while covering Sumatra land conflict  

MNC group journalist Indra Yoserizal was attacked by security officers from a forestry company while covering a clash between the company and residents in Pelalawan, Riau province on the island of Sumatra on February 4. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia call on authorities for direct investigation of the company to ensure the perpetrators are identified and brought to justice. Yoserizal and several other journalists were covering the land conflict between the forestry company and residents at Gondai village, Pelalawan - a regency of Riau. The origins of the dispute stemmed from Nusa Wana Raya’s recent…  
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