15060 results:

4131. Pakistan: 150 journalists sacked without cause at ARY and AAJ News  

Pakistan news outlets ARY News and AAJ News have reportedly terminated the jobs of 150 journalists, justifying the mass lay-offs as part of a downsizing strategy. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), condemn the reprehensible treatment of the media workers and call for investigation into the unlawful terminations. A similar downsizing was reported on August 29, with 70 journalists losing their jobs from  from Dunya News’ Lahore headquarters. According to the PFUJ, Dunya News has earmarked  200 journalists for job termination.   Economic security is increasingly concerning for journalists in…  
4132. IDUAI: 30 countries closed media and blocked internet access so far in 2019  

In advance of the International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI) on 28 September, the IFJ has condemned the fact that more than 30 countries have been guilty of closing media or blocking internet access so far in 2019, threatening citizens’ fundamental right to free access to information. Established in 2015 by the UNESCO, the IDUI - commonly known as Access to Information Day - highlights the importance for citizens to have free access to information in democratic systems. Only by fostering media freedom, public access to information and free uncensorsed access to internet is it possible to achieve equitable and empowered societies. This year, the IFJ is marking Access…  
4133. Maroc : une journaliste victime d'une campagne de diffamation  

MISE A JOUR 17.10.2019 Une journaliste a été arrêtée par la police marocaine pour " relations sexuelles illicites et avortement illégal" le 31 août et l'évènement a été largement relayé par la presse. La FIJ et son affilié le Syndical National de la Presse Marocaine (SNPM) dénoncent une "campagne médiatique  de diffamation malveillante et contraire à l'éthique"  à l'encontre de leur consoeur. Hajar Raissouni, journaliste au quotidien arabophone Akhbar Al Yaoum a été entendue par un tribunal de Rabat ce lundi 2 septembre et sera de nouveau auditionnée le 9 septembre.  L'affaire fait l'objet d'une couverture médiatique considérable au Maroc où l'avortement est interdit, ainsi…  
4134. IFJ Voice - Editorial: Towards a Just Climate Transition   

IFJ staff and affiliates joined tens of millions of students, workers and climate activists demonstrating in defence of the planet during the week of action from 20 -27 September. In addition to that, the IFJ was keen to remind its affiliates that media coverage of environmental issues needs to go well beyond popular demonstrations, and that journalists have a key role to play in telling the truth about climate change.  As a global federation of trade unions, we must also remind world leaders that only climate justice can ensure a just transition and a sustainable future for all, without leaving anyone behind. We cannot rely on hypothetical promises to reduce emissions and protect the…  
4135. Nicaragua: Cierra el segundo periódico más importante de Nicaragua por presiones del gobierno  

El Nuevo Diario, el segundo periódico más importante de Nicaragua, anunció el viernes 27 de septiembre el fin de su publicación debido a las presiones del gobierno y de las dificultades económicas y logísticas sufridas en el último año. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) se solidariza con todos los trabajadores de el Nuevo Diario y exige a las autoridades que cesen el acoso a medios de comunicación y garanticen las condiciones materiales básicas para el ejercicio del periodismo. El Nuevo Diario, periódico impreso y digital con casi 40 años en Nicaragua, anunció en un breve comunicado la decisión de suspender indefinidamente su publicación debido a las circunstancias…  
4136. Palestine: Former head of PJS Naim Toubassi died  

The former head of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, Naim Toubassi – who played a prominent role in the campaign to free kidnapped BBC reporter Alan Johnston – has died of cancer at the age of 70, his union announced today. As well as head of the PJS, Toubassi was elected to the IFJ’s Executive Committee at its Congress in Athens in 2004 and re-elected three years later in Moscow. He also served as Deputy General Secretary of the Federation of Arab Journalists. Following the kidnapping of BBC reporter Alan Johnston in Gaza, Toubassi organised demonstrations and campaigned vigorously for his release, working with Alan's own union the NUJ in the UK. In a statement the PJS said: “The…  
4137. Afghanistan: Spike in media violations surrounds Afghanistan election  

Multiple media violations against journalists were recorded during the fourth round of Afghanistan’s presidential elections on Saturday, September 28. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Afghanistan affiliate, the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) in highlighting the challenges for journalists in covering elections and calls for stronger efforts to stop election-related violations that impact the media’s ability to report. According to AIJA, at least three journalists were attacked during the weekend election, which was covered by local and international media in various parts of Afghanistan. AIJA also fielded at least ten complaints by journalists…  
4138. Bulgaria: Independence of public service media BNR threatened  

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) joined their affiliate, the Union of Bulgarian Journalists (UBJ), to express support to the journalists of the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) who are facing widespread pressure from their management. The crisis in the Bulgarian public service started with the dismissal of the longtime radio journalist and legal expert Sylvia Velikova and the five-hour broadcasting suspension of the BNR’s Horizont Channel on September 13.  During a hearing in the Council of Electronic Media (CEM) on the following days, the editorial board of the radio channel exposed the pressure exerted by the BNR’s Director General through…  
4139. IDUAI: 30 countries closed media and blocked internet access so far in 2019  

In advance of the International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI) on 28 September, the IFJ has condemned the fact that 30 countries have been guilty of closing media or blocking internet access 30 o far in 2019, threatening citizens’ fundamental right to free access to information. Established in 2015 by the UNESCO, the IDUI - commonly known as Access to Information Day - highlights the importance for citizens to have free access to information in democratic systems. Only by fostering media freedom, public access to information and free uncensorsed access to internet is it possible to achieve equitable and empowered societies. This year, the IFJ is marking Access to…  
4140. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, September 21th to Friday, September 27th 2019:   Journalists urge global pushback vs. threats to press freedom, USA Inquirer Combatting disinformation in Asia Pacific: Intended – and unintended – consequences, IFEX Female journalists trained on gender equity and safety, News Ghana Climate activists: Ireland should show leadership at UN summit, The Irish Times 180 periodistas chilenas firman carta contra el acoso, El Desconcierto Periodistas chilenas condenan el acoso…  
4141. Ukraine: Media regulator revokes digital licences of independent TV channel  

The National Television and Radio broadcasting council of Ukraine, the media regulatory authority, has revoked all digital licences granted to independent broadcaster Channel 112.  The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (IFJ/EFJ) joined their affiliate the National Union of Journalists in Ukraine (NUJU) in condemning a decision that threatens press freedom and the livelihood of hundreds of media workers. On 26 September, the Ukrainian media regulator revoked the digital licences of the 5 television companies belonging to Channel 112.  According to the regulator, they had violated the programming concept of…  
4142. Indonesia: Journalists attacked while covering student protests  

Journalists covering student protests in cities across Indonesia were attacked by police in a series of brutal incidents on September 24. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) condemn the systematic harassment and brutality by Indonesian police and call for immediate action by authorities to hold all perpetrators to account. Thousands of university students held rallies across Indonesia this week to protest the revision of several Indonesian laws in Jakarta, Bandung, Garut, Solo, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Palembang, Medan, Denpasar, Makassar and Palu. AJI said some journalists covering the rallies were injured…  
4143. Indonesia: Journalist arrested for Twitter post on conditions in Papua  

Dandhy Dwi Laksono, a journalist filmmaker for WatchDoc, was arrested on September 26 and charged under Indonesia’s controversial Information and Electronic Transaction Law (ITE Law) for a series of Twitter posts about the ongoing protests in Papua. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) supports its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia in their demand for all charges against the journalist to be dropped immediately. Shortly after arriving home at 10.30pm, police came to Dhandy’s house with an arrest warrant, before taking him into custody for questioning at Jakarta Metro Police station. The police accused Dandhy of violating Article 28 and Article 45…  
4144. Afghanistan: Journalist killed in election attack  

Abdul Hamid Hotaki, a political talk show host at Hewad independent public media group, was critically injured in an explosion near the campaign office of President Ashraf Ghani, in the southern city of Kandahar at approximately 8:30pm on September 24. Hotaki died in the hospital the following day. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Afghan Independent Journalists Association (AIJA) condemn the killing and urge the authorities to investigate the circumstances surrounding the explosion. Hotaki was on his way to pick up medicine from a clinic when he was caught up in the bombing. The explosion also killed three other people, including a child. Seven others…  
4145. Philippines: Expanded law broadens scope for protection of journalist sources  

Online and broadcast journalists in the Philippines will have greater ability to protect their sources following an expansion of the country’s existing shield laws. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) welcome the enactment of the Republic Act 11458 and call for broad and meaningful commitment to its principles to ensure that all journalists in the Philippines will have full and open access to the law and its protections in future. The Republic Act 11458, an amendment to previous RA No. 53 or Sotto law, will allow media workers from television, radio, online and wire service news organizations in…  
4146. IFJ calls on UN Human rights Council to protect press freedom in Somalia  

The IFJ was at the UN Human Rights Council's 42nd session in Geneva this week. Together with its affiliate the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) the federation addressed the situation of journalists in Somalia.   Speaking at the Council, NUSOJ Secretary General Omar Faruk Osman said: "Widespread patterns of attacks against journalists and advocates of freedom of expression, unlawful and arbitrary restrictions on access to information continue unabated in several regions of Somalia. Despite this organised suppression of free expression, we have also witnessed resilience and courage, journalists and other media practitioners are refusing to give up, coming together to fight…  
4147. China: IFJ condemns the government exam for press credentials  

The Chinese government is about to launch a compulsory loyalty exam that all journalists in the nation have to take before applying or renewing their press credentials. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) denounces all measures to control the work of journalists and their freedom of expression through licensing. It has been reported that the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Propaganda Department will start to require journalists pass a compulsory loyalty exam on the Party and President Xi Jinping in order to earn or renew their press credentials. The exam will be conducted through Study Xi, Strong Nation, a smartphone app launched in January to disseminate the President’s…  
4148. Haití: Un fotoperiodista resulta herido de bala luego de que un senador disparara en la sede legislativa  

El 23 de septiembre el fotoperiodista Dieu-Nalio Chery recibió un tiro por parte del senador Jean Mary Ralph Féthière, quien realizó disparos cerca de los comunicadores que acudían al Senado para cubrir la sesión de ratificación del primer ministro designado por el presidente. El episodio se dio en el marco de las fuertes protestas que desde hace meses se suceden en el país caribeño. Dieu-Nalio Chery, fotoperiodista y trabajador de la agencia Associated Press (AP), recibió este lunes un disparo en la mandíbula producto de un tiroteo protagonizado por el senador Jean Mary Ralph Féthière, representante del departamento del norte y miembro del partido oficialista Tèt Kale. El Senador Féthière…  
4149. Tribute to Rainer Raichert: "a true union activist"  

It is with great sadness that the IFJ has learnt the passing away of Rainer Raichert, member of the German union DJV and a strong supporter of trade unionism. It is with great sadness that the IFJ learned of the death of Rainer Raichert, a member of the German journalists' union DJV and a strong supporter of trade unionism. The chair of the EFJ Labour Expert Group, passed away on his way to attend an EFJ meeting in Brussels on 23 September. "We have lost a friend, a true union activist and a strong supporter of press freedom", said IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger. "Rainer will be remembered as someone always ready to help, a kind person with a great sense of trade…  
4150. Hong Kong: IFJ condemns smear campaign to discredit HKJA  

The Global Times, a Chinese state-run media outlet published a report yesterday about a smear campaign against the IFJ’s Hong Kong affiliate, the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), urging the IFJ to revoke HKJA’s IFJ membership. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) deplores this smear campaign against the HKJA to discredit the organization and the work of its members. The Global Times, an English media owned by the state-run People’s Daily, published an article on September 23, which referred to a ‘campaign’ launched by several Hong Kong journalists against the Hong Kong Journalist Association (HKJA), and requested the IFJ to revoke HKJA’s membership. The journalists…  
4151. Stronger coordination needed to counter global disinformation on Hong Kong  

There is now clear evidence that hundreds of thousands of social media accounts are being used to spread disinformation about Hong Kong’s ongoing political crisis with a view to manipulating public debate. The right to freedom of expression, which includes the right to seek and receive as well as impart information and ideas, means that governments should not intentionally spread disinformation. Greater efforts are needed on the part of social media companies to understand the scope of this problem and to take action to prevent official disinformation while also respecting the right of users to freedom of expression. Since the start of protests in Hong Kong in June, the spread of…  
4152. Somalia: Puntland government imposes restrictive surveillance measures on media  

Authorities in Puntland, an autonomous region of Somalia, announced on 22 September that all the independent media houses and journalists operating in the region will have to register in “order to monitor their daily journalistic work”. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) in condemning the "blatant attempt to restrict and control journalists". Puntland’s Information Minister Ali Hassan Ahmed announced that all journalists in Puntland are obliged to register at his ministry before 15 October 2019 to monitor their activity. The minister added that the ministry will examine the professional experience of the media workers and…  
4153. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Saturday, March 1st to Friday, March 8th 2019: IFJ condemns arrest of nine journalists in Nepal, United News of India IFJ condemns arrest of nine journalists, The Himalayan Times IFJ draws attention to journalists being arrested in Kathmandu, The Himalayan Times ‘Energetic support’ needed against impunity for attacks against journalists, The Shift Rights groups call on new Secretary General of the CoE to make press freedom a priority, Ifex Pakistan: Scribe Found Dead After Going…  
4154. Make Climate justice top of the agenda, says IFJ to mark week of action  

The IFJ has joined tens of millions of trade unionists and climate activists around the world in urging world leaders to put climate justice at the top of their agenda as global actions kick off across the globe to mark Climate action week on 20-27 September. As workers and activists plan a week of actions ahead of the UN summit on climate change on 23 september, the IFJ  and its affiliates are demanding climate justice by challenging the economic order to make it a better world for all citizens. IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger said: "Journalists have a key role to play in telling the truth about climate change. As unions we also need to remind world leaders that only climate…  
4155. Pakistan: Government attempts to introduce media tribunals  

The Pakistan government has announced a plan to introduce media courts to regulate the press. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) reject the government plan to set up media tribunals and the Pakistan Media Regulatory Authority. On Tuesday, September 17, the Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Information Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan announced the government’s plan to introduce special tribunals and media regulatory bodies. Dr Awan added that the media tribunals would replace the current media oversight body. The government promised that the new media courts would apply judicial standards, reflect the values…  
4156. Nigeria: Journalist arrested after taking photos of police raid  

Mary Ekere, a journalist with The Post Newspaper in Uyo city, Nigeria, was arrested on Monday, 16 September by the authorities for taking photos of a police raid. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the National Union of Journalists of Nigeria (NUJ) in condemning her arrest for simply doing her job. According to local media reports, Ekere was walking through a popular recreational spot when she saw officials of the Akwa Ibom regional government task force raiding the spot and decided to take pictures of the operation. The spot is said to be notorious for illegal street-trading. Gideon Ekere, editor-in-chief of The Post Newspaper, said: “They (the police) were on an…  
4157. Open letter to new Secretary General of the Council of Europe  

Along with 21 other organisations, the IFJ signed an open letter sent to the new Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Marija Pejčinović Burić, who is starting her five-year term of office on 18 September 2018. Dear Secretary-General, On behalf of the undersigned organisations, we warmly congratulate you on your appointment as the new Secretary-General of the Council of Europe. We are motivated by our experience and understanding of the worsening of the environment for journalists and free expression across Europe to ask you to make sure that your commitment to democracy, the rule of law and human rights will be reflected in enhanced efforts for the effective protection of freedom of…  
4158. Indonesia: Journalists attacked covering the protest  

Journalists covering the demonstration in front of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in Jakarta, on Friday, September 13, were harassed, blocked and had their equipment damaged. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia condemn the attack and call the authorities to investigate and hold accountable those responsible for the assault. A group of 100 people calling itself ‘The Alliance of Students and Youth Volunteers who Love the NKRI’ and the Indonesia Students Association staged a protest outside the KPK offices in Jakarta in support of the revisions of the KPK Law No. 32/2002. The demonstration…  
4159. Hong Kong: Website doxing Hong Kong protesters, including journalists  

A website was recently found to have purported to post personal information of journalists in Hong Kong. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) strongly condemn doxing of journalists and urge the Hong Kong government to take action to protect the privacy of journalists and citizens. The website registered under a “.ru” domain name was discovered on September 17, containing personal information of reporters and citizens who the site alleges participated in the recent Hong Kong protests. Personal information disclosed on the website includes photos, date of births, job details, social media accounts, residential…  
4160. Ghana: GJA, IFJ hold workshop on climate change reporting  

The Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) under the Union to Union (UTU) Project 2019 held a two –day workshop on “Climate Change Reporting” from 11 – 12 September, in the Ghanaian capital, Accra. The workshop, which brought together 20 participants from the print media, radio, television and online was aimed at enhancing their capacities to report more effectively on climate change. The lead trainer at the workshop, Martin Segtub, a researcher on climate change communication, emphasized that one does not necessarily need to be a science student to be able to report effectively on climate change. He however noted that…  
4161. Activists across world times zones unite to tackle the biggest issue of our time, human DISPARITY  

With inequality raging to the highest levels in history, reducing the appalling disparity between the rich and poor is arguably one of the most critical issues humankind must tackle. There hasn’t been a major film about the biggest issue of our time. Until now. In an unprecedented collaboration –The Real Aid Campaign in association with the world’s largest organisation of media professionals - The International Federation of Journalists are co-presenting a landmark documentary film, Disparity, in what sets out to become the World's Biggest Film Screening.  IFJ national affiliates, who represent 600,000 media professionals in more than 140 countries, will be invited to host screenings…  
4162. Philippines: Leading tabloid’s office targeted in arson attack  

The offices of Abante Tonite, a leading Philippines tabloid were stormed by four men and set alight in an arson attack on Monday, September 9 in Parañaque City, Metro Manila. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has backed its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning the attack, and demands the authorities launch an investigation and prosecute those responsible. According to Fernando Jadulco, managing editor of Abante Tonite, four masked gunmen have barged into the printing plant at around 2 am as the team had finished printing the day’s edition. The arsonists poured gasoline on the presses and printing supplies and set those alight.…  
4163. Nepal: Union officials arrested protesting job losses  

Union leaders from the Nepal Press Union (NPU) and the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) were among nine journalists arrested as they protested job losses in Kathmandu on Monday. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the NPU in deploring the arrests and demands an immediate investigation into the incident. Journalists were protesting against the sacking of three journalists from Radio Nepal in Doti on Monday. Radio Nepal is the government-owned radio. The three journalists were sacked without any prior notice or administrative work. NPU and FNJ were demanding the reinstatement of the journalists’ jobs during the protests. At 2pm nine union leaders,…  
4164. Somalia: Police search two prominent radio stations in Puntland  

Police forces searched two stations of radio Daljir's in northeastern Somalia on 14-15 and 16 September. The International Federation of Journalists joins its affiliate the National Union of Somali Journalists ( NUSOJ) in strongly condemning the assaults and calling on Somali authorities to stop intimidating the press. On 14 September troops raided the building hosting Radio Dajir in Garowe  in the northern breakaway state of Puntland at around 1 pm and searched the station's offices while it was broadcasting live. Hassan Heykal and Ayanle Abdullahi Jama, two journalists working for Radio Daljir, told NUSOJ that the police had come to arrest the director, following an…  
4165. Pakistan: Journalist kidnapped and killed on his way home from work  

Pakistani journalist Zafar Abbas, who had been missing since September 7, was found dead five days later in Punjab, in eastern Pakistan. The International Federation of Journalists joins its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning the killing and calling on the authorities to investigate and bring the offenders to justice. Abbas, who worked for 7-News, was on his way home from work late at night when he was kidnapped. A report of the kidnapping was filed to the local police station, however the police did not investigate the matter. Five days later, Abbas was found dead in a dry well at Mauza Kali Shah in Punjab. Following the protest from the PFUJ…  
4166. India: IJU goes to court, fighting internet shutdown in Kashmir  

Since August 5, the Indian government has imposed a shutdown of the internet in Jammu & Kashmir. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) have strongly condemned the shutdown as a violation of the right to information. In protest to the ongoing shutdown, the IJU have filed an Intervention Application (IA) in the apex court, to intervene with the Anuradha Bhasin writ petition challenging the communications lockdown in Jammu and Kashmir, in the Supreme Court. Today, a bench headed by Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi will hear the case. In its IA, the IJU noted that the shutdown in Jammu and Kashmir has violated the Indian…  
4167. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday, September 6th to Friday, September 13th 2019: Free Press Unlimited and European Centre for Press and Media Freedom join Council of Europe Platform, COE Tanzanian journalist could face up to five years in jail without trial, The Guardian Hong Kong journalists warn of rising police violence against them, The Guardian Businesswomen to defend Hong Kong government’s handling of protests at UN, South China Morning Post Tanzania: Investigative journalist, Eric Kabendera, could face up…  
4168. Palestine: IFJ welcomes the government's commitment to delivering media sector reform  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcomed the commitment of the Palestinian government to delivering on its promises for media sector reform in Palestine during its meeting with leaders of the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate. On 7 September, the leadership of the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) met the Palestinian Prime Minister, Mohammad Shtayyeh, to discuss the government's commitment to strengthening press freedom, the safety of journalists and addressing the media sector reform. PJS President Naser Abu Baker and PJS' press freedom committee head Mohammad Lahham attended the meeting.   Mr. Shtayyeh said his government will take immediate steps to pass…  
4169. Zafar Abbas  

The lifeless body of the journalist who worked for DAWN was found in a dry well at Mauza Kali Shah of Punjab, eastern Pakistan, five days after he was kidnapped by unidentified people on his way home from work late at night on 7 September. According to media reports, the kidnapping was filed to the local police station, however the police did not investigate the matter. Following the protest from the IFJ member Pakistani Federation Union of Journalists (PFUJ) and its affiliate Vehari Union condemning the authorities’ unwillingness to investigate, the Chief Minister of Punjab Province ordered an investigation and five suspects were identified in connection with the kidnapping and the…  
4170. Sri Lanka: State-run broadcast moved to purview of Defence Ministry  

The Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation (SLRC), Sri Lanka’s state-run broadcaster has been moved from the purview of the Media Ministry to the Defence Ministry under presidential powers. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates the Free Media Movement (FMM), the Sri Lanka Working Journalists Association (SLWJA) and the Federations of Media Employee Trade Union (FMETU) in strongly condemning the move by Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena, threatening the independence of the media outlet. On September 9, an Extraordinary Gazette was issued bringing the SLRC under the purview of the Ministry of Defence. The Extraordinary Gazette was issued on presidential…  
4171. India: Journalists under threat in Uttar Pradesh  

In the past week journalists have come under threat in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, targeted by authorities for simply doing their job. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Indian Journalist Union (IJU) have strongly condemned the targeted action from authorities, harassing journalists in the state, and demanded immediate action from the local government to end the crackdown. On September 6, journalist Santosh Jaiswal was arrested for taking photos and videos of children mopping floors at a local primary school. Jaiswal had called police to complain, however when police arrived they arrested him on charges of “extortion and obstructing public servants from…  
4172. Somalia: Independent news websites blocked by Somaliland and Puntland authorities  

A court in Hargeisa city, located in Somalia’s northern breakaway region of Somaliland, ordered on September 4 the blocking of Hadhwanaag news website, while Puntland’s government blocked on September 3 Puntland Times news website. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) in condemning both rulings as an attack on press freedom. The Somaliland court blocked Hadhwanaag news following the publication of a report critical with the Somaliland Central Bank and its governor, Ali Ibrahim Jama 'Baghdadi', who submitted a lawsuit against the media. Following the governor’s request, the court ordered the internet service providers…  
4173. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday, August 30th to Friday, September 6th 2019: 1. Hong Kong a ‘test for European leadership’, trade unions say, Euractiv 2. Contrary to Serbian government's claims, fact-checking initiative shows that journalists are far from being ‘all safe’, Global Voices 3. International Federation of Journalism condemns journalists’ arrest in Zimbabwe, The Zimbabwe Mail 4. Tanzanian Journalist’s Lawyer Presses for Trial, Voice of America 5. Tanzanian lawyers urge speedy…  
4174. Hong Kong: Over 50 organisations call on government to guarantee media freedom  

The International Federation of Journalist (IFJ) and Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), together with over 50 journalist unions and leading freedom of expression organisations around the world, have today written to the Hong Kong government, urging it to give stronger assurances that press freedom is protected in Hong Kong. The letter also urged Hong Kong’s Government under Carrie Lam to ensure the personal safety of journalists, and establish an independent committee for investigation. The IFJ and HKJA has recorded a large number of violations to press freedom since the breakout of protests in June, and observed that assaults of journalists are becoming more serious.  The…  
4175. China: WSJ journalist visa renewal denied following critical report  

According to the Wall Street Journal, China effectively expelled a Wall Street Journal reporter from the country, one month after the newspaper published a report detailing allegations that a cousin of Chinese leader Xi Jinping was involved in high-stakes gambling and potential money laundering in Australia. The International Federation of Journalists strongly criticizes the decision to reject the visa renewal, and request the Chinese authorities to reverse this decision immediately. Chun-han Wong, a Singaporean national who has worked for the Wall Street Journal from Beijing since 2014, had his visa renewal rejected by Chinese visa. In July, Wong and reporter Philip Wen published a…  
4176. Cameroon : community radio presenter abducted  

Radio Bonakanda, a community radio station based in Buea, South West region of Cameroon was attacked by unknown gunmen at around 10 pm on Tuesday, 3 September and set ablazed. The radio presenter on duty at the time of the attack, Mary Namondo, was abducted by the gunmen and is yet to be released. So far, no group has claimed responsibility for the kidnap of Mary Namondo. The General Secretary of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Anthony Bellanger, condemned the attack on the community radio station. "This attack of the radio and abduction of Mary Namondo is unwarranted, mindless and unacceptable.  Journalists must be allowed to do their work without fear or…  
4177. Maldives: Inquiry finds extremist group responsible for Rilwan’s murder  

Five years after the disappearance of Maldivian journalist Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla, an independent inquiry found that he was killed by a local extremist group linked to Al-Qaeda. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) welcome the findings of the inquiry, and demand swift and immediate action to prosecute those responsible, including officials who impeded the investigations over the past five years. On September 1, the Presidential Commission on Investigation of Murders and Enforced Disappearances announced that their investigation had found that Rilwan was killed by the local group. According to the Commission, Rilwan was killed at sea on August 8 2014. The latest developments come…  
4178. Myanmar: Appeal hearing against defamation charges against editor  

Mandalay District court allowed an appeal hearing against the decision to drop defamation charges against the editor of Myanmar Now Ko Swe Win. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) criticises the decision to appeal the decision to drop the charges. According to the Irrawaddy, the complainant Ko Kyaw Myo Shwe, has submitted the appeal on Monday, August 26 following the decision of Maha Aung Myay Township Court to drop the charge against Ko Swe Win. The lawyer for the plaintiff U Zaw Weik said that the court has accepted the appeal and the hearing will start from both sides on Tuesday, September 9. The case began two years ago when Ko Kyaw Myo Shwe filed a lawsuit against Ko Swe…  
4179. Indonesia: Journalists blocked from covering protests  

Journalists in Jember, East Java, have been asked to not cover the protest against discrimination in Papua by the authorities last week. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia to strongly criticize the attempts to restrict the media and urge all sides to respect the independence of the journalists. For nearly three weeks, media in Indonesia have continuously reported the demonstrations against the racial abuse toward Papuan students in Surabaya, East Java. One of the protests has occurred in Jember, on Wednesday, August 28. Before the demonstration, journalists were approached by the authorities, both…  
4180. India: Journalists assaulted while covering violent clashes  

Senior police assaulted several journalists as they covered violent clashes in Barrackpore, a city in West Bengal, on Sunday, September 1. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in condemning the attack and demanded the police investigate the incident. The protest by the supporters of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) against the capture of the party office by The Trinamool Congress (TMC) turned violent. In the clashes, Arjun Singh, the member of the parliament from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) suffered head injuries after he claimed that the police hit him with the baton. Following the clashes, the police then tried to…  
4181. Indonesia: Revision of criminal code threatens to suppress press freedom  

At least 10 articles in the revised draft bill of criminal code threaten freedom of the press and freedom of expression, including defamation against the president and vice president, contempt of court, religious defamation, and disbursing of false news. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia call on the government and House of Representative to halt their plan to pass the law. The decision to maintain these articles shows that the authorities are simply ignoring recommendations from key stakeholders. The draft also contains articles on insulting the president and vice president. It is a step-back for the…  
4182. Pakistan: Journalists march against massive layoffs at Dunya News  

The leaders of the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) and hundreds of journalists and media workers marched on and locked down the Dunya News group headquarters in Lahore, the capital of Punjab province, on Tuesday 3 September to protest against the massive redundancies made by its management. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) backs its affiliate in condemning the layoffs and demands the company to reverse its decision. The rally, led by the PFUJ General Secretary Rana Muhammad Azeem, began at the Lahore Press Club. Around 500 workers, officials of the Lahore Press Club, and leaders of different unions joined the march and walked to Dunya News headquarters. Once…  
4183. Turkey: IFJ and EFJ call on HRC to address Turkey crackdown against journalists  

The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) sent along with other journalists and human rights organisations a letter to the United Nations Human Rights Council member and observer states to raise the ongoing crisis for freedom of expression in Turkey. Read the full letter below. Excellencies, Ahead of the 42nd regular session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), we, the undersigned human rights and journalists’ organisations, call on your delegation to speak out and address the Turkish government’s repressive campaign against freedom of expression. The Council must not continue to ignore such a blatant violation of Turkey’s international human rights law…  
4184. Honduras: Asesinan al periodista Edgar Joel Aguilar en Copán  

El periodista hondureño Edgar Joel Aguilar fue asesinado por varios individuos sin identificar el sábado 31 de agosto en la localidad de La Entrada, situada en el departamento de Copán, al oeste de Honduras. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) condena el asesinato y exige que se haga justicia con los autores intelectuales y materiales de este terrible crimen. Aguilar, quien trabajaba como corresponsal del Canal Seis de televisión en el departamento de Copán, fue asaltado por varios sujetos en el interior de una barbería, quienes sin mediar palabra, dispararon contra él quitándole la vida de forma inmediata.   Según sus compañeros de trabajo, Aguilar había recibido…  
4185. Pakistan: Journalist killed in reprisal attack for reporting on local gangs  

Mirza Waseem Baig, a journalist working for 92 News, was killed by unidentified assailants in Punjab, a province of eastern Pakistan, on Friday 30 August 2019, following his reporting on local gangs activities. The International Federation of Journalists stands with its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) in condemning the killing and calling on the authorities to immediately open a thorough investigation into the killing to bring his killers to justice. The journalist was shot six times outside his home and died on the way to the hospital while the unidentified gunmen escaped from the scene, according to news reports.   The PFUJ…  
4186. Congo: Workshop on Climate Change Reporting  

The Fédération syndicale des travailleur de la communication (FESYTRAC) in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) held a two –day workshop on Climate Change reporting under the Union To Union Project (2019) from 30 – 31 August in Brazzaville.   The Workshop brought together 20 participants to build their capacities to report effectively on climate change. The lead trainer at the Workshop, Philippe Movou, President of the High Council for the Freedom of Expression, a regulatory body for the media in Congo, noted that the Workshop is in line with the decisions of the Congolese press taken during their meeting in 2018, calling for the “opening of the…  
4187. US: IFJ backs calls to adopt CASE Act  

A bill in the US creates a small claim procedure to help creators tackle copyright infringements. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today reiterated support for the National Writers’ Union’s (NWU) calls to adopt the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement Act or CASE Act (H.R. 3945 and S. 1273), a bipartisan proposal in the U.S. Congress to reform U.S. copyright law. The IFJ and its affiliate in the US strongly support the bill or CASE Act (H.R. 3945 and S. 1273), which would create a simplified “copyright small claims” procedure to allow creators to enforce their rights against infringement, without resorting to costly and time-consuming lawsuits.…  
4188. Edgar Joel Aguilar  

The correspondent for Canal Seis, a TV news channel based in the department of Copán, was gunned down in the town of La Entrada, western Honduras. Media reports said that unidentified gunmen shot dead Aguilar, having singled him out inside a barbershop. Journalists' safety, Honduras, IFJ, Impunity  
4189. Mirza Waseem Baig  

The journalist working for 92 News was killed by unidentified assailants in Punjab, a province of eastern Pakistan, following his reporting on local gangs activities. The journalist was shot six times outside his home and died on the way to the hospital while the unidentified gunmen escaped from the scene, according to news reports.   Baig became the second journalist to be killed since the start of the year, following the murder of senior journalist Aman Ullah Gharro who was gunned down on 30 April by assailants in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan.  Journalists' safety, Pakistan, IFJ, Impunity  
4190. IFJ in the News  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Read some of the news highlights from Friday, August 23rd to Friday, August 30rd 2019: Tanzanian lawyers urge speedy trial, medical help for prominent jailed journalist, Euronews International Federation of Journalism condemns journalists’ arrest in Zimbabwe, The Zimbabwe Mail Int'l Federation Of Journalists Condemns Attacks On Reporters During Hong Kong Protests, UrduPoint IFJ Urges Iran To Lift Jail, Lash Sentences For 3 Journalists, UrduPoint Kirill Vychinski : «Je vais certainement continuer mon métier de journaliste»,…  
4191. Serbia: journalists physically and verbally attacked by football fans  

N1 Television journalists were physically and verbally attacked in Belgrade (Serbia) on Wednesday 28 while they were reporting on a football match. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ and EFJ) condemned the attacks and called on the Serbian authorities to identify and prosecute the perpetrators. On 28 August 2019, TV N1 crew, including journalist Mladen Savatovic and TV channel Federalna correspondant Dejan Kozul were attacked while reporting ahead of the football Champions League game between Red Star Belgrade and Young Boys in Belgrade. N1 journalists were shooting a news report outside stadium about a war tank installed by the Red Star…  
4192. IFJ launches log to monitor ongoing violence against journalists in Hong Kong  

Since the start of protests in Hong Kong in June, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) have logged at least 30 media violations. The IFJ and HKJA today launch Monitoring Hong Kong's Protests a log of the ongoing media violations. The log is a collaboration of monitoring by the IFJ and HKJA, following on from action calling on the Hong Kong government to ensure the safety and security of the media as they report from the protests. Through journalist testimony and reports, the IFJ and HKJA have recorded incidents of harassment, threats, intimidation and violence. On August 5, one journalist was hit in the head with a…  
4193. Tanzania: Charges against journalist Erick Kabendera must be dropped  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today called on the authorities in Tanzania to drop all charges against prominent Tanzanian journalist Erick Kabendera ahead of his court appearance tomorrow, 30 August. Kabendera, a well-known freelance journalist who works for several local and international media, has been held in custody awaiting the trial since 29 July, when police arrested him for questioning over his citizenship. However, when he appeared in court for bail hearing on August 5, prosecutors filed new and totally different charges of working with criminal networks, tax evasion and money laundering, offences for which he couldn’t qualify for bail. The first…  
4194. México: La FIP y la FEPALC exigen acciones internacionales para parar la masacre de periodistas  

El asesinato del periodista del Nevith Condés Jaramillo el pasado 24 de agosto ha desatado la indignación de sindicatos nacionales y organizaciones regionales de periodistas. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) se une a la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) en su petición de acciones internacionales para acabar con la política de exterminio de periodistas e impunidad en México. Nevith Condés, reputado periodista de 42 años y fundador del portal El Observatorio del Sur, fue hallado muerto en el municipio de Tejupilco, al sur de México. Según informes de la Fiscalía General de Justicia del Estado de México su cuerpo fue hallado con heridas de arma…  
4195. Philippines: Journalists targeted with threats and intimidation  

Several journalists have been threatened and intimidated in Philippines, including a death threat to one of them. The International Federation Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in condemning the threats and intimidation, and demanding the authorities ensure the safety and security of the country’s media. On Wednesday, NUJP reported that journalists in Cagayan de Oro had received threats via a courier service. The threats were sent to Iglesia Filipina Independiente priest Fr. Rolando Abejo and a city hall employee. The threats targeted the former director of NUJP Leonardo Vicente “Cong” Corrales, who also works as an associate…  
4196. Pakistan: Journalists left jobless as Dunya News downsizes  

Dunya News has sacked 70 journalists from its Lahore headquarters as part of a plan to downsize the company. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) have strongly criticized the mass terminations and called on the management to ensure that all entitlements are paid. According to reports, 70 journalists based in the Lahore headquarters of Dunya News had their employment terminated as part of the company downsizing. A list has also reportedly been finalized for journalists in Karachi, Rawalpindi and Islamabad who will have their employment terminated. According to PFUJ that list includes the names of 200…  
4197. Ukraine: end of pre-trial detention of RIA Novosti journalist  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) have today welcomed the pre-trial release of RIA Novosti journalist, Kirill Vyshinsky, in Kyiv, Ukraine. The release came after the IFJ-EFJ have expressed several times their concerns over the long-lasting pre-trial detention of Vyshinsky. In May 2018, the Ukrainian security services raided the office of RIA Novosti in Ukraine and arrested its bureau chief and journalist, Kirill Vyshinsky, on charges of high treason. In July 2018, Vyshinsky was given additional charges of illegal handling of weapons. His pre-trial detention has been extended several times. On 19 July 2019, Vyshynsky appeared…  
4198. Pakistan: Journalists rally against Kashmir communications shutdown  

Pakistani journalists have staged a series of protests to demand an end to the persecution of local media in Jammu and Kashmir. The rallies – organized by IFJ affiliate the Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) - condemned the Modi government in India for the communications blackout which has been imposed in the region since early August. Up to 500 journalists from cities across the country staged a number of rallies starting on August 23, including at the Lahore Press Club and outside Parliament House in Islamabad in conjunction with the Rawalpindi & Islamabad Union of Journalists (RIUJ). Speakers condemned the impact of the communications blackout on journalists’ ability…  
4199. China: Australian writer charged with espionage  

Australian writer Yang Zhengjun who has been detained in China since January 19, 2019 has being formally arrested on 'suspicion of espionage'. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) have condemned the arrest and called for his immediate release. Yang Zhengjun is the editor in chief of an independent website, iLabour.net/”New Generation” (Xinshengdai). The website publishes reports and stories on worker’s rights. Yang is also a prominent worker’s rights activist himself. He was detained on January 19 as he arrived at Guangzhou airport on a flight from New York. Following his detention he was placed on ‘residential surveillance’. IFJ’s Australian affiliate the Media…  
4200. Philippines: Student publication harassed by police  

Last week, the official student publication of the University of Eastern Philippines in Catarman, The Pillars, was intimidated by the police on a number of occassions. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) in strongly criticize the actions of the police and call for an end to harassment of the media. The intimidation began last week, when four men, one identified himself from the Regional Mobile Group in Lavezares, went to the Pillar office and grilled the editor in chief over a candle vigil. The publication had organized the vigil to protest the recent killings in Negros. The men demanded to see…  
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