15041 results:

71. Pakistan: Two journalists attacked and tortured  

Journalist Khursheed Rajput of Tando Adam was allegedly tortured by local police on August 9, while journalist Kashif Ghafoor Arain was attacked and robbed on August 11, in separate provinces across Pakistan. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ), in condemning the recent attacks and urging provincial police authorities to thoroughly investigate these incidents. On August 9, Tando Adam journalist, Khursheed Rajput, was reportedly tortured by local police in Sindh while in custody, Rajput was arrested and charged with robbery and illegal possession of weapons. The journalist has denied these charges, asserting…  
72. Somalia: Official Information Bill endangers the right to access information  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) together with the signatory organisations, including the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) and its Somali affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), call for the withdrawal of the Official Information Bill (OIB) from the Parliament for a thorough review, guaranteeing transparency, accountability and the essential right to know for all citizens of Somalia. We, the undersigned organisations, express profound concern regarding the proposed Official Information Bill (OIB), passed by the Council of Ministers in March 2024 and forwarded to the House of the People of the Federal Parliament of Somalia. This Bill…  
73. Indonesia: Journalist’s car vandalised by unknown assailants  

The car of Tempo Media Group investigative journalist Hussein Abri Dongoron was vandalised in a targeted attack in Jakarta on August 5, with authorities unable to confirm the assailants’ motives. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliates, the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Indonesia and SINDIKASI, condemn the attack and urge authorities to conduct a thorough and transparent investigation into the incident and hold those responsible to account. On August 5, Tempo journalist Hussein Abri Dongoran was travelling home from a meeting with a source at Senayan City Mall, South Jakarta when his car was vandalised by two unknown assailants travelling on a…  
74. Bangladesh: Twenty journalists injured in Chittagong Press Club attack  

Approximately 20 journalists were injured after several unknown individuals attacked a press club in Chittagong on August 14, while journalist Moniruzzaman Monir was seriously injured in an attack by a group of unknown people in Dhaka on August 13. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF), condemn the assaults, and urge authorities to conduct an immediate investigation into the incidents and hold those responsible to account. On August 14, a group of attackers injured at least 20 journalists during an assault on the Chittagong Press Club in south-eastern Bangladesh. In a statement, the Chattogram Press Club…  
75. Ibrahim Muhareb  

On 18 August, freelance photojournalist Ibrahim Muhareb, who worked for a number of media, was killed due to Israeli gunfire and shelling in western Khan Yunis when the Israeli tanks entered the city in southern Gaza, PJS and media reported. Gaza, Gaza, photojournalist, Ibrahim Muhareb, Israel, Palestine, Palestinian, journalist, killed, safety, impunity, IFJ, union, solidarity, accountability,  
76. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 10 - 16 August 2024. English Israel is killing off Gaza's journalists – and it's evidently deliberate - Morning Star Death rate among journalists in Gaza much higher than other professions: Reporters group - Anadolu Agency  Senegal – Gov’t must involve Press organisations in dialogue to save the Press - The Point Why the far right has turned on the press - New Statesman We spoke to 10 Canadian journalists at mainstream media about what…  
77. Perú: la Corte Suprema confirmó la sentencia por el asesinato de Hugo Bustíos en 1988  

El máximo tribunal peruano ratificó la condena de 12 años de prisión contra el ex militar y político Daniel Urresti por el asesinato del periodista Hugo Bustíos en 1988. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas saluda esta confirmación, que representa un paso fundamental en la búsqueda de reparación para la familia de Hugo Bustíos y de justicia para todxs lxs trabajadorxs de prensa del país. La Sala Penal Transitoria de la Corte Suprema de Perú dejó firme la condena de 12 años contra el ex general de brigada y ex diputado Daniel Urresti, quien se encuentra en prisión desde 2023 tras ser declarado culpable por el asesinato de Hugo Bustíos, quien fuera corresponsal de la revista Caretas en…  
78. Afghanistan: Media continues to erode under three years of Taliban rule  

Three years after the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, on August 15, 2021, journalists and media workers continue to face escalating challenges, including intimidation, censorship, and a relentless crackdown on independent journalism. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemns the ongoing assault on press freedom and the increasing harassment of journalists, calling on the Taliban to ensure all media workers can operate without fear of retaliation. In the three years since the fall of Kabul and the instatement of the Taliban in power, Afghanistan has witnessed the closure of more than half of its media outlets, with nearly 80 per cent of female journalists losing…  
79. Guinea Bissau: Journalists attacked and brutalised by security forces  

Capital FM journalist, Djuma Culubali and Radio Popular journalist Ngouisam Casimiro Monteiro were attacked by the Rapid Intervention Police while they reported a teachers’ protest outside the Ministry of Education on 31 July. The protesters were demanding their unpaid salaries. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate in Guinea Bissau, the Sindicato de Jornalistas e Tecnicos de Comunicacao de Guinea Bissau (SINJOTECS), in condemning these acts of violence and calls on the government to refrain from its systematic pattern of brutality against journalists and media workers. According to media reports, journalist Djuma Culubali was arrested while she was…  
80. Algeria: IFJ calls for the release of journalist Ihsane El Kadi after 600 days in jail  

The founder and director of private online station Radio M and the Maghreb Emergent media, Ihsane El Kadi, has been deprived of freedom for 600 days. El Kadi, a vocal critic of the government, was sentenced to seven years in jail over foreign funding charges in June 2023. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) turns the spotlight on El Kadi’s case to demand his immediate and unconditional release. Algeria’s president, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, who is seeking reelection in the country’s presidential elections on 7 September, pardoned more than 8,000 prisoners to mark the country’s Independence Day of 5 July. The IFJ regrets that journalist El Kadi, who is 65 years old, was not…  
81. Russia: YouTube crackdown threatens press freedom and expands online censorship  

Russian internet monitoring services reported widespread slowdowns of online platform YouTube on 8 August, making it nearly inaccessible without using virtual private networks (VPNs). YouTube has remained one of the few platforms of free expression in the country, amid the government’s crackdown on independent media. The International and European Federation Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) strongly condemn Russia's slow down of YouTube as a severe act of censorship and urges authorities to revoke the restrictions. On 31 July, Russian authorities announced plans to slow down YouTube's performance with speeds expected to drop by up to 70%, as part of a strategy to persuade the video site to reinstate…  
82. Senegal: AU, FAJ and IOM collaborate to strengthen media engagement on labour migration  

The African Union Commission (AUC), in collaboration with the Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), successfully conducted a three-day continental capacity building workshop on Communicating on Labour Migration from 5 to 7 August. The workshop, held under the theme “Building Positive Narratives on Labour Migration Governance,” was a major component within the framework of the Joint Labour Migration Programme (JLMP). The capacity building workshop brought together 40 journalists and editors from 35 countries across Africa, with all five regions of the continent duly represented. In attendance were also representatives from the…  
83. Israel: Unevidenced allegations that journalists are terrorists threaten their lives  

Israel’s strategy of delegitimising the work of critical media and suggesting that Gaza’s journalists might be accomplices of terrorism is extremely damaging and puts their lives at risk. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) calls on the Israeli government to cease unproven accusations against journalists in Palestine, especially in the Gaza Strip, and to stop using national security as an excuse to censor critical media in Israel. On 11 August, Israel’s government approved a proposal to renew the ban on the Lebanese channel Al-Mayadeen TV for "security reasons". Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi signed an order to confiscate its equipment and block its websites in Israel ,…  
84. Iran: IFJ backs Association of Iranian Journalists’ calls for its office in Tehran to reopen  

The Association of Iranian Journalists (AoIJ) has called upon the recently elected president, and newly formed government, to reopen its office in the capital Tehran, 15 years after it was closed on the orders of Tehran's prosecutor. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) backs the call of its affiliate– the only independent and nationwide organisation of journalists in Iran – unfortunately, still suspended. The AoIJ also expressed its concern over disproportionate prison sentences given to journalists for simply doing their job and denounced increased pressure on media workers in the country. On the occasion of Journalist’s Day, celebrated on 7 August, the AoIJ called on Iran’s…  
85. Malaysia: Three Malaysiakini journalists summoned by police  

Three Malaysiakini journalists were summoned by police after publishing an article covering claims of a significant leadership reshuffle within the Royal Malaysia Police. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia (NUJM), in condemning the legal harassment and intimidation of journalists and urging authorities to respect press freedom. On August 9, three Malaysiakini journalists, B Nantha Kumar, Hariz Mohd and Shahrin Aizat Noorshahrizam, were summoned to the Dang Wangi police station in Kuala Lumpur concerning a news report on a possible leadership shuffle within the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP). The…  
86. #IFJBlog: Misogyny in Pakistan’s media  

Misogynistic dialogue is rapidly consuming Pakistan’s online digital forums, with women journalists and media professionals standing at the forefront of these online attacks. Despite laws and societal condemnation of misogynistic behaviour, it is still prevailing within social media outlets, talk shows, podcasts, and national television. The undeniable impact and growth of online misogyny, gender discrimination and hate has catalysed the rise of women fighting for change, writes Lubna Jerar Naqvi. Misogyny is an old social problem which has been around forever. It just keeps manifesting itself in different ways according to the social, cultural, and religious environment. Most people are…  
87. Philippines: IFJ welcomes reversal of Rappler shutdown order  

A court in the Philippines has overturned a government order to shutter embattled digital media outlet Rappler, a significant victory for press freedom and independent, critical journalism in the country. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP), welcome this outcome and urge the Philippines government to respect and uphold the freedom of the press, ensuring that independent media outlets can continue their vital work without fear of persecution. In a decision dated July 23 but only made public on August 9, the Court of Appeals overturned the 2018 ruling by the Philippines Securities and Exchange…  
88. Uruguay: el Parlamento aprueba nueva ley de medios con gran oposición sindical y social  

La Cámara de Diputados de Uruguay aprobó, con los votos de la bancada oficialista, el proyecto de Ley de Medios del gobierno. Esta iniciativa ha recibido fuertes críticas de diferentes organizaciones vinculadas al derecho a la comunicación y la información, así como de sindicatos vinculados con la actividad. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas reitera a las autoridades que las legislaciones relativas al periodismo no deben orientarse a limitar ni condicionar su ejercicio sino a garantizar efectivamente la libertad de prensa y los derechos de lxs trabajadorxs de los medios de comunicación. Uno de los principales consensos en relación a la crítica de esta ley es el artículo 72 del…  
89. Tamim Muammar, Abdullah Al-Sousi  

On 9 August, journalist Tamim Muammar, who worked for the Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation - Voice of Palestine, and journalist Abdullah Al-Sousi, who worked for Al Aqsa TV, were killed in two different Israeli airstrikes in Khan Yunis, southern of the Gaza Strip, PJS and media reported.  Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, journalist, impunity, journalism, killing, IFJ, PJS, union, solidarity,  
90. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 3 - 9 August 2024. English Israel is killing off Gaza's journalists – and it's evidently deliberate - Morning Star Journalists facing ‘appalling harassment and abuse’ amid riots - Press Gazette IDF's admission that it targeted a journalist exposes crude attempt to control war narrative - Anadolu Agency Putin's welcome ends speculation around true identity of Pablo Gonzalez - VOA News Journalists act as fostering functioning democracy - MEHR News…  
91. Belarus: IFJ and EFJ demand the release of jailed journalists on the 4th anniversary of the fraudulent elections  

Today, 9 August 2024, marks four years since the fraudulent presidential election took place in Belarus, which intensified the crackdown on journalists, independent media and trade unions to crush free speech and political opposition by Aleksandr Lukashenko’s regime. The International and the European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their affiliate, the Belarusian Journalists’ Association (BAJ), in calling on the regime to release all journalists and media workers behind bars. The Federations also urge the authorities to stop their harassment of exiled journalists, including raiding their residences and causing distress to their families to exert leverage on them. Four years after…  
92. Chad: Journalist released after 24 hours in custody in N’Djamena  

Badour Oumar Ali, editor-in-chief of the country’s leading online news site, Tchadinfos, was released after 24 hours in custody. Oumar Ali was abducted by hooded armed men and forcefully taken to the headquarters of the Agence Nationale de Sécurité de L'Etat (ANSE) in the capital N’Djamena on 7 August. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Union des Journalistes Tchadiens (UJT), welcoming the journalists’ release and condemning the illegal act of arbitrarily detaining a media worker. According to a press release issued by UJT, Badour, who also worked for the media outlets Agence Tchadienne de Presse et Edition, was summoned by the judicial police of the…  
93. Afghanistan: Taliban suspends 14 media outlets  

As the third anniversary of the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan approaches on August 15, the country’s media continues to face severe challenges with the Afghan Telecom Regulatory Authority (ATRA) suspending the licenses of at least 14 media outlets in the Nangarhar province allegedly due to non-payment of license fees. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns the continued shuttering of Afghanistan’s media and demands the reinstatement of the outlets’ operating licenses. On July 22, the Afghan Telecom Regulatory Authority (ATRA) suspended at least 17 broadcast licenses of 14 media outlets in eastern Nangarhar, with the Taliban’s Ministry of Communications and…  
94. Senegal: Government must involve press organisations in dialogue to save the press  

‘La Coordination des Associations de Presse’ (CAP) an umbrella media organisation, including the Syndicat des professionnels de L’ information et de la communication du Sénégal (SYNPICS) an affiliate of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has called on the Senegalese government for consultation and dialogue following the serious crisis facing the media following the closure of two sports newspapers, ‘Sunu Lamb’ and ‘Stades’, while another popular newspaper, Vox Pop has not appeared on the stands on 6 August. According to CAP's release, there are indications that other local dailies will soon follow a similar course. The release states that with the media sector…  
95. Maldives: No justice for Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla after ten years  

Ten years after the forced disappearance of Maldivian journalist Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla by a local extremist group on August 8, 2014, justice continues to be denied with Rilwan’s family still waiting for official information regarding his murder. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Maldives Journalists Association (MJA), condemn the lack of adequate investigation and inaction of the Maldivian government and call for the reports of the Presidential Commission to be published. Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla, reporter for independent media outlet Minivan News, was abducted and forcibly disappeared after receiving repeated death threats from Islamic extremist groups…  
96. UK: Violence against journalists reporting riots must not be tolerated  

Violence against reporters and press photographers covering protests taking place in towns across the UK is worsening, warned the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in the UK and Ireland. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the NUJ in condemning the attacks, calling on employers to ensure the safety of their staff, including freelance journalists, and demanding the British authorities to prosecute the perpetrators. Far-right disturbances broke out across towns in the UK, triggered by an anti-immigrant disinformation campaign in the aftermath of Southport stabbings on 29 July. At least 120 people have been charged while 428 arrests have been made during…  
97. Brasil: FIP y FENAJ condenan el acoso a una periodista brasileña durante los Juegos Olímpicos  

La periodista brasileña Verônica Dalcanal, corresponsal de TV Brasil en los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024, fue víctima de acoso sexual el pasado 3 de julio, mientras realizaba una transmisión en vivo. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas, junto a la Federación Nacional de Periodistas de Brasil, condena este hecho, expresa su solidaridad con la colega y exige que se tomen medidas concretas para garantizar que todas las trabajadoras de prensa puedan desempeñarse en un entorno seguro y libre de violencias. Verônica Dalcanal relató en Repórter Brasil la situación de acoso que sufrió por parte de un grupo de aficionados mientras realizaba su trabajo en la cobertura de los Juegos Olímpicos…  
98. México: asesinan al periodista Alejandro Martínez Noguez en Guanajuato  

El periodista Alejandro Martínez Noguez fue asesinado a tiros en Celaya, Guanajuato, el 4 de agosto mientras viajaba en un vehículo escoltado por policías municipales. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y el Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de la Prensa (SNRP) reiteran su reclamo al Estado de garantizar la protección efectiva de lxs colegas y de terminar con la impunidad ante estos crímenes. El ataque fue perpetrado por hombres armados que dispararon contra el automóvil en el que viajaba Martínez Noguez, que administraba la página de noticias El Hijo del Llanero, en la que trabajaba con noticias locales de Celaya y del Estado de Guanajuato. A pesar de que los escoltas…  
99. Nigeria: Several journalists brutalised by security forces while covering protests  

Numerous journalists were attacked by the security forces and aggressors across cities in Nigeria on 3 August while covering the nationwide protests ‘End Bad Governance’ against the country’s economic crisis. In Abuja, the security forces fired upon and tear gassed media workers, who were reporting on the demonstration at the Moshood Abiola Stadium. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) condemns in the strongest terms possible these reckless acts of violence by the security forces meted out to journalists who were doing their jobs, and calls on the Nigerian government to end all forms of harassment and repression on journalists and the media. According to local media…  
100. India: Broadcast journalist assaulted while covering rally  

Broadcast journalist M Rameshchandra was allegedly assaulted by a policeman while covering a rally in the Imphal East District of Manipur. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliates, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) and the National Union of Journalists (India) (NUJ-I), in condemning the assault and demanding accountability from the police for their lack of action and protection. On August 1, Impact TV broadcast journalist Rameshchandra, popularly known as RC Mangang, was allegedly beaten by a policeman while covering a mass rally organised by the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) people of Moreh, in the Akampat area in Manipur. In a video published by…  
101. Bangladesh: IFJ demands protections for media workers as political instability continues  

As long-running and controversial political leader Sheikh Hasina fled the country, media workers reporting on the crisis remain at the frontline of a new status quo after violent nationwide protests that claimed the lives of at least four journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF), in condemning the brutal violence against journalists and calling for the protection of the safety, security, and fundamental rights of all media workers in Bangladesh. Sheikh Hasina, who served as Bangladesh’s Prime Minister for a cumulative 20 years in total, resigned on August 5, fleeing the country to India after…  
102. DRC: SNPP, IFJ hold gender equality in the media and safety seminar  

Le Syndicat National des professionnels de la presse (SNPP) in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) under the Union to Union (UTU) Project 2024 held a two – day seminar on ‘Gender Equality in the Media and Safety’ from 26 – 27 July in the Congolese capital, Kinshasa. The two-day seminar, brought together sixteen female journalists from television, radio, online and the print media. The Secretary General of SNPP, Denise Saye, in her opening statement said that in the face of persistent challenges linked to the safety and security of  journalists in relation to their work, most especially female journalists, ‘there is need to create awareness on issues…  
103. Venezuela: FIP y FEPALC reclaman la liberación de las y los trabajadores de prensa detenidos  

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) y su regional, la Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe (FEPALC) instan a las autoridades de los distintos poderes del Estado, así como a las fuerzas policiales, a garantizar el ejercicio de la profesión en Venezuela y reclama la libertad de lxs colegas detenidxs a causa de su trabajo. El Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa de ese país, afiliado a FIP, reporta que Paúl León, camarógrafo del canal VPItv se encontraba cubriendo una manifestación cuando fue detenido por las fuerzas de seguridad.   Según informaron organizaciones locales del estado Trujillo, Paúl León, quien es reconocido en la zona por…  
104. DRC: SNPP, IFJ hold workshop on media law reform  

Le Syndicat national des professionnels de la presse (SNPP) in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) under the Union To Union (UTU) Project 2024 held a two – day workshop on Media Law Reform: Empowering unions for democratic rights, media freedom and decent work from 23 -24 July, 2024. The workshop brought together twenty participants from various media houses around the capital, Kinshasa, namely radio, television, newspapers and online media. The Legal Adviser for SNPP, Reagan Kaputa in his presentation on the Laws that guarantee media freedom in the DRC, noted that the Constitution of the DRC guarantees the freedom of expression and freedom of the press.…  
105. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 27 July - 2 August 2024. English Press in peril: This is how Israel killed 165 Gaza journalists in 300 days - TRT World Two Al Jazeera Journalists Killed in Israeli Airstrikes on Gaza - Egyptian Streets U.S.-Russia prisoner exchange includes Vadim Krasikov, Russian assassin serving a life sentence in Germany - CBS News Al Jazeera journalists killed in reported Israeli airstrike in Gaza, network says - CNN Italy's ruling party rejects EU…  
106. Four journalists released as part of a prisoner swap  

On 1 August, journalists Alsu Kurmasheva, Evan Gershkovich, Vladimir Kara-Murza and Pablo González were freed in the framework of a prisoner exchange between the United States, Russia and other countries in Europe. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) welcome the release of imprisoned journalists, condemn Russia’s hostage-taking tactics involving journalists for political ends, and call on Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan and Turkey to free the 137 other journalists currently behind bars in Europe. The major prisoners deal involved two US journalists, Alsu Kurmasheva and Evan Gershkovich, and a Russian dissident journalist Vladimir Kara-Murza, who arrived at…  
107. Serbia: Journalist Tamara Skrozza smeared by pro-government media  

Since 29 July 2024, FoNet journalist Tamara Skrozza has been subjected to a coordinated defamation campaign by media outlets closely aligned with the Serbian government. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their affiliates in Serbia (NUNS, UNS), in standing in solidarity with Skrozza and in condemning these smearing methods aimed at publicly discrediting the journalist with false information. The defamatory articles first appeared on the news portals informer.rs and novosti.rs on 29 July, followed by further dissemination through primetime news on Pink Television and other media close to the government. Tamara Skrozza was falsely accused of stating…  
108. Georgia: Authoritarian "foreign agent" law must be withdrawn  

On 1 August, Georgia's bill on Transparency of Foreign Influence came into force, posing a severe threat to press freedom and democracy, with the potential to criminalise journalists and independent media. The International and European Federation of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) strongly condemn this oppressive legislation, highlight its potential to be weaponised against critics of the government, and urge the authorities to immediately and unconditionally withdraw it. After Georgia’s controversial bill on Transparency and Foreign Influence came into force on 1 August, all media and civil society organisations receiving more than 20% of its funding from abroad are mandated to register as "foreign…  
109. Greece: Giorgos Karaivaz’s murder goes unpunished  

On 31 July, a Greek court acquitted the two suspects accused of murdering journalist Giorgos Karaivaz, who was shot dead near his home in Athens on 9 April 2021. The previous day, on 30 July, the Greek supreme court ruled out any possibility of prosecution against the state and its security service in connection with the illegal wiretapping scandal ‘Predatorgate’. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their Greek affiliates in urging the authorities to redouble their efforts to prosecute Karaivaz’s murderers, including those who ordered the crime. This is a black week for press freedom in Greece, where impunity remains the norm.  A Greek court…  
110. Supporting public interest journalism in Palestine - grants for media  

Supporting public interest journalism in Palestine - grants for media   At a time when local journalism in Palestine has been decimated — more than one hundred journalists and media professionals have been killed in the war in Gaza since October 2023 — the need to protect public interest journalism has never been more acute. With dozens of journalists injured and a large number of news organisations on the verge of closure, this support will provide a lifeline to Palestine's media sector - and the public that relies on it for reliable information and reporting.  This project will make available a new dedicated fund totaling almost $1 million to support Palestinian media and…  
111. Colombia: amenazan a periodistas de la red de medios Proclama de Cauca y Valle  

El grupo Proclama del Cauca y Valle denunció que su equipo periodístico y sus directivos han recibido amenazas de muerte en los últimos días, luego de informar sobre actividades criminales en la zona. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) condena categóricamente las amenazas, que afectan la libertad de prensa, el derecho al trabajo de lxs colegas y el derecho a la información de la comunidad. Según indicaron medios locales, las amenazas más recientes se dieron el 27 de julio, pero tuvieron episodios similares los días 10 y 24 del mismo mes, y se produjeron luego de una cobertura sobre organizaciones criminales que operan en el Cauca. En su sitio web, Proclama señaló que estos…  
112. Ismail al-Ghoul, Rami al-Refee  

On 31 July, journalist Ismail al-Ghoul and cameraman Rami al-Refee, working for Al Jazeera Arabic, were killed in an Israeli air attack in Shati refugee camp, west of Gaza City, PJS reported. Gaza, Al Jazeera, Palestine, Palestinian, war, Israel, journalist, cameraman, killing, bombing, impunity, safety, justice, IFJ, union, solidarity  
113. Morocco: Journalists Omar Radi, Taoufik Bouachrine, and Soulaimane Raissouni released after royal pardon  

Journalists Omar Radi, Taoufik Bouachrine, and Soulaimane Raissouni, who were sentenced to years in prison for what they always claimed were false charges designed to silence their work as journalists, were released on 29 July after receiving pardons from King Mohamed VI. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Syndicat National de la Presse Marocaine (SNPM), in welcoming the release of the three journalists, and calls on the Moroccan authorities to cease their prosecution of journalists and uphold press freedom. The journalists were freed on the eve of Morocco’s national holiday marking the 25th anniversary of the King’s ascent to the throne.  The…  
114. Bangladesh: Two more journalists killed, hundreds injured as riots rage  

At least two more journalists have been confirmed to have been killed and more than 160 injured amid violent nationwide protests in Bangladesh that saw the deaths of over 200 people. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF), in strongly condemning the brutal attacks on journalists while performing their professional duties and demands the government take immediate measures to ensure the safety of all media workers and bring justice for those slain. Updated 31.07.24 Shakil Hossain, a correspondent for the Daily Bhorer Awaj newspaper, was killed while reporting in Bhorer Awaj, Gazipur City, on July 18, while Abu…  
115. Mohammad Majid Abu Daqa  

On 29 July, the PJS reported the killing of journalist of Mohammad Majid Abu Daqa in an Israeli strike in Khan Yunis, southern of the Gaza Strip.  Gaza, Palestine, Palestinian, war, journalist, journalism, reporter, IFJ, PJS, impunity, killing, union, solidarity, justice,  
116. #IFJBlog - Croatia: Honouring journalists in Gaza with daily illustrations  

Since 14 May, the Trade Union of Croatian Journalists (SNH), an affiliate of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), has been sharing daily illustrations of Palestinian journalists and media workers killed in the ongoing war on social media to raise public attention to the atrocities committed against journalists in Gaza. Ivana Perić, the SNH member and journalist at the weekly newspaper Novosti, initiated the campaign, collaborating closely with the illustrators to organise the artwork. Sixteen illustrators, including fourteen from Croatia and two from Serbia, have contributed over sixty artworks. This campaign pays tribute to at least 117 Palestinian journalists and media…  
117. Surveillance  

Surveillance of Journalists The IFJ surveillance of journalists expert group is a body of officials and activists from affiliate unions who monitor and work to combat the covert surveillance of journalists. We publicise examples of media workers being surveilled, encourage journalists to adopt defensive practices, and lobby governments and international bodies to create conditions where such surveillance is not lawful, not possible, or both. The group is chaired by Tim Dawson, of the National Union Of Journalists In Britain and Ireland. He can be contacted via the IFJ. At a meeting on 27 July 2021, and in reaction to recent revelations about the use of NSO’s Pegasus software to spy…  
118. EU: "Let authors and performers decide on the use of their work by AI", says group of creators to eurodeputies  

"All generative AI models in existence today have been trained secretly on enormous amounts of copyright-protected content and personal data which have been scraped and copied from the internet, without any authorisation nor any remuneration for the creators we represent". In a letter sent on 25 July to newly elected members of the European Parliament, European creators' organisations urged MEPs to place the notions of transparency, consent and remuneration of authors and performers at the heart of all their initiatives related to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). While acknowledging the positive input AI can have on creation, the group, representing writers, translators, performers,…  
119. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 20 - 26 July 2024. English Wall Street Journal accused of double standards after sacking Hong Kong journalist - ABC Australia Calls for police accountability after journalist shot covering Kenya protests - VOA News Mongolia sentences prominent journalist to nearly 5 years in prison - VOA News ‘News isn't just another business’ - The Morning Star  Wall Street Journal accused of double standards after sacking Hong Kong journalist - Head…  
120. Somalia: IFJ urges immediate and unconditional withdrawal Official Information Bill  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), in condemning the Federal Government of Somalia’s recent introduction of the Official Information Bill (OIB). While ostensibly aimed at enhancing transparency and access to information, this Bill (submitted to the Federal Parliament on 16 March 2021) is fundamentally flawed and poses severe threats to freedom of information, democratic governance and human rights. The introduction of the OIB by the Federal Government of Somalia has bypassed essential democratic processes, completely excluding public consultation and stakeholder engagement. This blatant disregard for…  
121. Palestine: IFJ launches new dedicated fund to support public interest media  

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will launch a new fund on Thursday, August 1st, providing $1 million in critical financial support to media organisations across Palestine. Created to sustain and enhance public interest journalism, the mission of the fund is also to protect the future of the media sector as the conflict in the region continues. At a time when local journalism in Palestine has been decimated — at least 117 journalists and media professionals have been killed in the war in Gaza since October — the need to protect public interest journalism has never been more acute. In addition, with dozens of journalists injured and many media outlets facing imminent…  
122. Somalia: Journalist Alinur Salaad detained over military criticism  

Journalist and head of Dawan TV, Alinur Salaad, was detained by regional police in Mogadishu on 22 July on charges of false reporting and insulting the armed forces. Salaad was taken to court on 23 July and remanded in custody for 45-days while investigations are undertaken and potential charges prepared. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), condemn this arbitrary arrest as an attack on press freedom and demand Salaad’s immediate and unconditional release. Journalist Alinur Salaad was detained shortly after a one minute video report published on Dawan TV and his personal social media account went viral,…  
123. Setting up solidarity centers in Gaza, Palestine  

Setting up Media Solidarity Centers in Gaza, Palestine The project aims at setting up Media Solidarity Centers in Gaza, Palestine, tu spport journalists on the ground. The Centers will provide full internet and power connection as well as working and meeting spaces. Key Activities: The centers will provide media professionals with a long-awaited space to work safely and continue to provide the world with reports on the ongoing war in Gaza.  Location: Gaza, Palestine Year: 2024 Funders: This programme is funded by Norsk Journalistlag in Norway and UNIFOR Social Fund in Canada  
124. Egypt: Two journalists arrested and forcibly disappeared within a week  

Satirical cartoonist Ashraf Omar and journalist Khaled Mamdouh Ibrahim were arrested at their homes at midnight by security forces this week in separate incidents in Cairo, Egypt, allegedly connected to their work as journalists. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate (EJS), in strongly condemning this intimidation and calling for their immediate release. Ashraf Omar who works as a cartoonist for an independent news website Al-Manassa was at his apartment on 22 July at midnight when a group of security forces members raided his home and blindfolded him into a vehicle to an undisclosed location. Ashraf Omar's wife Nada…  
125. Chad: UJT, IFJ hold workshop on trade unions and labour rights  

L’ Union des Journalistes Tchadiens (UJT) in collaboration with the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) held a two -day workshop from 19 – 20 July, 2024 in N'Djaména, capital of the Republic of Chad, on the theme of “Journalists' Unions and Labour Rights”. This workshop is in line with the “Union to Union” program 2024 on ‘Building Union Power for Democratic Rights, Media Freedom and Decent Work initiated by the International Federation of Journalists IFJ. The workshop brought together more than 25 journalists from various audio-visual, print and online media, all from the city of N'Djaména. The workshop addressed crucial aspects of the profession, including freedom of…  
126. Strengthening trade union organising in the new digital territories  

Fortalecimiento de la organización sindical en los nuevos territorios digitales Como parte de un proyecto global de la FIP para apoyar a los sindicatos de periodistas a tener una mayor incidencia entre lxs trabajadorxs de los nuevos medios de comunicación, en América Latina y el Caribe se dará apoyo en el desarrollo de planes estratégicos que ayuden a ampliar la base de representación, se fomentará la reforma interna de los sindicatos para que sean más accesibles, se promoverán iniciativas para dotar a los sindicatos de mejores herramientas para su fortalecimiento en términos organizativos y financieros, y se llevarán adelante propuestas de capacitación y desarrollo para alentar el…  
127. Trade union strengthening and security in challenging times for press workers in Argentina  

Fortalecimiento sindical y seguridad en tiempos desafiantes para trabajadores y trabajadoras de prensa en Argentina En un contexto marcado por una violencia concreta y simbólica en ascenso contra lxs trabajadorxs de los medios de comunicación en Argentina, este proyecto busca fortalecer las capacidades de los sindicatos locales nucleados en la Federación Argentina de Trabajadorxs de Prensa (FATPREN) para la defensa de los convenios colectivos y los puestos de trabajo, así como desarrollar herramientas colectivas para mejorar la seguridad, tanto física como digital de las trabajadoras y los trabajadores del sector. Para cumplir estos objetivos, el proyecto llevará adelante: Instancias…  
128. Palestine: IFJ and PJS launch first media solidarity center in Khan Younis  

The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) will launch its first solidarity center on 23 July in Khan Younis in southern Gaza. The launch, which was made possible with the support of the Norsk Journalistlag in Norway and UNIFOR Social Fund in Canada, will provide media professionals with a long-awaited space to work safely and continue to provide the world with reports on the ongoing war in Gaza.  The official launch of the Media Solidarity Center will take place at 4PM CET in Khan Younis and will be live broadcasted on PJS' facebook page. The Solidarity Center, which will provide full internet and power connection, will include ten workstations equipped with laptops. Additional space…  
129. Bangladesh: Journalist killed as protests rage  

At least one journalist has been killed as protests against government hiring quotas continue across Bangladesh, with hundreds killed, injured or detained. The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its affiliate, the Bangladesh Manobadhikar Sangbadik Forum (BMSF), in strongly condemning the killing, and urging protestors and authorities to ensure the safety of journalists and media workers. On July 18, Dhaka Times journalist Mehedi Hasan was killed after he was shot in the head while covering a clash between law enforcement and protesting students and activists in Dhaka’s southern Jatra Bari area. The killing was confirmed by Dhaka Times editor Ariufur Rahman Dolon, however…  
130. Russia: US-Russian journalist Kurmasheva jailed for over 6 years  

On 19 July, a Russian court sentenced US-Russian journalist Alsu Kurmasheva to six-and-a-half years in prison for spreading so-called "false information" about the military. Her employer, RFE/RL, and the European and International Federation of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ), condemned the trial as a "mockery of justice". The IFJ, the EFJ and their Russian affiliate JMWU are calling for her immediate release. Kurmasheva, an editor with the US-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) outlet in Prague, was convicted on Friday - the same day as a separate Russian court sentenced US journalist Evan Gershkovich for 16 years on espionage charges, also rejected as baseless - but the…  
131. Croatia: Faktograf journalist Melita Vrsaljko physically assaulted twice in a week  

The undersigned organisations express deep concerns about the physical attacks targeting Melita Vrsaljko, a journalist working for the Croatian fact-checking website Faktograf.hr and the Climate Portal. Vrsaljko was assaulted twice in the same week, in the street and at her home in Nadin due to her journalistic work. We urge the Croatian authorities not to let these unprecedented attacks go unpunished. On 15 July 2024, journalist Melita Vrsaljko and a freelance camera operator were working on a documentary co-produced by the Climate Portal, which focused on climate change and waste. While on assignment, they were attacked by an elderly man after passing near his land, which Vrsaljko said…  
132. France: “We need a fair representation and no gender bias during the Olympics,” says IFJ  

The Olympics sporting action will start on 24 July and the Games will run until 11 August in Paris, France. Ahead of the Olympics start, the IFJ encourages the International Olympics Committee (IOC) and media organisations to promote a zero tolerance policy against any form of violence, harassment and discrimination during the Games and encourages media professionals to promote fair and unbiased reporting. In a letter sent to the IOC's President Thomas Bach on 4 July 2024, the IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger and the chair of the IFJ Gender Council Maria-Angeles Samperio have raised the need to prevent all forms of harassment or violence against women, both journalists and…  
133. Kenya: FAJ strongly condemns assaults on Kenyan journalists, calls for immediate action  

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ) condemns in the strongest terms the recent violent attacks on journalists in Kenya, viewing them as severe assaults on press freedom and the safety of journalists in the country. These reprehensible actions not only threaten the individuals targeted but also undermine the fundamental principles of democracy and the free flow of information. During the anti-government protests in Nakuru, journalist Catherine Kariuki was shot three times by police in what appears to be a targeted attack. Meanwhile, veteran journalist Macharia Gaitho was abducted and later released with an absurd explanation that it was a case of ‘mistaken identity’. Furthermore,…  
134. IFJ in the news  

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 13 - 19 July 2024. English 'Widespread Fear': Spate Of Killings In Pakistan's Restive Northwest Targets Journalists - Radio Free Europe/Liberty  NUJ seeking to join IPT proceedings over PSNI surveillance - Irish Legal News Free speech is being compromised by police spying - Morning Star Online  Podcast S1 E8 Defending Journalists, and Advocating for Workers with Disabilities - FSUIreland  European groups urge Jourová to act on…  
135. Argentina: IFJ Gender Council supports women journalists facing harassment  

The Gender Council of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), offers its support to women in Argentina who have suffered sexual harassment at work. It also notes the recent report of sexual harassment at work in Argentina and recalls that there are laws and protocols to combat gender violence, which continues to be a reality that is also experienced in the workplace. On 2 July, the collective Periodistas Argentinas presented 19 testimonies of press workers and students who had been sexually harassed by journalist Pedro Brieger. In most of the cases, the workers' professional careers were affected by the harassment to which they were subjected and by the abuse of Brieger's…  
136. #IFJBlog: Spying on journalists damages us all  

The surveillance operation on journalists Trevor Birney and Barry McCaffrey in Northern Ireland is the most high-profile and egregious instance of the Police using communications intercepts to spy on journalists to come to court in the UK. The case is expected to shine a bright light on both the techniques used to undermine journalists, and the culture among law enforcement agencies where this is considered acceptable behaviour. IFJ Deputy General Secretary Tim Dawson attended the hearing as convenor of the IFJ's working group on the surveillance of journalists. However it is dressed up, the surveillance operation on journalists mounted by the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) is…  
137. Abu Taher Md Turab  

On 19 July, Abu Taher Md Turab, who worked for the Daily Jalalabad and Daily Naya Diganta newspapers, was killed when police began firing into a procession in the northeast city of Sylhet. Turab was wearing a press vest when he was fatally shot. The killings of Hossain and Turab bring the confirmed media death toll to three, with journalist Mehedi Hassan killed after he was shot in the head while covering a clash between law enforcement and protesting students and activists in Dhaka’s southern Jatra Bari area. IFJ, Bangladesh, journalist, journalism, impunity, safety, killing, IFJ, Asia pacific, solidarity, union, FIP, IFJ,  
138. Ukraine: Journalists in Russian captivity must be released  

At least thirty Ukrainian journalists, -6 women and 24 men-, and media workers remain illegally detained in Russia, according to data from the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine (NUJU), an affiliate of the International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ). The IFJ and the EFJ have joined their affiliate’s campaign in urging the Russian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release all unfairly imprisoned Ukrainian journalists. Nearly two and a half years after the start of the war in Ukraine, in February 2022, there is no sign that the violence will end, and the list of Ukrainian journalists in Russian captivity is growing. Since Russia’s illegal annexation…  
139. México: balean al periodista Federico Hans cuando abordaba su auto  

Federico "el Wero" Hans fue atacado en la puerta de su domicilio mientras subía a su auto, y sufrió varios impactos de bala, por lo que se encuentra hospitalizado. 24 horas antes, el colega César Guzmán sufrió un ataque similar en su domicilio. La Federación Internacional de Periodistas reitera la exigencia a las autoridades de redoblar esfuerzos para salvaguardar la vida de lxs periodistas en todo el territorio del país. El periodista Federico Hans, conocido también como el "Wero", fue baleado mientras se subía a su automóvil en la ciudad de Caborca, en el estado de Sonora, del oeste mexicano. El colega fue alcanzado por al menos dos proyectiles, en un pulmón y en la cabeza, a pesar de lo…  
140. Cyprus: Legislative attempts to introduce a five-year prison sentence for spreading "fake news"  

Cyprus is proposing an amendment to its criminal code that will introduce prison sentences of up to five years for anyone caught spreading “fake news” or writing “offensive” comments. The International and European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their Cypriot affiliate, the Union of Cyprus Journalists (UCJ-ESK), in denouncing this criminalisation of fake news and its chilling effect on press freedom. A legislative amendment concerning the criminalisation of the dissemination of false news, threats, insults and the dissemination of obscene photos and images on the Internet will be presented to the plenary session of the Cypriot Parliament in September. The amendment provides for…  
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